• Dans Bitch Magazine j’avais lu pas mal d’article sur le genre des gamers, cette impression d’un milieu masculin où en fait il y a beaucoup de femmes, cachées sous pseudo masculin ou qui la jouent discrète à cause de la violence de genre des échanges...

      Carolyn Petit Is at the Forefront of Feminist Video Game Criticism | Bitch Media

      A decade ago, video-game criticism was bleak. The gaming industry seemed to be the virtual final frontier where straight, white, cis dudes could roam free without ever having to consider the implications of the content they consumed. While every other form of media, from literature to film to music, was ripe for feminist analysis, the men treated as the intended audience of most video games had no interest in critically thinking about topics like queer representation, violence against women, or the male gaze.

      Enter Feminist Frequency’s Tropes vs. Women in Video Games. In 2013, the Kickstarter-funded YouTube series analyzing the representation of women in games became an immediate success; the crowdfunding campaign raised more than $150,000 and garnered millions of views. Unfortunately, Tropes vs. Women received its fair share of backlash. To say that Gamergate—an online harassment campaign targeting women in the gaming industry—was an utter shit show would be a massive understatement. As it turned out, hordes of angry, faceless men were supremely invested in shielding their beloved games from social critique.

      Thankfully, video-game criticism and the content of the games themselves has come a long way.

      #jeux_vidéo #masculinité

  • 36C3 - Let’s play Infokrieg

    Wie die radikale Rechte (ihre) Politik gamifiziert

    Manche Spiele will man gewinnen, andere will man einfach nur spielen. Bei vielen Spielen will man beides. Spielen macht Spaß. Gewinnen auch. Warum also nicht immer und überall spielen? Warum nicht Politik spielen wie einen Multiplayer-Shooter? Mit motivierten Kameraden und ahnungslosen Gegnern? Mit zerstörbarer Umgebung, erfolgreichen Missionen und zu erobernden Flaggen? Teile der radikalen Rechten tun das mit Erfolg. Der Vortrag schaut sich einige Beispiele aus Deutschland und den USA näher an.

    Wir sprechen von “Spielifizierung”, weYouTubenn typische Elemente von Spielmechaniken genutzt werden, um in spielfremden Kontexten motivationssteigernd zu wirken. Während diese Strategie vor allem wirtschaftlich genutzt wird, um Kundenbindung und Mitarbeiterproduktivität zu erhöhen, ist sie auch zu einem zunehmend wichtigen Teil politischer Kultur geworden. Insbesondere Online-Communities verwenden Spielelemente, Memes/Lore und spielnahe Unterhaltungsformate, um ihre sozialen Beziehungen und jene zur Realität zu gestalten und zu strukturieren.

    Innerhalb solcher Beziehungen war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis archetypische NPCs wie der gewöhnliche Troll sich zu Lone-Wolf-Spielercharakteren entwickeln, Rudel bilden und sich in einem stetig wachsenden und ausdifferenzierenden System von Gilden und meritokratischen Jagdverbänden organisieren würden. Die Politisierung solcher neuer Stammesgesellschaften ist eine logische Konsequenz dieser Evolution.

    Der Vortrag beleuchtet einerseits den US-kulturellen Hintergrund des Feldes: von der Spielmetapher als legitimierenden Rahmen in der “Manosphere”, “#Gamergate” und Operationen der chan-übergreifenden /pol/-Community. Andererseits sucht er Strategien, die darauf abzielen, Teile des politischen Diskurses zu “gamen”, zu kapern und zu verstärken, auch in deutscher Trollkultur auf, vom genreprägenden “Drachengame” bis zu explizit politischen Initiativen wie “Reconquista Germanica”... und dem live gestreamten Terror einer neuen faschistischen Subkultur.

    Arne Vogelgesang

    #nazis #propagande #jeux

  • Accusé de discrimination sexiste, le géant du jeu vidéo Riot Games va payer 10 millions de dollars

    Le studio de « League of Legends » est visé par des plaintes d’employées, qui dénoncent notamment des différences de salaire injustifiées entre les hommes et les femmes. Riot Games aurait-il trouvé une porte de sortie dans le conflit qui l’oppose à ses employées ? Le Los Angeles Times rapporte, lundi 2 décembre, que le géant du jeu vidéo a trouvé un accord avec les salariées qui l’accusent de discrimination sexiste : il versera 10 millions de dollars (9 millions d’euros), répartis entre toutes les femmes (...)

    #RiotGames #game #jeu #procès #conditions #harcèlement #travailleurs #discrimination

  • Riot Games will pay $10 million to settle gender discrimination suit

    Riot Games agreed to pay out at least $10 million to women who worked at the company in the last five years as part of a settlement in a class action lawsuit over alleged gender discrimination, according to court documents filed Monday. The suit began in November 2018 when two women who had worked at the Los Angeles game studio, which makes the popular “League of Legends” game and is owned by the Chinese technology giant Tencent, sued over violations of the California Equal Pay act, alleging (...)

    #RiotGames #game #jeu #procès #conditions #harcèlement #discrimination #travailleurs


  • Inside The Culture Of Sexism At Riot Games

    Throughout her three years at Riot Games, the company behind League of Legends, Lacy made it her mission to hire a woman into a leadership role. Lacy had heard plenty of excuses for why her female job candidates weren’t Riot material. Some were “ladder climbers.” Others had “too much ego.” Most weren’t “gamer enough.” A few were “too punchy,” or didn’t “challenge convention,” a motto you can find in Riot’s company manifesto and recruiting materials. “Across the board, you’d have side-by-side similar (...)

