Israel News : Ynetnews

  • Israel is up to its neck in Syria,7340,L-4652757,00.html

    (Janvier 2015)

    Alex Fishman, correspondant militaire du Yediot Ahronot : Le principe israélien qui est de ne pas intervenir [sic] en Syrie connaît des exceptions.

    Et ces « exceptions » suffisent pour qu’Israel y soit « mêlée jusqu’au cou »

    IDF Takes Control (Tacitly) of Syrian Golan

    Contrary to Israeli claims (including by Fishman himself) that this doesn’t constitute “taking sides” or intervening in the civil war, of course it does. When you flick a match into an oil drum it doesn’t matter that the match is very small and the drum very big. All it takes is a small spark. Therefore, any significant interference in Syria’s internal affairs is an intervention and taking sides against Assad and for the Islamists. Further, as my last post indicated, Israel has both acted affirmatively on behalf of the al Qaeda affiliated al-Nusra and refused to punish ISIS for mortar fire that struck Israeli-occupied territory. Thus, Fishman’s title: Israel is up to its neck with Islamist rebels.

    The Israeli journalist offers further proof of Israeli control of the Syrian battleground by noting in the original Hebrew version of his article ( which curiously was omitted in the English translation ) that there are five Syrian Druze villages in the northern Golan. Despite the fact that they are strong supporters of the Assad regime, Syrian rebels have not attacked them. In fact, their lands are among the last that have remained untouched in the region of those which do support the government.

    They are protected, according to a report in a Lebanese media outlet, by an agreement between the IDF and Druze leaders in Israeli-occupied Golan. A few months before outgoing chief of staff Benny Gantz left his post, he visited with the elders of the Druze community. There he promised them that their relatives in Syria’s Druze villages would not be harmed.

    Fishman notes that whether or not the report is true, in practice this is what is happening. He continues:

    Such a pledge could only be made by someone in a position to control the [battle]field.

    This makes Israel an aggressive, interventionist state. We’ve known this for decades based on Israel’s willingness to pre-emptively attack enemies in war and carve up their territory and place it under control of vassals like the South Lebanon Army. But Syria offers further proof that Israel is a rogue state which refuses to acknowledge its behavior for what it is.

    Despite Fishman’s claims that Israel’s intervention is relatively benign, Israel has long passed that point.

  • La « communauté juive » britannique appellerait à ne pas voter pour le Parti travailliste et à ne plus le soutenir financièrement suite à ses prises de position et initiatives en faveur des Palestiniens, notamment le vote au Parlement pour la reconnaissance de l’Etat de Palestine

    British Jews turn away from Ed Miliband’s Labour Party - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews,7340,L-4654379,00.html

    A campaign underway in recent months among the British Jewish community is calling on its members not only to refrain from voting Labour, but also to cease making donations to the party.
    Miliband, who was born and raised in a Jewish home, has voiced criticism of Israel in the past; but many British Jews view the Labour leader’s pro-Palestinian stance over the past year as too extreme.
    During Operation Protective Edge in the summer of 2014, Miliband described Israel’s actions as “unjustified;” and then in October, it was his party that initiated the vote in Parliament to recognize the State of Palestine.
    In a survey conducted among British Jews by the London-based weekly, The Jewish Chronicle, some 69 percent of the respondents said they were voting for the Conservative Party, with just 22 percent planning to cast a ballot for Miliband.

  • On a tendance à oublier qu’en Israël il y a aussi une très grande pauvreté et une très grande détresse dans certaines franges de la population

    Le dernier rapport du Contrôleur de l’Etat rappelle les faiblesses et le manque de suivi dans les politiques sociales, notamment dans le domaine de la protection des enfants

    Cet article souligne les graves carences des services sociaux dans ce domaine : il n’existe pas de programme systématique, régulier et gratuit pour la prise en charge des mineurs victimes d’abus sexuels ou de violences, et quand des cas sont signalés, il faut parfois plusieurs mois avant que les enfants soient pris en charge.

    Quelqu’un m’a dit un jour qu’Israël appartenait à cinq grandes familles richissimes et puissantes (banque, immobilier, presse, etc. si quelqu’un peut m’éclairer sur leur nom). Le social n’a jamais été profitable.

    Abused and neglected, child victims fall through the cracks - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4654428,00.html

  • A lire absolument, quatre témoignages de la ségrégation raciale en Israël. Les mythes tombent les uns après les autres

    Personal testimony: Why we came to protest - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4653352,00.html

    Personal testimony: Why we came to protest
    Sahlo was humiliated by officers and arrested; Zerviv claims Education Ministry only lets her work with youths of Ethiopian descent; and Adla, first arrested at 13, had a German Shepherd unleashed on him.’

