• Projet de gazoduc Israël-Gaza avec l’aide des Pays-Bas

    La Haye - Les Pays-Bas aideront Israël a améliorer l’approvisionnement en eau et en énergie de la Bande de Gaza avec notamment la construction d’un gazoduc, a annoncé mardi à La Haye le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu au cours d’une visite de deux jours aux Pays-Bas.


    Said Shoaib
    #Netanyahu Is Not Welcome in The #Netherlands'


    • Former Dutch PM calls Benjamin Netanyahu a ‘war criminal’ who should be tried in The Hague

      Dries van Agt said the Israeli leader should go ‘straight to the international criminal court’
      Harry Cockburn | 6 sept 2016

      Former Dutch prime minister Dries van Agt has described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a war criminal who should be tried in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

      His comments come ahead of Mr Netanyahu’s visit to The Netherlands this week.

      Speaking to Dutch television channel NPO 1, Mr van Agt said: “There’s a war criminal coming to this country.

      “The occupation and expansion… building of settlements, of occupied territory, this is according to the Rome Statute, which is… the statute on which the international criminal court is based, in so many words, a war crime.

      In a rambling interview, the 85-year old, who was prime minister of The Netherlands for five years until 1982, added: “So why should we receive someone who continues with such things?

      “We could have sent him straight away to the international criminal court – that would have been better.”

      Mr Van Agt has been highly critical of Israel in recent years, despite supporting the state during his years in office.

      In 2012, he caused controversy after saying Jews should have built a state in Germany rather than in the Middle East.

      Dutch pro-Israel group Likoed Nederland said in a statement on Monday: “Van Agt merits no serious podium”.

      Mr Netanyahu’s official visit to the Netherlands includes meetings with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who he calls a “personal friend”, and with King Willem-Alexander.

      Mr Netanyahu said he planned to speak to Dutch leaders about Israel’s role in preventing the spread of Islamist terrorism.

  • Rony Brauman : entre le voile et la kippa, « il y a deux poids, deux mesures »
    le 16 janvier 2016

    L’intellectuel s’interroge cependant sur la signification sociale du port de la kippa, "non pas pour la personne qui la porte – parce que je n’ai aucun soupçon à mettre sur elle -, mais socialement, est-ce qu’on affirme simplement une affiliation religieuse ou autre chose ? Moi, mon impression, c’est que l’on affirme autre chose, à savoir une affiliation politique. Il y a une double signification aujourd’hui qui est attachée au port de la kippa ».

    "Une affiliation politique", mais à quoi ? "On affirme une affiliation politique, un signe de fidélité à l’Etat d’Israël - après tout pourquoi pas -, mais aussi, et c’est plus problématique, un signe allégeance à la politique de l’Etat d’Israël", pense Rony Brauman.

    Exhibition de signe religieux. S’il ne "prête pas à cet ado une analyse politique", le spécialiste s’étonne "que la République, dans sa vision laïcarde, qui refoule les signes religieux hors de l’espace public, exhibe cette fois ce signe. Quand une femme voilée se fait attaquer, il s’agit d’écarter ces signes religieux. C’est différent quand c’est un homme avec kippa qui se fait agresser.

    Est-ce à dire qu’il y a deux poids, deux mesures ? "Oui, je pense qu’il y a deux poids, deux mesures. Cela me semble être un fait objectif, une réalité indiscutable. On peut s’interroger sur les raisons de ce deux poids, deux mesures mais on ne peut pas s’interroger sur son existence."

    "La République défend ce symbole plus que n’importe quel autre ?", demande David Abiker. "Oui, et les parlementaires qui sont arrivés à l’Assemblée nationale avec une kippa (Claude Goasguen et Meyer Habib) font aussi partie de ces gens qui ont sifflé quand la mère d’une victime de Merah est arrivée au parlement avec un foulard, poursuit le professeur. Par ailleurs, ces parlementaires sont comme des amis intimes de Benjamin Netanyahou, le Premier ministre israélien. Ils le professent sans cesse. Ils sont des amis d’Israël, pas de la communauté juive. D’ailleurs, je ne sais même pas ce qu’est la communauté juive. Je me demande ce que les gens penseraient si des institutions musulmanes se faisaient les représentantes d’un Etat islamique en France."


    • https://twitter.com/Le_CRIF/status/688716758174298112

      Le CRIF est particulièrement choqué par les propos tenus par Rony Brauman samedi 16 janvier sur Europe 1

      ...assimilant le port de la kippa à une « affiliation politique » et un « signe d’allégeance à la politique raciste de l’Etat d’Israël ».

      Par ses propos, Rony Brauman commet deux fautes : la première est de faire de la kippa un signe politique ...

      alors qu’elle est et a été portée de tous temps par des juifs de toutes convictions politiques...

      y compris bien avant l’existence de l’Etat d’Israël. La seconde, plus grave encore, est d’offrir une légitimité à l’antisémitisme...

      en désignant tous les juifs pratiquants coupables de la politique de l’Etat d’Israël, que M. Brauman prétend criminelle...

      ...oubliant au passage qu’il s’agit du seul état démocratique de la région.

      Pour Roger Cukierman, « Les propos de Rony Brauman sont insultants pour les juifs français ...

      auxquels il refuse l’appartenance pleine et entière à la Nation française ...