    #RiotGames #game #jeu #procès #conditions #discrimination #harcèlement #travailleurs

  • Der Taxi Racer in Berlin : Amazon.de : Games

    Der Taxi Racer in Berlin
    von Emme Deutschland
    Plattform : Mac, Windows |
    Alterseinstufung: USK ab 0 freigegeben

    Informationen zum Spiel

    Plattform: Windows, Mac
    USK-Einstufung: USK ab 0 freigegeben
    Medium: Computerspiel


    ASIN: B0000C1CC0


    Mit Vollgas durchs Brandenburger Tor! Spielen Sie die actionreiche und tempogeladene 3D-Taxi-Racing-Simulation. Ihre Aufgabe besteht darin, Fahrgäste so schnell wie möglich und ohne Rücksicht auf Verkehrsschilder an ihren Bestimmungsort zu bringen. Verschiedene Fahrzeuge stehen Ihnen zur Verfügung, um mit atemberaubendem Tempo und waghalsigen Überholmanövern durch die Straßen Berlins zu rasen. Überschläge, dramatische Crashs und 360 Grad Dreher sind bei diesem Highspeed-Actionspiel vorprogrammiert. Für außergewöhnlich spektakuläre Stunts bekommen Sie sogar Bonuspunkte! Sollte Ihr Wagen durch Ihren rasanten Fahrstil zu stark beschädigt werden, so können Sie ihn in einer Werkstatt reparieren lassen. Bei diesem detailgenauen 3D-Actionspiel können sich die Rennfahrer von heute richtig austoben und müssen sich an keine Verkehrsregeln halten! Doch Vorsicht, Ihre Fahrgäste dulden nicht alles! Die TOP-Features von „Der TAXI RACER in BERLIN“: 4 Fahrermitsamt Wagen wählbar: Mercenary-C Limo, Zetto3 Cabrio, Gulfwar GTI, und 70s Style-Granado 2 zusätzliche Bonus-Fahrzeuge werden im Missionsverlauf freigeschaltet. Für noch mehr Action! Bonuspunkte für verrückte Stunts & Fahrmanöver 21 Missionen in 4 Stadtbezirken der Hauptstadt 10 verschiedene Passanten mit flotten Sprüchen Objekte wie Mülltonnen, Laternen, Sitzgruppen & vieles mehr können umgefahren werden Heftiger Soundtrack, wummernde Bässe und knackige Sound-Effekte passend zum Spiel Detailnahes 3D-Modell der Berliner Innenstadt Stuffenlos optimierbar für normale und schnelle Rechner Die geprüfte, originale deutsche Vollversion! „Der TAXI RACER in Berlin für Microsoft Windows“ wurde hervorragend bewertet von „PC Joker“, Ausgabe 02/2004 Systemvoraussetzungen System: Windows 98/ME/XP Prozessor Empfehlung: ab 1 GHz RAM: 128 MB Freier Festplattenspeicher: mind. 131 MB Grafikkarte: 3D-Beschleunigung mit 32 MB Steuerung: Tastatur & Maus

    1,0 von 5 SternenNaja
    27. November 2015
    Verifizierter Kauf
    Lässt zu wünschen übrig aber war ja fast geschenkt. Hatte es aus meiner Kindheit besser in Erinnerung. Schade aber naja
    Kommentar Missbrauch melden
    Captain Kosy
    5,0 von 5 SternenDas beste Spiel seiner Serie! Unschlagbar, genial!!!
    28. Juni 2010
    Wer Berlin liebt (so wie ich) und wer Berlin kennen lernen will, für den ist „Taxi-Racer in Berlin“ absolut gemacht. Man lernt spielerisch die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten in Berlin kennen und kann alle Level bestehen. Während man die Nachfolger „TaxiRacer in London“ nur bedingt und „TaxiRacer in NewYork“ absolut nicht empfehlen kann, ist dieses Spiel einfach unschlagbar!!

    Während man die Fahrgäste von A nach B befördert, werden wie beim Navi die Straßennamen genannt, in denen man gerade unterwegs ist. Man bekommt zum Beispiel eine Fahrt von der Siegessäule zum Alexander Platz. Es macht tierisch Spaß mit 180 km/h durchs Brandenburger Tor zu rasen, was man in der Realität nicht direkt machen kann bzw. nicht machen sollte. Die Realität sollte man beim Spiel wegdenken, denn man kann bei dem Spiel auch in die Spree fahren, um so schneller ans Ziel zu kommen. Dabei geht man unter (später kann man wieder hochfahren) und fährt durch das Flussbett zum Ziel. Im Spiel sind auch Schanzen versteckt, die man spaßighalber benutzen kann. Wenn man richtig gut ist, kann man sie prima für die schnelle Weiterfahrt einsetzen.

    Für diejenigen, die die Level nicht schaffen, gibt es Mogelcodes (Cheats) im Netz. Aber ich habs auch ohne geschafft... Man sollte am Besten die Fahrgäste mit gelben oder orangem Euro-Zeichen einsammeln. Die Fahrgäste wollen meistens nicht weit gefahren werden und bezahlen recht gut.

    Fazit: Das Spiel ist absolut empfehlenswert. „TaxiRacer in Berlin“ bleibt und ist unschlagbar! Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist klasse. Für den Fan sowieso ein Muss.

    #Berlin #Taxi #Spiel #game #jeux

  • Taxi Challenge Berlin: Amazon.de: Games

    Alt und wohl eher weniger gut. Aber vielleicht hat es in zwischen Patina angesetzt und gefällt durch den Nostalgiefaktor.


