• Le 20 décembre 2019, je reçois, par mail, ce message de "pub" d’une formation qui nous est proposée dans notre #université (#Université_Grenoble_Alpes) :

    L’#UGA nous informe de la mise en place à la formation #communication_assertive et bienveillante dans les relations professionnelles .

    Deux sessions au choix sont ouvertes :

    Soit les 29 & 30 juin 2020
    soit les 03 & 04 décembre 2020

    La date limite d’inscription est : j - 15 avant la date de la formation

    La formation est placée sous le thème " #efficacité professionnelle ".

    Objectifs de la formation :

    A l’issue de la formation, les participants seront capables de :

    – Décoder leur comportement et celui des autres dans les relations professionnelles

    – Communiquer avec #tact et #diplomatie

    – Etablir des #attitudes_positives au quotidien

    – Développer des relations professionnelles harmonieuses et efficaces

    Programme :

    1. Prendre conscience de son comportement

    – Identifier les raisons de ne pas de comprendre

    – Comprendre l’image que l’on renvoie à ses interlocuteurs

    – Prendre conscience de l’image de sa communication écrite

    – Identifier son comportement dans les situations relationnelles

    2. Savoir dialoguer avec tact et souplesse

    – Pratiquer l’écoute active et savoir utiliser les 5 types de questions

    – Utiliser les 3 techniques de reformulation

    – Améliorer sa communication non verbale

    – Etre congruent entre son langage verbal et non-verbal

    – Ajuster sa communication à son interlocuteur

    – Choisir son vocabulaire pour communiquer avec précision et tact à l’écrit

    3. Savoir soutenir une position claire et diplomate

    – Etre assertif : utiliser la méthode DESC

    – Exprimer son avis sans juger l’autre

    – Formuler des critiques constructives

    – Faire face aux critiques

    – Formuler un refus sans provoquer de tension

    – Faire et accepter des compliments dans le monde professionnel

    Durée : 2 jours

    Public : Toute personne souhaitant optimiser sa communication afin d’améliorer ses relations professionnelles


    Sur ce, je réponds à une collègue, en colère :

    Plus de moyens, moins de compétition, moins de darwinisme social résoudrait la moitié des problèmes sans formations à la communication bienveillante !

    –-> je fais évidemment allusion aux propos tenus par #Antoine_Petit (à la tête du #CNRS) qui a appelé à une loi « darwinienne » pour le financement de la #recherche. « Une loi ambitieuse, inégalitaire — oui, inégalitaire, une loi vertueuse et darwinienne, qui encourage les scientifiques, équipes, laboratoires, établissements les plus performants à l’échelle internationale, une loi qui mobilise les énergies. »

    #formation #bienveillance #communication_bienveillante #travail #relations_professionnelles #inégalités #performance #compétition #attitude_positive #harmonie #hypocrisie #image #tact #souplesse #écoute_active #techniques_de_reformulation #communication #communication_non_verbale #langage_verbal #langage_non-verbal #vocabulaire #méthode_DESC #critiques_constructives

    • Et parallèlement à l’#Université d’#Amsterdam... la week of #work_stress !

      Message from the works council

      Dear all,

      The week of 11th of November is the week of work stress. It is the week where the university brings out its petting puppies, makes you bikeblend your smoothie, and has you beat a few djembe tunes to let go of your #stress. Some might argue that it is a nice gesture of the employer, but we of the FNV in the OR find it a slap in the face of the employee. It adds insult to injury.

      This waste of money again shows that the faculty is not taking work pressure seriously. We said it last year, and we said it again this year: “stop monkeying around and actually deal with the causes of work pressure”. Work pressure is not that difficult. There are either too many tasks for the number of people, or there are not enough people for the number of tasks. So the answers are also simple. If an organization is financially healthy, you hire more people. If the organization is financially unhealthy, you are stuck with reducing the tasks. There is no rocket science involved.

      Yet as you can see in this week of work stress, the faculty seems keen to responsiblize the individual for the work pressure he or she is experiencing. This leads to offers such as #time_management (we just received an email that there are two spots still available), #yoga, and #mindfulness. But these are just bandaids ("lapjes voor het bloeden" as the Dutch expression goes) that obscure the structural faults of the system. There are too many administration processes. There is too much institutional distrust that you are not doing your work correctly leading to for instance to ’#jaargesprekken' being moments where you defend yourself instead of discussing how you would like to grow as a professional. There are criteria for promotion that seem to change during the process. We have to accept budget cuts in our teaching programme while at the same time the faculty wants to start new programmes that make new claims on budget and staff.

