The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب : 2016


  • Après la bataille d’Alep, j’ai vu fleurir (à nouveau) de très belles analyses de classe sur la crise syrienne. Et vu les gens que je fréquente habituellement, ces analyses à l’apparence marxiste ont eu un certain succès. Angry Arab a constaté la même chose hier : The argument du jour for Syrian rebel supporters in the Arab media

    Writers in Saudi/Qatari media never run out of arguments against critics and foes of the Jihadi Syrian rebels. Every week, almost, there is a new argument. The most dominant argument has been that if you oppose Syrian Jihadi rebels then it means you are an Islamophobe. But that argument did not stick. So they have a new one: those right-wing anti-leftists hacks stumbled lo and behold on class analysis (in Saudi media, mind you): they now say that if you oppose the Syrian Jihadi rebels it means that you are against the poor. I kid you not. Yes, class analysis and love of the poor is a feature of the political behavior of oil and gas princes.

  • The Five Mistakes of Syrian opposition

    According to Sami Kulayb of Al-Mayadin (and he supports the Syrian regime but has good sources on that side and also with Gulf regimes during his years at Aljazeera), there were five mistakes of the Syrian opposition which harmed its cause:

    1) the fragmentation of the opposition and its disunity and that each member of the leadership wanted to be the sole undisputed leader (I am paraphrasing and not translating).

    2) That it quickly departed from the resistance and anti-Israel camp to appease the West, and that its declared war on Hizbullah and Hamas made it easy for Hizbullah to intervene in Syria.

    3) that it relied on democratic Gulf regimes to help it in its declared agenda of democratizing Syria.

    4) that the liberals accepted to take a back seat to the Islamists in the leadership (of the exile opposition).

    5) that it believed that it can overthrow the regime by force for arms.

    I don’t necessarily agree with this analysis but it is an interesting take. I think that the biggest mistake was to turn the opposition movement into a shop for GCC regimes from the outset. All mistakes followed from that. Don’t forget the flood of money and corruption: Michel Kilu (the Syrian dissident) recently alluded to that in the leaked tape and talked about those who enriched themselves from Qatari money. I would also add: their blatant sectarian language and rhetoric which scared other Syrians and also rallied Shi‘ites in the region. I would also add: the way they governed areas under their control which led some people to choose the Syrian regime as the lesser of two evil. I would also add: the fact they never had a credible consistent message and would engage in double talk. I would also add that they never offered a concrete vision of the future of Syria.

    • @biggrizzly C’est parce que l’outil d’Angry Arab pour présenter ses extraits et citations est une catastrophe, qui ne facilite pas (comme le fait Seenthis) la différenciation entre l’extrait cité et le commentaire.

      C’est d’ailleurs pour cela que j’ai redécoupé en paragraphes son texte. Les points 1 à 5 sont repris de Sami Kleib (et, précise Angry Arab, ce ne sont pas des traductions littérales). Le dernier paragraphe, qui commence par « I don’t necessarily agree with this analysis », est le commentaire de A.A. qui, comme il vient de le dire, propose ses propres arguments.

      Sinon, pour le second degré, c’est possible, sinon il y a aussi les nombreuses fautes de frappe de Angry Arab. Sinon, on est d’accord, il est évident qu’il pense le contraire de cette phrase. :-))

    • T’inquiètes, j’avais bien fait la différence entre les points des uns et des autres et ta mise en forme est très explicite.

      Utiliser « democratic » et « gulf regime » dans la même phrase, ça confirme qu’on est un certain nombre à adopter le même cynisme, et à avoir envie de hurler quand nos journalistes utilisent « l’opposition démocratique » pour évoquer les rebelles financés par les monarchies du Golfe...

      Hier soir, sur France 2, les commentaires étaient bien moins vindicatifs d’ailleurs, quand il s’agissait d’évoquer les rebelles ; il y a une sorte de retournement de leur part, où ceux ci se sentent obligés d’admettre que ces rebelles ne sont pas totalement modérés ni totalement gentils. La propagande russe qui les atteint de plein fouet ? La force des faits ? Ou les sondages qui montrent que les candidats « pro-russes » en France ont de bonnes chances de gagner à la prochaine élection ?

    • D’après l’original : des états régionaux qui considèrent pas la democratie comme une priorité

      سامي كليب | خمسة أخطاء قتلت المعارضة السورية : : لبنان | جريدة السفير

      الخطأ الثالث، اذاً، تمثّل في الاعتماد على دول اقليمية ليست الديموقراطية في سلّم أولوياتها،

  • Un long et très intéressant article sur le blog de Joshua Landis pour démonter la thèse «Assad a fabriqué ISIS»: Is Assad the Author of ISIS? Did Iran Blow Up Assef Shawkat? And Other Tall Tales

    As the events in Daraa unfolded, the President invited key figures from the town to see what can be done to calm the demonstrations. One such figure was cleric Sayasneh. One of the consistent demands of such meetings was the release of prisoners. It was no different when Douma joined the uprising. Foreign Embassies were also pushing the Syrian State to release what it called political prisoners. People like Zahran Alloush were sentenced to seven years in prison when he was arrested with a group of 40 people on the charge of promoting Wahhabi ideology and gun possession. They had not killed anyone or even fired a shot. Yet, they were sent to prisons like Sednaya and kept there beyond the end of their sentence on the whim of one of the security agencies. It was in this context when the residents of Douma demanded the release of prisoners from their districts. The Syrian leadership was under intense pressure to calm the crisis. The people of Douma promised to do their job at calming their own streets if some of those prisoners were released. Zahran and many others like him were released under this rationale. This is not too dissimilar to the way the American prisons in Iraq worked. Zarqawi, Baghdadi and Golani were all released from those prisons either when their terms ended or when the local populations demanded their release. Just like in Syrian prisons, the prisoners in American jails were also indoctrinated with jihadist ideology. Syria erred by releasing Alloush and Abboud who would go on to form Jeish al Islam and Ahrar just like the U.S. erred when it released Baghdadi who would go on to form ISIS.

