• Immigration : la carte africaine de Giorgia Meloni

    Immigration : la carte africaine de Giorgia Meloni
    Allan Kaval
    Pour Giorgia Meloni, hôte du G7 en 2024, la question migratoire est aussi une affaire de rayonnement international. Le dossier est la priorité de sa diplomatie, l’enjeu sur lequel la présidente du conseil italien dessine et affirme pour son pays un nouveau rôle de protagoniste en Europe et sur le continent africain. Tout remonte aux premiers jours de son mandat, quand elle a affirmé sa volonté d’affronter les flux migratoires en amont des frontières italiennes, brandissant un futur plan italien de soutien au développement des Etats de départ et de transit, à la substance encore nébuleuse. Reprenant l’idée d’une Méditerranée dite « élargie », courante dans la pensée géopolitique italienne, comprenant l’Afrique du Nord et le Sahel comme zone d’intérêt stratégique, elle a affirmé que l’Italie devait y accomplir la mission que la géographie lui avait confiée : celle de devenir un pont européen vers la rive sud.
    En baptisant sa formule, alliant contrôle des migrations irrégulières et aides aux Etats africains, le « plan Mattei », elle a rendu hommage au fondateur de la compagnie nationale des hydrocarbures ENI, Enrico Mattei (1906-1962), symbole d’une action extérieure favorable à l’émancipation des pays du tiers-monde du fait des contrats avantageux qu’il passait avec les pays producteurs. Son contenu reste à construire, mais son lancement, le 29 janvier à Rome, a déjà permis à Giorgia Meloni de réunir autour d’elle 42 chefs d’Etat, chefs de gouvernement et ministres africains et 23 organisations internationales. Cette rencontre lui a fourni l’occasion de rappeler que l’Italie allait porter les problématiques propres à l’Afrique, prise dans son ensemble comme matrice des questions migratoires, au cœur des travaux du sommet du G7, qui doit se tenir en juin à l’Hôtel Borgo Egnazia, à Savelletri di Fasano, dans les Pouilles.
    La focalisation sur les questions migratoires est à l’origine d’une vocation africaine dont Mme Meloni s’est elle-même investie et qui est censée contribuer à accorder à l’Italie le rang qui lui revient en Europe. Au sommet de Rome étaient présents la présidente du Parlement européen, Roberta Metsola, le président du Conseil européen, Charles Michel, et la présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen. Avec cette dernière, et toujours sur les questions migratoires, Mme Meloni a d’ailleurs trouvé au fil de la première année de son mandat le relais le plus puissant des positions italiennes en Europe. En juillet, elle a ainsi obtenu que la présidente de la Commission européenne se rende en Tunisie pour signer un accord correspondant à la vision de Mme Meloni sur l’octroi d’un soutien financier en échange d’une coopération sur le dossier migratoire.
    Cette relation particulière sur le dossier migratoire s’est encore manifestée en septembre, à Lampedusa. L’île, située à 130 kilomètres des côtes tunisiennes, était alors le théâtre d’une crise ponctuelle avec l’arrivée en quelques jours de près de 10 000 migrants secourus au large par les autorités italiennes. Les images, amplement diffusées, montrant les structures d’accueil dépassées ont créé une panique sur le continent, entretenue par les populistes antimigrants. Là encore, Mme Meloni a reçu le soutien de la présidente de la Commission européenne. Mme von der Leyen s’est rendue sur place avec elle, reprenant devant la presse des éléments de langage chers à la présidente du conseil sur la question du contrôle des frontières.
    Loin d’accuser l’Union européenne d’être responsable de l’afflux de migrants non désirés – comme elle le faisait lorsqu’elle était dans l’opposition et comme le fait toujours son allié de coalition Matteo Salvini, chef de file de la Ligue –, Mme Meloni rallie Bruxelles à sa cause et devient incontournable sur les questions migratoires en Europe. L’affaire de Lampedusa et les signes de solidarité politique obligés qu’elle a suscités ont même permis d’esquisser une amélioration apparente des rapports avec le président français, Emmanuel Macron. Les relations entre Paris et Rome avaient été sérieusement dégradées par des crises diplomatiques antérieures, elles aussi liées à la question migratoire.
    Le contrôle des migrations irrégulières est aussi un des sujets sur lesquels la présidente du conseil a construit sa relation privilégiée avec le premier ministre britannique, Rishi Sunak. Lors d’une visite à Londres en avril, elle avait même loué les efforts du premier ministre en vue de l’externalisation des procédures d’asile au Rwanda. Comme M. Sunak, la présidente du conseil italien considère cette forme de sous-traitance internationale comme un facteur dissuasif pour les migrants. Invité de marque de la fête annuelle du parti de Mme Meloni, Fratelli d’Italia, en décembre, M. Sunak avait réaffirmé l’aspiration de son gouvernement à remettre en cause les fondements du droit d’asile tel qu’il a été pensé au lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale, trouvant un public conquis qui recevait pour la première fois un dirigeant de cette envergure.
    Le parti de Mme Meloni avait également convié le premier ministre albanais, Edi Rama, partenaire de la présidente du conseil dans son propre projet d’externalisation. Autre succès diplomatico-migratoire, un accord en cours de ratification, passé entre l’Albanie et l’Italie en novembre, doit en effet permettre la construction de centres de rétention gérés selon le droit italien dans deux enclaves en territoire albanais. Y seront détenus des migrants secourus par des navires militaires italiens dans les eaux internationales. Lors de son passage à Rome, M. Rama avait redoublé de marques de fidélité à l’Italie, ce « pays frère » à qui Tirana était encore redevable pour avoir accueilli de nombreux réfugiés qui, dans les années 1990, chassés par le chaos qui régnait en Albanie, avaient abordé par milliers les côtes italiennes.


  • Tunisie : 13 morts et 27 disparus soudanais dans le naufrage d’un bateau en métal au large de Sfax - InfoMigrants

    Actualités Tunisie : 13 morts et 27 disparus soudanais dans le naufrage d’un bateau en métal au large de Sfax
    Par La rédaction Publié le : 08/02/2024
    Au moins 13 migrants sont morts jeudi dans le naufrage de leur embarcation partie de Sfax, en Tunisie. Les victimes sont toutes soudanaises et possédaient des cartes de demandeurs d’asile du Haut-commissariat aux réfugiés (HCR).Treize migrants soudanais sont morts et vingt-sept sont portés disparus après le naufrage jeudi 8 février 2024 de leur embarcation en fer partie clandestinement de la côte tunisienne près de Sfax, a indiqué Farid Ben Jha, porte-parole de tribunal de Monastir.
    Au total, 42 Soudanais se trouvaient sur une embarcation de fortune partie du littoral de Jebiniana, près de Sfax (centre-est), selon le récit aux autorités des deux uniques survivants du naufrage. Des opérations sont en cours pour tenter de retrouver d’autres naufragés, a assuré Farid Ben Jha.
    Tous des hommes et ressortissants soudanais, les victimes possédaient des cartes de demandeurs d’asile délivrées par le Haut-commissariat des Nations unies aux réfugiés (HCR) en Tunisie. Ces personnes avaient embarqué sur un bateau de métal très fragile, fait de morceaux de ferraille soudés à la va-vite, selon les premiers éléments recueillis. De nombreux Soudanais, ayant fui leur pays et la Libye voisine, vivent en Tunisie, notamment vers Médenine et Sfax, dans des conditions précaires, malgré la protection - ou demande de protection - du HCR. Tunis n’a pas de politique d’asile et ne s’est donc pas doté d’un cadre légal national nécessaire à la prise en charge des étrangers. Les questions de protection sont donc déléguées au HCR. Mais en l’absence d’une politique d’intégration, beaucoup de Soudanais survivent dans la rue, sur les chantiers, sans perspectives économiques et professionnelles.
    Une enquête a été ouverte pour déterminer les responsabilités de ce naufrage, a détaillé Farid Ben Jha, n’excluant pas la probabilité que ces migrants aient été « exploités dans une affaire de traite humaine ou dans la formation d’un groupe criminel pour rallier clandestinement l’Europe ».
    La Tunisie est, avec la Libye, le principal point de départ pour des milliers de migrants qui cherchent à rejoindre clandestinement l’Europe. Les premières côtes italiennes dont l’île de Lampedusa sont situées à moins de 150 km de la région de Sfax.
    Sur toute l’année 2023, le nombre de candidats à l’émigration clandestine interceptés par les autorités tunisiennes s’était établi à 70 000 personnes, soit plus du double pour la même période l’année précédente, selon des statistiques du porte-parole de la Garde nationale. Dans le détail, plus de 54 000 candidats étaient des étrangers, en majorité des ressortissants d’Afrique subsaharienne, et le reste des Tunisiens (plus de 15 000).
    Ces départs de Noirs vers l’Europe ont connu une accélération en Tunisie après un discours fin février du président Kaïs Saïed, dénonçant l’arrivée « de hordes de migrants clandestins » qu’il avait présentés comme une menace démographique pour son pays.
    Des Tunisiens sont aussi concernés par ces départs et ces drames. Deux jeunes de 16 et 17 ans sont morts, après avoir passé près de 8h dans le conteneur frigorifique d’un navire en partance pour l’Italie au mois de janvier. Des opérations de recherche avaient aussi été lancées en Méditerranée pour tenter de retrouver une quarantaine de migrants tunisiens qui avaient tenté la traversée vers l’Italie dans la nuit du 10 au 11 janvier. Selon l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), plus de 2 270 personnes sont mortes en 2023 en Méditerranée centrale en tentant de rallier clandestinement l’Europe, soit 60 % de plus que l’année précédente.


  • Senza frontiere: La criminalizzazione dei cosiddetti #scafisti nel 2023

    1. Dati e monitoraggio della cronaca
    Numero di fermi

    Come negli anni precedenti, nel 2023 abbiamo monitorato sistematicamente la cronaca sulle notizie degli arresti dei cosiddetti scafisti. Abbiamo registrato 177 arresti negli ultimi 12 mesi (rispetto ai 171 arresti nel 2021 e ai 261 arresti nel 2022). Una dichiarazione di Piantedosi che sostiene che “550 scafisti” sono stati arrestati nel biennio 2022-23 – visto che nell’aprile il governo ha rivendicato c. 350 fermi per 2022 – ci fa stimare un totale di 200 fermi nel 2023. Dal 2013, quindi, sono state fermate ormai circa 3.200 persone.

    Il numero di arresti nel 2023 non solo è inferiore in termini assoluti rispetto agli anni precedenti, ma mostra una diminuzione ancora più significativa in termini relativi. Nel 2023, circa 157.000 persone sono arrivate in Italia via mare, il che significa che sono state arrestate circa tre persone ogni 2.000 arrivi. Nel 2021 e nel 2022, il tasso di criminalizzazione era due volte questo.

    Esistono diverse ragioni che potrebbero spiegare questa diminuzione. La più significativa sembra essere un cambiamento di politica ad Agrigento e Lampedusa nel non effettuare arresti sistematici dopo gli sbarchi, concentrandosi invece su casi specifici che coinvolgono accuse di morti durante il viaggio, torture e, per la prima volta, pirateria. Ci teniamo ad aggiungere che – appoggiando il lavoro dell’associazione Maldusa – stiamo seguendo casi in cui le persone sono accusate dei suddetti reati, che hanno suscitato in noi importanti dubbi sulla correttezza delle accuse e sulle modalità con cui vengono portati avanti questi procedimenti penali che spesso sembrano vere e proprie sperimentazioni giuridiche. È anche evidente che le autorità ad Agrigento effettuano continuamente arresti di persone, soprattutto cittadini tunisini, che, essendo rientrati in Italia dopo espulsioni precedenti, sono imputati del reato di violazione del divieto di reingresso. Questo dimostra una manipolazione molto evidente del diritto penale come mezzo per sostenere le ingiuste politiche di chiusura e respingimento.

    Luoghi di fermo e il decreto Piantedosi

    In secondo luogo, l’anno scorso è stata attuata una nuova strategia nella guerra italiana contro le navi di soccorso delle ONG, a cui sono stati assegnati porti di sbarco in tutta Italia (il decreto Piantedosi). Un effetto collaterale è che spesso i luoghi che hanno accolto le imbarcazioni non hanno visto tanti sbarchi prima di quest’anno, e sono quindi poco familiari con la criminalizzazione sistematica che si è agita negli ultimi anni. Nei porti settentrionali a volte sono stati disposti gli arresti, che spesso poi non sono stati convalidati dai Giudici locali, che non hanno ritenuto neppure di disporre una misura cautelare dato che le prove contro gli imputati erano troppo deboli. Mentre ad Agrigento e nei porti del Nord possiamo forse notare una certa resistenza alla solita politica degli arresti sistematici dei capitani, lo stesso non si può dire in altre parti d’Italia. Nella Sicilia orientale e in Calabria un alto numero di persone è stato arrestato e incarcerato. Augusta ha registrato 28 arresti, Siracusa 11; Crotone ha visto 24 arresti e Roccella 18. E come si può vedere dalla mappa, questo modello si replica in altri porti delle stesse zone.


    Nel 2023, come nel 2021 e nel 2022, le autorità hanno preso di mira in particolare i cittadini egiziani, identificandone almeno 60 come capitani. Ciò è notevolmente diverso da quanto avveniva prima del 2020, quando gli egiziani avevano smesso di essere la principale nazionalità criminalizzata. Questa inversione di tendenza ha visto circa 300 cittadini egiziani arrestati dal 2020, la maggior parte dei quali probabilmente è ancora nelle carceri italiane.

    Un cambiamento significativo delle nazionalità delle persone arrestate registrato nel 2023 è invece l’importante aumento della criminalizzazione delle persone migranti provenienti dai paesi asiatici, che ammontano a circa 40 persone fermate quest’anno.

    Con riferimento alla rotta ionica, che arriva in Calabria – la stessa utilizzata dalla barca che è tragicamente affondata vicino a Cutro – nel 2021 la maggior parte delle persone arrestate come capitani proveniva da Russia e Ucraina. Con l’inizio della guerra, sono arrivate molte meno persone con queste nazionalità, mentre abbiamo assistito ad un allarmante aumento della persecuzione dei cittadini turchi nel 2022. Nell’ultimo anno, invece, abbiamo assistito a pochi arresti di persone provenienti dall’Europa orientale o dalla Turchia, e molti di più di persone provenienti dagli stati dell’Asia centrale.

    Va detto che la diminuzione dei fermi eseguiti dalla Procura di Agrigento dovrebbe essere letta alla luce della massiccia operazione posta in essere dalla polizia tunisina, con la benedizione e il finanziamento dell’Europa, contro i cosiddetti trafficanti a Sfax. I governi si vantano di ben 750 fermi nel paese nordafricano negli ultimi tre mesi, accanto a strategie violente di intercettazione e refoulement, come denunciato sia da Amnesty che dal Forum tunisino per i diritti economici e sociali. Anche in Egitto, l’inasprimento della legge nazionale contro i ‘trafficanti’ ha portato a diffusi arresti e processi ingiusti. Ad esempio, l’11 giugno 2023, una campagna di arresti ingiustificati per “smuggling” ha portato alla morte, alla città di Marsa Matruh, di un cittadino egiziano per colpi di arma da fuoco inferti dalla polizia, come ha denunciato Refugees Platform in Egypt. A livello dell’UE, si provano invece ad affinare gli strumenti legali, accrescendo le infrastrutture di controllo e criminalizzazione della frontiera e proponendo emendamenti – come quelli presentati in occasione del lancio dell’Alleanza globale contro il traffico di migranti – al cosiddetto Facilitators Package (in italiano “pacchetto facilitatori”).

    È chiaro quindi che, mentre festeggiamo alcune limitate vittorie, non possiamo negare che il “trafficante/scafista” rimane il capro espiatorio per eccellenza in Europa e non solo.
    2. Un anno di casi e udienze

    Attualmente seguiamo la situazione di 107 persone accusate di essere ‘scafisti’, 66 delle quali sono ancora in carcere. Dei detenuti, 32 si trovano in Sicilia e 16 in Calabria; gli altri sono sparsi in tutta Italia. Come ci si aspetterebbe dagli arresti degli ultimi anni, quasi la metà delle persone detenute che seguiamo proviene dall’Africa del Nord (30 su 44), mentre la maggior parte di quelle provenienti dall’Africa occidentale con cui siamo in contatto sono ormai libere (23 su 30). Siamo anche in contatto con 24 persone provenienti da paesi asiatici (tra cui Turchia, Palestina e i paesi ex-sovietici), la maggior parte delle quali è ancora detenuta.

    E’ trascorso poco meno di un anno da quando quasi 100 persone hanno perso la vita nelle acque di Cutro, in Calabria. Il Governo ha reagito non solo con finta commozione e decreti razzisti, ma anche, come quasi sempre accade, con un processo contro i cosiddetti scafisti. Insieme alle realtà calabresi, seguiamo attentamente i processi contro Khalid, Hasab, Sami, Gun e Mohamed, sopravvissuti al naufragio e provenienti dalla Turchia e dal Pakistan: ora si devono difendere contro il Ministero dell’Interno, il Consiglio dei Ministri e la Regione Calabria che si sono costituiti parti civili nel processo penale. Le istituzioni governative, anche se non esiste un fondo per questo, chiedono un risarcimento superiore a un milione di euro per danni al turismo e all’immagine: come se la tragedia del massacro di Cutro fosse questa.

    Sono diversi i procedimenti penali che siamo riusciti a seguire da vicino, offrendo il nostro supporto ad avvocatə e persone criminalizzate, e, in alcuni casi, andando personalmente alle udienze.

    - Tra le vittorie ottenute non possiamo non citare la recentissima sentenza di assoluzione emessa dalla Corte di Appello di Messina in favore di Ali Fabureh, un giovane ragazzo gambiano che era stato erroneamente condannato dal Tribunale di Messina a 10 anni di carcere senza che – come appurato dalla Corte – avesse mai preso un timone in mano. E sempre a Messina abbiamo registrato un’altra importante vittoria: si è, infatti, concluso con una sentenza di assoluzione anche il procedimento penale iniziato due anni fa contro 4 persone accusate di aver condotto un peschereccio con a bordo centinaia di persone ed essere responsabili della morte di 5 di esse. Tra le persone assolte c’è A., che attualmente è ospitato presso l’associazione Baobab, e con cui continuiamo a rimanere in contatto. Un’altra importante vittoria di quest’anno è stata raggiunta a febbraio a Palermo, quando il Tribunale ha assolto 10 persone accusate di art. 12 TUI, riconoscendo loro lo stato di necessità per le violenze subite in Libia e aprendo la strada, si spera, a un maggior riconoscimento di questa causa di giustificazione. La sentenza è ora definitiva.
    - Purtroppo non tutti i procedimenti seguiti si sono conclusi positivamente, a dimostrazione del fatto che, anche se qualche passo nella direzione giusta è stato fatto, ne restano ancora tanti da compiere. Spesso può succedere che il processo contro due imputati nello stesso procedimento, ha avuto esiti diversi. Questo è stato il caso in un processo nei confronti di due cittadini senegalesi al Tribunale di Agrigento, che ha disposto l’archiviazione per uno di loro, mentre per l’altro il processo continua.
    – Altre volte è stata emessa una sentenza di condanna senza assoluzioni o archiviazioni. Questo è il caso della riprovevole condanna di 7 anni inflitta dal Tribunale di Locri a Ahmid Jawad, magistrato afghano che ancora lotta per dimostrare che era un semplice passeggero dell’imbarcazione che dalla Turchia l’ha condotto in Italia. E’ anche la situazione di Ahmed, che si è visto rigettare l’appello proposto alla Corte di Appello di Palermo avverso la sentenza di condanna del Tribunale di Agrigento.
    - Inoltre, non possiamo non mostrare indignazione e preoccupazione per i casi, come quello di E. (egiziano) al tribunale di Locri e M. e J. (del Sierra Leone) a Reggio Calabria, con cui siamo in contatto, a cui è stata applicata la nuova fattispecie di reato di cui all’art. 12 bis TUI, introdotta con il decreto Cutro, che prevede pene ancora più elevate. Seguiamo il loro processo da lontano: a gennaio, il tribunale di Locri ha rigettato la richiesta di remissione alla Corte Costituzionale presentata dagli avvocati per contestare l’art 12 bis.

