• Maya Mikdashi sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/mayamikdashi/status/1555942630617481217

    🧵how the nytimes writes/evaluates #Palestinian & Israeli life differently:

    1/"The Palestinian death toll for 2 days of fighting had risen to 15 by Saturday afternoon with 125 injured, according to the Health Ministry in #Gaza. A 5-year-old girl was among those killed on Friday"

    2/ “Two Israeli soldiers were wounded on Saturday by a mortar shell that fell on an Israeli communal farm near the Gaza border, according to the military”

    These sentences are back to back. Palestinian casualties are results of “fighting”, as if they were caught in crossfire

    When it comes to Israeli soldiers, there is a weapon (mortar shell) and a place (a farm). There are apparently no soldiers or civilians in the “Palestinian death toll,” nor a location of death. Earlier in the article we are told that “One civilian was lightly injured” in Sderot

    #infect #new_york_times #sionisme #criminel #impunité

  • En Cisjordanie, la violence des colons israéliens explose

    Fin mai, le Bureau de la coordination des affaires humanitaires des Nations unies rapportait que 71 Palestiniens avaient été blessés par des colons depuis janvier. « 2022 est la pire année », juge Abboud Al-Sharif, coordinateur terrain de l’ONG Première Urgence internationale (PUI), qui intervient auprès des communautés palestiniennes victimes de la violence des colons en Cisjordanie.

    « Toutes les régions sont touchées »

    Selon lui, les attaques sur les personnes et les biens ont doublé depuis 2020. Autrefois, les agressions avaient surtout lieu la nuit, sur des petites routes, dans des zones sous contrôle total israélien. Plus maintenant : « Toutes les régions sont touchées », dit-il. Certaines attaques sont coordonnées entre colonies. Parfois, elles se font avec le soutien de militaires. Dans une réponse au Monde, l’armée israélienne dément s’associer à de telles actions. Ces pratiques ont pourtant été mises en évidence, notamment sur la base de témoignages d’anciens soldats publiés par l’ONG de vétérans Breaking the Silence.

    Le portable vissé à l’oreille, le maire de Huwara, Maïn Dumaidi, accueille les visiteurs sans interrompre sa conversation, les yeux rivés sur les collines du sud de Naplouse que l’on aperçoit depuis la fenêtre. « Il y a une attaque en cours, au rond-point, un peu plus haut », s’excuse-t-il. Des colons ont frappé l’un de ses employés qui aidait à la circulation, un handicapé clairement identifiable avec son gilet jaune fluo, et l’ont aspergé de gaz lacrymogène. Il a été transporté à l’hôpital. Les quelque 7 000 Palestiniens de la ville vivent cernés par cinq colonies israéliennes, illégales aux yeux du #droit_international. Ils partagent le même axe, la route 60, qui traverse la bourgade du nord au sud, avec l’armée et les colons.

    Il vous reste 63.99% de cet article à lire. La suite est réservée aux abonnés.


    #apartheid #sionisme #vitrine_de_la_jungle #impunité #complicité « #communauté_internationale »

    • https://twitter.com/patrice_leclerc/status/1551541755849457665/photo/1

      Depuis Mai, ces grands carrefours embouteillés sont le théâtre d’une bataile des drapeaux : des colons israéliens tentent de décrocher la bannière palestinienne ; en réponse, les habitants en accrochant toujours plus. L’armée israélienne rapporte “ une augmentation des incidents impliquants des jets de pierre sur des véhicules israéliens” dans la zone, sans faire mention des violences des colons dénoncés par de nombreux témoins. ” “ C’est quotidien ! Ce n’était pas comme ça il y a 5 ans ” s’indigne le maire (...)

      Stratégie de harcèlement
      Sur le terrain, ce gouvernement est bien pire ” que ceux du pourtant très à droite Benyamin Nétanyahou pendant toute la décennie précédente, abonde Anthony Dutemple [ chef de mission à Première Urgence internationale (PUI) ] , Il fustige l’impunité dont bénéficie Israel sur la scène internationale : “ Tout augmente : la nombre de colons, les violences et ... les condamnations européennes, mais elles ne sont suivies d’aucun effet ! Il faut des actions concrètes, on ne peut pas se contenter de faire des tweets. ” Sur le terrain, les attaques ont des conséquences concrètes. Dans la bourgade d’At-Tuwni à l’extrême sud de la Cisjordanie, on vit “ dans la terreur , glisse Salwa Rabai, 26 ans. S’il y a un petit bruit à la porte, d’un coup je suis vidée de mes forces, je ne tiens plus debout ”.
      Face aux menaces de violences, les habitants ont crée “ des groupes sur Whatsapp ou Messenger, Si quelque chose arrive, on envoie un message et les jeunes débarquent, à plusieurs, pour nous défendre ” affirme la jeune Palestinienne. Lors d’ateliers organisés par PUI, elle retrouve d’autres femmes, qui viennent accompagnées de leurs enfants : “ Qui sait ce qui se passer en mon absence ” explique Feriel Ghissamou, 36 ans. Sa famille a perdu 4 bêtes, égorgées par les colons. Cette stratégie de harcèlement finit par l’emporter. Comme à Ras AL-Tin au nord-est de Ramallah, où plusieurs familles de bédouins ont fui, mi-juillet , après l’intensification des attaques contre eux. Aux alentours, une dizaine d’avant-postes sauvages avaient été érigés ces dernières années.
      Clothilde Mraffko

  • The Challenge of Defending Memory in Germany

    A Berlin conference organized to combat right-wing appropriation of Holocaust memory faces enduring backlash over #Palestine.

    Yet as backlash to the conference has slowly mounted in the weeks since its close—coming not only from the precincts of German opinion where hostility was anticipated, but from conference attendees themselves— it appears the opponents of the new right may be too divided to coordinate a response . After Palestinian scholar Tareq Baconi argued in a speech that European Holocaust guilt must not be used as a pretext to deny Palestinians freedom and equality, Polish historian Jan Grabowski and journalist Konstanty Gebert denounced Baconi from the conference stage and then in the German press, accusing him of antisemitism. This division reflects the reality that many of those who oppose right-wing European governments’ revision of Holocaust history often do not challenge the notion that Israel’s continued existence as a Jewish state is requisite recompense for the Holocaust—even if that means indefinitely denying Palestinians their fundamental rights. Now, a conference intended to address the instrumentalization of antisemitism risks becoming an object lesson in how such a process unfolds.