    • Angry Arab revient lui aussi sur cette théorie, mais en réponse à un billet de Qifa Nabki : Elias Muhanna ("Qifanabki") on ISIS and the Syrian regime

      So Elias commented on the lousy (really trashy, journalistically speaking) series about ISIS and the Syrian regime in Daily Beast.
      This is not about politics but about methodology, journalistic standards and about the dominant political paradigm about Syria and beyond. Basically, in this piece, Eias reveals himself as fully March 14, while he used to be more careful in his analysis before. This piece reads like the talking points of March 14 really. But away from generalizations let us talk specifics (my responses to his words are in red):

      1) His opening sentence set the stage: "Gutman’s articles have been championed by opposition supporters and critiqued by regime loyalists." So here he tells readers that anyone who is critical of the piece is a regime supporters. Look at this demagogic method. So end of story. Let us go home. If you dare disagree with the non-expert Gutman (who research basically constituted spending long hours in cafes in Istanbul). There is really no need to continue when he says that, but I will continue.

      2) He then informs the readers this: "The most astute observers of the conflict have long recognized the alignment of certain interests between the regime and the most radical elements in the Islamist opposition." Here, you are to believe that if you are astute you have to agree with the premise of Gutman and Western media and government, otherwise you are not astute. No evidence is necessary.

      3) Look at this line (and notice that Elias, like all other cheerleaders of the armed Jihadi groups in Syria) still insist that there was this really secular/feminist/democratic spectrum of secular armed groups, and then the regime came and produced those Islamists and then, voila, the secular armed groups suddenly disappeared in order for Bashshar to claim that his enemies are not the real Voltaire Battalions but the various Islamist Jihadi battalions: "The rise of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra has been disastrous for the secular political opposition".

      4) Elias then proceeds to yet again complains that the fact that Gutman piece is short on data and research (unless sitting in cafes in Istanbul counts as solid research) is bad not from a journalistic standpoint but because it helps the opponents of his beloved Syrian rebels (former Voltaire battalions who were transformed by trickery by the regime to Jihadi battalions): "That’s unfortunate, because they have given regime apologists more ammunition for the claim that the Syrian uprising is nothing but a foreign conspiracy fueled by fake news and Gulf-funded think tanks." But I am not sure what he means by the side reference to Gulf-funded think tanks? Does he mean that those are valuable academic assets who should not be criticized or does he mean that their punditry should be respected and not maligned and ridiculed. Not sure here but he seems defensive about them.

      5) Here he produces his theory (same as Gutman theory and same as the various theories about the Jihadi rebels from DAY ONE): "When the Assad regime released many of its Islamist prisoners from Sednaya Prison in 2011 — including individuals like Zahran Alloush, Yahia al-Hamawi, Hassan Abboud, and others who would go on to positions of leadership in Ahrar al-Sham, Jaysh al-Islam, and ISIS — it did so in full knowledge that the Islamists spelled trouble for the nascent uprising." So the evidence marshaled by Elias is that since the regime released them from jail, it means it controls them and even controls them when they bomb the regime sites and when they kill regime supporters, etc. But here is what curious: if this is the evidence in itself, how come Elias never wrote that US is responsible for the Jihadi in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan as the US release scores of Jihadi fighters INCLUDING BAGHDADI HIMSELF? And does this argument not apply to Jordan, Saudi, Pakistani, Afghani, and Moroccan regime? The Jordanian regime is most culpable among them all as it started to manipulate Jihadis long before any of those regimes. So if the evidence is the release from jail, then it can’t be true in the case of Syrian regime and not true in the case of all those other regimes including the US government and its occupation authorities in the region.

      6) Then Elias produces another conspiracy theory more fascinating than the first one: "The intelligence services guessed correctly that the peaceful secular demonstrations would be overrun by violent former inmates". Here, what does overrun mean? I mean, if the rebels were mostly secular, why would the release of Jihadi “overrun” them? What would that happen if the majority are active in the Voltaire Battalions? Why did not the more popular (according to Elias and all other mainstream journalists) secular forces overrun the others?

      7) Then Elias proceeds to make a Lebanon analogy: "That group was widely seen as a tool of Syrian intelligence". Widely seen? It was only “widely seen” by the Hariri family and the rest of the Saudi-run March 14 Movement. There was never any evidence presented about that. The only evidence is that its leader once spent time in Syrian regime jail, just as Baghdadi once spent time in US military jails in Iraq. And many of those Jihadi groups are openly and blatantly opposed to the Syrian regime on sectarian grounds and in fact the regime fought against them in Lebanon during the Syrian political domination of Lebanon. But it gets worse:

      8) Elias then says: "Longtime Syria-watchers will recall that Hizbullah was adamantly opposed to the Lebanese Army’s assault on the camp". I consider myself “a long time Syria-watcher” — and an occasional bird-watcher — and I dont recall that. This is absolutely and totally untrue, and even Elias friends in March 14 would not mischaracterize the stance of Hizbullah as such. Hizbullah was NOT opposed to the assault on the camp: Nasrallah specifically said that entry into the camp “is the red line”. He meant that the civilian population of the camp should be spared and that the assault on Fath Al-Islam should have sparred the lives of civilians But unfortunatley, once the Lebanese Amy began the assault on the camp, Hizbullah never complained AS IT SHOULD HAVE. More than 45 Palestinian civilians were massacred by the Lebanese Army assault. I was and still am of the position that the Lebanese Army should not have assaulted the camp (I call on Elias to visit what is left of the camp to see for himself) in order to get rid of a small armed gang, especially that negotiations were going on. In fact, the lousy Syrian regime Army supported and helped and the lousy Lebanese regime Army in the assault of the camp. And unfortunately Hizbullhah provided intelligence and military support for the Army during the assault. So if my position against Army assault make me an accomplice with Fath Al-Islam, be my guest. But it was really incredible how Elias—desperate to find evidence of any kind—decided to distort the position of Hizbullah.

