World Socialist Web Site - Marxist analysis, international working class struggles & the fight for socialism


  • Trump’s photo-op in Puerto Rico - World Socialist Web Site

    Trump previously denounced Puerto Rican residents for the massive debt owed to the Wall Street banks, which is the result of the island’s colonial legacy, a decades-long economic recession and wholesale looting by financial speculators who control Puerto Rican debt. Rosselló and his predecessors have imposed savage austerity measures, and the island, which declared bankruptcy last May, is currently under the dictatorship of a financial oversight board imposed by the Obama administration.

    #trump #porto_rico

  • The Death of Stalin, The Other Side of Everything, Insyriated—The filmmakers’ inability to deal with complex questions, or worse - World Socialist Web Site

    Armando Iannucci’s The Death of Stalin is a fatally ill-conceived “black comedy” about the demise of the gravedigger of the Russian Revolution, Joseph Stalin, in March 1953. The film is not so much maliciously anti-communist as it is, above all, historically clueless.

    Iannucci and fellow screenwriters David Schneider and Ian Martin present the various surviving Stalinist officials, Nikita Khrushchev, Georgy Malenkov, Vyacheslav Molotov, Anastas Mikoyan, Nikolai Bulganin and the rest, all of whom had gallons of blood on their hands, as a largely ineffectual bunch of bunglers and toadies, jockeying “comically” for position. The betrayal of the Russian Revolution was one of the greatest tragedies in world history. Iannucci’s film doesn’t begin to confront the vast significance of the events in the Soviet Union.

    #staline #révolution_russe #ex-urss #union_soviétique

  • Trump à propos de Porto Rico : « vous pouvez crever. »

    Trump to Puerto Rico : Your lives don’t matter - World Socialist Web Site

    Trump to Puerto Rico: Your lives don’t matter
    30 September 2017

    Almost two weeks after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, all basic forms of social infrastructure in the US territory have completely collapsed.

    Addressing the press yesterday, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz said that she watched in horror as Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Elaine Duke called the government’s response to the hurricane a “good news story.”

    To the contrary, Cruz warned, “something close to a genocide” is unfolding in Puerto Rico due to the government’s failed response. She “begged” Trump to fix the botched relief effort, adding, “We are dying here.”

    #porto-rico #trump #désastre #ouragan

  • Comment le nouvel algorithme de Google détruit la presse progressiste aux Etats-Unis

    Une lettre du boss de Alternet dans le cadre d’une demande de soutien. Un tableau des plus significatif :

    et pour les lecteurs pressés cette phrase des plus claire :

    So the reality we face is that two companies, Google and Facebook—which are not media companies, which do not have editors, or fact checkers, which do no investigative reporting—are deciding what people should read, based on a failure to understand how media and journalism function.

    La lettre dans son intégralité.

    Dear AlterNet Reader:

    The story I am going to share with you is very disconcerting for independent media and America’s future, and frankly it is unprecedented in AlterNet’s history.

    It is hard to imagine anything scarier than Donald Trump’s presidency. But this problem is actually bigger than Trump, and it is a situation that certainly helps him.

    This story affects you too, in ways you may not fully be aware of—in fact it affects our whole media system and the future of democracy, and that is not an exaggeration.

    We have not yet gone public with our own story. I wanted you, and the rest of our supportive community, to know the details first. We are going to need your help.

    The New Media Monopoly Is Badly Hurting Progressive and Independent News

    The story is about monopoly on steroids. It is about the extreme and unconstrained power of Google and Facebook, and how it is affecting what you read, hear and see. It is about how these two companies are undermining progressive news sources, especially AlterNet.

    In June, Google announced major changes in their algorithm designed to combat fake news. Ben Gomes, the company’s vice president for engineering, stated in April that Google’s update of its search engine would block access to “offensive" sites, while working to surface more “authoritative content.”

    This seemed like a good idea. Fighting fake news, which Trump often uses, is an important goal that we share.