    Stahlharte Nerven und flinke Reflexe sind bei TAXI Challange BERLIN Grundvorraussetzung. Wo U-Bahn-Tunnel und andere Abkürzungen zur Verfügung stehen, ist an gemütliches Herumfahren nicht zu denken. Mit jedem zahlenden Fahrgast steigt die Chance auf den Titel des besten Taxifahrers von Berlin. Für ausgedehnte Besichtigungen der Berliner Innenstadt hat der Spieler absolut keine Zeit. Der irre 3D-Fahrspaß steckt in einer ganz und gar normalen Taxifahrt am PC. Als Kutscher ohne Furcht und Tadel nimmt der User das virtuelle Lenkrad in die Hand. Ohne Geld und vom Chef gefeuert, hat der Taxifahrer nur 24 nervenaufreibende Stunden, um der Welt zu zeigen, wer der beste Taxenlenker überhaupt ist. Zuvor steht jedoch der harte Kampf um zahlende Fahrgäste auf dem Plan. Aggressive Passanten und andere Chaoten machen diese Aufgabe nicht gerade leicht. Nur bei pünktlicher Ankunft am gewünschten Ziel gibt es bares Geld für die Hetzerei. Waghalsige Stunts verheißen ebenfalls ein steigendes Punktekonto. Doch wie gewonnen, so zerronnen. Blechschäden und andere Blessuren am Auto repariert die Werkstatt nur gegen harten Euro. Für noch schnellere Zeiten sind auch ungewöhnliche Abkürzungen erlaubt. Steht also ein Gebäude der kürzeren Strecke im Wege, dann nichts wie hindurch und somit kostbare Minuten gespart. Zu Beginn stehen vier abgedrehte Charaktere in ihren Fahrzeugen zur Auswahl bereit. Anschließend geht es auf die digitale Piste von Berlin. Dutzende realer Gebäude und ein 3D-Modell der Stadt machen Lust auf eine Entdeckungsfahrt der anderen Art. Mehr als 20 Missionen und andere aufregende Modi warten auf die Fahrkünste des Actionfreaks.

    Produktbeschreibung des Herstellers
    Rasen Sie durch die Hauptstadt und werden Sie „Taxi-König“ von Berlin. Die Fahrgäste: aggressive Omas, süsse Lolitas, Gays und viele mehr.


    Prof. Dr. S. Piasecki
    5,0 von 5 SternenEndlich mal ein Spaßfaktor...
    9. Juli 2002
    Das es sowas gibt, hätte ich nicht gedacht. Ein Rennspiel, das in Deutschland spielt und noch dazu große Teile einer Stadt beinhaltet. Das ist in diesem Spiel ziemlich gut gelungen. Natürlich ist nicht jedes Detail drin, aber die wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten sind drin (ziemlich gut: der Potsdamer Platz). Dazu die wichtigsten Straßen (falls mal jemand die Loveparade-Route nachfahren will). Weiterhin jede Menge Laternen, Mülltonnen, Straßencafes etc. die man natürlich alle umfahren kann. Die Menge an Passanten und Straßenverkehr ist enorm. Wer einen einigermaßen flotten Rechner (ab P3 500) hat, hat ziemlich viel zu entdecken.

    Aber das beste ist der Missionsmodus. Man kann abends nur ein paar Minuten spielen oder auch ein paar Stunden. Man kommt einfach nicht davon los. Man fährt einfach immer wieder noch eine Runde. Oder spielt eine der alten Missionen, die man auch nachher noch laden kann. Endlich mal ein Spiel mit einer riesigen 3D-Welt, einer Menge Spielspaß und einem Spielkonzept, das einem das Loslegen erlaubt, ohne daß man dafür noch eine halbe Stunde ein Handbuch lesen muß. Noch dazu ist der Preis absolut angenehm.

    Claudia Garunn
    5,0 von 5 Sternen"Voll fett, Meister" (Zitat aus Taxi Challenge Berlin)
    3. Mai 2002
    Dem Ausruf des Punkers in diesem Spiel kann frau eigentlich nichts hinzufügen. Meiner ganzen Familie macht das Spiel Spaß und wir wetten schon, wer die meiste Kohle macht. :)
    Wenn man sich erst einmal an die Steuerung gewöhnt hat (geht sehr schnell), geht wirklich die Post ab. Mein Mann zieht ja sein Lenkrad vor, meine kleine Tochter (7 Jahre) und ich spielen aber lieber per Tastatur. Für die Kleine wäre das Lenkrad auch etwas zu wuchtig. Ich hoffe, dass demnächst mehr Städte versorgt, bzw. versoftet werden. Bis dann, Claudia

    Amazon Customer
    1,0 von 5 SternenDas Spiel ist ein einziger Cliping Fehler
    7. Juli 2002
    Ich weiß nicht was man sich dabei gedacht hat. Berlin sieht aus als hätte es jemand Fotografiert, dann gestreckt und dann eingefügt. Realismus ist in diesen Spiel nicht vorhanden. Die Leute die dieses Spiel gemacht haben, müssen sich wohl ein Buch aus der Bücherei ausgeliehen haben(Wie mach ich Computerspiele), wie das Kapitel Cliping fehlte. Jede Minute rast du durch die Starße durch und fährst auch durch Häuser. Also jeden anraten sich Crazy Taxi zu kaufen oder die Taxi Missionen von GTA 3 machen.

