
  • Washington dit avoir abattu 11 drones des rebelles houthis
    Publié le : 11/04/2024 – France 24

    L’essentiel de la veille

    Le chef du Hamas Ismaïl Haniyeh a annoncé sur la chaîne Al-Jazira la mort de trois de ses fils et de plusieurs petits-enfants dans une frappe israélienne dans la bande de Gaza.

    L’armée israélienne a confirmé avoir tué dans une frappe aérienne "ciblée" les trois fils d’Ismaïl Haniyeh, qualifiés d’"agents militaires de l’organisation terroriste".

    Des bombardements meurtriers ont visé l’enclave mercredi alors que de nombreux Palestiniens se sont rassemblés pour prier au milieu des ruines au premier jour de l’Aïd el-Fitr.

    Le gouvernement israélien doit répondre à la Cour suprême qui, à la demande d’ONG, l’a enjoint de justifier sa politique humanitaire dans la bande de Gaza.

    L’Irlande s’apprête à reconnaître un État palestinien dans les prochaines semaines, a déclaré mardi à Dublin le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Micheal Martin.

    Mise à jour matinale
    11 avril 2024 06:14 BST | Middle East Eye

    Voici les dernières mises à jour :

    Les forces israéliennes ont mené des raids nocturnes en Cisjordanie, arrêtant cinq personnes à Tulkarem.

    Le ministre israélien de la Défense, Yoav Gallant, a déclaré que son pays allait "rationaliser les contrôles de sécurité" pour "inonder" Gaza d’aide humanitaire, prévoyant d’atteindre 500 camions par jour.

    L’envoyé humanitaire du gouvernement américain pour Gaza, David Satterfield, a déclaré que "la majorité, sinon la totalité, des 2,2 millions d’habitants de Gaza" étaient confrontés à une famine imminente.

    Le journal israélien Yedioth Ahronoth rapporte que l’Indonésie pourrait normaliser ses relations avec Israël en échange du soutien de ce dernier à l’entrée de l’Indonésie dans l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE).

    La police britannique a arrêté cinq personnes accusées d’avoir aspergé de peinture rouge le siège londonien du ministère de la défense pour protester contre les ventes d’armes du Royaume-Uni à Israël.
    Diplomatie et tensions géopolitiques
    11 Apr 2024 | | Al Jazeera

    Jeudi, l’armée de l’air israélienne a mené des exercices conjoints avec l’armée de l’air chypriote, selon un rapport de la station de radio de l’armée israélienne GLZ. GLZ a indiqué qu’il s’agissait d’exercices à longue portée et d’une attaque sur une cible éloignée.

    Un Libanais, Mohammad Srour, sanctionné par les États-Unis pour ses liens présumés avec le groupe palestinien Hamas, a été retrouvé mort mercredi après avoir disparu pendant une semaine. Il avait été sanctionné en 2019 pour avoir apporté "un soutien financier, matériel, technologique, des services financiers ou autres" au Hamas et pour son affiliation au Hezbollah.

    Aux États-Unis, le président Joe Biden a promis mercredi un soutien "à toute épreuve" à Israël, alors que l’Iran menace de représailles après une frappe qui a rasé un bâtiment du consulat iranien à Damas et tué deux généraux.

    Dans un message posté sur X, le ministre des affaires étrangères Israël Katz a menacé que les forces israéliennes frapperaient directement l’Iran si celui-ci lançait une attaque contre Israël à partir de son territoire.

    L’agence de presse Reuters a rapporté jeudi que l’envoyé américain au Moyen-Orient, Brett McGurk, avait appelé les ministres des affaires étrangères de l’Arabie saoudite, des Émirats arabes unis, du Qatar et de l’Irak, leur demandant de transmettre un message à l’Iran pour qu’il évite d’aggraver les tensions avec Israël. L’Iran accuse Israël d’être à l’origine de la montée des tensions.

    La compagnie aérienne allemande Lufthansa a déclaré mercredi qu’elle avait suspendu ses vols vers Téhéran en raison des craintes accrues d’une éventuelle conflagration entre l’Iran et Israël.

    Violence en Cisjordanie occupée

    Jeudi, les troupes israéliennes auraient mené des raids dans deux villes de Cisjordanie occupée.

    Un correspondant d’Al Jazeera a déclaré que les forces israéliennes étaient entrées dans la ville de Beit Ummar, au nord d’Hébron, aux premières heures de la matinée de jeudi. Elles sont également entrées dans la ville d’Idhna, située à l’ouest d’Hébron.


  • War on Gaza: Who’s afraid of Francesca Albanese?
    Hamid Dabashi | 10 April 2024 | Middle East Eye

    Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, is a legal scholar, the first woman to hold this pivotal position, and an all-round pain in the neck for genocidal Zionists from Tel Aviv to London to New York.

    Today, she is the voice of the global conscience speaking truth to the vulgar warmongers committing atrocities in Gaza.

    The bold, brilliant and thoroughly researched report Albanese recently issued, aptly titled “Anatomy of a Genocide”, has inspired much admiration around the globe for her tireless work - but also horror and fury among Zionists who do not want Israel’s genocide in Palestine to have such an eloquent, precise and detailed account.

    This is the second such account after the one prepared by South Africa’s legal team against the unfolding Israeli genocide at the International Court of Justice. That equally compelling document now foregrounds Albanese’s report as two solid records holding the Israeli settler colony to account for the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people.

    Fooled and deluded by the Israel lobby in the US, and by western media propaganda, genocidal Zionists might be under the illusion that like the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand, the world is blind to the Israeli state’s savagery in Palestine - especially as the lobby has bought and paid for American politicians, who continue to procure weapons that fuel this horror. (...)

  • Mise à jour matinale | Middle East Eye | 10 Avril 2024 06:18 BST


    Les Palestiniens de la bande de Gaza célèbrent le premier jour de l’EId
    al-Fitr au milieu des destructions sur le terrain et du bruit des drones israéliens dans les airs.

    Les Palestiniens pleurent également la mort de 14 personnes, dont quatre enfants, tuées lors d’une frappe israélienne sur le camp de réfugiés de Nuseirat.

    Des milliers de Palestiniens se sont rassemblés à la mosquée Al-Aqsa à Jérusalem-Est pour marquer la fin du ramadan, malgré les restrictions israéliennes.

    Les dirigeants mondiaux et les organisations internationales, dont le président américain, le premier ministre australien et les Nations unies, ont mentionné la situation critique de Gaza et du Soudan dans leurs vœux pour l’Aïd.

    Le président américain Joe Biden a déclaré qu’il n’était pas d’accord avec la politique de Gaza du premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu. Benjamin Netanyahu, la qualifiant d’"erreur" et appelant une nouvelle fois à une trêve de 6 à 8 semaines.

    L’ancienne présidente de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis, Nancy Pelosi, a également déclaré qu’elle pensait que M. Netanyahu ne s’intéressait qu’à une seule chose : sa propre survie.