    ON THE SECOND NIGHT of “Hijacking Memory,” Hannah Tzuberi, a Berlin-based scholar of Jewish and Islamic studies, argued in a talk that Europe’s incomplete process of coming to terms with its past—what the Germans call vergangenheitsbewältigung—had resulted in Europeans projecting their own guilt for the Holocaust onto Palestinians. In the 21st century European imagination, Tzuberi said, Germans and other Europeans had, through their support for Israel, absolved themselves of culpability for the Holocaust: It was now the Palestinians, resisting Zionist colonization in Palestine, who had become the Nazis. “The birth of a morally improved German polity, made of citizens who have learned their lesson and now wish to protect what their ancestors failed to protect, goes [along] with an inscription of Palestinians as perpetrators and of Jews as their victims,” Tzuberi said.

    #culpabilité #Allemagne #antisémitisme #sionisme #colonialisme #crimes #impunité

  • Comment Israël préserve son impunité internationale en déchirant les preuves
    Gideon Levy | Lundi 4 juillet 2022 | Middle East Eye édition française

    Le 10 novembre 1975, l’ambassadeur d’Israël aux Nations unies Chaim Herzog, père du président actuel Isaac Herzog, est monté sur l’estrade de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies et a déchiré avec fracas le texte de la résolution 3379, adoptée le même jour.

    La résolution 3379 décrivait le sionisme comme « une forme de racisme et de discrimination raciale ». Israël était sous le choc. Un grand boulevard de Haïfa nommé en l’honneur de l’ONU a rapidement été rebaptisé « boulevard du Sionisme » par le conseil municipal de la ville. Quelle farce du destin : la rue nommée en signe de reconnaissance envers l’ONU pour avoir déclaré en 1947 son soutien à la création de l’État d’Israël a été renommée trois décennies plus tard en raison d’une décision différente de cette même organisation.

    Chaim Herzog est immédiatement devenu un super-héros en Israël. Ce fut le sommet de sa carrière. Les Israéliens ont estimé que son geste théâtral était une réponse appropriée à ce que le pays percevait comme un acte antisémite d’envergure mondiale. Presque tous les Israéliens, y compris moi-même plus jeune, étaient de cet avis à l’époque. Comparer sionisme et racisme ? Cela ne pouvait être que de l’antisémitisme.

    Les années ont passé. L’ONU a révoqué cette décision en décembre 1991, mais quelques décennies plus tard, tout semble à nouveau différent. Le sionisme, qui consiste aujourd’hui pour l’essentiel à préserver la suprématie juive dans un pays habité par deux peuples, ne semble plus trop éloigné de la façon dont il était présenté dans la décision initiale de l’ONU.

    De la même manière, le geste de Chaim Herzog sur l’estrade de l’ONU – déchirer les pages d’une décision que la majorité des nations du monde avaient jugée légale – semble beaucoup moins approprié aujourd’hui qu’à l’époque. (...)

    #Sionisme #antisionisme #antisémitisme

  • Matthew Teller sur Twitter : “They absolutely will not tolerate anybody displaying that flag for even one minute without intervening violently and in force. We see the same reaction from agents of the state in Moscow and Hong Kong. https://t.co/CUrPgtXXSv” / Twitter

    #sionisme #vitrine_de_la_jungle

    • A campaign of destruction, courtesy of Israel’s High Court
      Gideon Levy, Alex Levac | May 20, 2022 | Twilight Zone - Haaretz.com

      Mahmoud Najajari, 66, a resident of the community of al-Mirkez. His compound was demolished last week for the third time in the last five years.Credit: Alex Levac

      A few days after the High Court of Justice green-lighted the expulsion of residents of eight villages in the South Hebron Hills, Israeli forces started to demolish their homes: They razed 20 dwellings in three villages, leaving families homeless

      Three tattered parkas are lying in the ruins on the ground, each in a different village. There’s a chest of drawers filled with tools and another one crammed with notebooks and textbooks, scales used to weigh sheep, a sink, remains of a mattress, scraps of a carpet, ripped-up pipes – and ripped-up lives. Overshadowing everything is helplessness and the dread of what lies ahead.

      From village to village, ruin to ruin, we drove this week in the wake of the forces that had pulverized these communities the previous Wednesday, under the auspices of the High Court of Justice – validator of all the wrongs and crimes of the occupation. In each place the agents of the military government’s Civil Administration and the troops of the Border Police told the helpless people: “The High Court decided.”

      The High Court decided to eradicate one of the oldest and most fascinating fabrics of life between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea: the pastoral communities and cave dwellers of the South Hebron Hills, residents of genuine heritage sites. A first mass expulsion came in 1999, with “man of peace” Ehud Barak as prime minister – 700 new refugees, 14 devastated villages and shepherds’ communities. Now it’s 23 years later and the turn of the “government of change,” endorsed by the High Court, beacon of Israel’s extinguished justice. Same place, same evil.

      The Masafer Yatta region is the end of the world: 56,000 desolate dunams (13,840 acres) between Hebron in the West Bank and Arad in Israel, a few villages, most of them more like hamlets, in the middle of nowhere far from anyone’s eyes, most of them also far from the settlements and outposts that never stop springing up. The residents of these communities cling astoundingly to the arid, rock-strewn earth, without electricity or running water, without access roads or minimum human conditions. Instead of being offered generous aid, destruction is heaped upon them.

      In all these communities you’ll see a few ornamental trees desperately planted in the parched soil, olive groves and plots of barley that are a model of ancient agriculture amid meager means – but fruitful all the same. Every tiny bit of land here needs to be cleared of stones for something to grow in it. The sight of the budding saplings can only tug at your heartstrings.

      But not Israel’s heartstrings. Israel has coveted this area for decades and is working tirelessly to empty it of its inhabitants in order to annex it, just like it is doing in the northern Jordan Valley.