  • Toujours le racisme ordinaire et ses nombreux avatars… Cette fois la police cible un soldat de l’armée israélienne, d’origine éthiopienne. Oui, mais nous explique l’auteur de l’article, lui-même éthiopien, la police est elle-même constituée de juifs orientaux, qui ont eux-mêmes souffert du racisme...

    Does anyone care about Israel’s institutionalized racism ? - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews
    Danny Adeno Abebe,7340,L-4651555,00.html

    Op-ed: The attack on an Israeli Ethiopian by a police officer left everyone shocked because demeaning the IDF uniform was more painful than demeaning a young man.

    Incidents like the recent brutal assault on an IDF soldier by police officers no longer shock Israel’s Ethiopian community; they’ve become a matter of routine for citizens who feel like the Israel Police’s punch bag.

    Yes, that’s the reality in the neighborhoods in which the community resides. Police brutality is a daily occurrence. Not a day goes by without me getting a call from a mother whose son has been beaten for no reason, from a youth who is facing criminal charges, from a pedestrian who was stopped by police and slapped around a little. It’s become the way of life – and it’s all down to the color of our skin.

    Something here just doesn’t make any sense. Why is it that a significant number of Ethiopian youths are walking around with criminal records? What makes an Ethiopian youth cross to the other side of the street when he sees a policeman on the sidewalk? How come those who, as Mizrahim, once cried discrimination are now the ones who are racist and violent?

    Yes, it needs to be said loud and clear: The police force – from the commissioner and down to the very last officer – is comprised primarily of members of the Mizrahi ethnic groups.

    The latest incident left everyone shocked because the victim of the police brutality was a soldier. The demeaning of the uniform was more painful than the demeaning of the young man. So how come racism directed against Ethiopian immigrants no longer moves anyone? Why do we no longer get excited when police officers beat Ethiopian youths and the case against them is closed? How come no one speaks up? How can it be that no one cares about racism?

    Now is the time to issue a warning: Failure on the part of the police leadership to put a stop to the unrestrained brutality against immigrants of Ethiopian descent will lead to a black intifada, with harsh acts of violence – and you, too, will pay the price. Many members of the Ethiopian community feel they have been paying the price for three decades now – and the despair is mounting.

    The prime minister condemned the attack on the Israel Defense Forces officer in Mea She’arim – and rightly so. But he chose not to condemn an attack on a soldier by a policeman. Perhaps because the victim isn’t an officer. Perhaps because he’s black. Or perhaps Benjamin Netanyahu, like many Israeli citizens, tends to turn a blind eye to the rising violence against Ethiopians.

    Beware; a battered woman can be pushed too far too. One day, she will fight back or walk out to save her life. And we, members of the Ethiopian community, like that battered woman, are at that point in time.


  • Report: Israel strikes Syrian military bases, Hezbollah targets near Syria-Lebanon border - Diplomacy and Defense - Israel News | Haaretz

    The Israeli Air Force attacked Syrian army bases where Hezbollah stored long-range missiles late Friday night, according to an Al Jazeera report.

    According to the report, the airstrikes targeted the bases of strategic missile brigades 155 and 65 in Kalamoon, near the Syria-Lebanon border. Residents of nearby cities Yabroud and Qarah reported hearing explosions.

    The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Defense refused to comment on the report.

  • Alors qu’Israël commémore son indépendance, un article « bilan » sur l’état du sionisme à ce jour (pour faire suite à l’université populaire de l’Iremmo sur le sionisme) :

    – la réalité du sionisme dépasse les attentes
    –la menace arabe contre Israël a presque totalement disparu
    – le « djihad mondial » se renforce mais cible dorénavant les arabes (ceci est une citation de l’article)
    –Israel est devenu une grande puissance dans le domaine du high-tech, le dessalement de l’eau et les innovations médicales et scientifiques
    – Israel est le pays qui investit le plus dans la R&D,
    – Israel est considéré comme un leader mondial dans le domaine du recyclage de l’eau
    – Sachant que la plupart des juifs israéliens viennent d’Europe de l’Est ou de pays musulmans où la démocratie n’a jamais existé, ils ont réussi à créer en Israël une grande démocratie (c’est une citation de l’article)
    – Malgré toutes les « tensions ethniques » en Israël, la plupart des membres de la « golden génération » (sic) ont des grands-enfants « mixtes »
    entre autres

    The miracle of the State of Israel - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews,7340,L-4649829,00.html

  • Britain, France urge UN action on Middle East - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4649644,00.html

    New Zealand, a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, has begun draft resolution, as France hopes to win over a US that recently said it would ’reassess’ its diplomatic approach.