      ...les réduisant, comme les caricatures les plus antisémites, à des supplétifs de l’Etat d’Israël.

      Ses propos irresponsables nourrissent l’antisémitisme, en prétendant donner une justification à l’injustifiable.

      La posture intellectuelle est complice de l’incitation à la haine et du passage à l’acte antisémite. » #Communiquédepresse


    • D’accord avec @gonzo ( et le Crif ) sur le port de la kippa qui serait « affiliation politique »
      Peut-être ne pensait-il qu’à Goasguen et Habib qui se flattent d’être des proches de Netanyahou.

    • "L’enthousiasme autour de la kippa, né d’un drame évité à Marseille et d’une spontanéité d’un dirigeant communautaire, a quelque chose de troublant, entre le kitsch et le malaise identitaire : je parle aussi du malaise français. Que Zvi Ammar, président du consistoire de Marseille, ait suggéré à ses coreligionnaires de se faire discrets, puisque des ados à machette cherchent des cibles légitimes, ç’aurait du être une banalité, assez triste mais logique. Que cette banalité ait provoqué un sursaut de jewish pride révèle que l’identitarisme exaspéré n’est pas l’apanage des gentils. Mais qu’elle ait mobilisé la République et ses représentants raconte une autre histoire, peu républicaine malgré les apparences.

      Un. La plupart des juifs vont nu-tête et ne portent la kippa qu’à la synagogue, s’ils y vont, ou au cimetière, nul n’y échappe. Entendre fleurir « les juifs doivent pouvoir porter la kippa » dans la bouche des politiques attentionnés, parfois enkippattés pour la circonstance, a quelque chose de troublant. Et si je ne veux pas ? Depuis la Révolution, je, juif, suis un citoyen et l’Etat n’a pas à me connaître autrement. Que ceci soit devenu théorique, à l’âge des dîners du Crif et du nouvel antisémitisme, je l’entends et l’admets. Mais on a franchi une étape. La kippa est un signe de mon rapport à Dieu, qu’il existe ou non. Elle n’est pas du domaine du bavardage public, quand bien même des fous en auraient décidé autrement. Définir désormais le juif par la kippa, c’est empiéter sur ma liberté, ma conscience, ma discrétion, mon intime et ma laïcité, au fait, puisqu’on nous bassine avec ce mot." https://www.slate.fr/story/112799/kippas-malaise

    • Je ne crois pas que Rony Brauman ait un problème avec la kippa en tant que telle.
      Brauman est né en Israël, il y a vécu jeune, il y est revenu parfois. Il connait bien ce pays, il l’a quitté et critique courageusement sa politique.

      Brauman critique avec raison le fait que la partie organisée de la communauté juive soit liée de manière beaucoup trop intime avec Israël et que les responsables politiques français, droite et gauche confondues, le soient aussi.

      Ce qui pose problème, je pense, à Brauman, c’est la flagornerie incessante des politiques envers la partie organisée de la communauté juive (je ne pense pas que les politiques se soucient beaucoup des familles juives qui sont dans la précarité ...)

      J’aimerais connaitre vos opinions.

      Quelle est la motivation des politiques (LR comme PS) pour courtiser autant les organisations communautaires juives (CRIF, LICRA en particulier) ? Et quelle est leur motivation à afficher des liens avec Israël ? (les deux candidates à la Mairie de Paris, Hidalgo et NKM sont, par exemple allées faire un voyage en Israël dans les mois précédents l’élection).

      Comme je ne crois pas que tous ces politiciens soient passionnés par la culture juive, et comme il est admis que les juifs ne représentent qu’environ 2% de la population française et ne représentent donc pas un nombre considérable de votants (par exemple, les musulmans représenteraient je crois, 12% de la population ...) et que j’ai mauvais esprit, j’ai tendance à penser qu’il y a une histoire d’intérêts la dessous.
      Comme je ne pense pas que tous les Français juifs aient les moyens de financer les campagnes politiques et de faire des cadeaux aux politiciens...

      ... Je suis amenée à penser qu’il y a quelques juifs fortunés liés aux organisations communautaires juives, qui seraient susceptibles de rendre service à ces petits politiciens s’ils affichent les bonnes préférences.

      Un indice :
      Buzzfeed en juin 2015, citant les rapports du State Comptroller Office israélien signale qu’ il est habituel que 90% du financement de la campagne de Netanyahu provienne des dons d’un petit nombre de familles américaines.
      Slate en anglais reprend l’information et cite les entreprises qui sont la propriété de ces quelques très riches américains ultra-sionistes :

      " _ _The vastly wealthy Falic family of Florida, owners of the Duty Free Americas airport shops as well as several high-end fashion brands, have been one of the most consistent donors to Netanyahu’s campaign. Four members of that family were Netanyahu’s top contributors, with each giving close to the maximum of $11,500 per donor. Closely following them were the Book family of New Jersey, owners of Jet Support Systems , with four members each contributing $11,000 each, and the Schottenstein family, owners of the American Eagle fashion chain, whose four members donated $10,000 each_ ."


      Je n’ai vu ces informations reprises nulle part ... _

      #Israël #juifs #Netanyahu #Rony-Brauman #financement-politique #Etats-Unis #inégalités #richesse #CRIF #LICRA

    • Je ne crois pas que l’attachement des hommes politiques français à israel soit du au fait qu’ils aiment les Juifs (ou qu’ils sont manipulés ou financés par eux).