    Centri di permanenza per il rimpatrio (CPR)

    I problemi per le persone accusate di essere ‘scafisti’ non finiscono a fine pena, e anche con riferimento alla detenzione nei CPR abbiamo seguito casi che hanno avuto esiti molto diversi. Siamo felicə che gli ultimi due casi seguiti si siano conclusi in modo positivo. Nel mese di dicembre, infatti, una donna ucraina e un uomo tunisino entrambə codannatə per art. 12 TUI, sono statə scarceratə, rispettivamente dalle carceri di Palermo e di Caltagirone, senza essere deportatə presso i centri di detenzione. Sicuramente nel primo caso ha inciso la nazionalità della persona, mentre nel secondo il sovraccaricamento dei centri.

    Purtroppo non sempre è stato possibile evitare il CPR. Molte persone seguite, nonostante la richiesta asilo presentata tempestivamente, sono state trattenute nei centri di detenzione, chi per pochi giorni, chi per due mesi. Per circostanze che sembrano spesso fortuite, la maggior parte è riuscita ad uscire e, anche se con poche prospettive di regolarizzarsi, possono vivere in “libertà” in Italia.

    Purtroppo, per due persone seguite le cose sono andate diversamente. La macchina burocratica ha mostrato il suo volto più spietato e sono stati rimpatriati prima che avessero la possibilità di ricevere un aiuto più concreto; oggi si trovano in Gambia e Egitto. Nell’ultimo caso, la situazione è ancora più preoccupante perché era stato assolto dal Tribunale di Messina; nonostante ciò, all’uscita dal carcere lo aspettava la deportazione.
    Misure alternative

    Quest’anno è stato particolarmente significativo in termini del superamento del regime ostativo alle misure alterantive alla detenzione posto dall’art. 4 bis o.p., che si applica a chi subisce una condanna per art. 12 TUI. Abbiamo infatti registrato i primi casi in cui le persone incarcerate che seguiamo hanno potuto accedere a misure alternative alla detenzione. Questo è stato il caso di B., che ha ottenuto dal Tribunale di Sorveglianza di Palermo l’affidamento in prova ai servizi sociali in provincia di Sciacca. Adesso che ha raggiunto il fine pena si è stabilito lì, in poco più di un mese ha aggiunto i suoi obiettivi personali: ha un lavoro e una rete sociale. E questa è la storia anche di A., e O., che hanno fatto accesso alle misure alternative presso la comunità Palermitana Un Nuovo Giorno. Rimaniamo, invece, in attesa dell’esito della seconda istanza di accesso per M., cugino di B., con cui tentiamo dal 2022, e che speriamo possa presto vedere il cielo oltre le quattro mura.

    Abbiamo anche seguito 6 persone, tra cui i 3 accusati palestinesi che l’estate scorsa sono entrati in sciopero della fame, che sono riusciti ad accedere agli arresti domiciliari, che pur non essendo oggetto dell’art. 4 bis o.p., nel corso degli anni sono comunque rimasti difficili da ottenere. Queste vittorie sono state possibili grazie ai tentativi, a volte ripetuti, dellə loro avvocatə difensorə, e alle offerte di ospitalità di un numero crescente di realtà conosciute.

    È bello vedere che qualcuno riesce a sgusciare attraverso alcune crepe di questo meccanismo. Certamente lavoreremo per continuare ad allargarle, anche se sappiamo che questo strumento può solo alleviare la sofferenza di alcune persone, e certamente non riparare i danni subiti per la loro detenzione.
    3. Rete

    Per noi è fondamentale ribadire che è solo grazie a una rete forte, impegnata, diffusa e informata, che questo lavoro è possibile. Anche quest’anno, possiamo dire di aver avuto il grandissimo piacere di collaborare con realtà diverse, in tanti luoghi, da Torino a Napoli, da Lampedusa a Londra, da Roma a Bruxelles e New York.

    In particolare, segnaliamo la campagna recentemente avviata Free #Pylos 9, promossa della rete Captain Support, per le persone arrestate in seguito al massacro di Pylos in Grecia. Negli ultimi mesi abbiamo inoltre avuto modo di conoscere realtà solidali a Bruxelles, tra cui PICUM, che ha organizzato a fine novembre un incontro di scambio sulle pratiche di criminalizzazione attuate intorno al controllo della migrazione. Qui abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di aprire insieme una conversazione sul lancio della nuova Alleanza Globale Europea contro il Traffico di Migranti, che stava avvenendo proprio in quei giorni.

    A New York a novembre abbiamo partecipato alla conferenza dell’Università di Columbia sulla criminalizzazione della migrazione nel mondo, e abbiamo presentato il nostro lavoro al centro sociale Woodbine, insieme ad altri gruppi locali impegnati nella lotta contro le frontiere.

    Qua in Italia, se da un lato il decreto Piantedosi ha ottusamente costretto le navi ONG a sbarcare in diversi porti d’Italia (come abbiamo scritto nei paragrafi sopra), dall’altro ha contribuito a catalizzare la consapevolezza sugli arresti allo sbarco in diverse città. Grazie al lavoro di alcunə avvocatə e individui solidali a Napoli, e con il supporto della Clinica Legale Roma 3, le persone arrestate agli sbarchi in Campania hanno avuto accesso a un supporto indipendente ed esaustivo.

    L’evento Capitani Coraggiosi, organizzato da Baobab Experience alla Città dell’Altra Economia a Roma, ha visto proiezione del film Io Capitano di Matteo Garrone (ora fra i candidati agli Oscar), e un dibattito col regista e con altre persone impegnate in questa lotta. Qui è stata lanciata la campagna in vista della presentazione della richiesta di revisione del caso di Alaji Diouf, che ha subito una condanna di 7 anni per il reato di favoreggiamento. Adesso, Alaji chiede che sia fatta giustizia sul suo caso, come affermato nel suo intervento dopo la proiezione del film “Io Capitano”, quando ha detto “Tutto quello che succede dopo, da lì parte davvero il film. […] ora che sono libero voglio far conoscere al mondo la verità”.

    ‘Dal mare al carcere’
    un progetto di Arci Porco Rosso e borderline-europe
    4° report trimestrale 2023.

    Leggete il report ‘Dal mare al carcere’ (2021), e i seguenti aggiornamenti trimestrale, al www.dal-mare-al-carcere.info.

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    #scafista #criminalisation_de_la_migration #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Arci_Porco_Rosso #Italie #chiffres #statistiques #2023 #justice #procès #détention_administrative #rétention #Cutro


    On August 21, 2023, the rescue ship Aurora from Sea Watch was detained by the Italian authorities after refusing to disembark survivors in Tunisia as ordered by the Rome MRCC (Maritime Rescue Coordination Center), a country which by no means can be considered a place of safety.

    This episode is just one example of the efforts of European states to avoid arrivals on their shores at all costs, and to evade their responsibility for reception and #Search_and_Rescue (#SAR). Already in 2018, the European Commission, with its disembarkation platform project, attempted to force sea rescue NGOs to disembark survivors in North Africa. While this project was ultimately unsuccessful as it stood, European states have endeavored to increase the number of measures aimed at reducing crossings in the central Mediterranean.

    One of the strategies employed was to set up a “push-back by proxy regime”, outsourcing interceptions at sea to the Libyan Coast guards, enabling the sending back of people on the move to a territory in which their lives are at risk, undertaken by Libyan border forces under the control of the EU authorities, in contravention of principle of non-refoulement, one of the cornerstones of international refugee law. Since 2016, the EU and its member states have equipped, financed, and trained the Libyan coastguard and supported the creation of a MRCC in Tripoli and the declaration of a Libyan SRR (search and rescue region).

    This analysis details how the European Union and its member states are attempting to replicate in Tunisia the regime of refoulement by proxy set up in Libya just a few years earlier. Four elements are considered: strengthening the capacities of the Tunisian coastguard (equipment and training), setting up a coastal surveillance system, creating a functional MRCC and declaring a Tunisian SRR.
    A. Building capacity of the Garde Nationale Maritime
    Providing equipment

    For several decades now, Tunisia has been receiving equipment to strengthen its coast guard capabilities. After the Jasmine Revolution in 2011, Italy-Tunisia cooperation deepened. Under the informal agreement of April 5, 2011, 12 boats were delivered to the Tunisian authorities. In 2017, in a joint statement by the IItalian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Tunisian counterpart, the two parties committed to “closer cooperation in the fight against irregular migration and border management,” with a particular focus on the maritime border. In this context, the Italian Minister declared Italy’s support for the modernization and maintenance of the patrol vessels supplied to Tunisia (worth around 12 million euros) and the supply of new equipment for maritime border control. On March 13, 2019, Italy also supplied Tunisia with vehicles for maritime border surveillance, sending 50 4-wheelers designed to monitor the coasts.

    Recently, Germany also started to support the coast guard more actively in Tunisia, providing it with equipment for a boat workshop designed to repair coast guard vessels in 2019. As revealed in an answer to a parliamentary question, in the last two years, the Federal Police also donated 12 inflatable boats and 27 boat motors. On the French side, after a visit in Tunis in June 2023, the Interior Minister Gérard Darmanin announced 25 million euros in aid enabling Tunisia to buy border policing equipment and train border guards. In August 2023, the Italian authorities also promised hastening the provision of patrol boats and other vehicles aimed at preventing sea departures.

    Apart from EU member states, Tunisia has also received equipment from the USA. Between 2012 and 2019, the Tunisian Navy was equipped with 26 US-made patrol boats. In 2019, the Tunisian national guard was also reinforced with 3 American helicopters. Primarily designed to fight against terrorism, the US equipment is also used to monitor the Tunisian coast and to track “smugglers.”

    Above all, the supply of equipment to the Tunisian coastguard is gaining more and more support by the European Union. Following the EU-Tunisia memorandum signed on July 16, 2023, for which €150 million was pledged towards the “fight against illegal migration”, in September 2023, Tunisia received a first transfer under the agreement of €67 million “to finance a coast guard vessel, spare parts and marine fuel for other vessels as well as vehicles for the Tunisian coast guard and navy, and training to operate the equipment.”

    In a letter to the European Council, leaked by Statewatch in October 2023, the European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen highlighted the provision of vessels and support to the Tunisian coast guards: “Under the Memorandum of Understanding with Tunisia, we have delivered spare parts for Tunisian coast guards that are keeping 6 boats operation and others will be repaired by the end of the year.”
    Trainings the authorities

    In addition to supplying equipment, the European countries are also organizing training courses to enhance the skills of the Tunisian coastguard. In 2019, Italy’s Interior Ministry released €11 million to Tunisia’s government for use in efforts to stem the crossing of people on the move from Tunisia, and to provide training to local security forces involved in maritime border control.

    Under the framework of Phase III of the EU-supported IBM project (Integrated Border Management), Germany is also organizing training for the Tunisian coast guards. As revealed in the answer to a parliamentary question mentioned before, the German Ministry of Interior admitted that 3.395 members of the Tunisian National Guard and border police had been trained, including within Germany. In addition, 14 training and advanced training measures were carried out for the National Guard, the border police, and the coast guard. These training sessions were also aimed at learning how to use “control boats.”

    In a document presenting the “EU Support to Border Management Institutions in Libya and Tunisia” for the year 2021, the European Commission announced the creation of a “coast guard training academy.” In Tunisia, the project consists of implementing a training plan, rehabilitating the physical training environment of the Garde Nationale Maritime, and enhancing the cooperation between Tunisian authorities and all stakeholders, including EU agencies and neighboring countries. Implemented by the German Federal Police and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the project started in January 2023 and is supposed to run until June 2026, to the sum of 13,5 million EUR.

    Although the European Commission underlines the objective that “the Training Academy Staff is fully aware and acting on the basis of human rights standards” the increase in dangerous maneuvers and attacks perpetrated by the Tunisian coast guard since the increase in European support leaves little doubt that respect for human rights is far from top priority.

    On November 17, 2023, the ICMPD announced on its Linkedin account the inauguration of the Nefta inter-agency border management training center, as a benefit to the three agencies responsible for border management in Tunisia (Directorate General Directorate of Borders and Foreigners of the Ministry of the Interior, the General Directorate of Border Guard of the National Guard and the General Directorate of Customs).
    B. Setting up a coastal surveillance system

    In addition to supplying equipment, European countries also organize training courses to enhance the skills of European coastguards in the pursuit of an “early detection” strategy, which involves spotting boats as soon as they leave the Tunisian coast in order to outsource their interception to the Tunisian coastguard. As early as 2019, Italy expressed its willingness to install radar equipment in Tunisia and to establish “a shared information system that will promptly alert the Tunisian gendarmerie and Italian coast guard when migrant boats are at sea, in order to block them while they still are in Tunisian waters.” This ambition seems to have been achieved through the implementation of the system ISMaris in Tunisia.
    An Integrated System for Maritime Surveillance (ISMaris)

    The system ISMaris, or “Integrated System for Maritime Surveillance”, was first mentioned in the “Support Programme to Integrated Border Management in Tunisia” (IBM Tunisia, launched in 2015. Funded by the EU and Switzerland and implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the first phase of the program (2015-2018) supported the equipment of the Garde Nationale Maritime with this system, defined as “a maritime surveillance system that centralizes information coming from naval assets at sea and from coastal radars […] [aiming] to connect the sensors (radar, VHF, GPS position, surveillance cameras) on board of selected Tunisian Coast Guard vessels, control posts, and command centers within the Gulf of Tunis zone in order for them to better communicate between each other.”

    The implementation of this data centralization system was then taken over by the “Border Management Programme for the Maghreb Region” (BMP-Maghreb), launched in 2018 and funded by the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. The Tunisia component, funded with €24,5 million is implemented by ICMPD together with the Italian Ministry of Interior and designed to “strengthen the capacity of competent Tunisian authorities in the areas of maritime surveillance and migration management, including tackling migrant smuggling, search and rescue at sea, as well as in the coast guard sphere of competence.” With the BMP programme, the Tunisian Garde Maritime Nationale was equipped with navigational radars, thermal cameras, AIS and other IT equipment related to maritime surveillance.
    Data exchange with the EU

    The action document of the BMP program clearly states that one of the purposes of ISMaris is the reinforcement of “operational cooperation in the maritime domain between Tunisia and Italy (and other EU Member States, and possibly through EUROSUR and FRONTEX).” Established in 2013, the European Border Surveillance system (EUROSUR) is a framework for information exchange and cooperation between Member States and Frontex, to prevent the so-called irregular migration at external borders. Thanks to this system, Frontex already monitors the coast regions off Tunisia using aerial service and satellites.

    What remains dubious is the connection between IS-Maris and the EU surveillance-database. In 2020, the European Commission claimed that ISMariS was still in development and not connected to any non-Tunisian entity such as Frontex, the European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR) or the Italian border control authorities. But it is likely that in the meantime information exchange between the different entities was systematized.

    In the absence of an official agreement, the cooperation between Frontex and Tunisia is unclear. As already mentioned in Echoes#3, “so far, it has not been possible to verify if Frontex has direct contact with the Tunisian Coast Guard as it is the case with the Libyan Coast Guard. Even if most of the interceptions happen close to Tunisian shores, some are carried out by the Tunisian Navy outside of territorial waters. […] Since May 2021 Frontex has been flying a drone, in addition to its different assets, monitoring the corridor between Tunisia and Lampedusa on a daily basis. While it is clear that Frontex is sharing data with the Italian authorities and that Italian authorities are sharing info on boats which are on the way from Tunisia to Italy with the Tunisian side, the communication and data exchanges between Frontex and Tunisian authorities remain uncertain.”

    While in 2021, Frontex reported that “no direct border related activities have been carried out in Tunisia due to Tunisian authorities’ reluctance to cooperate with Frontex”, formalizing the cooperation between Tunisia and Frontex seems to remain one of the EU’s priorities. In September 2023, a delegation from Tunisia visited Frontex headquarters in Poland, with the participation of the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs and Defence. During this visit, briefings were held on the cross-border surveillance system EUROSUR and where all threads from surveillance from ships, aircraft, drones and satellites come together.

    However, as emphasized by Mathias Monroy, an independent researcher working on border externalization and the expansion of surveillance systems, “Tunisia still does not want to negotiate such a deployment of Frontex personnel to its territory, so a status agreement necessary for this is a long way off. The government in Tunis is also not currently seeking a working agreement to facilitate the exchange of information with Frontex.”

    This does not prevent the EU from continuing its efforts. In September 2023, in the wake of the thousands of arrivals on the island of Lampedusa, the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, reaffirmed, in a 10-point action plan, the need to have a “working arrangement between Tunisia and Frontex” and to “step up border surveillance at sea and aerial surveillance including through Frontex.” In a letter written by the European Commission in reply to the LIBE letter about the Tunisia deal sent on the Greens Party initiative in July 2023, the EU also openly admits that IT equipment for operations rooms, mobile radar systems and thermal imaging cameras, navigation radars and sonars have been given to Tunisia so far and that more surveillance equipment is to come.

    To be noted as well is that the EU4BorderSecurity program, which includes support to “inter-regional information sharing, utilizing tools provided by Frontex” has been extended for Tunisia until April 2025.
    C. Supporting the creation of a Tunisian MRCC and the declaration of a Search and rescue region (SRR)
    Building a MRCC in Tunisia, a top priority for the EU

    In 2021, the European Commission stated the creation of a functioning MRCC in Tunisia as a priority: “Currently there is no MRCC in Tunisia but the coordination of SAR events is conducted by Tunisian Navy Maritime Operations Centre. The official establishment of a MRCC is a necessary next step, together with the completion of the radar installations along the coast, and will contribute to implementing a Search and rescue region in Tunisia. The establishment of an MRCC would bring Tunisia’s institutional set-up in line with the requirements set in the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) of 1979 (as required by the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime Organisation IMO).”

    The objective of creating a functioning Tunisian MRCC is also mentioned in a European Commission document presenting the “strategy for the regional, multi-country cooperation on migration with partner countries in North Africa” for the period 2021-2027. The related project is detailed in the “Action Document for EU Support to Border Management Institutions in Libya and Tunisia (2021),” whose overall objective is to “contribute to the improvement of respective state services through the institutional development of the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centres” in the North Africa region. The EU also promotes a “regional approach to a Maritime Rescue Coordination Center,” that “would improve the coordination in the Central Mediterranean in conducting SAR operations and support the fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings networks in Libya and Tunisia.”

    The Tunisia component of the programs announces the objective to “support the establishment of a Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre, [… ] operational 24/7 in a physical structure with functional equipment and trained staff,” establishing “cooperation of the Tunisian authorities with all national stakeholders, EU agencies and neighbouring countries on SAR.”