    Haaretz rapporte que certains ministres israéliens de haut rang pourraient s’opposer à l’accord « otages contre trêve » actuellement en discussion s’il n’inclut pas tous les otages détenus à Gaza.

    Récapitulatif de la soirée | Middle East Eye | 10 Avril 2024 00:06 BST

    Mardi, quelques heures avant que les Palestiniens de Gaza ne commencent à célébrer l’Aïd al-Fitr, une frappe aérienne israélienne a touché une résidence du camp de réfugiés de Nuseirat, dans le centre de la bande de Gaza

    Nous avions indiqué précédemment que cette frappe avait tué une douzaine de personnes. Aujourd’hui, le bilan s’élève à 14 personnes, dont quatre enfants.

    Ces décès surviennent alors que les négociations en cours entre Israël et le Hamas restent dans l’impasse. Le Hamas examine actuellement la dernière proposition, mais a déclaré que certains aspects étaient contraires à ses propres exigences.

    Voici ce qu’il faut savoir de plus sur les événements d’aujourd’hui :

    Le secrétaire d’État américain Antony Blinken a déclaré qu’il s’attendait à ce que des discussions entre des responsables israéliens et américains aient lieu la semaine prochaine sur une éventuelle opération militaire israélienne à Rafah.

    Le ministre israélien de la défense, Yoav Gallant, aurait déclaré à son homologue américain Lloyd Austin qu’il n’y avait pas de date fixée pour une invasion israélienne de Rafah.

    Le ministre britannique des affaires étrangères, David Cameron, a déclaré que la position du pays sur les ventes d’armes à Israël restait inchangée, à la suite de la dernière évaluation du gouvernement.

    Le secrétaire américain à la défense, Lloyd Austin, a déclaré lors d’une audition au Sénat que Washington n’avait pas la preuve qu’Israël commettait un génocide à Gaza.

    Le sénateur américain Bernie Sanders a déclaré que Washington ne devrait pas fournir d’aide militaire supplémentaire à Israël.

    À Ramallah, des dizaines de personnes participent à une marche de solidarité avec la population de Gaza. Les organisateurs appellent d’autres villes de la Cisjordanie occupée à manifester mercredi, premier jour de l’Aïd al-Fitr.


  • War on Gaza: Palestinians recover bodies left by Israeli army during al-Shifa raid
    By Mohammed al-Hajjar in Gaza, occupied Palestine and Nader Durgham in Beirut
    Published date: 9 April 2024 13:29 BST | Middle East Eye

    . Emergency services and civil defence personnel carry a recovered body from al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, 8 April 2024 (Mohammed al-Hajar/MEE)

    Palestinians are recovering the bodies of those killed by Israel’s two-week raid on al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, but identification is proving difficult because of the state of decomposition.

    After Israeli forces withdrew from the hospital on 1 April, teams from several government ministries have been deployed to al-Shifa to remove and identify bodies before burying them in cemeteries.

    “We are now digging up all the martyrs that were executed by the [Israeli] army,” Hussein Mahassen, ambulance director in the Gaza Strip, told Middle East Eye. “Our capacities are very limited, as we are working with just one bulldozer.”

    While it is unclear how many bodies have been buried in the hospital’s yard, the Civil Defence said that they have recovered 409 bodies from the medical complex since the withdrawal of Israeli forces.

    Mahassen said his team expects to find between 200 and 300 bodies buried in the ground in al-Shifa, but cannot confirm this number. (...)

    • L’"insoutenable" recensement des victimes dans les ruines d’un hôpital de Gaza
      France 24 - Publié le : 09/04/2024

      Dans l’hôpital Al-Chifa de Gaza, transformé en champ de ruines par les combats entre Israël et le Hamas palestinien, l’identification des cadavres est une nouvelle épreuve pour les secours et les familles sur un site qui « n’évoque plus que la mort ».

      « Nous manquons de l’équipement nécessaire et le temps ne joue pas en notre faveur, nous devons terminer avant que les corps ne se décomposent », dit à un correspondant de l’AFP sur place Amjad Aliwa, directeur du service des urgences de l’établissement.

      Sur les images tournées par l’AFP, les bâtiments du complexe sont pulvérisés et calcinés, encombrés de gravats. A l’extérieur, des restes humains sont retirés des décombres par les équipes d’intervention et placés dans des sacs mortuaires.

      « Vous pouvez sentir, l’odeur de la mort est omniprésente », dit Mutasem Salah, directeur du centre d’opérations d’urgence de Gaza, évoquant des scènes « insoutenables ».

      L’enceinte d’al-Chifa a accueilli des dizaines de milliers de déplacés qui s’y étaient installés pour s’abriter des combats qui font rage dans la bande de Gaza depuis le lancement de l’offensive israélienne en représailles à l’attaque sans précédent menée par le Hamas le 7 octobre 2023.

  • Nicaragua ends statements before ICJ against Germany’s support of Israel
    8 April 2024 11:33 BST | Middle East Eye

    The Nicaraguan legal delegation has finalised its remarks after a more than two-hour session at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague, in which it presented its case against Germany.

    Nicaragua has accused Germany of facilitating Israel’s genocide in Gaza, since the war broke out on 7 October. It called upon the ICJ to order provisional measures ordering Germany to halt its military support to Israel and resume its funding to Unrwa.

    In 2023, Germany provided military support to Israel worth 327 million euros ($354m), according to its Economy Ministry.

    Nicaragua has accused Germany of breaking the 1948 Genocide Convention by continously supplying Israel with arms, even after the ICJ has ruled that it is “plausible” that Israel has committed acts of genocide in Gaza.

    Germany, which is Israel’s second largest arms provider to Israel after the US, is due to defend itself tomorrow at the ICJ.

    #IsraelAllemagne #Nicaragua

  • Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas annonce un nouveau bilan de 33 175 morts

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a annoncé dimanche un nouveau bilan de 33 175 personnes tuées dans la bande de Gaza depuis le début de la guerre entre Israël et le mouvement islamiste palestinien le 7 octobre.

    En 24 heures, 38 morts supplémentaires ont été recensés, selon un communiqué du ministère, qui fait état de 75 886 blessés en six mois de guerre.

    Morning update : Day 184 of Israel’s war on Gaza
    7 April 2024 09:20 BST | Middle East Eye

    Here are some key developments from the last few hours:

    Intense fighting has been reported in and around Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip

    The military wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, claims it has killed at least 14 Israeli soldiers during clashes

    WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has said Al-Shifa Hospital is ’an empty shell with human graves after the latest siege’

    Israeli forces have arrested 45 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, including worshippers leaving the Al-Aqsa Mosque

    Israel’s war on Gaza live : Intense fighting in Khan Younis ahead of talks 7 avril 2024 (04:59 GMT) | Al Jazeera

    If you’re just joining us

    It’s almost 05:00 GMT in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel.

