- Going Gray : What I Learned about Beauty, Sex, Work, Motherhood, Authenticity, and Everything Else That Really Matters - Anne Kreamer


  • The Revolution Will Not Be Colorized : Silver Sisters Strut Against ’Beauty Terror’ - Times of San Diego

    Rachelle Lasater said, “I just found out about the Silver Sisters, and I was so thrilled to know that there was a movement going on of more and more women going natural because I decided at a very young age when I was turning gray that I couldn’t deal with dying my hair the rest of my life.

    “But I felt alone and got a lot of pressure from family and everyone to color my hair and I just didn’t want to give in, she continued.

    Dans les commentaires Amazon au sujet du livre mentionné dans l’article, « Going Gray, Looking Great », je lis cette information :

    ... But I was horribly disappointed with the turn the book took halfway through. The author encourages “looking younger” by using BOTOX or collagen injections. She advocates using expensive “age defying” moisturizers and makeup lines. Though many sources of skepticism about the claims of these expensive beauty products exist, she asserts that the more expensive products really do help. She lists products from very expensive companies that she swears are “worth” the cost, and will make women look younger and better. Not only cosmetics, but expensive hair styling products and shampoos and conditioners are raved about. She also recommends going to a colorist and having your hair highlighted/lowlighted so that your gray hair will “pop.” The message seems to be that if a woman decides to go gray she must counteract the negativity of this image by being hyper-fashionable in all other ways, having a short stylish cut, using expensive beauty products and styling products, using minor cosmetic surgical procedures to look artificially young, and especially dyeing her hair to keep it looking “gorgeously gray” in a very fake manner.

    I can’t tell you how this disappointed me. The author’s message that a woman can’t truly embrace her natural looks, that even her gray hair isn’t really `gray’ hair, but a styled and dyed approximation of what gray hair looks like, a la Hollywood, makes me horribly saddened.

    Ce livre-là a l’air beaucoup mieux (ça m’ennuie de mettre un lien Amazon, mais les commentaires sont super intéressants)

    #femmes #Jeunisme #sexisme #beauté

    • Quand j’ai vu mon premier cheveux blanc, le premier truc que je me suis dit, c’était : « Whouahou, j’ai quand même réussi à survivre jusque là ! »
      Quand ma coiffeuse a voulu me l’arracher, j’ai compris que ça allait être la guerre.
      J’ai changé de coiffeuse.

      J’ai mis trop de temps pour en avoir pour laisser quelqu’un me les cacher comme une maladie honteuse !