    #Berlin #Taxi #Spiel #game #jeux

  • Blizzard se retrouve au cœur d’une polémique internationale pour avoir appliqué la censure chinoise

    Blizzard Entertainment est en train de payer cher sa décision de sanctionner un joueur pro de Hearthstone. Depuis quelques jours, Blizzard est dans l’œil du cyclone en raison d’une décision qui prête à débat. Ainsi, le studio a disqualifié un joueur professionnel de Hearthstone parce qu’il a osé s’exprimer sur la situation à Hong Kong (« Libérez Hong Kong, la révolution de notre temps ! »). Dans un contexte de crise entre la Chine et Hong Kong, la première étant privilégiée par les multinationales, cette (...)

    #Blizzard_Entertainment #game #jeu #activisme #surveillance #gamers


  • Mei stand with Hong Kong — aris

    Par une sorte d’alchimie étrange dont l’époque et l’économie de marché ont le secret, Mei, une « jeune et jolie » héroïne d’un jeu vidéo se transforme en égérie symbolique de la révolte à Hong Kong. Nous sommes dans le virtuel, mais l’histoire et ses enjeux sont bien réels.

    Le gamer hongkongais Chung « Blitzchung » Ng Wai avait appelé dimanche à la libération de Hong Kong au cours d’une retransmission vidéo post-compétition à Taiwan. La société Blizzard a immédiatement suspendu le champion de Hearthstone pour 12 mois et a retenu l’intégralité de ses gains, considérant qu’il avait porté atteinte à la réputation et à l’image de l’entreprise, contrevenant ainsi au règlement de la compétition. Au passage, les deux salariés qui animaient le show vidéo sont licenciés.

    Cette décision brutale de l’un des géants du jeu vidéo, éditeur de très nombreux titres, qui sont autant de gros succès commerciaux (Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Diablo, Heroes of the Storm, Starcraft, Call of Duty), a en fait été plutôt mal prise, et largement critiquée, dans la communauté des gamers. Cela d’autant plus que dans sa communication le studio affirme défendre des valeurs d’ouverture et de liberté.

    #Hong_Kong #StandWithHK #graphisme #jeux_vidéos #game #détournement

  • Crise écologique : l’impact environnemental du jeu vidéo, un sujet d’inquiétude grandissant

    La course à la puissance et la démocratisation du streaming ont un impact négatif sur l’environnement, alertent les experts. Consommer des jeux vidéo, serait-ce contribuer au game over de la planète ? L’idée, encore marginale il y a quelques années commence à faire son chemin. Elle est même devenue omniprésente depuis l’annonce du lancement du service de jeux vidéo en streaming de Google, Stadia, qui doit sortir en novembre. Cette offre par abonnement doit fonctionner sans console grâce à de (...)

    #Sony #Google #Microsoft #Nvidia #Amazon #streaming #game #jeu #écologie

  • Industrie du jeu vidéo : des comportements violents et abusifs contre des femmes dénoncés

    Plusieurs femmes ont décrit, ces derniers jours, sur des blogs ou les réseaux sociaux, des actes graves (viol, agressions, comportements violents...) perpétrés par des noms prestigieux de l’industrie. Plusieurs hommes travaillant dans l’industrie du jeu vidéo ont été accusés ces derniers jours de comportements déplacés, violents ou abusifs envers des femmes, dans des témoignages publiés sur Internet. A partir d’un post de blog dénonçant un viol présumé, une vague de témoignages et de dénonciations a (...)

    #Oculus #game #jeu #viol #harcèlement #discrimination

  • Harcèlement, agressions : le mouvement #MeToo s’étend au milieu du jeu vidéo

    Plusieurs femmes issues du milieu des jeux vidéo, principalement des développeuses, ont témoigné de harcèlement ou d’abus sexuels dont elles auraient été victimes. Le milieu du jeu vidéo n’est pas épargné par les problématiques de sexisme et d’abus sexuels. Les 26 et 27 août, plusieurs femmes qui y travaillent ont témoigné sur Twitter d’agressions qu’elles disent avoir subi. Elles auraient été perpétrées par des hommes importants du secteur qui se seraient servis de leur notoriété pour faire pression sur (...)

    #Oculus #discrimination #harcèlement #viol #jeu #game


  • Valve et HackerOne pointés du doigt après avoir refusé de corriger une faille zero day

    Un chercheur russe répondant au nom de Vasily Kravets a publié sur la plateforme HackerOne une faille zero day trouvée au sein de Steam. Valve a tout d’abord refusé de la corriger, avant de bannir l’intéressé de son programme de bug bounty. Pour enfin revenir sur sa décision et reconnaître qu’il s’agissait d’une erreur. Voici une affaire qui a fait du bruit dans le petit milieu des chercheurs en sécurité, dont se seraient bien passés Valve Corporation et HackerOne. Mais avant de développer les tenants et (...)

    #game #jeu #hacking #Windows #Microsoft


  • Researcher publishes second Steam zero day after getting banned on Valve’s bug bounty program

    Valve gets heavily criticized for mishandling a crucial bug report. A Russian security researcher has published details about a zero-day in the Steam gaming client. This is the second Steam zero-day the researcher has made public in the past two weeks. However, while the security researcher reported the first one to Valve and tried to have it fixed before public disclosure, he said he couldn’t do the same with the second because the company banned him from submitting further bug reports (...)

    #game #jeu #hacking

  • Opinion | How an Online Mob Created a Playbook for a Culture War - The New York Times

    On August 15, 2014, an angry 20-something ex-boyfriend published a 9,425-word screed and set in motion a series of vile events that changed the way we fight online. The post, which exhaustively documented the last weeks of his breakup with the video game designer Zoë Quinn, was annotated and punctuated with screenshots of their private digital correspondence — emails, Facebook messages and texts detailing fights and rehashing sexual histories. It was a manic, all-caps rant made to go viral.

