Ausgabe 06/2023 — der Freitag


  • Laura-Solmaz Litschel — Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM)
    Department of Integration, Social Networks and Cultural Lifestyles
    Research Associate in the project NITE

    phone: +49 (0)30 2093-46255


    Laura-Solmaz Litschel is a research assistant and doctoral student at the Berlin Institute of Migration Research at the Humboldt University of Berlin. She is also an associate member of the Centre for Digital Cultures (CDC) at Leuphana University Lüneburg.

    From 2019-2020, she was a research assistant and PhD student at the Institute for Sociology and Cultural Organisation (ISKO) at Leuphana University. She works in the transnational project “Night spaces: migration, culture and IntegraTion in Europe (NITE)”. The overall project, funded by HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area), looks at material, symbolic and virtual night spaces shaped by the migration society in five European countries (the Netherlands, Ireland, the UK, Germany, Denmark and Portugal).

    In Berlin, Laura-Solmaz Litschel uses the example of digitally-organised platform work to explore how the city night is being transformed by the shift to the smart city and to what extent this “digitalised night” promotes new practices of mobility.

    She completed her studies at the University of Bremen (M.A.), the University of Cordoba and the University of Göttingen (B.A.).

    Current Research Focus

    Digitalisation and (digital) work
    Migration Studies
    Night Studies
    Platform Labour
    Smart City

    Selected Talks

    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz: Transformers of the urban Night: Platform Labour, Migration and Smart City. Panel: Anthropological Perspectives of Global Platform Labour. EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists). 07/2020:

    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz: The new old normal. Platform Labour under Covid 19 Conditions in Berlin. Poster Presentation. Conference: Politics and Ethics of Platform Labour: Learning from Lived Experiences. Centre for research in the artis, social scienes and humanities. University of Cambridge. 04/2021.

    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz: Augmented Cities: Transformers of the Urban Night. Panel: In the name of the future. SIEF 2021. Helsinki. 06/2021.

    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz: The old normal”: Digital day laborers stay mobily 24/7. Conference: Remote work and Covid: mobility, safety and health at the time of the pandemic. University of Talinn. 06/2021.

    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz: Nocturnal Platform Labour (NITE) 22.11.2021: Fairwork Winter School. Internationale Konferenz zu Plattformarbeit, Migration und sozialer Reproduktion. Abteilung Netzwerke und kulturelle Lebensstile in Kooperation mit Fairwork Germany, Technische Universität Berlin, University of Oxford, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB).

    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz: Platform Labour at Night. Stadt nach Acht - Nightlife Konferenz. Berlin. 25.11.2021.

    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz: Die Wartung der Smarten Stadt. Nächtliche Gig Work in Berlin. Kolloquium: hinter verschlossenen Türen? Empirische Zugänge, Methodologische Reflexionen und ethische Implikationen zu schwer zugänglichen Feldern. Universität Hamburg. 13.01. 2022

    Selected (journalistic) Publications

    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz /Faltenbacher, Sofia (2016): Digitaler Wandel: Es läuft nicht mehr wie früher. In: Die Zeit 15/2016. online:
    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz (2021): Während wir schlafen. Amazon, Lieferando, E-Scooter: Wie das smarte Leben neue Nachtarbeit schafft. Wer rackert so spät bei Nacht und Wind? In: Der Freitag Ausgabe 27-2021 online:
    Litschel, Laura-Solmaz /Zych, Jola (2021): The augmented city: nocturnal platform labour under Covid-19 conditions in Berlin. Reimagining the Night. In: Urban Pamphleteer #9. Urban Lab. University College London. online:

    #Berlin #Forschung #Wissenschaft #Arbeit #Gigwork #Nachtarbeit