• Veglia a tutto solare

    Decarbonizzare, decentrare, democratizzare. Sono le tre D di una possibile rivoluzione energetica che alcuni cittadini stanno portando avanti sull’isola croata di Veglia (Krk) attraverso l’installazione di molti impianti fotovoltaici e l’istituzione di una comunità energetica. Un’intervista

  • #Canaries : des milliers de migrants bloqués dans l’archipel espagnol saturé d’arrivées

    Près de 1 000 personnes sont arrivées en 24 heures dans l’archipel espagnol entre dimanche matin et lundi matin. Les îles des Canaries peinent à faire face à cet afflux inédit qui contraint des centaines de migrants à dormir au port, à même le sol, faute de places d’hébergement suffisantes.

    Ce fut un week-end de nouveau surchargé sur les îles Canaries avec l’arrivée, dans la nuit du dimanche 8 au lundi 9 octobre, de 357 personnes, dont 11 enfants. Durant la journée de dimanche, plusieurs centaines de débarquements de migrants avaient déjà eu lieu dans l’archipel espagnol. Les autorités ont secouru ce jour-là sept bateaux de 609 exilés dont les embarcations ont atteint les #îles de #Lanzarote, #Fuerteventura, #El_Hierro et #Tenerife.

    La dernière opération a eu lieu dans le port de Los Cristianos, à Tenerife, où sont arrivés les 71 occupants d’une pirogue située à 13 kilomètres de l’île. Parmi les passagers de ce bateau figurent 12 femmes, neuf mineurs et deux bébés, selon la presse locale.

    En une journée, près de 1 000 personnes ont donc été débarquées.


    Deux jours plus tôt, vendredi, les garde-côtes espagnols avaient porté assistance à au moins 908 migrants subsahariens, dont des femmes et des enfants, en une journée. Selon les secours maritimes, cinq embarcations avec 526 personnes à bord ont été prises en charge sur l’île d’El Hierro, la plus à l’ouest des Canaries. Trois autres bateaux ont été conduits vers l’île de Grande Canarie et deux autres sur celle de Tenerife.

    Les débarquements sont en forte hausse sur ce territoire. Sur la petite île d’El Hierro qui compte 11 000 habitants, plus de 1 200 migrants sont arrivés dans la semaine.

    Structures d’accueil saturées

    Face à un tel afflux, les autorités et les ONG sont dépassées. Dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi, environ 200 exilés ont été obligés de dormir à même le sol, dans le port de Los Cristianos, à Tenerife, faute de places dans les structures d’hébergement.

    De telles scènes rappellent celles observées à la fin de l’année 2020, au port d’Arguineguin sur l’île de Grande Canarie. Pendant plusieurs mois, des milliers de migrants nouvellement arrivés aux Canaries étaient retenus durant des jours dans des conditions précaires, sur la jetée surnommée « le camp de la honte ». Le port d’Arguineguin était même devenu le symbole de la mauvaise gestion des arrivées de migrants par les autorités espagnoles.

    Ce mois d’octobre 2023, qui a vu une forte augmentation des débarquements, est qualifié de « sans précédent » par la presse espagnole, depuis 2020. Le président du gouvernement canarien, Fernando Clavijo, a appelé ce week-end Madrid à l’aide. « Nous sommes seuls. Absolument seuls face à cette crise humanitaire. Le silence du gouvernement espagnol face à cette situation est absolument incompréhensible », a dénoncé Fernando Clavijo. « Pendant que l’État attend dans les bureaux de Madrid pour agir aux îles Canaries ’quand cela sera jugé nécessaire’, l’archipel assiste, impuissant, à des situations scandaleuses qui rappellent la jetée de la honte d’Arguineguín », a-t-il déclaré.


    Dimanche, le ministre de l’Intérieur, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, a quant à lui assuré que le gouvernement « dispose des moyens personnels et matériels pour faire face à l’arrivée de migrants irréguliers aux îles Canaries ». « Nous disposons de suffisamment [d’agents] pour remédier immédiatement à cette situation, que nous ne laissons pas dérailler », s’est défendu le ministre.

    Des transferts des exilés vers d’autres îles de l’archipel ou vers le continent - déjà en cours depuis plusieurs jours - devraient s’accélérer dans les prochains jours pour soulager les Canaries.

    Près de 15 000 arrivées depuis janvier

    Depuis quelques années, la route migratoire vers ces îles espagnoles, via l’océan Atlantique, est particulièrement empruntée en raison du durcissement des contrôles en Méditerranée. Les départs se font depuis les côtes marocaines et sénégalaises principalement.

    D’après les derniers chiffres du ministère espagnol de l’Intérieur, les Canaries ont vu arriver 14 976 migrants entre le 1er janvier et le 30 septembre, soit une hausse de près de 20 % par rapport à la même période de 2022.

    Des ONG font régulièrement état de naufrages meurtriers - dont les bilans non officiels se chiffrent, selon elles, en dizaines, voire en centaines de morts - dans les eaux marocaines, espagnoles ou internationales.

    Mercredi, les ambassadeurs des pays de l’Union européenne (UE) se sont mis d’accord sur un règlement clé de la réforme migratoire européenne, mettant en place un mécanisme de solidarité obligatoire entre États membres dans le cas où l’un d’entre eux est confronté à des arrivées « massives » de migrants, comme l’Italie l’a été récemment.

    Depuis début 2023, 140 migrants sont morts ou ont disparu dans cette traversée, selon des données de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) reçues début septembre. L’ONG espagnole Caminando Fronteras qui, à la différence de l’OIM, s’appuie sur des appels d’urgence avec les clandestins en mer ou leurs proches, estime que 778 exilés sont morts ou ont disparu sur cette route migratoire au premier semestre.


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #2023 #chiffres #statistiques #arrivées

  • Migranti, l’idea di Biancofiore : “Costruire un’isola artificiale in acque internazionali”

    La senatrice centrista dice di ispirarsi all’#Isola_delle_Rose, e sulla fattispecie di quanto predisposto dall’Australia

    «Costruire, immediatamente, in acque internazionali un’isola artificiale nel Mediterraneo, una sorta di ’pit stop’ di approdo, sulla fattispecie dell’Isola delle Rose, dove realizzare un hub di accoglienza e salvezza, e di verifica se gli immigrati abbiano titolo a venire in Europa o siano clandestini». È questa l’idea, «sulla fattispecie - spiega - di quanto predisposto dall’Australia», lanciata dalla capogruppo al Senato Civici d’Italia-Noi Moderati-Coraggio Italia-Udc-Maie, #Michaela_Biancofiore, per gestire l’emergenza migranti.

    Sempre durante la trasmissione de La Verità ’Dimmi la verità’, Biancofiore osserva che si tratterebbe di agire «in accordo con l’Ue e l’Onu» e ricorda come la sua proposta sia «un pò quanto ha suggerito anche la Grecia: un luogo neutro di cooperazione internazionale nel quale, di concerto con la Croce Rossa internazionale e altre associazioni umanitarie, ci si possa prendere cura di questi disperati, farli approdare senza lasciarli annegare ma, allo stesso tempo, gli si prendano le impronte per le identificazioni e per valutare il loro diritto a chiedere ed ottenere asilo».

    «Chi non ha i requisiti - dice ancora - dovrà essere rimpatriato, come sottolineato dalla presidente Von der Leyen. Si impedirebbe così il dramma di Lampedusa o Porto Empedocle o altri luoghi rivieraschi del nostro Paese o della Spagna, della Grecia, di Malta e così via».

    «Benissimo quanto sta facendo la premier Meloni per fermare gli sbarchi di clandestini e per non far diventare l’Italia il campo profughi dell’Ue - aggiunge - Dobbiamo imprimere una vera svolta al fenomeno migratorio impedendo che i clandestini arrivino sulle nostre coste che sono, ricordiamolo, i confini dell’Europa».


    Le projet auquel Biancofiore fait référence, l’#île_de_la_Rose :

    Pendant une courte période, la République espérantiste de l’île de la Rose (en espéranto : Esperantista respubliko de la Insulo de la Rozoj) a existé du 1er mai au 24 juillet 1968 en tant que micronation au large de la côte de la province italienne de Forlì dans la mer Adriatique.

    #micro-Etat #micronation #Insulo_de_la_Rozoj

    #île #île_artificielle #Italie #migrations #asile #réfugiés #eaux_internationales #Méditerranée #externalisation #tri #catégorisation


    ajouté à la métaliste sur des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

  • #Lampedusa : ’Operational emergency,’ not ’migration crisis’

    Thousands of migrants have arrived on Lampedusa from Africa this week, with the EU at odds over what to do with them. DW reports from the Italian island, where locals are showing compassion as conditions worsen.

    Long lines of migrants and refugees, wearing caps and towels to protect themselves from the blistering September sun, sit flanked on either side of a narrow, rocky lane leading to Contrada Imbriacola, the main migrant reception center on the Italian island of Lampedusa.

    Among them are 16-year-old Abubakar Sheriff and his 10-year old brother, Farde, who fled their home in Sierra Leone and reached Lampedusa by boat from Tunisia.

    “We’ve been on this island for four days, have been sleeping outside and not consumed much food or water. We’ve been living on a couple of biscuits,” Abubakar told DW. “There were 48 people on the boat we arrived in from Tunisia on September 13. It was a scary journey and I saw some other boats capsizing. But we got lucky.”

    Together with thousands of other migrants outside the reception center, they’re waiting to be put into police vans headed to the Italian island’s port. They will then be transferred to Sicily and other parts of Italy for their asylum claims to be processed, as authorities in Lampedusa say they have reached “a tipping point” in migration management.
    Not a ’migration crisis for Italy,’ but an ’operational emergency’

    More than 7,000 migrants arrived in Lampedusa on flimsy boats from Tunisia earlier this week, leading the island’s mayor, Filippo Mannino, to declare a state of emergency and tell local media that while migrants have always been welcomed, this time Lampedusa “is in crisis.”

    In a statement released on Friday, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said her government intends to take “immediate extraordinary measures” to deal with the landings. She said this could include a European mission to stop arrivals, “a naval mission if necessary.” But Lampedusa, with a population of just 6,000 and a reception center that has a capacity for only 400 migrants, has more immediate problems.

    Flavio Di Giacomo, spokesperson for the UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM), told DW that while the new arrivals have been overwhelming for the island, this is not a “migration crisis for Italy.”

    “This is mainly an operational emergency for Lampedusa, because in 2015-2016, at the height of Europe’s migration crisis, only 8% of migrants arrived in Lampedusa. The others were rescued at sea and transported to Sicily to many ports there,” he said. “This year, over 70% of arrivals have been in Lampedusa, with people departing from Tunisia, which is very close to the island.”

    Di Giacomo said the Italian government had failed to prepare Lampedusa over the past few years. “The Italian government had time to increase the reception center’s capacity after it was set up in 2008,” he said. “Migration is nothing new for the country.”
    Why the sudden increase?

    One of Italy’s Pelagie Islands in the Mediterranean, Lampedusa has been the first point of entry to Europe for people fleeing conflict, poverty and war in North Africa and the Middle East for years, due to its geographical proximity to those regions. But the past week’s mass arrival of migrants caught local authorities off guard.

    “We have never seen anything like what we saw on Wednesday,” said a local police officer near the asylum reception center.

    Showing a cellphone video of several small boats crammed with people arriving at the Lampedusa port, he added, “2011 was the last time Lampedusa saw something like this.” When the civil war in Libya broke out in 2011, many people fled to Europe through Italy. At the time, Rome declared a “North Africa emergency.”

    Roberto Forin, regional coordinator for Europe at the Mixed Migration Centre, a research center, said the recent spike in arrivals likely had one main driving factor. “According to our research with refugees and migrants in Tunisia, the interceptions by Tunisian coast guards of boats leaving toward Italy seems to have decreased since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in mid-July between the European Union and Tunisia,” he said. “But the commission has not yet disbursed the €100 million ($106.6 million) included in the deal.”

    The EU-Tunisia deal is meant to prevent irregular migration from North Africa and has been welcomed by EU politicians, including Meloni. But rights groups have questioned whether it will protect migrants. Responding to reporters about the delayed disbursement of funds, the European Commission said on Friday that the disbursement was still a “work in progress.”

    IOM’s Giacomo said deals between the EU and North African countries aren’t the answer. “It is a humanitarian emergency right now because migrants are leaving from Tunisia, because many are victims of racial discrimination, assault, and in Libya as well, their rights are being abused,” he said. "Some coming from Tunisia are also saying they are coming to Italy to get medical care because of the economic crisis there.

    “The solution should be to organize more search-and-rescue at sea, to save people and bring them to safety,” he added. “The focus should be on helping Lampedusa save the migrants.”

    A group of young migrants from Mali who were sitting near the migrant reception center, with pink tags on their hands indicating the date of their arrival, had a similar view.

    “We didn’t feel safe in Tunisia,” they told DW. “So we paid around €750 to a smuggler in Sfax, Tunisia, who then gave us a dinghy and told us to control it and cross the sea toward Europe. We got to Italy but we don’t want to stay here. We want to go to France and play football for that country.”
    Are other EU nations helping?

    At a press briefing in Brussels on Wednesday, the European Commission said that 450 staff from Europol, Frontex and the European Union Agency for Asylum have been deployed to the island to assist Italian authorities, and €40 million ($42.6 million) has been provided for transport and other infrastructure needed for to handle the increase in migrant arrivals.

    But Italian authorities have said they’re alone in dealing with the migrants, with Germany restricting Italy from transferring migrants and France tightening its borders with the country.

    Lampedusa Deputy Mayor Attilio Lucia was uncompromising: “The message that has to get through is that Europe has to wake up because the European Union has been absent for 20 years. Today we give this signal: Lampedusa says ’Enough’, the Lampedusians have been suffering for 20 years and we are psychologically destroyed,” he told DW.

    “I understand that this was done mostly for internal politics, whereby governments in France and Germany are afraid of being attacked by far-right parties and therefore preemptively take restrictive measures,” said Forin. “On the other hand, it is a measure of the failure of the EU to mediate a permanent and sustainable mechanism. When solidarity is left to voluntary mechanisms between states there is always a risk that, when the stakes are high, solidarity vanishes.”

    Local help

    As politicians and rights groups argue over the right response, Lampedusa locals like Antonello di Malta and his mother feel helping people should be the heart of any deal.

    On the night more than 7,000 people arrived on the island, di Malta said his mother called him saying some migrants had come to their house begging for food. “I had to go out but I didn’t feel comfortable hearing about them from my mother. So I came home and we started cooking spaghetti for them. There were 10 of them,” he told DW, adding that he was disappointed with how the government was handling the situation.

    “When I saw them I thought about how I would have felt if they were my sons crying and asking for food,” said Antonello’s mother. “So I started cooking for them. We Italians were migrants too. We used to also travel from north to south. So we can’t get scared of people and we need to help.”

    Mohammad still has faith in the Italian locals helping people like him. “I left horrible conditions in Gambia. It is my first time in Europe and local people here have been nice to me, giving me a cracker or sometimes even spaghetti. I don’t know where I will be taken next, but I have not lost hope,” he told DW.

    “I stay strong thinking that one day I will play football for Italy and eventually, my home country Gambia,” he said. “That sport gives me joy through all this hardship.”


    #débarquements #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Italie #crise #compassion #transferts #urgence_opérationnelle #crise_migratoire #Europol #Frontex #Agence_de_l'Union_européenne_pour_l'asile (#EUEA #EUAA) #solidarité

    ping @isskein @karine4 @_kg_

    • The dance that give life’
      Upon Lampedusa’s rocky shore they came,
      From Sub-Saharan lands, hearts aflame,
      Chasing dreams, fleeing despair,
      In search of a life that’s fair.

      Hunger gnawed, thirst clawed, bodies beat,
      Brutality’s rhythm, a policeman’s merciless feat,
      Yet within their spirits, a melody stirred,
      A refuge in humour where hope’s not deferred.

      Their laughter echoed ’cross the tiny island,
      In music and dance, they made a home,
      In the face of adversity, they sang their songs,
      In unity and rhythm, they proved their wrongs.

      A flood of souls, on Lampedusa’s strand,
      Ignited debates across the land,
      Politicians’ tongues twisted in spite,
      Racist rhetoric veiled as right.

      Yet, the common people, with curious gaze,
      Snared in the web of fear’s daze,
      Chose not to see the human plight,
      But the brainwash of bigotry’s might.

      Yet still, the survivor’s spirit shines bright,
      In the face of inhumanity, they recite,
      Their music, their dance, their undying humour,
      A testament to resilience, amid the rumour and hate.

      For they are not just numbers on a page,
      But humans, life stories, not a stage,
      Their journey not over, their tale still unspun,
      On the horizon, a new day begun.

      Written by @Yambiodavid

      #danse #fête

    • L’imbroglio del governo oltre la propaganda

      Le politiche europee e italiane di esternalizzazione dei controlli di frontiera con il coinvolgimento di paesi terzi, ritenuti a torto “sicuri”, sono definitivamente fallite.

      La tragedia umanitaria in corso a Lampedusa, l’ennesima dalle “primavere arabe” del 2011 ad oggi, dimostra che dopo gli accordi di esternalizzazione, con la cessione di motovedette e con il supporto alle attività di intercettazione in mare, in collaborazione con Frontex, come si è fatto con la Tunisia e con la Libia (o con quello che ne rimane come governo di Tripoli), le partenze non diminuiscono affatto, ed anzi, fino a quando il meteo lo permette, sono in continuo aumento.

      Si sono bloccate con i fermi amministrativi le navi umanitarie più grandi, ma questo ha comportato un aumento degli “arrivi autonomi” e l’impossibilità di assegnare porti di sbarco distribuiti nelle città più grandi della Sicilia e della Calabria, come avveniva fino al 2017, prima del Codice di condotta Minniti e dell’attacco politico-giudiziario contro il soccorso civile.

      La caccia “su scala globale” a trafficanti e scafisti si è rivelata l’ennesimo annuncio propagandistico, anche se si dà molta enfasi alla intensificazione dei controlli di polizia e agli arresti di presunti trafficanti ad opera delle autorità di polizia e di guardia costiera degli Stati con i quali l’Italia ha stipulato accordi bilaterali finalizzati al contrasto dell’immigrazione “clandestina”. Se Salvini ha le prove di una guerra contro l’Italia, deve esibirle, altrimenti pensi al processo di Palermo sul caso Open Arms, per difendersi sui fatti contestati, senza sfruttare il momento per ulteriori sparate propagandistiche.

      Mentre si riaccende lo scontro nella maggioranza, è inutile incolpare l’Unione europea, dopo che la Meloni e Piantedosi hanno vantato di avere imposto un “cambio di passo” nelle politiche migratorie dell’Unione, mente invece hanno solo rafforzato accordi bilaterali già esistenti.

      Le politiche europee e italiane di esternalizzazione dei controlli di frontiera con il coinvolgimento di paesi terzi, ritenuti a torto “sicuri”, sono definitivamente fallite, gli arrivi delle persone che fuggono da aree geografiche sempre più instabili, per non parlare delle devastazioni ambientali, non sono diminuiti per effetto degli accordi bilaterali o multilaterali con i quali si è cercato di offrire aiuti economici in cambio di una maggiore collaborazione sulle attività di polizia per la sorveglianza delle frontiere. Dove peraltro la corruzione, i controlli mortali, se non gli abusi sulle persone migranti, si sono diffusi in maniera esponenziale, senza che alcuna autorità statale si dimostrasse in grado di fare rispettare i diritti fondamentali e le garanzie che dovrebbe assicurare a qualsiasi persona uno Stato democratico quando negozia con un paese terzo. Ed è per questa ragione che gli aiuti previsti dal Memorandum Tunisia-Ue non sono ancora arrivati e il Piano Mattei per l’Africa, sul quale Meloni e Piantedosi hanno investito tutte le loro energie, appare già fallito.

      Di fronte al fallimento sul piano internazionale è prevedibile una ulteriore stretta repressiva. Si attende un nuovo pacchetto sicurezza, contro i richiedenti asilo provenienti da paesi terzi “sicuri” per i quali, al termine di un sommario esame delle domande di protezione durante le “procedure accelerate in frontiera”, dovrebbero essere previsti “rimpatri veloci”. Come se non fossero certi i dati sul fallimento delle operazioni di espulsione e di rimpatrio di massa.

      Se si vogliono aiutare i paesi colpiti da terremoti e alluvioni, ma anche quelli dilaniati da guerre civili alimentate dalla caccia alle risorse naturali di cui è ricca l’Africa, occorrono visti umanitari, evacuazione dei richiedenti asilo presenti in Libia e Tunisia, ma anche in Niger, e sospensione immediata di tutti gli accordi stipulati per bloccare i migranti in paesi dove non si garantisce il rispetto dei diritti umani. Occorre una politica estera capace di mediare i conflitti e non di aggravarne gli esiti. Vanno aperti canali legali di ingresso senza delegare a paesi terzi improbabili blocchi navali. Per salvare vite, basta con la propaganda elettorale.


    • The fall of the Lampedusa Hotspot, people’s freedom and locals’ solidarity


      A few weeks ago, the owner of one of the bars in the old port, was talking about human trafficking and money laundering between institutions and NGOs in relation to what had happened during that day. It was the evening of Thursday 24 August and Lampedusa had been touched by yet another ’exceptional’ event: 64 arrivals in one day. Tonight, in that same bar in the old port, a young Tunisian boy was sitting at a table and together with that same owner, albeit in different languages, exchanging life stories.

      What had been shaken in Lampedusa, in addition to the collapse of the Hotspot , is the collapse of the years long segregation system, which had undermined anypotential encounter with newly arrived people. A segregation that also provided fertile ground for conspiracy theories about migration, reducing people on the move to either victims or perpetrators of an alleged ’migration crisis’.

      Over the past two days, however, without police teams in manhunt mode, Lampedusa streets, public spaces, benches and bars, have been filled with encounters, conversations, pizzas and coffees offered by local inhabitants. Without hotspots and segregation mechanisms, Lampedusa becomes a space for enriching encounters and spontaneus acts of solidarity between locals and newly arrived people. Trays of fish ravioli, arancini, pasta, rice and couscous enter the small room next to the church, where volunteers try to guarantee as many meals as possible to people who, taken to the hotspot after disembarkation, had been unable to access food and water for three days. These scenes were unthinkable only a few days before. Since the beginning of the pandemic, which led to the end of the era of the ’hotspot with a hole’, newly-arrived people could not leave the detention centre, and it became almost impossible to imagine an open hotspot, with people walking freely through the city. Last night, 14 September, on Via Roma, groups of people who would never have met last week danced together with joy and complicity.

      These days, practice precedes all rhetoric, and what is happening shows that Lampedusa can be a beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea rather than a border, that its streets can be a place of welcoming and encounter without a closed centre that stifles any space for self-managed solidarity.

      The problem is not migration but the mechanism used to manage it.

      The situation for the thousands of people who have arrived in recent days remains worrying and precarious. In Contrada Imbriacola, even tonight, people are sleeping on the ground or on cots next to the buses that will take them to the ships for transfers in the morning. Among the people, besides confusion and misinformation, there is a lot of tiredness and fatigue. There are many teenagers and adolescents and many children and pregnant women. There are no showers or sanitary facilities, and people still complain about the inaccessibility of food and water; the competitiveness during food distributions disheartens many because of the tension involved in queuing. The fights that broke out two days ago are an example of this, and since that event most of the workers of all the associations present in the centre have been prevented from entering for reasons of security and guaranteeing their safety.

      If the Red Cross and the Prefecture do not want to admit their responsibilities, these are blatant before our eyes and it is not only the images of 7000 people that prove this, but the way situations are handled due to an absolute lack of personnel and, above all, confusion at organisational moments.


      A police commissioner tried unsuccessfully to get only a few people into the bus. The number and determination to leave of the newly arrived people is reformulating the very functioning of the transfers.

      A police commissioner tried unsuccessfully to get only a few people into the bus. The number and determination to leave of the newly arrived people is reformulating the very functioning of the transfers.

      During transfers yesterday morning, the carabinieri charged to move people crowded around a departing bus. The latter, at the cost of moving, performed a manoeuvre that squeezed the crowd against a low wall, creating an extremely dangerous situation ( video). All the people who had been standing in line for hours had to move chaotically, creating a commotion from which a brawl began in which at least one person split his eyebrow. Shortly before, one of the police commissioners had tried something different by creating a human caterpillar - people standing in line with their hands on their shoulders - in order to lead them into a bus, but once the doors were opened, other people pounced into it literally jamming it (photo). In other words, people are trudging along at the cost of others’ psycho-physical health.

      In yesterday evening’s transfer on 14 September (photo series with explanation), 300 people remained at the commercial dock from the morning to enter the Galaxy ship at nine o’clock in the evening. Against these 300 people, just as many arrived from the hotspot to board the ship or at least to try to do so.

      The tension, especially among those in control, was palpable; the marshals who remained on the island - the four patrols of the police force were all engaged for the day’s transfers - ’lined up’ between one group and another with the aim of avoiding any attempt to jump on the ship. In reality, people, including teenagers and families with children, hoped until the end to board the ship. No one told them otherwise until all 300 people passed through the only door left open to access the commercial pier. These people were promised that they would leave the next day. Meanwhile, other people from the hotspot have moved to the commercial pier and are spending the night there.

      People are demanding to leave and move freely. Obstructing rather than supporting this freedom of movement will lead people and territories back to the same impasses they have regularly experienced in recent years. The hotspot has collapsed, but other forms of borders remain that obstruct something as simple as personal self-determination. Forcing is the source of all problems, not freedom.

      Against all forms of borders, for freedom of movement for all.


      #Video: Lampedusa on the 14th September

      –-> https://vimeo.com/864806349


      #Lampedusa #hotspot #soilidarity #Maldusa

    • Lampedusa’s Hotspot System: From Failure to Nonexistence

      After a few days of bad weather, with the return of calm seas, people on the move again started to leave and cross the Mediterranean from Tunisia and Libya.

      During the day of 12 September alone, 110 iron, wooden and rubber boats arrived. 110 small boats, for about 5000 people in twenty-four hours. Well over the ’record’ of 60 that had astonished many a few weeks ago. Numbers not seen for years, and which add up to the approximately 120,000 people who have reached Italy since January 2023 alone: already 15,000 more than the entire year 2022.

      It has been a tense few days at the Favaloro pier, where people have been crowded for dozens of hours under the scorching sun.

      Some, having passed the gates and some rocks, jumped into the water in an attempt to find some coolness, reaching some boats at anchor and asking for water to drink.

      It pains and angers us that the police in riot gear are the only real response that seems to have been given.

      On the other hand, hundreds of people, who have arrived in the last two days on the Lampedusa coast, are walking through the streets of the town, crossing and finally reclaiming public space. The hotspot, which could accommodate 389, in front of 7000 people, has simply blown up. That is, it has opened.

      The square in front of the church was transformed, as it was years ago, into a meeting place where locals organised the distribution of food they had prepared, thanks also to the solidarity of bakers and restaurateurs who provided what they could.