    Here are the main developments overnight:

    Hamas is sending negotiators to Cairo today, while Israel is also reportedly considering sending a delegation.
    The Israeli army announced the death of four soldiers in the southern Gaza Strip, hours after the military wing of Hamas, the Qassam Brigades, said it had killed 14 Israeli soldiers in Khan Younis.
    A young Palestinian man died after being shot in the head by Israeli forces during a raid on Ramallah in the occupied West Bank tonight, Wafa reports.
    Former political prisoner and graduate student Layan Kayed was also reportedly arrested as Israeli forces raided several neighbourhoods in Ramallah overnight.
    Israeli President Isaac Herzog said “violence is a red line” after a car rammed into a large antigovernment protest calling for the release of captives held in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, injuring five people.


  • UK : Labour cuts ties with major Muslim organisation | Middle East Eye

    En parler au responsable du PS (Il s’appelle comment déjà ?)

    The UK’s Labour Party has cut ties with one of the UK’s most prominent Muslim organisations after the government’s communities secretary, Michael Gove, said the group would be investigated for extremism.

    On Monday, Labour told The Telegraph that it had adopted a policy of non-engagement with Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend).

    The move signals that Labour supports the Conservative government’s controversial counter-extremism agenda.

    Mend was established in 2008 and focuses on addressing issues of Islamophobia, discrimination, and social injustice within Muslim communities.

    It describes its primary purpose as empowering and engaging British Muslims to actively participate in society while advocating for their rights and interests. Mend’s activities include community outreach programmes, educational workshops, and campaigns aimed at raising awareness about Islamophobia and combating prejudice.

  • Israel’s war on Gaza live: Despair spreads in Gaza amid Israeli bombing | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

    6 avril 2024 (05:00 GMT)
    In case you’re just joining us

    Here’s a quick recap of the latest news:

    Australia’s foreign minister says information provided by Israel on the death of an Australian aid worker during an air strike on Gaza was “not sufficient”, and appoints a special adviser to probe the incident.
    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres describes the situation in Gaza as “absolutely desperate” and urges Israel to rapidly increase the flow of humanitarian aid.
    Former US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a key ally of President Joe Biden, joins a growing number of Democratic legislators who are calling for a halt to weapons transfers to Israel.
    Former CIA chief urges Israel to immediately “improve” its standard military operations in Gaza to avoid more civilian deaths.
    For a second day in a row, Israeli drones fire tear gas at the Al-Aqsa compound, forcing worshippers after Laylat al-Qadr, one of the most important nights on the Muslim calendar.

    Evening recap | 5 April 2024 23:42 BST | Middle East Eye

    The UN’s Palestinian refugee agency, Unrwa, has said that 62 percent of all homes in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed.

    “Over 75 percent of the population have been displaced - the majority multiple times. When will it end?” the agency asked on X.

    The Palestinian Prisoners Society has said that 200 Palestinian children, including 23 from Gaza, are being held in Israeli prisons.

    In other developments:

    One Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli forces during their raid on the Nur Shams refugee camp near Tulkarem, in the occupied West Bank.
    28 Israeli embassies across the world will be closed today amid fears of an Iranian reprisal attack following the deadly Israeli strike on the country’s consulate in Syria earlier this week.
    Around 120,000 worshippers prayed in Al-Aqsa Mosque on the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
    A ground of laywers is demanding that Germany stop arms sales to Israel arguing that it has “a constitutional responsibility to protect human life” and that arms exports to Israel “are in violation of international law.”
    Joaquin Phoenix, Elliott Gould, Chloe Fineman, and over 150 Jewish artists have endorsed an open letter backing Jonathan Glazer’s speech at the Oscars.
    The United States does not intend to carry out an independent investigation into the deaths of seven World Central Kitchen humanitarian staff, John Kirby, the spokesperson for White House national security, said on Friday.


  • #Bilan
    L’essentiel :

    Le Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU a adopté vendredi à Genève un projet de résolution appelant à stopper les ventes d’armes à Israël.

    Israël a donné son feu vert, vendredi, à la livraison « temporaire » pour acheminer des vivres vers la bande de Gaza. Le territoire assiégé et menacé de famine va être ravitaillé via le port d’Ashdod et le point de passage d’Erez.

    Cette annonce survient au moment où la pression internationale s’accentue sur le gouvernement israélien, le président des États-Unis Joe Biden ayant évoqué pour la première fois la possibilité de conditionner l’aide américaine à Israël à des mesures « tangibles » face à la catastrophe humanitaire à Gaza.

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a annoncé vendredi un nouveau bilan de 33 091 personnes tuées dans la bande de Gaza depuis le début du conflit.

    Morning update| 5 April 2024 06:08 BST | Middle East Eye

    Following US pressure to get more aid into Gaza, Israel agreed to reopen the Erez crossing which should facilitate delivering aid to northern Gaza

    Far-right Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir slammed the moves to allow more aid into the enclave, saying the government did not vote on the matter

    CIA Director Bill Burns and head of Mossad David Barnea are expected to head to Cairo as Biden pressured Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu to reach a ceasefire deal “without delay”

    Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong called the Israeli prime minister’s remarks on the killing of aid workers in Gaza, which included an Australian citizen, “deeply insensitive”

    Evening recap| 4 April 2024 23:44 BST | Middle East Eye

    Gaza’s health ministry said that 62 people have been killed by Israel in Gaza over the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 33,037 Palestinians killed in the enclave since 7 October.

    Another 92 people have been wounded, bringing the total to 75,668 since the start of the war.

    President Joe Biden demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, the White House announced.

    In other developments:

    World Central Kitchen called for an “independent, third party investigation” into the Israel strikes that killed seven of the organisation’s aid workers in Gaza on 1 April.

    Egypt had presented a proposal for a ceasefire, but it contained nothing new, a senior Hamas leader said on Thursday.

    Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said to Al Jazeera TV on Thursday that the European Union ought to consider whether its strategic partnership with Israel should persist if the EU determines that Israel has violated humanitarian law in its war in Gaza.

    More than 135 people formed a blockade at every entrance of Lockheed Martin’s research campus in Sunnyvale, California, on Thursday to demonstrate against the military contractor’s involvement in the war in Gaza.

    McDonald’s Corp has decided to purchase its Israeli branches from Alonyal Ltd, taking direct control of the operations several months after the franchise became a focal issue during the early stages of the war in Gaza.

    Civil servants in the UK in charge of arms exports to Israel have called to “cease work immediately” amid concerns of potential complicity in war crimes committed in Gaza.