      Recently, our support staff at EOSS was confronted with a report that was framed as research about the high work pressure they are experiencing. Yet it actually placed all the blame at the staff of EOSS and suggested their so-called inefficient work and non-conformance to instructions from management was the cause of their work pressure. Another signal that work pressure is not taking seriously by management and the individual employee is again responsibilized for his or her work’ stress’. The Works Council will keep pushing the Faculty and the UvA to make meaningful structural changes that address work pressure instead of blaming the victim. Namaste.

      XXXX (FNV Works Council Representative)

      Reçu via email d’une amie/collègue qui y travaille...

    • Et petit exemple d’#Angleterre (#UK):

      Universities have driven their workers into the ground. That’s why I’m striking

      Our eight days of action are in response to a marketised sector that has prioritised profit over the welfare of staff and students.

      Workers in higher education across the UK are on strike. One of the reasons we are striking is because of the poor conditions we face today – which were, in large part, decided by the 2010 election.

      Nearly a decade ago, the Tory and Lib Dem coalition government conspired to transform higher education, unleashing the forces of marketisation. The physical and emotional landscape of the university has fundamentally changed in the intervening years. The devastation wrought cannot be overstated. Contrary to justifications for reform by Tories and Lib Dems, the contemporary university is not sustainable, and reforms have reduced standards and entrenched inequality.

      In public discussion of the – shameful – tripling of student fees and mounting student debt, the changes to university funding that this brought about are often neglected. The 2010 coalition government replaced the old system of block grants with money paid per student per course, and lifted the cap on the number of student places available. Now, universities compete for funding by competing for students, with each other, and between their own departments.

      Most remarkably, this was done in the name of improving standards. It has left its scars on the physical landscape of universities, no longer able to fit in the number of students they have enrolled, and the springing up of new buildings, luxury accommodation and gyms all designed to attract prospective students. If the modern university has a soundtrack, it would be constant drilling for the construction of new, shiny buildings, temples to “student satisfaction”.

      Marketisation does not mean the immediate insertion of the profit motive into previously public goods. It means, at least in the first instance, making those public goods profitable. Students are in more and more debt, workers are paid less and less, while private companies and developers are given access to a potentially lucrative market.

      What does this mean for workers in higher education? They face a proliferation of perverse incentives: instead of research and teaching, lecturers are expected to take part in a perpetual recruitment drive. Instead of supporting students emotionally and academically, staff in student services, often facing cuts and “restructures”, are expected to act as the vanguard of “employability”.

      With more students, permanent staff are expected to take on more and more work. Temporary staff are expected to paper over structural gaps, providing a “flexible” workforce who are hired and fired in response to fluctuations in student numbers. Research shows that part-time staff and those on hourly rates are only paid for 55% of their work. Staff in general work, on average, the equivalent of two days unpaid per week. Given these low wages, many temporary staff are effectively paid less than the minimum wage.

      The expectations placed on staff cannot be met. It is not possible to produce the kind of work expected in the amount of time we are paid to do it. New methods of evaluation and student metrics create even more work, and overlook the key fact that asking students if they enjoyed a course reveals very little about whether that course was well-taught. Student services are stretched to breaking point, and instead of releasing the tension by, for example, increasing funding, services are instead outsourced, with trained counsellors replaced by generic “advisers” and, even, apps.

      When we say that the expectations on staff cannot be met, we mean that it is not possible to live under these conditions. There is nothing else left to squeeze. The doctrines of flexibility and precarity are in no way specific to higher education. They are paradigmatic of contemporary working practices. This means the struggle against precarity is not just a struggle for better conditions for academic workers – it is the insistence that a better life is possible for all of us. The disruption to teaching that comes from workers’ poor health, unnecessary pressure and precarity is much, much greater than the disruption caused by the cancellation of classes.

      Despite the deprivations of the picket line – early mornings, hours standing in the cold, lost pay – I have rarely seen colleagues so happy. The lifting of the neoliberal impulse to be constantly working, every interaction a chance for self-development, every minute a chance to get something done, has profound effects. Reclawing time from management’s extractive demands gives us a glimpse of how the university could be.