      Je crois que c’est même le contraire : c’est parce que la politique impérialiste occidentale (et entre autres française) a besoin d’israel et qu’israel fasse partie de son alliance au Moyen Orient (pour des raisons géopolitiques et de finance internationale), qu’elle défend les Juifs dont elle suppose (en grande partie à juste titre, mais pas toujours) qu’ils y sont liés.

      En d’autres termes, si israel était peuplée de Bretons, la France défendrait et flatterait les Bretons...

  • Lors d’un événement promouvant les opportunités économiques en Iran, l’ambassadeur suisse, Giulio Haas, a montré cette caricature sur un écran géant à quelque cinq cents entrepreneurs réunis dans un hôtel de Zurich à l’invitation de Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE).

    Maintenant ou jamais

    Le dessin, intitulé « Maintenant ou jamais », représente deux colombes, l’une iranienne, l’autre américaine, déféquant sur le crâne de Netanyahu.

    La Suisse a exprimé ses regrets.


  • Netanyahu appoints former settler leader as ambassador to Brazil

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed former chairman of the West Bank settlement council, Dani Dayan, as Israel’s ambassador to Brazil.

    In a statement issued by his office yesterday, Netanyahu said: “Latin America is one of the strategic goals for the State of Israel in the framework of Israel’s efforts to develop new markets which will contribute to increasing the economic growth.”

    “I am confident that Dayan will bring to this post his extensive experience and will deepen the relations between Israel and Brazil.”

  • Le protocole des ayatollah d’Iran selon l’inénarrable #Netanyahu,

    Iran’s increasing aggression is more dangerous than that of ISIS, and the true goal of this aggression in the end is to take over the world .
    3:42pm - 8 Juil 15

    The parade of concessions to Iran continues, paving Iran’s way to nukes, giving it billions for terrorism & conquest. pic.twitter.com/u60mKDPnqi
    6:55pm - 12 Juil 15

  • Encouragements au boycott :

    Rivlin : Le boycott académique d’Israël est une menace stratégique de premier ordre (déjà publié ici)
    Jonathan Lis et Yarden Skop, Haaretz, le 1er juin 2015

    Netanyahu confirme cet encouragement involontaire à BDS :

    Netanyahu’s declaration of war on BDS is its first major victory
    Chemi Shalev, Haaretz, le 2 juin 2015

    #BDS #Palestine #Rivlin #Netanyahu #Boycott #Boycott_universitaire

  • Well, Now We Know: #Netanyahu Will Never Support A Two-State Solution


    Virtually no one in the international diplomatic community wants an Israeli government that openly opposes the two-state solution—but the time has come to face the uncomfortable truth. While it has been clear for years that Netanyahu is stalling talks, building settlements and strengthening the hard right in Israel, the world has continued to hope that Netanyahu’s overt ambiguity over the two-state solution means he is willing to go there at the end of the day.

    #israël #palestine

  • The Pentagon plan to ‘divide and rule’ the Muslim world

    Davidson points out that there is precedent for this: “There have been repeated references in the Reagan era to the usefulness of sectarian conflict in the region to US interests.”

    One post-Reagan reiteration of this vision was published by the Jerusalem-based Institute for Strategic and Political Advanced Studies for Benjamin Netanyahu. The 1996 paper, A Clean Break, by Douglas Feith, David Wurmser and Richard Perle – all of whom went on to join the Bush administration – advocated regime-change in Iraq as a precursor to forging an Israel-Jordan-Turkey axis that would “roll back” Syria, Lebanon and Iran. The scenario is surprisingly similar to US policy today under Obama.

    Twelve years later, the US Army commissioned a further RAND report suggesting that the US “could choose to capitalise on the Shia-Sunni conflict by taking the side of the conservative Sunni regimes in a decisive fashion and working with them against all Shiite empowerment movements in the Muslim world… to split the jihadist movement between Shiites and Sunnis.” The US would need to contain “Iranian power and influence” in the Gulf by “shoring up the traditional Sunni regimes in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Pakistan”. Simultaneously, the US must maintain “a strong strategic relationship with the Iraqi Shiite government” despite its Iran alliance.

    Around the same time as this RAND report was released, the US was covertly coordinating Saudi-led Gulf state financing to Sunni jihadist groups, many affiliated to al-Qaeda, from Iraq to Syria to Lebanon. That secret strategy accelerated under Obama in the context of the anti-Assad drive.

    The widening Sunni-Shia sectarian conflict would “reduce the al-Qaeda threat to US interests in the short term,” the report concluded, by diverting Salafi-jihadist resources toward “targeting Iranian interests throughout the Middle East,” especially in Iraq and Lebanon, hence “cutting back… anti-Western operations”.

    By backing the Iraqi Shiite regime and seeking an accommodation with Iran, while propping up al-Qaeda sponsoring Gulf states and empowering local anti-Shia Islamists across the region, this covert US strategy would calibrate levels of violence to debilitate both sides, and sustain “Western dominance”.