    But little did we know that Google had decided, perhaps with bad advice or wrong-headed thinking, that media like AlterNet—dedicated to fighting white supremacy, misogyny, racism, Donald Trump, and fake news—would be clobbered by Google in their clumsy attempt to address hate speech and fake news.

    The Numbers Are Striking

    We have had years of consistent search traffic averaging 2.7 million unique visitors a month, over the past two and a half years. But since the June Google announcement, AlterNet’s search traffic plummeted by 40 percent—a loss of an average of 1.2 million people every month who are no longer reading AlterNet stories.

    AlterNet is not alone. Dozens of progressive and radical websites have reported marked declines in their traffic. But AlterNet ranks at the top in terms of audience loss because we have a deep archive by producing thousands of news articles for 20 years. And we get substantial traffic overall—typically among the top five indy sites.

    So the reality we face is that two companies, Google and Facebook—which are not media companies, which do not have editors, or fact checkers, which do no investigative reporting—are deciding what people should read, based on a failure to understand how media and journalism function.

    The Harvey and Irma of Journalism

    Britain’s famed journalist Sir Harold Evans described Facebook and Google as “the Harvey and Irma of journalism—and democracy”:

    “Whatever else they do, the electronic duopoly deprive millions of information and argument as surely as the series of super storms deprive millions of light, power, home and hearth.

    “The climate change deniers will go on calling the link between hurricanes and greenhouse gases a ‘hoax’… but no one can deny the devastating effect of Facebook and Google on the viability of news organizations to investigate complexity and resist suppression.”

    The Google Hit Goes Right to Our Bottom Line

    We need your help because we are going to take a financial hit over the coming months.

    Why? Because Google’s undermining of progressive journalism means we have lost a major chunk of audience and as a result are looking at big potential losses in ad revenue.

    AlterNet’s long-term success is based on our balanced economic model. We get roughly half of our revenue from advertising and half from contributions from readers and supporters like you, as well as a handful of foundations. But now 40 percent of our traffic, earned over many years, has disappeared due to Google’s arbitrary tactics.

    We need to stay strong, keep our great staff, and fight Donald Trump and his cult of core supporters.

    We are proud to have never made a desperate appeal for money. We were pleased that we didn’t harass you with fundraising pitches every day for months. We had a very healthy balance, and our financial supporters contributed exactly what we needed each year. But now, due to media monopoly on steroids, we are very concerned.

    Can you rededicate yourself to AlterNet and its mission of producing important and powerful independent journalism?

    This fall fundraising campaign is necessary; we need to bolster our finances and prepare to pivot AlterNet so it can survive and continue to be read by a huge audience of millions, without having to rely on Facebook and Google to do it. That means we need to rely on you—will you help?


    Don Hazen
    Executive Editor, AlterNet

    P.S.: Your contribution today is 100% tax-deductible.

    AlterNet | 1881 Harmon St. | Berkeley, CA 94703

  • More than 52 million Americans live in economically distressed communities - World Socialist Web Site

    A new analysis of Census data shows that the so-called economic recovery under the Obama administration was an unmitigated catastrophe for the 20 percent of the American population that live in the poorest areas of the United States and that gains of jobs and income have gone overwhelming to the top 20 percent richest areas.

    “The 2017 Distressed Communities Report,” published by the Economic Innovation Group (EIG), analyzes the census data for 2011-2015 for people living in each of the nearly 7,500 American zip codes according to several criteria.

    The EIG’s Distressed Communities Index (DCI) considers the percentage of the population without a high school diploma, the percentage of housing vacancies, the percentage of adults working, the percentage of the population in poverty, the median income ratio (the percentage of median income that a zip code has for its state), the change in employment from 2011 to 2015, and the change in the number of businesses in the same period.

    #états-unis #pauvreté #inégalités

  • Why is the far-right benefiting from the crisis of capitalism? - World Socialist Web Site

    Why is the far-right benefiting from the crisis of capitalism?
    28 September 2017

    Sunday’s election in Germany saw the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) and collapse of the official left party, the Social Democratic Party. With more than 90 deputies in the incoming parliament, the entry of the AfD will mark the first time since the end of the Third Reich that outright fascists and racists participate in the national legislature.