    And it did. The ex-boyfriend’s claims were picked up by users on Reddit and 4chan and the abuse began. Ms. Quinn and her immediate family members were threatened. Her private information was exposed, including old nude photos from a past relationship. Chat rooms popped up to discuss the best ways to “ruin her life” and fantasize about elaborate ways of killing her.

    Using fake Twitter accounts, 4chan users posed as “angry feminists” and got the hashtags #EndFathersDay and #WhitesCantBeRaped to trend globally. At a tech conference in 2013, in an incident called Donglegate, Adria Richards, a tech consultant and woman of color, tweeted about a sexist joke uttered during a keynote speech. Her tweet went viral, and Ms. Richards was fired, doxxed, received death threats and had “images of her beheaded, or her face photoshopped onto the body of porn stars.” Not all of the hoaxes succeeded: 4chan campaigns like “Operation Freebleeding” (where trolls pretended to be feminists rejecting tampons as patriarchal tools of oppression) failed to stoke culture war flames.

    “The energy and ideology of this movement weren’t new but Gamergate was when the movement evolved and the monster grew a voice box,” Whitney Phillips, an assistant professor at Syracuse who studies online harassment and media manipulation, told me. “All the anger, all the toxicity and fear of being replaced by a culture more focused on social justice — it all came together in a spectacularly awful way.”

    Unlike its predecessors, Gamergate jumped out of the obscure fever swamps of the internet and into mainstream consciousness, in part because its arrival coincided with a peculiar online moment in which social media platforms were becoming more mainstream. People who were unfamiliar with the chaotic underbelly of internet culture could be easily tricked or manipulated by its worst actors. “The clash of anonymous imageboard culture with the parts of social media where people live and work created the divide underlying Gamergate,” Jay Allen, a freelance writer, wrote of this dynamic in 2014.

    Crucially, Gamergate emerged during the internet’s shift from a largely anonymous or pseudonymous culture to one centered around personality-driven influencers. And, unlike previous abuse campaigns led by armies of unknown internet users, Gamergate attracted the attention of then-men’s rights bloggers like Mike Cernovich and Roosh V, right-wing political correctness monitors like Christina Hoff Sommers and middling journalists like Milo Yiannopoulos, then a writer for Breitbart.

    “Gamergate really prototyped the rise of harassment influencers,” Ms. Phillips told me, arguing that the size and intensity of the controversy quickly attracted opportunists who saw the conflict as a way to gain large followings stoking the culture war flames. In turn, these personalities extended the conflict, highlighting new controversies. The fact that these influencers were real, identifiable people only further legitimized the event for its followers.

    Today, five years later, the elements of Gamergate are frighteningly familiar: hundreds of thousands of hashtag-swarming tweets; armies of fake Twitter accounts; hoaxes and disinformation percolating in murky chat rooms and message boards before spreading to a confused mainstream media; advertiser boycotts; crowdfunding campaigns; racist, sexist and misogynist memes; YouTube shock jocks; D-list celebrities hand-wringing about political correctness on Twitter; Milo Yiannopoulos, Steve Bannon and Breitbart; Candace Owens.

    Gamergate’s DNA is everywhere on the internet, and the ubiquity of Gamergate’s influence has even spawned a winking trope: Everything Is Gamergate.

    Gamergate wasn’t the birth of a brand-new culture war, it was a rallying cry. And its trollish successes in intimidating women, deceiving clueless brands and picking up mainstream coverage taught a once-dormant subculture powerful lessons about manipulating audiences and manufacturing outrage. Five years on, no lesson feels more prescient than the fact that its supposed central premise — a broad reckoning regarding journalistic ethics in video games — was based on an easily (and frequently) debunked lie.

    Gamergate is occasionally framed as a battle for the soul of the internet between a diverse, progressive set and an angry collection of white males who feel displaced. And it is that, too. But its most powerful legacy is as proof of concept of how to wage a post-truth information war.

    The lesson of Gamergate — the one we feel reverberating throughout our politics every day in 2019 — is that there’s a sinister power afforded to those brazen enough to construct their own false realities and foist them on others.

    #Gamergate #Fake_news #Trolls #Faschosphère

  • Vivendi invite le chinois Tencent au capital d’Universal Music

    Le propriétaire de WeChat prévoit de prendre 10 % du capital du numéro un mondial de la musique contrôlé par Vivendi et valorisé 30 milliards d’euros. Il dispose d’une option d’achat d’un an pour doubler sa participation. Vivendi bondit en Bourse. Vivendi est entré en « négociations préliminaires » avec le chinois Tencent en vue de lui céder une participation de 10 % dans sa filiale Universal Music Group (UMG). D’ici à un an, le groupe chinois propriétaire de WeChat pourrait même doubler sa mise pour (...)

    #Gameloft #WeChat #SFR_Vivendi #Tencent #Universal #jeu #bénéfices #concurrence

  • Man Who Built The #Retweet: “We Handed A Loaded Weapon To 4-Year-Olds”

    The button that ruined the internet — and how to fix it.

    Developer Chris Wetherell built Twitter’s retweet button. And he regrets what he did to this day.

    We might have just handed a 4-year-old a loaded weapon,” Wetherell recalled thinking as he watched the first Twitter mob use the tool he created. “That’s what I think we actually did.