    Le rapport de la Rand : Unfolding the Future of the Long War, 2008 :

    Nafeez Ahmed avait déjà cité longuement ce document en août 2013 dans le Guardian (repris à l’époque sur Seenthis par Kassem) :

    (via Angry Arab)

    • Ca, que les Etats-Unis aient aidé l’Arabie et les autres émirats à financer des groupes djihadistes, y a-t-il de véritables preuves ?

      “Around the same time as this RAND report was released, the US was covertly coordinating Saudi-led Gulf state financing to Sunni jihadist groups, many affiliated to al-Qaeda, from Iraq to Syria to Lebanon. That secret strategy accelerated under Obama in the context of the anti-Assad drive.”

    • #Israël – Palestine – Liban : Le chemin le plus long vers la paix-
      Auteur(s) :
      Pailhe Caroline
      08 Août 2006

      Cette nouvelle guerre contre le Liban [2006] correspond en effet à la deuxième phase d’ un plan stratégique rédigé en 1996 au sein de l’ Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies de Jérusalem, par un groupe d’ experts sous la direction de #Richard_Perle, qui deviendra conseiller du Pentagone dans la présente Administration et jouera un rôle majeur dans la conception de la guerre en Irak.

      Soumis à l’ époque au Premier ministre israélien Benjamin #Netanyahu, le document, intitulé « A Clean Break : A New Strategy for Securing the Realm » (Un changement radical : Une nouvelle stratégie pour sécuriser le territoire), préconise un revirement de la stratégie israélienne[28].

      Au niveau des concepts, le plan prône l’ abandon de la stratégie « terre contre paix » poursuivie jusqu’ alors et plaide pour « #la_paix_par_la_force », une politique fondée sur le rapport de force (balance of power). Il recommande également l’ instauration du principe de #préemption, à côté de celui de #punition, dans la doctrine stratégique israélienne.

      Plus concrètement, le changement de stratégie visait à rompre avec le processus de paix d’ Oslo et fournir à Israël la possibilité d’ étendre une fois pour toutes son empire au-delà des frontières actuelles. Certaines des recommandations sont déjà des faits acquis : changement de régime en Irak, durcissement vis-à-vis des Palestiniens et affaiblissement d’ Arafat. Pour assurer la sécurité d’ Israël à sa frontière nord, le rapport recommande de « prendre l’ initiative stratégique » afin de combattre le Hezbollah, la Syrie et l’ Iran. C’ est ce qui se joue actuellement.

      A la base de ce document, le groupe d’ experts chargé d’ étudier la « Nouvelle stratégie israélienne pour 2000 » n’ était pratiquement constitué que d’ Américains qui, depuis, ont occupé des positions clés dans l’ Administration Bush et singulièrement dans la définition de sa politique étrangère au Moyen-Orient.

      Plus récemment, #Robert_Satloff, directeur d’ un autre think tank néoconservateur influent sur la politique moyen-orientale de Washington, louait la stratégie américaine d’ « #instabilité_constructive » au Liban et en Syrie[29].

      Il constate que, si la recherche de la #stabilité a été un trait caractéristique de la politique des #Etats-Unis dans la région, « George W. Bush a été le premier président à considérer que la stabilité en tant que telle était un obstacle à l’ avancement des intérêts américains au Moyen-Orient. (...) A cet effet, les Etats-Unis ont employé un éventail de mesures coercitives ou non coercitives, allant de l’ usage de la force militaire pour changer les régimes en Afghanistan et en Irak, en passant par une politique de la carotte et du bâton (...) pour isoler Yasser Arafat et encourager une nouvelle et pacifique direction palestinienne, jusqu’ aux encouragements courtois à l’ Egypte et à l’ Arabie saoudite pour les engager sur la voie des réformes. » Sur cet échiquier, le Liban et la Syrie seraient, pour M. Satloff, « un premier test » de cette politique d’ ’ instabilité constructive car « Israël et l’ Iran, l’ Europe et les Etats-Unis, la Syrie et les Palestiniens, tous ces chemins convergent à Beyrouth ». Il reconnaît que les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés locaux devront certes subir « quelques défaites tactiques » mais « avec de la persévérance, des changements positifs continus ne manqueront pas de se produire ».

    • The Redirection - Seymour Hersh, 2007

      In the past few months, as the situation in Iraq has deteriorated, the Bush Administration, in both its public diplomacy and its covert operations, has significantly shifted its Middle East strategy. The “redirection,” as some inside the White House have called the new strategy, has brought the United States closer to an open confrontation with Iran and, in parts of the region, propelled it into a widening sectarian conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

      To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda

  • Israël : Si les juifs qui croient à la paix doivent voter pour les partis arabes

    Rien ne change en Israël, après chaque élection de quelque niveau que ce soit, même les signes du développement du pays le rende invulnérable. Et ce n’est pas le cas cette fois aussi. Ce pays parquant des communautés juives, sous la doctrine de regagner la terre promise et sacrée, a ce puissant ferment religieux à faire valoir en occident. Après des pogroms et autres Shoahs, l’Etat d’Israël correspond largement à une région du Monde où l’islam est considéré la solution globale par ses adeptes. Et que les (...)

    international, suivi, grand événement, internationaux, monde, continent, Etats, conflits, paix,

    / censure, presse, journaux, dictature, expressions, liberté, #diplomatie,_sécurité,_commerce,_économie_mondiale, #Israël,_Proche-Orient,_EPU,_droits_de_l’homme,_ONU, Terrorisme , islamisme , Al-Qaeda (...)