      Here in the South Hebron Hills, in what the Israel Defense Forces calls Area 918, the pretext is firing zones. Here as elsewhere, the Israeli authorities have always but always and amazingly laid waste only to Palestinian communities, never to a single settler cabin, illegal and far newer. People whose parents’ parents were born here, shepherds who were born and raised here in caves, have been declared by Israel’s High Court of Justice – so it’s called – “invaders.” Oh, and that’s not apartheid.

      During the process of destruction undertaken last week, first came Al-Fukheit, a few kilometers south of al-Tuwani, the district village, the only locale in Masafer Yatta with a master plan. Two roads lead to Fukheit, rough and rocky, each harder to navigate than the other. Whenever the local people try to repair the road a little, the Civil Administration rips up their work.

      A decorative sapling protected by a tire greets visitors to the now-razed residential compound of Mohammed Abu Sabha, a shepherd of 46 and father of six. Some 200 people live in Fukheit, which has a modest school, including high-school classes, for all the children in the area. Two compounds were demolished last week.

      Abu Sabha was born here. In the 1980s the Israelis destroyed his family’s cave and an animal pen, in 2002 they demolished a well of his and last December, four residential structures belonging to him, along with a structure for guests, a chicken coop, a dovecote and a storeroom for grain. He rebuilt it all. Last Wednesday the Israeli forces returned and wrecked it all again.

      Wearing an Emporio Armani cap, he tells us in a matter-of-fact tone how he has put up a few tents so that if the wreckers come again, the family will have somewhere to live. Tents too were torn apart that Wednesday. In the morning Abu Sabha heard that bulldozers were lurking in the area and was worried they would target him, too. The protocol is that for those who rebuild ruins, the Civil Administration doesn’t need a new demolition order to level the site again.

      They arrived at 10:30 that morning, Border Police and Civil Administration forces, along with workers. They didn’t say a word, ordered Abu Sabha’s family to move away, wrought their destruction and left. The workers wore masks.

      They didn’t get all the belongings out before the wrecking crew went to work – Abu Sabha’s mother, Wadha, who’s in her 60s, mentions the wardrobe that was crushed. When she tried to save it, she was shoved by a Border Police officer and fell. They demolished the kitchen, three rooms, a dovecote, a pen and two tents. An hour’s work. The lambs scattered in the valley and had to be rounded up. They too were left without a roof over their heads.

      Since then the Abu Sabha family has slept in two large tents that they received on the day of the demolition from the Palestinian Authority’s Committee of Popular Resistance Against the Wall and Settlements. This time the Israeli authorities didn’t demolish the solar panels, supplied by a magnificent Israeli-Palestinian nongovernment organization, Comet-ME. They only sundered their cables.

      Now Abu Sabha expects that one of the NGOs will help him rebuild. He has spent his savings on the legal battles that preceded the demolitions, like other shepherds in the area. Hope? He has none, but still he’ll never leave here.

      Vans to transport sheep cruise the dirt road that traverses the Fukheit, carrying dozens of young Palestinians instead of farm animals. They’re workers trying to sneak into Israel and they’re fleeing IDF jeeps, which we saw pursuing them a little earlier.

      The new way to haze the locals is to accuse them of transporting illegal workers or of giving them shelter. A few people have already been arrested in an area where any excuse is good for abuse. The Civil Administration has also blocked with rocks the entrance to a cave used in the winter. Until next winter, God is great.

      We proceeded with 25-year-old Basil al-Adraa of Al-Tawani, an activist and reporter for +972 Magazine, to the next heaps of rubble: the remains of the dwellings belonging to the extended Amar family, located to the east but still within Fukheit’s boundaries. These were the homes of 25 souls – the families of Nafaz Amar and his brother Raed, and their mother.

      Nafaz’s place was first demolished six years ago. Of all the people we met, he’s the only one who wasn’t born here; he moved here from Yatta, a town next to Hebron, six years ago, after other members of his family made the move 12 years ago. Invaders.

      Last Wednesday two structures belonging to him were demolished, as well as two others plus a tent belonging to his brother. Everything is now strewn across the pale earth. Nafaz tells us that a stay-of-demolition order had been issued for Raed’s compound, but to no avail. The wreckers got here around noon, after finishing with the neighbors. They removed the refrigerator, and everything else was crushed including the washing machine.

      Two air force helicopters pass directly overhead. On the distant hill across the way is Talia Farm, aka Lucifer’s Farm and Hof Hanesher Farm. Yaakov Talia, from South Africa, was a convert to Judaism whose original last name was Johannes; he was killed in a tractor accident in 2015. It’s said in these parts that he often praised South Africa’s apartheid. Well, how could it be otherwise?

      To the south, the next site of devastation is Al-Mirkez, 20 minutes from Arad across the Green Line, abutting the separation barrier. In Masafer Yatta 32,000 dunams have been declared military firing zones since the late 1970s. There are further piles of rubble in Mirkez, accompanied by the baying of poor dogs that have been chained down. Only one small structure, used for a storeroom, remains intact.

      Safa Najar, a 68-year-old widow, mother of nine and grandmother of multitudes, lives here. Seven families live in the village, two of which saw their dwellings and sheep pen demolished last Wednesday. Here too there was a demolition operation last December, so no new order was needed for the latest destruction.

      Najar now sleeps beneath the open sky, but also has a cave for the winter. The grove of young olive trees in the valley nearby belongs to her and her sons. A convoy of jeeps crosses the valley now – a visit by diplomats that was organized by the United Nations, to see the wreckage. Some of them might even write up an angry report.

      The widow’s neighbor, 66-year-old Mahmoud Najajari, wearing a black galabia, lost four rooms and a pen of 200 square meters (2,150 square feet) last week. His compound is particularly well cultivated, with ornamental trees and concrete stairs. For Najajari, who was born here in the cave below, it’s the third demolition. The first was in 2017, the second last December, then last week. He says he will continue to cultivate his home.

      The last home we see is in Al-Tawani. It belongs to Mohammed Rabai, who was arrested a year ago with his brother and remains behind bars. They have yet to be put on trial for charges of assault, during clashes involving settlers and police.

      The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories did not respond to a query from Haaretz by press time.