      A strong and fast wave of solidarity: it seems incredible to see people on the move again, sharing space, moments and words with Lampedusians, activists from various organisations and tourists. Of course, there is also no shortage of sad and embarrassing situations, in which some tourists - perhaps secretly eager to meet ’the illegal immigrants’ - took pictures of themselves capturing these normally invisible and segregated chimeras.

      In fact, all these people would normally never meet, kept separate and segregated by the hotspot system.

      But these days a hotspot system seems to no longer exist, or to have completely broken down, in Lampedusa. It has literally been occupied by people on the move, sleeping inside and outside the centre, on the road leading from the entrance gate to the large car park, and in the abandoned huts around, and in every nook and cranny.

      Basic goods, such as water and food, are not enough. Due to the high number of people, there is a structural lack of distribution even of the goods that are present, and tensions seem to mount slowly but steadily.

      The Red Cross and workers from other organisations have been prevented from entering the hotspot centre for ’security reasons’ since yesterday morning. This seems an overwhelming situation for everyone. The pre-identification procedures, of course, are completely blown.

      Breaking out of this stalemate it’s very complex due to the continuous flow of arrivals : for today, as many as 2000 people are expected to be transferred between regular ships and military assets. For tomorrow another 2300 or so. Of course, it remains unpredictable how many people will continue to reach the island at the same time.

      In reaction to all this, we are not surprised, but again disappointed, that the city council is declaring a state of emergency still based on the rhetoric of ’invasion’.

      A day of city mourning has also been declared for the death of a 5-month-old baby, who did not survive the crossing and was found two days ago during a rescue.

      We are comforted, however, that a torchlight procession has been called by Lampedusians for tonight at 8pm. Banners read: ’STOP DEAD AT SEA’, ’LEGAL ENTRANCE CHANNELS NOW’.

      The Red Cross, Questura and Prefecture, on the other hand, oscillate between denying the problem - ’we are handling everything pretty well’ - to shouting at the invasion.

      It is not surprising either, but remains a disgrace, that the French government responds by announcing tighter border controls and that the German government announces in these very days - even though the decision stems from agreements already discussed in August regarding the Dublin Convention - that it will suspend the taking in of any refugee who falls under the so-called ’European solidarity mechanism’.

      We are facing a new level of breaking down the European borders and border regime by people on the move in the central Mediterranean area.

      We stand in full solidarity with them and wish them safe arrival in their destination cities.

      But let us remember: every day they continue to die at sea, which proves to be the deadliest border in the world. And this stems from a political choice, which remains intolerable and unacceptable.

      Freedom of movement must be a right for all!


    • « L’effet Lampedusa », ou comment se fabriquent des politiques migratoires répressives

      En concentrant les migrants dans des hotspots souvent situés sur de petites îles, les Etats européens installent une gestion inhumaine et inefficace des migrations, contradictoire avec certains de leurs objectifs, soulignent les chercheuses #Marie_Bassi et #Camille_Schmoll.

      Depuis quelques jours, la petite île de Lampedusa en Sicile a vu débarquer sur son territoire plus de migrants que son nombre d’habitants. Et comme à chacun de ces épisodes d’urgence migratoire en Europe, des représentants politiques partent en #croisade : pour accroître leur capital électoral, ils utilisent une #rhétorique_guerrière tandis que les annonces de #fermeture_des_frontières se succèdent. Les #élections_européennes approchent, c’est pour eux l’occasion de doubler par la droite de potentiels concurrents.

      Au-delà du cynisme des #opportunismes_politiques, que nous dit l’épisode Lampedusa ? Une fois de plus, que les #politiques_migratoires mises en place par les Etats européens depuis une trentaine d’années, et de manière accélérée depuis 2015, ont contribué à créer les conditions d’une #tragédie_humanitaire. Nous avons fermé les #voies_légales d’accès au territoire européen, contraignant des millions d’exilés à emprunter la périlleuse route maritime. Nous avons laissé les divers gouvernements italiens criminaliser les ONG qui portent secours aux bateaux en détresse, augmentant le degré de létalité de la traversée maritime. Nous avons collaboré avec des gouvernements irrespectueux des droits des migrants : en premier lieu la Libye, que nous avons armée et financée pour enfermer et violenter les populations migrantes afin de les empêcher de rejoindre l’Europe.

      L’épisode Lampedusa n’est donc pas simplement un drame humain : c’est aussi le symptôme d’une politique migratoire de courte vue, qui ne comprend pas qu’elle contribue à créer les conditions de ce qu’elle souhaite éviter, en renforçant l’instabilité et la violence dans les régions de départ ou de transit, et en enrichissant les réseaux criminels de trafic d’êtres humains qu’elle prétend combattre.

      Crise de l’accueil, et non crise migratoire

      Revenons d’abord sur ce que l’on peut appeler l’effet hotspot. On a assisté ces derniers mois à une augmentation importante des traversées de la Méditerranée centrale vers l’Italie, si bien que l’année 2023 pourrait, si la tendance se confirme, se hisser au niveau des années 2016 et 2017 qui avaient battu des records en termes de traversées dans cette zone. C’est bien entendu cette augmentation des départs qui a provoqué la surcharge actuelle de Lampedusa, et la situation de crise que l’on observe.

      Mais en réalité, les épisodes d’urgence se succèdent à Lampedusa depuis que l’île est devenue, au début des années 2000, le principal lieu de débarquement des migrants dans le canal de Sicile. Leur interception et leur confinement dans le hotspot de cette île exiguë de 20 km² renforce la #visibilité du phénomène, et crée un #effet_d’urgence et d’#invasion qui justifie une gestion inhumaine des arrivées. Ce fut déjà le cas en 2011 au moment des printemps arabes, lorsque plus de 60 000 personnes y avaient débarqué en quelques mois. Le gouvernement italien avait stoppé les transferts vers la Sicile, créant volontairement une situation d’#engorgement et de #crise_humanitaire. Les images du centre surpeuplé, de migrants harassés dormant dans la rue et protestant contre cet accueil indigne avaient largement été diffusées par les médias. Elles avaient permis au gouvernement italien d’instaurer un énième #état_d’urgence et de légitimer de nouvelles #politiques_répressives.

      Si l’on fait le tour des hotspots européens, force est de constater la répétition de ces situations, et donc l’échec de la #concentration dans quelques points stratégiques, le plus souvent des #îles du sud de l’Europe. L’#effet_Lampedusa est le même que l’effet #Chios ou l’effet #Moria#Lesbos) : ces #îles-frontières concentrent à elles seules, parce qu’elles sont exiguës, toutes les caractéristiques d’une gestion inhumaine et inefficace des migrations. Pensée en 2015 au niveau communautaire mais appliquée depuis longtemps dans certains pays, cette politique n’est pas parvenue à une gestion plus rationnelle des flux d’arrivées. Elle a en revanche fait peser sur des espaces périphériques et minuscules une énorme responsabilité humaine et une lourde charge financière. Des personnes traumatisées, des survivants, des enfants de plus en plus jeunes, sont accueillis dans des conditions indignes. Crise de l’accueil et non crise migratoire comme l’ont déjà montré de nombreuses personnes.

      Changer de paradigme

      Autre #myopie européenne : considérer qu’on peut, en collaborant avec les Etats de transit et de départ, endiguer les flux. Cette politique, au-delà de la vulnérabilité qu’elle crée vis-à-vis d’Etats qui peuvent user du chantage migratoire à tout moment – ce dont Kadhafi et Erdogan ne s’étaient pas privés – génère les conditions mêmes du départ des personnes en question. Car l’#externalisation dégrade la situation des migrants dans ces pays, y compris ceux qui voudraient y rester. En renforçant la criminalisation de la migration, l’externalisation renforce leur #désir_de_fuite. Depuis de nombreuses années, migrantes et migrants fuient les prisons et la torture libyennes ; ou depuis quelques mois, la violence d’un pouvoir tunisien en plein tournant autoritaire qui les érige en boucs émissaires. L’accord entre l’UE et la Tunisie, un énième du genre qui conditionne l’aide financière à la lutte contre l’immigration, renforce cette dynamique, avec les épisodes tragiques de cet été, à la frontière tuniso-libyenne.

      Lampedusa nous apprend qu’il est nécessaire de changer de #paradigme, tant les solutions proposées par les Etats européens (externalisation, #dissuasion, #criminalisation_des_migrations et de leurs soutiens) ont révélé au mieux leur #inefficacité, au pire leur caractère létal. Ils contribuent notamment à asseoir des régimes autoritaires et des pratiques violentes vis-à-vis des migrants. Et à transformer des êtres humains en sujets humanitaires.


    • Pour remettre les pendules à l’heure :

      Saluti dal Paese del “fenomeno palesemente fuori controllo”.


      Et aussi :

      « Les interceptions des migrants aux frontières représentent 1 à 3% des personnes autorisées à entrer avec un visa dans l’espace Schengen »

      Source : Babels, « Méditerranée – Des frontières à la dérive », https://www.lepassagerclandestin.fr/catalogue/bibliotheque-des-frontieres/mediterraneedes-frontieres-a-la-derive

      #statistiques #chiffres #étrangers #Italie

    • Arrivées à Lampedusa - #Solidarité et #résistance face à la crise de l’accueil en Europe.

      Suite à l’arrivée d’un nombre record de personnes migrantes à Lampedusa, la société civile exprime sa profonde inquiétude face à la réponse sécuritaire des Etats européens, la crise de l’accueil et réaffirme sa solidarité avec les personnes qui arrivent en Europe.

      Plus de 5 000 personnes et 112 bateaux : c’est le nombre d’arrivées enregistrées sur l’île italienne de Lampedusa le mardi 12 septembre. Les embarcations, dont la plupart sont arrivées de manière autonome, sont parties de Tunisie ou de Libye. Au total, plus de 118 500 personnes ont atteint les côtes italiennes depuis le début de l’année, soit près du double des 64 529 enregistrées à la même période en 2022 [1]. L’accumulation des chiffres ne nous fait pas oublier que, derrière chaque numéro, il y a un être humain, une histoire individuelle et que des personnes perdent encore la vie en essayant de rejoindre l’Europe.

      Si Lampedusa est depuis longtemps une destination pour les bateaux de centaines de personnes cherchant refuge en Europe, les infrastructures d’accueil de l’île font défaut. Mardi, le sauvetage chaotique d’un bateau a causé la mort d’un bébé de 5 mois. Celui-ci est tombé à l’eau et s’est immédiatement noyé, alors que des dizaines de bateaux continuaient d’accoster dans le port commercial. Pendant plusieurs heures, des centaines de personnes sont restées bloquées sur la jetée, sans eau ni nourriture, avant d’être transférées vers le hotspot de Lampedusa.

      Le hotspot, centre de triage où les personnes nouvellement arrivées sont tenues à l’écart de la population locale et pré-identifiées avant d’être transférées sur le continent, avec ses 389 places, n’a absolument pas la capacité d’accueillir dignement les personnes qui arrivent quotidiennement sur l’île. Depuis mardi, le personnel du centre est complètement débordé par la présence de 6 000 personnes. La Croix-Rouge et le personnel d’autres organisations ont été empêchés d’entrer dans le centre pour des « raisons de sécurité ».

      Jeudi matin, de nombreuses personnes ont commencé à s’échapper du hotspot en sautant les clôtures en raison des conditions inhumaines dans lesquelles elles y étaient détenues. Face à l’incapacité des autorités italiennes à offrir un accueil digne, la solidarité locale a pris le relais. De nombreux habitants et habitantes se sont mobilisés pour organiser des distributions de nourriture aux personnes réfugiées dans la ville [2].

      Différentes organisations dénoncent également la crise politique qui sévit en Tunisie et l’urgence humanitaire dans la ville de Sfax, d’où partent la plupart des bateaux pour l’Italie. Actuellement, environ 500 personnes dorment sur la place Beb Jebli et n’ont pratiquement aucun accès à la nourriture ou à une assistance médicale [3]. La plupart d’entre elles ont été contraintes de fuir le Soudan, l’Éthiopie, la Somalie, le Tchad, l’Érythrée ou le Niger. Depuis les déclarations racistes du président tunisien, Kais Saied, de nombreuses personnes migrantes ont été expulsées de leur domicile et ont perdu leur travail [4]. D’autres ont été déportées dans le désert où certaines sont mortes de soif.

      Alors que ces déportations massives se poursuivent et que la situation à Sfax continue de se détériorer, l’UE a conclu un nouvel accord avec le gouvernement tunisien il y a trois mois afin de coopérer « plus efficacement en matière de migration », de gestion des frontières et de « lutte contre la contrebande », au moyen d’une enveloppe de plus de 100 millions d’euros. L’UE a accepté ce nouvel accord en pleine connaissance des atrocités commises par le gouvernement tunisien ainsi que les attaques perpétrées par les garde-côtes tunisiens sur les bateaux de migrants [5].

      Pendant ce temps, nous observons avec inquiétude comment les différents gouvernements européens ferment leurs frontières et continuent de violer le droit d’asile et les droits humains les plus fondamentaux. Alors que le ministre français de l’Intérieur a annoncé son intention de renforcer les contrôles à la frontière italienne, plusieurs autres États membres de l’UE ont également déclaré qu’ils fermeraient leurs portes. En août, les autorités allemandes ont décidé d’arrêter les processus de relocalisation des demandeurs et demandeuses d’asile arrivant en Allemagne depuis l’Italie dans le cadre du « mécanisme de solidarité volontaire » [6].

      Invitée à Lampedusa dimanche par la première ministre Meloni, la Présidente de la Commission européenne Von der Leyen a annoncé la mise en place d’un plan d’action en 10 points qui vient confirmer cette réponse ultra-sécuritaire [7]. Renforcer les contrôles en mer au détriment de l’obligation de sauvetage, augmenter la cadence des expulsions et accroître le processus d’externalisation des frontières… autant de vieilles recettes que l’Union européenne met en place depuis des dizaines années et qui ont prouvé leur échec, ne faisant qu’aggraver la crise de la solidarité et la situation des personnes migrantes.

      Les organisations soussignées appellent à une Europe ouverte et accueillante et exhortent les États membres de l’UE à fournir des voies d’accès sûres et légales ainsi que des conditions d’accueil dignes. Nous demandons que des mesures urgentes soient prises à Lampedusa et que les lois internationales qui protègent le droit d’asile soient respectées. Nous sommes dévastés par les décès continus en mer causés par les politiques frontalières de l’UE et réaffirmons notre solidarité avec les personnes en mouvement.


    • Che cos’è una crisi migratoria?

      Continuare a considerare il fenomeno migratorio come crisi ci allontana sempre più dalla sua comprensione, mantenendoci ancorati a soluzioni emergenziali che non possono che risultare strumentali e pericolose
      Le immagini della fila di piccole imbarcazioni in attesa di fare ingresso nel porto di Lampedusa resteranno impresse nella nostra memoria collettiva. Oltre cinquemila persone in sole ventiquattrore, che si aggiungono alle oltre centomila giunte in Italia nei mesi precedenti (114.256 al 31 agosto 2023). Nel solo mese di agosto sono sbarcate in Italia più di venticinquemila persone, che si aggiungono alle oltre ventitremila di luglio. Era del resto in previsione di una lunga estate di sbarchi che il Governo aveva in aprile dichiarato lo stato di emergenza, in un momento in cui, secondo i dati forniti dal ministro Piantedosi, nella sola Lampedusa erano concentrate più di tremila persone. Stando alle dichiarazioni ufficiali, l’esigenza era quella di dotarsi degli strumenti tecnici per distribuire più efficacemente chi era in arrivo sul territorio italiano, in strutture gestite dalla Protezione civile, aggirando le ordinarie procedure d’appalto per l’apertura di nuove strutture di accoglienza.

      Tra il 2017 e il 2022, in parallelo con la riduzione del numero di sbarchi, il sistema d’accoglienza per richiedenti protezione internazionale era stato progressivamente contratto, perdendo circa il 240% della sua capacità ricettiva. Gli interventi dei primi mesi del 2023 sembravano tuttavia volerne rivoluzionare la fisionomia. Il cosiddetto “Decreto Cutro” escludeva i richiedenti asilo dalla possibilità di accedere alle strutture di accoglienza che fanno capo alla rete Sai (Sistema accoglienza migrazione), che a fine 2022 vantava una capacità di quasi venticinquemila posti, per riservare loro strutture come i grandi Centri di prima accoglienza o di accoglienza straordinaria, in cui sempre meno servizi alla persona sarebbero stati offerti. Per i richiedenti provenienti dai Paesi considerati “sicuri”, invece, la prospettiva era quella del confinamento in strutture situate nei pressi delle zone di frontiera in attesa dell’esito della procedura d’asilo accelerata e, eventualmente, del rimpatrio immediato.

      L’impennata nel numero di arrivi registrata negli ultimi giorni ha infine indotto il presidente del Consiglio ad annunciare con un videomessaggio trasmesso all’ora di cena nuove misure eccezionali. In particolare, sarà affidato all’Esercito il compito di creare e gestire nuove strutture detentive in cui trattenere “chiunque entri illegalmente in Italia per tutto il tempo necessario alla definizione della sue eventuale richiesta d’asilo e per la sua effettiva espulsione nel caso in cui sia irregolare”, da collocarsi “in località a bassissima densità abitativa e facilmente perimetrabili e sorvegliabili”. Parallelamente, anche i termini massimi di detenzione saranno innalzati fino a diciotto mesi.

      Ciò di cui nessuno sembra dubitare è che l’Italia si trovi a fronteggiare l’ennesima crisi migratoria. Ma esattamente, di cosa si parla quando si usa la parola “crisi” in relazione ai fenomeni migratori?

      Certo c’è la realtà empirica dei movimenti attraverso le frontiere. Oltre centomila arrivi in otto mesi giustificano forse il riferimento al concetto di crisi, ma a ben vedere non sono i numeri il fattore determinante. Alcune situazioni sono state definite come critiche anche in presenza di numeri tutto sommato limitati, per ragioni essenzialmente politico-diplomatiche. Si pensi alla crisi al confine greco-turco nel 2020, o ancora alla crisi ai confini di Polonia e Lituania con la Bielorussia nel 2021. In altri casi il movimento delle persone attraverso i confini non è stato tematizzato come una crisi anche a fronte di numeri molto elevati, si pensi all’accoglienza riservata ai profughi ucraini. Sebbene siano stati attivati strumenti di risposta eccezionali, il loro orientamento è stato prevalentemente umanitario e volto all’accoglienza. L’Italia, ad esempio, ha sì decretato uno stato d’emergenza per implementare un piano di accoglienza straordinaria dei profughi provenienti dall’Ucraina, ma ha offerto accoglienza agli oltre centosettantamila ucraini presenti sul nostro territorio senza pretendere di confinarli in centri chiusi, concedendo inoltre loro un sussidio in denaro.

      Ciò che conta è la rappresentazione del fenomeno migratorio e la risposta politica che di conseguenza segue. Le rappresentazioni e le politiche si alimentano reciprocamente. In breve, non tutti i fenomeni migratori sono interpretati come una crisi, né, quando lo sono, determinano la medesima risposta emergenziale. Ad esempio, all’indomani della tragedia di Lampedusa del 2013 prevalse un paradigma interpretativo chiaramente umanitario, che portò all’intensificazione delle operazioni di ricerca e soccorso nel Mediterraneo. Nel 2014 sbarcarono in Italia oltre centosettantamila migranti, centocinquantamila nel 2015 e ben centottantamila nel 2016. Questo tipo di approccio è stato in seguito definito come un pericoloso fattore di attrazione per le migrazioni non autorizzate e l’area operativa delle missioni di sorveglianza dei confini marittimi progressivamente arretrata, creando quel vuoto nelle attività di ricerca e soccorso che le navi delle Ong hanno cercato negli ultimi anni di colmare.

      Gli arrivi a Lampedusa degli ultimi giorni sono in gran parte l’effetto della riduzione dell’attività di sorveglianza oltre le acque territoriali. Intercettare i migranti in acque internazionali implica l’assunzione di obblighi e ricerca e soccorso che l’attuale governo accetta con una certa riluttanza, ma consente anche di far sbarcare i migranti soccorsi in mare anche in altri porti, evitando eccessive concentrazioni in un unico punto di sbarco.

      I migranti che raggiungono le nostre coste sono rappresentati come invasori, che violando i nostri confini minacciano la nostra integrità territoriale. L’appello insistito all’intervento delle forze armate che abbiamo ascoltato negli ultimi giorni si giustifica proprio attraverso il riferimento alla necessità di proteggere i confini e, in ultima analisi, l’integrità territoriale dell’Italia. Per quanto le immagini di migliaia di persone che sbarcano sulle coste italiane possano impressionare l’opinione pubblica, il riferimento alla necessità di proteggere l’integrità territoriale è frutto di un grave equivoco. Il principio di integrità territoriale è infatti codificato nel diritto internazionale come un corollario del divieto di uso della forza. Da ciò discende che l’integrità territoriale di uno Stato può essere minacciata solo da un’azione militare ostile condotta da forze regolari o irregolari. È dubbio che le migrazioni possano essere considerate una minaccia tale da giustificare, ad esempio, un blocco navale.

      Se i migranti non possono di per sé essere considerati come una minaccia alla integrità territoriale dello Stato, potrebbero però essere utilizzati come strumento da parte di attori politici intenzionati a destabilizzare politicamente i Paesi di destinazione. Non è mancato negli ultimi tempi chi ha occasionalmente evocato l’idea della strumentalizzazione delle migrazioni, fino alla recente, plateale dichiarazione del ministro Salvini. D’altra parte, questo è un tema caro ai Paesi dell’Est Europa, che hanno spinto affinché molte delle misure eccezionali adottate da loro in occasione della crisi del 2021 fossero infine incorporate nel diritto della Ue. Una parte del governo italiano sembra tuttavia più cauta, anche perché si continua a vedere nella collaborazione con i Paesi terzi la chiave di volta per la gestione del fenomeno. Accusare esplicitamente la Tunisia di strumentalizzare le migrazioni avrebbe costi politico-diplomatici troppo elevati.

      Cionondimeno, insistendo sull’elemento del rischio di destabilizzazione interna, plasticamente rappresentato dalle immagini delle migliaia di persone ammassate sul molo o nell’hotspot di Lampedusa, il governo propone una risposta politica molto simile all’approccio utilizzato da Polonia e Lituania nel 2021, centrato su respingimenti di massa e detenzione nelle zone di frontiera. L’obiettivo è quello di disincentivare i potenziali futuri migranti, paventando loro lunghi periodi di detenzione e il ritorno nella loro patria di origine.

      Gran parte di questa strategia dipende dalla collaborazione dei Paesi terzi e dalla loro disponibilità a bloccare le partenze prima che i migranti siano intercettati da autorità Italiane, facendo di conseguenza scattare gli obblighi internazionali di ricerca e soccorso o di asilo. Una strategia simile, definita come del controllo senza contatto, è stata seguita a lungo nella cooperazione con la Guardia costiera libica. Tuttavia, è proprio il tentativo di esternalizzare i controlli migratori a rendere i Paesi della Ue sempre più vulnerabili alla spregiudicata diplomazia delle migrazioni dei Paesi terzi. In definitiva, sono i Paesi europei che offrono loro la possibilità di strumentalizzare le migrazioni a scopi politici.

      Sul piano interno, il successo di una simile strategia dipende dalla capacità di rimpatriare rapidamente i migranti giunti sul territorio italiano. Alla fine del 2021 la percentuale di rimpatri che l’Italia riusciva ad eseguire era del 15% dei provvedimenti di allontanamento adottati. Gran parte delle persone rimpatriate sono tuttavia cittadini tunisini, anche perché in assenza di collaborazione con il Paese d’origine è impossibile rimpatriare. I tunisini rappresentano solo l’8% delle persone sbarcate nel 2023, che vengono in prevalenza da Guinea, Costa d’Avorio, Egitto, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso. L’allungamento dei tempi di detenzione non avrà dunque nessuna incidenza sulla efficacia delle politiche di rimpatrio.

      Uno degli argomenti utilizzati per giustificare l’intervento dell’Esercito è quello della necessità di accrescere la capacità del sistema detentivo, giudicata dal Governo non adeguata a gestire l’attuale crisi migratoria. Stando ai dati inclusi nella relazione sul sistema di accoglienza, alla fine del 2021 il sistema contava 744 posti, a fronte di una capacità ufficiale di 1.395. Come suggerisce la medesima relazione, il sistema funziona da sempre a capacità ridotta, anche perché le strutture sono soggette a ripetuti interventi di manutenzione straordinaria a causa delle devastazioni che seguono alle continue rivolte. Si tratta di strutture ai limiti dell’ingestibilità, che possono essere governate solo esercitando una forma sistemica di violenza istituzionale.

      Il sistema detentivo per stranieri sta tuttavia cambiando pelle progressivamente, ibridandosi con il sistema di accoglienza per richiedenti asilo al fine di contenere i migranti appena giunti via mare in attesa del loro più o meno rapido respingimento. Fino ad oggi, tuttavia, la detenzione ha continuato ad essere utilizzata in maniera più o meno selettiva, riservandola a coloro con ragionevoli prospettive di essere rimpatriati in tempi rapidi. Gli altri sono stati instradati verso il sistema di accoglienza, qualora avessero presentato una domanda d’asilo, o abbandonai al loro destino con in mano un ordine di lasciare l’Italia entro sette giorni.

      Le conseguenze di una politica basata sulla detenzione sistematica e a lungo termine di tutti coloro che giungono alla frontiera sono facili da immaginare. Se l’Italia si limitasse a trattenere per una media di sei mesi (si ricordi che l’intenzione espressa in questi giorni dal Governo italiano è di portare a diciotto mesi i termini massimi di detenzione) anche solo il 50% delle persone che sbarcano, significherebbe approntare un sistema detentivo con una capacità di trentottomila posti. Certo, questo calcolo si basa sulla media mensile degli arrivi registrati nel 2023, un anno di “crisi” appunto. Ma anche tenendo conto della media mensile degli arrivi dei due anni precedenti la prospettiva non sarebbe confortante. Il nostro Paese dovrebbe infatti essere in grado di mantenere una infrastruttura detentiva da ventimila posti. Una simile infrastruttura, dato l’andamento oscillatorio degli arrivi via mare, dovrebbe essere poi potenziata al bisogno per far fronte alle necessità delle fasi in cui il numero di sbarchi cresce.

      Lascio al lettore trarre le conseguenze circa l’impatto materiale e umano che una simile approccio alla gestione degli arrivi avrebbe. Mi limito qui solo ad alcune considerazioni finali sulla maniera in cui sono tematizzate le cosiddette crisi migratorie. Tali crisi continuano ad essere viste come il frutto della carenza di controlli e della incapacità dello Stato di esercitare il suo diritto sovrano di controllare le frontiere. La risposta alle crisi migratorie è dunque sempre identica a sé stessa, alla ricerca di una impossibile chiusura dei confini che riproduce sempre nuove crisi, nuovi morti in mare, nuova violenza di Stato lungo le frontiere fortificate o nelle zone di contenimento militarizzate. Guardare alle migrazioni attraverso la lente del concetto di “crisi” induce tuttavia a pensare le migrazioni come a qualcosa di eccezionale, come a un’anomalia causata da instabilità e catastrofi che si verificano in un altrove geografico e politico. Le migrazioni sono così destoricizzate e decontestualizzate dalle loro cause strutturali e i Paesi di destinazione condannati a replicare politiche destinate a fallire poiché appunto promettono risultati irraggiungibili. Più che insistere ossessivamente sulla rappresentazione delle migrazioni come crisi, si dovrebbe dunque forse cominciare a tematizzare la crisi delle politiche migratorie. Una crisi più profonda e strutturale che non può essere ridotta alle polemiche scatenate dai periodici aumenti nel numero di sbarchi.