    This project seems to be gradually taking shape. On the website of Civipol, the French Ministry of the Interior’s service and consultancy company, a new project entitled “Support for Search and Rescue Operations at Sea in Tunisia” is mentioned in a job advertisement. It states that this project, funded by the European Union, implemented together with the GIZ and starting in September 2023, aims to “support the Tunisian authorities in strengthening their operational capacities (fleet and other)” and “provide support to the Tunisian authorities in strengthening the Marine Nationale and the MRCC via functional equipment and staff training.”

    In October 2023, the German development agency GIZ also published a job offer for a project manager in Tunisia, to implement the EU-funded project “Support to border management institution (MRCC)” in Tunisia (the job offer was deleted from the website in the meantime but screenshots can be shared on demand). The objective of the project is described as such: “improvement of the Tunisia’s Search and Rescue (SAR) capacity through reinforced border management institutions to conduct SAR operations at sea and the fight against migrant smuggling and human being trafficking by supporting increased collaboration between Tunisian actors via a Maritime RescueCoordination Centre (MRCC).”

    According to Mathias Monroy, other steps have been taken in this direction: “[the Tunisian MRCC] has already received an EU-funded vessel tracking system and is to be connected to the “Seahorse Mediterranean” network. Through this, the EU states exchange information about incidents off their coasts. This year Tunisia has also sent members of its coast guards to Italy as liaison officers – apparently a first step towards the EU’s goal of “linking” MRCC’s in Libya and Tunisia with their “counterparts” in Italy and Malta.”

    The establishment of a functional MRCC represents a major challenge for the EU, with the aim to allow Tunisia to engage actively in coordination of interceptions. Another step in the recognition of the Tunisian part as a valid SAR actor by the IMO is the declaration of a search and rescue region (SRR).
    The unclear status of the current Tunisian area of responsibility

    Adopted in 1979 in Hamburg, the International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR – Search & Rescue Convention) aimed to establish an international search and rescue plan to encourage cooperation and coordination between neighboring states in order to ensure better assistance to persons in distress at sea. The main idea of the convention is to divide seas and oceans into search and rescue zones in which states are responsible for providing adequate SAR services, by establishing rescue coordination centers and setting operating procedures to be followed in case of SAR operations.

    Whereas Tunisia acceded to the treaty in 1998, this was not followed by the delimitation of the Tunisian SAR zone of responsibilities nor by regional agreements with neighboring states. It is only in 2013 that Tunisia declared the limits of its SRR, following the approval of the Maghreb Convention in the Field of Search and Rescue in 2013 and by virtue of Decree No. 2009-3333 of November 2, 2009, setting out the intervention plans and means to assist aircraft in distress. In application of this norm, Tunisian authorities are required to intervene immediately, following the first signal of help or emergency, in the limits of the Tunisia sovereign borders (12 nautical miles). This means that under national legislation, Tunisian authorities are obliged to intervene only in territorial waters. Outside this domain, the limits of SAR interventions are not clearly defined.

    A point to underline is that the Tunisian territorial waters overlap with the Maltese SRR. The Tunisian Exclusive Economic Zone – which does not entail any specific duty connected to SAR – also overlaps with the Maltese SRR and this circumstance led in the past to attempts by the Maltese authorities to drop their SAR responsibilities claiming that distress cases were happening in this vast area. Another complex topic regards the presence, in international waters which is part of the Maltese SRR, of Tunisian oil platforms. Also, in these cases the coordination of SAR operations have been contested and were often subject to a “ping-pong” responsibility from the involved state authorities.
    Towards the declaration of a huge Tunisian SRR?

    In a research document published by the IMO Institute (International Maritime Organization), Akram Boubakri (Lieutenant Commander, Head, Maritime Affairs, Tunisian Coast Guard according to IMO Institute website) wrote that at the beginning of 2020, Tunisia officially submitted the coordinates of the Tunisian SRR to the IMO. According to this document, these new coordinates, still pending the notification of consideration by the IMO, would cover a large area, creating two overlapping areas with neighboring SAR zones – the first one with Libya, the second one with Malta* (see map below):

    *This delimitation has to be confirmed (tbc). Nothing proves that the coordinates mentioned in the article were actually submitted to the IMO

    As several media outlets have reported, the declaration of an official Tunisian SRR is a project supported by the European Union, which was notably put back on the table on the occasion of the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in July 2023 between the EU and Tunisia.

    During the summer 2023, the Civil MRCC legal team initiated a freedom of information access request to the Tunisian authorities to clarify the current status of the Tunisian SRR. The Tunisian Ministry of Transport/the Office of the Merchant Navy and Ports replied that”[n]o legal text has yet been published defining the geographical marine limits of the search and rescue zone stipulated in the 1979 International Convention for Search and Rescue […]. We would like to inform you that the National Committee for the Law of the Sea, chaired by the Ministry of National Defence, has submitted a draft on this subject, which has been sent in 2019 to the International Maritime Organisation through the Ministry of Transport.” A recourse to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Interior was sent but no reply was received yet.

    Replying in December 2023 to a freedom of information access request initiated by the Civil MRCC, the IMO stated that “Tunisia has not communicated their established search and rescue region to the IMO Secretariat.” However, on November 3, 2023, the Tunisian Ministerial Council adopted a “draft law on the regulation of search and rescue at sea in Tunisia’s area of responsibility.” A text which, according to FTDES, provides for the creation of a Tunisian SAR zone, although it has not yet been published. While the text still has to be ratified by the parliament, it is quite clear that the Tunisian authorities are currently making concrete steps to align on the IMO standards and, by doing so, on the EU agenda.
    Conclusion: A EU strategy to escape from its SAR responsibilities

    While some analysts have seen the drop in arrivals in Italy from Tunisia in recent months as a sign of the “success” of the European Union’s strategy to close its borders (in November, a drop of over 80% compared to the summer months), in reality, the evolution of these policies proves that reinforcing a border only shifts migratory routes. From autumn onwards, the Libyan route has seen an increase in traffic, with many departing from the east of the country. These analyses fail to consider the agency of people on the move, and the constant reinvention of strategies for transgressing borders.

    While condemning the generalization of a regime of refoulement by proxy in the central Mediterranean and the continued brutalization of the border regime, the Civil MRCC aims to give visibility to the autonomy of migration and non-stop solidarity struggles for freedom of movement!


    #push-backs #refoulements #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #externalisation #Tunisie #Libye #EU #UE #Union_européenne #gardes-côtes_libyens #push-back_by_proxy_regime #financement #training #formation #gardes-côtes #MRCC #Méditerranée #Mer_Méditerranée #Libyan_SRR #technologie #matériel #Integrated_Border_Management #surveillance #Integrated_System_for_Maritime_Surveillance (#ISMaris) #International_Centre_for_Migration_Policy_Development (#ICMPD) #Border_Management_Programme_for_the_Maghreb_Region #Trust_Fund #Trust_Fund_for_Africa #EUROSUR #Frontex #ISMariS #Search_and_rescue_region (#SRR)

    ping @_kg_

  • Le barche dei migranti diventano un’orchestra. Alla Scala il primo concerto

    Dal legno delle imbarcazioni arrivate a Lampedusa violini, viole, violoncelli e contrabbassi. Il 12 febbraio suoneranno Bach e Vivaldi a Milano, in uno teatri più prestigiosi del mondo

    E alla fine approdano alla Scala di Milano. Sono violini, viole, violoncelli e contrabbassi costruiti con i legni delle barche dei migranti, arrivate a Lampedusa cariche di vite e di speranze, ma anche di morte e di lamenti. È l’Orchestra del Mare, quella che lunedì 12 febbraio suonerà per la prima volta, e lo farà nel teatro più famoso al mondo, con i suoi strumenti ancora verdi e azzurri e gialli come le assi dei gozzi che erano pochi mesi fa. Legni ben diversi dai pregiati abeti e aceri utilizzati nella liuteria, legni crepati, intrisi di gasolio e di salsedine, eppure casse armoniche in grado di suonare Bach e Vivaldi…

    Così come crepate sono le mani che hanno saputo trasformare le barche in orchestra, mani di uomini detenuti nel penitenziario milanese di Opera – i loro nomi sono Claudio, Nicolae, Andrea, Zurab –, diventati liutai sotto la guida di maestri esperti.

    Non poteva allora che chiamarsi Metamorfosi il progetto che ha dato vita a tutto questo, ideato dalla “Casa dello spirito e delle arti”, la fondazione creata nel 2012 per offrire all’umanità scartata un’opportunità di riscatto attraverso la forza inesauribile della bellezza e i talenti che ciascuno ha, anche in un carcere. «L’idea è nata come nella parabola della moltiplicazione dei pani e dei pesci – sorride Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori, presidente della Fondazione –: nel carcere di Opera da dieci anni funzionava la liuteria, dove il maestro liutaio Enrico Allorto e le persone detenute realizzavano i violini da donare ai ragazzini rom che al Conservatorio di musica non potevano permettersi uno strumento. Ma nel dicembre del 2021 portai nel laboratorio quattro legni delle barche di Lampedusa per fare un presepe e loro invece ne fecero un violino. Rimasi stupefatto, la loro idea si poteva moltiplicare, già mi immaginavo un’intera orchestra, poi – dissi loro – suonerà alla Scala».

    L’unico a credere subito a quella follia è stato Andrea, anni di carcere pesante in Tunisia e poi in Italia, nome d’arte Spaccabarche, perché lui e Claudio smontano i gozzi, Nicolae e Zurab li “rimontano” in violini e violoncelli. «Fu Andrea a darmi l’idea di rivolgermi all’allora ministro dell’Interno Luciana Lamorgese e chiedere che quegli scafi, fino a quel momento sotto sequestro per essere polverizzati e poi bruciati, venissero invece dati a noi e da “rifiuti speciali” diventassero memoria viva – continua Mosca Mondadori –. I Tir ne hanno trasportate in carcere un centinaio, così com’erano…».

    «Con all’interno scarpe, biberon, vestiti, salvagenti, tutine da neonato – racconta Andrea “Spaccabarche” –, allora ti chiedi chi era quella gente, se si sono salvati, da quale disperazione dovevano scappare, e rifletti su te stesso: c’è qualcuno che sta molto peggio di me e questo ti dà quel po’ di umiltà che nella vita non fa mai male, anche perché è quella che ti consente di continuare a imparare, quindi di cambiare».

    Metamorfosi, appunto. «Si tratta soprattutto di legni di conifere, che usiamo per il fasciame degli strumenti», spiega Enrico Allorto, che con Carlo Chiesa è il maestro liutaio, «mentre per lo scheletro utilizziamo un altro legno più duro di cui non conosco il nome. Sono alberi africani oppure, chissà, di importazione, non sappiamo quelle barche da dove arrivassero. Ovviamente non hanno la resa dei veri legni di liuteria, ma cerco i pezzi più adatti: i più leggeri per simulare l’abete rosso e i più pesanti per imitare l’acero di cui è fatto il fondo. È chiaro che sono legni difficili, hanno addosso la vernice delle barche, le crepe, i buchi: mentre costruiamo gli strumenti ripariamo i danni, ma c’è una sofferenza in questi difetti e il fatto che riescano comunque a suonare scuote emotivamente. Da quei violini esce un Sos, “non lasciateci morire”, anche i musicisti suonando si commuovono».

    E a suonarli alla Scala saranno alcuni tra i più grandi al mondo: i violoncellisti Mario Brunello e Giovanni Sollima e il violinista francese Gills Apap “dialogheranno” con i tredici strumentisti dell’Accademia dell’Annunciata diretti da Riccardo Doni, mentre l’installazione scenografica sarà un dono di Mimmo Paladino, artista di fama internazionale. «Il suono di questi strumenti viene da lontano: lontano al di là del Mediterraneo, e lontano nel tempo, forse di secoli», commenta Mario Brunello, solista abituato ad esibirsi con le orchestre più prestigiose con il suo prezioso violoncello “Maggini” dei primi del ‘600. «Quel legno che ha attraversato il mare ora suona il Terzo Concerto Brandeburghese di Bach e L’Inverno di Vivaldi, poi una pagina di virtuosismo violinistico come il celebre Preludio di Kreisler o l’affascinante White Man Sleeps di Kevin Volans, compositore sudafricano. Chiude il programma Violoncellos Vibrez di Giovanni Sollima», violoncellista che nei teatri si esibisce con il suo “Francesco Ruggeri” del XVII secolo ed è il compositore italiano contemporaneo più eseguito nel mondo.

    In ouverture lo scrittore Paolo Rumiz, triestino che ha nel sangue la poetica della frontiera e del viaggio, leggerà “La memoria del legno”, testo crudo e tagliente in cui l’albero racconta in prima persona le sue metamorfosi, dalla crescita in Africa come patriarca venerabile abitato dalle anime dei trapassati, a quando viene abbattuto da una scure senz’anima e attraverso il deserto arriva al mare. Lì trova mani delicate che lo trasformano in barca per pescatori. Dimenticato sulla spiaggia, è poi violentato da mani di trafficanti e in mare aperto ode le voci del suo carico umano. All’approdo finale è marchiato a fuoco come corpo del reato e verrebbe bruciato se altre mani delicate non lo trasformassero invece in violini. «L’ho scritto in metrica rigorosamente dispari, endecasillabi e settenari – spiega Rumiz – perché il ritmo pari è quello usato per far marciare gli eserciti». “Voi non mi riconoscerete – comincia l’albero – perché quando sono arrivato puzzavo di vomito e salsedine, ma ora vi racconto la mia storia…”.

    Tutti gli artisti prestano gratuitamente i loro talenti per il progetto Metamorfosi: «L’articolo 27 porta il Vangelo nella Costituzione, dice che la pena deve tendere alla rieducazione del condannato – ricorda Mosca Mondadori – e niente come un lavoro ricostruisce la dignità delle persone». Tra le carceri di Opera a Milano), Secondigliano a Napoli, Monza e Rebibbia a Roma «diamo lavoro a venti persone con contratti a tempo indeterminato. Le persone cambiano per davvero, ne ho viste passare tante e tutte ce l’hanno fatta grazie al lavoro, sia in carcere che dopo: la misericordia supera i tempi della giustizia». Sembrano sogni, ma sono realtà imprenditoriali che richiedono grande concretezza, «i conti a fine anno devono tornare e ogni mese abbiamo stipendi da pagare, ci sostengono Intesa Sanpaolo e Confcommercio insieme a generose Fondazioni (Cariplo, Peppino Vismara, Santo Versace, Alberto e Franca Riva, Comunità di Monza e Brianza): non sono idee astratte, sono persone, e tu le vedi rinascere».

    Ne sa qualcosa Nicolae, il liutaio che “rimonta” le barche in viole e contrabbassi: «In liuteria mi dimentico di essere in carcere e mi sento utile, se sono in grado di costruire, allora non sono così scarso da non poter fare niente, solo che non ho avuto fortuna né ho trovato i riferimenti giusti nella vita. Non cerco giustificazioni per ciò che ho fatto, dico solo che ho capito che il mondo non è soldi e bella vita, ci sono tante cose piccole che possiamo dare l’uno all’altro – dice accarezzando il pezzo colorato del futuro violino che sta lavorando –. Io do il mio contributo qui dentro, in silenzio, ma poi quando qualcuno suonerà questo violino io spero che muoverà qualcosa nel mondo», assicura commosso. «A rovinarci è la sete di potere, invece la terra è di tutti e alla fine di nessuno: siamo solo di passaggio».

    L’Orchestra del Mare non si ferma qui, presto si aggiungeranno un clavicembalo, percussioni, chitarre, il liuto arabo, vari strumenti del mondo mediterraneo, «tutto ciò che si può costruire con le barche», e magari dopo la Scala arriveranno altri grandi teatri. Dal carcere di Secondigliano escono già mandolini e chitarre, la prima è stata suonata da Sting in persona l’aprile scorso nel carcere napoletano. «Il mio tormento d’amore è sempre stato la necessità di comunicare il mistero dell’Eucarestia, cioè la presenza del Crocefisso e Risorto nell’Ostia – riprende Mosca Mondadori – e questi sono strumenti eucaristici, perché hanno dentro la morte ma anche la speranza, e il loro suono arriva a tutti i cuori, anche se non credenti». Arriverà certamente ai 1.850 spettatori che hanno già fatto il “tutto esaurito” per il 12 febbraio e ai detenuti delle quattro carceri, gli unici che potranno vedere lo spettacolo in streaming nei loro auditorium.

    Solo i detenuti liutai saranno alla Scala ad ascoltare i “loro” strumenti, come fossero figli loro, due addirittura saranno in palco reale assieme al sindaco Beppe Sala, al cardinale Josè Tolentino de Mendonça, prefetto del Dicastero vaticano per la Cultura e l’Educazione, alla vicepresidente del Senato Maria Domenica Castellone, al capo del Dap (Dipartimento Amministrazione Penitenziaria) Giovanni Russo, al direttore del carcere di Opera Silvio Di Gregorio, tutti lì alla pari. Il perché lo ha spiegato papa Francesco, per il quale nel 2022 ha suonato il primo violino costruito con le barche, quello del presepe mancato: «Quando entro in carcere mi faccio sempre una domanda: perché loro e non io? Avrei potuto agire peggio di loro», che forse sono stati sfortunati, o deboli, o hanno avuto una famiglia difficile. Aiutare i carcerati, ha ricordato Francesco ai volontari della Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti, «è una delle cose che Gesù dice che ci farà entrare in Cielo, ero carcerato e siete venuti a trovarmi. Ma resta quella domanda: perché loro e non io?».

    È la stessa domanda che vale per chi partì su quelle barche diventate orchestra, fossi nato nella loro guerra, piegato dalla loro miseria, non sarei partito anch’io?, conclude Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori. «Se ci fosse mio figlio su quel gozzo, vorrei che fosse rimpatriato in Libia in un campo di concentramento o pregherei perché venisse accolto con umanità nel Paese in cui è arrivato? Questa è la domanda dirimente che, chiunque noi siamo, dobbiamo onestamente farci. Tutta Metamorfosi si riassume in questo unico interrogativo».

    #mémoire #embarcations #Méditerranée #migrations #réfugiés #naufrages #musique #instruments_de_musique #concert #Lampedusa #Orchestra_del_Mare #bois

    • #Metamorfosi

      Un progetto di progetti per trasformare il dolore in nuova speranza.

      «Metamorfosi» è un progetto della Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Amministrazione Penitenziaria e l’Agenzia delle Accise, Dogane e Monopoli.

      Il progetto è reso possibile grazie a Fondazione Cariplo, Intesa Sanpaolo, Fondazione Peppino Vismara, Fondazione della Comunità di Monza e Brianza Onlus.

      Il progetto “Metamorfosi” è stato insignito della Medaglia del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella in occasione del 79° Festival del Cinema di Venezia durante il quale è stato proiettato il cortometraggio che racconta il progetto.

      Di fronte alla tragedia contemporanea che vede il Mar Mediterraneo come il più grande cimitero d’Europa e di fronte al dramma a cui stiamo assistendo quotidianamente di milioni di persone in fuga dalla guerra, la Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti ha voluto pensare a un progetto culturale e di conoscenza a cui ha dato il nome di «Metamorfosi».

      “Metamorfosi” è innanzitutto un concetto che vuole richiamare l’attenzione verso ogni persona costretta a fuggire dal proprio Paese a causa di guerre, persecuzioni e fame.