      9) Finally, Elias concludes with his last evidence, that the Syrian regime had “infiltrated” those groups: "given the regime’s successful infiltration of these groups". Wait. Infiltration of groups means control and creation of those groups? Do you remember after Sep. 11 when George Tenet testified before US Congress that CIA had infiltrated Al-Qa`idah? Syrian, Jordanian, Saudi, and other Arab and Western and Israeli intelligence services had all infiltrated those groups, but why do you go from here to decide that only the Syrian regime is guilty of infiltration? Are you that desperate to validate a lousy piece of journalism by Roy Gutman? Finally, here is what I find interesting: Gutman built up his case on coffee shop chatter by Syrians in Istanbul, but usually Westerners mock unsubstanitated conspiracy theories by Middle Easterners. Yet, only in the case of Syria are those conspiracy theories believed and peddled and only because they serve the propaganda interests of of Western governments.

      PS Do you notice that when people cite the lousy piece by Roy Gutman they always say: the award-winning Roy Gutman. I remember when people cited Judith Miller about WMDs of Iraq before 2003, they also always said: award-winning journalist, Judith Miller.

      PPS Elias Responds here.

    • Sinon, c’est la même #théorie_du_complot, explicitée cette fois par Michel Touma de l’Orient-Le Jour, reprise de manière extrêmement fainéante par Courrier international :

      (alors qu’il y aurait beaucoup à dire sur le fait de baser une politique étrangère française sur la prétendue et forcément catastrophique « protection des Chrétiens d’Orient »)

  • Saudi regime media attacks Iran for... allowing Jews to live in Iran

    I am not making this up. This Saudi regime newspaper is attacking Iran for allowing Jewish Iranians to live in Iran and they published a picture of Ahmadinejad with a Jewish person. Of course, anti-Semitism of House of Saud is acceptable to MERMI and to American Zionists because the Saudi regime is aligned with Israel.

    إيران تصف إسرائيل بالشيطان وتحتضن أكبر جالية يهودية

    رغم وصف السلطات الرسمية الإيرانية إسرائيل بأنها «الشيطان الصغير»، وعدوها اللدود، إلا أن أكبر جالية يهودية في العالم موجودة في إيران، ووفقا لوكالة الأنباء الفرنسية يعيش في إيران 20 ألف يهودي حاليا لديهم ممثل دائم في مجلس الشورى الإيراني باعتبارها أقلية معترفا بها.

  • Never in US media: how East Aleppo rebels are holding civilians as human shields

    I got this from a well-known Syrian dissident. It shows a flyer in East Aleppo signed by Jaysh Al-Fath and it basically says that after admitting that civilians were banned from leaving East Aleppo, that the commanders of other organizations and the leaders of Jaysh Al-Fath met and agreed to a new rule: that civilians who are younger than 14 and older than 55 will be allowed to leave provided they pay 150,000 pounds “to support their brothers in the battle fronts”. It ends with a call to rush to heaven. I am sure that Liz Sly will say that the reference to heaven was meant metaphorically because her beloved Syrian rebels are feminists and secularists and democrats.

  • There is an orchestrated campaign for war in Syria, and it is in sync with the rise of Hillary Clinton

    Make no mistake about it. There is a universal campaign for war on Syria. The rise of Hillary has emboldened the war mongers out there. There are many elements of this campaign: it includes the leadership of Democratic and Republican parties; the Gulf regimes and their lobbyists in Washington, DC, and of course the Zionist lobby through all of its branches. The DC think tanks are now part and parcel of the Zionist-Gulf lobbies in the capital of the US. Gulf regimes are utilizing their media in its vicious and determined campaign, and they are resorting to the same Zionist tactics of vilification and defamation against Arab progressives and Western progressives who oppose war and destruction in Syria.

    When you read that Arab leftists have supported Bashshar Al-Asad and his mafia regime, you should not believe that. It is rather hilarious for this writer to read that by people who only a few years were official apologists or diplomats of the Bashshar regime when I, for example, was banned by the Syrian regime for years from entering Lebanon (for writings against the father tyrant, Hafidh Al-Asad), and was accused by official Syrian TV in 2012 of receiving money from the West to attack the Syrian regime. Arab leftists are not supportive of the Bashshar regime (there are some who are but they are in the minority) while the overwhelming majority of Arab liberals are supporters and apologists and stooges of Gulf regimes. Arab leftists are on the whole opposed to the Syrian regime and its brutality while also condemning the Western-Zionist-Gulf transparent conspiracy against Syria and the Arab world.