    Wetherell, a veteran tech developer, led the Twitter team that built the retweet button in 2009. The button is now a fundamental feature of the platform, and has been for a decade — to the point of innocuousness. But as Wetherell, now cofounder of a yet-unannounced startup, made clear in a candid interview, it’s time to fix it. Because social media is broken. And the retweet is a big reason why.
    But the button also changed Twitter in a way Wetherell and his colleagues didn’t anticipate. Copying and pasting made people look at what they shared, and think about it, at least for a moment. When the retweet button debuted, that friction diminished. Impulse superseded the at-least-minimal degree of thoughtfulness once baked into sharing. Before the retweet, Twitter was largely a convivial place. After, all hell broke loose — and spread.


    • “If I retweet the New York Times, they don’t care,” Dash said. “But extreme content comes from people who are trying to be voices, who are trying to be influential in culture, and so it has meaning to them, and so it earns me status with them.”

      The pursuit of that status has driven many Twitter users to write outrageous tweets in the hope of being retweeted by fringe power users. And when they do get retweeted, it sometimes lends a certain credibility to their radical positions.

      The retweet and share, in other words, incentivize extreme, polarizing, and outrage-inducing content.

      #rumeur #fake_news #harcèlement #réseaux_sociaux #extrémisme

  • Quand les travailleurs du jeu vidéo s’organisent

    Souvent considérée – même si c’est à tort – comme la première industrie culturelle en terme de chiffre d’affaires, en pointe sur les stratégies économiques numériques, l’industrie du jeu vidéo est portée aux nues. Pourtant, la contestation gronde et les langues se délient dorénavant sur le prix payé par les travailleurs dans cette réussite. Jusqu’à l’impensable dans une industrie baignée depuis toujours dans une culture libertarienne : la création d’un (presque) syndicat des travailleurs ! Comme dans d’autres (...)

    #Electronic_Arts #Ubisoft #game #jeu #travail #bénéfices #harcèlement #STJV #GWU

  • Report on illegal practice of collective expulsion on Slovene-Croatian border

    Last year Slovenian police officially deported 4653 people to Croatia under the regulation of the readmission agreement. This is means that more than half of 9149 people who were processed for illegally crossing the border were handed over to Croatian police and in further expelled to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Large majority of people who were processed under the readmission agreement were denied their right to asylum procedure by Slovenian police who is still conducting systematic expulsions to Croatia under the guise of the readmission. This practice of denial of right to seek asylum has become systematic with the issue of general police instructions on end of May 2018 when official number of readmission increased dramatically. For example, in police station Črnomelj which the closest in walking distance from Velika Kladuša in May out of 379 people who were processed for illegally crossing the border 371 applied for asylum, but after the issue of police commands in June out of 412 people who crossed the border illegally only 13 officially asked for asylum. Threats, violence, abuse of power and denial of basic rights has became a common practice in other border police stations, collective expulsions to Croatia are happening daily with the knowledge and support of high police and government officials despite high risk of further violence and theft done by police in Croatia.

    In this article is attached a report on collective expuslion from Slovenia and Croatia and work of civil iniciative Info Kolpa which operated a phone line to act as mediator between police and migrants in asylum procedurees. The phone line was used when migrants who contacted the phone number were on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia with the intention to seek asylum and would express a desire for the volunteers to inform the police about their location. In such cases the nearest was informed. The phone line volunteers would send the geographical location, information on people seeking asylum and a clear statement that people are in dire need of help and wish to apply for international protection in Slovenia to the regional police station. This was done via phone or an email sent to the police station in jurisdiction. Also the Office of Ombudsman in Slovenia and different NGOs involved with protection of human rights were informed. This report contains 20 such recorded cases (106 persons); in 6 cases, persons were admitted to the asylum procedure in Slovenia (27 persons); in 7 cases they were pushbacked to Croatia and then illegally expelled to Bosnia and Herzegovina (39 persons); only one person was able to initiate the procedure for international protection after extradition to Croatia and was not expelled to Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 7 cases (39 people) there is no information of what had happened with the people, as they haven’t made any contact after they were apprehended by Slovenian police.

    You can find the full report in attachments along with censored police instructions and documents from Ombudsman office.

    #push-back #refoulement #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #Slovénie #Croatie #rapport

    Pour télécharger le rapport:


    • Balkan Region – Report June 2019

      No Name Kitchen and Border Violence Monitoring have published a common report summarizing current developments in pushbacks and police violence in the Western Balkans, mainly in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and along the Serbian borders with Croatia and Hungary.

      As such, this report contains analysis and a review of the situation in these areas as well. This report covers 41 reports of push-backs involving 237 people in transit. 21 of these were incidents of push-backs to BiH, 4 of these were incidents of push-backs to Serbia, and 4 of these were incidents of push-backs from BiH to Montenegro. The reports were conducted with a wide demographic variety of respondents ranging from families to single men to unaccompanied minors. The respondents to these reports also originate from a wide variety of countries such as Tunisia, Kurdistan Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and Algeria to name a few.
      The report details, among other things:

      Push-backs to the Sturlic area of the Una-Sana Canton
      The use of balaclava masks as an accessory to push-back violence
      The Croatian Ministry of the Interior’s June media event in Grabovac
      The trend of reverse flows along the Balkan Route
      The publication of an open letter by a hiker in Croatia who witnessed the apprehension of a transit group by the country’s Special Police
      The situation in northern Serbia related to border violence


      Plus précisément pour les refoulements depuis la Slovénie :

      –-> les précisions sur les différents cas :

    • Bosnia-Croatia border: Needs grow for migrants losing EU entry ‘#game’

      It’s referred to by everyone here as “The Game”, but there are few winners and a humanitarian crisis is brewing on the Bosnia-Croatia border as thousands of migrants and asylum seekers trying to reach the EU find themselves stuck with limited access to food, shelter, or healthcare.