    Israel’s war on Gaza: List of key events, day 182 | Israel War on Gaza News | Al Jazeera

    Palestinians living in Maghazi refugee camp collect usable items from the rubble of destroyed buildings following an Israeli attack in Deir el-Balah, Gaza on April 4, 2024 [Ashraf Amra/Anadolu Agency]

    5 Apr 2024

    Here’s how things stand on Friday, April 5, 2024:
    Fighting and humanitarian crisis

    Eight out of every 10 schools in Gaza are damaged or destroyed, UNICEF said, news agency AFP reported on Thursday. As many as 625,000 students have no access to education.

    About 1,000 children in Gaza have lost one or both of their legs, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said on Thursday. More than 50,000 children are estimated to be acutely malnourished in Gaza, the United Nations added.

    The PRCS also said the number of children who have died from starvation and dehydration in Gaza has now risen to 31.

    Separately, the Gaza municipality warned on Thursday that diseases are spreading in the enclave due to an accumulation of waste. The municipality called on local and international institutions to help improve the health and environmental conditions “and enable the municipality to provide services that the aggression has caused near complete paralysis in.”

    Diplomacy and regional tensions

    On Thursday, US President Joe Biden pressed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to implement “specific, concrete and measurable” steps to protect civilians and aid workers in Gaza. He said the killing of aid workers and the humanitarian situation were “unacceptable”.

    Biden also “made clear that US policy with respect to Gaza will be determined by our assessment of Israel’s immediate action” to address the harm and suffering.

    Hours after the call, Israel said it approved the reopening of the Beit Hanoon (Erez) crossing into northern Gaza and the temporary use of Ashdod port in southern Israel to supply aid to Gaza.

    But Republicans in the US hit back at Biden. “The president’s ultimatums should be going to Hamas, not Israel,” US House Speaker Mike Johnson said in a post on X on Thursday night, following Biden’s warning to Israel.

    CIA Director Bill Burns is expected to travel to Cairo this weekend to meet with Egyptian and Israeli counterparts and the Qatari prime minister, in the latest bid to try and stitch together a deal for a truce or a ceasefire.

    Separately, on Thursday, McDonald’s announced that it will buy all of its franchise restaurants in Israel amid the fallout of the war in Gaza. The US fast-food chain has been subject to boycotts since the franchise Alonyal announced shortly after the October 7 attack by Palestinian group Hamas that it would be donating free meals to the Israeli military.

    Former US President Donald Trump also warned that Israel is “losing the PR war” in Gaza on Thursday because of the flood of distressing images coming out of the enclave.

    Separately, Australian Senator Lidia Thorpe has questioned an Australian government contract with Elbit Systems amid media reports that the Israeli arms company manufactured the drone that killed an Australian and six other aid workers in Gaza.

    Violence in the occupied West Bank

    Ambulances were temporarily blocked from reaching two Palestinians injured by live ammunition as Israeli forces raided Kafr Ra’i, southwest of Jenin, in the occupied West Bank on Thursday night, according to local news reports.
    The raid is one of several Israeli raids on towns and villages south of Jenin, the Wafa news agency reported on Thursday.
    Wafa also reported on Thursday that Israeli forces fired bullets, stun grenades and tear gas in a raid on the village of Husan, west of Bethlehem, with no injuries reported.

    • https://www.lemonde.fr/international/live/2024/04/05/guerre-israel-hamas-six-mois-apres-le-debut-de-la-guerre-quelle-est-la-situa

      Le Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU exige l’arrêt des ventes d’armes à Israël

      Le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations unies a exigé l’arrêt de toute vente d’armes à Israël, en guerre contre le Hamas à Gaza, dans une résolution évoquant les craintes de « génocide » contre les Palestiniens.

      C’est la première prise de position du Conseil des droits de l’homme sur le conflit qui fait rage depuis le 7 octobre. Le conseil n’a pas de moyens contraignants d’imposer ses résolutions.

      En France, une centaine de parlementaires de gauche ont écrit, vendredi, à Emmanuel Macron pour lui demander d’« arrêter immédiatement toutes ventes d’armes, même celles jugées uniquement défensives, au gouvernement d’extrême droite de Nétanyahou ».

      « Il semble important de rappeler que des mesures similaires ont déjà été prises par d’autres pays, comme le Canada, les Pays-Bas et l’Espagne », avancent ces 115 députés et sénateurs. « La France est en contradiction avec les traités internationaux qu’elle a signés en continuant de fournir du matériel militaire à Israël », appuient-ils, en appelant M. Macron à « ne pas risquer de rendre la France complice de génocide contre le peuple palestinien ».

  • 🔴 En direct : Israël accusé d’avoir ciblé un convoi humanitaire à Gaza "voiture après voiture"

    Des membres du personnel des Nations Unies inspectent la carcasse d’une voiture utilisée par l’ONG World Central Kitchen, qui a été touchée par une frappe israélienne la veille à Deir al-Balah, dans le centre de la bande de Gaza, le 2 avril 2024. © AFP

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas annonce un nouveau bilan de 33 037 morts

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a annoncé un nouveau bilan de 33 037 personnes tuées dans la bande de Gaza depuis le début de la guerre entre Israël et le mouvement islamiste palestinien le 7 octobre.

    En 24 heures, 62 morts supplémentaires ont été recensés, selon un communiqué du ministère, qui fait état de 75 668 blessés en près de six mois de guerre.

    Morning update | 4 April 2024 06:15 BST | Middle East Eye

    Overnight Israeli bombings on homes on Rafah have killed eight people, Palestine’s Wafa news agency is reporting
    Israel called up its air defence reservists for duty two days after the reported Israeli strike on Damascus which killed a top Iranian commander and several other people
    Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Israel’s explanation for the killing of international aid workers in Gaza was “not good enough,” while US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin said he expressed his “outrage” to his Israeli counterpart over the incident.
    Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf wrote to British Prime Minister RIshi Sunak asking for an “immediate end” of arms sales from the UK to Israel
    US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller hinted that his country may not support Palestine’s bid for full membership at the UN, saying that the issue of Palestinian statehood should be addressed through “direct negotiations” and “not at the United Nations.”

    Evening recap | 3 April 2024 23:37 BST | Middle East Eye

    The Palestinian health ministry in Gaza said that 59 people were killed by Israeli attacks over the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 32,975 since the beginning of the war on 7 October.

    14,500 children have been killed since the beginning of the war, including 30 of starvation. Of the victims, 73 percent are women and children, while 17,000 children have lost at least one of their parents.

    Additionally, 484 medical personnel have been killed, along with 140 journalists and 65 civil defence members.

    In other developments:

    One in three children below the age of two is now acutely malnourished, the World Food Programme said.
    Belgium’s Foreign Minister says her country is open to recognising Palestine as a state “when the moment comes”.
    Ambulances transporting some of the dead bodies of the World Central Kitchen workers arrived in Egypt.
    Haaretz, Israel’s longest-running newspaper in print, called for an end to the war in Gaza in an editorial.
    The United Nations has implemented a temporary suspension of its night-time operations in Gaza.
    Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz called for the holding of national elections in September.
    Founder of World Central Kitchen celebrity chef Jose Andres told Reuters on Wednesday that an Israeli assault, which resulted in the death of seven food aid workers in Gaza, had “systematically, car by car” targeted them.
    President Joe Biden is scheduled for a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday.