    Those who advocated NATO bombing of Libya and who are responsible for the mess and destruction of Libya today are trying to replicate the Libyan scenario in Syria, under different headings and titles—or under the same headings and titles: the same propaganda techniques are being used, nakedly. And they are resorting to a variety of tactics and tricks: they sometimes roll out a Syrian supporter of Gulf regimes and label him as a leftist when he has not been a leftist for more than 30 years and when he writes against Arab leftists in Gulf regimes newspapers; they roll out people working for Gulf regime media and present them as neutral observers and as representatives of the silent majority; they roll out former Ba‘thists and operatives of the Syrian regime who now pretend they have been fighting for “peace and democracy” all their lives; they roll out people who have never studied the Middle East and present them as the foremost experts on the region because they want to push for war and destruction in Syria; they roll out Western journalists who never in their lives expressed emotions or sentiments toward Arab victims but allow them to pose for the moment in the media as arbiter of sentimentality and humanitarianism and as new lovers of the Syrian people. They roll out Zionist haters of Arabs and Muslims and tell us that they are the real champions of the interests of the Syrian people. They use people like Obama administration officials—people who have been in the administration of war and destruction throughout the world—and ask them to counsel for war and destruction in Syria.

    They are willing to revive the rhetoric of the Cold War to present the war on Syria as the only safe and rational option for the US and “national interests”. They even rely on the authority and opinions of a Jordanian regime royal who was put in the UN to handle human rights from the standpoint of the US-Israeli alliance—which put him in his post. It is time to raise our voice and to warn of the deadly and devastating consequences of war—or more war—on Syria.

    Those who are still laughably claiming that there are some secret secular and feminist and democratic Syrian rebels (whose names and identities are never revealed and identified) are engaged in the same propaganda which preceded the US war on Iraq and on Libya. The scenario is all too obvious for all to see. Too many leftists and progressives have been intimidated from speaking out against Western conspiracies in Syria for fear of being labeled as Asad regime supporters, just as Zionists have intimidated people from speaking out against Israel for fear of being labeled anti-Semites.

    Don’t let it happen, not this time, not any time. Western governments and media don’t want an end to the war in Syria; they want what has been the most favored Western policies for decades: the continuation of bloodshed by Arabs against Arabs, or by Muslims against Muslims. They want what they worked for in the Iran-Iraq war and the Lebanese civil war: they want a continuation of the war in order to keep Israeli aggression and occupation safe and protected.

    • La lecture des textes signalés dans la discussion suivante :
      (merci @sinehebdo pour le boulot) rend assez évident le fait qu’il y a une campagne de communication spécifiquement destinée à « la gauche internationale ». Toute une série de textes au ton plus ou moins acrimonieux, qui systématiquement moquent et parodient les positions de tous ceux, à gauche, qui ne partagent pas l’enthousiasme pour la rébellitude syrienne.

      Je pense que ce texte d’Angry Arab réagit précisément à cela.

  • Ainsi donc, Max Blumenthal s’attaque frontalement au lobby de la « no-fly zone » en Syrie, avec un long passage sur les « Casques blancs » :

    Il y a une évolution assez étonnante depuis, disons, cet été. En dehors de As‘ad Abukhalil (Angry Arab), toute cette partie de la gauche pro-palestinienne aux États-Unis avait assez soigneusement évité d’écrire explicitement contre la campagne de changement de régime en Syrie.

    Mais depuis cet été, Ali Abunimah (Electronic Intifada) rentre régulièrement dans le lard du « néoconservateur Charles Lister ». Sa collègue Rania Khalek est désormais tellement ouvertement critique qu’elle semble focaliser sur elle les critiques du fan club de la rébellitude syrienne. Et dans les échanges sur Twitter, Max Blumenthal s’était joint aux deux précédents et les a clairement soutenus contre « le lobby de la NFZ ».

    Mais je suis tout de même étonné de le voir aujourd’hui publier une enquête aussi longue, en pleine campagne militaro-médiatique sur Alep, avec les Casques blancs que l’on pousse pour le Nobel de la Paix, et qui démonte aussi longuement le lobby au service d’une intervention militaire américaine de changement de régime.

    Pour rappel : en juin 2012, Max Blumenthal avait quitté le Akhbar en le dénonçant, d’une manière assez indigne, comme « pro-Assad » :

    Alors qu’il y a un argument, dans son long article du jour, qu’il aurait immanquablement reproché à un auteur du Akhbar à l’époque :

    Asfari’s support for opposition forces was so pronounced the Syrian government filed a warrant for his arrest, accusing him of supporting “terrorism.”

    Oui, là il utilise la classification comme terroriste, par le régime même, d’un de ses opposants, pour prouver ce qu’il affirme sur cet individu (certes, il a beaucoup d’autres arguments, mais qu’il commence à évoquer Asfari avec un tel argument me semble très… hum…).

    On n’a pas fini de lire des éructations indignées contre "cette gauche" pro-palestinienne et anti-impérialiste ; je pense même que ça va redevenir une priorité du fan-club, parce qu’il y a là pour eux un grave problème de légitimité militante.

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب : Turkey coup

    Turkey coup
    I will write later but I believe that Saudi regime covered the coup if not sponsored it. Many signs.

    J’avais hésité à l’écrire, on verra quels sont les signes que As’ad Abu Khalil mettra en avant. Pour ma part, j’ai été très frappé de la couverture très très très « en deça » du Hayat. J’ai fait un tour sur la presse saoudienne, mais c’était probablement un peu trop tard déjà, l’affaire était pliée et, du coup, tout le monde titrait : « L’Arabie saoudite se félicite du retour au calme » ou quelque chose de ce genre...