      “Metamorfosi” perché la proposta di porre lo sguardo su questi temi avviene attraverso non solo una metafora, ma una vera e propria metamorfosi: quella del legno dei barconi, trasportati dal molo Favarolo di Lampedusa in alcune carceri italiane, che viene trasformato in strumenti musicali e oggetti di testimonianza di carattere sacro.

      «Metamorfosi» affinché le persone e soprattutto i giovani possano conoscere una realtà, quella dei migranti, che viene spesso rimossa, guardata con indifferenza o affrontata e raccontata in modo ideologico.

      “Metamorfosi” perché a trasformare il legno dei barconi provenienti da Lampedusa in oggetti di speranza sono le persone detenute che vengono coinvolte nel progetto.

      Come nasce l’idea

      L’idea del progetto “Metamorfosi” è nata nel dicembre 2021 quando, all’interno del Laboratorio di Liuteria e Falegnameria nella Casa di Reclusione Milano-Opera, progetto istituito dal 2012, la Fondazione ha chiesto al falegname di Lampedusa Francesco Tuccio, di portare dei legni per costruire dei presepi che, nel tempo della pandemia, potessero essere un segnale di speranza per tutti, credenti e non credenti.

      Presepi dunque realizzati, sotto la guida di Francesco Tuccio, dalle persone detenute con il legno di una tragedia contemporanea.

      Nell’ambito di questa iniziativa, con alcuni dei legni è stato costruito un violino, utilizzando una tecnica risalente al 1500, con la quale in Inghilterra venivano costruite le viole da gamba.

      Il violino realizzato produce un suono che ha stupito musicisti e esecutori per la sua limpidezza.

      Il musicista e compositore Nicola Piovani, quando per primo lo ha ascoltato, ha deciso di scrivere una composizione dal titolo “Canto del legno”, che è stata eseguita davanti al Santo Padre dal primo violino dell’Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Carlo Parazzoli.

      Questo primo violino tratto dal legno dei barconi è stato chiamato “Violino del Mare”.

      La collaborazione con il Ministero dell’Interno e con l’Agenzia delle Accise, Dogane e Monopoli

      Da qui prende spunto la Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti per chiedere all’ex Ministro degli Interni Luciana Lamorgese 60 imbarcazioni provenienti dal molo Favarolo di Lampedusa, affinché potessero essere creati, all’interno della Liuteria del carcere di Opera e di altre liuterie presenti in diverse carceri italiane, strumenti musicali: violini, viole e violoncelli per la nascita di una vera e propria “Orchestra del Mare”.

      Le imbarcazioni, grazie alla collaborazione con ADM, sono state trasportate da Lampedusa all’interno del carcere di Opera.

      Il progetto prevede di far suonare questi strumenti musicali ad orchestre italiane e straniere, portando con essi una cultura della conoscenza, dell’accoglienza e dell’integrazione, attraverso la bellezza e le armonie.

      Nello specifico, nel corso del 2022 sono stati costruiti, dalle persone detenute nelle diverse Case di Reclusione, un secondo violino, una viola e un violoncello; nel corso del 2023 saranno costruiti altri 6 violini e nel corso del 2024 saranno costruiti altri 8 strumenti ad arco.

      A coordinare la formazione e il lavoro delle persone detenute sono esperti liutai, come

      il liutaio Enrico Allorto che sta coordinando la Liuteria nel carcere di Opera.

      Strumenti musicali, Croci e Rosari

      Gli strumenti ricavati dai barconi trasportati nel 2022 da Lampedusa nelle diverse carceri, verranno dunque suonati dalle orchestre che aderiranno al progetto e viaggeranno, come segno di testimonianza, in Italia e all’estero. «L’Orchestra del Mare» è perciò un progetto di adesione e prenderà vita nel momento in cui gli strumenti ricavati dai barconi verranno di volta in volta suonati dalle orchestre che aderiranno al progetto. Un viaggio per testimoniare in Italia e all’estero, attraverso l’armonia, il dramma che vivono quotidianamente migliaia di persone migranti in tutto il mondo. Nel triennio 2022- 2024, insieme agli strumenti musicali che comporranno l’"Orchestra del Mare", nei Laboratori di Liuteria e Falegnameria all’interno delle carceri, verranno costruite migliaia di croci da donare alle scuole italiane. Inoltre, con lo stesso legno dei barconi, nel carcere di Monza e in quello di Rebibbia a Roma e con il coinvolgimento della Casa di Accoglienza Profughi Centro Astalli e l’Opera Cardinal Ferrari di Milano che accoglie persone senzatetto, saranno realizzati rosari che verranno donati al Santo Padre.

      La Rete delle Liuterie e Falegnamerie nelle carceri italiane

      Con l’Agenzia delle Accise, Dogane e Monopoli e il Dap, la Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti nell’agosto 2022 ha firmato un Protocollo per la creazione di una Rete di Liuterie e Falegnamerie nelle carceri italiane al fine di dare al Paese un forte segnale di testimonianza che ponga al centro la cultura e la dignità della persona.

      Ad oggi, le Case di Reclusione coinvolte sono quelle di: Milano- Opera, Monza, Rebibbia e Secondigliano.

      In ogni laboratorio, attraverso la Cooperativa Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti, sono assunte dalle tre alle cinque persone detenute.

      L’obiettivo comune delle diverse Liuterie e Falegnamerie è, dunque, la creazione di strumenti musicali che andranno a comporre l’”Orchestra del Mare” e di oggetti dal forte significato simbolico e sacro come, appunto, croci e rosari.

      I liutai e i falegnami coinvolti nelle diverse carceri restano in comunicazione tra di loro per coordinare il lavoro delle persone detenute in coerenza con gli obiettivi del comune progetto “Metamorfosi”.

      Il percorso immersivo per gli studenti

      “Metamorfosi” è un progetto anche di conoscenza.

      Il percorso proposto alle scuole e alle Università si svolgerà, a partire dal 2023, nella Casa di Reclusione Milano-Opera, dove tre barconi sono stati posti all’interno del carcere formando quella che è stata chiamata la «Piazza del Silenzio». All’interno di questa piazza situata al centro del Carcere, i giovani potranno partecipare ad una visita guidata, con la testimonianza di persone migranti che hanno vissuto personalmente il viaggio sui barconi.
      Questa esperienza potrà essere replicata, a partire dal 2024, anche nelle altre quattro carceri in collaborazione con le scuole e le Università locali.

      I momenti del percorso

      Ciascuna uscita didattico - formativa è suddivisa in diversi momenti.

      Il primo momento è nella “Piazza del Silenzio”: un narratore introdurrà il tema partendo dall’immigrazione del passato, in particolare dal racconto dell’emigrazione italiana e di come la storia si ripeta con i suoi pregiudizi e i suoi luoghi comuni.

      Dopo questo momento introduttivo, è prevista la testimonianza diretta di una persona migrante.
      I ragazzi sono invitati poi a meditare, ognuno in silenzio su un testo diverso, sulle testimonianze scritte da persone migranti tratte dal libro “Bibbia e Corano a Lampedusa” (La Scuola editore).

      I musicisti della Piccola Orchestra dei Popoli (progetto della Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti) accompagnano questo momento suonando gli strumenti realizzati nel Laboratorio, primo tra i quali il “Violino del Mare”.

      Nella seconda parte del percorso, i ragazzi vengono accompagnati nella Liuteria dove possono conoscere le persone detenute mentre lavorano nella costruzione degli strumenti musicali.

      Un ultimo momento del percorso è di carattere teorico e accademico sui temi cardine del progetto a cura del RiRes - Unità di ricerca sulla Resilienza del Dipartimento di psicologia dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano.

      Ai ragazzi infine, è richiesto di restituire le loro emozioni, impressioni e riflessioni attraverso uno scritto personale.

      La Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti curerà una pubblicazione che racconterà l’esperienza, i pensieri e le emozioni degli studenti in collaborazione con l’Associazione Francesco Realmonte e il RiRes.

      Protocollo d’intesa tra la Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti e il Museo del Violino di Cremona

      È stato condiviso tra la Fondazione Casa dello Spirito e delle Arti e il Museo del Violino di Cremona, un protocollo di intesa nel quale uno dei violini prodotti nel carcere di Opera, è entrato nella collezione permanente del Museo del Violino e viene utilizzato presso l’Auditorium del Museo, soprattutto per momenti di natura didattica rivolti alle scuole. In queste occasioni, non solo “il Violino del Mare” viene suonato ma viene anche raccontata la sua storia attraverso il racconto delle guide e le immagini che ne testimoniano la storia.


      #douleur #espoir

    • #18_aprile

      Erano partiti di notte da un porto vicino a Zwara, a ovest di Tripoli, in Libia. Quando alcune ore più tardi la balena aveva cominciato a inabissarsi in un mugghiare di metallo dopo aver urtato per una manovra sbagliata il mercantile portoghese che la Capitaneria di porto di Roma aveva inviato a soccorrerla, quelli rinchiusi nella stiva si erano ammassati gli uni sugli altri, arrampicandosi su quelli che avevano davanti e di fianco per cercare di raggiungere la botola, lassù in alto. In due si erano abbracciati in quell’inferno che era la sala macchine. “Lì dentro si sviluppa un calore tale che neanche il macchinista ci mette spesso piede”, raccontano i Vigili del fuoco che li avevano tirati fuori, un anno dopo. Persino in mezzo ai motori avevano ammassato 65 persone. I mercanti li avevano stipati in ogni interstizio, mille persone pigiate come bestie in 23 metri di barca, e li avevano spediti nel Mediterraneo con due litri d’acqua a testa e senza uno straccio di ancora perché anche il gavone di prua doveva servire per farcene entrare ancora, per aumentare il guadagno. Erano riusciti a metterne 5 per ogni metro quadro.


      Settecento chilometri senza mangiare
      Bevendo sputi, a farsi bruciare
      Da questo sole feroce riflesso dal mare
      Da questo vento che di giorno scortica e di notte gela
      E rimescola il freddo con la paura

      Che quest’acqua buia, infinita e cattiva
      È più salata dei conti che ci han fatto saldare
      Non cura la sete, marcisce le ossa
      E questa Italia non vuole arrivare
      Questa terra che non ci vuole non si fa trovare

      E questo sarcofago sul mare è un cimitero per ottocento
      Sulla tavola fredda e muta che non finisce di violentare
      A perdita d’occhio e di cuore

      Amore mio, che ti ho lasciata a patire
      Tra la fame, la sete e l’orrore
      Tra gli arti amputati spezzati calpestati
      Le bombe esportate
      I bambini soldati
      Amore mio ascoltami bene: tu non morire che ti vengo a salvare
      Appena finisce questo mare io ti vengo a salvare

      E a noi ricchi senza pudore
      Ce lo spiega la televisione
      Un mantenuto ignorante e cafone
      Con la felpa e il ghigno arrogante
      Ce lo spiega lui cosa dobbiamo pensare
      Di questa gente che prende il mare
      Per provare a non morire


      #chanson #musique #musique_et_politique #naufrage #asile #migrations #réfugiés #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #18_avril_2015 #mourir_en_mer

      #commémoration #Libye #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Zouara

  • #Frontex, Cutro è un ricordo sbiadito: sorvegliare dall’alto resta la priorità

    Un anno dopo la strage, l’Agenzia europea della guardia di frontiera investe ancora su velivoli per sorvolare il Mediterraneo. Dal 2016 a oggi la spesa supera mezzo miliardo di euro. Una strategia dagli esiti noti: più respinti e più morti

    Frontex è pronta a investire altri 158 milioni di euro per sorvegliare dall’alto il Mediterraneo. A un anno dal naufragio di Steccato di Cutro (KR), costato la vita a 94 persone, la strategia dell’Agenzia che sorveglia le frontiere esterne europee non cambia. Anzi, si affina con “occhi” sempre più efficaci per rintracciare e osservare dall’alto le imbarcazioni in difficoltà. “Si continua a pensare che Frontex sia un’innocua gregaria degli Stati, senza responsabilità -spiega Laura Salzano, docente di diritto dell’Ue presso l’Università di Barcellona-. Ma in mare, sempre di più, le sue attività hanno conseguenze dirette sulla vita delle persone”.

    Lo racconta, in parte, anche la strage di Cutro del 26 febbraio 2023. Alle 22.26 della sera prima infatti fu l’Agenzia, attraverso il velivolo “Eagle 1”, a individuare per prima la “Summer love” e a segnalarla, quand’era a circa 40 miglia delle coste crotonesi, al Frontex coordination centre. Da Varsavia le coordinate della nave furono girate alle autorità competenti: tra queste anche l’International coordination centre (ICC) di Pratica di mare (RM) in cui, allo stesso tavolo, siedono le autorità italiane e la stessa Agenzia che ha il dovere di monitorare quello che succede. “Nonostante fosse noto che c’erano persone nella ‘pancia della nave’ e il meteo stesse peggiorando, si è deciso di attivare un’operazione di polizia e non di ‘ricerca e soccorso’ -spiega Salzano-. Questa classificazione a mio avviso errata è responsabilità anche dell’Agenzia”. Un errore che potrebbe aver inciso anche sul ritardo nei soccorsi.

    Lo stabilirà la Procura di Crotone che, a metà gennaio 2024, non ha ancora chiuso le indagini sulla strage. Qualcosa di quanto successo quella sera, però, si sa già, perché il processo contro i presunti manovratori dell’imbarcazione è già in fase di dibattimento. “La prima barca della Guardia costiera -spiega Francesco Verri, avvocato di decine di familiari delle vittime- arriva sul luogo del naufragio alle 6.50, quasi tre ore dopo il naufragio: salva due persone ma recupera anche il cadavere di un bambino morto di freddo. Perché ci hanno impiegato così tanto tempo per percorrere poche miglia nautiche? Sulla spiaggia la pattuglia è arrivata un’ora e 35 minuti dopo il naufragio. Da Crotone a Cutro ci vogliono dieci minuti di macchina”. Domande a cui dovranno rispondere le autorità italiane.

    Al di là delle responsabilità penali, però, quanto successo quella notte mostra l’inadeguatezza del sistema dei soccorsi di cui la sorveglianza aerea è un tassello fondamentale su cui Frontex continua a investire. Con importi senza precedenti.

    Quando Altreconomia va in stampa, a metà gennaio, l’Agenzia sta ancora valutando le offerte arrivate per il nuovo bando da 158 milioni di euro per due servizi di monitoraggio aereo: uno a medio raggio, entro le 151 miglia nautiche dall’aeroporto di partenza (budget di 100 milioni), l’altro a lungo raggio che può superare le 401 miglia di distanza (48 milioni).


    Documenti di gara alla mano, una delle novità più rilevanti riguarda i cosiddetti “Paesi ospitanti” delle attività di monitoraggio: si prevede infatti espressamente che possano essere anche Stati non appartenenti all’Unione europea. In sostanza: il velivolo potrebbe partire da una base in Tunisia o Libia; e, addirittura, si prevede che un host country liaison officer, ovvero un agente di “contatto” delle autorità di quel Paese, possa salire a bordo dell’aeromobile. “Bisogna capire se sarà fattibile operativamente -sottolinea Salzano-. Ma non escludere questa possibilità nel bando è grave: sono Paesi che non sono tenuti a rispettare gli standard europei”.

    Mentre lavora per dispiegare la sua flotta anche sull’altra sponda del Mediterraneo, Frontex investe sulla “qualità” dei servizi richiesti. Nel bando si richiede infatti che il radar installato sopra il velivolo sia in grado di individuare (per poi poter fotografare) un oggetto di piccole dimensioni a quasi dieci chilometri di distanza e uno “medio” a quasi 19. Prendendo ad esempio il caso delle coste libiche, più la “potenza di fuoco” è elevata più il velivolo potrà essere distante dalle coste del Nordafrica ma comunque individuare le imbarcazioni appena partite.

    La distanza, in miglia nautiche, che l’ultimo bando pubblicato da Frontex nel novembre 2023 prevede tra l’aeroporto di partenza del velivolo e l’area di interesse da sorvolare è di 401 miglia. Nella prima gara riguardante questi servizi, pubblicata dall’agenzia nell’agosto 2016, la distanza massima prevista era di 200 miglia

    Frontex sa che, oltre alla componente meccanica, l’efficienza “tecnica” dei suoi droni è fondamentale. Per questo il 6 e 7 settembre 2023 ha riunito a Varsavia 16 aziende del settore per discutere delle nuove frontiere tecnologiche dei “velivoli a pilotaggio remoto”. A presentare i propri prodotti c’era anche l’italiana Leonardo Spa, leader europeo nel settore aerospaziale e militare, che già nel 2018 aveva siglato un accordo da 1,6 milioni di euro per fornire droni all’Agenzia.

    L’ex Finmeccanica è tra le 15 aziende che hanno vinto i bandi pubblicati da Frontex per la sorveglianza aerea. Se si guarda al numero di commesse aggiudicate, il trio formato da DEA Aviation (Regno Unito), CAE Aviation (Stati Uniti) ed EASP Air (Spagna) primeggia con oltre otto contratti siglati. Valutando l’importo delle singole gare, a farla da padrone sono invece due colossi del settore militare: la tedesca Airbus DS e la Elbit System, principale azienda che rifornisce l’esercito israeliano, che si sono aggiudicate in cordata due gare (2020 e 2022) per 125 milioni di euro. Dal 2016 a oggi, il totale investito per questi servizi supera i cinquecento milioni di euro.

    “La sorveglianza è una delle principali voci di spesa dell’Agenzia -spiega Ana Valdivia, professoressa all’Oxford internet institute che da anni analizza i bandi di Frontex- insieme a tutte le tecnologie che trasformano gli ‘eventi reali’ in dati”. E la cosiddetta “datificazione” ha un ruolo di primo piano anche nel Mediterraneo. “La fotografia di una barca in distress ha un duplice scopo: intercettarla ma anche avere un’evidenza digitale, una prova, che una determinata persona era a bordo -aggiunge Valdivia-. Questa è la ‘sorveglianza’: non un occhio che ci guarda giorno e notte, ma una memoria digitale capace di ricostruire in futuro la nostra vita. Anche per i migranti”. E per chi è su un’imbarcazione diretta verso l’Europa è vitale a chi finiscono le informazioni.

    Nell’ultimo bando pubblicato da Frontex, si prevede che “il contraente trasferirà i dati a sistemi situati in un Paese terzo se è garantito un livello adeguato di protezione”. “Fanno finta di non sapere che non possono farlo -aggiunge Salzano- non potendo controllare che Paesi come la Tunisia e la Libia non utilizzino quei dati, per esempio, per arrestare le persone in viaggio una volta respinte”. Quello che si sa, invece, è che quei dati -nello specifico le coordinate delle navi- vengono utilizzate per far intervenire le milizie costiere libiche. Per questo motivo i droni si avvicinano sempre di più alla Libia. Se nel 2016 l’Agenzia, nella prima gara pubblicata per questa tipologia di servizi, parlava di area operativa nelle “vicinanze” con le coste italiane e greche, fino a 200 miglia nautiche dall’aeroporto di partenza, dal 2020 in avanti questa distanza ha superato le 401 miglia.

    Lorenzo Pezzani, professore associato di Geografia all’università di Bologna, ha esaminato giorno per giorno i tracciati di “Heron”, il più importante drone della flotta di Frontex: nel 2021 l’attività di volo si è concentrata tra Zuara e Tripoli, il tratto di costa libica da cui partiva la maggior parte delle barche.