    #international,suivi,_grand_événement,_internationaux,_monde,_continent,_Etats,_conflits,_paix, #censure,_presse,_journaux,_dictature,_expressions,_liberté #Terrorisme_,_islamisme,Al-Qaeda,politique, #Obama,_USA,_Israël,_Proche-Orient,_Palestine

  • There Is No Constitutional Obligation to Listen to Speeches - Lawyers, Guns


    Imagine Alan Dershowitz wrote an op-ed demanding that every last Democrat attend Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before Congress. Now imagine that it’s even dumber than you expected. Not easy, I know. Amazingly, you’re still underestimating how dumb it is:

    #Netanyahu #états-unis

  • Netanyahu humiliated after he tries to play down wealth with video recorded in his decrepit home... which is revealed to be his servants’ quarters
    | Daily Mail Online

    Netanyahu’s wife Sara bemoans the state of their kitchen in a home remodelling show. However, it has emerged the kitchen is used by administrative staff, not the the Netanyahus themselves.

    Les eniemes #mensonges de #Netanyahu

  • Waving in the first Row : Reflections on the recent Paris Massacre and Zionism
    Uri Avnery, 17 January 2015

    THE THREE Islamic terrorists could have been very proud of themselves, if they had lived to see it.

    By committing two attacks (quite ordinary ones by Israeli standards) they spread panic throughout France, brought millions of people onto the streets, gathered more than 40 heads of states in Paris. They changed the landscape of the French capital and other French cities by mobilizing thousands of soldiers and police officers to guard Jewish and other potential targets. For several days they dominated the news throughout the world.

    Three terrorists, probably acting alone. Three!!!

    FOR OTHER potential Islamic terrorists throughout Europe and America, this must look like a huge achievement. It is an invitation for individuals and tiny groups to do the same again, everywhere.

    Terrorism means striking fear. The three in Paris certainly succeeded in doing that. They terrorized the French population. And if three youngsters without any qualifications can do that, imagine what 30 could do, or 300!

    Frankly, I did not like the huge demonstration. I have been in many demonstrations in my time, maybe more than 500, but always against the powers that be. I have never participated in a demonstration called by the government, even when the purpose was good. They remind me too much of the late Soviet Union, Fascist Italy and worse. Not for me, thank you.

    But this particular demonstration was also counterproductive. Not only did it prove that terrorism is effective, not only did it invite copycat attacks, but it also hurt the real fight against the fanatics.

    To conduct an effective fight, one has to put oneself first into the shoes of the fanatics and try to understand the dynamic that pushes young local-born Muslims to commit such acts. Who are they? What do they think? What are their feelings? In what circumstances did they grow up? What can be done to change them?

    After decades of neglect, that is hard work. It takes time and effort, with results uncertain. Much easier for politicians to march in the street in front of the cameras.

    AND WHO marched in the first row, beaming like a victor?

    Our own and only Bibi.

    How did he get there? The facts came out within record time. Seems he was not invited at all. On the contrary, President Francois Hollande sent explicit messages: please, please don’t come. It would turn the demo into a show of solidarity with the Jews, instead of a public outcry for the freedom of the press and other “republican values”. Netanyahu came nevertheless, with two extreme rightist ministers in tow.

    Placed in the second row, he did what Israelis do: he shoved aside a black African president in front of him and placed himself in the front row.

    Once there, he began waving to the people on the balconies along the way. He was beaming, like a Roman general in his triumphal parade. One can only guess the feelings of Hollande and the other heads of state – who tried to look appropriately solemn and mournful – at this display of Chutzpah.

    Netanyahu went to Paris as part of his election campaign. As a veteran campaigner, he knew that three days in Paris, visiting synagogues and making proud Jewish speeches, were worth more than three weeks at home, slinging mud..

    THE BLOOD of the four Jews murdered in the kosher supermarket was not yet dry, when Israeli leaders called upon the Jews in France to pack up and come to Israel. Israel, as everybody knows, is the safest place on earth.

    This was an almost automatic Zionist gut reaction. Jews are in danger. Their only safe haven is Israel. Make haste and come. The next day Israeli papers reported joyfully that in 2015 more than 10,000 French Jews were about to come to live here, driven by growing anti-Semitism.

    Apparently, there is a lot of anti-Semitism in France and other European countries, though probably far less than Islamophobia. But the fight between Jews and Arabs on French soil has little to do with anti-Semitism. It is a struggle imported from North Africa.

    When the Algerian war of liberation broke out in 1954, the Jews there had to choose sides. Almost all decided to support the colonial power, France, against the Algerian people.

    That had a historical background. In 1870, the French minister of justice, Adolphe Cremieux, who happened to be a Jew, conferred French citizenship on all Algerian Jews, separating them from their Muslim neighbors.

    The Algerian Liberation Front (FLN) tried very hard to draw the local Jews to their side. I know because I was somewhat involved. Their underground organization in France asked me to set up an Israeli support group, in order to convince our Algerian co-religionists. I founded the “Israeli Committee For A Free Algeria” and published material which was used by the FLN in their effort to win over the Jews.