    Britain and France urged the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday to set a framework to broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians as council member New Zealand said it had started working on a draft resolution to kick-start the process.

  • Over 45,000 Holocaust survivors living in poverty in Israel - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4646867,00.html

    Approximately 189,000 Holocaust survivors are living in Israel in 2015. Many of whom are below the poverty line, suffer from health problems, often feel lonely and believe that future generations will forget the Holocaust after they are gone, a report released Monday showed.
    A day before Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims in Israel (FBHV) has published its annual report, which found that despite a NIS 1 billion plan implemented by the government, about 45,000 of survivors live below the poverty line - 30 percent of all Holocaust survivors living in Israel.
    According to the report, some 78 percent of survivors suffer from health problems, 45 percent often feel lonely and 46 percent believe that their children and grandchildren will forget the Holocaust after they are gone.

    • 20 000 rescapés de l’holocauste reçoivent peu ou aucune aide d’Israël. Et 45 000 vivent sous le seuil de pauvreté. Le sort des juifs intéresse-t-il vraiment Israël ?

      Thousands of Israeli Holocaust survivors still living in poverty, fighting for recognition
      Seventy years after the end of WWII, some 20,000 aging Holocaust survivors receive little or no support from Israel, and 45,000 live under poverty line.

    • Pourtant ...

      Les banques Hapoalim, Discount et Leumi vont restituer des fonds conservés depuis 70 ans, à l’organisation défendant les actifs des victimes de la Shoah
      21 octobre 2009

      Plus de 400 millions de shekels vont être transférés aux milliers de survivants de la Shoah et à leurs descendants dans les prochains mois. Les banques Hapoalim, Discount et Leoumi vont restituer des fonds conservés depuis 70 ans, à l’organisation défendant les actifs des victimes de la Shoah qui va les faire circuler à qui de droit.

      Après deux années de discussions, la banque Discount a transféré l’argent de 110 comptes, totalisant 1,2 million de shekels. Hapoalim atteint les 1,3 million de shekels avec 67 comptes. Quelque 20 millions de shekels ont été transférés par la banque Leoumi, comme part de sa significative dette de 250 millions de shekels.

      La société de défense des victimes de la Shoah a entamé, il y a plusieurs mois, un procès contre la banque, concernant 3 500 comptes supplémentaires, mais les deux parties se sont récemment concertées pour arriver à un accord. La compagnie a ajouté que les banques Mizrahi et Mercantile Discount refusaient de transférer leurs fonds – elles doivent respectivement 20 millions et 11,5 millions de shekels.

      “A la fin de l’année, nous atteindrons un accord avec les autres banques pour récupérer plus d’argent, des centaines de millions de shekels”, a déclaré le directeur général de la compagnie, Zvi Kanor. S’adressant aux deux banques réticentes, il a insisté sur l’importance de libérer de l’argent dans l’immédiat, “afin de rendre une justice historique aux victimes et à leurs descendants et d’améliorer leurs vies du mieux que nous pouvons”.

      Source : JPost (Copyrights)

    • Eh oui, les Allemands ont payé, mais les banques israéliennes ont gardé ça pour elles. Et ce depuis 70 ans, sous les travaillistes soi disant socialistes

    • et...
      Netanyahou compare l’Iran à l’Allemagne nazie

      Netanyahou a suggéré que les leçons de la seconde Guerre mondiale n’avaient pas été retenues. « Est-ce que le monde a réellement appris de la tragédie juive du siècle dernier ? », a-t-il questionné. « Le mauvais accord signé avec l’Iran nous apprend que la leçon n’a pas été tirée ».

    • Quelle honte ! Un profond sentiment de révolte par rapport à ce pays qui dévore ses habitants. Quel cynisme sans limite. Pouah. Netanyahu n’a plus de discernement, mais la propagande est plus forte que tout, we know that...

  • Settlements, Iran and Hamas: Hillary Clinton’s Israel policy - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4646394,00.html

    Settlements, Iran and Hamas: Hillary Clinton’s Israel policy
    After finally announcing her bid for the US presidency, Ynet takes a look back at Clinton’s positions on Israel, starting from her time as a first lady, then as a senator, until leading US foreign policy as secretary of state.
    Yitzhak Benhorin

  • La résolution proposée par la France inclut la reconnaissance d’Israël en tant qu’Etat juif

    France set to propose new Palestinian state resolution at UN - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4645117,00.html

    The draft would define the pre-1967 borders as a reference point for talks but allow room for exchanges of territory, designate Jerusalem as the capital of both Israel and a Palestinian state and call for a fair solution for Palestinian refugees.
    The French proposal also includes a requirement for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a “Jewish state,” the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas informed the Executive Committee of the PLO. That recognition is an Israeli demand that Abbas has rejected in the past.