      The University and College Union dispute, which runs until next Wednesday, is about pay and pensions for some 43,000 members of the union, all working in academia. Even if we won on both counts, our futures, and the future of higher education, will not be secure without a fundamental rethink of the way in which universities are funded in the UK.

      We cannot afford to merely attempt to reform a marketised sector, based around fees. Almost 10 years on from the seismic higher education reforms of 2010, we face another general election. The only party now offering a rethink of fees and funding, rather than the shuffling of proverbial deckchairs, is Labour.

      We must not let students’ interests be pitted against workers. They are one and the same. So far during the strike, universities have bribed students to cross the picket line with gimmicks like free breakfast and free parking. They have attempted to ban solidarity action by students with a sustained campaign of misinformation, including the suggestion that joining picket lines is illegal and that students must cross them because they are members of NUS and not UCU. We are warned that students might feel anxious about the strike and that by picketing our workplaces we are letting them down.

      In these moments, management attempts to call upon a sense of duty we might feel towards our students. But as workers in higher education, we should not be content to merely provide a better version of the kind of education-as-commodity that management insists on.

      With our strike and the election, we have a chance to start fundamentally re-imagining the university. It’s the only thing that might save it.


    • Et hop une autre offre de formation arrivée ce jour dans ma boîte mail :

      "Mieux vivre ses émotions dans les relations professionnelles"

      Public : Tout collaborateur qui souhaite mieux vivre ses émotions afin de favoriser ses relations professionnelles.

      C’est classé dans la rubrique « #efficacité professionnelle »

      Et voici un aperçu du contenu :

      #intelligence_émotionnelle #émotions #réactions_émotionnelles_parasites #dysfonctionnement #mots #visage #corps #couleurs #saveurs #musique #timbres_psychologiques #élastiques_émotionnels #alexitymie #vague_des_émotions #pensée_positive #mots_déclencheurs #respiration

    • 10.12.2021, nouveau message des services centraux de notre université (qui semble de plus en plus inspirée !!) :

      Programme de #pause_active destiné à l’encadrement

      A l’attention des personnels en situation d’encadrement (cadres administratifs et techniques, responsables pédagogiques, responsables scientifiques)

      Madame, Monsieur,

      Suite à une expérimentation menée au printemps dernier et dans le cadre de l’accord-cadre Qualité de Vie au Travail de l’UGA, le SUAPS et la Direction de l’environnement social (DGDRH-DES) vous proposent des séances de Pause Active en visioconférence.

      Ces temps courts, de 20/25 mns vous permettront de :

      Bien débuter la journée

      Apprendre à apprivoiser le stress, prévenir le stress chronique

      Lutter contre l’épuisement professionnel

      – *Prévenir les troubles musculo-squelettiques

      Être plus efficace et concentré

      Ils se déroulent les jeudis à 8h et 8h30, jusqu’au 9 décembre pour le 1er semestre

      Puis au 2nd semestre, à partir du 13 janvier

      Pas d’inscription préalable, juste une connexion !

      Comment se déroulent les séances ?

      Séance à 8h00 : #Sophrologie :

      Prendre conscience des différentes parties de son corps

      Se libérer des tensions physiques, mentales et émotionnelles

      Respirer, se poser, prendre un temps pour soi

      Activer les capacités utiles pour sa journée de travail


      Séance à 8h30 : Réveil musculaire en douceur :

      Étirements légers, respiration, focus sur l’ensemble du dos pour dénouer les tensions.

    • J’avais oublié d’ajouté cela sur ce fil :

      Arrive aujourd’hui, 21.10.2020, un message de mon #université (#Université_Grenoble_Alpes) qui nous invite à s’inscrire à une #formation...
      La formation s’intitule :
      Gestion du #stress pour les enseignant(e)s

      La troisième annonce en ce genre, les deux précédentes étaient des formations qui portaient sur :

      1. Gestion de #conflits (formation mise sous le thème « #efficacité_professionnelle »)

      2. Mieux vivre ses #émotions dans ses #relations_professionnelles (aussi mise sous le même thème : #efficacité_professionnelle)

      Comme dit ma collègue @mobileborders :
      « De la #responsabilisation_personnelle des #failles_structurelles... »


    • 07.01.2022... on commence une nouvelle année avec de nouvelles formations. Cette fois-ci c’est... le #co-développement !

      Formation Co-Développement Enseignants/Enseignants-chercheurs

      –-> le plus drôle dans tout ça, c’est la "#méthode_Payette_et_Champagne" (ou "paillettes et champagne" si vous préférez).