    “Il numero di respingimenti delle milizie libiche -spiega Pezzani autore dello studio “Airborne complicity” pubblicato a inizio dicembre 2022- cresce all’aumentare delle ore di volo del drone e allo stesso tempo la mortalità non diminuisce, a differenza di quanto dichiarato dall’Agenzia”. Che tramite il suo direttore Hans Leijtens, entrato in carica a pochi giorni dal naufragio di Cutro, nega di avere accordi o rapporti diretti con la Libia. “Se è così, com’è possibile che un drone voli così vicino alle coste di uno Stato sovrano?”, si chiede Salzano. Chi fornirà il “nuovo” servizio per Frontex dovrà cancellare le registrazioni video entro 72 ore. Meglio non lasciare troppe tracce in giro.

    #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #militarisation_des_frontières #complexe_militaro-industriel #business #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Cutro #surveillance_aérienne #Leonardo #Elbit_System #Airbus #host_country_liaison_officer #radar #technologie #DEA_Aviation #CAE_Aviation #EASP_Air #Libye #gardes-côtes_libyens

  • De port en port, traverser la Méditerranée aux Temps modernes : épisode • 3/4 du podcast Méditerranée(s), histoire de migrations

    De port en port, nous allons traverser la Méditerranée ou plutôt les Méditerranées, car cet espace est celui des mobilités, des exils, des migrations, de la pêche, de la guerre et bien sûr du commerce. La Méditerranée a été pensée, réfléchie, fantasmée et pourquoi pas inventée. Quelle représentation de la Méditerranée avaient les hommes et les femmes qui vivaient sur ces rives, dans ces ports et qui parfois prenaient la mer ?

    Une Méditerranée ou des Méditerranées ?

    L’idée d’une culture méditerranéenne unitaire est une construction idéologique récente, héritée de l’histoire coloniale. « La Méditerranée est un ensemble de micro-mers densément connectées les unes aux autres », décrit l’historien Guillaume Calafat. Ce sont « plusieurs régions, plusieurs entités politiques, qui communiquent et qui créent un espace producteur de normes, de règles, d’idées. » L’historien précise que « la construction historiographique de la Méditerranée comme région, comme civilisation et comme idée se développe à partir des années 1770-1780 et se renforce au 19e siècle. Nous sommes en partie héritiers de la façon dont la Méditerranée a été pensée comme un objet d’histoire. »

    Avant le 19e siècle, les hommes et les femmes de ces espaces géographiques ne se considèrent pas comme les membres d’un ensemble culturel et historique unitaire que serait le monde méditerranéen. Pourtant, les points de contact entre ces régions, les échanges commerciaux, diplomatiques et religieux sont légion.

    [avec] Guillaume Calafat et Mathieu Grenet publient Méditerranées. Une histoire des mobilités humaines (1492-1750), Points, 2023.

    (malgré l’animateur)

    #histoire #Méditerranée #1492

  • Au port de Marseille, les « effets immédiats » des tensions en mer Rouge

     Le « CMA CGM Palais Royal », le plus grand porte-conteneurs au monde, dans la baie de Marseille, le 14 décembre 2023. CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP

    « Globalement, ce n’est pas bon pour nous », reconnaît, de son côté, le président du directoire, Hervé Martel, qui redoute que le détour imposé pousse les #armateurs à privilégier les ports du nord de l’Europe, au détriment de la Méditerranée. Autre crainte partagée par la place portuaire : la possibilité de voir les plus gros #porte-conteneurs passés ces derniers jours par le cap de Bonne-Espérance débarquer l’essentiel de leur chargement avant Marseille. « Les ports marocains pourraient monter en puissance, avec des effets de transbordement », note Christophe Castaner. Alors desservi par des unités plus petites qui caboteraient en #Méditerranée, le Grand #Port maritime de #Marseille se verrait ainsi privé d’une partie du volume de conteneurs qu’il traite habituellement.
    Les retards dans les escales ont déjà des effets sur les métiers du GPMM, notamment sur les bassins ouest, dévolus aux marchandises. Les pilotes, habitués à guider une moyenne de cinq porte-conteneurs géants par semaine, ont vu cette partie de leur activité s’effacer pendant une vingtaine de jours. Chez les dockers, les conséquences sont encore plus brutales.

    « Depuis le début de 2024, nous en sommes à six jours de travail », assure Christophe Claret, responsable CGT des dockers de Marseille-Fos. « On nous promet des arrivées pour ce week-end et lundi [22 janvier], et un rattrapage pour fin janvier. Mais le mois va être maigre », note le syndicaliste, qui prédit déjà des effets financiers sur l’ensemble de l’environnement portuaire si la baisse d’activité était amenée à se poursuivre.

    Augmentation des tarifs de fret

    « Tous les secteurs sont touchés par les retards, mais ce sont surtout les activités qui fonctionnent à flux tendu qui subissent des conséquences, analyse Jean-François Suhas, pilote et président du conseil de développement du GPMM. Pour les vracs liquides ou solides, il y a des stocks. Mais il y aura des ruptures ou des délais d’attente allongés pour certains produits comme les voitures, dont beaucoup sont produites en Asie. »

    « Actuellement, on a plus de questions que de certitudes », avance prudemment M. Martel. Amal Louis, directrice du développement commercial du Grand Port maritime de Marseille, s’interroge sur les réactions des armateurs : « Vont-ils mettre plus de navires pour maintenir leur capacité de transport sur un trajet allongé ? Marseille va-t-il perdre des rotations ? » Déjà les professionnels du transport maritime ont augmenté leurs tarifs de fret, jusqu’à doubler le coût du conteneur entre Asie et Europe, pour prendre en compte le déroutage d’une partie de leurs navires.

    _CMA_CGM, dont le siège mondial est à Marseille, applique ses hausses depuis le 15 janvier. En début de mois, les rebelles houthistes ont annoncé avoir pris pour cible Le Tage, l’un des porte-conteneurs du géant français du transport maritime. Arrivé jeudi 18 janvier dans le port de Constanta (Roumanie), il n’a, selon son propriétaire, subi aucun incident. CMA CGM, qui a détourné une quarantaine de ses navires au plus fort de la menace en #mer_Rouge, mi-décembre, a décidé de continuer à faire passer ses bateaux par la mer Rouge et le canal de Suez, sous la protection de la marine française. Un choix assumé pour continuer d’alimenter les ports méditerranéens, et donc Marseille.
    Gilles Rof(Marseille, correspondant)



  • Une #île_artificielle pour déporter les palestiniens ?

    Ce lundi 22 janvier à Bruxelles, une réunion du Conseil des affaires étrangères de l’Union Européenne était organisée, en présence de Ministres des 27 États membres ainsi que du représentant d’Israël, invité pour parler de la situation au Proche-Orient.

    À cette occasion, le chef de la diplomatie Israélienne, #Israël_Katz, a proposé la construction d’une île artificielle en #Méditerranée, au large de Gaza, pour y “loger” la population palestinienne, selon les mot du journal anglais The Guardian. Le ministre a montré deux vidéos lors de cette réunion, l’une montrant une ligne de train reliant Gaza à la Cisjordanie, et l’autre montrant ce projet d’île artificielle comprenant un port, une zone industrielle et des habitations. Cette modélisation d’île hautement militarisée et comprenant des checkpoints parait toutefois bien trop petite pour y déporter un grand nombre de palestiniens.

    Cette proposition semble aussi dystopique que déplacée, car cette réunion avait pour objectif de discuter de la crise humanitaire qui frappe Gaza et les moyens d’aller vers une désescalade de la violence. Josep Borell, le représentant des affaires étrangères pour l’Union Européenne, a déclaré aux journalistes : « Je pense que le ministre aurait pu mieux utiliser son temps pour s’inquiéter de la situation dans son pays ou du nombre élevé de morts à Gaza ». Plusieurs ministres ont exprimé leur « perplexité ». C’est un euphémisme.

    Ce projet d’île remonterait à l’époque où Katz était ministre israélien des Transports et a été présenté pour la première fois dans une vidéo de 2017 comme « une réponse à une réalité qui est mauvaise pour les Palestiniens et pas bonne pour Israël », selon Reuters.

    La réunion avait lieu après que le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahou ait répété son opposition à la création d’un État palestinien. Sachant que la « solution à deux États », palestinien et israélien, est celle proposée par les États européens. Une idée hypocrite, puisque l’extrême droite israélienne est en train de raser Gaza et d’éliminer ses habitants tout en colonisant morceaux par morceaux la Cisjordanie. Tout ceci vise à rendre impossible toute création d’un futur État palestinien viable. La seule option réaliste est celle d’un seul État, multiconfessionnel, avec une égalité des droits, sans murs, sans discrimination, sans colonisation.

    Netanyahou et ses complices n’ont jamais caché leur volonté d’annexer toute la terre palestinienne, au nom de textes religieux vieux de plus de 2000 ans attribuant, selon eux, ce territoire au seul peuple juif. Dans cette logique messianique, il faudrait donc chasser tous les palestiniens.

    Il y a quelques jours, les médias révélaient un autre projet du gouvernement israélien : celui de déporter la population de Gaza vers un pays africain, affirmant même que des négociations avaient lieu avec le Congo. Une proposition finalement démentie face au scandale.

    Au début de la seconde guerre mondiale, les nazis annonçaient leur projet de chasser tous les juifs d’Europe et envisageaient sérieusement de les déporter sur l’île de Madagascar. Un plan appelé « Madagaskar Projekt » a même été élaboré par des cadres du Reich. Face aux contraintes logistiques posées par la guerre, et animé par un antisémitisme exterminateur, Hitler avait opté pour la solution finale et les camps de la mort.

    L’idée d’îles « ghettos » ou d’îles « prison » pour parquer les indésirables n’est pas unique dans l’histoire. Au large de l’Australie, l’île de Nauru et celle de Manus ont été transformées en camps visant à enfermer des personnes sans-papiers pendant des mois voire des années. Ce modèle inspire l’Europe, qui installe des points de contrôles et des camps de réfugiés sur les îles aux portes de l’Europe.

    Cependant, le projet israélien serait d’une ampleur sans commune mesure, et paraît difficilement réalisable s’il fallait y déplacer des centaines de milliers de personnes. Mais le fait même qu’une telle idée soit évoquée témoigne d’une volonté d’épuration ethnique de la part de l’État israélien.


    #île #asile #migrations #réfugiés #réfugiés_palestiniens #Palestine #îles #Israël

    voir aussi, signalé par @gonzo :
    Sources, Katz proposes artificial island in front of Gaza.

    ajouté à la métaliste autour des #îles qui sont utilisées (ou dont il a été question d’imaginer de le faire) pour y envoyer des #réfugiés :

  • Le nombre d’entrées irrégulières connu dans l’Union européenne au plus haut depuis 2016

    Le nombre d’entrées irrégulières connu dans l’Union européenne au plus haut depuis 2016
    Leur nombre a augmenté de 17 % l’an dernier, a annoncé l’agence Frontex, mardi 16 anvier.
    Le Monde avec AFP
    Le nombre d’entrées irrégulières connu dans l’Union européenne a augmenté de 17 % en 2023 par rapport à l’année précédente, atteignant le niveau le plus élevé depuis 2016, a annoncé mardi 16 janvier l’agence européenne de surveillance des frontières, Frontex.
    Sise à Varsovie, l’agence a fait savoir qu’il s’agissait d’une « hausse significative du nombre d’entrées irrégulières en 2023 ». Le nombre d’entrées enregistrées s’est élevé à 380 000, dont 41 % via la route méditerranéenne centrale.
    Ces données annuelles confirment « une tendance à la hausse constante au cours des trois dernières années », constate l’agence dans un communiqué. Les deux autres routes de migrations les plus fréquentées en 2023 passaient par les Balkans occidentaux (26 %) et la Méditerranée orientale (16 %).
    « Les Syriens ont représenté plus de 100 000 passages irréguliers l’année dernière, soit le nombre le plus élevé parmi toutes les nationalités », suivis par les Guinéens et les Afghans, précise Frontex. « Ces trois nationalités ont représenté plus d’un tiers de toutes les détections », selon le communiqué. Environ 10 % des entrées irrégulières ont été effectuées par des femmes et quasi autant par des mineurs.


  • Weaponizing the law against the vulnerable: the case of the #El_Hiblu_3

    In March 2019, three teenagers were rescued from a sinking rubber boat in the Mediterranean Sea. Amara was 15 years old and had already travelled from Guinea to Libya before attempting the crossing to Europe. Unknown to him at the time were two other teenagers: Kader was 16, a football enthusiast and from the Ivory Coast; and Abdalla at 19 was also from Guinea and travelling with his wife, Souwa. The three teenagers travelled with 100 other people, and were rescued by an oil tanker, the #El_Hiblu_1, after their boat began to deflate.

    That night, the El Hiblu 1 crew tried to return the travellers to Libya, despite assurances of helping them to reach Europe. In the early hours of the morning, people spotted Tripoli’s coastline and began to protest, terrified at the prospect of being returned to the violence they had known in Libya. Desperation was so high that people were ready to jump overboard. In this tense situation, the first mate called on Amara to translate, having identified him the day before as someone who spoke English. Eventually, the crew also called on the young Kader and Abdalla. The three acted as mediators and translators between frightened travellers and scared crew members.

    The wider group’s protests convinced the captain to change course; he turned the ship north and motored towards Malta. Speaking to the Maltese authorities en route, he claimed his ship was no longer under his control - although testimonies in the subsequent compilation of evidence cast doubt on this claim. Nevertheless, upon arrival in Malta’s Valletta harbour, the three were arrested and immediately charged with nine crimes, including terrorism and confining someone against their will. These charges carry multiple life sentences, and echo the media narrative that took hold before the three even arrived in Malta, a narrative that painted them as pirates and hijackers.

    Abdalla, Amara, and Kader – now also known as the El Hiblu 3 – have never known Malta as free men. Imprisoned for 8 months, initially in the maximum-security wing of the adult prison despite their young age, they were released on bail in November 2019 but required to register with the police every day and restricted in their daily movements. Legal experts and international organisations describe the charges that condition their lives as ‘grossly unjust’, ‘baseless’, and a ‘farce’.

    For almost five years, the three young men have attended court hearings every month. As a whole, the testimonies corroborate what the El Hiblu 3 have always maintained: that they are innocent. Moreover, the compilation of evidence, only the initial stage in the judicial process, has been painfully slow and riddled with failures, silences and erasures. Despite calling numerous people to testify, including crew members and officials from the Armed Forces of Malta, the prosecution failed to call any of the 100 people who travelled with the El Hiblu 3 for two years. They only did so in March 2021 after the defence submitted an application to the court reminding the prosecution of its legal obligation to impartiality and its duty to bring forward all evidence at its disposal. Predictably, many of these key eyewitnesses had already left the island after two years, as secondary movements to other European countries are common.

    Even when a handful were eventually given the opportunity to testify, silencing continued. Requests by some to testify in Bambara, a language widely spoken in West Africa, were denied. Witnesses also questioned the accuracy of the translation occurring in court, with the defence requesting a new translator. Yet, those who did testify confirmed Amara, Abdalla and Kader’s role as translators, and not as ring leaders.

    Over these last years, a vast, transnational solidarity network has developed between local, international and intergovernmental organisations, convinced of the El Hiblu 3’s innocence and motivated by the injustice of pressing such charges against three teenagers. As the compilation of evidence unfolded, anger grew as information emerged that no weapons were found on board and no violence took place, and as people got to know the three. Despite their young age, despite the trial having already stolen much of their youth, they have displayed incredible strength and courage in the face of injustice. They have withstood imprisonment, adhered to strict bail conditions, appeared in court every month, all while building lives in Malta: studying, working, raising children, making friends and building a community.

    As we have explored elsewhere, the solidarity network that has emerged to support and stand with Amara, Abdalla, and Kader reflects a transgressive form of solidarity that resists dominant state narratives and categories, and also creates counter-narratives through direct action. Alongside many protests, concerts, and conferences, the campaign to free the El Hiblu 3 published a book in 2021 which reflects the diverse voices of this network, with central contributions from Abdalla, Amara, and Kader. The El Hiblu case allows us to explore the ways in which transgressive acts—from autonomous migration to solidarity practices that occur at sea and within European territory—connect and challenge our conceptualization of borders, nation-states, and citizenship.

    This case highlights the persistent criminalisation of people on the move in Europe today. The EU and its southern member states have attempted to contain people in Libya: they have turned militias into ‘EU partners’, funded detention centres, and coordinated pushbacks, with complete disregard for severe human rights violations carried out by these actors. In the name of deterrence, people in distress at sea are abandoned and those carrying out search and rescue activities are criminalised. Those who arrive face further punishment. Among other countries, Italy and Greece have used the law to target those they consider ‘boat drivers’. Malta, similarly, has weaponised the law against the El Hiblu 3, using them as political pawns in a spectacle of deterrence. The use of the law, by liberal democratic states, to undermine human rights raises questions of democracy, rule of law, and justice.

    A few weeks ago, in November 2023, the Attorney General issued a bill of indictment formally charging Abdalla, Amara, and Kader with all the original accusations, despite the testimonies heard in the intervening period that point to their innocence and despite condemnation of the judicial process from legal scholars, international organisations and activists. According to Amnesty International, Malta’s Attorney General made the ‘worst possible decision’ when she issued a bill of indictment that could lead to life sentences for the El Hiblu 3. Indeed, many have hailed the three young men as heroes whose mediation helped prevent an illegal pushback to Libya. With countless supporters, in Malta and beyond, we continue to stand with them in their fight for justice.

    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #criminalisation #El_Hiblu #Libye #Méditerranée #pull-back #résistance #justice #Malte #Abdalla #Amara #Kader #solidarité #frontières #scafisti #scafista

  • Sauvetages en mer : l’Italie immobilise à nouveau l’Ocean Viking pour 20 jours - InfoMigrants

    Sauvetages en mer : l’Italie immobilise à nouveau l’Ocean Viking pour 20 jours
    Par La rédaction Publié le : 02/01/2024
    Le navire SOS Méditerranée est bloqué au port de Bari pendant vingt jours pour n’avoir pas respecté l’instruction des autorités italiennes de rentrer le plus vite possible après un sauvetage en Méditerranée.
    Bis repetita. Les autorités italiennes ont immobilisé pour la deuxième fois cet hiver l’Ocean Viking, le navire humanitaire de SOS Méditerranée, à Bari (sud-est de l’Italie), a annoncé dimanche 31 décembre l’ONG basée à Marseille, dans le sud-est de la France. Le bateau est accusé d’avoir changé de cap après des sauvetages. Il sera immobilisé 20 jours.
    La nouvelle loi italienne dont parle l’ONG - plus précisément le décret Piantedosi - régit les activités des navires de sauvetage en Méditerranée et oblige les ONG à se rendre « sans délai » au port de débarquement assigné par les autorités italiennes juste après un premier sauvetage. Les autorités italiennes accusent l’Ocean Viking « de ne pas avoir respecté l’instruction de se diriger sans délai, à la vitesse maximale et en suivant une route directe vers le lieu sûr », en l’occurrence Bari, qu’elles lui avaient assigné.
    Au cours de trois opérations, le navire avait secouru mercredi 244 migrants au large de la Libye, parmi lesquels huit femmes, dont deux enceintes, 18 mineurs non accompagnés et quatre enfants de moins de quatre ans.Alors qu’il se dirigeait vers le port italien, l’Ocean Viking a reçu une nouvelle alerte concernant au moins 70 personnes en détresse à bord d’une embarcation de fortune située à 15 miles nautiques (24 km) de distance. Une mise à jour de la position démontrera que l’embarcation se situait finalement à 60 miles nautiques (97 km), relate l’association.L’Ocean Viking n’étant plus en mesure de porter assistance, il a « immédiatement repris sa trajectoire » vers le port de Bari qu’il a « atteint sans délai supplémentaire », précise l’ONG, évoquant un changement de cap « mineur ». Ces personnes n’ont finalement pas été secourues par l’Ocean Viking, explique l’association à l’AFP, sans pouvoir préciser si elles ont pu être sauvées."En l’absence d’aucune indication qu’un autre navire viendrait au secours de ces personnes en détresse, nous n’avions tout simplement pas d’autre choix légal et moral que de répondre à cette alerte. Toute autre décision aurait constitué une violation du droit international", relève l’ONG.
    Le 15 novembre déjà, les autorités italiennes avaient ordonné une immobilisation de 20 jours du navire et lui avaient demandé de payer une amende de 3 300 euros. Leur tort : avoir porté secours à deux embarcations en détresse sans en avoir reçu l’autorisation en amont par les autorités compétentes.Dans son communiqué, SOS Méditerranée avait là encore justifié sa démarche. « Nous avons constamment communiqué de façon transparente et proactive avec toutes les autorités compétentes tout au long de nos missions de recherche et de sauvetage, tout en cherchant activement leur coordination [...] Laisser des naufragés à la dérive en mer est non seulement illégal au regard du droit maritime international mais aussi inhumain ». Au total, en 2023, l’Ocean Viking a subi trois immobilisations. En juillet 2023, les autorités italiennes avaient identifié des problèmes concernant les « radeaux de survie » du bateau humanitaire et demandait son immobilisation « pour une durée indéterminée ». SOS Méditerranée a secouru plus de 39 000 personnes en Méditerranée depuis 2016, principalement en Méditerranée centrale, la route migratoire la plus dangereuse du monde. En 2023, 2 340 migrants y sont morts noyés en tentant de rejoindre l’Europe, selon l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM).