  • Palestine occupée : la journaliste Shireen Abu Akleh assassinée par les troupes d’occupation
    11 May 2022 | Par Al-Jazeera | Traduction : Chronique de Palestine

    Les forces israéliennes d’occupation ont abattu Shireen Abu Akleh d’un tir à la tête alors qu’elle était en mission à Jénine en Cisjordanie occupée.

    Les forces israéliennes ont abattu la journaliste d’Al Jazeera Shireen Abu Akleh en Cisjordanie occupée, selon le ministère palestinien de la Santé.

    Elle a été touchée par un tir à balle réelle mercredi alors qu’elle couvrait des raids israéliens dans la ville de Jénine et a été transportée d’urgence à l’hôpital dans un état critique, selon le ministère et des journalistes d’Al Jazeera.

    Elle a été déclarée morte à l’hôpital, a indiqué le ministère.

    Les circonstances de sa mort ne sont pas encore connues dans le détail, mais des vidéos de l’incident montrent qu’Abu Akleh a reçu une balle dans la tête, a déclaré Nida Ibrahim d’Al Jazeera.

    « Ce que nous savons pour l’instant, c’est que le ministère palestinien de la Santé a annoncé sa mort. Shireen Abu Akleh, couvrait les événements qui se déroulaient à Jénine, en particulier un raid israélien dans la ville, située au nord de la Cisjordanie occupée, lorsqu’elle a été touchée par une balle dans la tête », a déclaré Ibrahim, s’exprimant depuis la ville palestinienne de Ramallah. .

    « Comme vous pouvez l’imaginer, c’est un choc pour les journalistes qui ont travaillé avec elle. »

    S’exprimant à travers les larmes, Ibrahim a déclaré qu’Abu Akleh était une « journaliste très respectée » qui travaille avec Al Jazeera depuis le début de la deuxième Intifada palestinienne en 2000.

    Un autre journaliste palestinien a également été touché d’une balle réelle dans le dos, a indiqué le ministère de la Santé. Ali Samoudi, qui travaille pour le journal al-Quds basé à Jérusalem, serait dans un état stable.

    Le chef du bureau d’Al Jazeera à Ramallah, Walid al-Omary, a déclaré qu’il n’y avait pas eu de tirs de combattants armés palestiniens, contestant une déclaration israélienne faisant référence à cette possibilité. (...)


    • Cisjordanie : la journaliste Shireen Abu Akleh tuée lors d’affrontements - Le Point

      « L’armée [israélienne] mène une enquête sur ces événements et envisage la possibilité que les journalistes aient été atteints par des hommes armés palestiniens »

      #sionisme #criminel #vitrine_de_la_jungle
      #impunité #complicité

    • Al Jazeera reporter shot, killed by Israeli forces in West Bank city of Jenin
      May 11, 2022 - Quds News Network

      (...) Another journalist identified as Ali Asmoadi who works for the Jerusalem-based Al-Quds newspaper was also shot in the back by Israeli live bullet during the same raid and he is in a stable condition.

      Middle East Eye reporter Shatha Hanaysha said she and a group of six journalists, including Abu Akleh, were together when they came under fire by Israeli occupation snipers and that there was no fighting in the area.

      The [Israeli] gunfire didn’t stop. Although Shereen was lying on the ground, the gunfire didn’t even stop. People also couldn’t reach her from the other side,” Hanaysha said.

      “People were trying to reach her, even the private vehicle that took her to the hospital was hardly able to reach her [due to the continuing Israeli gunfire]”

      “One young man jumped off a wall and pulled me out. He then pulled Shereen out. This proved to me that we, journalists, were deliberately targeted,” Hanaysha confirmed.

      “We were a group of journalists. We were wearing a press vest. Until this moment, I’m still in my press vest. Shereen was even wearing a press-marked helmet. She was wearing a helmet.”

      “This means he who fired at her was intending to shoot her in an area of her body that’s uncovered. I consider what happened an assassination of all of us, journalists.”

      “If my colleague Mujahed and I had tried to reach her, we would’ve been directly targeted by gunfire. People were warning us that the [Israeli] snipers were not far away from us. We were opposite to the building where the Israeli snipers were positioned. This man was present there and he told us that the snipers were there. He was seeing them. The Israeli soldiers were opposite to us and were seeing us.”

      “We were standing in an area where the soldiers could identify us as journalists. I told one of my colleagues: “let’s go out of this area.””

      “But he insisted that we remained in the same area so that the soldiers could identify us as journalists.”

      “And then we would advance. We stood in an area opposite to the Israeli soldiers. We stood as a group and then we advanced. The gunfire started after we reached an area where we could not pull back.”

      “This means that if the gunfire was not aimed at our killing, then the snipers would’ve started the gunfire before we reached that area,” Hanaysha said.

      “What we know for now is that the Palestinian Health Ministry has announced her death. Shereen Abu Akleh, was covering the events unfolding in Jenin, specifically an Israeli raid the city, which is north of the occupied West Bank, when she was hit by a bullet to the head,” Al Jazeera’s Nida Ibrahim said, speaking from the Palestinian city of Ramallah.

      “As you can imagine, this is a shock to the journalists who have been working with her.”

      Speaking through tears, Ibrahim said Abu Akleh was a “very well respected journalist” who has been working with Al Jazeera since the beginning of the second Palestinian Intifada in 2000.

      Al Jazeera’s bureau chief in Ramallah, Walid al-Omary, said that there had been no shooting carried out by Palestinians, disputing an Israeli statement that claimed the possibility.

    • EU condemns Israel’s killing of Al Jazeera reporter, calls to “independent investigation”
      May 11, 2022 - Quds News Network

      Occupied Palestine (QNN)- The European Union expressed on Wednesday shock by Israel’s killing of Al Jazeera journalist, Shereen Abu Aqleh, calling for a “swift and independent investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice.”

      “Shocked by the killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqla who was reporting on ISF incursions in Jenin. We express our deepest condolences to her family and call for a swift and independent investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice,” the EU Delegation to the Palestinians tweeted today.

      “Imperative to ensure the safety and protection of journalists covering conflicts.”