    • Spiegazione semplice del perché #Lampedusa va in emergenza.

      2015-2017: 150.000 sbarchi l’anno, di cui 14.000 a Lampedusa (9%).

      Ultimi 12 mesi: 157.000 sbarchi, di cui 104.000 a Lampedusa (66%).

      Soluzione: aumentare soccorsi a #migranti, velocizzare i trasferimenti.


    • Interview de M. #Gérald_Darmanin, ministre de l’intérieur et des outre-mer, à Europe 1/CNews le 18 septembre 2023, sur la question migratoire et le travail des forces de l’ordre.

      Bonjour à vous Gérald DARMANIN.


      Merci de nous accorder cet entretien, avant votre déplacement cet après-midi à Rome. Lampedusa, Monsieur le Ministre, débordé par l’afflux de milliers de migrants. La présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula VON DER LEYEN, en visite sur place, a appelé les pays européens à accueillir une partie de ces migrants arrivés en Italie. Est-ce que la France s’apprête à le faire, et si oui, pour combien de migrants ?

      Alors, non, la France ne s’apprête pas à le faire, la France, comme l’a dit le président de la République la Première ministre italienne, va aider l’Italie à tenir sa frontière, pour empêcher les gens d’arriver, et pour ceux qui sont arrivés en Italie, à Lampedusa et dans le reste de l’Italie, nous devons appliquer les règles européennes, que nous avons adoptées voilà quelques mois, qui consistent à faire les demandes d’asile à la frontière. Et donc une fois que l’on fait les demandes d’asile à la frontière, on constate qu’une grande partie de ces demandeurs d’asile ne sont pas éligibles à l’asile et doivent repartir immédiatement dans les pays d’origine. S’il y a des demandeurs d’asile, qui sont éligibles à l’asile, qui sont persécutés pour des raisons évidemment politiques, bien sûr, ce sont des réfugiés, et dans ces cas-là, la France comme d’autres pays, comme elle l’a toujours fait, peut accueillir des personnes. Mais ce serait une erreur d’appréciation que de considérer que les migrants parce qu’ils arrivent en Europe, doivent tout de suite être répartis dans tous les pays d’Europe et dont la France, qui prend déjà largement sa part, et donc ce que nous voulons dire à nos amis italiens, qui je crois sont parfaitement d’accord avec nous, nous devons protéger les frontières extérieures de l’Union européenne, les aider à cela, et surtout tout de suite regarder les demandes d’asile, et quand les gens ne sont pas éligibles à l’asile, tout de suite les renvoyer dans leur pays.

      Donc, pour être clair ce matin Gérald DARMANIN, vous dites que la politique de relocalisation immédiate, non la France n’en prendra pas sa part.

      S’il s’agit de personnes qui doivent déposer une demande d’asile parce qu’ils sont persécutés dans leur pays, alors ce sont des réfugiés politiques, oui nous avons toujours relocalisé, on a toujours mis dans nos pays si j’ose dire une partie du fardeau qu’avaient les Italiens ou les Grecs. S’il s’agit de prendre les migrants tels qu’ils sont, 60 % d’entre eux viennent de pays comme la Côte d’Ivoire, comme la Guinée, comme la Gambie, il n’y a aucune raison qu’ils viennent…

      Ça a été le cas lors de l’Ocean Viking.

      Il n’y a aucune raison. Pour d’autres raisons, c’est des raisons humanitaires, là il n’y a pas de question humanitaire, sauf qu’à Lampedusa les choses deviennent très difficiles, c’est pour ça qu’il faut que nous aidions nos amis italiens, mais il ne peut pas y avoir comme message donné aux personnes qui viennent sur notre sol, qu’ils sont quoiqu’il arrive dans nos pays accueillis. Ils ne sont accueillis que s’ils respectent les règles de l’asile, s’ils sont persécutés. Mais si c’est une immigration qui est juste irrégulière, non, la France ne peut pas les accueillir, comme d’autres pays. La France est très ferme, vous savez, j’entends souvent que c’est le pays où il y a le plus de demandeurs d’asile, c’est tout à fait faux, nous sommes le 4e pays, derrière l’Allemagne, derrière l’Espagne, derrière l’Autriche, et notre volonté c’est d’accueillir bien sûr ceux qui doivent l’être, les persécutés politiques, mais nous devons absolument renvoyer chez eux, ceux qui n’ont rien à faire en Europe.

      On entend ce message ce matin, qui est un peu différent de celui de la ministre des Affaires étrangères, qui semblait parler d’un accueil inconditionnel. Le président de la République a parlé d’un devoir de solidarité. Vous, vous dites : oui, devoir de solidarité, mais nous n’allons pas avoir une politique de répartition des migrants, ce n’est pas le rôle de la France.

      Le rôle de la France, d’abord aider l’Italie.

      Comment, concrètement ?

      Eh bien d’abord, nous devons continuer à protéger nos frontières, et ça c’est à l’Europe de le faire.

      Ça c’est l’enjeu majeur, les frontières extérieures.

      Exactement. Nous devons déployer davantage Frontex en Méditerranée…

      Avec une efficacité, Monsieur le Ministre, très discutable.

      Avec des messages qu’on doit passer à Frontex effectivement, de meilleures actions, pour empêcher les personnes de traverser pour aller à Lampedusa. Il y a eu à Lampedusa, vous l’avez dit, des milliers de personnes, 5000 même en une seule journée, m’a dit le ministre italien, le 12 septembre. Donc il y a manifestement 300, 400 arrivées de bateaux possibles. Nous devons aussi travailler avec la Tunisie, avec peut-être beaucoup plus encore d’actions que nous faisons jusqu’à présent. La Commission européenne vient de négocier un plan, eh bien il faut le mettre en place désormais, il faut arrêter d’en parler, il faut le faire. Vous savez, les bateaux qui sont produits à Sfax pour venir à Lampedusa, ils sont produits en Tunisie. Donc il faut absolument que nous cassons cet écosystème des passeurs, des trafiquants, parce qu’on ne peut pas continuer comme ça.

      Quand vous dites « nous », c’est-à-dire en partenariat avec la Tunisie ? Comment vous expliquez Monsieur le Ministre qu’il y a eu un afflux aussi soudain ? Est-ce que la Tunisie n’a pas pu ou n’a pas voulu contenir ces arrivées ?

      Je ne sais pas. J’imagine que le gouvernement tunisien a fait le maximum…

      Vous devez avoir une idée.

      On sait qu’on que tous ces gens sont partis de Sfax, donc d’un endroit extrêmement précis où il y a beaucoup de migrants notamment Africains, Subsahariens qui y sont, donc la Tunisie connaît elle-même une difficulté migratoire très forte. On doit manifestement l’aider, mais on doit aussi très bien coopérer avec elle, je crois que c’est ce que fait en ce moment le gouvernement italien, qui rappelle un certain nombre de choses aux Tunisiens, quoi leur rappelle aussi leurs difficultés. Donc, ce qui est sûr c’est que nous avons désormais beaucoup de plans, on a beaucoup de moyens, on a fait beaucoup de déplacements, maintenant il faut appliquer cela. Vous savez, la France, à la demande du président de la République, c’était d’ailleurs à Tourcoing, a proposé un pacte migratoire, qui consistait très simplement à ce que les demandes d’asile ne se fassent plus dans nos pays, mais à la frontière. Tout le monde l’a adopté, y compris le gouvernement de madame MELONI. C’est extrêmement efficace puisque l’idée c’est qu’on dise que les gens, quand ils rentrent sur le territoire européen, ne sont pas juridiquement sur le territoire européen, que nous regardions leur asile en quelques jours, et nous les renvoyons. Il faut que l’Italie…

      Ça c’est le principe.

      Il faut que l’Italie anticipe, anticipe la mise en place de ce dispositif. Et pourquoi il n’a pas encore été mis en place ? Parce que des députés européens, ceux du Rassemblement national, ont voté contre. C’est-à-dire que l’on est dans une situation politique un peu étonnante, où la France trouve une solution, la demande d’asile aux frontières, beaucoup plus efficace. Le gouvernement de madame MELONI, dans lequel participe monsieur SALVINI, est d’accord avec cette proposition, simplement ceux qui bloquent ça au Parlement européen, c’est le Rassemblement national, qui après va en Italie pour dire que l’Europe ne fait rien.

      Sauf que, Monsieur le Ministre…

      Donc on voit bien qu’il y a du tourisme électoral de la part de madame LE PEN…

      Vous le dénoncez.

      Il faut désormais être ferme, ce que je vous dis, nous n’accueillerons pas les migrants sur le territoire européen…

      Mais un migrant, sur le sol européen aujourd’hui, sait qu’il va y rester. La vocation est d’y rester.

      Non, c’est tout à fait faux, nous faisons des retours. Nous avons par exemple dans les demandes d’asile, prévu des Ivoiriens. Bon. Nous avons des personnes qui viennent du Cameroun, nous avons des personnes qui viennent de Gambie. Avec ces pays nous avons d’excellentes relations politiques internationales, et nous renvoyons tous les jours dans ces pays des personnes qui n’ont rien à faire pour demander l’asile en France ou en Europe. Donc c’est tout à fait faux, avec certains pays nous avons plus de difficultés, bien sûr, parce qu’ils sont en guerre, comme la Syrie, comme l’Afghanistan bien sûr, mais avec beaucoup de pays, la Tunisie, la Gambie, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Sénégal, le Cameroun, nous sommes capables d’envoyer très rapidement ces personnes chez elles.

      Lorsque le patron du Rassemblement national Jordan BARDELLA, ou encore Eric ZEMMOUR, ou encore Marion MARECHAL sur place, dit : aucun migrant de Lampedusa ne doit arriver en France. Est-ce que vous êtes capable de tenir, si je puis dire cette déclaration ? Vous dites : c’est totalement illusoire.

      Non mais monsieur BARDELLA il fait de la politique politicienne, et malheureusement sur le dos de ses amis italiens, sur le dos de femmes et d’hommes, puisqu’il ne faut jamais oublier que ces personnes évidemment connaissent des difficultés extrêmement fortes. Il y a un bébé qui est mort à Lampedusa voilà quelques heures, et évidemment sur le dos de l’intelligence politique que les Français ont. Le Front national vote systématiquement contre toutes les mesures que nous proposons au niveau européen, chacun voit que c’est un sujet européen, c’est pour ça d’ailleurs qu’il se déplace, j’imagine, en Italie…

      Ils ne sont pas d’accord avec votre politique, Monsieur le Ministre, ça ne surprend personne.

      Non mais monsieur SALVINI madame MELONI, avec le gouvernement français, ont adopté un texte commun qui prévoit une révolution : la demande d’asile aux frontières. Monsieur BARDELLA, lui il parle beaucoup, mais au Parlement européen il vote contre. Pourquoi ? Parce qu’il vit des problèmes. La vérité c’est que monsieur BARDELLA, comme madame Marion MARECHAL LE PEN, on a compris qu’il y a une sorte de concurrence dans la démagogie à l’extrême droite, eux, ce qu’ils veulent c’est vivre des problèmes. Quand on leur propose de résoudre les problèmes, l’Europe avec le président de la République a essayé de leur proposer de les résoudre. Nous avons un accord avec madame MELONI, nous faisons la demande d’asile aux frontières, nous considérons qu’il n’y a plus d’asile en Europe, tant qu’on n’a pas étudié aux frontières cet asile. Quand le Rassemblement national vote contre, qu’est-ce qui se passe ? Eh bien ils ne veulent pas résoudre les problèmes, ils veulent pouvoir avoir une sorte de carburant électoral, pour pouvoir dire n’importe quoi, comme ils l’ont fait ce week-end encore.

      Ce matin, sur les 5 000, 6 000 qui sont arrivés à Lampedusa, combien seront raccompagnés, combien n’ont pas vocation et ne resteront pas sur le sol européen ?

      Alors, c’est difficile. C’est difficile à savoir, parce que moi je ne suis pas les autorités italiennes, c’est pour ça que à la demande, du président je vais à Rome cet après-midi, mais de notre point de vue, de ce que nous en savons des autorités italiennes, beaucoup doivent être accompagnés, puisqu’encore une fois je comprends que sur à peu près 8 000 ou 9 000 personnes qui sont arrivées, il y a beaucoup de gens qui viennent de pays qui ne connaissent pas de persécution politique, ni au Cameroun, ni en Côte d’Ivoire, ni bien sûr en Gambie, ni en Tunisie, et donc ces personnes, bien sûr, doivent repartir dans leur pays et la France doit les aider à repartir.

      On note Gérald DARMANIN que vous avez un discours, en tout cas une tonalité très différente à l’égard de madame MELONI, on se souvient tous qu’il y a eu quasiment une crise diplomatique il y a quelques temps, lorsque vous avez dit qu’elle n’était pas capable de gérer ces questions migratoires sur lesquelles elle a été… elle est arrivée au pouvoir avec un discours très ferme, aujourd’hui vous dites « non, je la soutiens madame MELONI », c’est derrière nous toutes ces déclarations, que vous avez tenues ?

      Je ne suis pas là pour soutenir madame MELONI, non, je dis simplement que lorsqu’on vote pour des gouvernements qui vous promettent tout, c’est le cas aussi de ce qui s’est passé avec le Brexit en Grande-Bretagne, les Français doivent comprendre ça. Lorsqu’on vous dit " pas un migrant ne viendra, on fera un blocus naval, vous allez voir avec nous on rase gratis ", on voit bien que la réalité dépasse largement ces engagements.

      Elle a réitéré le blocus naval !

      Le fait est qu’aujourd’hui nous devons gérer une situation où l’Italie est en grande difficulté, et on doit aider l’Italie, parce qu’aider l’Italie, d’abord c’est nos frères et nos soeurs les Italiens, mais en plus c’est la continuité, évidemment, de ce qui va se passer en France, donc moi je suis là pour protéger les Français, je suis là pour protéger les Français parce que le président de la République souhaite que nous le faisions dans un cadre européen, et c’est la seule solution qui vaille, parce que l’Europe doit parler d’une seule voix…

      C’est la seule solution qui vaille ?

      Oui, c’est la seule solution qui vaille…

      Vous savez que l’Allemagne a changé, enfin elle n’en voulait pas, finalement là, sur les migrants, elle change d’avis, la Hongrie, la Pologne, je n’en parle même pas, la situation devient quand même intenable.

      La France a un rôle moteur dans cette situation de ce week-end, vous avez vu les contacts diplomatiques que nous avons eus, on est heureux d’avoir réussi à faire bouger nos amis Allemands sur cette situation. Les Allemands connaissent aussi une difficulté forte, ils ont 1 million de personnes réfugiées ukrainiens, ils ont une situation compliquée par rapport à la nôtre aussi, mais je constate que l’Allemagne et la France parlent une nouvelle fois d’une seule voix.

      Mais l’Europe est en ordre dispersé, ça on peut le dire, c’est un constat lucide.

      L’Europe est dispersée parce que l’Europe, malheureusement, a des intérêts divergents, mais l’Europe a réussi à se mettre d’accord sur la proposition française, encore une fois, une révolution migratoire qui consiste à faire des demandes d’asile à la frontière. Nous nous sommes mis d’accord entre tous les pays européens, y compris madame MELONI, ceux qui bloquent c’est le Rassemblement national, et leurs amis, au Parlement européen, donc plutôt que de faire du tourisme migratoire à Lampedusa comme madame Marion MARECHAL LE PEN, ou raconter n’importe quoi comme monsieur BARDELLA, ils feraient mieux de faire leur travail de députés européens, de soutenir la France, d’être un peu patriotes pour une fois, de ne pas faire la politique du pire…

      Vous leur reprochez un défaut de patriotisme à ce sujet-là ?

      Quand on ne soutient pas la politique de son gouvernement, lorsque l’on fait l’inverser…

      Ça s’appelle être dans l’opposition parfois Monsieur le Ministre.

      Oui, mais on ne peut pas le faire sur le dos de femmes et d’hommes qui meurent, et moi je vais vous dire, le Rassemblement national aujourd’hui n’est pas dans la responsabilité politique. Qu’il vote ce pacte migratoire très vite, que nous puissions enfin, concrètement, aider nos amis Italiens, c’est sûr qu’il y aura moins d’images dramatiques, du coup il y aura moins de carburant pour le Rassemblement national, mais ils auront fait quelque chose pour leur pays.

      Vous les accusez, je vais employer ce mot puisque la ministre Agnès PANNIER-RUNACHER l’a employé elle-même, de « charognards » là, puisque nous parlons de femmes et d’hommes, de difficultés aussi, c’est ce que vous êtes en train de dire ?

      Moi je ne comprends pas pourquoi on passe son temps à faire des conférences de presse en Italie, à Lampedusa, en direct sur les plateaux de télévision, lorsqu’on n’est pas capable, en tant que parlementaires européens, de voter un texte qui permet concrètement de lutter contre les difficultés migratoires. Encore une fois, la révolution que la France a proposée, et qui a été adoptée, avec le soutien des Italiens, c’est ça qui est paradoxal dans cette situation, peut être résolue si nous mettons en place…


      Bien sûr ; si nous mettons en place les demandes d’asile aux frontières, on n’empêchera jamais les gens de traverser la Méditerranée, par contre on peut très rapidement leur dire qu’ils ne peuvent pas rester sur notre sol, qu’ils ne sont pas des persécutés…

      Comment vous appelez ce qui s’est passé, Monsieur le Ministre, est-ce que vous dites c’est un afflux soudain et massif, ou est-ce que vous dites que c’est une submersion migratoire, le diagnostic participe quand même de la résolution des défis et des problèmes ?

      Non, mais sur Lampedusa, qui est une île évidemment tout au sud de la Méditerranée, qui est même au sud de Malte, il y a 6000 habitants, lorsqu’il y a entre 6 et 8 000 personnes qui viennent en quelques jours évidemment c’est une difficulté immense, et chacun le comprend, pour les habitants de Lampedusa.

      Comment vous qualifiez cela ?

      Mais là manifestement il y a à Sfax une difficulté extrêmement forte, où on a laissé passer des centaines de bateaux, fabriqués d’ailleurs, malheureusement….

      Donc vous avez un gros problème avec les pays du Maghreb, en l’occurrence la Tunisie ?

      Je pense qu’il y a un énorme problème migratoire interne à l’Afrique, encore une fois la Tunisie, parfois même l’Algérie, parfois le Maroc, parfois la Libye, ils subissent eux-mêmes une pression migratoire d’Afrique, on voit bien que la plupart du temps ce sont des nationalités du sud du Sahel, donc les difficultés géopolitiques que nous connaissons ne sont pas pour rien dans cette situation, et nous devons absolument aider l’Afrique à absolument aider les Etats du Maghreb. On peut à la fois les aider, et en même temps être très ferme, on peut à la fois aider ces Etats à lutter contre l’immigration interne à l’Afrique, et en même temps expliquer…

      Ça n’empêche pas la fermeté.

      Que toute personne qui vient en Europe ne sera pas accueillie chez nous.

      Encore une question sur ce sujet. Dans les différents reportages effectués à Lampedusa on a entendu certains migrants mettre en avant le système social français, les aides possibles, est-ce que la France, Gérald DARMANIN, est trop attractive, est-ce que notre modèle social est trop généreux et c’est pour cela qu’il y a ces arrivées aussi ?

      Alors, je ne suis pas sûr qu’on traverse le monde en se disant « chouette, il y a ici une aide sociale particulièrement aidante », mais il se peut…

      Mais quand on doit choisir entre différents pays ?

      Mais il se peut qu’une fois arrivées en Europe, effectivement, un certain nombre de personnes, aidées par des passeurs, aidées parfois par des gens qui ont de bonnes intentions, des associations, se disent « allez dans ce pays-là parce qu’il y a plus de chances de », c’est ce pourquoi nous luttons. Quand je suis arrivé au ministère de l’Intérieur nous étions le deuxième pays d’Europe qui accueille le plus de demandeurs d’asile, aujourd’hui on est le quatrième, on doit pouvoir continuer à faire ce travail, nous faisons l’inverse de certains pays autour de nous, par exemple l’Allemagne qui ouvre plutôt plus de critères, nous on a tendance à les réduire, et le président de la République, dans la loi immigration, a proposé beaucoup de discussions pour fermer un certain nombre d’actions d’accueil. Vous avez la droite, LR, qui propose la transformation de l’AME en Aide Médicale d’Urgence, nous sommes favorables à étudier cette proposition des LR, j’ai moi-même proposé un certain nombre de dispositions extrêmement concrètes pour limiter effectivement ce que nous avons en France et qui parfois est différent des pays qui nous entourent et qui peuvent conduire à cela. Et puis enfin je terminerai par dire, c’est très important, il faut lutter contre les passeurs, la loi immigration que je propose passe de délit a crime, avec le garde des Sceaux on a proposé qu’on passe de quelques années de prison à 20 ans de prison pour ceux qui trafiquent des êtres humains, aujourd’hui quand on arrête des passeurs, on en arrête tous les jours grâce à la police française, ils ne sont condamnés qu’à quelques mois de prison, alors que demain, nous l’espérons, ils seront condamnés bien plus.

      Bien. Gérald DARMANIN, sur CNews et Europe 1 notre « Grande interview » s’intéresse aussi à un nouveau refus d’obtempérer qui a dégénéré à Stains, je vais raconter en quelques mots ce qui s’est passé pour nos auditeurs et téléspectateurs, des policiers ont pris en chasse un deux-roues, rapidement un véhicule s’est interposé pour venir en aide aux fuyards, un policier a été violemment pris à partie, c’est son collègue qui est venu pour l’aider, qui a dû tirer en l’air pour stopper une scène de grande violence vis-à-vis de ce policier, comment vous réagissez par rapport à cela ?

      D’abord trois choses. Les policiers font leur travail, et partout sur le territoire national, il n’y a pas de territoires perdus de la République, il y a des territoires plus difficiles, mais Stains on sait tous que c’est une ville à la fois populaire et difficile pour la police nationale. La police le samedi soir fait des contrôles, lorsqu’il y a des refus d’obtempérer, je constate que les policiers sont courageux, et effectivement ils ont été violentés, son collègue a été très courageux de venir le secourir, et puis troisièmement force est restée à la loi, il y a eu cinq interpellations, ils sont présentés aujourd’hui…

      A quel prix.

      Oui, mais c’est le travail…

      A quel prix pour le policier.

      Malheureusement c’est le travail, dans une société très violente…

      D’être tabassé ?

      Dans une société très violente les policiers, les gendarmes, savent la mission qu’ils ont, qui est une mission extrêmement difficile, je suis le premier à les défendre partout sur les plateaux de télévision, je veux dire qu’ils ont réussi, à la fin, à faire entendre raison à la loi, les Français doivent savoir ce matin que cinq personnes ont été interpellées, présentées devant le juge.

      Pour quel résultat, Monsieur le Ministre ?

      Eh bien moi je fais confiance en la justice.

      Parfois on va les trouver à l’extérieur.

      Non non, je fais confiance en la justice, quand on…

      Ça c’est le principe. On fait tous, on aimerait tous faire confiance à la justice.

      Non, mais quand on moleste un policier, j’espère que les peines seront les plus dures possible.

      On va terminer avec une semaine intense et à risques qui s’annonce, la suite de la Coupe du monde de rugby, la visite du roi Charles III, le pape à Marseille. Vous avez appelé les préfets à une très haute vigilance. C’est un dispositif exceptionnel pour relever ces défis, qui sera mis en oeuvre.

      Oui, donc cette semaine la France est au coeur du monde par ces événements, la Coupe du monde de rugby qui continue, et qui se passe bien. Vous savez, parfois ça nous fait sourire. La sécurité ne fait pas de bruit, l’insécurité en fait, mais depuis le début de cette Coupe du monde, les policiers, des gendarmes, les pompiers réussissent à accueillir le monde en de très très bonnes conditions, tant mieux, il faut que ça continue bien sûr. Le pape qui vient deux jours à Marseille, comme vous l’avez dit, et le roi Charles pendant trois jours. Il y aura jusqu’à 30 000 policiers samedi, et puis après il y a quelques événements comme PSG - OM dimanche prochain, c’est une semaine…

      Important aussi.

      C’est une semaine horribilis pour le ministre de l’Intérieur et pour les policiers et les gendarmes, et nous le travaillons avec beaucoup de concentration, le RAID, le GIGN est tout à fait aujourd’hui prévu pour tous ces événements, et nous sommes capables d’accueillir ces grands événements mondiaux en une semaine, c’est l’honneur de la police nationale et de la gendarmerie nationale.

      Merci Gérald DARMANIN.

      Merci à vous.

      Vous serez donc cet après-midi…

      A Rome.

      …à Rome avec votre homologue évidemment de l’Intérieur. Merci encore de nous avoir accordé cet entretien.

      Merci à vous.

      Et bonne journée sur Cnews et Europe 1


      #Darmanin #demandes_d'asile_à_la_frontière

    • Darmanin: ’La Francia non accoglierà migranti da Lampedusa’

      Ma con Berlino apre alla missione navale. Il ministro dell’Interno francese a Roma. Tajani: ’Fa fede quello che dice Macron’. Marine Le Pen: ’Dobbianmo riprendere il controllo delle nostre frontiere’

      «La Francia non prenderà nessun migrante da Lampedusa». All’indomani della visita di Ursula von der Leyen e Giorgia Meloni sull’isola a largo della Sicilia, il governo transalpino torna ad alzare la voce sul fronte della solidarietà e lo fa, ancora una volta, con il suo ministro dell’Interno Gerald Darmanin.

      La sortita di Parigi giunge proprio mentre, da Berlino, arriva l’apertura alla richiesta italiana di una missione navale comune per aumentare i controlli nel Mediterraneo, idea sulla quale anche la Francia si dice pronta a collaborare.

      Sullo stesso tenore anche le dichiarazioni Marine Le Pen. «Nessun migrante da Lampedusa deve mettere piede in Francia. Serve assolutamente una moratoria totale sull’immigrazione e dobbiamo riprendere il controllo delle nostre frontiere. Spetta a noi nazioni decidere chi entra e chi resta sul nostro territorio». Lo ha detto questa sera Marine Le Pen, leader dell’estrema destra francese del Rassemblement National, «Quelli che fanno appello all’Unione europea si sbagliano - ha continuato Le Pen - perché è vano e pericoloso. Vano perché l’Unione europea vuole l’immigrazione, pericoloso perché lascia pensare che deleghiamo all’Unione europea la decisione sulla politica di immigrazione che dobbiamo condurre. Spetta al popolo francese decidere e bisogna rispettare la sua decisione».