  • Pendant ce temps, en #Méditerranée sud-orientale, la routine...

    "Moyen-Orient : les #incendiaires crient « Au feu ! »
    (par Manlio Dinucci)

    Alors qu’ils prétendent le contraire, l’#Otan et l’#UE poursuivent ensemble le projet de destruction de l’#État_palestinien. L’attaque du #Hamas n’est qu’un prétexte pour accomplir enfin le plan des « #sionistes #révisionnistes », énoncé dans les années 30 par Vladimir Jabotinsky et son secrétaire particulier, Bension Netanyahu (père de Benjamin #Netanyahu). (...)"


    #politique #international #Israël #États_Unis #Palestine #Proche_Orient #bonne_année #et_surtout_la_santé #caricature #seenthis #vangauguin

  • Méditerranée : plus de 350 migrants secourus en deux jours, environ 600 atteignent Lampedusa - InfoMigrants

    Méditerranée : plus de 350 migrants secourus en deux jours, environ 600 atteignent Lampedusa
    Par La rédaction Publié le : 28/12/2023
    De nombreuses opérations de sauvetage ont eu lieu en Méditerranée centrale mardi et mercredi : plus de 350 personnes ont été secourues tandis que plus de 600 ont atteint par elles-mêmes l’île italienne de Lampedusa. En moins de 24 heures, l’Ocean Viking de l’ONG SOS Méditerranée a effectué trois sauvetages en Méditerranée. Le port italien de Bari, situé dans la région des Pouilles, a été désigné comme port sûr pour les 244 exilés à bord du navire humanitaire. La première opération de sauvetage a eu lieu en pleine nuit « sur instruction d’un navire de patrouille des garde-côtes libyens », a indiqué l’ONG. Durant cette opération, 122 personnes, dont huit mineurs non accompagnés, « ont été secourues d’une embarcation en bois surchargée dans la zone de recherche et de sauvetage libyenne ». Quelques heures plus tard, l’Ocean Viking a porté assistance à une embarcation en bois à double pont - surchargée elle aussi - que l’équipage avait repéré depuis la passerelle. Cette fois-ci, sous coordination des autorités italiennes, « 106 personnes, incluant huit femmes, dont deux enceintes, et quatre enfants » ont été prises en charge.
    Enfin, alors que l’opération était toujours en cours, le Colibri 2, l’avion de reconnaissance de l’ONG Pilotes Volontaires, a repéré une embarcation de fortune à quelques milles nautiques, poussant l’Ocean Viking à poursuivre les sauvetages. « Seize personnes ont alors été secourues », indique l’ONG. Au final, l’Ocean Viking aura donc porté assistance à 244 migrants. Les autorités italiennes ont ensuite désigné Bari comme lieu sûr. Dans le même temps, l’équipage du Sea-Eye 4, de l’ONG allemande Sea-Eye, a sauvé un total de 106 personnes, dont près de 40 mineurs. « Les deux bateaux ont été repérés par l’équipage (…) dans la zone maltaise de recherche et de sauvetage, au sud de Lampedusa », indique l’ONG sur Facebook, précisant que le port sûr qui lui avait été attribué était celui de Brindisi, dans le sud de l’Italie.
    Ces multiples sauvetages interviennent alors que les arrivées se multiplient à Lampedusa. Rien que mardi et mercredi, 619 migrants, dont 57 mineurs non accompagnés, sont arrivés sur l’île italienne. Selon l’agence ANSA, il y aurait parmi eux des Tunisiens, Égyptiens, Syriens, Soudanais, Ivoiriens, Ghanéens, Nigérians ou encore des Libériens. Environ 300 d’entre eux ont été évacués du hotspot de l’île vers Porto Empedocle, en Sicile. L’île de Lampedusa, de par sa position géographique, fait souvent face à une forte pression migratoire et est régulièrement sous les projecteurs médiatiques. La présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, et la Première ministre italienne, Giorgia Meloni, s’étaient même rendues sur place en septembre pour réaffirmer leur volonté de lutter contre les réseaux de passeurs et augmenter les expulsions des migrants non éligibles à l’asile.
    Pour rappel, la traversée de la Méditerranée centrale est la route migratoire la plus dangereuse au monde. Selon l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), depuis 2014, plus de 25 000 migrants y sont morts noyés ou portés disparus en tentant de rejoindre l’Europe. En 2023, plus de 2 600 personnes sont mortes ou portées disparues en Méditerranée. La rédaction tient à rappeler que les navires humanitaires (Ocean Viking, Sea Watch, Mare Jonio...) sillonnent une partie très limitée de la mer Méditerranée. La présence de ces ONG est loin d’être une garantie de secours pour les migrants qui veulent tenter la traversée depuis les côtes africaines. Beaucoup d’embarcations passent inaperçues dans l’immensité de la mer. Beaucoup de canots sombrent aussi sans avoir été repérés. La Méditerranée reste aujourd’hui la route maritime la plus meurtrière au monde.


  • Méditerranée : le nouveau navire de Sea-Watch porte secours à 119 migrants, dont un enfant de 3 ans - InfoMigrants

    Méditerranée : le nouveau navire de Sea-Watch porte secours à 119 migrants, dont un enfant de 3 ans
    Par La rédaction Publié le : 26/12/2023
    L’équipage du Sea-Watch 5 a secouru 119 exilés, dont 32 mineurs, lors du réveillon de Noël. À l’issue du sauvetage, le navire s’est vu attribuer le port de Marina di Carrara, à plus de 1 150 kilomètres du lieu des sauvetages. Le but des autorités ? « Éloigner les navires de sauvetage de la zone d’opération afin de ne plus pouvoir secourir les personnes en détresse », dénonce l’ONG. À l’heure où des millions de familles s’apprêtaient à fêter Noël, le réveillon s’est déroulé en pleine mer Méditerranée pour l’équipage du Sea-Watch 5. Le 24 décembre dans la soirée, les humanitaires ont porté secours à 119 migrants en détresse, dont 32 mineurs, répartis sur deux canots au large de la Tunisie. Le plus jeune rescapé est âgé de 3 ans seulement.
    La première opération a permis de secourir 55 personnes entassées dans un canot pneumatique. Lors du second sauvetage, 64 autres exilés ont été secourus. Si tous les naufragés sont sains et saufs, « nombre d’entre eux souffrent d’épuisement, de déshydratation et de brûlures chimiques dues aux mélanges de carburant et d’eau de mer qui se forment dans les petits bateaux », précise un communiqué. Tous ont été pris en charge sur le pont du Sea-Watch 5, tout nouveau navire de l’ONG allemande. Parti d’Espagne en novembre dernier, il peut accueillir jusqu’à 500 naufragés.
    Le soir des sauvetages, le navire était stationné au sud de l’île italienne de Lampedusa. Il avait participé, la veille, aux recherches d’un bateau de pêche chargé d’environ 150 personnes. Ce dernier a finalement été secouru par deux patrouilleurs des garde-côtes italiens. Quelques heures après les deux opérations de secours du 24 décembre, les autorités italiennes ont assigné au Sea-Watch 5 le port de Marina di Carrara, dans l’extrême nord de l’Italie. Soit à plus de 1 150 km du lieu de sauvetage. « Le but de ces ports reculés est d’éloigner les navires de sauvetage de la zone d’opération afin de ne plus pouvoir secourir les personnes en détresse », dénonce l’ONG sur X (ex-Twitter). Aucun navire humanitaire ne sillonne actuellement la zone de recherche et de sauvetage (SAR zone) située au large de la Libye.
    L’attribution des ports de débarquement est ordonnée dans le cadre du décret Piantedosi, qui régit les activités des navires d’ONG en mer. Depuis sa mise en application, il y a un an, il complique considérablement le travail des humanitaires. Une de ses mesures oblige par exemple les associations à se rendre « sans délai » au port de débarquement assigné par les autorités italiennes juste après un premier sauvetage. Mais en partant immédiatement après l’opération de secours, les navires laissent « la zone déserte, les États européens ayant renoncé à leurs responsabilités de sauvetages en mer, déplorait auprès d’InfoMigrants en novembre Margot Bernard, coordinatrice de projet adjointe à bord du Geo Barents de Médecins sans frontières (MSF). C’est une grande source de frustration pour nous, et surtout, cela nous fait craindre une augmentation des naufrages invisibles », ces embarcations « fantômes » qui sombrent en mer sans que personne ne le sache. Dans la nuit du 14 au 15 décembre, 61 personnes sont mortes noyées au large des côtes libyennes. Alertés au sujet du naufrage de l’embarcation dans la soirée, aucun pays – Italie, Malte, Libye – ne s’est rendu sur place. Ce n’est que plusieurs heures plus tard, sur ordre de l’Italie, qu’un navire commercial est finalement intervenu pour porter secours à 25 rescapés, qui ont ensuite été ramenés en Libye. L’Ocean Viking de SOS Méditerranée se trouvait près du lieu du naufrage seulement 24 heures auparavant. Mais le navire humanitaire, qui avait porté assistance à 26 personnes le 13 décembre, avait été forcé de quitter la zone par les autorités italiennes : Rome lui avait attribué le port de Livourne (nord-ouest de l’Italie), distant d’un millier de kilomètres, pour y débarquer les migrants. SOS Méditerranée avait pourtant averti sur X que son absence en mer pourrait avoir de lourdes conséquences, alors qu’une « tempête de force 8 » était prévue ce week-end du 15 décembre. D’après le porte-parole du bureau de coordination méditerranéen de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), Flavio di Giacomo, « 2 271 personnes sont mortes en Méditerranée centrale en 2023, soit 60 % de plus qu’au cours de la même période l’année dernière ».


  • EU’s AI Act Falls Short on Protecting Rights at Borders

    Despite years of tireless advocacy by a coalition of civil society and academics (including the author), the European Union’s new law regulating artificial intelligence falls short on protecting the most vulnerable. Late in the night on Friday, Dec. 8, the European Parliament reached a landmark deal on its long-awaited Act to Govern Artificial Intelligence (AI Act). After years of meetings, lobbying, and hearings, the EU member states, Commission, and the Parliament agreed on the provisions of the act, awaiting technical meetings and formal approval before the final text of the legislation is released to the public. A so-called “global first” and racing ahead of the United States, the EU’s bill is the first ever regional attempt to create an omnibus AI legislation. Unfortunately, this bill once again does not sufficiently recognize the vast human rights risks of border technologies and should go much further protecting the rights of people on the move.

    From surveillance drones patrolling the Mediterranean to vast databases collecting sensitive biometric information to experimental projects like robo-dogs and AI lie detectors, every step of a person’s migration journey is now impacted by risky and unregulated border technology projects. These technologies are fraught with privacy infringements, discriminatory decision-making, and even impact the life, liberty, and security of person seeking asylum. They also impact procedural rights, muddying responsibility over opaque and discretionary decisions and lacking clarity in mechanisms of redress when something goes wrong.

    The EU’s AI Act could have been a landmark global standard for the protection of the rights of the most vulnerable. But once again, it does not provide the necessary safeguards around border technologies. For example, while recognizing that some border technologies could fall under the high-risk category, it is not yet clear what, if any, border tech projects will be included in the final high-risk category of projects that are subject to transparency obligations, human rights impact assessments, and greater scrutiny. The Act also has various carveouts and exemptions in place, for example for matters of national security, which can encapsulate technologies used in migration and border enforcement. And crucial discussions around bans on high-risk technologies in migration never even made it into the Parliament’s final deal terms at all. Even the bans which have been announced, for example around emotion recognition, are only in place in the workplace and education, not at the border. Moreover, what exactly is banned remains to be seen, and outstanding questions to be answered in the final text include the parameters around predictive policing as well as the exceptions to the ban on real-time biometric surveillance, still allowed in instances of a “threat of terrorism,” targeted search for victims, or the prosecution of serious crimes. It is also particularly troubling that the AI Act explicitly leaves room for technologies which are of particular appetite for Frontex, the EU’s border force. Frontex released its AI strategy on Nov. 9, signaling an appetite for predictive tools and situational analysis technology. These tools, which when used without safeguards, can facilitate illegal border interdiction operations, including “pushbacks,” in which the agency has been investigated. The Protect Not Surveil Coalition has been trying to influence European policy makers to ban predictive analytics used for the purposes of border enforcement. Unfortunately, no migration tech bans at all seem to be in the final Act.

    The lack of bans and red lines under the high-risk uses of border technologies in the EU’s position is in opposition to years of academic research as well as international guidance, such as by then-U.N. Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, E. Tendayi Achiume. For example, a recently released report by the University of Essex and the UN’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (OHCHR), which I co-authored with Professor Lorna McGregor, argues for a human rights based approach to digital border technologies, including a moratorium on the most high risk border technologies such as border surveillance, which pushes people on the move into dangerous terrain and can even assist with illegal border enforcement operations such as forced interdictions, or “pushbacks.” The EU did not take even a fraction of this position on border technologies.

    While it is promising to see strict regulation of high-risk AI systems such as self-driving cars or medical equipment, why are the risks of unregulated AI technologies at the border allowed to continue unabated? My work over the last six years spans borders from the U.S.-Mexico corridor to the fringes of Europe to East Africa and beyond, and I have witnessed time and again how technological border violence operates in an ecosystem replete with the criminalization of migration, anti-migrant sentiments, overreliance on the private sector in an increasingly lucrative border industrial complex, and deadly practices of border enforcement, leading to thousands of deaths at borders. From vast biometric data collected without consent in refugee camps, to algorithms replacing visa officers and making discriminatory decisions, to AI lie detectors used at borders to discern apparent liars, the roll out of unregulated technologies is ever-growing. The opaque and discretionary world of border enforcement and immigration decision-making is built on societal structures which are underpinned by intersecting systemic racism and historical discrimination against people migrating, allowing for high-risk technological experimentation to thrive at the border.

    The EU’s weak governance on border technologies will allow for more and more experimental projects to proliferate, setting a global standard on how governments will approach migration technologies. The United States is no exception, and in an upcoming election year where migration will once again be in the spotlight, there does not seem to be much incentive to regulate technologies at the border. The Biden administration’s recently released Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence does not offer a regulatory framework for these high-risk technologies, nor does it discuss the impacts of border technologies on people migrating, including taking a human rights based approach to the vast impacts of these projects on people migrating. Unfortunately, the EU often sets a precedent for how other countries govern technology. With the weak protections offered by the EU AI act on border technologies, it is no surprise that the U.S. government is emboldened to do as little as possible to protect people on the move from harmful technologies.

    But real people already are at the centre of border technologies. People like Mr. Alvarado, a young husband and father from Latin America in his early 30s who perished mere kilometers away from a major highway in Arizona, in search of a better life. I visited his memorial site after hours of trekking through the beautiful yet deadly Sonora desert with a search-and-rescue group. For my upcoming book, The Walls have Eyes: Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, I was documenting the growing surveillance dragnet of the so-called smart border that pushes people to take increasingly dangerous routes, leading to increasing loss of life at the U.S.-Mexico border. Border technologies as a deterrent simply do not work. People desperate for safety – and exercising their internationally protected right to asylum – will not stop coming. They will instead more circuitous routes, and scholars like Geoffrey Boyce and Samuel Chambers have already documented a threefold increase in deaths at the U.S.-Mexico frontier as the so-called smart border expands. In the not so distant future, will people like Mr. Alvarado be pursued by the Department of Homeland Security’s recently announced robo-dogs, a military grade technology that is sometimes armed?

    It is no accident that more robust governance around migration technologies is not forthcoming. Border spaces increasingly serve as testing grounds for new technologies, places where regulation is deliberately limited and where an “anything goes” frontier attitude informs the development and deployment of surveillance at the expense of people’s lives. There is also big money to be made in developing and selling high risk technologies. Why does the private sector get to time and again determine what we innovate on and why, in often problematic public-private partnerships which states are increasingly keen to make in today’s global AI arms race? For example, whose priorities really matter when we choose to create violent sound cannons or AI-powered lie detectors at the border instead of using AI to identify racist border guards? Technology replicates power structures in society. Unfortunately, the viewpoints of those most affected are routinely excluded from the discussion, particularly around areas of no-go-zones or ethically fraught usages of technology.

    Seventy-seven border walls and counting are now cutting across the landscape of the world. They are both physical and digital, justifying broader surveillance under the guise of detecting illegal migrants and catching terrorists, creating suitable enemies we can all rally around. The use of military, or quasi-military, autonomous technology bolsters the connection between immigration and national security. None of these technologies, projects, and sets of decisions are neutral. All technological choices – choices about what to count, who counts, and why – have an inherently political dimension and replicate biases that render certain communities at risk of being harmed, communities that are already under-resourced, discriminated against, and vulnerable to the sharpening of borders all around the world.

    As is once again clear with the EU’s AI Act and the direction of U.S. policy on AI so far, the impacts on real people seems to have been forgotten. Kowtowing to industry and making concessions for the private sector not to stifle innovation does not protect people, especially those most marginalized. Human rights standards and norms are the bare minimum in the growing panopticon of border technologies. More robust and enforceable governance mechanisms are needed to regulate the high-risk experiments at borders and migration management, including a moratorium on violent technologies and red lines under military-grade technologies, polygraph machines, and predictive analytics used for border interdictions, at the very least. These laws and governance mechanisms must also include efforts at local, regional, and international levels, as well as global co-operation and commitment to a human-rights based approach to the development and deployment of border technologies. However, in order for more robust policy making on border technologies to actually affect change, people with lived experiences of migration must also be in the driver’s seat when interrogating both the negative impacts of technology as well as the creative solutions that innovation can bring to the complex stories of human movement.