      « une méthode subtile et exigeante alors qu’elle paraît simple en apparence » dit A. Payette

      Pas trop bien réussi à en savoir plus après une brève recherche sur la toile (si il y a des motivé·es...)

      J’en ai fait un mini-tweet :


    • Avril 2022... Dans notre institut, comme partout ailleurs dans les facs françaises (et au-delà), on souffre d’un déficit STRUCTUREL en personnel enseignant... Pour info, notre institut « tourne » avec environ 40% des heures d’enseignement qui sont données par du personnel précaire, dont des #vacataires... Outre ce problème STRUCTUREL, il y a aussi la difficulté à pouvoir embaucher lesdits vacataires... deux difficultés avant tout :
      – iels sont payé·es, à l’heure, en dessous du smic, donc iels préfèrent faire autre chose dans la vie...
      – iels ne peuvent être embauché·es que si iels ont un contrat par ailleurs (donc, chômeur·es, circulez, on ne peut pas vous donner du taf... qui est payé moins du smic, mais bon...)

      Résultat des courses : c’est une galère pas possible pour les responsables de formations à la fac de trouver des enseignant·es pour les cours présents dans la maquette...

      Donc : problème structurel...

      Or, voici ce que notre direction nous propose, une réunion pour discuter de cette problématique « vacataires » (très bien) :

      "Lors du dernier conseil d’UFR, la problématique des vacataires d’enseignement (recrutement, constitution des dossiers, paiement) a été abordée et il a été émis le souhait d’organiser un temps de travail à ce sujet.

      ... et voici la phrase suivante :

      Ce sujet faisant également écho à celui lié à la qualité de vie au travail, il semble primordial d’y travailler dessus de manière prioritaire."

      –-> le lien avec la fameuse #QVT... ce n’est pas un problème de QVT, c’est un problème de #politique_universitaire, bordel ! Non, on ne va pas résoudre cela avec des séances de sophrologie ou avec des pauses actives !

    • « En termes d’émotions, là c’est moins évident : on parle de plus en plus de burnout, mais à la force physique s’est substituée une injonction à la force mentale, à prendre sur soi. Et si ça ne va pas, on va faire en sorte que les individus s’adaptent au monde du travail, mais on ne va jamais faire en sorte que le monde du travail s’adapte au #corps et à l’esprit des individus. On va donner des sièges ergonomiques, des ergosquelettes, on va créer des formations gestes et postures, on va embaucher des psychologues pour que les gens tiennent au travail, sans s’interroger sur ce qui initialement a causé ces souffrances. »


      #adaptation #résilience #force_mentale #émotions

      signalé ici :

    • Le business du bonheur

      La psychologie positive, conceptualisée aux États-Unis à la fin des années 1990, s’est imposée en Europe par le biais du management d’entreprise. Enquête sur une discipline contestée, proche du développement personnel.


      voir aussi le trailer sur twitter :

      signalé sur seenthis par @olivier_aubert :

  • There’s only one way to take on big tech : by reining in big money and big state

    The Warren-style critique of big tech accepts that smaller tech is on the horizon – and rests on a powerful myth of domestic politics gone wrong 2019 was a year we talked – a lot – about big tech. Alas, the much-expected “techlash” has not materialized : Silicon Valley still stands unscathed. This might, of course, change in 2020, especially under a president like Elizabeth Warren. It’s easy to mistake her populist stance – let’s just break up the tech giants ! – for some kind of leftism ; it (...)

    #militarisation #domination #fiscalité #GAFAM #lutte


  • Countries are burning from Siberia to Australia: the age of fire is the bleakest warning yet | Julian Cribb | Opinion | The Guardian

    On any day, between 10,000 and 30,000 bushfires burn around the planet.

    Realms as diverse and distant as Siberia, Amazonia, Indonesia, Australia and California are aflame. The advent of “the age of fire” is the bleakest warning yet that humans have breached boundaries we were never meant to cross.


  • The ‘crisis of capitalism’ is not the one Europeans think it is | Branko Milanović | Opinion | The Guardian

    Le capitalisme est plus puissant que jamais ; s’il est source d’appauvrissement du plus grand nombre et donc de rejet dans les pays occidentaux, il n’en est pas de même dans d’autres aires géographiques, notamment asiatiques.
    La marchandisation de domaines antérieurement épargnés, y compris de la politique et des politiciens, est une cause plus commune de rejet du capitalisme.