    In vain. The local Jews, proud of their French citizenship, staunchly supported the colonists. In the end, the Jews were prominent in the OAS, the extreme French underground which conducted a bloody struggle against the freedom fighters. The result was that practically all the Jews fled Algeria together with the French when the day of reckoning arrived. They did not go to Israel. Almost all of them went to France. (Unlike the Moroccan and Tunisian Jews, many of whom came to Israel. Generally, the poorer and less educated chose Israel, while the French-educated elite went to France and Canada.)

    What we see now is the continuation of this war between Algerian Muslims and Jews on French soil. All the four “French” Jews killed in the attack had North African names and were buried in Israel.

    Not without trouble. The Israeli government put great pressure on the four families to bury their sons here. They wanted to bury them in France, near their homes. After a lot of haggling about the price of the graves, the families finally agreed.

    It has been said that Israelis love immigration and don’t love the immigrants. That certainly applies to the new “French” immigrants. In recent years, “French” tourists have been coming here in large numbers. They were often disliked. Especially when they started to buy up apartments on the Tel Aviv sea front and left them empty, as a kind of insurance, while young local people could neither find nor afford apartments in the metropolitan area. Practically all these “French” tourists and immigrants are of North African origin.

    WHEN ASKED what drives them to Israel, their unanimous answer is: anti-Semitism. That is not a new phenomenon. As a matter of fact, the vast majority of Israelis, they or their parents or grandparents, were driven here by anti-Semitism.

    The two terms – anti-Semitism and Zionism – were born at almost the same time, towards the end of the 19 th century. Theodor Herzl, the founder of the Zionist movement, conceived his idea when he was working in France as a foreign correspondence of a Viennese newspaper during the Dreyfus affair, when virulent anti-Semitism in France reached new heights. (Anti-Semitism is, of course, a misnomer. Arabs are Semites, too. But the term is generally used to mean only Jew-haters.)

    Later, Herzl wooed outspoken anti-Semitic leaders in Russia and elsewhere, asking for their help and promising to take the Jews off their hands. So did his successors. In 1939, the Irgun underground planned an armed invasion of Palestine with the help of the profoundly anti-Semitic generals of the Polish army. One may wonder if the State of Israel would have come into being in 1948 if there had not been the Holocaust. Recently, a million and a half Russian Jews were driven to Israel by anti-Semitism.

    ZIONISM WAS born at the end of the 19 th century as a direct answer to the challenge of anti-Semitism. After the French revolution, the new national idea took hold of all European nations, big and small, and all of the national movements were more or less anti-Semitic.

    The basic belief of Zionism is that Jews cannot live anywhere except in the Jewish State, because the victory of anti-Semitism is inevitable everywhere. Let the Jews of America rejoice in their freedom and prosperity – sooner or later that will come to an end. They are doomed like Jews everywhere outside Israel.

    The new outrage in Paris only confirms this basic belief. There was very little real commiseration in Israel. Rather, a secret sense of triumph. The gut reaction of ordinary Israelis is: “We told you so!” and also: “Come quickly, before it is too late!”

    I HAVE often tried to explain to my Arab friends: the anti-Semites are the greatest enemy of the Palestinian people. The anti-Semites have helped drive the Jews to Palestine, and now they are doing so again. And some of the new immigrants will certainly settle beyond the Green Line in the occupied Palestinian territories on stolen Arab land.

    The fact that Israel benefits from the Paris attack has led some Arab media to believe that the whole affair is really a “false flag” operation. Ergo, in this case, the Arab perpetrators were really manipulated by the Israeli Mossad.

    After a crime, the first question is “cui bono”, who benefits? Obviously, the only winner from this outrage is Israel. But to draw the conclusion that Israel is hiding behind the Jihadists is utter nonsense.

    The simple fact is that all Islamic Jihadism on European soil hurts only the Muslims. Fanatics of all stripes generally help their worst enemies. The three Muslim men who committed the outrages in Paris certainly did Binyamin Netanyahu a great favor.

    #Charlie_Hebdo #Palestine #Uri_Avnery #Algerie #Netanyahu #Je_ne_suis_pas_Charlie #Sionisme

  • ‘Je suis Palestinian’: Israeli ambassador furious over MP’s Netanyahu tweet — RT UK

    The Israeli ambassador to Britain has written to Liberal Democrat leader and deputy PM Nick Clegg to condemn a tweet posted by David Ward MP on the presence of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the solidarity march in Paris on Sunday.

    During the march, which followed last week’s terror attacks in the French capital that left 17 people dead, Lib Dem MP Ward tweeted: “#Netanyahu in Paris march – what!!! Makes me feel sick,” and “Je suis #Palestinian.”

  • VIDEO - Marche républicaine: quand #Netanyahu attend le bus

    On peut y voir le Premier ministre israélien, à quelques centimètres de la caméra de BFMTV, s’étonner de n’avoir pu prendre place dans le premier bus devant lui, quelques secondes après avoir court-circuité la file d’attente devant lui.

    Netanyahu’s Paris appearance was a PR disaster - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz

    Netanyahu was captured by news cameras elbowing his way into the front row, gently pushing aside the President of Mali Ibrahim Boubacar Keita. The French weekly Paris Match later reported that Netanyahu’s place in the front row (alongside Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas) was in fact determined by the organizers of the rally, but by that point the videos showing Netanyahu’s break into the first row were already out. The damage was done.