    Far from an exception, the electoral triumph of the neo-fascist party in Germany is part of a pattern being repeated again and again throughout Europe and internationally.


    Behind the electoral success of the far right in Germany - World Socialist Web Site

    Behind the electoral success of the far right in Germany
    By Peter Schwarz
    28 September 2017

    “How could it come to this?” Many people are asking themselves this question following the far right Alternative for Germany’s (AfD) electoral success in the federal elections held on Sunday.

    With the AfD, more than 90 deputies—open Nazis, racists and xenophobes—are entering parliament 72 years after the downfall of Hitler’s Third Reich. Alexander Gaulland, the 76-year-old lead candidate, made this abundantly clear, calling for Germans to be proud of the achievements of German soldiers in two world wars—that is, to take pride in a criminal war of aggression, complicity in the Holocaust and the cold-blooded murder of millions of civilians, partisans and prisoners of war.

    #extrême-droite #allemagne #europe

  • « ...Trump tweeted. “Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars...owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with ... »

    C’est tellement gros qu’on a du mal à penser que ce n’est pas un fake énorme

    Trump to devastated Puerto Rico: Wall Street must be paid! - World Socialist Web Site

    The US colonial territory of Puerto Rico has been devastated by a disaster that has left its population of 3.5 million in the midst of a full-blown humanitarian catastrophe.

    Much of the island looks like it was hit by an atomic bomb. The already fragile electrical grid has been largely destroyed, leaving millions literally in the dark and without power for air-conditioning or even fans, as Puerto Rico faces 90-degree temperatures and high humidity.

    #trump #oligarchie

  • German conservative newspaper threatens Poland with territorial demands - World Socialist Web Site

    German conservative newspaper threatens Poland with territorial demands
    By Peter Schwarz
    16 September 2017

    The Polish government is demanding reparations from Germany for the war crimes committed during the Second World War. The demand is not new, but has never before been raised so persistently.

    The chairman of the governing right-wing nationalist Law and Justice Party (PiS), Jaroslav Kaczynski, breathed new life into the reparations debate in late June. Ever since, Prime Minister Beata Szydlo has issued repeated demands on the issue. She told the RNFFM radio station on September 7, “Poland has a right to reparations, and the Polish state has the right to demand them.” Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski stated that Poland’s demand amounted to €840 billion.

    The Bureau of Research of the Polish parliament published a 40-page report on Monday justifying the Polish demand. According to this, an official 1953 statement in which the Polish government relinquished its right to claim reparations from Germany is not legally valid because it was made under pressure from the Soviet Union and only applied to the German Democratic Republic (GDR), not Germany.

    Allemagne #pologne #extrême-droite #frontières #territoires #différend_frontalier #différend_territorial

  • Millions of European workers in precarious employment - World Socialist Web Site

    Millions of European workers in precarious employment
    By Verena Nees
    26 September 2017

    On the 150th anniversary of Marx’s Capital, a new report reveals how European capitalism, headed by the bureaucracy of the European Union, has created a huge army of precarious workers, plunging millions into poverty.

    On 12 September, the Berlin daily Tagesspiegel published an article by the research network Investigate Europe titled “Europe’s new reserve army.” The report authored by Harald Schumann and Elisa Simantke presents shocking figures.


    Poverty, inequality on the rise in Spain as independence vote looms - World Socialist Web Site

    Poverty, inequality on the rise in Spain as independence vote looms
    By James Lerner
    26 September 2017

    The worsening social crisis in Spain has been virtually ignored in the run-up to the October 1 vote on Catalan independence.

    Official Spanish government figures for August show a major increase in unemployment, signaling a slowdown in economic growth and pointing toward a growth in social inequality.