      La strada per la messa a punto di un’azione Ue, tuttavia, resta tremendamente in salita anche perché è segnata da uno scontro interno alle istituzioni comunitarie sull’intesa con Tunisi: da un lato il Consiglio Ue, per nulla soddisfatto del modus operandi della Commissione, e dall’altro l’esecutivo europeo, che non ha alcuna intenzione di abbandonare la strada tracciata dal Memorandum siglato con Kais Saied. «Sarebbe un errore di giudizio considerare che i migranti, siccome arrivano in Europa, devono essere subito ripartiti in tutta Europa e in Francia, che fa ampiamente la sua parte», sono state le parole con cui Darmamin ha motiva il suo no all’accoglienza. Il ministro lo ha spiegato prima di recarsi a Roma, su richiesta del presidente Emmanuel Macron, per un confronto con il titolare del Viminale Matteo Piantedosi. Ed è proprio a Macron che l’Italia sembra guardare, legando le frasi di Darmanin soprattutto alle vicende politiche interne d’Oltralpe. «Fa fede quello che dice Macron e quello che dice il ministro degli Esteri, mi pare che ci sia voglia di collaborare», ha sottolineato da New York il titolare della Farnesina Antonio Tajani invitando tutti, in Italia e in Ue, a non affrontare il dossier con «slogan da campagna elettorale».

      Eppure la sortita di Darmanin ha innescato l’immediata reazione della maggioranza, soprattutto dalle parti di Matteo Salvini. «Gli italiani si meritano fatti concreti dalla Francia e dall’Europa», ha tuonato la Lega. Nel piano Ue su Lampedusa il punto dell’accoglienza è contenuto nel primo dei dieci punti messi neri su bianco. Ma resta un concetto legato alla volontarietà. Che al di là della Francia, per ora trova anche il no dell’Austria. Il nodo è sempre lo stesso: i Paesi del Nord accusano Roma di non rispettare le regole sui movimenti secondari, mentre l’Italia pretende di non essere l’unico approdo per i migranti in arrivo. Il blocco delle partenze, in questo senso, si presenta come l’unica mediazione politicamente percorribile. Berlino e Parigi si dicono pronte a collaborare su un maggiore controllo aereo e navale delle frontiere esterne. L’Ue sottolinea di essere «disponibile a esplorare l’ipotesi», anche se la «decisione spetta agli Stati».

      Il raggio d’azione di von der Leyen, da qui alle prossime settimane, potrebbe tuttavia restringersi: sull’intesa con Tunisi l’Alto Rappresentante Ue per la Politica Estera Josep Borrell, il servizio giuridico del Consiglio Ue e alcuni Paesi membri - Germania e Lussemburgo in primis - hanno mosso riserve di metodo e di merito. L’accusa è duplice: il Memorandum con Saied non solo non garantisce il rispetto dei diritti dei migranti ma è stato firmato dal cosiddetto ’team Europe’ (von der Leyen, Mark Rutte e Meloni) senza l’adeguata partecipazione del Consiglio. Borrell lo ha messo nero su bianco in una missiva indirizzata al commissario Oliver Varhelyi e a von der Leyen. «Gli Stati membri sono stati informati e c’è stato ampio sostegno», è stata la difesa della Commissione. Invero, al Consiglio europeo di giugno l’intesa incassò l’endorsement dei 27 ma il testo non era stato ancora ultimato. E non è arrivato al tavolo dei rappresentanti permanenti se non dopo essere stato firmato a Cartagine. Ma, spiegano a Palazzo Berlaymont, l’urgenza non permetteva rallentamenti. I fondi per Tunisi, tuttavia, attendono ancora di essere esborsati. La questione - assieme a quella del Patto sulla migrazione e al Piano Lampedusa - è destinata a dominare le prossime riunioni europee: quella dei ministri dell’Interno del 28 settembre e, soprattutto, il vertice informale dei leader previsto a Granada a inizio ottobre.


    • Lampedusa : les contrevérités de Gérald Darmanin sur le profil des migrants et leur droit à l’asile

      Le ministre de l’Intérieur persiste à dire, contre la réalité du droit et des chiffres, que la majorité des migrants arrivés en Italie la semaine dernière ne peuvent prétendre à l’asile.

      A en croire Gérald Darmanin, presque aucune des milliers de personnes débarquées sur les rives de l’île italienne de Lampedusa depuis plus d’une semaine ne mériterait d’être accueillie par la France. La raison ? D’un côté, affirme le ministre de l’Intérieur, il y aurait les « réfugiés » fuyant des persécutions politiques ou religieuses, et que la France se ferait un honneur d’accueillir. « Et puis, il y a les migrants », « des personnes irrégulières » qui devraient être renvoyées dans leur pays d’origine le plus rapidement possible, a-t-il distingué, jeudi 22 septembre sur BFMTV.

      « S’il s’agit de prendre les migrants tels qu’ils sont : 60 % d’entre eux viennent de pays tels que la Côte d’Ivoire, comme la Guinée, comme la Gambie, il n’y a aucune raison [qu’ils viennent] », a-t-il en sus tonné sur CNews, lundi 18 septembre. Une affirmation serinée mardi sur TF1 dans des termes semblables : « 60 % des personnes arrivées à Lampedusa sont francophones. Il y a des Ivoiriens et des Sénégalais, qui n’ont pas à demander l’asile en Europe. »
      Contredit par les données statistiques italiennes

      D’après le ministre – qui a expliqué par la suite tenir ses informations de son homologue italien – « l’essentiel » des migrants de Lampedusa sont originaires du Cameroun, du Sénégal, de Côte-d’Ivoire, de Gambie ou de Tunisie. Selon le ministre, leur nationalité les priverait du droit de demander l’asile. « Il n’y aura pas de répartition de manière générale puisque ce ne sont pas des réfugiés », a-t-il prétendu, en confondant par la même occasion les demandeurs d’asiles et les réfugiés, soit les personnes dont la demande d’asile a été acceptée.


      Interrogé sur le profil des migrants arrivés à Lampedusa, le ministère de l’Intérieur italien renvoie aux statistiques de l’administration du pays. A rebours des propos définitifs de Gérald Darmanin sur la nationalité des personnes débarquées sur les rives italiennes depuis la semaine dernière, on constate, à l’appui de ces données, qu’une grande majorité des migrants n’a pas encore fait l’objet d’une procédure d’identification. Sur les 16 911 personnes arrivées entre le 11 et le 20 septembre, la nationalité n’est précisée que pour 30 % d’entre elles.

      En tout, 12 223 personnes, soit 72 % des personnes arrivées à Lampedusa, apparaissent dans la catégorie « autres » nationalités, qui mélange des ressortissants de pays peu représentés et des migrants dont l’identification est en cours. A titre de comparaison, au 11 septembre, seulement 30 % des personnes étaient classées dans cette catégorie. Même si la part exacte de migrants non identifiés n’est pas précisée, cette catégorie apparaît être un bon indicateur de l’avancée du travail des autorités italiennes.

      Parmi les nationalités relevées entre le 11 et 20 septembre, le ministère de l’Intérieur italien compte effectivement une grande partie de personnes qui pourraient être francophones : 1 600 Tunisiens, 858 Guinéens, 618 Ivoiriens, 372 Burkinabés, presque autant de Maliens, 253 Camerounais, mais aussi des ressortissants moins susceptibles de connaître la langue (222 Syriens, environ 200 Egyptiens, 128 Bangladais et 74 Pakistanais).

      A noter que selon ces statistiques italiennes partielles, il n’est pas fait état de ressortissants sénégalais et gambiens évoqués par Gérald Darmanin. Les données ne disent rien, par ailleurs, du genre ou de l’âge de ces arrivants. « La plupart sont des hommes mais aussi on a aussi vu arriver des familles, des mères seules ou des pères seuls avec des enfants et beaucoup de mineurs non accompagnés, des adolescents de 16 ou 17 ans », décrivait à CheckNews la responsable des migrations de la Croix-Rouge italienne, Francesca Basile, la semaine dernière.

      Légalement, toutes les personnes arrivées à Lampedusa peuvent déposer une demande d’asile, s’ils courent un danger dans leur pays d’origine. « Il ne s’agit pas seulement d’un principe théorique. En vertu du droit communautaire et international, toute personne – quelle que soit sa nationalité – peut demander une protection internationale, et les États membres de l’UE ont l’obligation de procéder à une évaluation individuelle de chaque demande », a ainsi rappelé à CheckNews l’agence de l’union européenne pour l’asile. L’affirmation de Gérald Darmanin selon laquelle des migrants ne seraient pas éligibles à l’asile en raison de leur nationalité est donc fausse.

      Par ailleurs, selon le règlement de Dublin III, la demande d’asile doit être instruite dans le premier pays où la personne est arrivée au sein de l’Union européenne (à l’exception du Danemark), de la Suisse, de la Norvège, de l’Islande et du Liechtenstein. Ce sont donc aux autorités italiennes d’enregistrer et de traiter les demandes des personnes arrivées à Lampedusa. Dans certains cas, des transferts peuvent être opérés vers un pays signataires de l’accord de Dublin III, ainsi du rapprochement familial. Si les demandes d’asile vont être instruites en Italie, les chiffes de l’asile en France montrent tout de même que des ressortissants des pays cités par Gérald Darmanin obtiennent chaque année une protection dans l’Hexagone.

      Pour rappel, il existe deux formes de protections : le statut de réfugié et la protection subsidiaire. Cette dernière peut être accordée à un demandeur qui, aux yeux de l’administration, ne remplit pas les conditions pour être considéré comme un réfugié, mais qui s’expose à des risques grave dans son pays, tels que la torture, des traitements inhumains ou dégradants, ainsi que des « menaces grave et individuelle contre sa vie ou sa personne en raison d’une violence qui peut s’étendre à des personnes sans considération de leur situation personnelle et résultant d’une situation de conflit armé interne ou international », liste sur son site internet la Cour nationale du droit d’asile (CNDA), qui statue en appel sur les demandes de protection.
      Contredit aussi par la réalité des chiffres en France

      Gérald Darmanin cite à plusieurs reprises le cas des migrants originaires de Côte-d’Ivoire comme exemple de personnes n’ayant selon lui « rien à faire » en France. La jurisprudence de la CNDA montre pourtant des ressortissants ivoiriens dont la demande de protection a été acceptée. En 2021, la Cour a ainsi accordé une protection subsidiaire à une femme qui fuyait un mariage forcé décidé par son oncle, qui l’exploitait depuis des années. La Cour avait estimé que les autorités ivoiriennes étaient défaillantes en ce qui concerne la protection des victimes de mariages forcés, malgré de récentes évolutions législatives plus répressives.

      D’après l’Office de protection des réfugiés et apatrides (Ofrpa), qui rend des décisions en première instance, les demandes d’asile de ressortissants ivoiriens (environ 6 000 en 2022) s’appuient très souvent sur des « problématiques d’ordre sociétal […], en particulier les craintes liées à un risque de mariage forcé ou encore l’exposition des jeunes filles à des mutilations sexuelles ». En 2022, le taux de demandes d’Ivoiriens acceptées par l’Ofrpa (avant recours éventuel devant la CNCDA) était de 27,3 % sur 6 727 décisions contre un taux moyen d’admission de 26,4 % pour le continent africain et de 29,2 % tous pays confondus. Les femmes représentaient la majorité des protections accordées aux ressortissants de Côte-d’Ivoire.

      Pour les personnes originaires de Guinée, citées plusieurs fois par Gérald Darmanin, les demandes sont variées. Certaines sont déposées par des militants politiques. « Les demandeurs se réfèrent à leur parcours personnel et à leur participation à des manifestations contre le pouvoir, qu’il s’agisse du gouvernement d’Alpha Condé ou de la junte militaire », décrit l’Ofpra. D’autre part des femmes qui fuient l’excision et le mariage forcé. En 2022, le taux d’admission par l’Ofpra était de 33,4 % pour 5 554 décisions.
      Jurisprudence abondante

      S’il est vrai que ces nationalités (Guinée et Côte-d’Ivoire) ne figurent pas parmi les taux de protections les plus élevées, elles figurent « parmi les principales nationalités des bénéficiaires de la protection internationale » en 2022, aux côtés des personnes venues d’Afghanistan ou de Syrie, selon l’Ofpra. Les ressortissants tunisiens, qui déposent peu de demandes (439 en 2022), présentent un taux d’admission de seulement 10 %.

      La jurisprudence abondante produite par la CNDA montre que, dans certains cas, le demandeur peut obtenir une protection sur la base de son origine géographique, jugée dangereuse pour sa sécurité voire sa vie. C’est le cas notamment du Mali. En février 2023, la Cour avait ainsi accordé la protection subsidiaire à un Malien originaire de Gao, dans le nord du pays. La Cour avait estimé qu’il s’exposait, « en cas de retour dans sa région d’origine du seul fait de sa présence en tant que civil, [à] un risque réel de subir une menace grave contre sa vie ou sa personne sans être en mesure d’obtenir la protection effective des autorités de son pays ».

      « Cette menace est la conséquence d’une situation de violence, résultant d’un conflit armé interne, susceptible de s’étendre indistinctement aux civils », avait-elle expliqué dans un communiqué. Au mois de juin, à la suite des déclarations d’un demandeur possédant la double nationalité malienne et nigérienne, la Cour avait jugé que les régions de Ménaka au Mali et de Tillaberi au Niger étaient en situation de violence aveugle et d’intensité exceptionnelle, « justifiant l’octroi de la protection subsidiaire prévue par le droit européen ».

      D’après le rapport 2023 de l’agence de l’Union européenne pour l’asile, le taux de reconnaissance en première instance pour les demandeurs guinéens avoisinait les 30 %, et un peu plus de 20 % pour ressortissants ivoiriens à l’échelle de l’UE, avec un octroi en majorité, pour les personnes protégées, du statut de réfugié. Concernant le Mali, le taux de reconnaissance dépassait les 60 %, principalement pour de la protection subsidiaire. Ces données européennes qui confirment qu’il est infondé d’affirmer, comme le suggère le ministre de l’Intérieur, que les nationalités qu’il cite ne sont pas éligibles à l’asile.

      En revanche, dans le cadre du mécanisme « de solidarité », qui prévoit que les pays européens prennent en charge une partie des demandeurs, les Etats « restent souverains dans le choix du nombre et de la nationalité des demandeurs accueillis ». « Comme il s’agit d’un mécanisme volontaire, le choix des personnes à transférer est laissé à l’entière discrétion de l’État membre qui effectue le transfert », explique l’agence de l’union européenne pour l’asile, qui précise que les Etats « tendent souvent à donner la priorité aux nationalités qui ont le plus de chances de bénéficier d’un statut de protection », sans plus de précisions sur l’avancée des négociations en cours.



    • #Fanélie_Carrey-Conte sur X :

      Comme une tragédie grecque, l’impression de connaître à l’avance la conclusion d’une histoire qui finit mal.
      A chaque fois que l’actualité remet en lumière les drames migratoires, la même mécanique se met en place. D’abord on parle d’"#appel_d'air", de « #submersion », au mépris de la réalité des chiffres, et du fait que derrière les statistiques, il y a des vies, des personnes.
      Puis l’#extrême_droite monte au créneau, de nombreux responsables politiques lui emboîtent le pas. Alors les institutions européennes mettent en scène des « #plans_d'urgence, » des pactes, censés être « solidaires mais fermes », toujours basés en réalité sur la même logique:chercher au maximum à empêcher en Europe les migrations des « indésirables », augmenter la #sécurisation_des_frontières, prétendre que la focalisation sur les #passeurs se fait dans l’intérêt des personnes migrantes, externaliser de plus en plus les politiques migratoires en faisant fi des droits humains.
      Résultat : les migrations, dont on ne cherche d’ailleurs même plus à comprendre les raisons ni les mécanismes qui les sous-tendent, ne diminuent évidemment pas, au contraire ; les drames et les morts augmentent ; l’extrême -droite a toujours autant de leviers pour déployer ses idées nauséabondes et ses récupérations politiques abjectes.
      Et la spirale mortifère continue ... Ce n’est pas juste absurde, c’est avant tout terriblement dramatique. Pourtant ce n’est pas une fatalité : des politiques migratoires réellement fondées sur l’#accueil et l’#hospitalité, le respect des droits et de la #dignité de tout.e.s, cela peut exister, si tant est que l’on en ait la #volonté_politique, que l’on porte cette orientation dans le débat public national et européen, que l’on se mobilise pour faire advenir cet autre possible. A rebours malheureusement de la voie choisie aujourd’hui par l’Europe comme par la France à travers les pactes et projets de loi immigration en cours...


    • Migranti, Oim: “Soluzione non è chiudere le frontiere”

      Il portavoce per l’Italia, Flavio di Giacomo, a LaPresse: «Organizzare diversamente salvataggi per aiutare Lampedusa»

      Per risolvere l’emergenza migranti, secondo l’Oim (Organizzazione internazionale per le migrazioni), la soluzione non è chiudere le frontiere. Lo ha dichiarato a LaPresse il portavoce per l’Italia dell’organizzazione, Flavio di Giacomo. La visita della presidente della Commissione europea Ursula Von der Leyen a Lampedusa insieme alla premier Giorgia Meloni, ha detto, “è un segnale importante, ma non bisogna scambiare un’emergenza di tipo operativo con ‘bisogna chiudere’, perché non c’è nessuna invasione e la soluzione non è quella di creare deterrenti come trattenere i migranti per 18 mesi. In passato non ha ottenuto nessun effetto pratico e comporta tante spese allo Stato”. Von der Leyen ha proposto un piano d’azione in 10 punti che prevede tra le altre cose di intensificare la cooperazione con l’Unhcr e l’Oim per i rimpatri volontari. “È una cosa che in realtà già facciamo ed è importante che venga implementata ulteriormente“, ha sottolineato Di Giacomo.
      “Organizzare diversamente salvataggi per aiutare Lampedusa”

      “Quest’anno i migranti arrivati in Italia sono circa 127mila rispetto ai 115mila dello stesso periodo del 2015-2016, ma niente di paragonabile agli oltre 850mila giunti in Grecia nel 2015. La differenza rispetto ad allora, quando gli arrivi a Lampedusa erano l’8% mentre quest’anno sono oltre il 70%, è che in questo momento i salvataggi ci sono ma sono fatti con piccole motovedette della Guardia costiera che portano i migranti a Lampedusa, mentre servirebbe un tipo diverso di azione con navi più grandi che vengano distribuite negli altri porti. Per questo l’isola è in difficoltà”, spiega Di Giacomo. “Inoltre, con le partenze in prevalenza dalla Tunisia piuttosto che dalla Libia, i barchini puntano tutti direttamente su Lampedusa”.
      “Priorità stabilizzare situazione in Maghreb”

      Per risolvere la questione, ha aggiunto Di Giacomo, “occorre lavorare per la stabilizzazione e il miglioramento delle condizioni nell’area del Maghreb“. E ha precisato: “La stragrande maggioranza dei flussi migratori africani è interno, ovvero dalla zona sub-sahariana a quella del Maghreb, persone che andavano a vivere in Tunisia e che ora decidono di lasciare il Paese perché vittima di furti, vessazioni e discriminazioni razziali. Questo le porta a imbarcarsi a Sfax con qualsiasi mezzo di fortuna per fare rotta verso Lampedusa”.


    • Da inizio 2023 in Italia sono sbarcati 133.170 migranti.

      La Ong Humanity1, finanziata anche dal Governo tedesco, ne ha sbarcati 753 (lo 0,6% del totale).
      In totale, Ong battenti bandiera tedesca ne hanno sbarcati 2.720 (il 2% del totale).

      Ma di cosa stiamo parlando?

      #débarquement #arrivées #ONG #sauvetage

  • Les oubliés du droit d’asile

    Plus de 500 personnes ont participé à l’enquête réalisée sur 5 structures d’accueil parisiennes. L’enquête a permis la production d’un rapport final à partir de l’analyse des données quantitatives et qualitatives recueillies.

    Le rapport « Les oubliés du droit d’asile » dresse un constat alarmant sur les conditions d’existence des #hommes_isolés fréquentant les structures sur lesquelles l’enquête a été menée. Ces résultats amènent les associations à formuler des recommandations qui supposent une adaptation réglementaire et législative, l’augmentation des moyens ou l’ajustement des pratiques. Les associations en sont convaincues, les réponses aux difficultés rencontrées par les hommes isolés visés par l’enquête ne pourront se construire qu’en concertation et collaboration entre les associations, les services et agences de l’Etat et les collectivités.


    #rapport #France #Paris #asile #migrations #réfugiés #accueil #recommandations #SDF #sans-abris #sans-abrisme #hébergement #conditions_d'accueil #île_de_France #conditions_matérielles_d'accueil #enquête #dispositif_d'accueil #précarisation #allocation_pour_demandeurs_d'asile (#ADA) #accès_aux_droits #faim #santé_mentale

    ping @karine4

    • 95 entretiens poussés , un peu de sérieux , 85 bénévoles combien ça coute ? transmission des résultats aux services publiques , canal habituel ? l’honorable correspondant ? etc ...

  • “Così le multinazionali occidentali non pagano le tasse in Mozambico”

    Le grandi società estrattive approfitterebbero dei trattati firmati da Maputo con paradisi fiscali come Mauritius o Emirati Arabi Uniti. Il centro di ricerca indipendente SOMO stima che cinque compagnie -inclusa Eni- eviteranno di pagare imposte per un valore compreso tra 1,4 e due miliardi di dollari. A proposito di “Piano Mattei”

    Per via dei trattati fiscali siglati dal Mozambico con diversi Paesi stranieri diverse multinazionali -tra cui le società fossili TotalEnergies ed Eni- eviteranno di versare circa due miliardi di dollari di tasse al governo di Maputo: una cifra superiore a quanto spende il Paese africano per la sanità in un anno intero. Nello specifico, le due aziende europee “non pagano la loro giusta quota dal momento che fanno transitare i propri investimenti attraverso società di comodo negli Emirati Arabi Uniti”, come denuncia il report “The treaty trap: tax avoidance in Mozambique’s extractive industries” (La trappola del trattato: l’elusione fiscale nell’industria estrattiva in Mozambico) pubblicato il 21 luglio dal Centro di ricerca olandese sulle multinazionali SOMO.

    Il meccanismo che permette alle società di gas e petrolio (ma non solo) di arricchirsi a dismisura era già stato al centro di un dettagliato rapporto “How Mozambique’s tax treaties enable tax avoidance“, pubblicato lo scorso marzo sempre da SOMO e dal Centro mozambicano per la democrazia e lo sviluppo (Cdd) e del quale avevamo già scritto. Il report denuncia come la rete di trattati fiscali siglati dal Mozambico stia privando il Paese di centinaia di milioni di dollari di entrate ogni anno, a causa degli accordi stretti con paradisi fiscali come Mauritius ed Emirati Arabi Uniti. Secondo le stime delle due organizzazioni, solo nel 2021 il Paese africano avrebbe perso circa 390 milioni di dollari in mancato gettito fiscale.

    In questo nuovo rapporto SOMO evidenzia come TotalEnergies ed Eni abbiano approfittato del trattato fiscale siglato dal governo di Maputo con Abu Dhabi, creando società di comodo negli Emirati Arabi Uniti. “Gli investimenti sono sostenuti da prestiti di banche d’investimento pubbliche, agenzie di credito all’esportazione e banche commerciali di tutto il mondo. Se i prestiti per questi megaprogetti non fossero passati attraverso gli Emirati Arabi Uniti, il Mozambico avrebbe potuto applicare una ritenuta fiscale del 20% su quasi tutti i pagamenti degli interessi, per un importo che oscilla tra 1,3 e due miliardi di dollari”, osservano i ricercatori di SOMO.

    Accuse a cui la società italiana guidata da Claudio Descalzi ha risposto dichiarando che “come contribuente, Eni opera nel pieno rispetto del quadro legislativo e fiscale locale e internazionale. I progetti di Eni nei Paesi in cui è presente generano benefici economici e sociali a livello locale in termini di tasse, occupazione, formazione e progetti sociali, formazione e progetti sociali -si legge nella nota pubblicata nel report di SOMO-. Inoltre, le Linee guida fiscali di Eni assicurano una corretta interpretazione della normativa fiscale con il divieto di intraprendere operazioni fiscalmente aggressive. Il Mozambico, a seguito dei progetti a cui Eni partecipa, sta diventando un importante attore globale nel settore del Gas ‘naturale’ liquefatto (Gnl)”.

    I giacimenti di gas interessati dalle operazioni dei due colossi europei si trovano al largo della provincia di Cabo Delgado, nel Nord del Paese: un’area economicamente emarginata e impoverita, dove gli investimenti miliardari per lo sfruttamento dei combustibili fossili non hanno portato alcun beneficio alla popolazione locale, alimentando invece le disuguaglianze. Dopo la scoperta dei primi giacimenti (tra il 2010 e il 2014) migliaia di persone hanno dovuto abbandonare i propri villaggi a causa delle operazioni industriali. La situazione è ulteriormente peggiorata a causa di una violenta insurrezione di matrice jihadista che dal 2017 ha provocato migliaia di morti e costretto milioni di persone alla fuga.

    Ma non ci sono solo le società del settore degli idrocarburi al centro dell’attenzione. SOMO ha infatti analizzato le pratiche fiscali di alcune aziende minerarie come la britannica Gemfields, che estrae rubini nel distretto di Montepuez (sempre nella provincia di Cabo Delgado), e l’irlandese Kenmare Resources, che opera in una miniera di titano a Moma (nel Nord-Est del Paese). Entrambe controllano le loro operazioni in Mozambico dalle Mauritius, approfittando di un trattato fiscale che gli avrebbe permesso di evitare circa 20 milioni di dollari di ritenute sui dividendi tra il 2017 e il 2022.

    Infine c’è la gestione del corridoio logistico di Nacala: una rete ferroviaria lunga 912 chilometri utilizzata per il trasporto di carbone delle miniere nella provincia di Tete (nel Mozambico occidentale) fino al porto di Nacala, affacciato sull’oceano Indiano, sulla costa orientale. L’infrastruttura è controllata al 50% dalla compagnia mineraria brasiliana Vale e dalla società elettrica giapponese Mitsui & Co. SOMO ritiene che le due aziende abbiano evitato di versare nelle casse del governo di Maputo circa 96,9 milioni di dollari tra il 2016 e il 2020: “Ciò è stato possibile reindirizzando i prestiti attraverso società di intermediazione con sede negli Emirati Arabi Uniti per trarre vantaggio dal trattato fiscale tra gli Emirati Arabi Uniti e il Mozambico, che riduce dal 20% a zero l’aliquota applicabile per la ritenuta alla fonte sugli interessi in Mozambico”, si legge nel report.

    Il sottosuolo del Mozambico è ricco di minerali che possono svolgere un ruolo fondamentale nella transizione energetica. E, nel contesto dell’esplosione della domanda globale di queste materie prime, è fondamentale affrontare tempestivamente il tema dell’evasione fiscale -avverte SOMO- per evitare che anche in questo ambito si ripeta quello che è successo con i combustibili fossili. “È indispensabile che il Mozambico abbandoni questi trattati fiscali iniqui, ponendo un freno all’elusione fiscale delle imprese e salvaguardando gli interessi della popolazione -ha spiegato Nelsa Langa, assistente di ricerca presso il Centro mozambicano per la democrazia e lo sviluppo-. Dovrebbe liberarsi da questi trattati fiscali obsoleti, che costano molto al Paese e forniscono pochi benefici”.