    • Reporter killed in Israeli raid was U.S. citizen; ambassador urges ’thorough investigation’
      Jack KhouryNir Hasson May. 11, 2022 10:44 AM -Haaretz.com

      Shereen Abu Akleh, an al Jazeera reporter killed on Wednesday while covering an Israeli military raid in Jenin, was an American citizen, the U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said.

      “Very sad to learn of the death of American and Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh,” Nides tweeted. “I encourage a thorough investigation into the circumstances of her death and the injury of at least one other journalist today in Jenin.”

      The European Union Delegation to the Palestinians called for an independent investigation into the incident in order to “bring the perpetrators to justice.” (...)

    • @LinahAlsaafin
      11:28 AM · 11 mai 2022

      Warning: Graphic video
      Clearly depicts continued Israeli firing after Shireen Abu Akleh went down. Screams of “Ambulance”. One man tries to retrieve Shireen, others scream at him to move back from Israeli sniper range.


      other journalist in video, Shatha Hanaysha, is paralyzed with fear and can’t reach Shireen bc of the sniper.

      “I couldn’t even extend my arm to pull her because of the shots,” Hanaysha said. “The one that killed her intended to bc he shot at area of body that was not protected.”

    • B’Tselem בצלם بتسيلم
      1:10 PM · 11 mai 2022

      This morning, B’Tselem’s field researcher in Jenin documented the exact locations in which the Palestinian gunman depicted in a video distributed by the Israeli army, fired, as well as the exact location in which Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed.

      Location where journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed:
      Balat Al Shuhada’, Jenin

      Location of armed Palestinian firing in video distributed by Israeli army:

      Documentation of Palestinian gunfire distributed by Israeli military cannot be the gunfire that killed Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

    • Shireen Abu Akleh killing: media deflect responsibility away from Israel

      Israeli forces have killed an Al Jazeera journalist in the occupied West Bank. They shot Shireen Abu Akleh in the head while she was reporting on a raid they were carrying out. Already, the corporate media has absolved Israeli forces of responsibility for her killing.

    • Mort de Shireen Abu Akleh : les vidéos et la géolocalisation réfutent les allégations israéliennes | Middle East Eye édition française

      L’analyse des vidéos, images et récits des témoins oculaires de la mort de la reporter d’Al Jazeera discrédite les allégations israéliennes selon lesquelles elle aurait été touchée par des tirs palestiniens

    • Is blood of iconic journalist redder than blood of anonymous Palestinians?
      Gideon Levy | May 11, 2022 | Haaretz.com

      Is blood of iconic journalist redder than blood of anonymous Palestinians?

      The relative horror expressed over the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh is justified and necessary. It is also belated and self-righteous. Now you’re appalled? The blood of a famous journalist, no matter how brave and experienced she was – and she was – is no redder than the blood of an anonymous high school student who was traveling home in a taxi full of women in this same Jenin a month ago when she was killed by gunfire from Israeli soldiers.

      That is how Hanan Khadour was killed. Then, too, the military spokesman tried to cast doubt on the shooters’ identity: “The matter is being examined.” A month has passed, and this “examination” has yielded nothing, and never will – but the doubts were planted, and they sprouted in the Israeli fields of denial and suppression, where no one actually cares about the fate of a 19-year-old Palestinian girl, and the country’s dead conscience is silenced again. Is there a single crime committed by the military that the right and the establishment will ever accept responsibility for? Just one?

      Abu Akleh seems to be another story: an internationally known journalist. Just this past Sunday a more local journalist, Basel al-Adra, was attacked by Israeli soldiers in the South Hebron Hills, and no one cared. And a couple days ago, two Israelis who attacked journalists during the Gaza war last May were sentenced to 22 months in prison. What punishment will be meted out to soldiers who killed, if indeed they did, Abu Akleh? And what punishment was given to whoever decided on and carried out the despicable bombing of the Associated Press offices in Gaza during the fighting last year? Has anyone paid for this crime? And what about the 13 journalists who were killed during the Gaza war in 2014? And the medical personnel who were killed during demonstrations at the Gaza border fence, including 21-year-old Razan al-Najjar, who was shot dead by soldiers while wearing her white uniform? No one has been punished. Such things will always be covered by a cloud of blind justification and automatic immunity for the military and worship of its soldiers.

      Even if the smoking Israeli bullet that killed Abu Akleh is found, and even if footage is found that shows the face of the shooter, he will be treated by Israelis as a hero who is above all suspicion. It’s tempting to write that if innocent Palestinians must be killed by Israeli soldiers, better for them to be well-known and holders of U.S. passports, like Abu Akleh. At least then the U.S. State Department will voice a little displeasure – but not too much – about the senseless killing of one of its citizens by the soldiers of one of its allies.

      At the time of writing, it was still unclear who killed Abu Akleh. This is Israel’s propaganda achievement – sowing doubts, which Israelis are quick to grab onto as fact and justification, though the world does not believe them and is usually correct. When the young Palestinian boy Mohammed al-Dura was killed in 2000, Israeli propaganda also tried to blur the identity of his killers; it never proved its claims, and no one bought them. Past experience shows that the soldiers who killed the young woman in a taxi are the same soldiers who might kill a journalist. It’s the same spirit; they are permitted to shoot as they please. Those who weren’t punished for Hanan’s killing continued with Shireen.

      But the crime begins long before the shooting. The crime starts with the raiding of every town, refugee camp, village and bedroom in the West Bank every night, when necessary but mainly when not necessary. The military correspondents will always say that this was done for the sake of “arresting suspects,” without specifying which suspects and what they’re suspected of, and resistance to these incursions will always be seen as “a breach of order” – the order in which the military can do as it pleases and the Palestinians cannot do anything, certainly not show any resistance.

      Abu Akleh died a hero, doing her job. She was a braver journalist than all Israeli journalists put together. She went to Jenin, and many other occupied places, where they have rarely if ever visited, and now they must bow their heads in respect and mourning. They also should have stopped spreading the propaganda spread by the military and government regarding the identity of her killers. Until proven otherwise, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the default conclusion must be: the Israeli military killed Shireen Abu Akleh.