    • Saudi regime and the Turkish coup

      There are factions within Saudi Arabia and the Ikhwan faction is not dead. Oddly—unlike in the UAE—the Ikhwan faction is permitted to operate and function. The best representative of the views of the ruling faction of Muhammad bin Salman is clearly Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat, which is owned by sons of King Salman. For many weeks, it has been taking a clearly anti-Erdogan line. They have been criticizing him and mocking him on a variety of matters, and they were quick to underline the statement by the Turkish prime minister about relations with Syria (and they actually distorted the words of the prime minister to make him sound like he was calling for normalization with Bashshar, which he never said). The distorted words of Ash-Sharq Al-Awsat were later carried by Arab media (not by Qatari media obviously) and were regurgitated later by Western media (as usual in recent years). So the Qatari regime solidly supports Erdogan while UAE and Saudi Arabia oppose Erdogan and the Ikhwan. Yesterday, the reaction of Al-Arabiyya (the news station of Muhammad bin Salman) was initially enthusiastic and some tools of the Saudi regime also were celebratory in their reaction. Al-Arabiyya (and Arabic Sky news which represents the views of the UAE—don’t you like those Arabic branches of Western media outlets which serve as advocates for Gulf regimes, just as Arabic Huffington Post is now a crude advocate for the Qatari regime) was quite enthusiastic at first and they were also among the first to claim falsely that Erdogan sought asylum in Germany. One news presenter of Al-Arabiyya even said “unfortunately” the coup failed. This Ikhwan Saudi professor (who is widely followed by young Saudis) criticizes and deconstructs Al-Arabiyya daily, and yesterday he refuted and monitored the coverage of Al-Arabiyya. Take a look.
      Do we have evidence that the coup plotters had contacts with foreign intelligence services? Not yet.

    • L’Arabie faisant savoir à quel point elle est mécontente de la Turquie : Who stands behind the betrayal of Syrians ? (aujourd’hui 18 juillet, après la tentative de coup)

      I am beginning to smell something nasty cooking, which if I am correct would amount to a betrayal of the Syrian people’s aspirations and those who have fought valiantly for their freedom. Washington and its allies seem to be taking the line: “If you can’t beat them, join them.”

      Confronted with economic woes and terrorist attacks, Ankara is in the mood to forgive and forget. It bent over backward to restore relations with Moscow, which were cut following Turkey’s downing of a Russian warplane.

      Although Ankara swore not to re-establish relations with Israel unless the blockade of Gaza was lifted, it has made up with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following a six-year dispute over Israel’s storming of a Turkish vessel out to break the siege.

      I was shocked to hear of a third about-face in the offing. Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said the government was considering mending fences with the Syrian regime. “It’s our greatest and irrevocable goal: developing good relations with Syria and Iraq,” he said.

      “We normalized relations with Russia and Israel. I’m sure we’ll normalize relations with Syria as well. For the fight against terrorism to succeed, stability needs to return to Syria and Iraq.” Yildirim did later clarify that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would have to step down as a prerequisite to normalization.

      Now that terrorists, once cared for in Turkey’s hospitals “for humanitarian reasons,” are biting the hand that treated their brethren, the Assad regime’s responsibility for the deaths of 400,000 Syrians is of secondary importance.

    • La Turquie fait savoir à quel point elle est mécontente des États-Unis: US has bad track record with coups - İlnur Çevik

      We are aware that the U.S. is unhappy with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s administration and there is a general belief among a majority of Turks that Washington would very much be satisfied to be working with any administration that appeases them and tows their line instead of applying purely national policies and at times going their own way.Many Turks have also been saying the U.S. wanted to stage a coup in Turkey similar to the Egyptian example and topple the elected government with religious sensitivities and install a junta that supports secularism and does not question American policies in the region.So when word spread in Ankara that the U.S. is behind the failed coup on Friday many Turks were hardly surprised.

      İbrahim Karagül: ABD bu darbe teşebbüsünün planlayıcısı ve uygulayıcısıdır

      Açık ve net söyleyelim: ABD yönetimi, Gülen terör örgütü üzerinden Türkiye’de darbe tertiplemiştir, iç savaş çıkarmak istemiştir, milletimizi birbirine kırdırmaya çalışmıştır.

      ABD bu darbe teşebbüsünün planlayıcısı ve uygulayıcısıdır. O generaller, o vatan hainleri bütün talimatları Gülen’den almış, o da müdahaleyi planlayanların emirlerini iletmiştir.

  • Angry Arab: The moral outrage of 50 US diplomats

    How brave of them. 50 US diplomats defied the conventional wisdom and called for more US bombing of an Arab country. How much courage this has taken. I mean, for a group of US diplomats to toe the line of AIPAC requires an unusual amount of courage. In the past, the courage of US diplomat was (rarely) displayed when an individual—not group like this case—defied US policies in favor of Israeli aggression and occupation. Almost to a diplomat, those cases of courage (George Ball and others around the Washington Report) were displayed only after those diplomats retired from service, when their usefulness was quite limited. So this time 50 US diplomats (who deal with diplomacy) felt that their government was not doing enough in terms of bombing in the Middle East against yet another Arab country. Those 50 US diplomats—mind you—never bothered to utter a word against the Israeli war crimes in Gaza or Lebanon, and they never felt courage against GCC-US war crimes in Yemen. But they were so compelled to call for US bombing of Syria. Of course, those 50 US diplomats were never concerned about the inevitable civilians who die from US bombing of Arab countries. And can those 50 US diplomats point to one case in which US bombing advanced the cause of peace and democracy, or to a case where US bombing or even occupation replaced a dictatorship with a better form of government? Leave to the US to be able to replace Qadhdhafi’s dictatorship with a worse regime. The US has singlehandedly succeeded in turning many Iraqis into nostalgia for the regime of Saddam Husayn. But that does not matter: 50 US diplomats want US to bomb Syria, and they mean business. Here, an objective neutral observer speaks on behalf of the 50 US diplomats in the New York Times: “There is an enormous frustration in the bureaucracy about Syria policy,” said Andrew J. Tabler, a Syria expert at the Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policy." Also, did any of the US diplomat speak against the US relations with the Syrian regime when the two sides were allies? Just as no US diplomats ever spoke against US alliance with Saddam Husayn during the honey moon years. Those 50 US diplomats have as much courage and as much moral fortitude as Hillary Clinton when she calls for more aid to Israel.