    #droits #frontières #AI #IA #intelligence_artificielle #Artificial_Intelligence_Act #AI_act #UE #EU #drones #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #droits_humains #technologie #risques #surveillance #discrimination #transparence #contrôles_migratoires #Frontex #push-backs #refoulements #privatisation #business #complexe_militaro-industriel #morts_aux_frontières #biométrie #données #racisme #racisme_systémique #expérimentation #smart_borders #frontières_intelligentes #pouvoir #murs #barrières_frontalières #terrorisme

    • The Walls Have Eyes. Surviving Migration in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

      A chilling exposé of the inhumane and lucrative sharpening of borders around the globe through experimental surveillance technology

      “Racism, technology, and borders create a cruel intersection . . . more and more people are getting caught in the crosshairs of an unregulated and harmful set of technologies touted to control borders and ‘manage migration,’ bolstering a multibillion-dollar industry.” —from the introduction

      In 2022, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced it was training “robot dogs” to help secure the U.S.-Mexico border against migrants. Four-legged machines equipped with cameras and sensors would join a network of drones and automated surveillance towers—nicknamed the “smart wall.” This is part of a worldwide trend: as more people are displaced by war, economic instability, and a warming planet, more countries are turning to A.I.-driven technology to “manage” the influx.

      Based on years of researching borderlands across the world, lawyer and anthropologist Petra Molnar’s The Walls Have Eyes is a truly global story—a dystopian vision turned reality, where your body is your passport and matters of life and death are determined by algorithm. Examining how technology is being deployed by governments on the world’s most vulnerable with little regulation, Molnar also shows us how borders are now big business, with defense contractors and tech start-ups alike scrambling to capture this highly profitable market.

      With a foreword by former U.N. Special Rapporteur E. Tendayi Achiume, The Walls Have Eyes reveals the profound human stakes, foregrounding the stories of people on the move and the daring forms of resistance that have emerged against the hubris and cruelty of those seeking to use technology to turn human beings into problems to be solved.

      #livre #Petra_Molnar

  • Libye : au moins 61 migrants présumés morts dans un naufrage

    Libye : au moins 61 migrants présumés morts dans un naufrage
    Au moins 61 migrants sont portés disparus et présumés morts après le naufrage de leur embarcation de fortune au large de la Libye, a rapporté à l’Agence France-Presse (AFP) le bureau de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) en Libye. « Un grand nombre de migrants, environ 61, sont présumés avoir péri à cause de fortes vagues », ayant submergé leur embarcation « partie de Zouara, dans le nord-ouest de la Libye avec 86 migrants à son bord », selon la même source.
    Il s’agit en majorité de ressortissants du Nigeria, de Gambie et d’autres pays d’Afrique, et parmi les victimes « figurent des enfants et des femmes », a-t-on ajouté. Au total, 25 personnes ont pu être sauvées et ont été transférées vers un centre de détention libyen à Tariq Al Sekka, près de Tripoli. « Une équipe OIM a pu apporter un soutien médical et ils sont tous en bonne santé », selon la même source.« Plus de 2 250 personnes ont perdu la vie en Méditerranée centrale cette année », a déploré sur X Flavio Di Giacomo, porte-parole de l’OIM pour la Méditerranée, en faisant état du lourd bilan de cet énième naufrage. « Ce chiffre dramatique démontre que malheureusement on ne fait pas suffisamment pour sauver les vies en mer », a-t-il ajouté.
    La Libye et la Tunisie sont les deux principaux points de départs en Méditerranée centrale pour les migrants qui tentent de gagner l’Europe en débarquant clandestinement sur les côtes italiennes.
    Selon les derniers chiffres du HCR (Haut commissariat aux Réfugiés de l’ONU) au 10 décembre, plus de 153 000 migrants sont arrivés en Italie cette année, en provenance de Tunisie et de Libye.


  • #Frontex and the pirate ship

    The EU’s border agency Frontex and the Maltese government are systematically sharing coordinates of refugee boats trying to escape Libya with a vessel operated by a militia linked to Russia, human trafficking, war crimes and smuggling.

    Tareq Bin Zeyad (TBZ) is one of the most dangerous militia groups in the world. It is run by Saddam Haftar, the powerful son of East Libyan warlord Khalifa Haftar. The group has been operating a vessel, also called TBZ, in the Central Mediterranean since May, during which it has intercepted more than 1,000 people at sea off the coasts of Libya and Malta and returned them to Libya.

    Experts say the militia would not have been able to find the refugee boats without help from surveillance planes. We analysed several interceptions carried out by the TBZ boat in Maltese waters. These are known as ‘pullbacks’ and are illegal according to Maritime experts. We found that TBZ receives coordinates from EU planes in three ways:

    – Direct communication through a Frontex mayday alert. On 26 July, a Frontex plane issued a mayday (a radio alert to all vessels within range used in cases of immediate distress) in relation to a refugee boat. TBZ answered within minutes. Frontex only informed the nearby rescue authorities of Italy, Libya and Malta after issuing the mayday. They did not intervene. Frontex admitted the plane had to leave the area after an hour, leaving the fate of the refugees in the hands of a militia. It would take TBZ another six hours to reach the boat and drag people back to Libya.


    – Indirect communication through Tripoli. Frontex routinely shares refugee vessel coordinates with the Libyan authorities. In Frontex’s own system, they recorded that on 16 August the coordinates they shared with Tripoli were handed over to TBZ and led to an interception.

    – Direct communication with Malta’s Armed forces. On 2 August, a pilot with a Maltese accent was recorded giving coordinates to TBZ. Hours later, the TBZ vessel was spotted by NGOs near the coordinates. Malta’s armed forces did not deny the incident.


    Both Frontex and Malta say their aim when sharing the coordinates is to help people in distress.

    Responding to our questions on the 26 July mayday, Frontex said its experts decided to issue the alert because “the vessel was far away from the shoreline, it was overcrowded, and there was no life-saving equipment visible.”

    However, in all of the cases we analysed there were safer options: merchant ships were sailing nearby -– much closer than the TBZ ship – and NGO vessels or the Maltese or Italian coast guards could have assisted.

    According to international law expert Nora Markard “Frontex should have ensured that someone else took over the rescue after the distress call – for example one of the merchant ships, which would have been on site much faster anyway.”

    Markard added: “Frontex knows that this situation is more of a kidnapping than a rescue. You only have to imagine pirates announcing that they will deal with a distress case. That wouldn’t be right either.”

    The TBZ is described by the EU as a militia group affiliated with warlord Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army in confidential documents obtained by this investigation. We also found confidential reports showing that EU states are aware of the illicit nature of many of TBZ’s activities – including human trafficking. The group was described in an EU report as being supported by Russian private military group PCM-Wagner.

    Frontex declined to comment on whether TBZ was an appropriate partner.

    We obtained confidential EU documents, tracked position data from European surveillance aircraft and cargo ships, monitored social media of militia members on board the TBZ vessel, spoke to insider sources in EU and Libya institutions and reached out to linguistic experts to analyse a radio communication.

    We were able to speak to seven refugees who were dragged back to Libya by the TBZ and gave harrowing accounts of mistreatment.

    All the refugees we spoke to reported abuse at the hands of the militia, including torture, forced labour and ransom payment. One of them, Syrian Bassel Nahas*, described a three-week ordeal that he did not think he would survive.

    He said TBZ crew shaved his eyebrows and lashes and mutilated his head. “They beat us until our bodies turned black,” he said. “Then they threw our bodies in the water”.

    Bassel said he and other refugees were left in the Benghazi harbour next to the docked vessel for hours overnight, the salt burning their wounds, before they took him out at 4am and beat him more.

    Finally, Bassel recounts, the armed men made him wear an orange prisoner suit and stand against a wall. They opened fire, laughing as he collapsed. It was only when he regained consciousness and checked his body for blood that he realised the bullets hadn’t hit him.

    A Frontex drone was filming Bassel’s boat while it was intercepted by TBZ several days before, on 18 August. Bassel recounts the moment the militia approached: “We told them to leave us alone, that we had children and women on board. But they accused us of having weapons and drugs and opened fire on our boat.”

    Frontex claims that due to poor visibility on that day “detailed observations were challenging”. The same drone spotted Bassel’s vessel two days before its interception by TBZ and shared coordinates with Malta and Greece.

    Frontex declined to comment on whether its coordinates were used to intercept Bassel’s vessel and on allegations of torture and human rights abuses by TBZ.

    Jamal*, a Syrian from the southwestern province of Deraa, recalls that after being intercepted at sea on 25 May he was taken “to a big prison” where they were beaten “with sticks and iron” and all their belongings – “[their] passports, [their] cell phones” – were confiscated. “There was no water available in the prison. We drank in the bathroom. They fed us rice, soup or pasta in small quantities. We were held for 20 days by the Tariq bin Ziyad brigade,” he said.

    Several people report that they were forced to work to earn their freedom. “What this brigade did to us was not authorised, it was slavery. They sold us to businessmen so that we would work for them for free,” said Hasni, who was intercepted on 7 July by the TBZ.


    #Malte #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #migrations #réfugiés #Russie #Libye #Tareq_Bin_Zeyad (#TBZ) #milices #collaboration #Saddam_Haftar #Khalifa_Haftar #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #pull-backs #sauvetage (well...) #PCM-Wagner #drones

  • Comment l’Europe a laissé Malte livrer en mer des migrants à une milice libyenne

    Le « Monde Afrique » a enquêté sur les activités de la vedette libyenne « Tareq-bin-Zeyad », qui a intercepté plusieurs embarcations en Méditerranée, dans la zone de recherche et de sauvetage européenne, avec l’appui de Frontex.
    (...) Pendant des mois, Le Monde Afrique et ses partenaires de la plateforme collaborative Lighthouse Reports, de la chaîne télévisée qatarie Al-Jazira, du bihebdomadaire Malta Today, du quotidien allemand Der Spiegel et du collectif de journalistes syriens SIRAJ ont enquêté sur le navire des hommes de Tareq Bin Zeyad et ont découvert qu’à plusieurs reprises les forces armées maltaises et l’agence européenne de garde-frontières Frontex ont livré à cette milice les coordonnées GPS de bateaux cherchant à rejoindre l’Europe. Des informations qui ont conduit à l’interception des migrants et à leur envoi forcé vers la Libye où ils sont victimes de mauvais traitements, en complète violation du droit international.
    Ces dernières années, Malte, qui se trouve sur l’une des principales routes migratoires entre l’Afrique du Nord et l’Europe, a plusieurs fois été épinglée par le Haut-Commissariat pour les réfugiés, l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations et des organisations de défense des droits humains à cause des méthodes qu’elle utilise pour éviter l’arrivée de migrants sur ses côtes. « Cette tactique comprend l’organisation de refoulements illégaux vers la Libye (…), plutôt que le sauvetage de personnes en détresse, et la détention illégale de centaines de personnes dans des ferries mal équipés au large des eaux maltaises », écrivait Amnesty International en 2020. Trois ans plus tard, le gouvernement de La Valette utilise toujours les mêmes procédés.
    (...) Le Monde Afrique et ses partenaires ont pu interroger six autres migrants qui ont été interceptés par les hommes de Tareq Bin Zeyad depuis mai, date à laquelle la milice a acquis son bateau. Tous racontent les violences, les humiliations, le racket dont ils sont victimes. (...) Ce calvaire n’aurait jamais dû avoir lieu, car, selon le droit international, ni Bassel ni aucun autre de ces migrants n’auraient dû être arrêtés par les Libyens, mais par les Maltais. Au moment où le chalutier de Bassel est intercepté par le Tareq-Bin-Zeyad, il est en effet dans la « zone de recherche et de sauvetage » (SAR) de l’île européenne. Ces zones, qui quadrillent toute la surface maritime mondiale, ont été définies par les Nations unies pour déterminer quels pays sont responsables des secours en mer.
    Ainsi, deux jours avant son arraisonnement par la milice libyenne, c’est bien l’Union européenne (UE) qui la première repère le chalutier surchargé d’occupants. Deux jours auparavant, un drone Heron 1 de Frontex le détecte au large des côtes de la Crète, comme le montrent les données de vol disponibles sur le site ADSB Exchange et des documents internes que Le Monde Afrique s’est procurés. Frontex assure avoir alors pris connaissance de la « gravité d’une telle situation » du fait du nombre anormalement élevé de passagers. Elle affirme avoir alerté « les centres de coordination de sauvetage grecs et maltais » et uniquement eux. Mais aucun n’a déclenché d’opération de secours. Comment le Tareq-Bin-Zeyad a-t-il repéré le chalutier ? Dans le cas du bateau de Bassel, aucune explication n’a été apportée, mais Le Monde Afrique et ses partenaires ont pu démontrer que, dans d’autres cas similaires, les autorités maritimes maltaises ont transmis des informations à la vedette libyenne, la poussant à intervenir au sein de la zone de recherche (SAR) maltaise.
    (...) Sous couvert d’anonymat, un haut fonctionnaire maltais est bien plus affirmatif. « Notre géographie nous amène à la périphérie de la gestion des migrations entre l’Europe et l’Afrique. Alors, nous collaborons avec les garde-côtes libyens », justifie-t-il. « Ce que nous entendons par collaboration, c’est que nous fournissons des moyens [de surveillance], des formations, de l’aide humanitaire. »
    Les autorités maltaises ne sont pas les seules à communiquer avec le Tareq-Bin-Zeyad. Dans la matinée du 26 juillet, un avion de surveillance de l’agence européenne Frontex, l’Osprey 3, repère une embarcation surchargée de personnes à 7 h 17 GMT et déclenche dans la foulée un « Mayday Relay », une procédure d’urgence pour alerter qu’un bateau est en détresse et transmettre ses coordonnées. L’Osprey 3 déclare qu’une embarcation « est loin du rivage, qu’il était surpeuplé et qu’il n’y avait aucun équipement de sauvetage visible » mettant « des vies en danger ». Deux porte-conteneurs se trouvent à proximité immédiate du bateau, mais aucun ne réagit. En revanche, le Tareq-Bin-Zeyad accuse réception du message. « Ces appels peuvent être captés par n’importe quel navire dans la zone, y compris les bateaux marchands, les ONG ou les autorités nationales. Dans ce cas, c’est un navire libyen, le Tariq-Bin-Zeyad, qui a accusé réception de l’appel radio », se défend l’agence, réfutant toute communication directe avec la vedette. Pour la juriste Nora Markard, Frontex « aurait donc dû veiller à ce que quelqu’un d’autre prenne en charge le sauvetage après l’appel de détresse – par exemple l’un des navires marchands, qui aurait de toute façon été beaucoup plus rapidement sur place ». Environ sept heures plus tard, aux alentours de 14 heures GMT, le Tareq-Bin-Zeyad arrive sur zone et intercepte l’embarcation.
    « Les dirigeants de Frontex savent que les personnes en Libye risquent d’être victimes de torture et d’autres traitements inhumains. Et si, comme dans ce cas, personne ne prend en charge le sauvetage ou la coordination, Frontex reste responsable, car ce que font les milices relève plus de l’enlèvement que du sauvetage », estime Nora Markard. Les actions de la brigade Tareq Bin Zeyad, ses « violences brutales et abus incessants » ainsi que ses « crimes relevant du droit international et autres graves atteintes à la vie humaine », ont été vivement dénoncées par un rapport d’Amnesty International paru en décembre 2022. Officiellement, ce groupe armé est intégré à l’ANL du maréchal Khalifa Haftar, au pouvoir dans la région orientale de la Libye, et dirigé par son fils Saddam. Mais en réalité, il a gardé une large autonomie, et ses agissements semblent être en totale inadéquation avec ceux d’une armée. Dans un rapport de l’ONU paru en septembre, la milice est accusée de se financer par « le trafic de carburant, le trafic de migrants, la traite des personnes et le trafic de drogue ». L’Union européenne (UE) est bien informée de cette réalité. Un document interne de l’UE obtenu par Lighthouse Reports rapporte « qu’une milice liée à l’ANL » orchestre des « retours forcés » quand un autre document fait état d’un « soutien par des mercenaires soudanais et les mercenaires russes de Wagner », alliés stratégiques du maréchal Haftar.
    Avant même de se tourner vers l’Est libyen, l’UE et ses Etats membres se sont déjà associés aux autorités de l’Ouest en soutenant à hauteur de dizaines de millions d’euros les autorités du gouvernement de Tripoli, en leur fournissant du matériel et des formations. Egalement accusées de graves violences à l’égard des migrants, elles reconnaissent aisément collaborer avec leurs rivaux de l’Est quand il s’agit d’intercepter des embarcations clandestines. « Nous traitons avec les autorités portuaires et les garde-côtes de Benghazi et ils peuvent confier l’affaire à qui ils veulent », y compris la milice Tareq Bin Zeyad, admet Massoud Abdel Samad, à la tête du Centre conjoint de coordination des opérations de sauvetage de Tripoli. « Haftar n’est pas notre partenaire privilégié. Nous ne nous occupons pas d’eux. Ce n’est pas un interlocuteur approprié pour nous », répond le porte-parole pour les affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité de l’UE, Peter Stano. Le régime du maréchal Haftar, qui a tenté de renverser les autorités libyennes officielles qui contrôlent l’ouest du pays, n’est en effet pas reconnu par la communauté internationale. Mais, derrière les discours officiels, le militaire est bien courtisé par Malte et par l’Italie, qui ont multiplié les rencontres avec des représentants de l’Est libyen au cours des derniers mois. Le ministre italien de l’intérieur, Matteo Piantedosi, s’est montré clair quant aux intentions de son gouvernement pour endiguer les flux à travers la Méditerranée au cours d’une conférence de presse en juin : « Nous demanderons à Haftar davantage de collaboration pour arrêter les départs. ».