  • Ahmed Abofoul sur Twitter : ““Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination” - UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 (1975), was revoked in 1991, not because it wasn’t accurate, but because its revocation was Israel’s condition to participate in the Madrid Peace Conference. #EndIsraeliApartheid https://t.co/er66v77tQV” / Twitter

    #sionisme #criminel

  • شنشون sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/humanprovince/status/1521141668111695876

    Good reporting on Americans trying to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from Jerusalem and getting a tax break for their efforts

    Americans in Jerusalem Are Helping Kick Out Palestinians - YouTube

    What’s a guy from Virginia doing building a fence outside a Palestinian family’s house?

    In exclusive footage obtained by AJ+, a group of Americans were filmed installing wiring and a fence around the land just outside the Salem family home in occupied East Jerusalem.

    The incident happened just days after the family was served an eviction notice by settlers who are linked to U.S. charities .

    #états-unis #sionisme #vitrine_de_la_jungle #crimes #sans_vergogne

  • AJ+ sur Twitter : “Sick of the way Western news media talk about his people and the abuses they suffer, this Palestinian activist is calling out the networks. m7mdkurd is facing forced expulsion from his home by Israeli settlers. He wants to see U.S. networks reflect the realities he sees.” / Twitter


    #sionisme #vitrine_de_la_jungle

  • UN expert warns Israeli crackdown will fuel more violence, urges international response | OHCHR

    The reported incidents of settler violence towards Palestinians or their property in 2021 was the highest since statistics were first gathered in 2017. And the number of Palestinian homes demolished as a result of Israeli orders in 2021 was the most since 2016.

    “Israel has chosen to deepen its occupation through the establishment of 300 settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory in violation of international law, where 700,000 Israeli Jewish settlers live with full legal and political citizenship rights amidst five million stateless and rightless Palestinians,” Lynk said.

    “A permanent occupation – a legal oxymoron – provides the Palestinians with no political horizon and no hope, only the despair of more of the same.”

    #sionisme #criminel #impunité #vitrine_de_la_jungle

  • Miko Peled sur Twitter : “Zionism is a racist and violent ideology. There is no such thing as progressive Zionism. The proof is in how Palestinians are treated and massacred. The proof is in how Israelis keep electing racist and violent leaders. https://t.co/BK6VgVEyXi” / Twitter


  • Une nouvelle affaire d’espionnage implique la société de surveillance israélienne #NSO en Jordanie

    « Le fait que le ciblage que nous avons découvert ait eu lieu après la large publicité faite autour du procès intenté par Apple est à relever ; une entreprise qui respecterait vraiment ces préoccupations aurait au moins mis en pause les opérations de ses clients gouvernementaux, comme la Jordanie, dont les antécédents en matière de violation des droits de l’homme ont été largement documentés », notent les rédacteurs de Front Line Defenders et du Citizen Lab.

    #impunité #crimes #sionisme

  • #Lowkey says he will ’not be silenced on #Palestine' after push to remove him from Spotify | Middle East Eye

    The group We Believe in Israel is lobbying to remove the British rapper’s music off Spotify after calling his songs ’problematic’


    […] the director of We Believe in Israel, Luke Akehurst, […] is a regular attendee at Israeli government events aimed at developing ideas on how to ban pro-Palestine solidarity from online platforms.


  • Israël impose aux Palestiniens « une réalité d’#apartheid dans un monde post-apartheid », dit un rapport de l’ONU

    Michael Lynk, rapporteur spécial de l’ONU sur la situation des droits de l’homme dans « le Territoire palestinien occupé depuis 1967 », a publié son dernier rapport avant de mettre fin à son mandat et d’être remplacé par Francesca Albanes. Et il y conclut que la situation et les preuves en vigueur sont satisfaisantes pour parler de l’existence d’un apartheid qu’Israël impose aux Palestiniens.

    #sionisme #Palestine

  • Israel ‘shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state,’ Amnesty USA director tells Democratic group

    Quelques passages assez explosifs de la déclaration du directeur d’Amnesty International USA à propos du « caractère juif » de l’Etat israélien. Des daclarations qui donnent raison à ceux qui pensent que les juifs aux USA, notamment les pllus jeunes, se détournent de plus en plus d’un soutien inconditionnel au sionisme israélien.

    ... the group’s USA director appeared to go a step further on Wednesday, suggesting to a Woman’s National Democratic Club audience that the bulk of American Jews do not want Israel to be a Jewish state, but rather “a safe Jewish space” based on “core Jewish values.”


    Rather than a Jewish state, American Jews want “a safe Jewish space,” O’Brien continued. “I think they can be convinced over time that the key to sustainability is to adhere to what I see as core Jewish values, which are to be principled and fair and just in creating that space.” (The pro-Israel community rejects this “one-state solution” argument as a cover for the dissolution of a Jewish state.)


    Israel “shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state,” O’Brien told some 20 in-person and 30 virtual attendees at the Wednesday lunch event, before adding “Amnesty takes no political views on any question, including the right of the State of Israel to survive.”

    #israël #sionisme

  • WATCH: The dark past and present of the Jewish National Fund - +972 Magazine

    Massive wildfires in the Jerusalem hills uncovered both the ecological dangers of the JNF’s afforestation project and the vestiges of Palestinian life from before 1948, which the organization deliberately buried under those forests after Israel’s founding.

    #vol #vitrine_de_la_jungle #sionisme

  • Israël : les Palestiniens sont victimes d’un apartheid
    Publié le 02.02.2022 - Amnesty International France

    Ségrégation territoriale et restrictions de mouvement, saisies massives de biens fonciers et immobiliers, expulsions forcées, détentions arbitraires, tortures, homicides illégaux… Après un long travail de recherche, notre nouveau rapport démontre que les lois, politiques et pratiques mises en place par les autorités israéliennes ont progressivement créé un système d’apartheid à l’encontre du peuple palestinien dans son ensemble.