    Il ricercatore di SOMO Vincent Kiezebrink aggiunge che “le multinazionali devono smettere di abusare di questi trattati fiscali per evitare di pagare le tasse in uno dei Paesi più vulnerabili del mondo. E i governi dei paradisi fiscali come gli Emirati Arabi Uniti e le Mauritius devono permettere al Mozambico di rinegoziarli”. L’esperienza di Paesi come Senegal, Kenya, Lesotho e Ruanda -che hanno rinegoziato o cancellato con successo gli accordi fiscali con le Mauritius- dimostra che è possibile cambiare questa situazione.

    #multinationales #pétrole #évasion_fiscale #fisc #Eni #industrie_pétrolière #Mozambique #île_Maurice #TotalEnergies #total #Emirats_arabes_unis #Abu_Dhabi #gaz #énergie #extractivisme

    • Oil and gas multinationals avoid up to $2 billion in taxes in Mozambique

      TotalEnergies and ENI are set to avoid up to $2 billion in withholding taxes in Mozambique – more than the country’s annual healthcare spending – research by SOMO and CDD reveals. The oil and gas giants fail to pay their fair share of taxes in the African country because they rout their investments through letterbox companies in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Mozambique could prevent these practices by cancelling or renegotiating its outdated tax treaties with tax havens like the UAE and Mauritius. Several other African countries have successfully done so already.

      TotalEnergies (France) and ENI (Italy) lead two megaprojects in Mozambique to exploit gas reserves in the northern province of Cabo Delgado, constituting the biggest investments in Africa to date. Both multinationals established letterbox companies in the UAE to channel their consortium’s multi-billion-dollar investments, taking advantage of the 0 % interest withholding tax rate in its tax treaty with Mozambique. The investments are backed by loans from public investment banks, export credit agencies and commercial banks worldwide. If the loans for these megaprojects had not been routed through the UAE, Mozambique could have charged a 20 per cent withholding tax on nearly all related interest payments, which amounts to $1.3 – $2 billion.
      publication cover - The treaty trap: tax avoidance in Mozambique’s extractive industries
      Publication / July 21, 2023
      The treaty trap: tax avoidance in Mozambique’s extractive industries
      The miners

      The backdrop for these gas projects is Mozambique’s northernmost province of Cabo Delgado, an economically marginalised region where a violent insurgency has wreaked havoc since 2017. The discovery of gas and the resulting increase in inequality in the area has been a key driver behind the conflict.

      Treaty shopping using complex corporate structures
      The use of UAE-based letterbox companies by TotalEnergies and ENI are just two examples of treaty shopping, depriving Mozambique of much-needed tax revenue. SOMO found similar tax avoidance structures by mining companies Vale, Kenmare and Gemfields, which are estimated to have avoided an $117 million in Mozambican taxes between 2017 and 2022. The tax treaties with the UAE and Mauritius are estimated to have cost Mozambique $315 million in 2021 alone, SOMO calculated in a March 2023 report.

      Following these revelations, SOMO delved into the details by studying the tax practices of specific companies in the Mozambican gas and mining sectors. Besides the gas projects, case studies include Gemfields, a UK miner extracting rubies in Montepuez and the Irish mining company Kenmare Resources, which operates the Moma titanium mine. On paper, both companies control their operations in Mozambique from Mauritius, taking advantage of a tax treaty that allowed them to avoid approximately $20 million in dividend withholding taxes between 2017 and 2022. Finally, there is the case of Vale and Mitsui & Co., who avoided approximately $96.9 million in interest withholding taxes associated with their Nacala Logistics Corridor between 2016 and 2020 through a financing structure routed via the UAE.

      Unfair and outdated tax treaties
      It is imperative that Mozambique steps out of these unfair tax treaties, curbing corporate tax avoidance and safeguarding its people’s interests. Nelsa Langa (Research Assistant at CDD): “Mozambique should free itself from these outdated tax treaties, which cost the country dearly while providing little benefit. Senegal, Kenya, Lesotho and Rwanda have all successfully renegotiated or cancelled tax treaties with tax havens Mauritius.”

      Mozambique is rich in natural resources, with vast deposits not only of fossil fuels but also minerals that are of key importance for the energy transition. Amidst the exploding demand for these minerals, it is crucial to address tax avoidance promptly to prevent replication.

      Vincent Kiezebrink (Researcher at SOMO): “Multinational companies need to stop abusing Mozambique’s tax treaties to avoid taxes in one of the world’s most vulnerable countries, and tax haven governments such as the UAE and Mauritius need to allow Mozambique to renegotiate these harmful tax treaties.”

      The Mozambican government has the tools to stop this widespread tax avoidance. By renegotiating or terminating its tax treaties with Mauritius and the UAE, it could limit companies’ opportunities for tax avoidance.


  • 2 groups of ~250 people in total stranded on different islets of the #Evros river ! (22.08.2023)

    We are in contact with 2 groups of ~250 people in total, who are stranded on different islets of the #Evros river! One group shared a video of the fires raging nearby. They say “The fires are getting very close to us now. We need help as soon as possible!”

    #limbe #zone_frontalière #île #Evros #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #fleuve_Evros #Turquie #Grèce #Thrace #îlots


    ajouté à la métaliste sur #métaliste sur des #réfugiés abandonnés sur des #îlots dans la région de l’#Evros, #frontière_terrestre entre la #Grèce et la #Turquie :

  • #Pantelleria, arrivati più di 150 migranti nelle ultime 24 ore

    Sono 161 i migranti sbarcati o soccorsi in mare nelle ultime 24 ore al largo di Pantelleria. Quasi tutti tunisini, tra loro una decina di donne, e 35 minori, dei quali 27 non accompagnati. A intervenire sono state le unità della guardia costiera.

    L’ultimo soccorso in mare stamattina, a bordo di una unità in difficoltà c’erano 13 uomini, 3 minori e una donna. Si tratta di sbarchi e viaggi autonomi, non ci sono scafisti, persone che lasciano la Tunisia a bordo di mezzi di fortuna, gommoni o barche, in un caso addirittura in mare è stato soccorso un migrante che navigava in solitaria su di un barchino. Trattenuti nel centro di accoglienza dell’Isola, gli ultimi sbarcati nelle prossime 48 ore verranno trasferiti, con il traghetto di linea, al centro di identificazione di contrada Milo a Trapani.

    Nell’ultimo anno, durante tutto il 2022, a Pantelleria il numero dIe migranti giunti sull’isola ha superato quota 6 mila.

    Intanto domani una imbarcazione Ong dovrebbe giungere in porto a Trapani con a bordo 78 migranti soccorsi nel Mediterraneo. Si attende l’ufficialità dal Viminale.

    Frattanto si è tenuta stamane dinanzi al gup del Tribunale di Trapani, giudice Samuele Corso, l’ulteriore udienza del procedimento relativo all’indagine sui cosiddetti “taxi del mare”. Si tratta dell’inchiesta che nel 2017 portò la magistratura trapanese a sequestrare la nave Juventa della Ong tedesca Jugend Rettet. L’udienza preliminare ha come imputati 21 persone, componenti di equipaggi di altre due Ong, Medici Senza Frontiere e Save the Children. Nell’udienza di oggi le difese hanno proseguito a proporre al giudice eccezioni preliminari, le ultime odierne hanno riguardato la richiesta di nullità dell’avviso conclusione indagini, in quanto la discovery degli atti all’epoca depositati avrebbe mostrato l’assenza di documenti giudiziari e prodotti successivamente. Il prossimo 14 aprile toccherà ai pm Agnello, Mucaria e Sardoni, replicare a queste eccezioni.

    L’udienza preliminare va avanti da oltre un anno, mentre si attende il responso della Cassazione sulla competenza territoriale del Tribunale di Trapani. Il giudice Corso infatti alla precedente udienza ha deciso di trasmettere gli atti alla massima Corte, questo dopo altre eccezioni delle difese. Se venisse accolta una parte del procedimento verrebbe trasmesso non ad uno ma a diversi Tribunali coincidenti con i porti dove sono stati sbarcati i migranti soccorsi da queste tre Ong nel periodo compreso tra il 2016 e il 2017.

    #île #Italie #routes_migratoires #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Méditerranée #île_de_Pantelleria

  • #Bibby_Stockholm en 2023... des bateaux au large de la #Jamaïque pour « accueillir » des #réfugiés_haïtiens qui demandaient l’asile aux #USA en 1994...

    The likely agreement would allow the United States to anchor or dock large ships in a Jamaican port or at least close to shore, the officials said.




    The United States has reached an agreement with Jamaica to set up a facility on the Caribbean island to process Haitian refugees, according to officials close to negotiations that have been taking place between the two nations for several days.

    The agreement is likely to be announced today in Kingston, the officials said. This is the first time another government has offered to help the Clinton administration share the burden of handling those who flee Haiti’s military regime by taking to the sea, most of them seeking political asylum in the United States.

    Aside from providing a diplomatic boost to the administration’s efforts, Jamaica has helped resolve logistical problems that have bedeviled U.S. officials for weeks.

    The United States asked Jamaica to consider hosting a refugee facility last week and since then U.S. and Jamaican officials have been engaged in almost continuous discussions, here and in Kingston.

    The likely agreement would allow the United States to anchor or dock large ships in a Jamaican port or at least close to shore, the officials said. The ships would be used to house Haitians picked up by the Coast Guard and would serve as a processing center where their applications for refugee status would be heard and adjudicated. U.S. officials could be housed on land along with all facilities needed to support the ships.

    President Clinton’s special advisor on Haiti, former House member William H. Gray III, was to arrive in Jamaica yesterday afternoon and begin meetings with top Jamaican officials today. Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott is due to begin a visit to Kingston Thursday.

    A formal agreement on a processing facility could be announced during these meetings, officials said, and the first Haitians could be brought to Jamaica as early as the beginning of next week.

    “We are encouraged by the progress that has been made in the talks and we are hopeful progress will continue and that we will be able to say something more on this soon,” a senior U.S. official said. In recent weeks Clinton repeatedly has emphasized his desire to pursue a policy on Haiti with international and especially regional support.

    He was able to win such backing for tighter economic sanctions against Haiti, which went into effect on May 21. But it has proved more difficult for Clinton to get help with the other half of his Haitian dilemma, the handling of boat people.

    After protests by civil rights groups and refugee advocates, Clinton on May 8 ended a policy of automatically returning all Haitians picked up at sea without giving them a chance to seek the shelter of refugee status.

    Instead he promised to set up facilities that would let the Haitians apply for refugee status, which entitles them to permanent resettlement in the United States. Clinton insisted, however, that most boat people were likely to be rejected and sent back.

    Although it has held discussions with a number of governments in the regions, the only expression of support the administration had received thus far was an agreement with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees to cooperate on handling the boat people.

    Last week the United States sought permission to locate a processing facility on the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British dependency, but has yet to receive a response.



    Jamaica to Let U.S. Anchor Ship Off Coast

    Jamaica agreed today to let the United States anchor ships in its waters so American officials can hold shipboard hearings to determine whether fleeing Haitians qualify for refugee status.

    The Jamaican decision represents a diplomatic victory for the Clinton Administration, which promised last month to provide individual hearings for Haitian boat people rather than forcibly send them back without hearings. Later, the Administration realized it did not have a suitable place to conduct such hearings.

    The Clinton Administration has been eager to find processing centers in third countries because fleeing Haitians who are processed in the United States often remain for years even if their asylum applications are rejected because Federal courts can permit them to stay until their appeals are exhausted.

    The Administration has been under pressure to set up the shipboard processing as soon as possible because it has been in the embarrassing position of continuing to summarily repatriate Haitians without interviews even though President Clinton announced on May 8 that he was abandoning this policy.

    [ The United States Coast Guard returned 63 fleeing Haitians to Port-au-Prince Wednesday, the third group repatriated in a week, Reuters reported. That brought to 1,439 the number of refugees brought back to their homeland since Washington said it would halt the practice. ] Ship Heads for Kingston

    After the United States and Jamaica announced their agreement, Administration officials said they hoped to have a large American ship anchored in Kingston harbor within several days to begin interviewing Haitian emigrants.

    “They’d like to start this at the beginning of next week,” said Barbara Francis, the United States spokeswoman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which is working with the Clinton Administration on setting up the processing.

    The plan is for a 1,000-bed Navy hospital ship to arrive in Jamaica this week so it can begin processing what American officials expect to be a steady stream of fleeing Haitians. In light of a recent United Nations decision to tighten the trade embargo against Haiti, Administration officials fear an accelerating exodus.

    About 300 Americans will work on the hospital ship, including Immigration and Naturalization Service officials who will conduct hearings and Navy personnel who run the ship.
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    In addition, about 10 employees of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees will work on the ship to provide training for the American hearing officers and will counsel the Haitian applicants. U.S. to Cover All Costs

    Christine Shelly, a State Department spokeswoman, said the United States will cover all costs connected to the shipboard processing.

    Jamaica has not asked Washington for any payment for allowing American ships to anchor in its waters, but Jamaican officials have conveyed their displeasure that the Clinton Administration has not appointed an Ambassador to Jamaica and is cutting economic aid to the island.

    Under the Administration’s plan, Coast Guard cutters will pick up Haitian boat people in the Caribbean and take them to Kingston Harbor. Haitians who are found to have a well-founded fear of persecution in their homeland will be transported to the United States, or perhaps another country. Those whose claim of persecution is declared to be not well-founded will be taken back to Haiti.

    “We would hope they would go not only to the U.S., but that other countries would step forward to accept some of them,” an Administration official said concerning those granted asylum. Hope for Turks and Caicos

    United States officials say they still hope that the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British-ruled group of small islands off the Bahamas, will agree to allow Washington to set up processing centers there.

    The legislative council of those islands is scheduled to meet on Friday to consider Washington’s request.

    Turks and Caicos officials have offered the United States an uninhabited island, but Washington is concerned about the lack of docking facilities and potable water on the island.

    The United States sent a second ship to Jamaica today. That ship, a leased, 700-bed Ukrainian cruise ship, will be anchored in Kingston to handle the spillover from the Navy hospital ship, or it will be anchored off the Turks and Caicos Islands, officials said. -------------------- Haitian Files Suit

    A Haitian refugee who was chopped with a machete and left for dead in her homeland filed a $30 million lawsuit in Brooklyn yesterday against a far-right political group in Haiti.

    The refugee, Alerte Belance, who now lives in Newark, N.J., sued the Haitian Front of Advancement and Progress in Federal Court for an attack last fall that cost her a right arm and left her with deep gashes on her neck and across her face.

    Her suit is based on a ruling that allows some victims of human rights abuses committed abroad to seek redress in an American court.


    #USA #asile #migrations #bateau #réfugiés #Etats-Unis #externalisation #procédure_d'asile

    Sur la #Bibby_Stockholm :

    Et la métaliste autour des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

  • Remote Atlantic Ocean rock could host migrants, UK says

    The UK is threatening to deport irregular migrants to Ascension Island if its plan to send people to Rwanda fails, amid another lethal shipwreck in the Mediterranean.

    British officials briefed national press anonymously on the Ascension Island idea on Sunday (6 August).

    “It’s pragmatic to consider all options and it makes sense to draw up proposals to stop the boats that could work alongside our Rwanda policy,” a “senior government source” told The Sunday Times.

    “We’re still confident that our Rwanda scheme is lawful, but having alternative proposals on the table would provide us with a back-up if we’re frustrated legally,” the source said.

    “All options were on the table”, British home secretary Suella Braverman also told the Mail on Sunday.

    Ascension Island is part of the Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha British overseas territory in the South Atlantic Ocean.

    The volcanic outcrop is just 88 km squared and located 6,000 km away from Europe.

    Braverman had planned to start deporting people to Rwanda on flights in January to act as a deterrent.

    But this was ruled illegal by the Court of Appeal in June over deficiencies in Rwanda’s asylum system, with a final verdict due by the Supreme Court in late autumn.

    Other “Plan B” locations alongside Ascension Island included Alderney in the Channel islands, a British military base in Cyprus, Ghana, Nigeria, Namibia, and Morocco, the Sunday Times reported.

    Niger had been on the list, but a coup in Niamey in July now threatened to see military intervention by neighbouring states, making the region a source of even higher numbers of refugees.

    The Falkland Islands had also been considered, but were deemed too sensitive due to the 1982 Falklands War between Britain and Argentina.

    And British officials cited Australia’s policy of processing asylum claims on Nauru in the South Pacific as a model for their far-flung schemes.

    The Rwanda Plan A has been pasted by human-rights groups as demonisation of vulnerable people by Britain’s ruling Conservative Party, which trails in polls ahead of elections likely in 2024.

    About 15,000 have crossed to the UK on small boats from France so far this year, down 15 percent on the same period in 2022.

    But arrivals to Europe are on the rise, via dangerous Mediterranean crossings and Turkey.

    Over 127,300 people came in the first seven months of this year compared to 189,600 in all of last year, according to the International Organisation for Migration, a UN limb.

    More than 2,330 people lost their lives or went missing, compared to 2,965 in 2022.

    Another woman and child died and 30 were still missing after two boats capsized near the Italian island of Lampedusa on Sunday, Italian authorities said.

    The coastguard saved 57 people so far.

    They also airlifted 34 others, including two pregnant women and a child, who had been clinging to a cliff face on Lampedusa since Friday following a previous shipwreck.
    Unwelcoming mood

    The right-wing government of Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni has been accused of complicating rescues by forcing charity ships to disembark at far-away ports, echoing the UK approach.

    And migration is likely to feature heavily in the European Parliament elections next year, just as in post-Brexit Britain.

    Germany’s far-right AfD party declared the EU a “failed project” and promised to crack down on migrants in its programme for next June’s vote, unveiled on Sunday.

    It called for the EU to reform as a “federation of European nations” that protected “different identities” in Europe.

    It also spoke of a “Europe of fatherlands, a European community of sovereign, democratic states”.

    The AfD is poles apart from the old German spirit under former conservative chancellor Angela Merkel, who welcomed refugees in 2015.

    But the far-right party is now polling at 19 to 22 percent, making it the second strongest political force in the EU’s largest member state.


    #UK #Atlantique #Angleterre #île #île_de_l'ascension #externalisation #modèle_australien #asile #migrations #réfugiés #océan_atlantique

    L’île de l’Ascension après d’autres magnifiques idées :
    – le Rwanda : https://seenthis.net/messages/966443
    – la Bibby Stockholm : https://seenthis.net/tag/bibby_stockholm

    Et ça rappelle farouchement ce que les Australiens ont mis en place (la #Pacific_solution) sur l’île de #Nauru : https://seenthis.net/tag/nauru

    D’ailleurs, je découvre grâce aux archives seenthis (#merci @seenthis) qu’en 2020, la #Grande-Bretagne avait déjà imaginé d’envoyer les demandeurs d’asile sur une autre île au milieu de l’Atlantique qui leur appartient : l’île de #Saint-Hélène : https://seenthis.net/messages/881888


    ajouté à la métaliste autour des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

    • L’ultima idea di Londra per i richiedenti asilo: «spedirli» su un’isola in mezzo all’Atlantico

      All’Ascensione, territorio dipendente da Sant’Elena. Intanto da ieri decine spostati su una chiatta a Portland

      La buona notizia è che, causa golpe, è tramontata definitivamente l’ipotesi di spostare i migranti in Niger. La cattiva notizia? Tutto il resto.

      Gli arrivi record nel Regno Unito stanno mettendo a durissima prova il governo Sunak, anche se tra i presunti vantaggi di Brexit c’era proprio quello di «riprendere il controllo dei confini britannici» sottraendoli agli odiati burocrati di Bruxelles.

      Così l’ultima ipotesi è quella di portare migliaia di persone — in attesa di verdetto sulla richiesta d’asilo — su un’isola sperduta tra costa africana (1.600 chilometri) e costa sudamericana (2.300 chilometri), l’Isola dell’Ascensione, nell’amministrazione di Sant’Elena di napoleonica memoria. Charles Darwin, che durante il suo viaggio con il veliero Beagle la visitò nel 1836, la definì «orribile».

      L’esilio agli antipodi dei migranti non è neanche il problema più urgente di Sunak, che peraltro è in vacanza negli Stati Uniti con la famiglia, sadicamente pedinato dai tabloid inglesi anche alla lezione di spinning in una palestra di lusso a Santa Monica con accompagnamento musicale di Taylor Swift.

      È cominciato infatti ieri pomeriggio il trasferimento di alcune decine di migranti su una chiatta, la Bibby Stockholm, ancorata nel porto di Portland . Arrivano da alberghi di Oxford, Bristol, Torbay e Bournemouth: proprio il problema degli hotel è quello più urgente. Il governo paga infatti sei milioni di sterline al giorno (sette milioni di euro) per ospitare in albergo migliaia di migranti. L’idea della chiatta è venuta, semplicemente, per risparmiare mentre le lista d’attesa per le richieste d’asilo si allungano spaventosamente.

      Neanche i tabloid stanno facendo sconti al governo: due mesi fa campeggiava sulle loro prime pagine la protesta dei migranti iraniani che rifiutavano la sistemazione in un albergo londinese di Pimlico (centralissimo, 175 euro a notte) perché pretendevano camere singole, e per questo si erano accampati in strada.

      La capacità ricettiva dell’apparato dello Stato britannico pare uscita da un vecchio sketch dei Monty Python, e sarebbe un brutto gesto, oggi, quello di rinfacciare alla fazione pro-Brexit le vecchie critiche alle (effettive) falle nell’accoglienza ai migranti targata Ue. Ma certo è che il «piano B» è una priorità del governo Sunak: s’intende l’idea di trasferire fuori dai confini nazionali i migranti finché non sarà definito l’esito delle loro richieste d’asilo. Soltanto quattordici mesi fa, quando il governo Johnson ormai al capolinea ipotizzò di utilizzare il Ruanda come parcheggio per i migranti desiderosi di vivere nel Regno Unito stringendo con Kigali un accordo di cooperazione da 160 milioni di euro, l’allora principe Carlo con una clamorosa e inedita violazione della tradizionale neutralità politica della Corona — sempre silente sulle scelte governative — lasciò trapelare di essere rimasto «allibito».

      Un trasferimento di seimila chilometri nel territorio britannico d’oltremare nell’Atlantico meridionale provocherebbe, al netto di ogni altra considerazione politica e umanitaria, una serie di complessi problemi organizzativi, dato che l’isola di 88 chilometri quadrati ha soltanto ottocento abitanti e non è ovviamente attrezzata per diventare un campo profughi. Perfino il Daily Mail, giornale per nulla favorevole all’apertura delle frontiere, la definiva ieri «una pietra vulcanica in mezzo al nulla».

      Al momento il piano di collaborazione con Kigali è stato bloccato da un tribunale, ma il governo aspetta il pronunciamento definitivo della Corte suprema in ottobre.


  • Group of 45 people stranded on an islet in the wider #Soufli - #Tychero area (22.07.2023)

    🆘 near #Lagyna, #Evros river, #Greece

    We are in contact with a group of 45 people stranded on an islet in the wider #Soufli - #Tychero area. They report being there 9 days already. @hellenicpolice
    are informed & claim to have searched for them but that they could not find them.

    #limbe #zone_frontalière #île #Evros #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #fleuve_Evros #Turquie #Grèce #Thrace #îlots


    ajouté à la métaliste sur #métaliste sur des #réfugiés abandonnés sur des #îlots dans la région de l’#Evros, #frontière_terrestre entre la #Grèce et la #Turquie :

    • Même groupe ?

      🆘 in the #Evros region! 25 people are stranded on an islet near the town of #Soufli. They reported to be there since 10 days & seem currently under attack by #Greek authorities. Stop the violence & evacuate them from the islet!


    • Evros: the brutal face of the European border regime

      A group has been stuck for over three weeks on a small islet of the Evros river. Their story includes countless distress-calls, physical attacks, sexual violence, non-assistance when immediate medical aid was needed, and the complete disregard for a European Court of Human Rights ruling, which granted the group interim measures and ordering the Greek state to provide them with assistance. It is another clear example of the brutal reality that people endure at the land border between Türkiye and Greece.

      On the 21st of July 2023, a group of people reached out to Alarm Phone. The 52 people – among them several children and elderly people with severe health conditions – told us how they were stuck on a small islet near the village of Lagyna on Greek territory in the middle of the Evros river, which borders Greece and Türkiye. When reaching out to Alarm Phone and calling for help, the people informed us they had already been stuck on the islet for eight days. At 14:19 CEST of the same day, Alarm Phone alerted Greek authorities, as well as Frontex, UNHCR and various NGOs via email about the people in distress, sharing their location and their request for immediate and urgent assistance.

      At this point, we did not know that this would be the start of an odyssey lasting over two weeks, with no end in sight, which would include countless emails and calls to authorities, public outcries via social media to mobilise for evacuation, an ignored decision of the European Court of Human rights and ongoing barbaric violence by Greek forces against the group.

      On the day after the alert, Greek authorities informed Alarm Phone about joint efforts, together with Frontex, to search for the group, “[…]we would like to inform you that after extensive searches by the Greek Authorities and Frontex join patrols in the location indicated by the coordinates area and also more widely, no human presence was found”. This would not be the last time that Greek authorities claimed to have been unable to find the group despite conducting “extensive searches” for them.

      Several days later, on July 26th, the people told us how they had heard car noises the previous day on the Greek side of the river, but that they were still waiting for urgently needed assistance. At the same time, their condition worsened with every day: they reported injuries and various health issues, as well, they told us how everyone’s mental health was rapidly deteriorating in light of the ongoing difficulties they were facing. The violent act of leaving people for days being stuck on an islet not only risks physical injuries, but is a mental torment in and of itself that traumatises people. Already by this point, the non-assistance from Greek authorities and Frontex was causing damage to the people calling for help – but the situation would continue to deteriorate over the coming days.

      On July 27th, 08:18 CEST, Greek authorities again claimed to have searched for the people: “[…]we would kindly like to inform you that after extensive searches by the Greek Authorities and Frontex patrol in the location indicated by the coordinates and also more widely, no human presence was found”. This is despite the Evros region being a highly militarized border area, where the EU has invested hundreds of millions of euros into fortifying the border. The technologies deployed in the area include sensors, thermal cameras and drones – but in spite of this, the Greek authorities and Frontex state they are unable to find a group with a clearly indicated location? How embarrassing. While it is clear that their statement is a blatant lie, it is remarkable that Greek authorities and Frontex have reached a point where such obvious untruths have become implicit to their operational activities. To have reached this point, these strategies have to be widely accepted within their ranks and as such demonstrate how the brutal means of deterrence used at the borders of Greece have become normalised, from overt and brutal violence to misinformation and non-assistance. This is particularly true in the Evros region, as demonstrated over the next days in the developments we witnessed for this case.

      A day later, on July 28th, the group told us again about activities on the Greek side of the river: the people had spotted a black car parked “on the Greek side” and a drone that was flying over them. Shortly after, they reported being attacked by police and what they described as “mercenaries”: “Police and mercenaries stormed us. They started to hit the world. And now we’re in the water”. They sent us several videos showing the cruel attack.