    During the march Netanyahu was caught off-guard again, waving to the crowd in response to a pro-Israel shout from the audience, looking rather cheerful in comparison to his grim and somber compatriots, who kept their cool and did not respond to the crowd.

    Of course, Netanyahu’s biggest humiliation was a video that has since gone viral, in which he is seen waiting for a bus to take him to the rally, after missing the bus that ferried other world leaders to the march.

    The footage, captured by a French TV station, is remarkable: The prime minister of Israel looks nervous, dejected, beaten down, surrounded by his security detail yet still standing in the middle of the street, looking exposed to danger in a way world leaders should never be. Netanyahu appears furious, annoyed, confused, trying to busy himself with talking on his phone or fixing his hair, constantly looking over his shoulder to check whether his bodyguards are still there. Even the French news anchors had to sympathize with his distress.

    In no time, Netanyah’s anguish over the bus like was memefied and joked about. His gauche waving became the subject of scorn and derision, his apparent shoving the subject of intense criticism.

    “Such behavior as cutting in line, sneaking onto the bus by pushing and shoving, using elbows to get to the front at some event is so Israeli, so us, so Likud Party Central Committee, that I want to shout: "Je suis Bibi!” wrote my Haaretz colleague columnist Yossi Verter.

  • Analysis / Epic fail for Netanyahu’s hopes of keeping U.S. trip low-key - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz


    On Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met the journalists who had accompanied him on his trip to the United States, for a press briefing on the 44th floor of The New York Palace hotel.

    Netanyahu, who had landed in New York after a two-hour visit to Washington, was beginning to understand that his 12th meeting with President Barack Obama, which was supposed to end with no headlines or surprises, had turned into yet another crisis between the two governments.

    #israel #obama #netanyahu #états-unis

  • Un de ces articles infiniment fumistes dont le #New_York_Times a le secret dés qu’il s ’agit d’#Israël et de ses #crimes : un titre (le Hamas est coupable du crime des 3 ados israéliens) qui contredit un contenu (le Hamas ne l’est probablement pas) qui s’évertue par ailleurs à disculper le #criminel #Netanyahu.

    New Light on Hamas Role in Killings of Teenagers That Fueled Gaza War

    JERUSALEM — The abduction and killing of three Israeli teenagers in the occupied West Bank in June, which helped fuel the biggest escalation in Palestinian-Israeli tensions in years, was set in motion by Hamas operatives from a local Palestinian clan and was financed with about $60,000, mostly obtained through a relative who worked for a Hamas association in Gaza, according to official Israeli documents released on Thursday.

    But the documents, related to an investigation and indictment of the man suspected of leading the kidnappers, provide no evidence that the top leaders of Hamas directed or had prior knowledge of the plot to abduct the three Israeli youths.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and his subordinates asserted as fact that the kidnapping and killing of the three youths was orchestrated by Hamas, which Israel regards as a terrorist group committed to its destruction. He responded by ordering a severe crackdown on Hamas suspects and institutions in the West Bank.

    Though the documents released on Thursday do not necessarily undercut the Israeli government’s assertions, they present a more nuanced picture.

    How to Decode the New York Times

    How does that final sentence logically follow from the previous two? If the documents do not support Netanyahu’s claims, then they would most certainly undercut his assertions.

    So what, then, is the “more nuanced picture”? #Kershner writes that the legal documents “depict the plot as more of a family affair, a local initiative organized and carried out by members of a clan in Hebron.” That was what many analysts had been saying all along, offering a very different interpretation than the one being put forth by Israel–though it was the Israeli line, not the one offered by independent analysts, that made its way into US media (FAIR Blog, 7/2/14, 7/28/14). Kershner speaks to one Israeli source who, she reports, still thinks it “was fair to blame Hamas, as an organization, for the kidnappings.” The source added that “it is still possible that we will find evidence of a direct connection.”

    The Times headline writer is correct that these documents shed “new light” on this tragedy. But it’s hard to see how light is shed on a “Hamas role,” since it’s still not clear there is any such role at all. These new revelations do not provide any support for the Israeli government’s claims about Hamas’ responsibility, instead depicting it “as more of a family affair.” The implication is that the horrific bloodshed of the Israeli assault on Gaza followed from a groundless charge. But Kershner’s article works hard to de-emphasize that conclusion.

  • The relentless trauma of covering Gaza

    For Sherine Tadros, a correspondent for Sky News, one such moment came in a hospital in Gaza last month, following the shelling of a UN-run school where Palestinian civilians had taken shelter. At least fifteen people were killed. Tadros saw a child die that day, but the memory that haunts her is that of a young boy, about 11 years old, who she found sitting in the hospital corridor. The boy was shaking. Tadros sat down next to the boy and asked if he was okay. “He said, ‘Yes, but my parents are inside, they’re both inside, they’re having an operation,’” Tadros remembers. “He was so disturbed, so traumatized, and he’s not doing it because I’m a journalist. He doesn’t understand any of that.” People started shouting in the hospital and the boy covered his ears with his hands. “He just kept shaking and rocking. That stays with you,” says Tadros. “It’s just so unfair that he’s a child and he’s experiencing this and this will stay with him forever.”

