• Une enquête super-indépendante blanchit Gerhard Lehmann.

    A German Interior Ministry report has cleared a top U.N. investigator in the Hariri assassination from bribery allegations made by Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, a source familiar with the case told The Daily Star.


    Investigators conceded that the video shown by Nasrallah depicts an individual who could possibly be Lehmann, but they concluded that the footage does not show a transfer of money, and certainly not of thousands of dollars, the source said.

    The investigation decided that Nasrallah’s allegations were not legally sufficient to create credible suspicion against Lehmann, and were considered “secondhand knowledge at best” but were more likely “unconfirmed rumors,” the source said.

    The source said the report questioned why Nasrallah did not know the exact amount of the money allegedly given to Lehmann, why none of the details of partners who allegedly bought testimony from him have been made public, and why the date and location of the meeting where Lehmann allegedly received the money were not disclosed.

    Pour la bonne bouche, tout de même, voici la fameuse vidéo d’un individu qui n’est pas forcément Lehmann empocher une liasse peut-être pas de billets avec un air gourmand à une date et dans un lieu tellement indéterminés que ce n’est peut-être pas pendant qu’il travaillait pour Detlev Mehlis :

    Évidemment, si on avait disposé d’une vidéo similaire permettant de relier vaguement des responsables du Hezbollah aux attentats commis au Liban, il n’aurait pas fallu 2 ans à un « rapport du ministère de l’intérieur allemand » pour décréter qu’il s’agit d’une preuve irréfutable.