      We immediately informed the authorities about the attack. It is clear: in this highly militarised and controlled border zone, no such attack could have happened without some level of coordination from the authorities – the very same authorities who had been claiming for days that they could not locate the group. After the attack, the people told us how they were shocked and devastated. However, this attack did not signal the end of their suffering. The group told us that after the attack, they were forced back to the same islet as before by Turkish authorities.

      Together with the Rule39 Initiative, an application for Interim Measures at the European Court of Human Rights was handed in on August 1st. By this point, we had been in contact with the people for 11 days. Throughout this entire period, the authorities had been aware of the group and their calls for assistance. Despite this, the group’s calls for assistance remained ignored. Moreover, instead of receiving help, the people were violently attacked.


      During the morning of August 2nd, the response by the European Court of Human Rights arrived: the court had granted the Interim Measures and ordered Greece to provide food, water and medical assistance. We immediately informed authorities, including Frontex and UNHCR about the decision and reiterated the urgent need of assistance for the group.


      During the morning of the 3rd of August, Greek authorities sent another email, claiming once again to have searched for, but not found, the people. At the same time, the people shared videos with us showing themselves loudly screaming for help. In desperation, the group decided to cross the river themselves. This is extremely dangerous – every year dozens of people die in the Evros river, which has strong undercurrents that can drown people. Luckily, they managed to cross the river and arrived safely on the Greek riverbank, which they documented with several videos that they sent to Alarm Phone. They reported talking to two people wearing shirts with “police” written on it. This is when an incredibly violent chapter of their journey started.


      Following the news that the group were talking with “police”, Alarm Phone shift teams once again called various border guard and police stations, including the ones at Soufli, Alexandroupolis and Thrace. All our calls went unanswered. In the meantime, the people reported they were put into cars and told us that they feared they would be brought back to Türkiye. The position they shared showed them near Soufli:

      We continued to call the authorities, however, they either did not pick up, rejected responsibility – claiming it was outside of their jurisdiction, or refused to give any information.


      Shortly after midnight on August 4th, the people reached out to Alarm Phone again. They were pushed back to Türkiye and severely beaten. A woman from the group explained what had happened to them after they were taken in the car:

      She told us how, after half an hour in the car, the young men and even some women were severely beaten. The attackers stripped the women of all their clothes and forced the young men’s eyes open to look the undressed women. They then beat the men badly. The woman said the group was worried that two among the attacked men were beaten to death. The attackers even beat the elderly women and told them to return to their country. The group was, again, forced back onto the islet, and reported that there were now several people missing, among them the two men who had been heavily beaten.

      The people told us how they were left severely shaken and outraged, desperate to know what happened to their friends who went missing who they fear died. They reported that amongst their group are three year old babies who are understandably extremely psychologically distressed and traumatised by the violent assault of the Greek police. “Please please can we help them. Turkey and Greece have left them in the middle. Do we know where the people who went missing are?”.


      We want to know: what has happened to the missing? Who is responsible for the brutal attack and the sexual violence? And what was the role of Frontex in this whole story? How can orders of the European Court of Human Rights just be ignored? And why has help been repeated denied for people who are in urgent need of it?

      Not only have the attacks subjected people to overt violence, but the continuous non-assistance has led to many medical emergencies – this includes three elderly people with diabetes in need of medical assistance, an elderly person with circulatory problems in the leg, which were purple on both sides, a pregnant woman who suffered from contractions and was bleeding, and several children who were weak, mentally distressed and badly bitten by mosquitoes. It should also be noted that the group told us how they ran out of food and water days ago and are forced to drink water from the river, which carries with it a risk of poisoning.

      Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident, but instead sees the recurrence of an all too familiar pattern. The incredible level of violence used – which can only be understood as systematized forms of torture and brutalisation– against people on the move is abhorrent. It is illustrative of the dehumanisation implicit to the racist European migration regime. Furthermore, it demonstrates an obvious dysfunctionality of European institutions, where decisions of the European Court of Human Rights are easily ignored by Greece, without consequence. Instead of being forced to take action, Greek authorities merely responded to both Alarm Phone and the ECHR that the people could not be located. And once again, we see how Frontex is involved in a situation which resulted in a brutal pushback.

      On August 6th, the people were still stuck on the islet. There were also still in very distressed condition – and one that continues to deteriorate. They expressed their shock and disbelief that an ECHR decision obviously does not count in Greece. They themselves have called 112 over 50 times and written emails to Frontex and Greek authorities – but instead of receiving much needed assistance, have been subject to repeated and vicious attacks.


      In the early hours of the morning on August 7th, the group reached out to us again to report another attack, telling us that “Mercenaries came upon us while we were asleep [on the islet], and we were sent back to Turkey”. They then told us how they were picked up by the Turkish army, who is forcing them back into Greece. The group was incredibly distressed, commenting that they have “become a football between Greek and Turkish army.” As the situation continues with no end in sight, and the people, who are in dire need of urgent medical assistance, are pushed back and forth across the river by Greek and Turkish forces, we again make it clear, these attacks must end and the people be given the help they so urgently need.

      We, along with the group currently stranded on the islet, are shocked and outraged – even though we witness such crimes and attacks against people on the move almost daily, and with increasing intensity. We will continue to fight against the normalisation of such violence and will never forgive the ones responsible for it. While Greece tries to cover up the mass murder of Pylos, for which the Hellenic Coast Guard is responsible, the real and merciless face of the Greek border regime remains clearly visible in the Evros region, as too does the complicity of the EU.


  • 26.07.2023 :

    🆘 in the #Evros region. A group of 29 people is stuck on an islet of the #Evros river, close to the village of #Marasia. Despite their calls for urgent medical support, #Greek & #Turkish authorities refuse to help & claim the position is not on their respective territory.
    The people called #112 themselves, but no help arrived. What is #112 for? To contribute to border violence or to help people in distress? To authorities involved: Stop playing games, evacuate the people now - they reported several people in need of urgent medical assistance!


    #limbe #zone_frontalière #île #Evros #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #fleuve_Evros #Turquie #Grèce #Thrace #îlots


    ajouté à la métaliste sur #métaliste sur des #réfugiés abandonnés sur des #îlots dans la région de l’#Evros, #frontière_terrestre entre la #Grèce et la #Turquie :

  • Indopacifique : l’impérialisme français manœuvre

    Le 24 juillet, Macron a atterri en Nouvelle-Calédonie, première étape d’une tournée qui devait l’emmener au Vanuatu et en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, une tournée qualifiée d’ historique dans cette région du monde appelée maintenant #Indopacifique.

    La présence dans cette région est devenue une priorité stratégique de l’État français. Alors que la tension monte entre les #États-Unis et la #Chine, que les uns et les autres cherchent à enrôler les pays de la région dans des alliances économiques et militaires, l’impérialisme de second rang qu’est la France veut pouvoir jouer son propre jeu. En s’appuyant sur ses #colonies du #Pacifique, en particulier la Nouvelle-Calédonie et la #Polynésie, il se présente comme un acteur régional et une « puissance d’équilibre », à distance des États-Unis et de la Chine.

    Cette posture lui permet d’avoir l’oreille de certains États, comme l’Inde et l’Indonésie, qui ne veulent pas apparaître comme trop inféodés aux États-Unis, ce qui met les Dassault et autres Thales en bonne position pour vendre leurs armes. Ainsi Macron a reçu à l’Élysée le 14 juillet le président indien Modi au moment où son pays annonçait l’achat de 26 Rafale. De son côté, l’#Indonésie a acheté en 2022 des Mirage d’occasion, tout en s’engageant pour 42 Rafale. Au-delà des ventes d’armes, la possession de ces #territoires_d’Outre-mer permet à la France de s’intégrer à différents traités et forums du Pacifique, et d’obliger les États-Unis à lui faire une petite place dans leurs manœuvres militaires et diplomatiques.

    La #Nouvelle-Calédonie est donc pour l’#impérialisme français une pièce majeure. Outre les abondantes réserves de #nickel et sa vaste zone maritime, elle abrite une base militaire sur la route commerciale à destination de l’Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande, d’où partent les navires et avions militaires qui participent aux opérations conjointes avec les États-Unis. Ainsi celles du 19 juillet sur l’#île_de_Guam, baptisées #Elephant_Walk, ont rassemblé États-Unis, #Royaume-Uni, Canada, Australie, Japon et France.

    Il n’est donc pas dans les intentions de l’État français de relâcher ses liens avec ce qui lui reste de colonies. La présence de #Sonia_Backès, anti-indépendantiste caldoche, présidente de la province Sud, la plus riche de l’archipel, au gouvernement de Macron comme secrétaire d’État à la Citoyenneté, est plus qu’un symbole. Mardi 25 juillet, plusieurs dizaines de militants #kanaks se sont rassemblés pour dénoncer la colonisation de leur archipel et s’opposer à la modification du corps électoral, qui donnerait encore plus de poids aux #Caldoches, les colons et descendants de colons de métropole.

    Après avoir reçu les uns et les autres et leur avoir fait moultes promesses, Macron s’envolera vers le Vanuatu, un archipel devenu un enjeu entre États-Unis et Chine, où celle-ci construit de nombreuses infrastructures. Pour riposter, les États-Unis ont annoncé début avril l’ouverture d’une ambassade. Tout le #Pacifique_Sud est devenu le théâtre de cette rivalité croissante. En 2022, le ministre chinois des Affaires étrangères y a fait une tournée, proposant aux États insulaires des millions de dollars d’aides, un projet d’accord de libre-échange, des pactes de sécurité, comme celui passé avec les #îles_Salomon. Les États-Unis quant à eux rouvrent des ambassades et négocient des accords militaires.

    La #Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, ancienne colonie australienne, pays parmi les plus pauvres du monde, était la dernière étape de Macron. En même temps, le secrétaire d’État américain devait se rendre aux Tonga voisines. Le #Pacifique est un nouvel enjeu pour les pays impérialistes. L’#impérialisme_français veut être de la partie.

  • #Orientation des migrants en région : des retours du terrain « de plus en plus inquiétants », faute de places dans l’#hébergement_d’urgence

    Des opérateurs craignent que la politique de #désengorgement de l’#Ile-de-France, qui passe par la création de « #sas », des centres d’#accueil_temporaire, n’offre pas de #solution pérenne.

    Marie (son prénom a été modifié) est déjà repartie. Cette Angolaise est arrivée à Bordeaux aux alentours de la mi-juin, avec son garçon de 6 ans. Cela faisait trois ans qu’ils étaient logés dans un centre d’accueil pour demandeurs d’asile (#CADA) dans le 12e arrondissement de #Paris.

    Courant avril, les gestionnaires de l’établissement ont commencé, selon Marie, à expliquer à certains des occupants – ceux qui avaient été #déboutés de leur demande d’asile ou qui avaient obtenu leur statut de réfugié – qu’ils devaient quitter les lieux, laisser la place à des personnes en cours de procédure. Ils leur ont proposé d’aller en région, à Bordeaux et en banlieue rennaise, dans des #centres_d’accueil temporaires.

    Certains ont refusé. Marie, elle, a été « la dernière à [se] décider à partir », sous la « #pression ». On lui avait fait miroiter une scolarisation pour son fils – déjà en CP à Paris – et un hébergement. Elle a vite déchanté. « On a pris mes empreintes à la préfecture et donné un récépissé pour une demande de réexamen de ma demande d’asile alors que je ne souhaitais pas faire cela, explique-t-elle. Je n’ai pas d’éléments nouveaux à apporter et je risque une nouvelle OQTF [obligation de quitter le territoire français]. On m’a expliqué que sans ça, je n’aurais pas le droit à un logement et que le 115 [l’#hébergement_d’urgence] à Bordeaux, c’est pire qu’à Paris, qu’on nous trouve des hébergements pour deux jours seulement. » Marie n’a pas hésité longtemps. Revenue à Paris, elle « squatte » désormais chez une amie. La semaine, elle envoie son fils au centre de loisirs tandis qu’elle fait des ménages au noir dans un hôtel. Tous les jours, elle appelle le 115 pour obtenir un hébergement. En vain.

    Cet exemple symbolise les difficultés du gouvernement dans sa politique d’ouverture de « sas ». Ces #centres_d’accueil_temporaire, installés en province, sont censés héberger des migrants qui se trouvent à la rue, dans des #hôtels_sociaux, des #gymnases ou encore dans les centres réservés aux demandeurs d’asile qui sont en cours de procédure.

    Approche discrète

    Cette politique, commencée début avril pour désengorger l’Ile-de-France – dont les dispositifs sont exsangues et plus coûteux pour le budget de l’Etat –, se veut pourtant innovante. Dix « sas » de cinquante places chacun doivent à terme ouvrir, dans lesquels les personnes transitent trois semaines au plus, avant d’être basculées principalement vers de l’hébergement d’urgence généraliste ou, pour celles qui en relèvent, vers le #dispositif_d’accueil des demandeurs d’asile. Ces « sas » reposent sur le #volontariat et, pour susciter l’adhésion, sont censés « permettre d’accélérer le traitement des situations des personnes dont l’attente se prolonge en Ile-de-France sans perspective réelle à court et moyen termes », défend, dans un courriel adressé au Monde, le ministère du logement.

    C’est ce dernier qui pilote désormais la communication autour du dispositif. Au moment du lancement de celui-ci, c’est le ministère de l’intérieur qui en avait présenté les contours. Un changement d’affichage qui n’est pas anodin. Dans un contexte sensible, où plusieurs projets de centres d’accueil pour migrants en région ont suscité des manifestations hostiles, voire violentes de l’extrême droite, les pouvoirs publics optent pour une approche discrète.

    Dans les faits, d’après les premiers éléments remontés et portant sur plusieurs centaines de personnes orientées, « 80 % sont des réfugiés statutaires et des demandeurs d’asile », le restant étant constitué de personnes sans-papiers, rapporte Pascal Brice, président de la Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité (FAS), qui chapeaute quelque 870 structures de lutte contre l’exclusion, dont les opérateurs de ces « sas » régionaux. « C’est un travail auprès des #sans-abri, migrants ou pas, ce n’est pas le sujet », martèle-t-on néanmoins au cabinet d’Olivier Klein, le ministre délégué au logement.

    « On est en train de planter le dispositif »

    Une posture qui agace Pascal Brice. Il dresse un parallèle avec la situation qui a prévalu à Saint-Brevin (Loire-Atlantique), où le maire (divers droite), Yannick Morez, a démissionné en dénonçant l’absence de soutien de l’Etat. L’édile avait été victime de menaces de mort et son domicile incendié dans un contexte de déménagement d’un CADA. « Il faut se donner les moyens politiques de réussir ce dispositif, or l’Etat n’assume pas sa politique d’accueil organisé et maîtrisé. Il fait les choses en catimini », regrette M. Brice. Les remontées du terrain seraient, en outre, « de plus en plus inquiétantes », assure le président de la FAS.

    Adoma, l’opérateur d’un « sas » de cinquante places dans le 10e arrondissement de Marseille, considère que ce dernier « joue son rôle ». « Nous en sommes au troisième accueil de bus et ça fonctionne. Nous avons la garantie que les gens ne seront pas remis à la rue », rapporte Emilie Tapin, directrice d’hébergement pour #Adoma dans la cité phocéenne, où ont jusque-là été accueillis une majorité d’hommes afghans en demande d’asile. Mais ailleurs, le manque de places d’hébergement d’urgence vers lesquelles faire basculer les personnes après leur passage en « sas » se dresse comme un sérieux obstacle.

    « Notre 115 est saturé et on a déjà des #squats et des #campements », s’inquiète Floriane Varieras, adjointe à la maire écologiste de Strasbourg. Une commune voisine, Geispolsheim, accueille un « sas ». « Sans création de places nouvelles, la tension sur l’hébergement d’urgence est tellement forte qu’on craint que le schéma vertueux qui visait à éviter que les personnes ne reviennent en région parisienne ne craque », signale à son tour la directrice générale de France terre d’asile, Delphine Rouilleault, qui s’occupe d’un « sas » près d’Angers.

    Le ministère du logement assure que 3 600 places ont été « sanctuarisées dans le parc d’hébergement d’urgence pour faciliter la fluidité à la sortie des structures d’accueil temporaires ». Ce qui sous-entend que ces orientations se feront à moyens constants.

    « On est en train de planter le dispositif, alerte Pascal Brice. Des gens sont orientés vers le 115 depuis les “sas” et remis à la rue au bout de quarante-huit heures. C’est insoutenable. Je me suis rendu dans plusieurs régions et, partout, l’Etat ferme des places d’hébergement d’urgence. Si les conditions perduraient, la FAS devrait à son plus grand regret envisager un retrait de ce dispositif. »

    La province ? « Tu ne peux pas bosser là-bas »

    Outre la question de l’hébergement, le succès des « sas » devait s’appuyer sur la promesse faite aux personnes d’une étude bienveillante de leur situation administrative. Sans parler franchement de régularisation, le ministère de l’intérieur avait assuré au Monde, en mars, qu’il y aurait des réexamens au regard du #droit_au_séjour. « Il y a un travail de conviction qui n’est pas encore installé », considère à ce stade Mme Rouilleault.

    Le Monde a rencontré plusieurs familles ayant refusé une orientation en #province, à l’image de Hawa Diallo, une Malienne de 28 ans, mère de deux filles, dont une âgée de 10 ans et scolarisée dans le 15e arrondissement. « J’ai beaucoup de rendez-vous à Paris, à la préfecture, à la PMI [protection maternelle et infantile], à l’hôpital, justifie-t-elle. Et puis le papa n’a pas de papiers, mais il se débrouille à gauche, à droite avec des petits boulots. »

    La province ? « Pour ceux qui sont déboutés de l’asile, ça ne sert à rien. Quand tu n’as pas de papiers, tu ne peux pas bosser là-bas », croit à son tour Brahima Camara. A Paris, cet Ivoirien de 30 ans fait de la livraison à vélo pour la plate-forme #Deliveroo. « Je loue un compte à quelqu’un [qui a des papiers] pour 100 euros par semaine et j’en gagne 300 à 400. C’est chaud, mais c’est mieux que voler. » Sa compagne, Fatoumata Konaté, 28 ans, est enceinte de quatre mois. Les deux Ivoiriens n’ont jamais quitté la région parisienne depuis qu’ils sont arrivés en France, il y a respectivement quatre et deux ans. Ils ont, un temps, été hébergés par le 115 dans divers endroits de l’Essonne. Depuis un an, « on traîne à la rue », confie Fatoumata Konaté. « Parfois, on dort dans des squats, parfois on nous donne des tentes. »

    Chaque nuit, rien qu’à Paris, un millier de demandes auprès du 115 restent insatisfaites. Lasses, le 6 juillet, plus d’une centaine de personnes en famille originaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest ont investi deux accueils de jour de la capitale tenus par les associations Aurore et Emmaüs et y ont passé la nuit, faute de solution. « La situation devient intenable, prévient le directeur général d’Emmaüs Solidarité, Lotfi Ouanezar. On ne résoudra rien si on ne change pas de braquet. »


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #France #hébergement #SDF #dispersion

    via @karine4

  • Les vies bouleversées de 286 travailleurs migrants par les travaux du village olympique

    Les vies bouleversées de 286 travailleurs migrants par les travaux du village olympique
    En 2021, un foyer a été détruit à Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis) pour faire place au futur village olympique. Depuis, les 300 habitants tentent de faire entendre leur voix pour obtenir un relogement qui les satisfasse.
    Par Laura Salabert et Clara Seren-Rosso
    Encore un an avant l’ouverture des Jeux olympiques (JO) de Paris, mais Boubacar Diallo sait déjà qu’il n’en gardera qu’un souvenir amer. Arrivé du Mali dans les années 1990, cet ouvrier dans le BTP est un résident historique du foyer de travailleurs migrants, place Pleyel, à Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis). En 2021, il a été forcé de quitter les lieux. Le chantier des JO s’accélère et la résidence, située en plein cœur du futur village olympique, est rasée. Le foyer était vétuste – il se dégradait à vue d’œil –, mais Boubacar Diallo s’y sentait bien. « C’était une forteresse », se souvient-il, en repensant à la salle commune où se tenaient des cours de français et où les résidents se relayaient pour préparer des repas collectifs, dans de grandes casseroles. Le circuit de solidarité y était bien rodé : entre 20 et 30 euros par semaine et par personne dans le pot commun permettaient à ceux qui n’avaient pas encore touché leur paie de manger à leur faim. Adef Habitat, le gestionnaire immobilier du foyer, s’était engagé auprès des habitants à le rénover. Jusqu’à cette réunion de mars 2019 où ils sont informés de sa destruction, sans possibilité de négociation.
    « A ce moment-là, on ne nous proposait aucune solution de déménagement. On était juste mis dehors », se remémore Boubacar Diallo. Les résidents se mobilisent alors pour trouver une solution de relogement avant l’expulsion, prévue initialement en octobre 2019 avant d’être retardée par la crise sanitaire. Des associations, habitants audoniens et élus, commencent à manifester leur soutien. Soucieuse de son image, la Solideo, l’établissement public chargé des infrastructures des JO, accepte en février 2020 de financer un logement temporaire en préfabriqués, à 2,5 km au sud de l’ancien foyer.
    En poussant la porte de sa nouvelle chambre en mars 2021, Bakary Diakité a compris qu’il faudrait faire une croix sur le confort dans ce foyer provisoire. La seule fenêtre de la pièce donne sur un carrefour, à quelques mètres du périphérique. Même vitres fermées et stores baissés, le vrombissement de chaque voiture dérange. « En pleine nuit, c’est très bruyant. Les gens qui crient, les voitures… Je dors très mal », explique le Malien de 36 ans. Joliment peints, facilement identifiables à d’autres immeubles du quartier : de l’extérieur, les préfabriqués se fondent dans le décor. Mais les espaces communs sont insalubres car rarement nettoyés, les odeurs et les déchets s’accumulent dans les escaliers, dans les couloirs… Et il n’est plus possible de cuisiner ensemble : seule une petite salle d’une vingtaine de mètres carrés est disponible pour se réunir. A cela s’ajoute une mauvaise isolation, au point que certains résidents redoutent l’été. Ils se souviennent avoir vécu un cauchemar pendant la canicule en 2022. Et cet inconfort a un prix : 447 euros par mois, pour 18 m2, sans possibilité de toucher d’APL. De son côté, la Solideo se défend de tout défaut de construction qui « a fait l’objet d’un permis conforme aux normes », selon la chargée de communication de l’entreprise. Alors que les ouvrages de remplacement devaient être livrés au cours de l’année 2022, les retards s’accumulent. « Maintenant, on nous parle d’un emménagement en 2024 », déplore Bakary Diakité, dont le relogement est prévu non loin de son ancien quartier à Pleyel. La seconde résidence, située près de la gare RER de Saint-Ouen, est accessible depuis début avril, après un an de retard.
    « On voulait revenir sur site après les JO parce qu’on a appris qu’il serait réhabilité en logements sociaux et en bureaux. Mais on nous l’a refusé », explique Boubacar Diallo. Au-delà de son emplacement, ce relogement est loin d’être « exemplaire », selon Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye, anthropologue et chercheuse au CNRS. Notamment parce que les résidents non déclarés du foyer – membres de la famille, amis ou victimes de marchands de sommeil – sont laissés sur la touche. « Souvent à Paris ou Montreuil, les personnes logées par les résidents sont prises en compte pour le relogement. Là, ça n’a pas été le cas. » Ils étaient environ 400 dans le foyer place Pleyel.
    Autre sujet de discorde : les plans des deux nouvelles résidences à Saint-Ouen n’ont plus rien à voir avec le modèle du foyer de Pleyel, cher aux habitants. Les appartements avec plusieurs chambres et de grands espaces communs laissent place à de petits studios exigus de 15 m2, avec un seul salon de 20 m2 pour tout le bâtiment. En somme, « les JO, c’est l’aubaine » pour accélérer le plan national lancé depuis plusieurs années, visant à mettre un terme à la vie en collectivité dans les foyers, explique Marianna Kontos, urbaniste et membre du comité de vigilance JO 2024. Après les Jeux, les prix des services vont augmenter en Seine-Saint-Denis, estime en outre Marianna Kontos. Cette dernière dénonce une « volonté de transformer socialement et durablement le quartier ».