    Il est quand même infiniment triste de devoir assurer qu’un gamin de 11 ans vivant l’enfer de Gaza et dont les parents sont en salle d’opération ne faisait pas semblant d’être traumatisé.

    #saloperie #Netanyahu #Israel

  • This is Netanyahu’s final status solution
    Noam Sheizaf

    Netanyahu’s approach is consistent. The conflict is for him a zero-sum game, and therefore one need not move beyond “a modified status quo.” One should use the regional and international system to search for ad-hoc coalitions, rather than rely on long-term relationship and agreements. One should try to avoid using military force, yet still prefer it to concessions; when the moment of decision comes, the choice is clear. One should also continue to colonize land, but at a pace that takes geopolitical circumstances into account.

    These ideas now represent the Israeli mainstream. Save for the issue of settlements, the differences between Labor’s Herzog, Livni, Lapid, Netanyahu and Liberman are minor. You hear the same thinking echoed in Israeli think tanks, op-ed pages and conferences. It is ironic that Israel accused Palestinians of a “unilateral move” when they tried to take their statehood bid to the United Nations (!), when unilateralism is at the heart of Israeli thinking.

  • Les #Etats-Unis « consternés » par le bombardement d’une #école de l’ONU à Gaza - L’Orient-Le Jour

    #Netanyahu avait du insulté #Obama

    « Les Etats-Unis sont consternés par le bombardement #honteux d’une école de l’#UNRWA (l’agence de l’#ONU pour l’aide aux réfugiés palestiniens, ndlr) à Rafah », a déclaré Jennifer Psaki dans un communiqué. « Nous insistons une nouvelle fois sur le fait qu’#Israël doit faire plus pour respecter ses propres standards et éviter les #victimes_civiles ».

    Et ce n’est pas tout,

    Le fait qu’il soit soupçonné que des militants opèrent a proximité [des locaux de l’UNRWA] ne justifie pas des frappes qui mettent en péril la vie de tant de civils #innocents.

    Et encore,

    La porte-parole du Département d’État américain Jen Psaki a
    également appelé à une enquête concernant les récentes attaques
    menées contre des écoles gérées par l’UNRWA, l’agence de l’Onu
    chargée de l’aide aux réfugiés palestiniens.

    • Réaction à l’espionnage de Kerry ?

      Sinon, aujourd’hui, le New York Times a un portfolio avec des images très dures des victimes et des destructions à Gaza :
      Ce qui fait penser à ce que raconte Chomsky sur le Vietnam : selon lui, les médias ont commencé à publier des images insoutenables à partir du moment où l’establishment a décidé qu’il fallait mettre fin à l’intervention (alors que le mythe usuel est de prétendre que c’est parce que les médias ont publié des images insoutenables que l’establishment a dû céder à l’opinion publique).

    • Sinon, une possibilité est que, comme en 2006 au Liban, les États-Unis décrètent la fin des hostilités pour sortir Israël de son enlisement. Les rumeurs d’un décision unilatérale d’Israël d’arrêter son action vont bon train depuis 48 heures. Il me semble assez crédible que les États-Unis viennent donner un alibi à Netanyahu.

      (Où est l’article qui évoquait ce scénario il y a quelques temps ?)

    • Top 5 Ways the US is Israel’s Accomplice in War Crimes in Gaza | Informed Comment

      Despite this bold criticism, the State Department and the US government won’t actually do anything about Israel’s lawlessness in Gaza. That is because the US is a full ally of the Likud government in its war on Gaza, which is configured as a fight to destroy or attrite the capabilities of the Hamas party-militia, a Muslim fundamentalist movement that has foresworn any attack on US facilities or interests. As the head of US military intelligence recently testified, however, if Hamas were destroyed something worse would almost certainly take its place. That is because you can’t expect people to live the way Israel makes them live in Gaza without their forming a resistance movement. Since they are kept poor and on the edge of hunger, the resistance movements they throw up are lean and hungry, and as ruthless as the Israeli army.

      Here are the ways that the US is actively helping Israel in its war on Gaza:

      1. The US shares its raw signals intelligence directly with Israeli intelligence, enhancing Israeli eavesdropping and surveillance capabilities, as Glenn Greenwald shows in a new article for Firstlook. Israel somewhat ungratefully repaid the favor by collaborating with Russia to spy on John Kerry during his failed peace negotiations.

      2. The US continually replenishes Israel’s ammunition. If Washington were actually so distressed about the UNRWA school shelling, it could just stop sending the shells for a while. It did this to Egypt after the massacre at Rabi`a al-Adawiya last summer.

      3. The US State Department actively helps Israel to economically blockade the civilians of Gaza. It even pressures Egypt to uphold the blockade (which is why it is silly to say that Egypt is also responsible for the siege of Gaza; Egypt doesn’t have a choice in this policy that is made from Tel Aviv and promulgated from Washington).

      4. Amnesty International shows that “Since 2012, the USA has exported $276 million worth of basic weapons and munitions to Israel, a figure that excludes exports of military transport equipment and high technologies.”

      5. The US actively opposed the granting by the UN to Palestine of the status of nonmember observer state. It is this status that Palestine could use to go to the International Criminal Court and get a judgment against Israel for its illegal squatting on Palestinian land in the West Bank. That the US opposed Palestine having standing to apply to the ICC shows how hand in glove Washington is with Israel.