    51 U.S. Diplomats Urge Strikes Against Assad in Syria

    • Décès de Muhammad Ali, champion de boxe, de la cause palestinienne et des droits civiques
      dimanche 5 juin 2016 - Ma’an News

      (...) Né sous le nom de Cassius Clay de parents de la classe moyenne à Louisville dans le Kentucky, Ali a renoncé à ce qu’il appelait son « nom d’esclave », et s’est fait appeler Muhammad Ali peu après la conversion à l’Islam en 1963.

      Alors âgé de 22 ans, le boxeur, qui comptait déjà une médaille d’or aux jeux olympiques, est vite devenu tout aussi célèbre pour ses commentaires radicaux sur les questions sociales et politiques, que pour s’être proclamé « le plus grand de tous les temps » sur le ring.

      Au plus fort de la guerre du Vietnam en 1967, Ali a été appelé dans l’armée des États-Unis, un service qu’il considérait comme moralement indéfendable, et il a immédiatement refusé.

      Dans une interview désormais célèbre au sujet de son refus de servir dans la guerre, Ali a cité des raisons religieuses, en disant : « Ma conscience m’interdit d’aller tuer mon frère, ou certaines personnes à la peau plus sombre, des pauvres, des gens affamés dans la boue, pour la puissante Amérique. »

      Immédiatement après avoir affiché son intention de refuser [son enrôlement], il a été dépouillé de son titre de champion de boxe, reconnu coupable d’insoumission et condamné à cinq ans de prison.

      Bien qu’il ait été libéré en appel, Ali est resté interdit de reprendre la compétition ou de quitter le pays. En conséquence, il se tourna vers son autre talent : prendre la parole en public.

      Intervenant sur les campus universitaires, Ali s’engageait dans des débats difficiles, utilisant toutes les occasions pour souligner l’hypocrisie de la pratique de l’Amérique de refuser des droits aux Noirs à l’intérieur du pays, tout en leur ordonnant de participer aux guerres menées à l’étranger.

      Il a encore gagné en célébrité en faisant connaître son mécontentement avec la politique intérieure et étrangère américaine, en réponse à un étudiant blanc d’un collège qui contestait sa décision de refuser l’enrôlement et en disant : « Mon ennemi est le peuple blanc, pas le Vietcong ou le peuple chinois ou japonais. Vous vous opposez à moi quand je veux la liberté. Vous vous opposez à moi quand je veux la justice. Vous vous opposez à moi quand je veux l’égalité. Vous ne levez même pas le petit doigt pour moi en Amérique pour mes croyances religieuses, et vous voudriez que j’aille quelque part et combattre, alors que vous ne bougerez pas quand il s’agit de défendre mes droits ici même. »

      En plus d’être un symbole pour les nationalistes noirs et les militants anti-guerre, Ali est rapidement devenu un symbole de la solidarité avec la Palestine.(...)

  • Victoire électorale d’Ashraf Rifi à Tripoli (Liban). Les éléments de langage sont déjà en place depuis un moment : « grassroot », « fils d’un meunier », « issu d’un quartier populaire »… et pour Gulfnews, il serait carrément : « le nouveau leader des sunnites au Liban » :

    The hugely popular Rifi has unquestionably emerged as the new leader of Sunnis in Lebanon.

    Les milices ? Les investissements immobiliers sur le littoral ? Les enjeux saoudiens dans le Nord du Liban ? Meeeehh…

  • Sunday, May 29, 2016
    ISIS and Israel

    There is a strange relationship between Israel and a small sect of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) based next to the Golan Heights. The very presence of a group like ISIS so close to Israel poses many questions. Firstly why has ISIS not attacked Israel – a country they have sworn to destroy – from said base? Similarly why has the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) not attacked this small and weak group of extremists on their border? The answers to such questions show the truth behind the rhetoric all actors use in this conflict...Israel is focused not on ISIS and Sunni groups, but on the Shia groups in Syria. Israel’s airstrikes have hit Assad’s Shia-backed regime and Hezbollah, not ISIS or al-Nusra. Correspondence between the then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and political advisor Jacob Sullivan about Israel’s aims in the region tried to rationalise why Israel ignores ISIS." (thanks Helena)
    Posted by As’ad AbuKhalil at 2:22 PM

    Correspondence :

  • Comme le note angry arab, tandis que les médias rapportent à juste titre que les bombardements aériens des forces du régime tuent des civils, notamment à Alep sous contrôle rebelle, les médias occultent complètement les morts civils dans la zone d’Alep tenue par le régime, où les rebelles bombardent au mortier et avec les « canons de l’enfer », et qui ont fait une vingtaine de morts depuis quelques jours :

    Like i have been telling you, Syrian rebels have been bombing the shit out of Aleppo residents but not a word about that
    Only when Syrian regime forces kills civilians it is news. Killing of civilians in the territories under the control of the regime does not warrant coverage.

    Lien vers article NYT en exemple :

    • Selon le SOHR (pro-opposition) le nombre de victimes civiles à Alep s’élève à environ 200 depuis une semaine :
      – 122 dans les zones rebelles

      Among the total documented number of casualties there are 122 persons, including 18 children and 9 citizen women killed in the airstrikes carried out by warplanes on areas in several neighborhoods of Aleppo, which also resulted in the destruction of tens of homes and buildings in the targeted neighborhoods, and injured tens of people, including children and citizen women.