  • Orientation des migrants en région : des retours du terrain « de plus en plus inquiétants », faute de places dans l’hébergement d’urgence

    Orientation des migrants en région : des retours du terrain « de plus en plus inquiétants », faute de places dans l’hébergement d’urgence
    Des opérateurs craignent que la politique de désengorgement de l’Ile-de-France, qui passe par la création de « sas », des centres d’accueil temporaire, n’offre pas de solution pérenne.
    Par Julia Pascual
    Marie (son prénom a été modifié) est déjà repartie. Cette Angolaise est arrivée à Bordeaux aux alentours de la mi-juin, avec son garçon de 6 ans. Cela faisait trois ans qu’ils étaient logés dans un centre d’accueil pour demandeurs d’asile (CADA) dans le 12e arrondissement de Paris.
    Courant avril, les gestionnaires de l’établissement ont commencé, selon Marie, à expliquer à certains des occupants – ceux qui avaient été déboutés de leur demande d’asile ou qui avaient obtenu leur statut de réfugié – qu’ils devaient quitter les lieux, laisser la place à des personnes en cours de procédure. Ils leur ont proposé d’aller en région, à Bordeaux et en banlieue rennaise, dans des centres d’accueil temporaires.
    Certains ont refusé. Marie, elle, a été « la dernière à [se] décider à partir », sous la « pression ». On lui avait fait miroiter une scolarisation pour son fils – déjà en CP à Paris – et un hébergement. Elle a vite déchanté. « On a pris mes empreintes à la préfecture et donné un récépissé pour une demande de réexamen de ma demande d’asile alors que je ne souhaitais pas faire cela, explique-t-elle. Je n’ai pas d’éléments nouveaux à apporter et je risque une nouvelle OQTF [obligation de quitter le territoire français]. On m’a expliqué que sans ça, je n’aurais pas le droit à un logement et que le 115 [l’hébergement d’urgence] à Bordeaux, c’est pire qu’à Paris, qu’on nous trouve des hébergements pour deux jours seulement. » Marie n’a pas hésité longtemps. Revenue à Paris, elle « squatte » désormais chez une amie. La semaine, elle envoie son fils au centre de loisirs tandis qu’elle fait des ménages au noir dans un hôtel. Tous les jours, elle appelle le 115 pour obtenir un hébergement. En vain. Cet exemple symbolise les difficultés du gouvernement dans sa politique d’ouverture de « sas ». Ces centres d’accueil temporaire, installés en province, sont censés héberger des migrants qui se trouvent à la rue, dans des hôtels sociaux, des gymnases ou encore dans les centres réservés aux demandeurs d’asile qui sont en cours de procédure.
    Cette politique, commencée début avril pour désengorger l’Ile-de-France – dont les dispositifs sont exsangues et plus coûteux pour le budget de l’Etat –, se veut pourtant innovante. Dix « sas » de cinquante places chacun doivent à terme ouvrir, dans lesquels les personnes transitent trois semaines au plus, avant d’être basculées principalement vers de l’hébergement d’urgence généraliste ou, pour celles qui en relèvent, vers le dispositif d’accueil des demandeurs d’asile. Ces « sas » reposent sur le volontariat et, pour susciter l’adhésion, sont censés « permettre d’accélérer le traitement des situations des personnes dont l’attente se prolonge en Ile-de-France sans perspective réelle à court et moyen termes », défend, dans un courriel adressé au Monde, le ministère du logement. C’est ce dernier qui pilote désormais la communication autour du dispositif. Au moment du lancement de celui-ci, c’est le ministère de l’intérieur qui en avait présenté les contours. Un changement d’affichage qui n’est pas anodin. Dans un contexte sensible, où plusieurs projets de centres d’accueil pour migrants en région ont suscité des manifestations hostiles, voire violentes de l’extrême droite, les pouvoirs publics optent pour une approche discrète.
    Lire aussi le reportage : Article réservé à nos abonnés Comment accueillir des réfugiés en France ? De la réussite de Sommières-du-Clain à la polémique de Belâbre
    Dans les faits, d’après les premiers éléments remontés et portant sur plusieurs centaines de personnes orientées, « 80 % sont des réfugiés statutaires et des demandeurs d’asile », le restant étant constitué de personnes sans-papiers, rapporte Pascal Brice, président de la Fédération des acteurs de la solidarité (FAS), qui chapeaute quelque 870 structures de lutte contre l’exclusion, dont les opérateurs de ces « sas » régionaux. « C’est un travail auprès des sans-abri, migrants ou pas, ce n’est pas le sujet », martèle-t-on néanmoins au cabinet d’Olivier Klein, le ministre délégué au logement. Une posture qui agace Pascal Brice. Il dresse un parallèle avec la situation qui a prévalu à Saint-Brevin (Loire-Atlantique), où le maire (divers droite), Yannick Morez, a démissionné en dénonçant l’absence de soutien de l’Etat. L’édile avait été victime de menaces de mort et son domicile incendié dans un contexte de déménagement d’un CADA. « Il faut se donner les moyens politiques de réussir ce dispositif, or l’Etat n’assume pas sa politique d’accueil organisé et maîtrisé. Il fait les choses en catimini », regrette M. Brice. Les remontées du terrain seraient, en outre, « de plus en plus inquiétantes », assure le président de la FAS.
    Adoma, l’opérateur d’un « sas » de cinquante places dans le 10e arrondissement de Marseille, considère que ce dernier « joue son rôle ». « Nous en sommes au troisième accueil de bus et ça fonctionne. Nous avons la garantie que les gens ne seront pas remis à la rue », rapporte Emilie Tapin, directrice d’hébergement pour Adoma dans la cité phocéenne, où ont jusque-là été accueillis une majorité d’hommes afghans en demande d’asile. Mais ailleurs, le manque de places d’hébergement d’urgence vers lesquelles faire basculer les personnes après leur passage en « sas » se dresse comme un sérieux obstacle.« Notre 115 est saturé et on a déjà des squats et des campements », s’inquiète Floriane Varieras, adjointe à la maire écologiste de Strasbourg. Une commune voisine, Geispolsheim, accueille un « sas ». « Sans création de places nouvelles, la tension sur l’hébergement d’urgence est tellement forte qu’on craint que le schéma vertueux qui visait à éviter que les personnes ne reviennent en région parisienne ne craque », signale à son tour la directrice générale de France terre d’asile, Delphine Rouilleault, qui s’occupe d’un « sas » près d’Angers.
    Le ministère du logement assure que 3 600 places ont été « sanctuarisées dans le parc d’hébergement d’urgence pour faciliter la fluidité à la sortie des structures d’accueil temporaires ». Ce qui sous-entend que ces orientations se feront à moyens constants.« On est en train de planter le dispositif, alerte Pascal Brice. Des gens sont orientés vers le 115 depuis les “sas” et remis à la rue au bout de quarante-huit heures. C’est insoutenable. Je me suis rendu dans plusieurs régions et, partout, l’Etat ferme des places d’hébergement d’urgence. Si les conditions perduraient, la FAS devrait à son plus grand regret envisager un retrait de ce dispositif. »
    Outre la question de l’hébergement, le succès des « sas » devait s’appuyer sur la promesse faite aux personnes d’une étude bienveillante de leur situation administrative. Sans parler franchement de régularisation, le ministère de l’intérieur avait assuré au Monde, en mars, qu’il y aurait des réexamens au regard du droit au séjour. « Il y a un travail de conviction qui n’est pas encore installé », considère à ce stade Mme Rouilleault.Le Monde a rencontré plusieurs familles ayant refusé une orientation en province, à l’image de Hawa Diallo, une Malienne de 28 ans, mère de deux filles, dont une âgée de 10 ans et scolarisée dans le 15e arrondissement. « J’ai beaucoup de rendez-vous à Paris, à la préfecture, à la PMI [protection maternelle et infantile], à l’hôpital, justifie-t-elle. Et puis le papa n’a pas de papiers, mais il se débrouille à gauche, à droite avec des petits boulots. »
    La province ? « Pour ceux qui sont déboutés de l’asile, ça ne sert à rien. Quand tu n’as pas de papiers, tu ne peux pas bosser là-bas », croit à son tour Brahima Camara. A Paris, cet Ivoirien de 30 ans fait de la livraison à vélo pour la plate-forme Deliveroo. (...)Chaque nuit, rien qu’à Paris, un millier de demandes auprès du 115 restent insatisfaites. Lasses, le 6 juillet, plus d’une centaine de personnes en famille originaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest ont investi deux accueils de jour de la capitale tenus par les associations Aurore et Emmaüs et y ont passé la nuit, faute de solution. « La situation devient intenable, prévient le directeur général d’Emmaüs Solidarité, Lotfi Ouanezar. On ne résoudra rien si on ne change pas de braquet. » Julia Pascual


  • Hashima : La mémoire de l’histoire


    Hashima, c’est ainsi que ce lieu se nomme. On dit également Gunkanjima, l’île navire de guerre, forteresse industrielle désaffectée. Située au large des côtes de Nagasaki, au Japon. Il ne reste que la mémoire de l’histoire. Et ce seul mot pour la nommer Hashima. L’île déserte. J’y retourne parfois en rêve. Sur place, j’entends des voix dans la nuit. Dans la rumeur de la mer qui encercle l’île. Et le vent qui siffle au loin, qui envahit tout.

    (...) #Écriture, #Poésie, #Vidéo, #Cinéma, #Film, #Photographie, #Japon, #Art, #AI, #IntelligenceArtificielle, #Dalle-e, #Récit, #île (...)

  • A group of 9 people are stuck on an islet of the #Evros river near #Soufli in #Greece (03.07.2023)

    🆘 in the #Evros region! We are in contact with a group of 9 people who are stuck on an islet of the #Evros river near #Soufli in #Greece. They are running out of water & food & 1 child needs urgent medical assistance. We informed @hellenicpolice & asked for evacuation!

    #limbe #zone_frontalière #île #Evros #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #fleuve_Evros #Turquie #Grèce #Thrace #îlots


    ajouté à la métaliste sur #métaliste sur des #réfugiés abandonnés sur des #îlots dans la région de l’#Evros, #frontière_terrestre entre la #Grèce et la #Turquie :

  • 19.06.2023 : a group of 36 people stranded on an islet near #Kissari (Evros, Greece) :

    We have been contacted by a group of 36 people stranded on an islet near #Kissari. They are desperate and ask to be allowed to apply for asylum in Greece. We informed local authorities in #Greece about the need for urgent evacuation!

    #limbe #zone_frontalière #île #Evros #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #fleuve_Evros #Turquie #Grèce #Thrace #îlots


    ajouté à la métaliste sur #métaliste sur des #réfugiés abandonnés sur des #îlots dans la région de l’#Evros, #frontière_terrestre entre la #Grèce et la #Turquie :

  • 63 people stranded on an islet on the #Evros river (19.06.2023)

    63 people stranded on an islet on the #Evros river, near #Marasia. Another group reached out to us & reported to be stuck since several days on a different islet. They are calling for urgent assistance. We have informed @hellenicpolice & call for an evacuation of the group.

    #limbe #zone_frontalière #île #Evros #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #fleuve_Evros #Turquie #Grèce #Thrace #îlots


    ajouté à la métaliste sur #métaliste sur des #réfugiés abandonnés sur des #îlots dans la région de l’#Evros, #frontière_terrestre entre la #Grèce et la #Turquie :

  • Assises « Vers des Villes sans Voitures »

    En octobre 1997, environ 65 militants provenant de 21 pays différents se sont retrouvés durant une semaine à #lyon en France pour organiser les « Assises Vers des Villes sans Voitures. » Lire la suite...

    #Alternatives_à_la_voiture #Fin_de_l'automobile #Îles_sans_voitures #Marche_à_pied #Quartiers_sans_voitures #Ressources #Transports_publics #Vélo #Vie_sans_voiture #Villages_sans_voitures #Ville_sans_voitures #actions #activisme #conférence #Europe #histoire #ville

  • Les Algériens en région parisienne : entre espaces d’inclusion et d’exclusion

    Comment les #Algériens et Français d’origine algérienne de la métropole parisienne affirment-ils leurs identités et négocient-ils des espaces d’inclusion dans la sphère publique ? La géographe états-unienne Elizabeth Nelson livre son regard sur le modèle républicain français. Les pratiques d’intégration sociale et spatiale des immigrés algériens et de leurs descendants vivant en région parisienne traduisent souvent, au niveau local, un sentiment de malaise lié au fait de vivre et de travailler dans un #Terrains

    / Algériens, #banlieue, #inclusion, #exclusion, #espace, #Île-de-France, #Paris, #Algérie


  • UK signs contract with US startup to identify migrants in small-boat crossings

    The UK government has turned a US-based startup specialized in artificial intelligence as part of its pledge to stop small-boat crossings. Experts have already pointed out the legal and logistical challenges of the plan.

    In a new effort to address the high number of Channel crossings, the UK Home Office is working with the US defense startup #Anduril, specialized in the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

    A surveillance tower has already been installed at Dover, and other technologies might be rolled out with the onset of warmer temperatures and renewed attempts by migrants to reach the UK. Some experts already point out the risks and practical loopholes involved in using AI to identify migrants.

    “This is obviously the next step of the illegal migration bill,” said Olivier Cahn, a researcher specialized in penal law.

    “The goal is to retrieve images that were taken at sea and use AI to show they entered UK territory illegally even if people vanish into thin air upon arrival in the UK.”

    The “illegal migration bill” was passed by the UK last month barring anyone from entering the country irregularly from filing an asylum claim and imposing a “legal duty” to remove them to a third country.
    Who is behind Anduril?

    Founded in 2017 by its CEO #Palmer_Luckey, Anduril is backed by #Peter_Thiel, a Silicon Valley investor and supporter of Donald Trump. The company has supplied autonomous surveillance technology to the US Department of Defense (DOD) to detect and track migrants trying to cross the US-Mexico border.

    In 2021, the UK Ministry of Defence awarded Anduril with a £3.8-million contract to trial an advanced base defence system. Anduril eventually opened a branch in London where it states its mission: “combining the latest in artificial intelligence with commercial-of-the-shelf sensor technology (EO, IR, Radar, Lidar, UGS, sUAS) to enhance national security through automated detection, identification and tracking of objects of interest.”

    According to Cahn, the advantage of Brexit is that the UK government is no longer required to submit to the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPDP), a component of data protection that also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas.

    “Even so, the UK has data protection laws of its own which the government cannot breach. Where will the servers with the incoming data be kept? What are the rights of appeal for UK citizens whose data is being processed by the servers?”, he asked.

    ’Smugglers will provide migrants with balaclavas for an extra 15 euros’

    Cahn also pointed out the technical difficulties of identifying migrants at sea. “The weather conditions are often not ideal, and many small-boat crossings happen at night. How will facial recognition technology operate in this context?”

    The ability of migrants and smugglers to adapt is yet another factor. “People are going to cover their faces, and anyone would think the smugglers will respond by providing migrants with balaclavas for an extra 15 euros.”

    If the UK has solicited the services of a US startup to detect and identify migrants, the reason may lie in AI’s principle of self-learning. “A machine accumulates data and recognizes what it has already seen. The US is a country with a significantly more racially and ethnically diverse population than the UK. Its artificial intelligence might contain data from populations which are more ethnically comparable to the populations that are crossing the Channel, like Somalia for example, thus facilitating the process of facial recognition.”

    For Cahn, it is not capturing the images which will be the most difficult but the legal challenges that will arise out of their usage. “People are going to be identified and there are going to be errors. If a file exists, there needs to be the possibility for individuals to appear before justice and have access to a judge.”

    A societal uproar

    In a research paper titled “Refugee protection in the artificial intelligence Era”, Chatham House notes “the most common ethical and legal challenges associated with the use of AI in asylum and related border and immigration systems involve issues of opacity and unpredictability, the potential for bias and unlawful discrimination, and how such factors affect the ability of individuals to obtain a remedy in the event of erroneous or unfair decisions.”

    For Cahn, the UK government’s usage of AI can only be used to justify and reinforce its hardline position against migrants. “For a government that doesn’t respect the Geneva Convention [whose core principle is non-refoulement, editor’s note] and which passed an illegal migration law, it is out of the question that migrants have entered the territory legally.”

    Identifying migrants crossing the Channel is not going to be the hardest part for the UK government. Cahn imagines a societal backlash with, “the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom being solicited, refugees seeking remedies to legal decisions through lawyers and associations attacking”.

    He added there would be due process concerning the storage of the data, with judges issuing disclosure orders. “There is going to be a whole series of questions which the government will have to elucidate. The rights of refugees are often used as a laboratory. If these technologies are ’successful’, they will soon be applied to the rest of the population."


    #UK #Angleterre #migrations #asile #réfugiés #militarisation_des_frontières #frontières #start-up #complexe_militaro-industriel #IA #intelligence_artificielle #surveillance #technologie #channel #Manche


    ajouté à la métaliste sur la Bibby Stockholm:

    • Huge barge set to house 500 asylum seekers arrives in the UK

      The #Bibby_Stockholm is being refitted in #Falmouth to increase its capacity from 222 to 506 people.

      A barge set to house 500 asylum seekers has arrived in the UK as the government struggles with efforts to move migrants out of hotels.

      The Independent understands that people will not be transferred onto the Bibby Stockholm until July, following refurbishment to increase its capacity and safety checks.

      The barge has been towed from its former berth in Italy to the port of Falmouth, in Cornwall.

      It will remain there while works are carried out, before being moved onto its final destination in #Portland, Dorset.

      The private operators of the port struck an agreement to host the barge with the Home Office without formal public consultation, angering the local council and residents.

      Conservative MP Richard Drax previously told The Independent legal action was still being considered to stop the government’s plans for what he labelled a “quasi-prison”.

      He accused ministers and Home Office officials of being “unable to answer” practical questions on how the barge will operate, such as how asylum seekers will be able to come and go safely through the port, what activities they will be provided with and how sufficient healthcare will be ensured.

      “The question is how do we cope?” Mr Drax said. “Every organisation has its own raft of questions: ‘Where’s the money coming from? Who’s going to do what if this all happens?’ There are not sufficient answers, which is very worrying.”

      The Independent previously revealed that asylum seekers will have less living space than an average parking bay on the Bibby Stockholm, which saw at least one person die and reports of rape and abuse on board when it was used by the Dutch government to detain migrants in the 2000s.

      An official brochure released by owner Bibby Marine shows there are only 222 “single en-suite bedrooms” on board, meaning that at least two people must be crammed into every cabin for the government to achieve its aim of holding 500 people.

      Dorset Council has said it still had “serious reservations about the appropriateness of Portland Port in this scenario and remains opposed to the proposals”.

      The Conservative police and crime commissioner for Dorset is demanding extra government funding for the local force to “meet the extra policing needs that this project will entail”.

      A multi-agency forum including representatives from national, regional and local public sector agencies has been looking at plans for the provision of health services, the safety and security of both asylum seekers and local residents and charity involvement.

      Portland Port said it had been working with the Home Office and local agencies to ensure the safe arrival and operation of the Bibby Stockholm, and to minimise its impact locally.

      The barge is part of a wider government push to move migrants out of hotels, which are currently housing more than 47,000 asylum seekers at a cost of £6m a day.

      But the use of ships as accommodation was previously ruled out on cost grounds by the Treasury, when Rishi Sunak was chancellor, and the government has not confirmed how much it will be spending on the scheme.

      Ministers have also identified several former military and government sites, including two defunct airbases and an empty prison, that they want to transform into asylum accommodation.

      But a court battle with Braintree District Council over former RAF Wethersfield is ongoing, and legal action has also been threatened over similar plans for RAF Scampton in Lancashire.

      Last month, a barrister representing home secretary Suella Braverman told the High Court that 56,000 people were expected to arrive on small boats in 2023 and that some could be made homeless if hotel places are not found.

      A record backlog of asylum applications, driven by the increase in Channel crossings and a collapse in Home Office decision-making, mean the government is having to provide accommodation for longer while claims are considered.

      #barge #bateau

    • ‘Performative cruelty’ : the hostile architecture of the UK government’s migrant barge

      The arrival of the Bibby Stockholm barge at Portland Port, in Dorset, on July 18 2023, marks a new low in the UK government’s hostile immigration environment. The vessel is set to accommodate over 500 asylum seekers. This, the Home Office argues, will benefit British taxpayers and local residents.

      The barge, however, was immediately rejected by the local population and Dorset council. Several British charities and church groups have condemned the barge, and the illegal migration bill it accompanies, as “an affront to human dignity”.

      Anti-immigration groups have also protested against the barge, with some adopting offensive language, referring to the asylum seekers who will be hosted there as “bargies”. Conservative MP for South Dorset Richard Drax has claimed that hosting migrants at sea would exacerbate tenfold the issues that have arisen in hotels to date, namely sexual assaults, children disappearing and local residents protesting.

      My research shows that facilities built to house irregular migrants in Europe and beyond create a temporary infrastructure designed to be hostile. Governments thereby effectively make asylum seekers more displaceable while ignoring their everyday spatial and social needs.
      Precarious space

      The official brochure plans for the Bibby Stockholm show 222 single bedrooms over three stories, built around two small internal courtyards. It has now been retrofitted with bunk beds to host more than 500 single men – more than double the number it was designed to host.

      Journalists Lizzie Dearden and Martha McHardy have shown this means the asylum seekers housed there – for up to nine months – will have “less living space than an average parking bay”. This stands in contravention of international standards of a minimum 4.5m² of covered living space per person in cold climates, where more time is spent indoors.

      In an open letter, dated June 15 2023 and addressed to home secretary Suella Braverman, over 700 people and nearly 100 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) voiced concerns that this will only add to the trauma migrants have already experienced:

      Housing people on a sea barge – which we argue is equal to a floating prison – is morally indefensible, and threatens to retraumatise a group of already vulnerable people.

      Locals are concerned already overstretched services in Portland, including GP practices, will not be able to cope with further pressure. West Dorset MP Chris Lode has questioned whether the barge itself is safe “to cope with double the weight that it was designed to bear”. A caller to the LBC radio station, meanwhile, has voiced concerns over the vessel’s very narrow and low fire escape routes, saying: “What they [the government] are effectively doing here is creating a potential Grenfell on water, a floating coffin.”

      Such fears are not unfounded. There have been several cases of fires destroying migrant camps in Europe, from the Grand-Synthe camp near Dunkirk in France, in 2017, to the 2020 fire at the Moria camp in Greece. The difficulty of escaping a vessel at sea could turn it into a death trap.

      Performative hostility

      Research on migrant accommodation shows that being able to inhabit a place – even temporarily – and develop feelings of attachment and belonging, is crucial to a person’s wellbeing. Even amid ever tighter border controls, migrants in Europe, who can be described as “stuck on the move”, nonetheless still attempt to inhabit their temporary spaces and form such connections.

      However, designs can hamper such efforts when they concentrate asylum seekers in inhospitable, cut-off spaces. In 2015, Berlin officials began temporarily housing refugees in the former Tempelhof airport, a noisy, alienating industrial space, lacking in privacy and disconnected from the city. Many people ended up staying there for the better part of a year.

      French authorities, meanwhile, opened the Centre Humanitaire Paris-Nord in Paris in 2016, temporary migrant housing in a disused train depot. Nicknamed la Bulle (the bubble) for its bulbous inflatable covering, this facility was noisy and claustrophobic, lacking in basic comforts.

      Like the barge in Portland Port, these facilities, placed in industrial sites, sit uncomfortably between hospitality and hostility. The barge will be fenced off, since the port is a secured zone, and access will be heavily restricted and controlled. The Home Office insists that the barge is not a floating prison, yet it is an unmistakably hostile space.

      Infrastructure for water and electricity will physically link the barge to shore. However, Dorset council has no jurisdiction at sea.

      The commercial agreement on the barge was signed between the Home Office and Portland Port, not the council. Since the vessel is positioned below the mean low water mark, it did not require planning permission.

      This makes the barge an island of sorts, where other rules apply, much like those islands in the Aegean sea and in the Pacific, on which Greece and Australia have respectively housed migrants.

      I have shown how facilities are often designed in this way not to give displaced people any agency, but, on the contrary, to objectify them. They heighten the instability migrants face, keeping them detached from local communities and constantly on the move.

      The government has presented the barge as a cheaper solution than the £6.8 million it is currently spending, daily, on housing asylum seekers in hotels. A recent report by two NGOs, Reclaim the Seas and One Life to Live, concludes, however, that it will save less than £10 a person a day. It could even prove more expensive than the hotel model.

      Sarah Teather, director of the Jesuit Refugee Service UK charity, has described the illegal migration bill as “performative cruelty”. Images of the barge which have flooded the news certainly meet that description too.

      However threatening these images might be, though, they will not stop desperate people from attempting to come to the UK to seek safety. Rather than deterring asylum seekers, the Bibby Stockholm is potentially creating another hazard to them and to their hosting communities.



      Point intéressant, lié à l’aménagement du territoire :

      “Since the vessel is positioned below the mean low water mark, it did not require planning permission”

      C’est un peu comme les #zones_frontalières qui ont été créées un peu partout en Europe (et pas que) pour que les Etats se débarassent des règles en vigueur (notamment le principe du non-refoulement). Voir cette métaliste, à laquelle j’ajoute aussi cet exemple :

      voir aussi :

      The circumstances at Portland Port are very different because where the barge is to be positioned is below the mean low water mark. This means that the barge is outside of our planning control and there is no requirement for planning permission from the council.


      #hostile_architecture #architecture_hostile #dignité #espace #Portland #hostilité #hostilité_performative #île #infrastructure #extraterritorialité #extra-territorialité #prix #coût

    • Sur l’#histoire (notamment liées au commerce d’ #esclaves) de la Bibby Stockholm :

      Bibby Line, shipowners

      From Guide to the Records of Merseyside Maritime Museum, volume 1: Bibby Line. In 1807 John Bibby and John Highfield, Liverpool shipbrokers, began taking shares in ships, mainly Parkgate Dublin packets. By 1821 (the end of the partnership) they had vessels sailing to the Mediterranean and South America. In 1850 they expanded their Mediterranean and Black Sea interests by buying two steamers and by 1865 their fleet had increased to twenty three. The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 severely affected their business and Frederick Leyland, their general manager, failed to persuade the family partners to diversify onto the Atlantic. Eventually, he bought them out in 1873. In 1889 the Bibby family revived its shipowning interests with a successful passenger cargo service to Burma. From 1893 it also began to carry British troops to overseas postings which remained a Bibby staple until 1962. The Burma service ended in 1971 and the company moved to new areas of shipowning including bulkers, gas tankers and accommodation barges. It still has its head office in Liverpool where most management records are held. The museum holds models of the Staffordshire (1929) and Oxfordshire (1955). For further details see the attached catalogue or contact The Archives Centre for a copy of the catalogue.

      The earliest records within the collection, the ships’ logs at B/BIBBY/1/1/1 - 1/1/3 show company vessels travelling between Europe and South America carrying cargoes that would have been produced on plantations using the labour of enslaved peoples or used within plantation and slave based economies. For example the vessel Thomas (B/BIBBY/1/1/1) carries a cargo of iron hoops for barrels to Brazil in 1812. The Mary Bibby on a voyage in 1825-1826 loads a cargo of sugar in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to carry to Rotterdam. The log (B/BIBBY/1/1/3) records the use of ’negroes’ to work with the ship’s carpenter while the vessel is in port.

      In September 1980 the latest Bibby vessel to hold the name Derbyshire was lost with all hands in the South China Sea. This collection does not include records relating to that vessel or its sinking, apart from a copy ’Motor vessel ’Derbyshire’, 1976-80: in memoriam’ at reference B/BIBBY/3/2/1 (a copy is also available in The Archives Centre library collection at 340.DER). Information about the sinking and subsequent campaigning by the victims’ family can be found on the NML website and in the Life On Board gallery. The Archives Centre holds papers of Captain David Ramwell who assisted the Derbyshire Family Association at D/RAM and other smaller collections of related documents within the DX collection.


      An Open Letter to #Bibby_Marine

      Links between your parent company #Bibby_Line_Group (#BLG) and the slave trade have repeatedly been made. If true, we appeal to you to consider what actions you might take in recompense.

      Bibby Marine’s modern slavery statement says that one of the company’s values is to “do the right thing”, and that you “strongly support the eradication of slavery, as well as the eradication of servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking”. These are admirable words.

      Meanwhile, your parent company’s website says that it is “family owned with a rich history”. Please will you clarify whether this rich history includes slaving voyages where ships were owned, and cargoes transported, by BLG’s founder John Bibby, six generations ago. The BLG website says that in 1807 (which is when slavery was abolished in Britain), “John Bibby began trading as a shipowner in Liverpool with his partner John Highfield”. John Bibby is listed as co-owner of three slaving ships, of which John Highfield co-owned two:

      In 1805, the Harmonie (co-owned by #John_Bibby and three others, including John Highfield) left Liverpool for a voyage which carried 250 captives purchased in West Central Africa and St Helena, delivering them to Cumingsberg in 1806 (see the SlaveVoyages database using Voyage ID 81732).
      In 1806, the Sally (co-owned by John Bibby and two others) left Liverpool for a voyage which transported 250 captives purchased in Bassa and delivered them to Barbados (see the SlaveVoyages database using Voyage ID 83481).
      In 1806, the Eagle (co-owned by John Bibby and four others, including John Highfield) left Liverpool for a voyage which transported 237 captives purchased in Cameroon and delivered them to Kingston in 1807 (see the SlaveVoyages database using Voyage ID 81106).

      The same and related claims were recently mentioned by Private Eye. They also appear in the story of Liverpool’s Calderstones Park [PDF] and on the website of National Museums Liverpool and in this blog post “Shenanigans in Shipping” (a detailed history of the BLG). They are also mentioned by Laurence Westgaph, a TV presenter specialising in Black British history and slavery and the author of Read The Signs: Street Names with a Connection to the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Abolition in Liverpool [PDF], published with the support of English Heritage, The City of Liverpool, Northwest Regional Development Agency, National Museums Liverpool and Liverpool Vision.