  • Morning update | 2 April 2024 06:25 BST | Middle East Eye

    Wafa News Agency reports that an Israeli air strike on Rafah killed four people, including two children

    The death toll from the Israeli strike on a World Central Kitchen vehicle has risen to seven as the organisation announced it is now pausing its operations in the region. Those killed were coming from Poland, Australia, the UK, Palestine, and a dual citizen of the US and Canada.

    Australian PM Anthony Albanese demanded “full accountability” for the killing of Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom, while the US called on Israel to “swiftly” investigate the killing of aid workers

    Axios reports that the US told Iran it had “no involvement” in the suspected Israeli strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, which killed seven people including a top Iranian commander

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations said they saw a record rise in anti-Muslim incidents in the US in 2023 due to the Israeli war on Gaza

    2 April 2024 00:02 BST - Evening recap

    The Palestinian health ministry said that the death toll from Israel’s war on Gaza has risen to 32,845, with 63 killed over the past 24 hours .

    An additional 94 people have been wounded, bringing the total to 75,392 since the start of the war.

    In other developments:

    Palestinian media outlets have reported that an Israeli attack on a vehicle south of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza killed five aid workers affiliated with World Central Kitchen.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hernia surgery was successful.

    Israeli air strikes targetting the Iranian consulate in Syria’s capital on Monday killed at least five people, Iranian state media reported.

    The Palestinian Authority is seeking a vote by the UN Security Council within this month to grant it full membership status in the global organisation.

    Knesset passes a law to close Al Jazeera’s office in Israel.

  • 🔴 En direct : l’armée israélienne s’est retirée de l’hôpital al-Chifa à Gaza

    Des Palestiniens inspectent les dégâts sur le site de l’hôpital al-Chifa après le retrait des militaires israéliens, le 1er avril 2024 © AFP

    Le ministère de la Santé de la bande de Gaza contrôlée par le Hamas a affirmé que l’armée israélienne a retiré ses chars et autres véhicules de l’hôpital al-Chifa. « Des dizaines de corps de martyrs, certains en état de décomposition, ont été retrouvés dans l’enceinte et aux abords de l’hôpital al-Chifa », a affirmé le ministère.

    Le Premier ministre israélien, Benjamin Netanyahu, a été opéré d’une hernie « avec succès », rapporte un communiqué de son bureau.

    Des négociations devraient reprendre au Caire pour une trêve entre Israël et le Hamas. En dépit des efforts de l’Égypte, du Qatar et des États-Unis, les discussions patinent, l’État hébreu et le mouvement islamiste palestinien se renvoyant la responsabilité de cette impasse.

    Morning update
    1 April 2024 05:34 BST | Middle East Eye

    Israeli forces reportedly withdrew from Gaza City’s al-Shifa hospital and its vicinity, leaving the complex severely damaged and burned

    Israel says a drone attack lightly damaged a building in Eilat, as the Islamic Resistance in Iraq claims to have targeted the country

    Axios reports that the US and Israel are expected to hold a virtual meeting later today, in which they will discuss the Biden administration’s alternative proposals to an Israeli military invasion of Rafah

    Veterans for Peace said a US Air Force senior airman Larry Hebert will go on a hunger strike to shed light on the plight of Gaza’s children

    Evening update
    31 March 2024 23:09 BST

    The Gaza health ministry has updated the death toll in the besieged Strip, stating it has jumped to 32,782. It added that 75,298 people had been injured since the war broke out on 7 October. The toll included 77 people killed and 108 wounded in the past 24 hours .

    Israel’s military said it carried out an air strike against a command centre operated by the armed Islamic Jihad group in the courtyard of al-Aqsa hospital in the central Gaza Strip. Palestinian health officials said the strike hit several tents used by journalists and displaced Palestinians in the vicinity of al-Aqsa hospital in Deir al-Balah, killing four people and wounding several, including five journalists.

    The Israeli military said it killed a Hezbollah commander in an airstrike on a vehicle in Lebanon on Sunday, identifying him as Ismail al-Zin, a significant commander in the anti-tank missile unit of Hezbollah’s Radwan Forces.

    Two civilians were injured in Israeli strikes on the outskirts of Damascus on Sunday, the Syrian defence ministry said, in the second such attack on the country in a few days.

    Other major developments on Sunday included:

    Palestinian Christians in occupied East Jerusalem observed low-scale Easter celebrations. According to Al Jazeera, the Church of Holy Sepulchre in occupied East Jerusalem was relatively empty, contrary to previous years, when the courtyard would be packed.

    Tens of thousands of people demonstrated in Jerusalem on Sunday against Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and against exemptions granted to ultra-Orthodox Jewish men from military service, in scenes reminiscent of mass street protests last year.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to undergo hernia surgery tonight. His hernia was discovered by doctors “during a routine examination”. During the period of surgery, Justice Minister Yariv Levin will serve as acting prime minister.

    A new Palestinian government led by recently appointed Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa was sworn in on Sunday.

    Three ships, carrying 400 tonnes of aid, sailed for Gaza earlier on Sunday, a World Central Kitchen (WCK) representative said on board an accompanying boat. This was the second maritime aid shipment by the WCK to Gaza.

  • Morning update | 30 March 2024 09:20 GMT | Middle East Eye

    An Israeli strike hit a car carrying UN observers near south Lebanon border, security sources told Reuters

    The Israeli military struck the Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat and Maghazi refugee camps in central Gaza, destroying residential buildings. It also targeted northern Gaza with massive aerial attacks

    A 13-year-old Palestinian child was shot and killed and two youths were wounded during a dawn raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, according to the Palestinian Wafa news agency

    The US said it welcomes the nomination of a new Palestinian Authority cabinet

    Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said that Israel will expand its offensive on the northern border and increase attacks on Hezbollah

    The Israeli army said that it has killed the deputy commander of Hezbollah’s rocket and missile unit, Ali Abdel-Hassan Naim, in an air strike near the southern city of Tyre.


    Late night update 29 March 2024 23:49 GMT

    On Friday, Israel escalated its bombardment campaign against Lebanon and Syria, with a series of air strikes in the Aleppo province that killed more than 40 people.

    Israel also said that it killed a Hezbollah commander in south Lebanon. The escalatory strikes have further raised concerns about Israel’s willingness to seek peace as it continues to increase attacks in the wider conflict amid its ongoing war in Gaza.

    Meanwhile, countries continue to airdrop humanitarian assistance into the Gaza Strip, as the threat of famine grows for the Palestinian population.

    The death toll in Gaza, according to the latest figures from the Palestinian health ministry, stands at 32,623.