      They are caught between two poles: EU policies designed to reduce irregular crossings and keep people out, and political stalemate in Bosnia, which aid groups say is preventing local authorities from providing those in limbo with adequate protection or living conditions.

      Since the closing of the old migrant route through the Balkans in 2016, Bosnia has emerged as a new way station for those trying to reach Croatia and head on to other nations like France and Germany in the EU’s Schengen free movement zone.

      Migrants and asylum seekers bide their time in northwest Bosnia before attempting “The Game” – the cat-and-mouse evasion of Croatian police as they cross the highly securitised border and try to navigate dense woodland further into EU territory. The majority making this trip are pushed back by Croatian police, who are supported financially in their border operations by the EU.

      Bosnia’s northwestern canton of Una-Sana has become the locus of the ensuing crisis, especially around its main city and administrative centre of Bihać.

      As of June 2019, the UN’s migration agency, IOM, runs four migrant centres in Una-Sana, housing more than 3,100 migrants and asylum seekers. However, with an estimated 6,000 migrants in the canton, it’s not enough and thousands are sleeping rough.

      Faced with sustained protests from local residents about the pressure this has placed on their communities, authorities have scrambled to find solutions.

      In April, Una-Sana police increased measures that were introduced in October 2018 to prevent migrants and asylum seekers from entering the canton. In June, Bihać City Council began to clear the urban centre, with police rounding up and relocating groups of people to a new location at Vučjak, eight kilometres from the city centre.

      The UN has refused to operate at Vučjak, citing concerns about its close proximity to minefields and situation on top of a former landfill site, referring to it as “unsuitable for human habitation”.

      Opening additional accommodation centres would ease the pressure, but politicians have failed to create a national plan to share the burden. Milorad Dodik, Bosnian Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s tripartite presidency, has notably refused to host migrants and asylum seekers in Bosnia’s mainly Serb entity of Republika Srpska.

      “The Ministry of Security doesn’t have a strategy,” Šuhret Fazlić, mayor of Bihać, told The New Humanitarian. “The only strategy they have is to try and close the border between Bosnia and Serbia, and to let migrants go to Croatia. But it doesn’t work because Croatia is pushing migrants back, and because Dodik won’t allow police from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina or the army on the border with Serbia.”

      Decision-making is complicated by the fact that the outgoing government has been acting in a caretaker capacity since October 2018 elections.

      “If you look at who is currently the Minister of Security, his party and he as a person will definitely not be part of the new government,” said Peter Van der Auweraert, IOM’s chief of mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The parties that will eventually form the government have no incentive to collaborate with him.”

      With weak central leadership, IOM must navigate Bosnia’s local politics to open additional centres for migrants and asylum seekers who currently fall outside of the system.

      “We have identified six alternative locations and now need a political decision at the canton level on which one of those is acceptable,” Van der Auweraert said. “In Bosnia it is so decentralised that canton authorities can really block that from happening. It takes a level of political courage to explain to people on the ground that there are actually economic benefits attached to opening a migrant centre. Unfortunately this has not happened, for example, in Una-Sana canton.”

      As winter nears and thousands of migrants and asylum seekers continue to live in squalid conditions, the urgency of agreeing on the location of a new centre will only grow.

      “Somebody has to find a solution,” said Fazlić. “The only thing that is up to the city is to propose new locations. We are ready for this, but we have only land and somebody has to find a way to build and prepare conditions for them.”

      Journalist and photojournalist Nick Newsom spent 10 days in July talking to aid workers, migrants, and asylum seekers in northwestern Bosnia. Their testimonies and photos follow.
      “We’re scared that the police will catch us”

      “We don’t go into the city centre because we’re scared that the police will catch us. You should see how we were when we lived in Turkey – I looked nothing like this," said Sufyan Al Sheikh Ahmad, 23, from Syria. “The circumstances here are very hard. Last time, we walked for six days in Croatia and reached Slovenia, but the Slovenian police caught us after two days. They handed us over to Croatian police, who took our money and bag, and broke our telephones. They took us to the border and we had to walk about 30 kilometres to Bihać. That was the fifth attempt. Inshallah, I will try again. I don’t have 3,000 euros to pay a smuggler, so I’m trying to walk. Wallah, I feel very tired.”

      View from the road towards #Šturlić

      Many migrants and asylum seekers set off into Croatia from the Bosnian village of Šturlić, which lies just a few hundred metres from the border. The landscape on the Bosnian side is mountainous, densely forested, and becomes more so once one enters Croatian territory. Croatian authorities, funded to the tune of 131 million euros by the EU, deploy a wide range of technologies to detect and apprehend migrants on their territory. By contrast, the EU has provided 24 million euros to Bosnia since 2018 to help the country manage the migration crisis, on top of 24.6 million euros of assistance in the area of asylum, migration, and border management since 2007.

      “I didn’t even have a t-shirt or shoes”

      “I’ve been in Bosnia four months,” said Zuhaib Arif, 18, from Pakistan. "I got here by train but got off about 70 kilometres from here, at Banja Luca, and walked the rest. The police told me to get off the train there, and anyone who this happens to has to come here by foot. Police tell us to go back and not go to Bihać. I went to Jungle Camp [Vučjak] but I didn’t have a blanket – I didn’t even have a t-shirt or shoes – they were stolen from me whilst I was sleeping.”