      While of course your public pledges on slavery underline that there is no possibility of there being any link between the activities of John Bibby and John Highfield in the early 1800s and your activities in 2023, we do believe that it is in the public interest to raise this connection, and to ask for a public expression of your categorical renunciation of the reported slave trade activities of Mr Bibby and Mr Highfield.



      Très peu d’info sur John Bibby sur wikipedia :

      John Bibby (19 February 1775 – 17 July 1840) was the founder of the British Bibby Line shipping company. He was born in Eccleston, near Ormskirk, Lancashire. He was murdered on 17 July 1840 on his way home from dinner at a friend’s house in Kirkdale.[1]


    • ‘Floating Prisons’: The 200-year-old family #business behind the Bibby Stockholm

      #Bibby_Line_Group_Limited is a UK company offering financial, marine and construction services to clients in at least 16 countries around the world. It recently made headlines after the government announced one of the firm’s vessels, Bibby Stockholm, would be used to accommodate asylum seekers on the Dorset coast.

      In tandem with plans to house migrants at surplus military sites, the move was heralded by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Home Secretary Suella Braverman as a way of mitigating the £6m-a-day cost of hotel accommodation amid the massive ongoing backlog of asylum claims, as well as deterring refugees from making the dangerous channel crossing to the UK. Several protests have been organised against the project already, while over ninety migrants’ rights groups and hundreds of individual campaigners have signed an open letter to the Home Secretary calling for the plans to be scrapped, describing the barge as a “floating prison.”

      Corporate Watch has researched into the Bibby Line Group’s operations and financial interests. We found that:

      - The Bibby Stockholm vessel was previously used as a floating detention centre in the Netherlands, where undercover reporting revealed violence, sexual exploitation and poor sanitation.

      – Bibby Line Group is more than 90% owned by members of the Bibby family, primarily through trusts. Its pre-tax profits for 2021 stood at almost £31m, which they upped to £35.5m by claiming generous tax credits and deferring a fair amount to the following year.

      - Management aboard the vessel will be overseen by an Australian business travel services company, Corporate Travel Management, who have previously had aspersions cast over the financial health of their operations and the integrity of their business practices.

      - Another beneficiary of the initiative is Langham Industries, a maritime and engineering company whose owners, the Langham family, have longstanding ties to right wing parties.

      Key Issues

      According to the Home Office, the Bibby Stockholm barge will be operational for at least 18 months, housing approximately 500 single adult men while their claims are processed, with “24/7 security in place on board, to minimise the disruption to local communities.” These measures appear to have been to dissuade opposition from the local Conservative council, who pushed for background checks on detainees and were reportedly even weighing legal action out of concern for a perceived threat of physical attacks from those housed onboard, as well as potential attacks from the far right against migrants held there.

      Local campaigners have taken aim at the initiative, noting in the open letter:

      “For many people seeking asylum arriving in the UK, the sea represents a site of significant trauma as they have been forced to cross it on one or more occasions. Housing people on a sea barge – which we argue is equal to a floating prison – is morally indefensible, and threatens to re-traumatise a group of already vulnerable people.”

      Technically, migrants on the barge will be able to leave the site. However, in reality they will be under significant levels of surveillance and cordoned off behind fences in the high security port area.

      If they leave, there is an expectation they will return by 11pm, and departure will be controlled by the authorities. According to the Home Office:

      “In order to ensure that migrants come and go in an orderly manner with as little impact as possible, buses will be provided to take those accommodated on the vessel from the port to local drop off points”.

      These drop off points are to be determined by the government, while being sited off the coast of Dorset means they will be isolated from centres of support and solidarity.

      Meanwhile, the government’s new Illegal Migration Bill is designed to provide a legal justification for the automatic detention of refugees crossing the Channel. If it passes, there’s a chance this might set the stage for a change in regime on the Bibby Stockholm – from that of an “accommodation centre” to a full-blown migrant prison.

      An initial release from the Home Office suggested the local voluntary sector would be engaged “to organise activities that keep occupied those being accommodated, potentially involved in local volunteering activity,” though they seemed to have changed the wording after critics said this would mean detainees could be effectively exploited for unpaid labour. It’s also been reported the vessel required modifications in order to increase capacity to the needed level, raising further concerns over cramped living conditions and a lack of privacy.

      Bibby Line Group has prior form in border profiteering. From 1994 to 1998, the Bibby Stockholm was used to house the homeless, some of whom were asylum seekers, in Hamburg, Germany. In 2005, it was used to detain asylum seekers in the Netherlands, which proved a cause of controversy at the time. Undercover reporting revealed a number of cases abuse on board, such as beatings and sexual exploitation, as well suicide attempts, routine strip searches, scabies and the death of an Algerian man who failed to receive timely medical care for a deteriorating heart condition. As the undercover security guard wrote:

      “The longer I work on the Bibby Stockholm, the more I worry about safety on the boat. Between exclusion and containment I encounter so many defects and feel so much tension among the prisoners that it no longer seems to be a question of whether things will get completely out of hand here, but when.”

      He went on:

      “I couldn’t stand the way prisoners were treated […] The staff become like that, because the whole culture there is like that. Inhuman. They do not see the residents as people with a history, but as numbers.”

      Discussions were also held in August 2017 over the possibility of using the vessel as accommodation for some 400 students in Galway, Ireland, amid the country’s housing crisis. Though the idea was eventually dropped for lack of mooring space and planning permission requirements, local students had voiced safety concerns over the “bizarre” and “unconventional” solution to a lack of rental opportunities.
      Corporate Travel Management & Langham Industries

      Although leased from Bibby Line Group, management aboard the Bibby Stockholm itself will be handled by #Corporate_Travel_Management (#CTM), a global travel company specialising in business travel services. The Australian-headquartered company also recently received a £100m contract for the provision of accommodation, travel, venue and ancillary booking services for the housing of Ukrainian refugees at local hotels and aboard cruise ships M/S Victoria and M/S Ambition. The British Red Cross warned earlier in May against continuing to house refugees on ships with “isolated” and “windowless” cabins, and said the scheme had left many “living in limbo.”

      Founded by CEO #Jamie_Pherous, CTM was targeted in 2018 by #VGI_Partners, a group of short-sellers, who identified more than 20 red flags concerning the company’s business interests. Most strikingly, the short-sellers said they’d attended CTM’s offices in Glasgow, Paris, Amsterdam, Stockholm and Switzerland. Finding no signs of business activity there, they said it was possible the firm had significantly overstated the scale of its operations. VGI Partners also claimed CTM’s cash flows didn’t seem to add up when set against the company’s reported growth, and that CTM hadn’t fully disclosed revisions they’d made to their annual revenue figures.

      Two years later, the short-sellers released a follow-up report, questioning how CTM had managed to report a drop in rewards granted for high sales numbers to travel agencies, when in fact their transaction turnover had grown during the same period. They also accused CTM of dressing up their debt balance to make their accounts look healthier.

      CTM denied VGI Partners’ allegations. In their response, they paraphrased a report by auditors EY, supposedly confirming there were no question marks over their business practices, though the report itself was never actually made public. They further claim VGI Partners, as short-sellers, had only released the reports in the hope of benefitting from uncertainty over CTM’s operations.

      Despite these troubles, CTM’s market standing improved drastically earlier this year, when it was announced the firm had secured contracts for the provision of travel services to the UK Home Office worth in excess of $3bn AUD (£1.6bn). These have been accompanied by further tenders with, among others, the National Audit Office, HS2, Cafcass, Serious Fraud Office, Office of National Statistics, HM Revenue & Customs, National Health Service, Ministry of Justice, Department of Education, Foreign Office, and the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

      The Home Office has not released any figures on the cost of either leasing or management services aboard Bibby Stockholm, though press reports have put the estimated price tag at more than £20,000 a day for charter and berthing alone. If accurate, this would put the overall expenditure for the 18-month period in which the vessel will operate as a detention centre at almost £11m, exclusive of actual detention centre management costs such as security, food and healthcare.

      Another beneficiary of the project are Portland Port’s owners, #Langham_Industries, a maritime and engineering company owned by the #Langham family. The family has long-running ties to right-wing parties. Langham Industries donated over £70,000 to the UK Independence Party from 2003 up until the 2016 Brexit referendum. In 2014, Langham Industries donated money to support the re-election campaign of former Clacton MP for UKIP Douglas Carswell, shortly after his defection from the Conservatives. #Catherine_Langham, a Tory parish councillor for Hilton in Dorset, has described herself as a Langham Industries director (although she is not listed on Companies House). In 2016 she was actively involved in local efforts to support the campaign to leave the European Union. The family holds a large estate in Dorset which it uses for its other line of business, winemaking.

      At present, there is no publicly available information on who will be providing security services aboard the Bibby Stockholm.

      Business Basics

      Bibby Line Group describes itself as “one of the UK’s oldest family owned businesses,” operating in “multiple countries, employing around 1,300 colleagues, and managing over £1 billion of funds.” Its head office is registered in Liverpool, with other headquarters in Scotland, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Malaysia, France, Slovakia, Czechia, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Nigeria (see the appendix for more). The company’s primary sectors correspond to its three main UK subsidiaries:

      #Bibby_Financial_Services. A global provider of financial services. The firm provides loans to small- and medium-sized businesses engaged in business services, construction, manufacturing, transportation, export, recruitment and wholesale markets. This includes invoice financing, export and trade finance, and foreign exchanges. Overall, the subsidiary manages more than £6bn each year on behalf of some 9,000 clients across 300 different industry sectors, and in 2021 it brought in more than 50% of the group’s annual turnover.

      - #Bibby_Marine_Limited. Owner and operator of the Bibby WaveMaster fleet, a group of vessels specialising in the transport and accommodation of workers employed at remote locations, such as offshore oil and gas sites in the North Sea. Sometimes, as in the case of Chevron’s Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) project in Nigeria, the vessels are used as an alternative to hotels owing to a “a volatile project environment.” The fleet consists of 40 accommodation vessels similar in size to the Bibby Stockholm and a smaller number of service vessels, though the share of annual turnover pales compared to the group’s financial services operations, standing at just under 10% for 2021.

      - #Garic Ltd. Confined to construction, quarrying, airport, agriculture and transport sectors in the UK, the firm designs, manufactures and purchases plant equipment and machinery for sale or hire. Garic brought in around 14% of Bibby Line Group’s turnover in 2021.

      Prior to February 2021, Bibby Line Group also owned #Costcutter_Supermarkets_Group, before it was sold to #Bestway_Wholesale to maintain liquidity amid the Covid-19 pandemic. In their report for that year, the company’s directors also suggested grant funding from #MarRI-UK, an organisation facilitating innovation in maritime technologies and systems, had been important in preserving the firm’s position during the crisis.

      The Bibby Line Group’s story begins in 1807, when Lancashire-born shipowner John Bibby began trading out of Liverpool with partner John Highfield. By the time of his death in 1840, murdered while returning home from dinner with a friend in Kirkdale, Bibby had struck out on his own and come to manage a fleet of more than 18 ships. The mysterious case of his death has never been solved, and the business was left to his sons John and James.

      Between 1891 and 1989, the company operated under the name #Bibby_Line_Limited. Its ships served as hospital and transport vessels during the First World War, as well as merchant cruisers, and the company’s entire fleet of 11 ships was requisitioned by the state in 1939.

      By 1970, the company had tripled its overseas earnings, branching into ‘factoring’, or invoice financing (converting unpaid invoices into cash for immediate use via short-term loans) in the early 1980s, before this aspect of the business was eventually spun off into Bibby Financial Services. The group acquired Garic Ltd in 2008, which currently operates four sites across the UK.


      #Jonathan_Lewis has served as Bibby Line Group’s Managing and Executive Director since January 2021, prior to which he acted as the company’s Chief Financial and Strategy Officer since joining in 2019. Previously, Lewis worked as CFO for Imagination Technologies, a tech company specialising in semiconductors, and as head of supermarket Tesco’s mergers and acquisitions team. He was also a member of McKinsey’s European corporate finance practice, as well as an investment banker at Lazard. During his first year at the helm of Bibby’s operations, he was paid £748,000. Assuming his role at the head of the group’s operations, he replaced Paul Drescher, CBE, then a board member of the UK International Chamber of Commerce and a former president of the Confederation of British Industry.

      Bibby Line Group’s board also includes two immediate members of the Bibby family, Sir #Michael_James_Bibby, 3rd Bt. and his younger brother #Geoffrey_Bibby. Michael has acted as company chairman since 2020, before which he had occupied senior management roles in the company for 20 years. He also has external experience, including time at Unilever’s acquisitions, disposals and joint venture divisions, and now acts as president of the UK Chamber of Shipping, chairman of the Charities Trust, and chairman of the Institute of Family Business Research Foundation.

      Geoffrey has served as a non-executive director of the company since 2015, having previously worked as a managing director of Vast Visibility Ltd, a digital marketing and technology company. In 2021, the Bibby brothers received salaries of £125,000 and £56,000 respectively.

      The final member of the firm’s board is #David_Anderson, who has acted as non-executive director since 2012. A financier with 35 years experience in investment banking, he’s founder and CEO of EPL Advisory – which advises company boards on requirements and disclosure obligations of public markets – and chair of Creative Education Trust, a multi-academy trust comprising 17 schools. Anderson is also chairman at multinational ship broker Howe Robinson Partners, which recently auctioned off a superyacht seized from Dmitry Pumpyansky, after the sanctioned Russian businessman reneged on a €20.5m loan from JP Morgan. In 2021, Anderson’s salary stood at £55,000.


      Bibby Line Group’s annual report and accounts for 2021 state that more than 90% of the company is owned by members of the Bibby family, primarily through family trusts. These ownership structures, effectively entities allowing people to benefit from assets without being their registered legal owners, have long attracted staunch criticism from transparency advocates given the obscurity they afford means they often feature extensively in corruption, money laundering and tax abuse schemes.

      According to Companies House, the UK corporate registry, between 50% and 75% of Bibby Line Group’s shares and voting rights are owned by #Bibby_Family_Company_Limited, which also retains the right to appoint and remove members of the board. Directors of Bibby Family Company Limited include both the Bibby brothers, as well as a third sibling, #Peter_John_Bibby, who’s formally listed as the firm’s ‘ultimate beneficial owner’ (i.e. the person who ultimately profits from the company’s assets).

      Other people with comparable shares in Bibby Family Company Limited are #Mark_Rupert_Feeny, #Philip_Charles_Okell, and Lady #Christine_Maud_Bibby. Feeny’s occupation is listed as solicitor, with other interests in real estate management and a position on the board of the University of Liverpool Pension Fund Trustees Limited. Okell meanwhile appears as director of Okell Money Management Limited, a wealth management firm, while Lady Bibby, Michael and Geoffrey’s mother, appears as “retired playground supervisor.”

      Key Relationships

      Bibby Line Group runs an internal ‘Donate a Day’ volunteer program, enabling employees to take paid leave in order to “help causes they care about.” Specific charities colleagues have volunteered with, listed in the company’s Annual Review for 2021 to 2022, include:

      - The Hive Youth Zone. An award-winning charity for young people with disabilities, based in the Wirral.

      – The Whitechapel Centre. A leading homeless and housing charity in the Liverpool region, working with people sleeping rough, living in hostels, or struggling with their accommodation.

      - Let’s Play Project. Another charity specialising in after-school and holiday activities for young people with additional needs in the Banbury area.

      - Whitdale House. A care home for the elderly, based in Whitburn, West Lothian and run by the local council.

      – DEBRA. An Irish charity set up in 1988 for individuals living with a rare, painful skin condition called epidermolysis bullosa, as well as their families.

      – Reaching Out Homeless Outreach. A non-profit providing resources and support to the homeless in Ireland.

      Various senior executives and associated actors at Bibby Line Group and its subsidiaries also have current and former ties to the following organisations:

      - UK Chamber of Shipping

      - Charities Trust

      - Institute of Family Business Research Foundation

      - Indefatigable Old Boys Association

      - Howe Robinson Partners

      - hibu Ltd

      - EPL Advisory

      - Creative Education Trust

      - Capita Health and Wellbeing Limited

      - The Ambassador Theatre Group Limited

      – Pilkington Plc

      – UK International Chamber of Commerce

      – Confederation of British Industry

      – Arkley Finance Limited (Weatherby’s Banking Group)

      – FastMarkets Ltd, Multiple Sclerosis Society

      – Early Music as Education

      – Liverpool Pension Fund Trustees Limited

      – Okell Money Management Limited


      For the period ending 2021, Bibby Line Group’s total turnover stood at just under £260m, with a pre-tax profit of almost £31m – fairly healthy for a company providing maritime services during a global pandemic. Their post-tax profits in fact stood at £35.5m, an increase they would appear to have secured by claiming generous tax credits (£4.6m) and deferring a fair amount (£8.4m) to the following year.

      Judging by their last available statement on the firm’s profitability, Bibby’s directors seem fairly confident the company has adequate financing and resources to continue operations for the foreseeable future. They stress their February 2021 sale of Costcutter was an important step in securing this, given it provided additional liquidity during the pandemic, as well as the funding secured for R&D on fuel consumption by Bibby Marine’s fleet.
      Scandal Sheet

      Bibby Line Group and its subsidiaries have featured in a number of UK legal proceedings over the years, sometimes as defendants. One notable case is Godfrey v Bibby Line, a lawsuit brought against the company in 2019 after one of their former employees died as the result of an asbestos-related disease.

      In their claim, the executors of Alan Peter Godfrey’s estate maintained that between 1965 and 1972, he was repeatedly exposed to large amounts of asbestos while working on board various Bibby vessels. Although the link between the material and fatal lung conditions was established as early as 1930, they claimed that Bibby Line, among other things:

      “Failed to warn the deceased of the risk of contracting asbestos related disease or of the precautions to be taken in relation thereto;

      “Failed to heed or act upon the expert evidence available to them as to the best means of protecting their workers from danger from asbestos dust; [and]

      “Failed to take all reasonably practicable measures, either by securing adequate ventilation or by the provision and use of suitable respirators or otherwise, to prevent inhalation of dust.”

      The lawsuit, which claimed “unlimited damage”’ against the group, also stated that Mr Godfrey’s “condition deteriorated rapidly with worsening pain and debility,” and that he was “completely dependent upon others for his needs by the last weeks of his life.” There is no publicly available information on how the matter was concluded.

      In 2017, Bibby Line Limited also featured in a leak of more than 13.4 million financial records known as the Paradise Papers, specifically as a client of Appleby, which provided “offshore corporate services” such as legal and accountancy work. According to the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, a global network of investigative media outlets, leaked Appleby documents revealed, among other things, “the ties between Russia and [Trump’s] billionaire commerce secretary, the secret dealings of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s chief fundraiser and the offshore interests of the Queen of England and more than 120 politicians around the world.”

      This would not appear to be the Bibby group’s only link to the shady world of offshore finance. Michael Bibby pops up as a treasurer for two shell companies registered in Panama, Minimar Transport S.A. and Vista Equities Inc.
      Looking Forward

      Much about the Bibby Stockholm saga remains to be seen. The exact cost of the initiative and who will be providing security services on board, are open questions. What’s clear however is that activists will continue to oppose the plans, with efforts to prevent the vessel sailing from Falmouth to its final docking in Portland scheduled to take place on 30th June.

      Appendix: Company Addresses

      HQ and general inquiries: 3rd Floor Walker House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool, United Kingdom, L2 3YL

      Tel: +44 (0) 151 708 8000

      Other offices, as of 2021:

      6, Shenton Way, #18-08A Oue Downtown 068809, Singapore

      1/1, The Exchange Building, 142 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, G2 5LA, United Kingdom

      4th Floor Heather House, Heather Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, Ireland

      Unit 2302, 23/F Jubilee Centre, 18 Fenwick Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong

      Unit 508, Fifth Floor, Metropolis Mall, MG Road, Gurugram, Haryana, 122002 India

      Suite 7E, Level 7, Menara Ansar, 65 Jalan Trus, 8000 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

      160 Avenue Jean Jaures, CS 90404, 69364 Lyon Cedex, France

      Prievozská 4D, Block E, 13th Floor, Bratislava 821 09, Slovak Republic

      Hlinky 118, Brno, 603 00, Czech Republic

      Laan Van Diepenvoorde 5, 5582 LA, Waalre, Netherlands

      Hansaallee 249, 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany

      Poland Eurocentrum, Al. Jerozolimskie 134, 02-305 Warsaw, Poland

      1/2 Atarbekova str, 350062, Krasnodar, Krasnodar

      1 St Peter’s Square, Manchester, M2 3AE, United Kingdom

      25 Adeyemo Alakija Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria

      10 Anson Road, #09-17 International Plaza, 079903 Singapore


      signalé ici aussi par @rezo:

    • The Langham family seem quite happy to support right-wing political parties that are against immigration, while at the same time profiting handsomely from the misery of refugees who are forced to claim sanctuary here.



      Family firm ’profiteering from misery’ by providing migrant barges donated £70k to #UKIP

      The Langham family, owners of Langham Industries, is now set to profit from an 18-month contract with the Home Office to let the Bibby Stockholm berth at Portland, Dorset

      A family firm that donated more than £70,000 to UKIP is “profiteering from misery” by hosting the Government’s controversial migrant barge. Langham Industries owns Portland Port, where the Bibby Stockholm is docked in a deal reported to be worth some £2.5million.

      The Langham family owns luxurious properties and has links to high-profile politicians, including Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden. And we can reveal that their business made 19 donations to pro-Brexit party UKIP between 2003 and 2016.

      Late founder John Langham was described as an “avid supporter” of UKIP in an obituary in 2017. Now his children, John, Jill and Justin – all directors of the family firm – are set to profit from an 18-month contract with the Home Office to let the Bibby Stockholm berth at Portland, Dorset.

      While Portland Port refuses to reveal how much the Home Office is paying, its website cites berthing fees for a ship the size of the Bibby Stockholm at more than £4,000 a day. In 2011, Portland Port chairman John, 71, invested £3.7million in Grade II* listed country pile Steeple Manor at Wareham, Dorset. Dating to around 1600, it has a pond, tennis court and extensive gardens designed by the landscape architect Brenda Colvin.

      The arrangement to host the “prison-like” barge for housing migrants has led some locals to blast the Langhams, who have owned the port since 1997. Portland mayor Carralyn Parkes, 61, said: “I don’t know how John Langham will sleep at night in his luxurious home, with his tennis court and his fluffy bed, when asylum seekers are sleeping in tiny beds on the barge.

      “I went on the boat and measured the rooms with a tape measure. On average they are about 10ft by 12ft. The bunk bed mattresses are about 6ft long. If you’re taller than 6ft you’re stuffed. The Langham family need to have more humanity. They are only interested in making money. It’s shocking.”



    • ‘This is a prison’: men tell of distressing conditions on Bibby Stockholm

      Asylum seekers share fears about Dorset barge becoming even more crowded, saying they already ‘despair and wish for death’

      Asylum seekers brought back to the Bibby Stockholm barge in Portland, Dorset, have said they are being treated in such a way that “we despair and wish for death”.

      The Guardian spoke to two men in their first interview since their return to the barge on 19 October after the vessel lay empty for more than two months. The presence of deadly legionella bacteria was confirmed on board on 7 August, the same day the first group of asylum seekers arrived. The barge was evacuated four days later.

      The new warning comes after it emerged that one asylum seeker attempted to kill himself and is in hospital after finding out he is due to be taken to the barge on Tuesday.

      A man currently on the barge told the Guardian: “Government decisions are turning healthy and normal refugees into mental patients whom they then hand over to society. Here, many people were healthy and coping with OK spirits, but as a result of the dysfunctional strategies of the government, they have suffered – and continue to suffer – from various forms of serious mental distress. We are treated in such a way that we despair and wish for death.”

      He said that although the asylum seekers were not detained on the barge and could leave to visit the nearby town, in practice, doing so was not easy.

      He added: “In the barge, we have exactly the feeling of being in prison. It is true that they say that this is not a prison and you can go outside at any time, but you can only go to specific stops at certain times by bus, and this does not give me a good feeling.

      “Even to use the fresh air, you have to go through the inspection every time and go to the small yard with high fences and go through the X-ray machine again. And this is not good for our health.

      “In short, this is a prison whose prisoners are not criminals, they are people who have fled their country just to save their lives and have taken shelter here to live.”

      The asylum seekers raised concerns about what conditions on the barge would be like if the Home Office did fill it with about 500 asylum seekers, as officials say is the plan. Those on board said it already felt quite full with about 70 people living there.

      The second asylum seeker said: “The space inside the barge is very small. It feels crowded in the dining hall and the small entertainment room. It is absolutely clear to me that there will be chaos here soon.

      “According to my estimate, as I look at the spaces around us, the capacity of this barge is maximum 120 people, including personnel and crew. The strategy of ​​transferring refugees from hotels to barges or ships or military installations is bound to fail.

      “The situation here on the barge is getting worse. Does the government have a plan for shipwrecked residents? Everyone here is going mad with anxiety. It is not just the barge that floats on the water, but the plans of the government that are radically adrift.”

      Maddie Harris of the NGO Humans For Rights Network, which supports asylum seekers in hotels, said: “Home Office policies directly contribute to the significant deterioration of the wellbeing and mental health of so many asylum seekers in their ‘care’, with a dehumanising environment, violent anti-migrant rhetoric and isolated accommodations away from community and lacking in support.”

      A Home Office spokesperson said: “The Bibby Stockholm is part of the government’s pledge to reduce the use of expensive hotels and bring forward alternative accommodation options which provide a more cost-effective, sustainable and manageable system for the UK taxpayer and local communities.

      “The health and welfare of asylum seekers remains the utmost priority. We work continually to ensure the needs and vulnerabilities of those residing in asylum accommodation are identified and considered, including those related to mental health and trauma.”

      Nadia Whittome and Lloyd Russell-Moyle, the Labour MPs for Nottingham East and Brighton Kemptown respectively, will travel to Portland on Monday to meet asylum seekers accommodated on the Bibby Stockholm barge and local community members.

      The visit follows the home secretary, Suella Braverman, not approving a visit from the MPs to assess living conditions as they requested through parliamentary channels.

      #prison #conditions_de_vie

  • Avril 2023

    #Urgent! Two #Kurdish #refugees have reportedly been stranded in the buffer zone on the #Greek-#Turkish #border for three days. One of them is called Serhat Karadeniz, who communicated their situation to his family in #Turkey by phone. His father Hüseyin Karadaniz told me about the desperate situation of the two refugees. He also told me that the two refugees want to apply for asylum in #Greece, because they are fleeing political persecution in Turkey and would face political prison charges if they returned. Reportedly, the two refugees have been without food and water for three days and are experiencing health problems due to the cold. According to the last information, that the two Kurdish refugees are in the buffer zone in the Feres region, calling for urgent help from the Greek authorities and the United Nations to receive their asylum requests.


    #limbe #zone_frontalière #île #Evros #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #fleuve_Evros #Turquie #Grèce #Thrace #îlots


    ajouté à la métaliste sur #métaliste sur des #réfugiés abandonnés sur des #îlots dans la région de l’#Evros, #frontière_terrestre entre la #Grèce et la #Turquie :