    Here’s what else you need to know from Friday’s developments:

    An Israeli strike on a sports centre in Gaza City’s Shujaiyah neighbourhood killed 15 people

    Two Israeli attacks in Gaza City’s Shujaiyah neighbourhood killed several members of the local police force in charge of securing aid convoys to the area

    A UK charity has launched a nationwide billboard campaign calling on the government to end its arms sales and trade agreements with Israel if it continues its bombardment of Gaza

    A senior US State Department official acknowledged that famine in Gaza is both a risk and “quite possibly” present in some areas in the northern part of the enclave

    Israel has destroyed more than 2,000 agricultural sites, including farms and greenhouses, in Gaza since October 2023, according to a report from Forensic Architecture

    The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said on Telegram that it destroyed a Merkava 4 Israeli tank in Tal al-Hawa in Gaza City

    The Biden administration has approved the transfer of billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to Israel in recent days, according to a report from the Washington Post

    The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a statement saying that the government will send a delegation back for negotiations over a truce between Hamas.

    • 🔴 En direct : nouvelle manifestation à Londres pour un cessez-le-feu à Gaza
      Publié le : 30/03/2024 - 11:25

      Une deuxième cargaison d’aide, soit près de 400 tonnes de nourriture, a quitté samedi le port chypriote de Larnaca pour Gaza, a annoncé l’ONG World Central Kitchen, qui a co-organisé le convoi.

      Cinq personnes sont mortes et 30 blessées samedi 30 mars avant l’aube dans la ville de Gaza, lors de tirs et d’une bousculade lors d’une distribution d’aide alimentaire, affirme le Croissant-Rouge palestinien.

      Des milliers de personnes ont défilé une nouvelle fois à Londres pour demander un cessez-le-feu permanent à Gaza, pour la 11e manifestation nationale dans la capitale britannique depuis le début de la guerre, le 7 octobre.

      Une frappe israélienne a touché samedi un véhicule transportant des observateurs des Nations unies et en a blessé le sud du Liban, selon la Finul. L’armée israélienne a démenti toute implication.

  • Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas annonce un nouveau bilan de 32 623 personnes tuées

    Le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a annoncé un nouveau bilan de 32 623 personnes tuées dans la bande de Gaza depuis le début de la guerre entre Israël et le mouvement islamiste palestinien le 7 octobre.

    En 24 heures, 71 morts supplémentaires ont été recensés, selon un communiqué du ministère, qui fait état de 75 092 blessés en près de six mois de guerre.

    Morning update
    29 March 2024 | Middle East Eye

    Israeli strikes on Syria’s Aleppo killed 38 people, including five members of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, two security sources told Reuters
    An Israeli attack on a home in Gaza’s Maghazi refugee camp killed eight people

    Israeli PM Netanyahu told relatives of Israeli soldiers held in Gaza they “preparing to enter Rafah,” after claiming they had already conquered northern Gaza and Khan Younis

    In response to ICJ’s additional provisional measures, Israel said it is “committed to international law” and will “promote new initiatives” to deliver aid into the Gaza Strip

    Japan announced it will restore its funding of Unrwa, the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency

    The UN’s World Food Programme said that famine is “imminent” in northern Gaza, calling for much more aid to be delivered there

    Late night update
    28 March 2024 23:46 GMT| Middle East Eye

    On Thursday, the International Court of Justice issued additional provisional measures, ordering Israel to allow the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza without any hindrances.

    The order was issued with special emphasis on the situation regarding hunger in Gaza, with the ICJ noting that “famine is setting in”.

    The political leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, met with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Tehran and Khamenei told the Palestinian leader that the group would “see final victory of the people of Gaza”.

    And despite a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire and renewed negotiations, Israel is continuing to bomb areas all across the Gaza Strip. The current death toll stands at 32,552 Palestinians.

    Here’s what else you need to know from Thursday’s developments:

    An Israeli air strike has killed at least 12 Palestinians in Rafah.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked Israel’s top court to defer a 31 March deadline for the government to come up with a new military conscription plan addressing the exemptions granted to members of the ultra-Orthodox community.

    Politico is reporting that the Pentagon is in “preliminary conversations” about a proposal to help fund either a multinational peacekeeping force or a Palestinian peacekeeping team in Gaza in a post-war scenario.

    Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa has formed a new cabinet, in which he will also serve as foreign minister.

    A six-year-old Palestinian boy died from malnutrition in the northern Gaza Strip.

    The Israeli military released 102 Palestinians who were detained from across the Gaza Strip in recent months. The military also released seven members of the Palestine Red Crescent Society.

  • October 7: Forensic analysis shows Hamas abuses, many false Israeli claims
    By Richard Sanders and Al Jazeera Investigative Unit
    Published On 21 Mar 202421 Mar 2024 | Al Jazeera

    Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) has carried out a forensic analysis of the events of October 7, when Hamas fighters launched an incursion into Israel that has transformed the politics of the Middle East.

    October 7 reveals widespread human rights abuses by Hamas fighters and others who followed them through the fence from the Gaza Strip and draws up a comprehensive list of those killed. (...)


    • Guerre à Gaza : Al Jazeera révèle le récit du 7 octobre que les grands médias négligent de rapporter
      Peter Oborne | Vendredi 29 mars 2024 | MEE

      Un nouveau documentaire révèle la manière dont des allégations fausses et incendiaires concernant l’attaque menée par le Hamas en Israël se sont imposées dans la presse

      Précis. Sobre. Perspicace. Rigoureux. L’unité d’investigation d’Al Jazeera a produit un film documentaire qui raconte ce qui s’est réellement passé le 7 octobre.

      Ce documentaire, qui fait autorité, n’hésite pas à détailler les atrocités et les crimes de guerre perpétrés par le Hamas. Il démontre toutefois, sans l’ombre d’un doute, que nombre des récits macabres émanant de sources israéliennes sont fallacieux.

      Les récits particulièrement incendiaires, qu’il s’agisse des allégations de viol généralisé ou de bébés décapités et brûlés, n’étaient pas étayés par des preuves ou étaient des mensonges purs et simples. Pourtant, ils ont ouvert la voie à la sauvagerie meurtrière de l’assaut israélien sur Gaza qui a suivi et qui a été décrit par la Cour internationale de justice comme constituant un génocide plausible.

      Al Jazeera propose une analyse minutieuse de la manière dont ces récits ont été diffusés auprès du public. Cela implique un examen approfondi de Zaka, l’unité israélienne d’intervention d’urgence composée d’auxiliaires médicaux qualifiés qui interviennent lors d’événements terroristes et d’homicides. (...)

    • War on Gaza: We were lied into genocide. Al Jazeera has shown us how Jonathan Cook | Middle East Eye | 28 March 2024 12:28 GMT

      (...) First, the crimes Hamas committed against civilians in Israel on 7 October - and those it did not - have been used to overshadow the fact that it carried out a spectacularly sophisticated military operation on 7 October in breaking out of a long-besieged Gaza.