  • Projets urbains financés par le Jewish National Fund en Israël

    Israel’s rich uncle - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews,7340,L-4643712,00.html

    Israel’s rich uncle
    Op-ed: The JNF is handing out millions to projects across Israel, but some are more controversial than others.

    Of all the cities in Israel, the most enviable is Afula, the capital of the valley. For on Thursday, Afula receives two massive holiday gifts that came as a surprise, as though from the heavens.

    It happens when the board of directors of the Jewish National Fund meets to approve the budget for a long list of projects across the country.

    A perusal of the list reveals some interesting items. Two relate to Afula. The JNF intends to bestow two projects upon Afula – NIS 1.9 million to partially fund a bike path around the city, and NIS 7.72 million for “a peripheral walking route around the Emek Hospital.”

    The bike path is understandable. The JNF has put bike paths in many places, at a similar price; but spending nearly eight million shekels on a trail around a hospital is a little hard to swallow. Does the JNF intend to pave it with diamonds? With gold?

    Will the trail also encompass the Kinneret? How far does the hospital in Afula extend, and why is the Clalit HMO, which owns the hospital, not required to invest a single shekel? (A hospital spokeswoman said this week that the route will be a fitness route around the perimeter fence of 2.5-3 km in length.)

    And why Afula? The answer to that puzzle, says a source in the company, leads to Eli Aflalo, co-chairman of the JNF. Despite his exalted position, Aflalo has never forgotten his beloved city, and if he does forget, there are plenty of others in the organization to remember and who are eager to please.

    The JNF board of directors has 37 members (Microsoft only has 10, but what do they know?). The board members come from a variety of political parties and persuasions, including some that are long gone.

    The JNF’s main income is the sale of land, and the rise in real estate prices of recent years has brought in billions. But the wealth has attracted unwelcome attention: former ministers Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni demanded the nationalization of the JNF - and its coffers; and those in need of housing slammed it of over the high price of housing. The JNF came to the conclusion that it was better to spend the money, and fast. The list to be approved Thursday represents an expenditure of close to NIS 200 million.

    When the list was discussed by the JNF Finance Committee last Thursday, one member, Matthew Sperber of the Reform Movement objected to the disbursement of JNF funds over the Green Line.

    Sperber claimed that appropriation for settlements makes it difficult for the Jewish National Fund to raise money from donors abroad and would endanger its tax-exempt status. He was joined by five other board members, who wrote an emotional letter of protest. Alon Tal, a representative of the Green Party, spoke personally with the JNF world chairman, Labor Party stalwart Efi Stenzler. “You are endangering the status of the JNF,” Tal warned him.

    The reality in this case is a little more complex. Firstly, the JNF has been handing money to the settlements for years; secondly, the amount - approximately NIS 17 million out of the 200 million - is not unusual, and only part of it is invested in the heart of the West Bank.

    We refused to pay for construction in the settlements, said one of the JNF heads, all projects in the West Bank are environmental, and are open to everyone.

    That made me smile. Anyone who thinks that this new bike path will see Arabs and Jews riding side by side is living in a fantasy; ditto for those who think the parks established by the Jewish National Fund in the settlements will be open to the children of Palestine.

    But why complain when a rich uncle is handing out cash? When it’s offered, do you not take it?

  • Routes de la discrimination à Hebron : fin temporaire de la séparation entre juifs et Arabes. Mais il ne faut pas se faire d’illusion, c’est loin d’être fini.
    IDF nixes Hebron road separation policy - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4643811,00.html

    Israeli security forces on Wednesday cancelled a policy of ethnic separation in Hebron for the second time.

    A Ynet exclusive two years ago revealed that the IDF divided the main road leading to the Cave of the Patriarchs: The main section of the road limited entry exclusively to Jews, while a fenced side path was the only way for Palestinians to pass through. This policy was cancelled, but reinstated about two months ago.
    A video attained by Ynet shows a Palestinian who works for the B’Tselem human rights organization attempting to use the main road and being halted by Border Police officers, who instruct him to go to the other side, which they said was meant for Muslims. “Only Jews come through here,” an officer tells the Palestinian. When he asks why, she replies: “The captain decided. Jews here, only Jews, and only Muslims over there.” When asked again why, the officer says, “Because.”