    #pauvreté #déclassement #extrême-droite #populisme #europe #inégalités

  • The rise of the AfD and the rightward lurch of official politics in Germany - World Socialist Web Site

    The rise of the AfD and the rightward lurch of official politics in Germany
    25 September 2017

    For the first time since the fall of the Nazis, a right-wing extremist party is entering Germany’s national parliament. With 13 percent of the vote in Sunday’s federal election, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) became the third largest party in parliament, finishing behind the governing Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) and the Social Democratic Party (SPD), which suffered an electoral collapse. The CDU/CSU obtained 33 percent of the vote, its worst result in over 60 years.

    The AfD has acquired political influence far beyond its actual strength. It set the tone in the election campaign with its agitation for a crackdown on refugees and the strengthening of the state’s repressive apparatus. All of the establishment parties sought to outdo the AfD with pledges to hire more police and deport more refugees, thereby bolstering the far-right party. Why vote for the more established parties’ versions of the AfD’s chauvinist and authoritarian politics when you could vote for the real thing? The CDU/CSU lost more than a million voters to the AfD, while the SPD lost 470,000 and the Left Party lost 400,000.

    #allemagne #extrême-droite

  • US Census report shows increasing social inequality - World Socialist Web Site

    US Census data from 2016 released on Tuesday shows increasing social inequality amid a small gain in household income that is offset by a massive growth of personal debt and rising living costs.

    The data tracks the ongoing redistribution of wealth from the working class to the wealthy as a result of the pro-Wall Street policies of both the Republican and Democratic parties. It substantiates the oligarchic character of the United States.
    Social inequality

    The Gini index, used to measure social inequality, with higher figures indicating a wider economic divide, rose slightly from 2015 (.479) to 2016 (.481). The 2016 figure, according to rankings in the CIA World Factbook, makes the US slightly more equal than Madagascar and less equal than Mexico.

    In terms of aggregate income share, the shift from 2015 to 2016 is as follows:

    #états-unis #inégalités #pauvreté

  • The Grenfell Tower Inquiry and the case for socialism - World Socialist Web Site

    The Grenfell Tower Inquiry and the case for socialism
    By the Socialist Equality Party (UK)
    15 September 2017

    The official opening of the government-convened Grenfell Tower Inquiry is an affront to the victims and survivors of the terrible inferno that swept the 24-storey tower block in west London on June 14, killing at least 80 people.

    In his 45-minute statement, Chairman Sir Martin Moore-Bick spoke of remembering those who had suffered with “humility and compassion,” “dismay,” and “sadness.”

    The cynicism of his remarks was made clear by his refusal to take questions from those in attendance. Just 200 places were available for those wanting to attend, and then on a “first come, first serve” basis. Moore-Bick stood immediately after he had finished speaking, turned his back on the audience and left the room, to cries of “rubbish.”

    #londres #grenfell_tower #incendie

  • Why is Amazon deleting negative reviews of Hillary Clinton’s new book? - World Socialist Web Site

    Amazon, the world’s largest online reseller, has deleted over 1,000 negative comments on Hillary Clinton’s newly-released book, What Happened, to give the book a five-star rating.

    The book’s Amazon user rating is higher than the most popular editions of War and Peace and A Tale of Two Cities, widely considered to be among the greatest books ever written.

    Early on Wednesday, the day of its release, the book had an extremely low rating of two and a half stars, based on nearly 1,700 reviews. But that figure was slashed to just over 500 later in the day, and stands at 623 at the time of this writing. The rating shot up to 4.9, rounded up to five stars in the graphic shown to users.

    #google #censure #hillary_clinton

  • Burma’s Aung San Suu Kyi and the fraud of human rights imperialism - World Socialist Web Site

    The plight of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims fleeing the Burmese military’s rampage in the western state of Rakhine is a devastating exposure of the fraud of human rights imperialism practiced by the US and its allies and their chief political asset in Burma (Myanmar)—Aung San Suu Kyi.