      The group knocked out Israel’s top-flight surveillance systems that had kept the enclave’s 2.3 million inhabitants imprisoned for decades. It smashed holes in Israel’s highly fortified barrier surrounding Gaza in at least 10 locations. And it caught unawares Israel’s many military camps next to the enclave that had been enforcing the occupation at arms’ length.

      More than 350 Israeli soldiers, armed police and guards were killed that day.

      Second, the documentary undermines the conspiracy theory that Israeli leaders allowed the Hamas attack to justify the ethnic cleansing of Gaza - a plan Israel has been actively working on since at least 2007, when it appears to have received US approval.

      True, Israeli intelligence officials involved in the surveillance of Gaza had been warning that Hamas was preparing a major operation. But those warnings were discounted not because of a conspiracy. After all, none of the senior echelons in Israel stood to benefit from what unfolded on 7 October.

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is finished politically as a result of the Hamas attack, and will likely end up in jail after the current carnage in Gaza ends.
      A colonial arrogance

      Israel’s genocidal response to 7 October has made Israel’s brand so toxic internationally, and more so with Arab publics in the region, that Saudi Arabia has had to break off plans for a normalisation agreement, which had been Israel and Washington’s ultimate hope.

      And the Hamas operation has crushed the worldwide reputation of the Israeli military for invincibility. It has inspired Yemen’s Ansar Allah (the Houthis) to attack vessels in the Red Sea. It is emboldening Israel’s arch-enemy, Hezbollah, in neighbouring Lebanon. It has reinvigorated the idea that resistance is possible across the much-oppressed Middle East.
      Israel-Palestine war: Why is the media ignoring evidence of Israel’s own actions on 7 October?
      Read More »

      No, it was not a conspiracy that opened the door to Hamas’ attack. It was colonial arrogance, based on a dehumanising view shared by the vast majority of Israelis that they were the masters and that the Palestinians - their slaves - were far too primitive to strike a meaningful blow.

      The attacks of 7 October should have forced Israelis to reassess their dismissive attitude towards the Palestinians and address the question of whether Israel’s decades-long regime of apartheid and brutal subjugation could - and should - continue indefinitely.

      Predictably, Israelis ignored the message of Hamas’ attack and dug deeper into their colonial mindset.

      The supposed primitivism that, it was assumed, made the Palestinians too feeble an opponent to take on Israel’s sophisticated military machine has now been reframed as proof of a Palestinian barbarousness that makes Gaza’s entire population so dangerous, so threatening, that they have to be wiped out.

      The Palestinians who, most Israelis had concluded, could be caged like battery chickens indefinitely, and in ever-shrinking pens, are now viewed as monsters that have to be culled. That impulse was the genesis of Israel’s current genocidal plan for Gaza. (...)

  • 🔴 En direct : frappes israéliennes et combats dans plusieurs villes de la bande de Gaza
    France 24 | Publié le : 28/03/2024

    La bande de Gaza est le théâtre jeudi de raids aériens et d’affrontements féroces entre l’armée israélienne et des combattants palestiniens du Hamas. Un haut responsable local rapporte, quant à lui, des combats près de la ville de Gaza (nord) et à Khan Younès (sud).

    L’armée américaine a annoncé avoir abattu mercredi quatre drones lancés par les rebelles houthis du Yémen qui ciblaient un navire de guerre des États-Unis en mer Rouge.

    Frappes israéliennes meurtrières sur Gaza et poursuite des combats dans plusieurs villes

    La bande de Gaza est le théâtre jeudi de raids aériens et d’affrontements féroces entre l’armée israélienne et des combattants palestiniens du Hamas à l’heure où le gouvernement de Benjamin Netanyahu rouvre la porte à des discussions avec son allié américain sur une éventuelle opération à Rafah.

    Tôt jeudi, le ministère de la Santé du Hamas a fait état d’au moins 66 morts à Gaza au cours de la nuit, notamment dans des frappes aériennes, tandis qu’un haut responsable local rapportait des combats près de la ville de Gaza (nord) et à Khan Younès (sud). En parallèle, l’agence de presse palestinienne Wafa a dénombré des heurts dans différentes localités de la Cisjordanie occupée.

    L’armée israélienne, qui accuse les combattants du Hamas de se cacher dans les hôpitaux, poursuit son opération lancée le 18 mars dans le complexe hospitalier al-Chifa de Gaza-Ville.

    À Khan Younès, les soldats mènent des opérations dans le secteur des hôpitaux Nasser et al-Amal, distants d’environ un kilomètre. L’hôpital al-Amal « a cessé de fonctionner complètement », a indiqué plus tôt cette semaine le Croissant-Rouge palestinien après l’évacuation des civils qui s’y trouvaient.

    • Late night update
      27 March 2024 23:56 GMT | Middle East Eye

      On Wednesday, Israeli forces continued their raid on al-Shifa hospital for the 10th consecutive day.

      Israel said it killed “dozens” of Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters, but Hamas denies having any of its fighters inside the hospital.

      One of the journalists who was inside the hospital, Bayan Abulsultan, has not been seen since 19 March, and Reporters Without Borders is calling on Israel’s military to share any information about the reporter.

      The cross-border attacks between Hezbollah and Israel escalated on Wednesday, with Hezbollah launching a barrage of rockets at the largely evacuated town of Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel. The attack was in retaliation for Israel’s overnight strike on an emergency health centre in al-Habbariyeh, south Lebanon, that killed seven rescuers.

      Israel responded again with two strikes in southern Lebanon that killed at least eight people.

      Here’s what else you need to know from Wednesday’s developments:

      Thousands of Jordanians took to the streets of Amman for another night, protesting against the ongoing war in Gaza.

      A State Department official has resigned from her position, citing US support for Israel’s war. Annelle Sheline became the most significant Biden official to resign from their position since Josh Paul, who oversaw arms transfers at the State Department, resigned in October.

      Al Jazeera Arabic aired footage showing Israeli forces killing two unarmed Palestinians attempting to return to northern Gaza, and then burying them afterwards.

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been working to reschedule a meeting with the White House regarding the planning military invasion of Rafah. This comes after he cancelled the meeting in anger over the US abstention on a UN Security Council vote calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

      Matthew Miller, a spokesperson for the State Department, accused UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese of having a history of antisemitic comments. Albanese released a report this week stating there are reasonable grounds to believe Israel is committing genocide.

      The White House expressed condolences to the people who drowned while trying to retrieve aid that was airdropped into the water off a beach in Gaza.