      – 67 dans les zones gouvernementales

      Also the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights documented the death of 67 civilians, including 13 under the age of eighteen and 10 citizen women over the age of eighteen, they were killed when tens of shells, homemade rockets and explosive cylinders on places controlled by the regime forces in Aleppo, in addition to injuring tens of other people including citizen women and children and damaged propriety.

    • Juan Cole note aussi ce biais des médias occidentaux qui consiste à ne mentionner et ne s’émouvoir que des civils qui meurent dans les zones rebelles et à occulter les morts de civils en zones gouvernementales :

      Clashes and bombardments continued on Friday, but note that AFP thought that the death totals were similar in the rebel and regime-held areas:

      “Bombardment of the city killed 17 people in rebel-held districts and 13 people in the government-controlled western neighbourhoods . . .”

      A lot of Western reporting is neglecting to mention that al-Qaeda and other rebel units are subjecting West Aleppo to heavy mortar bombardment that is killing a dozen or more people every day.

      At the same time, it is true that the regime is flying fighter jets to bombard East Aleppo indiscriminately, which is producing high civilian casualties, in what the UN called a a “monstrous disregard for civilian lives.”

  • Mona Eltahawy’s Headscarves and Hymens

    Don’t laugh at me but I have been reading her book, “Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution”. Is this a joke? Or is this a new genre of anti-feminist essentialism fake feminism which Western culture welcomes? She reminds me of the anti-feminist Lebanese Joumana Haddad. I think Western culture welcomes such manifestation because they internalize the racism and bigotry and non-scholarly generalizations about all Arabs and about all Muslims. And the documentation of the book is hilarious: she mentions in passing some feminist names but then is obsessed with Newsweek and various shallow journalism of the West. This is her audience and her sources. And she loves to titillate Western readers with stories about “what Arab men are doing to us”. Her generalization about Arabs and their peculiar culture are based on ranking by the World Bank. I kid you not (p. 2—of an electronic edition). She tells you that Newsweek committed an error in hailing King Abdullah of SA as a reformer and adds that it “ought to know better”. Yes, because Newsweek has a history of first-rate journalistic coverage of the world. She tells you that clerics of Saudi Arabia are obsessed with women, as if reactionary clerics of Judaism and Christianity are not obsessed with women. But don’t think that she didn’t work hard in researching her book. For example, when she talks about Islamism, she knows what she is talking about and she even uses the official definition of Islamism as offered by...AP. I am not making this up. (p.4). She tells you that Arab “men can’t control themselves”, thus implying that all Arab men are rapists and sexual harassers and predators. Her questions reminds me of when a boy or a girl stumbles on feminism at age 11 or 12. As in: why are there double standards, etc. And she implies that in Arab culture women are not expected to have sexual drives, when the entire Islamic and Arab system of gender restriction is based recognition and even exaggeration of the sexual desires of women. But here she is extrapolating Western Christian standards on Arab culture. She tells you that the regime that NATO installed in Libya was very sexist but instead of faulting NATO she faults...Arab men. She tells you that Egypt is a “classist society”. What can’t Arabs enjoy living in the classless societies of the West, why? But wait: she makes a case that if you disagree with her: you are either a Western right-wing bigot or you are a Western liberal who refuse to condemn misogyny. So you are stuck: you have to agree with her or else.

  • Le compte Twitter de la Coalition syrienne était tenu en 2014 par un cabinet de communication américain payé par l’Arabie séoudite.

    Saudi government has vast network of PR, lobby firms in U.S.

    In 2014, consultants at the PR firm Qorvis developed content for the Saudi Arabia embassy’s YouTube and Twitter pages, and ran the Twitter account for the Syrian Opposition Coalition.

  • La réponse de Mark Toner, porte-parole du State Department quand un journaliste lui pose une question sur ce qu’il sait de l’utilisation d’armes chimiques par le groupe Jaych al-islam - qui a admis la responsabilité d’un de ses commandants, sachant que ce groupe fait partie des pourparlers de Genève (Mohammed Allouch est le négociateur du HCN) :

    QUESTION: What about the reports that Jaysh al-Islam was involved, who have taken responsibility for this, and they’re one of the parties that have a delegation in the intra-Syrian talks?
    MR TONER: Yeah, and I apologize. I just don’t have any information on that at this point. I’d have to look into it." This is the same US government which in the past had covered up the use of chemical weapons by its then ally, Saddam Husayn.

    Via angry arab (
    Pour un rappel des faits :

    En vidéo, l’intégralité de l’échange (3 minutes). Toner élude une première fois la question en évoquant Da’ich (début de séquence) puis en fin de séquence le journaliste remet le couvert et obtient cette réponse peu crédible : « pas au courant ».

    En passant à ma connaissance la presse française n’a absolument pas couvert ceci...

  • Panama Papers and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists: links to media of Saudi princes

    For some reason, the mouthpiece of Prince Khalid Bin Sultan, Al-Hayat, is part of the Arab media represented in the Arabic branch (ARIJ) of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. The media of Saudi princes are not known, naturally, for any investigative work. I thought it was a lapse. So I decided to visit the website of the International Consortium: and lo and behold they also picked a writer for the mouthpiece of Prince Khalid Bin Sultan, Al-Hayat, as one of “our journalists”. I have seen her name but have not read much by her so I decided to do just that: while I didn’t find any investigative journalism, obviously—what do you expect in the media of Saudi princes—I did find the usual propaganda in Saudi regime media and even found an article in which she said that there is freedom in oil regime media and that anybody who criticize Saudi regime media must be a supporter of the Iranian regime. There is one article (and many of her articles are typical diatribes against Hizbullah and other enemies of Saudi regime) in which she considers the terrorism by Syrian Jihadi groups in Lebanon as beneficial as they bring balance to politics in Lebanon. Kid you not. Also, the International Consortium includes Yossi Melman, who has been for years the voice of the Israeli military-intelligence apparatus. Finally, for some reason the International Consortium and its Arabic branch have been attacking Wikileaks for some inexplicable reason.