    The video shows the Palestinian insisting on using the road, but the officers prevent him. The officers explain that the two ways reach the same exact place, and at one point say that only elderly Muslims may use the main road, while children and adults must use the side path. When the Palestinian attempts to challenge them and continue walking down the road, they threaten to arrest him if he continues.

    Nabila Jabri, a 45-year-old resident of Hebron, said she feels “humiliated when I walk on a path that is behind the fence and see the settlers walk through the main entrance; a screen separates us that has no justification for its existence.”

    Iman Abu Armaila, also from Hebron, said that over the past two years, the crossing has almost never been blocked. “The fact that we could walk on the wide side of the road slightly lessened our general suffering,” she said. But now, she said, border guards force her to use the narrower path behind the fence.

    Until the policy’s renewal, security forces allowed Palestinian pedestrians and cyclists to use the road. In order to transport cargo, Palestinians had to use a horse-drawn cart or handcarts. Israeli citizens were and are permitted to use the road in cars or by foot.

    B’Tselem said that “the situation at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron is an allegory for the entire occupation – the settlers use a convenient road, while Palestinians who live in the area are allowed only to look at it from behind a fence, from the narrow and defective road they were forced into.”

    “The closure of the route is not in line with procedures in the area,” an IDF spokesperson said.

    “As soon as commanders were made aware of the incident, they handled it and opened the route. The IDF always works to enforce the law in Judea and Samaria, and to ensure normal life for all area residents.”

  • The people were wrong - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews,7340,L-4641368,00.html
    Susie Becher is a member of the Meretz National Executive.

    Simply put, the people were wrong. They were wrong in not recognizing that the fastest road to affordable housing and a lower cost of living is an end to the occupation. They were wrong in choosing the path of isolation over acceptance of the Arab Peace Initiative, with its promise of normalization with the member states of the Arab League. They were wrong in not calculating the boost to the economy that would come from a reduced defense budget and from an end to the funds squandered on building and maintaining settlements.

    They were wrong in thinking that there can be any advancement in the education of the next generation as long as our children are being desensitized to the suffering of others. They were wrong in buying into the fear-mongering around the consolidation of the Arab vote instead of welcoming the Arabs’ readiness to join the establishment and seek reforms by working within the system. They were wrong in reelecting a leader who took a huge bite out of the hand that feeds us, and they matched his arrogance with their belief that there will be no day of reckoning for the affront to the president of the United States.

    The signs of a downturn in relations with the United States were visible in the delay of the traditional congratulatory phone call, and on Sunday the public statements coming from the Oval Office left no doubt that Bibi’s days as a verbal acrobat are over. If we are lucky, the price will be paid only at the United Nations and the International Criminal Court, but the demand for accountability is unlikely to end there. Calls for economic sanctions are gaining popularity, and the European countries may well give in to the pressure.

    But the biggest concern is the sense of despair among the Palestinians. Netanyahu’s “no” to a Palestinian state took peace talks off the table, extinguishing all hope for a negotiated settlement. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas still speaks of nonviolent resistance, but he isn’t going to live forever and the pressure cooker that is the Palestinian territories may well boil over into violent conflict.

    The Israeli people went to the polls with their eyes wide shut, thinking that the status quo is sustainable. It isn’t. Israel is on its way to becoming an international pariah, and the people – who once again chose might over right – have only themselves to blame.

    This is not the time for the left to beat its breast and temper its message. On the contrary, it must raise the alarm louder and clearer and focus all its efforts on the root of all evil: The occupation. Any progress made in any other area will be short-lived unless this fundamental issue is resolved.

    Netanyahu won the election by convincing the public that disaster will befall us if the left were to win. It now falls to the left to convince them that the true disaster awaits us if it doesn’t. A prophet is never welcome in his own land, but it falls to the left to assume this unpopular role because our future hangs in the balance.

  • Le sionisme et son sens de l’à-propos : L’Arabie saoudite bombarde et Israël craint pour la sécurité des Juifs restés au Yémen

    Le ministère des Affaires étrangères et l’Agence juive ont eu du mal à accepter le refus des Juifs du Yémen à quitter, malgré les risques. Les derniers Juifs vivant au Yémen ont refusé de partir même face au danger approchant. « Nous ne voulons pas partir. Si nous le voulions, nous l’aurions fait depuis longtemps » avait déclaré Yahya Youssef, le grand rabbin de Sanaa en Février dernier.

    En anglais sur Ynet :,7340,L-4641205,00.html