  • Morning update
    27 March 2024 06:01 GMT | Middle East Eye

    Israel targeted an emergency health centre affiliated with Lebanese political and armed group al-Jamaa al-Islamiya in al-Habbaryieh, south Lebanon, reportedly killing seven rescuers. Israeli claims the strike killed a key member of the group

    Israeli morning strikes on two homes in Rafah killed three people

    One 19-year-old Palestinian was killed by Israeli forces in Jenin, occupied West Bank as heavy clashes are reported in the area

    Jordanian police beat and arrested several protesters near the Israeli embassy in Amman

    Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant said a “local alternative” must be found in Gaza as he believes it should not be governed by Israel or Hamas

    Late night update
    26 March 2024 23:56 GMT | Middle East Eye

    A day after the UN Security Council passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, Israel’s war on the enclave continues.

    Despite that resolution, truce talks between Israel and Hamas have not progressed, with the Israeli negotiating team leaving Doha, blaming Hamas for what it described as a “dead end” in the current discussions.

    And Israel’s military has continued to bomb the Gaza Strip despite the international call for a cessation of hostilities. The latest Palestinian health ministry death toll in Gaza stands at 32,414.

    Here’s what else you need to know from Tuesday’s developments:

    Israel claimed that it killed top Hamas military leader Marwan Issa in a strike earlier this month. Hamas officials said there was no confirmation of this, and said Israel was waging an information war.

    Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro has threatened to cut diplomatic ties with Israel if the country doesn’t comply with the UN Security Council’s ceasefire resolution.

    Yemen’s Houthi movement said that it carried out six operations, including attacks on four ships and attacks on two US destroyers. One attack, however, was denied by the vessel’s company.

    A series of air strikes targeted the eastern province of Deir el-Zour in Syria, killing more than a dozen people, including an Iranian advisor and a member of the World Health Organisation.

    Thirty Palestinians have been detained by Israeli forces in mass arrests across the West Bank, according to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society.

    Unrwa said it has sufficient funds to keep its operations going until the end of May.

    The US Treasury Department has announced sanctions against finance and trade facilitators for Yemen’s Houthi rebels, the Lebanese group Hezbollah and Iran’s Quds Force.


  • War on Gaza: How Israeli soldiers assaulted Palestinians during the raid on al-Shifa hospital
    Survivors of the attack on hospital’s vicinity recall executions, torture and abuse by Israeli soldiers during a week-long operation
    By Mohammed al-Hajjar and Abubaker Abed and Osama Kahlout in Gaza, occupied Palestine

    Published date: 25 March 2024 16:15 GMT | Last update: 17 hours 34 mins ago | Middle East Eye

    Survivors of the Israeli attack on al-Shifa hospital and its vicinity in Gaza City have recounted their experiences to Middle East Eye, a week after the raid.

    Israeli forces have been attacking and laying siege to al-Shifa hospital since Monday 18 March. The medical complex is the largest in the Gaza Strip, with some 30,000 people seeking refuge there prior to the current raid.

    The surgical building was destroyed on Thursday, and many displaced people were forced to leave the medical complex, the largest in the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, civilians in the vicinity of the hospital have reported being trapped under Israeli fire for days.

    The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor rights group said on Saturday that it documented “a series of crimes systematically committed by Israeli forces” in the area of the hospital in Gaza City over the past week.

    The abuses , according to Euro-Med, include extrajudicial executions, communication cutoffs, and intense shelling targeting homes surrounding the medical complex.

    Adel AbdRabbouh, 29, was an eyewitness to the Israeli attack on the hospital last week as he arrived there to visit his cousins.

    At around 11am last Monday, he watched as Israeli quadcopters, tanks, warplanes and military vehicles encircled the hospital.

    He said “thousands of bullets” were fired at the hospital, which forced him to stay put as he feared being shot at if he fled the building.

    “People were falling [...] like leaves from Israeli bullets; patients were left alone moaning from pain inside; women were calling their children, and children were crying out in panic. That was the scene,” he told Middle East Eye.

    Then, AbdRabbouh said that approximately 500 Israeli soldiers stormed the hospital, instructing everyone not to move.

    They began apprehending those who could walk and had no life-threatening wounds, he added.

    “Initially assuring us no harm would come, they proceeded to kill at least 300 civilians. We were mere toys in their hands," he said.

    Despite sustaining severe fractures and burns on his left leg during the attack, AbdRabbouh was among those detained in the raid.

    Over 500 individuals, including women and children, were also detained, he told MEE.

    “Men were stripped, beaten, blindfolded and handcuffed. We were herded into the courtyard and later subjected to interrogation,” he added.

    AbdRabbouh said he underwent three rounds of questioning by Israeli soldiers, each round lasting 15 minutes.

    Soldiers asked him whether he had encountered any Palestinian fighters. Following 45 minutes of interrogation per person, they were left naked outside the hospital, and received nothing for iftar except a small bottle of water.

    They remained in this state until the following morning when they were instructed to march to Al-Rasheed Street, near Istanbul Cafe. On Wednesday morning, they were released and ordered to flee south.

    “Despite our exhaustion, wounds, and dehydration, we had to trek for seven hours to Deir al-Balah. I arrived there on the brink of death," he recounted. (...)

  • Morning update
    26 March 2024 05:50 GMT | Middle East Eye

    Here are the latest updates:

    Despite US insistence on the UN Security Council Gaza resolution being “non-binding,” countries across the world welcomed it, with UN chief Antonion Guterres saying it, in fact, binding and must be implemented
    The Israeli army bombed a home in Rafah, killing at least 15 people, including four children
    Israeli settlers attacked the Palestinian town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron, while Israeli forces conducted several arrests across the West Bank
    Meeting with Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken reiterated his country’s opposition to an operation in Rafah, saying “alternatives exist” to the ground invasion

    Late night update
    26 March 2024 00:04 GMT | Middle East Eye

    Hello MEE readers. Monday marked the 171st day of Israel’s war in Gaza. The number 171 is also the number of Unrwa staff members killed by Israeli forces in Gaza.

    On Monday, the UN Security Council passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire after the US abstained from the vote. The US used its veto power to reject several similar resolutions since October, but decided not to weigh in on Monday, allowing the measure to pass.

    The decision was met with outrage by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who in response cancelled an Israeli delegation to Washington that was meant to discuss the options for an invasion of Gaza’s southern city Rafah.

    UN special rapporteur Francesca Albanese also released a damning report on Monday, outlining how Israel had crossed the threshold of genocide in Gaza.

    Here’s what else you need to know from Monday’s developments:

    The US State Department said the Israeli decision not to come for scheduled talks with American officials was “surprising and unfortunate”.

    Hamas has informed mediators that the group will stick to its original position on reaching a comprehensive ceasefire rather than a temporary one.

    The US said it conducted another airdrop of humanitarian aid into northern Gaza on Monday.

    US presidential candidate Donald Trump said that Israel should “finish up” its war on Gaza, saying that it is losing international credibility.

    The military wing of Hamas, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, said it fired rockets towards the southern Israeli city of Ashdod on Monday. It was the first such attack in weeks.

    Survivors of al-Shifa Hospital raid spoke to MEE about the torture and abuse that occurred. You can read that story here.