    An avalanche of recent books and articles about the “crisis of capitalism” is predicting its demise or dépassement. For those who remember the 1990s, there is a strange similarity between this and the literature of the time, which argued that the Hegelian “end of history” had arrived. That theory was proved to be wrong. The former, I believe, is also factually wrong and misdiagnoses the problem.

    The facts show capitalism to be not in crisis at all. It is stronger than ever , both in terms of its geographical coverage and expansion to areas (such as leisure time, or social media) where it has created entirely new markets and commodified things that were never historically objects of transaction.


    So if capitalism has spread so much in all directions, why do we speak of its crisis? Because we focus on the malaise of the western middle classes and the rise of populism. But the dissatisfaction with globalised capitalism is not universal: a YouGov survey showed a very high degree of support for globalisation in Asia, with the lowest support in the US and France.

    The western malaise is the product of uneven distribution of the gains from globalisation. When globalisation began in the 1980s, it was politically “sold” in the west – especially as it came together with “the end of history” – on the premise that it would disproportionately benefit richer countries. The outcome was the opposite. Asia in particular was a beneficiary, especially the most populous countries: China, India, Vietnam and Indonesia. In Europe, as in the US, it benefitted the 1%. It is the gap between the expectations entertained by the middle classes and the low growth in their incomes that has fuelled dissatisfaction with globalisation and, by association, with capitalism.

    There is however another issue that does seem to affect most countries, and it is to do with the functioning of political systems. In principle, politics, no more than leisure time, was never regarded as an area of market transaction. But both have become so. This has made politics more corrupt. Even if a politician does not engage in explicit corruption during their time in office, they tend to use the connections acquired to make money afterwards. Such commodification has created widespread cynicism and disenchantment with mainstream politics and politicians.

    While politics as entrepreneurship was often seen to afflict only less developed countries, it has now spread to Europe. It is otherwise hard to explain the political evolution of figures such as Matteo Salvini, Italy’s far-right former interior minister. Political connections can also be used as a valuable asset throughout political careers: take José Manuel Barroso, the former head of the European commission who moved to Goldman Sachs. This commodification is what Francis Fukuyama – who wrote The End of History and the Last Man – refers to as “reciprocal altruism”: it is not unlawful, but is a time-delayed exchange of favours.

    The crisis therefore is not of capitalism per se, but a crisis brought about by the uneven effects of globalisation and the expansion of capitalism to areas traditionally not considered apt for commercialisation. Capitalism has thus become too powerful, and in regions such as Europe, it is in collision with strongly held beliefs. Unless it is controlled and its “field of action” reduced to what it used to be, it will continue this conquest of as-yet-uncommercialised spheres.

    #capitalisme #corruption #marchandisation

  • We’ve toured the world for years. To help save the planet we’ll have to change | Massive Attack | The Guardian

    today we’re announcing the commissioning of the renowned Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research to map the full carbon footprint of typical tour cycles, and to look specifically at the three key areas where CO2 emissions in our sector are generated: band travel and production, audience transport and venue.

    les #tournées de #concerts émettent plein de CO2, il faut que ça change…

    voir aussi le travail de Grégory Bahde :

  • The Guardian view on university strikes: a battle for the soul of the campus

    The market model in higher education has created an intellectual precariat who are right to fight back.


    In his classic work The Idea of a University, the recently canonised St John Henry Newman described the core goal of higher education as “the cultivation of the intellect, as an end which may reasonably be pursued for its own sake”. Most of the lecturers who began just over a week of strike action on Monday will have entered academia hoping to play their part in that noble enterprise. Instead they find themselves in the vanguard of perhaps the most concerted and widespread wave of industrial action that our university campuses have known.

    In February and March last year, staff at 65 universities voted to strike over changes to their pensions, which could have seen many lose considerable sums in retirement. That ongoing dispute is part of the explanation why lecturers are back on the picket line. But this year they are also protesting in large numbers at stagnating pay, insecure contracts, and an ever-growing workload driven by often unachievable targets. An argument that began on the arcane territory of pensions investment has morphed into a full-blown challenge to a marketisation process that has, over the last decade, transformed university life for those who study in it and those who teach in it.