      “They didn’t let me inside because they told me there is no space”

      “They didn’t let me inside the [Bira] camp because they told me there is no space. When the police came, they told us, ‘do not run – if you have no ID card, no problem,’ but when we stopped for them, they arrested us and took us to Jungle Camp. We walked for one and a half hours there. More than 200 people were walking. I think 30 to 40 percent came back here from Jungle Camp. If we don’t find a way to jump over the fence [into Bira], we will stay here tonight.”

      “We urgently need more support”

      With the EU and UN having refused to support operations at Vučjak, the City of Bihać Red Cross is the only humanitarian organisation providing assistance to migrants at the camp, providing two meals a day for up to 700 people and first aid. “We are extremely stretched, both financially and in terms of human resources,” Rajko Lazic, secretary-general of the Red Cross Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, told TNH. “Our volunteers and staff are exhausted. Our funds are running out. We urgently need more support.”

      “We don’t want problems with the #police

      Independent groups providing support to migrants and asylum seekers have been forced to operate more covertly as the political context in Una-Sana has changed and patience has begun to wear thin. No Name Kitchen, an NGO of volunteers from several countries that predominantly helps migrants and asylum seekers in Bosnia, runs a free clothes shop and carries out a distribution of food and non-food items to about 30 people a day in the town of Velika Kladuša, about 50 kilometres north of Bihać. “The way that we do that is low profile, hidden… because we don’t want problems with the police,” a No Name Kitchen volunteer told TNH. “As the political will to keep people contained within camps outside of cities has become more salient, there has been an effort to control independent organisations.”

      “The conditions are always violent with the Croatian police”

      “I’ve made six trips from Bosnia,” said Rachid Boudalli, 35, from Morocco. Each time the Slovenian police have caught me and handed me over to the Croatian police. The conditions are always violent with the Croatian police, they hit us, take our stuff from us: our money, our telephones, anything we have. They’ve taken eight power banks from me and four mobiles. I ask the responsible European parties to look into our situation.”

      “They are shameless beyond belief”

      “The Croatian police steal our money, our personal papers – everything that we need," said Eman Muhammad Al Ahmad, a 30-year-old Palestinian refugee from Syria. “As an already persecuted people escaping war, we now suffer from bandits in European countries. When I asked for my Syrian ID card back, they shouted in my face ‘shut up’ and threatened to hit me in the head with their truncheon. They are shameless beyond belief, searching us in a filthy way that doesn’t fit the police of a developed European state. They persecute women by removing her hijab under the guise that she’s got something hidden in there. What does a refugee want to hide? As refugees, we just want to cross peacefully into a European state to be with our families and children – no more and no less.”

      “I told them that I want asylum in Slovenia, but they didn’t reply”

      “I see all kinds of animals in the forest,” Yassin Nowar, 24, from Algeria told TNH. “After eight days of walking, we found this bear in Croatia. Four days later the police caught us.”

      For some, the circumstances are too much to endure any longer. “I want to go back to my country because the situation here is very difficult,” Amjad Al Ghanem, a 24-year-old from the Occupied Palestinian Territories told TNH. “I’ve tried ‘the game’ six times. Three times I reached Slovenia and I told them that I want asylum in Slovenia, but they didn’t reply and returned us to Croatia. At least in Palestine I can take care of myself. I had a dream, but it’s gone: I’ve had enough.”

      #The_game #Sturlic #police #violences_policières

    • More and more different voices are speaking out loud: not only local and international journalists try to investigate and raise awareness on the illegal behavior by Croatian authorities: the same policemen keep on talking and contributing with pieces of evidence in support of what Welcome! Initiatives write about in the last three years: systematic push backs and illegal practices, among others the denial of access to asylum for people in search for safety, perpetrated by Croatian police officers. “Action corridor” is the way in which it has been called - “Our interlocutor warns that the intervention and special police, in particular, are encouraged to be as “harsh” as possible in deterring migrants (https://net.hr/danas/hrvatska/zastrasujuca-devijacija-akcije-koridor-policija-sve-dogovara-na-whatsappu-a-pose). Because they are thought to be so discouraged that they later won’t try to cross the border again. The Ogulin area is allegedly also used with dogs to attack, which is actually illegal and extremely inhumane in dealing with migrants, an anonymous police officer told Net.hr”.In the article, you can see picture of people, including migrants, kept in cages at Croatian border crossing areas. This is not the first time that policemen speak publicly about the illegal behavior of Ministry of Interior - this has been addressed by the Ombudswoman (https://www.telegram.hr/politika-kriminal/pucka-pravobraniteljica-primila-anonimno-pismo-policajca-tvrdi-kako-je-isti), and by an anonymous police source that decided to speak with the journalist Barbara Matejcic (https://welcome.cms.hr/index.php/en/2019/07/26/new-evidence-of-violent-pushbacks-executed-by-croatian-police-and-the-eu). Unfortunately, still we do not have any information about any investigation or sanctioning the responsibles of these actions.

      If you want to read more about police abuses in the whole region, read the report for November period published by the Network “Border Violence Monitoring” (https://www.borderviolence.eu/balkan-region-report-november-2019/#more-14026). The reports analyse the situation in Italy, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, giving an overview of the whole situation in the region. Violence has no nationality - once again, authorities are abusing their power and their force against people who are looking for safety in Europe.

      The failure EU approach toward the migration phenomenon and the situation at the Croatian borders are well explained in this article (https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/12/06/croatia-is-abusing-migrants-while-the-eu-turns-a-blind-eye), which well explains the hypocritical behavior of European Union institutions. The evidence of Croatian police violence toward migrants is overwhelming, but Brussels continues to praise and fund Zagreb for patrolling the European Union’s longest external land border.

      Reçu via Inicijativa dobrodosli, mail du 17.12.2019.