    The brutality and scale of the military operations has been the occasion of a great deal of hypocritical handwringing in the UN and by those who have aggressively promoted Suu Kyi as a “democracy icon.” Despite the media and humanitarian agencies being barred from the operational area, there is substantial and mounting evidence that the Burmese army has been systematically torching villages and numerous eyewitness accounts of soldiers gunning down civilians.

    #birmanie #rohingyas

  • Australian television program highlights flammable cladding crisis - World Socialist Web Site

    “Four Corners,” the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s flagship television current affairs program, last week screened a disturbing exposure of the widespread use of flammable cladding in Australia’s deregulated construction industry.

    Made in response to the June 14 London Grenfell_Tower fire, the 40-minute program recalled the dangerous 2014 Lacrosse apartment fire in Melbourne and brought together a range of experts—fire and building engineers and firefighters.


  • Yemen’s cholera outbreak surpasses 600,000 - World Socialist Web Site

    Et on en parle pratiquement pas.

    Yemen’s cholera outbreak surpasses 600,000
    By Bill Van Auken
    7 September 2017

    The humanitarian crisis unfolding in Yemen—the worst in the world—is an “entirely man-made catastrophe,” the product of a the two-and-a-half-year-old Saudi-led and US-backed war of aggression, the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights stated in a report issued on Tuesday.

    The war, which has increasingly assumed near-genocidal proportions, has killed at least 14,000 civilians, maimed many thousands more, displaced 2 million and left at least 7.3 million on the brink of famine.

    Meanwhile, the country is confronting the worst cholera epidemic on record, with the World Health Organization and Yemen’s health ministry reporting 612,703 people infected and 2,048 of them dying from the disease since April. While the spread of the epidemic has slowed over the past two months, there are still 3,000 new cases reported daily.

    #yémen #choléra #santé

  • DreamHost ordered to hand over data on anti-Trump website: The criminalization of political dissent - World Socialist Web Site

    In a chilling attack on free speech, a District of Columbia Superior Court judge Thursday ordered the web hosting company DreamHost to make available to the Trump administration vast amounts of data related to a website,, which organized protests against Trump’s inauguration in January.

  • Tens of thousands line up at Amazon job fairs as Dow tops 22,000 - World Socialist Web Site

    How the other half lives in 2017
    Tens of thousands line up at Amazon job fairs as Dow tops 22,000
    3 August 2017

    “Long ago it was said that ‘one half of the world does not know how the other half lives.’”—Jacob Riis, 1890

    Two scenes played out across America yesterday, providing a window onto two separate worlds: one occupied by a small, wealthy elite; the other by the working class, who comprise roughly the bottom 90 percent of the population.

    Shortly after the opening bell on Wall Street, the Dow Jones industrial average broke the 22,000 mark for the first time in history, a milestone that was greeted with exuberant headlines in the establishment press and made the lead story on NBC’s evening news program.

    #amazon #emploi #travail #multinationales #monopole

  • Bruits de bottes en Europe et surtout Europe de l’Est, les Usa s’installent durablement autour de la Russie est-ce la stratégie de l’Intermarium ? on n’apprendrais donc rien de l’histoire ?
    Les mêmes qui réhabilitent Bandera veulent réhabiliter Plétouria :
    Les Usa ont toujours été pour le « fascisme » financier et donc « politique » le grand retour de ce « balancement » après la chute du mur de Berlin ? Les Usa rejoue la partition de l’Intermarium en réssucitant Bandera le héros des collaborateurs supplétifs nazi en Ukraine. Gardé depuis la fin de la guerre par les émigrés du Canada, Usa, Uk, Australie, leur héros Bandera est revenu hanter les rues de Kiev malgré les dénégations des européens même de gauche dite radicale (NPA et autres EELV, PS, etc) « il n’y a pas de nazi en Ukraine » disent ils .. Andreï Biletski et d’autres noms invités au Parlement Européen ne gênent pas les « chasseurs de quenelles » de Dieudonné pourtant. Les anciens « criminels » assassins de « juifs » sont bien là et se réjouissent d’avoir repris du « poil de la bête » contre les Russes, ou Polonais.