    Après un travail de recherche de près de quatre ans, nous publions notre rapport, «  L’Apartheid commis par Israël à l’encontre des Palestiniens. Un système cruel de domination et un crime contre l’humanité  ». Sur la base d’une analyse juridique et d’une enquête de terrain minutieuses, il documente la mise en place par Israël, à travers des lois et des politiques discriminatoires, d’un système d’oppression et de domination institutionnalisé à l’encontre du peuple palestinien. Si ces violations sont plus fréquentes et plus graves dans les territoires palestiniens occupés (TPO), elles sont également commises en Israël et à l’encontre des réfugiés palestiniens, présents dans des pays tiers. (...)


    • Amnesty International dissèque l’apartheid d’Israël
      Jean Stern > 1er février 2022

      Démolition d’une maison palestinienne dans la ville d’Hébron, en Cisjordanie occupée, le 28 décembre 2021
      Hazem Bader/AFP

      L’organisation de défense des droits humains Amnesty International s’en prend au système cruel de domination sur la population palestinienne, qu’elle soit en Israël, dans les territoires occupés, à Gaza ou réfugiée. Ce tournant majeur d’Amnesty, qui réclame la saisine de la Cour pénale internationale, est un coup dur pour le gouvernement israélien. Orient XXI a lu le rapport en avant-première.

      La première secousse a lieu en 2020, quand l’organisation de juristes israéliens Yesh Din emploie le terme « apartheid » pour qualifier un système autoproclamé démocratique qui, jusqu’à présent, passait entre les gouttes de l’analyse politique objective. La proximité rendant lucide, une autre ONG israélienne, B’Tselem, creuse le sillon en janvier 2021 en estimant qu’il est temps de dire « non à l’apartheid des rives du Jourdain à celle de Méditerranée » (...)

    • « Demander la fin de l’apartheid c’est demander la fin d’Israël »

      Mairav Zonszein מרב זונשיין sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/MairavZ/status/1488604261986586632

      This is really key. Israel’s existence is premised on systematically oppressing others to no end and a growing majority of Jewish Israelis came to terms with that. That doesn’t mean it can go on. There are Israelis who want a different state, but they are outcast.

    • […] l’Etat hébreu proteste

      Dès lundi, M. Lapid avait demandé à Amnesty de « retirer » son rapport.

      « Amnesty était naguère une organisation estimée (...). Aujourd’hui, elle est exactement le contraire », a-t-il déclaré, accusant l’ONG d’être devenue « une organisation radicale ».


      Et bien sûr…

      Et de l’accuser d’antisémitisme.

      #sionisme #sans_vergogne #chutzpah

    • Tell me what’s untrue in Amnesty’s report on Israel
      Gideon Levy | Feb. 3, 2022 | Haaretz.com

      As the curses and screeches subside – Amnesty are antisemites, the report is full of lies, the methodology is absurd – one must ask: What, precisely, is incorrect in the apartheid report?

      Was Israel not founded on an explicit policy of maintaining Jewish demographic hegemony, while reducing the number of Palestinians within its boundaries? Yes or no? True or false? Does this policy not exist to this day? Yes or no? True or false? Does Israel not maintain a regime of oppression and control of Palestinians in Israel and in the occupied territories for the benefit of Israeli Jews? Yes or no? True or false? Do the rules of engagement with Palestinians not reflect a policy of shoot to kill, or at least maim? Yes or no? True or false? Are the evictions of Palestinians from their homes and the denial of construction permits not part of Israeli policy? Yes or no? True or false?

      Is Sheikh Jarrah not apartheid? Is the nation-state law not apartheid? And the denial of family reunification? And the unrecognized villages? And the “Judaization”? Is there a single sphere, in Israel or the territories, in which there is true, absolute equality, except in name?

      To read the report is to despair. It’s everything we knew, but condensed. Yet no despair or remorse was felt in Israel. Most of the media marginalized and blurred it, and the hasbara choir batted it away. The propaganda minister, Yair Lapid, recited his lines and went on the attack even before the report was published. Diaspora Affairs Minister Nachman Shai was quick to follow. The international report has yet to be born that Israel won’t denounce while neglecting to respond to a single point it makes. One organization after another, some of them important and honest, call it apartheid, and Israel says: antisemitism.

      Please, prove Amnesty wrong. That there aren’t two systems of justice in the territories, two sets of rights and two formulas for the distribution of resources. That the legitimization of Evyatar is not apartheid. That Jews being able to reclaim their pre-1948 property while Palestinians are denied the same right is not apartheid. That a verdant settlement right next to a shepherd’s community with no power or running water is not apartheid. That Israel’s Arab citizens aren’t discriminated against systematically, institutionally. That the Green Line has not been erased. What’s not true?

      Even Mordechai Kremnitzer was frightened by the report and attacked it. His arguments: The report does not distinguish the occupied territories from Israel, and it treats the past as if it were the present. That’s how it goes when even leftist academia enlists in defense of Zionist propaganda. Accusing Israel of the sins of 1948 and calling it apartheid is like accusing the United States of apartheid because of the Jim Crow past, he wrote in Wednesday’s Haaretz.

      The difference is that institutionalized racism in the United States has gradually disappeared, whereas in Israel it’s alive and kicking as strong as ever. The Green Line has been obliterated too. It’s been one state for a while now. Why should Amnesty make the distinction? 1948 goes on. The Nakba goes on. A straight line connects Tantura and Jiljilya. In Tantura they massacred, in Jiljilya they caused an 80-year-old man to die, and in both cases Palestinian lives aren’t worth a thing.

      There is, of course, no propaganda without accolades for the justice system. “The important contribution of the government’s legal counsel and the courts, which, against a large political majority, prevented the banning of Arab candidates and lists for Knesset … An Arab party joining the coalition immediately puts the accusation of apartheid to ridicule,” wrote Kremnitzer.

      It’s so good to wave the High Court of Justice, which has not prevented a single occupation iniquity, and Mansour Abbas to prove there’s no apartheid. Seventy-four years of statehood without a new Arab city, without an Arab university or a train station in an Arab city are all dwarfed by the great whitewasher of the occupation, the High Court of Justice, and a minor Arab coalition partner, and even that one considered illegitimate.

      The world will continue to hurl the invective, Israel will continue to ignore it. The world will say apartheid, Israel will say antisemitism. But the evidence will keep piling up. What is written in the report does not stem from antisemitism, but will help strengthen it. Israel is the greatest motivator of antisemitic urges in the world today.