  • « La vie était devenue impossible » : au Bangladesh, la pauvreté et l’insécurité poussent des milliers de personnes à l’exil - InfoMigrants

    « La vie était devenue impossible » : au Bangladesh, la pauvreté et l’insécurité poussent des milliers de personnes à l’exil
    Par Marlène Panara Publié le : 06/12/2023
    La nuit est noire de jais. À 50 km des côtes libyennes, ce 3 novembre, seul le phare du Zodiac de sauvetage du Geo Barents, navire de Médecins sans frontières (MSF), éclaire les visages des 30 passagers de l’embarcation qui lui fait face. Ils sont tous Bangladais. Un peu plus d’une demi-heure plus tard, tous posent le pied sur le pont du bateau humanitaire. L’inquiétude fait place au soulagement. Les premiers sourires se dessinent. Ce sauvetage leur assure de faire route pour l’Italie, destination finale d’un périple entamé à des milliers de kilomètres de là, au Bangladesh. Chaque année, des milliers de ses ressortissants empruntent cette route migratoire qui passe par la Méditerranée centrale. Souvent le trajet est le même : les exilés prennent l’avion depuis Dacca, la capitale, et atterrissent en Égypte après plusieurs escales avec un visa de travail, obtenu avant le départ par un passeur.
    Les frais de ce voyage sont réglés directement au Bangladesh, ou à l’arrivée en Égypte. Depuis Le Caire, les candidats à l’exil sont ensuite transférés par des passeurs, en voiture ou dans des vans, jusqu’à l’ouest de la Libye. C’est là, depuis une plage de cette région propice aux départs, qu’ils prennent finalement la mer direction l’Europe. Sur les 152 882 personnes débarquées en Italie cette année, 12 100 sont bangladaises. Soit la quatrième nationalité représentée par les primo-arrivants dans le pays, derrière la Guinée, la Tunisie et la Côte d’Ivoire. Qu’est-ce qui poussent ces migrants sur la route la plus meurtrière au monde ? Pour Nordine Drici, président de l’association Planète Réfugiés et Droits de l’Homme, et ancien juge à la Commission nationale du droit d’asile (CNDA), « le contexte de pauvreté très important dans le pays » en est l’une des réponses. « Les inondations, les cyclones, rendent les Bangladais très vulnérables, explique-t-il. Sur ce petit territoire disputé par 168 millions d’habitants, et qui se rétrécie à vue d’œil avec l’érosion de la côte, avoir une terre à cultiver est un privilège que très peu de gens peuvent s’offrir ». (...) Malgré les « progrès remarquables » accomplis par le Bangladesh dans la réduction de la pauvreté monétaire globale, la pauvreté multidimensionnelle reste élevée et les inégalités de revenus se sont accrues, affirme l’Organisation des nations unies (ONU), en particulier dans les zones urbaines. L’ONG Oxfam confirme : la pauvreté dans le pays est « aussi extrême que généralisée », presque la moitié de la population vivant avec moins d’un dollar par jour. Une situation qui, avec le changement climatique, ne cesse de s’aggraver. « De par sa position géographique […] le Bangladesh subit régulièrement des catastrophes naturelles aux conséquences désastreuses », déplore aussi Oxfam. Fin août 2023, de fortes pluies et inondations soudaines ont provoqué destructions d’habitations, glissements de terrain, et perte de cultures dans le sud-est du pays. Et ce, trois mois après le passage dévastateur du cyclone Mocha, qui avait déjà causé de sérieux dégâts dans plusieurs régions.
    Gouverné d’une main de fer par la Première ministre Sheikh Hasina depuis 2009, le pays est actuellement en proie à une sévère répression menée par les autorités en place. Début octobre, des manifestations pour réclamer un meilleur pouvoir d’achat et d’autres évènements, organisées par le parti nationaliste du Bangladesh (BNP), dans l’opposition, ont été sévèrement réprimées. D’après un rapport publié le 27 novembre par Human Rights Watch, en un mois, au moins 10 000 militants ont été arrêtés, 5 500 personnes blessées et 16 sont mortes, dont deux policiers.
    À l’approche des élections, le 7 janvier 2024, « la violence politique est extrême, assure Nordine Drici. Avec le retour en force de l’opposition, le régime se sent en insécurité, et la Première ministre, fragilisée. Le retour de bâton est d’autant plus fort pour les Bangladais ». Comme Abdulla, Rubel a quitté sa ville natale de Muksudpur « pour des raisons de sécurité ». « Dans mon pays, les droits de l’Homme ne sont pas respectés. À cause du conflit qui oppose la Ligue Awami [parti au pouvoir] et le BNP, la violence augmente de jour en jour. Vivre là-bas est trop dangereux pour moi », racontait-il au lendemain de son sauvetage en mer..


  • Beyond borders, beyond boundaries. A Critical Analysis of EU Financial Support for Border Control in Tunisia and Libya

    In recent years, the European Union (EU) and its Member States have intensified their effort to prevent migrants and asylum seekers from reaching their borders. One strategy to reach this goal consists of funding programs for third countries’ coast guards and border police, as currently happens in Libya and Tunisia.

    These programs - funded by the #EUTF_for_Africa and the #NDICI-Global_Europe - allocate funding to train and equip authorities, including the delivery and maintenance of assets. NGOs, activists, and International Organizations have amassed substantial evidence implicating Libyan and Tunisian authorities in severe human rights violations.

    The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament commissioned a study carried out by Profundo, ARCI, EuroMed Rights and Action Aid, on how EU funding is linked to human rights violations in neighbouring countries, such as Tunisia and Libya.

    The study answers the following questions:

    - What is the state of EU funding for programs aimed at enhancing border control capacities in Libya and Tunisia?
    - What is the human rights impact of these initiatives?
    - What is the framework for human rights compliance?
    - How do the NDICI-Global Europe decision-making processes work?

    The report highlights that the shortcomings in human rights compliance within border control programs, coupled with the lack of proper transparency clearly contradicts EU and international law. Moreover, this results in the insufficient consideration of the risk of human rights violations when allocating funding for both ongoing and new programs.

    This is particularly concerning in the cases of Tunisia and Libya, where this report collects evidence that the ongoing strategies, regardless of achieving or not the questionable goals of reducing migration flows, have a very severe human rights impact on migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

    Pour télécharger l’étude:


    #Libye #externalisation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Tunisie #aide_financières #contrôles_frontaliers #frontières #rapport #trust_fund #profundo #Neighbourhood_Development_and_International_Cooperation_Instrument #droits_humains #gestion_des_frontières #EU #UE #Union_européenne #fonds_fiduciaire #IVCDCI #IVCDCI-EM #gardes-côtes #gardes-côtes_libyens #gardes-côtes_tunisiens #EUTFA #coût #violence #crimes_contre_l'humanité #impunité #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #naufrages

  • Le dessous des images. Derniers instants avant le naufrage

    Au large de la Grèce, une équipe de garde-côtes survole et capture cette scène depuis un hélicoptère. Des centaines de migrants appellent au secours depuis un chalutier. La plupart ne survivront pas au naufrage. Mais à quoi a servi cette image ? Présenté par Sonia Devillers, le magazine qui analyse les images de notre époque.

    Ce cliché du 13 juin 2023 est repris dans toute la presse internationale. Les autorités grecques ont photographié ce bateau de pêche qu’ils savent bondé et fragile, et dont les passagers sont affamés et déshydratés. Pourtant, ils ne seront pas capables de les secourir. La responsabilité des garde-côtes sera mise en cause par médias et ONG. Arthur Carpentier, journaliste au Monde et coauteur d’une enquête sur ce naufrage, nous explique en quoi les images ont permis de reconstituer le drame. Le chercheur suisse Charles Heller nous aide à comprendre l’impact médiatique, politique et symbolique des images de migrants et de naufrages en Méditerranée.


    Citation de #Charles_Heller :

    « Ces #images cristallisent toutes les #inégalités et les #conflits du monde dans lequel on vit. Elles nous disent aussi la #normalisation de la #violence des #frontières, sur la large acceptation de dizaines de milliers de #morts aux frontières européennes, et en #Méditerranée en particulier »

    #naufrage #migrations #réfugiés #mer #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Grèce #reconstruction #Pylos #géolocalisation #architecture_forensique #images #mourir_en_mer #morts_en_mer #garde-côtes #Frontex #reconstitution #SAR #mer_Egée #border_forensics #domination #imaginaire #invasion #3_octobre_2013 #émoi #émotions #normalisation_de_la_violence

    ping @reka

    • Frontex report into Greek shipwreck suggests more deaths could have been prevented

      A Frontex report suggesting that many of the deaths caused by the shipwreck off the Greek coast near Pylos last June could have been prevented was released by the Aegean Boat Report NGO on their X feed yesterday evening (January 31).

      Investigations into what happened to the Adriana, an overcrowded fishing vessel carrying some 750 people from Libya to Italy that sank off the coast of Greece on June 13, are ongoing.

      However, a report produced by the European Border Agency Frontex — marked “sensitive” and dated December 1, 2023 — was posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) late on January 31.

      The report was posted by Aegean Boat Report, an organization working with migrants in the eastern Mediterranean.

      In their post on X, they thank freelance Brussels-based journalist Eleonora Vasques for “making it available to the public.” Frontex told InfoMigrants in an email that they had released the report via their “Transparency Office.” They added that the “release wass part of a Public Access to Documents request, an important process that allows us to share information with the public.”

      Vasques writes regularly for the European news portal Euractiv. One of her latest reports looks into what happened in the Cutro shipwreck off Italy almost a year ago. The story was also sourced back to an internal Frontex report, which concluded that more lives could have potentially been saved if the response from Frontex and the Italian coast guard had been different.


      Long and detailed report

      The 17-page Pylos report from Frontex is redacted in parts and goes into great detail about what happened and which authorities and merchant ships were involved. It also compares timelines from various authorities, NGOs and media organizations.

      In the email to InfoMigrants, Frontex continued that they “strive to make such documents available in our Public Register of Documents as promptly as possible.” The Press Spokesperson Krzysztof Borowski wrote that the “Pylos tragedy is a stark reminder of the challenges and dangers faced at sea. We at Frontex share the profound concern and sadness of the public regarding this heartbreaking event.” He finished by saying: “Our thoughts are with all those affected by this tragedy, and we remain dedicated to our mission of safeguarding lives while ensuring border security.”
      Committment to ’assess cases more thoroughly

      Although the report finds that Frontex “followed applicable procedures”, it admitted that “going forward and based on a reviewed assessment methodology ... the team … should assess similar cases more thoroughly against the need to issue a Mayday alert.”

      A Mayday alert is a radio distress signal used at sea.

      The report appears to suggest that more could have been done on the day to prevent such a huge loss of life.

      According to the Frontex report posted on X, “in the hours following the sighting of Adriana, Frontex made three attempts to follow up on the case, by suggesting additional Frontex Surveillance Aircraft (FSA) sorties.”

      Frontex writes that “no reply was received by the Greek authorities to Frontex’ repeated offers until Adriana’s shipwreck.”

      Frontex made an initial statement on June 16 expressing “shock and sadness” at the events off Pylos.
      ’Greek authorities failed to timely declare a search and rescue situation’

      Although the investigating office at Frontex underlines that it is “not in a position to conclude what caused Adriana’s capsizing and shipwreck … it appears that the Greek authorities failed to timely declare a search and rescue and to deploy a sufficient number of appropriate assets in time to rescue the migrants.”

      The report stated that Frontex “regrets the lack of information provided by the Greek authorities to its enquiry but still expects to receive updates from the national investigations in progress.”

      According to Frontex’ timeline of the incident, the agency first learned about the existence of the fishing vessel carrying migrants on June 13 at around 10:12 UTC, or around 13:12 in Greek summer time. They spotted the vessel from their aerial surveillance plane Eagle 1. About four hours later, another update was sent to the fundamental rights monitor, but according to the report, nothing “out of the ordinary” was flagged regarding the vessel at this point.

      The next paragraph jumped to June 14 at 06.19 UTC, when the fundamental rights monitor received “another update … notifying that Adriana sank overnight and a SAR [Search and Rescue] was in progress.”
      ’Serious Incident Report’ launched by Frontex on June 26

      In the following days, the Office for Fundamental Rights at Frontex monitored the aftermath of the incident, states the report.

      They studied “Frontex’ own sightings of Adriana” along with “statements by Greek officials, and initial information reported in the media.”

      Frontex launched a “Serious Incident Report (SIR) on June 26, “to clarify the role of Frontex in the incident as well as the legality and fundamental rights compliance of the assistance to the boat in distress, and the coordination and conduct of rescue operation by national authorities.”

      According to a summary of that work, the first mention of the Adriana came from the Italian control authorities in Rome at 08:01 UTC on June 13.

      At that point, Rome’s search and rescue authorities contacted Greece’s authorities and Frontex about “a fishing vessel with approximately 750 migrants on board, known to be sailing within the Greek Search and Rescue Region at 06:51 UTC.” At that point, Rome had already alerted the authorities to “reports of two dead children on board.”

      After receiving this report, Frontex wrote that it directed its plane Eagle 1, which was already in the air, to fly over the fishing vessel “even though the vessel lay outside the normal patrolling route.”

      The report said the Eagle 1 spotted the “heavily overcrowded” vessel at 09:47 UTC and informed the Greek authorities. Ten minutes later, the plane left the area due to low fuel and returned to base.
      Italian authorities report Adriana ’adrift’ long before Greek authorities do

      By 13:18, Rome’s search and rescue authorities provided an update of the situation to Greek authorities and Frontex. At that point, they said the boat was “reported adrift” and had “seven people dead on board.”

      At 14:54, Frontex reportedly received an email from the NGO Watch The Med – Alarm Phone alerting Frontex, JRCC Piraeus, the Greek Ombudsman’s Office, UNHCR and others to the new location of the fishing boat. In that email, Alarm Phone stated there were “several very sick individuals, including babies” among the approximately 750 people on board and that the boat was “not able to sail.”

      About 30 minutes later, this email was forwarded by Frontex to the Greek National Coordination Center and JRCC Piraeus, and it was sent on to the Fundamental Rights Office.

      About an hour later, Frontex contacted the Greek authorities to request an update on the situation. Frontex also offered to deploy a surveillance aircraft to check on the ship’s current position, but reports it received no reply.

      Just under two and a half hours later, the Greek authorities did request that Frontex support them “in the detection of a migrant boat within the maritime area south of Crete, as part of another SAR operation.” This turned out to be a sailing boat with about 50 people on board.
      ’No reply was received’

      Later that evening, Frontex contacted the Greek authorities twice more and said no reply was received.

      At 23:20 UTC, Frontex redirected the plane that had been helping with the fishing boat off Crete to the last known position of the fishing vessel.

      The timeline moves to June 14. At 02:46 UTC, Frontex informs the Greek authorities that its plane was headed towards the last position of the fishing vessel. It says it received no reply from the Hellenic authorities.

      Over an hour passed before the plane, this time the Heron 2, reached the “operational area” where it spotted “nine maritime assets (eight merchant vessels and one Hellenic Coast Guard patrol vessel) and two helicopters involved in a large-scale SAR operation.” At that point, states Frontex in the report “no signs of the fishing vessel were spotted.”

      At 05:31, Frontex told the Greek authorities that its plane Heron 1 was about to leave the operation, but offered Eagle 1, which was already airborne, to help with the SAR operation. The Greek authorities replied over two hours later that “no further aerial surveillance support was needed for the time being.”
      No mention of dead bodies on board in Greek timeline

      The Frontex report then includes a similar timeline from the Greek authorities. In the Greek version, there is no initial mention of dead bodies on board. They say they established contact with those on board and “no request for assistance was addressed to the Greek authorities.”

      Although the Italians reported that the vessel was already adrift around 13:18 UTC, according to the Frontex report, in the Greek version, the vessel is “still sailing with a steady course and speed” at 15:00 UTC.

      Around that same time, a Maltese flagged commercial vessel approaches the fishing boat to supply them with food and water, as requested by the Greek authorities. According to the Greek report, the people on board were repeatedly asked if they were facing “any kind of danger” or were “in need of additional support.” Their answer, according to Greece, was “they just wanted to continue sailing towards Italy.”

      30 minutes later, again according to JRCC Piraeus, via satellite phone contact, those on board said they wanted to keep sailing.

      At 18:00, the boat was approached again. According to the report, the migrants “accepted water” from the Greek-flagged commercial vessel that approached them, but “threw the rest of the supplies into the sea.” This approach and refusal of assistance carried on into the evening.
      Adriana ’still holding a steady course and speed’

      At 19:40 UTC, according to the Greek report, a Greek coast guard vessel approached the fishing vessel and “remained at a close distance in order to observe it.” It was still holding a “steady course and speed, without any indications of sailing problems.”

      It was only at 22:40 UTC, according to the Greek report, that the fishing vessel “stopped moving and informed the Greek authorities that they had an engine failure.”

      A Greek coast guard vessel then immediately approached the vessel to assess the situation. Less than an hour later — at 23:04 UTC, but 02:04 local time on June 14 — the Greek report notes that the fishing vessel “took an inclination to the right side, then a sudden inclination to the left side and again a great inclination to the right side, and eventually capsized.”

      They said "people on the external deck fell in the sea and the vessel sunk within 10-15 minutes.” At that point, the Hellenic coast guard “initiated a SAR operation.”

      The Frontex report then notes “alleged discrepancies” between the various timelines and survivor statements given to the media.

      They say that many of the survivors reported that the Greek coast guard “tied ropes onto the fishing vessel in an effort to tow it,” which allegedly caused it to destabilize and capsize.

      In the past, the Greek coast guard have tied and towed vessels successfully towards safety.

      However, while the Greek coast guard acknowledged that one rope was attached around three hours before the boat sank to ascertain passengers’ conditions, there was “no attempt to tow it.”

      The rope, say the Greeks, was removed by the migrants on board just a few minutes later and the coast guard vessel moved a distance away to continue observation.
      Was Adriana stationary prior to capsizing or not?

      The BBC and several other media outlets also reported at the time that prior to capsizing and sinking, the fishing vessel had not moved for several hours.

      This is consistent with the Frontex timeline, which mentions the Italian authorities’ warnings that the boat was adrift the day before it eventually capsized.

      Later in the report, Frontex notes that many of the “alternative and complementary timelines” put together by international NGOs and journalists are “credible” as they quote “more than one source for each statement.”

      The Frontex report looks into the question of whether or not the Adriana was drifting for several hours before sinking.

      It concludes that the Faithful Warrior, one of the merchant tankers sent to assist, was tracked between 17:00 and 20:00 and was “likely stationary or moving at extremely slow speed (less than 1 knot),” indicating that the Adriana was probably not sailing normally until shortly before it capsized as the Greek report claimed.

      The report also consulted “maritime experts to gain insight into issues pertaining to stability when a trawler of Adriana’s type is overloaded with human cargo.” Although their consultations were not precise due to a lack technical data, the experts indicated that the amount of people on board could have destabilized the boat or affected its stability.
      Testimony from survivors

      A Frontex team took testimonies from survivors after the shipwreck. They said they were told there were between 125 and 150 Syrians on board, including five women and six children.

      Around 400-425 Pakistanis were on board, the report said, most of whom were placed on the lower decks. The access ladders had been removed, making it impossible for them to exit.

      There were also between 150 and 170 Egyptians and about 10 Palestinians on board. The alleged smugglers were all said to be Egyptians and enforced discipline with pocket knives.

      Numerous fights broke out on board, particularly after food ran out a few days into sailing. At some point, the captain allegedly suffered a heart attack and the boat was “drifting without engine for extended periods of time.” On day four, June 12, six people were reported to have died, and others had resorted to drinking urine or sea water.

      On day five, June 13, some migrants said they received supplies from two vessels and “at night … were approached by a small boat that they were asked to follow.”

      They said they could not do this because of their engine malfunction. Several of the migrants also allege that attempts were made to tow the vessel — presumably by the Hellenic coast guard, they said.

      Survivors also said that at one point, a boat tied a rope to the front of the Adriana and started “making turns”. This, they said, “caused the migrants to run to one side, their vessel started rocking, and eventually capsized within 15 minutes.”

      Only people on the upper decks were able to jump into the water.
      Greek authorities leave ’detailed questions answered’

      In July, Frontex said it approached the Greek authorities with a “detailed set of questions” but most of its questions were left unanswered.

      In conclusion, the Frontex Fundamental Rights Office concluded that although Frontex “upheld” all its “applicable procedures,” in the light of the information that had already been transmitted and similar situations in which Mayday alerts had been issued, the assessment could have been different and the process for issuing Mayday alerts in the future “needs to be reviewed.”

      The report admits that “at the time of the initial sighting [of the Adriana] by Eagle 1, there was reasonable certainty that persons aboard … were threatened by grave and imminent danger and required immediate assistance.”

      They also say the “resources mobilized by the [Greek] authorities during the day … were not sufficient for the objective of rescuing the migrants.”

      Frontex adds that the Greek authorities appear to have “delayed the declaration of SAR operation until the moment of the shipwreck when it was no longer possible to rescue all the people on board.”