    Un article du 08 avril de Jeremy Binnie dans la célèbre revue militaire britannique IHS Jane’s Defense Weekly démontre que des livraisons américaines d’armes à la rébellion syrienne ont continué durant la cessation des hostilités.
    Une partie de l’article en anglais est lisible sur le site de la revue :
    L’article en intégralité publié sur le compte twitter de l’auteur ici :

    L’article se base sur la publication du site fédéral américain Federal Business Opportunities (ou Fed Bizz Opps) qui lance des appels d’offre du gouvernement fédéral. 2 de ces appels d’offre concernent le transport d’"explosifs" (c’est-à-dire d’armes).

    le 1er appel d’offre, publié le 3 novembre 2015 (avant la cessation des hostilités) concerne le transport par bateau de 81 containers, contenant entre autres des « matériels explosifs », de Constanta (Roumanie) à Aqaba. Une mise à jour de cet appel d’offre précise le contenu des containers : fusils AK47, mitrailleuses Douchka, lance-roquettes RPG-7 et 2 types de missiles anti-tanks dont l’un capable de briser les blindages réactifs, ainsi que les munitions pour ces armes. Un tableau dans le corps de l’article estime les quantité de chacune de ces armes. La cargaison totale pesant 994 tonnes.
    La cargaison a été transportée par un bateau du nom de Geysir (contrat obtenu par la compagnie Transatlantic lines), parti le 5 décembre de Constanta. A partir des données du transpondeur, l’article détaille sa route : il s’est dirigé au nord de Chypre avant d’emprunter le canal de Suez en direction du nord du golfe d’Aqaba. Son signal se perd le 15 décembre. Il est repéré quelques jours plus tard dans le canal de Suez (sur le chemin du retour, donc).

    Un second appel d’offre est publié sur Fed Bizz Opps le 5 février 2016 (21 jours avant le début officiel de la cessation des hostilités). Il concerne la livraison de « matériels explosifs » (d’armes, donc) du port de Burgas (Bulgarie) à Aqaba pour un total de 117 containers et un poids de 2007 tonnes. Le SLNC Corsica a assuré ce transport. Son transpondeur le signale dans le canal de Suez le 4 avril soit plus d’un mois après le début de la cessation des hostilités.
    Chacun des deux convois a dû faire un arrêt à Agalar (?) avant de pénétrer le canal de Suez pour prendre à son bord une « équipe de sécurité armée » d’au moins 4 personnes.

    Selon l’auteur de l’article les groupes rebelles syriens sont les destinataires presque certains de ces cargaisons d’armes produites dans l’ancien bloc soviétique. D’une part parce que ni les armée jordanienne ni l’armée turque n’utilisent ce genre de matériel. D’autre part parce que les missiles anti-tank délivrés sont du même type que ceux utilisés par l’armée syrienne, permettant d’éviter que l’on ne trace l’origine américaine des livraisons ("plausible denial").
    Selon l’auteur il est très probable que nous ayons là la preuve que le programme d’armement des rebelles par la CIA continue.

  • Accusations d’utilisation d’armes chimiques, il y a quelques jours, par les Kurdes à l’encontre de groupes rebelles qui les auraient utilisés sur le quartier kurde de Cheikh Maqsoud à Alep sous contrôle du YPG.
    Par ailleurs une déclaration officielle censée émaner de Jaysh al-islam dénonce l’utilisation d’armes à Cheikh Maqsoud par un de ses commandants, considérées comme illégales au regard du règlement du groupe.
    Ces infos ne sont pas du tout traitées en « Occident », ne serait-ce que pour rapporter les allégations kurdes et tenter de les vérifier, de même que la déclaration censée émaner de Jaysh al-islam.

    Voice of america (propriété du gouvernement fédéral américain) traite pourtant l’info :
    Kurdish Officials : Rebels May Have Used Chemicals in Aleppo
    Voice of America / 08.04.16

    Kurdish health officials say civilians and fighters wounded in this week’s shelling of Kurdish forces by Syrian rebels are showing signs of chemical weapons injuries.
    “We received four people yesterday who had serious wounds,” Welat Memo, a physician with the Kurdish Red Crescent told VOA from Aleppo. “We can’t tell what’s been used against them, but they’re vomiting and having difficulty in breathing."
    The symptoms are consistent with the use of chlorine gases, the Red Crescent said.
    A rebel spokesman reached in Syria declined to comment to VOA. But in a statement released Thursday by the rebel Army of Islam, the main group involved in the fighting said that an unauthorized weapon was used against civilians.
    “One of our commanders has unlawfully used a type of weapon that is not included in our list,” a statement posted on the group’s Twitter account read

    Jaysh al-islam étant un groupe soutenu par l’Arabie saoudite dont l’un des membres, Mohammed Allouch est le négociateur de l’opposition syrienne (HCN) à Genève, les médias russes ou chinois la traite également :

    Russia Today :
    Sputnik News :
    ou encore Xinhua l’agence de presse chinoise :

    La déclaration officielle censée émaner de Jaysh al-islam ici (compte twitter Islam Allouch) :