    • Israel’s incitement against Amnesty is part of broader delegitimization campaign against human rights defenders
      2022 February 3

      Geneva – The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched an incitement campaign against Amnesty International after the latter released a report on Tuesday concluding that Israel’s discriminatory and exclusionary laws, policies and practices against Palestinians amount to apartheid, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor said in a statement.
      Amnesty’s conclusion that Israel is an apartheid state is consistent with the conclusions of many human rights organizations including the Geneva-based Euro-Med Monitor, the New York-based Human Rights Watch, and the Israel-based B’Tselem.

      The report is also in line with a report prepared by Euro-Med Monitor’s Chairman of Board of Trustees, Prof. Richard Falk, and the American expert, Virginia Tilley, in March of 2017. The report was prepared at the request of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA). However, under political pressure, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres instructed the Executive Secretary of ESCWA, Rima Khalaf, to withdraw the report from the website. Khalaf submitted her resignation on March 17 in response, and the report was subsequently withdrawn from the website.

      Amnesty’s report comes a day after Euro-Med Monitor released a report on settler violence during 2021. The Euro-Med Monitor’s report concluded that settler violence is directed and sponsored by the Israeli government, which provides settlers protection during and after their attacks on Palestinians. State-sanctioned Settler violence is yet another clear evidence of the double standards that reflects discrimination and apartheid practiced by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories.

      Euro-Med Monitor expresses its solidarity with Amnesty, calling on the Israeli authorities to stop intimidating human rights defenders and take immediate measures to protect them and enable them to work easily and without penalties.

      The international community should take urgent measures to ensure the protection of Palestinian civilians from Israeli authorities’ violations and apartheid policies.

    • Israeli Apartheid Unmasked
      PCHR | Date : 2 February 2022

      The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights welcomes Amnesty International’s report on the Israeli apartheid system against Palestinians, and its conclusion that all Israeli institutions are involved in the apartheid system against Palestinians within Israel, the occupied Palestinian territory, and Palestinian refugees in diaspora. PCHR sees this stance by an international and pioneering organization against the Israeli apartheid against the Palestinian people is an invaluable contribution to the narratives that falls inline with previous reports issued less than a year ago by Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem. This definitely is a doorway leading to new opportunities of international collaboration to dismantle the last outpost of discrimination in the world.

      For more than quarter of a century, Palestinian human rights organizations documented the many facets of the Israeli apartheid system against Palestinians, best captured in the discriminative legal, legislative, political, and administrative foundations and practices that Israel employed to impose a Jewish hegemony over all territories under its control from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea. These practices inherently deprive Palestinians of their basic rights, dismantle Palestinian geography, fragment Palestinian society into administrative and political groups under Israeli control, not to mention the systematic usurpation of Palestinians’ natural resources and lands for the benefit of Jewish populations.

      A little over 20 years ago, in parallel with the first United Nations World Conference against Racism that was organized by the United Nations in Durban, South Africa in 2001, Palestinian civil society organizations sounded the alarm against the Israeli apartheid system. A parallel international civil society forum, with the majority of more than 1,300 non-governmental organizations, was held in Durban and released the Durban Declaration, which condemned Israel and its apartheid system against the Palestinian people, associating it with the past apartheid system in South Africa and all discriminative phenomena across the globe.

      Palestinian civil society and human rights organizations paid a hefty price in its struggle to unveil the Israeli apartheid system and its blatant and incessant breaches of international law at the expense of Palestinians. These organizations exerted all efforts to expose the practices by the Israeli apartheid and to end the Israeli impunity by pursuing legal channels to hold those responsible accountable. Over the years, Israel has countered with a relentless war against Palestinian civil society organizations, and human rights defenders to delegitimize them and dry up their sources of funding in its attempt to maintain its apartheid and its entrenched hegemony over the Palestinian people. This is evident in the recent classification of six Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist organizations in November 2021, including 3 pioneering and internationally renowned human rights organizations.

      Raji Sourani, PCHR’s Director, commented about the Amnesty Report saying,

      “Israel has failed to silence our voices and delegitimize us. What we said more than 20 years ago is now repeated by Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and B’Tselem. We do not stand alone anymore, and these international voices echo ours. The Israeli Apartheid’s mask fell off, and a new stage of struggle has started at the international level to take down the apartheid and end all its crimes against the Palestinian civilians.”

    • Point de presse du 1er février 2022 - France-Diplomatie-Ministère des Affaires étrangères

      2. Rapport d’Amnesty International

      Q - Amnesty International rend public aujourd’hui son rapport intitulé « L’apartheid d’Israël contre les Palestiniens : système cruel de domination et de crime contre l’humanité ». L’ONG estime que ce système d’apartheid est à l’oeuvre depuis 1948. Elle lance donc un appel au Bureau du Procureur de la CPI pour examine l’applicabilité du crime contre l’humanité de l’apartheid dans le cadre de son enquête lancée le 3 mars 2021 sur les crimes commis dans les territoires palestiniens occupés (TPO). Tout en prenant soin d’éviter la comparaison avec l’apartheid d’Afrique du sud, Amnesty pense que « l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies devrait rétablir le Comité spécial contre l’apartheid, qui a été créé à l’origine en novembre 1962, pour se concentrer sur toutes les situations, y compris Israël et les TPO ». Que pensez-vous de ce rapport et surtout, que pensez-vous de ces propositions ? Par ailleurs, le ministre israélien des affaires étrangères, Yaïr Lapid, parle, à propos de ce rapport, « d’antisémitisme ». Pensez-vous également que cela relève de l’antisémitisme ?

      R - Les services du ministère de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères examineront attentivement ce rapport.

      La position de la France sur le conflit israélo-palestinien est connue, constante, et fondée sur le droit international.

      La France continuera d’oeuvrer en faveur d’une solution à deux Etats, qui doit permettre l’établissement d’un Etat palestinien indépendant, démocratique et contigu, vivant aux côtés de l’Etat d’Israël dans la paix et la sécurité, dans le cadre du droit international et des résolutions du Conseil de sécurité.