    From 2010 onwards, student tuition fees, introduced by Labour in 1998, became the chosen vehicle for an ideological revolution on campus. Tripling the cap to £9,000, David Cameron’s coalition government launched the era of the student consumer, tasked with shopping around for the best education deal. Universities, faced with huge cuts in funding from Westminster, responded accordingly by diverting huge resources into marketing and upmarket student accommodation. An architecture of competition was built, as limits on student numbers were lifted, pitting institutions against each other via a new bureaucracy of audits, assessments and satisfaction surveys.

    The new emphasis on student experience was overdue and welcome; it gave undergraduates power and voice. But the perverse consequences of the marketisation process have become familiar. Huge levels of student debt built up, to be paid back at exorbitant interest rates by either the student or the taxpayer; a new breed of vice-chancellor emerged, aping the language and drawing the salary of a business CEO, and attended by a court of financial managers and marketing experts. There was a huge diversion of resources to sometimes risky investment in real estate.

    In this brave new world, the almost forgotten fall-guys have been the academics whose job it is to deliver “the product”. According to research by the University and College Union, average academic pay has fallen by 17% in real terms since 2009, as investment priorities have been diverted elsewhere. An intellectual precariat has come of age, made up of millennials who stumble from year to year on temporary contracts, often part-time, wondering where the next teaching gig is coming from. The drive to keep student numbers buoyant has led to relentless micro-management of academic performance, much of it driven by questionable assumptions such as those of the teaching excellence framework, which a recent study found constructed “excellence” as the development of employability in students.

    The world of our universities has become anxious, tense and, for many, chronically insecure. A YouGov poll found that four out of 10 academics had considered leaving the sector as a result of health pressures. In a sector intended to promote the life of the mind, this does not seem to be a good way to do business. So far these strikes have received an encouraging level of support from students, some of whom have reportedly been warned by university authorities to stay away from picket lines. Overturning the wrong-headed priorities of our universities would certainly have the support of St John Henry Newman.


    #grève #UK #Angleterre #université #précarité #travail #retraite #néolibéralisme #néo-libéralisme #taxes_universitaires #compétition #marchandisation

  • Surprised about Mark Zuckerberg’s secret meeting with Trump ? Don’t be

    What are Mark Zuckerberg’s politics ? Based on recent events, one might assume the young billionaire favors American conservatism, even explicit Republican positions. On Thursday, NBC News revealed that the CEO of Facebook had a secret dinner at the White House in October with President Donald Trump. Zuckerberg was accompanied by Facebook board member and long-time mentor Peter Thiel. Thiel is notorious among Silicon Valley billionaires for explicitly endorsing Trump in 2016 and speaking at (...)

    #Facebook #algorithme #manipulation #élections #BigData #lobbying


  • The naked truth about on-screen nudity: women don’t like it, guys | Barbara Ellen | Opinion | The Guardian



    Emilia Clarke has just spoken about doing “terrifying” nude scenes for Game of Thrones. Later, she became more assertive, thinking “fuck you”, when film-makers wanted her to strip, suggesting that, otherwise, she would “disappoint her Game of Thrones fans”. (Anyone else shuddering?) Clarke was only 23, fresh out of drama school, when she took on the role of Daenerys Targaryen, but she’s still been lambasted for complaining about the part that made her rich and famous. Clarke wasn’t moaning about the role, though – she was talking honestly about nude scenes. Is that OK or is it not enough for female performers to disrobe? Or do they have to pretend they like it too?

    #cinéma #harcèlement #nudité_imposée

  • Microtargeting, bots and hacking : will digital meddling really swing this election ?

    After the 2016 US election, some fear online interference could create political chaos in the UK. The truth is more complex We’re now well into the “phoney war” period of the election – where on the surface all seems calm. Parliament has been prorogued, there have been a few early jabs, and a consensus is already beginning to emerge about how everything will play out online. The conventional wisdom suggests this election will be all about digital wizardry. On Facebook the parties will use (...)

    #Facebook #Twitter #bot #élections #marketing #profiling #publicité


  • Instagram’s murky ‘shadow bans’ just serve to censor marginalised communities

    Images of queer and plus-sized bodies are not ‘sexually suggestive’ content. So why is Instagram blocking them ? Vulnerable and marginalised communities on Instagram have been calling for a wider conversation to address what they say is the platform’s censoring of queer and plus-sized bodies. Instagram has a confusing policy of hiding certain content from its users – and in the past few weeks, Pxssy Palace (a popular queer arts collective and London club night) has called out the (...)

    #Instagram #censure #LGBT
