• Comment l’UE a fermé les yeux sur le refoulement illégal de migrants par la #Bulgarie avant son adhésion à Schengen

    Des documents internes de Frontex révèlent des violations répétées. Malgré des alertes répétées, la Commission européenne salue les « résultats excellents » de la Bulgarie, qui s’apprête à rejoindre l’espace Schengen.

    Au printemps 2022, Ali, un Syrien de 16 ans, entre dans un centre d’accueil à Sofia (Bulgarie) pour demander une protection au titre de l’asile et un regroupement familial avec sa mère et ses cinq autres frères et sœurs, restés en Syrie et au Liban.

    Mais les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu. Au lieu de voir sa demande traitée, il est emmené dans un endroit qui, dit-il, « ressemble à une prison ». Pendant la nuit, comme une cinquantaine d’autres personnes, il est embarqué dans une voiture de la police des frontières et reconduit jusqu’à la frontière turque, à 300 kilomètres de là, sans recevoir la moindre information sur ses droits à l’asile.

    « Ils nous ont fait marcher jusqu’à une #clôture équipée de caméras. Après avoir franchi la clôture, il y avait comme un canal. En même temps, ils frappaient les gens, se remémore le garçon. Ils ont tout pris et m’ont frappé dans le dos, sur la tête. Après cela, ils m’ont jeté dans le canal. » Le groupe est invité à retourner en #Turquie et ne jamais revenir.

    Les refoulements, une « pratique courante »

    Les témoignages de refoulements (ou pushbacks, en anglais) comme celui d’Ali sont généralement réfutés par le gouvernement bulgare. Mais de nombreux abus ont été documentés par l’organe de surveillance des droits humains de Frontex au cours des dix-huit derniers mois, selon une série de documents internes de l’agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes consultés par le réseau Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN) et publiés par Le Monde. Ces documents, obtenus grâce aux lois de transparence européennes, décrivent avec force détails des #brutalités commises par des agents bulgares participant aux opérations de Frontex : coups de bâton, #déshabillage de force, #vols d’effets personnels, #agressions verbales et #blessures graves infligées par des chiens, etc.

    Les documents montrent également que les preuves étayant ces pratiques illégales ont été dissimulées non seulement par les autorités bulgares, mais aussi par les hauts fonctionnaires de Frontex et de la Commission européenne. Dans le même temps, l’exécutif européen saluait les « excellents » progrès réalisés par la Bulgarie en matière de #gestion_des_frontières, facilitant l’adhésion du pays à l’espace Schengen – les contrôles aux frontières aériennes et maritimes seront levés le 31 mars, tandis que les contrôles terrestres restent en place pour l’instant.

    Les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) de défense des droits humains locales et internationales alertent depuis de nombreuses années sur les refoulements violents en Bulgarie. Selon des données compilées par le Comité Helsinki de Bulgarie, 5 268 refoulements, touchant 87 647 personnes, auraient eu lieu au cours de la seule année 2022.

    Plusieurs experts affirment que la plupart des 325 000 entrées de migrants que le gouvernement bulgare revendique avoir « empêchées » depuis 2022 sont en fait des refoulements illégaux. « Ces personnes ont été interceptées à l’intérieur du pays. Nous ne parlons donc pas d’entrées empêchées, mais de retours », explique Iliyana Savova, directrice du programme pour les réfugiés et les migrants du Comité Helsinki de Bulgarie. « C’est un secret de Polichinelle que les gens sont repoussés. De tels ordres existent », admet, sous le couvert de l’anonymat, un haut fonctionnaire du gouvernement bulgare.

    Les preuves s’accumulent tellement que le Bureau des droits fondamentaux de Frontex (FRO) considère « établi » que les refoulements, « impliquant souvent des niveaux élevés de #violence et d’autres #traitements_inhumains_ou_dégradants », sont « une pratique régulière de la police des frontières bulgare », selon un bilan des « rapports d’incidents graves » couvrant la période 2022-2023 obtenu dans le cadre de cette enquête.

    Un lanceur d’alerte en mission discrète

    Pour l’Union européenne (UE), la situation est d’autant plus problématique que son agence des frontières collabore directement sur le terrain avec les forces de sécurité bulgares. Depuis 2022, dans le cadre de l’opération conjointe #Terra, Frontex a déployé des équipes de #gardes-frontières, des véhicules de patrouille et des #caméras_de_thermovision pour aider les autorités bulgares dans leurs activités de #surveillance aux frontières turque et serbe.

    En août 2022, un #rapport inquiétant atterrit sur le bureau de Jonas Grimheden, le chef du FRO. Il émane d’un agent de Frontex qui a mené une enquête de sa propre initiative lors d’un déploiement de six mois à la frontière avec la Turquie. Il révèle que les agents de Frontex sont tenus intentionnellement à l’écart des zones où les migrants sont généralement appréhendés et repoussés. « Lorsque des situations se produisent, le collègue local reçoit les indications pour déplacer l’équipe Frontex, en évitant certaines zones, note le lanceur d’alerte. Ils ont pour instruction d’empêcher Frontex de voir quoi que ce soit, pour éviter qu’ils rédigent un rapport officiel. »

    Pour l’eurodéputée écologiste Tineke Strik, cheffe de file d’un groupe d’eurodéputés chargé de surveiller Frontex, ces conclusions soulèvent de sérieux doutes quant à la capacité de l’agence à garantir le respect des droits humains dans le cadre de ses activités : « Il est étonnant qu’une agence de l’UE soit toujours incapable de faire respecter le droit européen après tant d’enquêtes institutionnelles, de rapports, de recommandations et d’avertissements. »

    Dans les mois qui suivent le rapport du lanceur d’alerte, Jonas Grimheden fait part de ses préoccupations croissantes concernant la conduite des agents frontaliers bulgares aux échelons supérieurs de Frontex, dont le siège se trouve à Varsovie.

    L’agence s’attache alors à restaurer sa réputation, ternie par la révélation de sa complicité dans les refoulements illégaux de migrants en Grèce. En avril 2022, son directeur, Fabrice Leggeri – qui vient de rallier le Rassemblement national en vue des élections européennes –, a été contraint de démissionner après avoir été reconnu coupable par l’Office européen de lutte antifraude d’avoir dissimulé des refoulements de bateaux de migrants en mer Egée.

    Aija Kalnaja, qui lui a succédé à la direction de Frontex pour un court intérim, semble prendre les avertissements du FRO au sérieux. En février 2023, elle exprime de « vives inquiétudes » dans une lettre adressée à Rositsa Dimitrova, alors cheffe de la direction des frontières bulgare, recommandant aux autorités du pays d’accorder au corps permanent de l’agence l’accès aux « contrôles de première ligne et aux activités de surveillance des frontières ».

    Dans sa réponse, #Rositsa_Dimitrova assure que « le respect des droits fondamentaux des ressortissants de pays tiers est une priorité absolue ». Disposée à organiser des séances d’information et des formations à l’intention de ses gardes-frontières, la responsable bulgare explique que chaque violation présumée des droits est examinée par une commission constituée par ses soins. Insuffisant, pour le FRO, qui préférerait un contrôle rigoureux par un « organisme indépendant opérant en dehors de la structure institutionnelle du ministère de l’intérieur bulgare ». Cinq agents ont été sanctionnés pour avoir violé leur code de conduite éthique au cours des dix premiers mois de 2023, précise aujourd’hui le ministère de l’intérieur bulgare.

    Une lettre jamais envoyée

    Au début de 2023, le Néerlandais Hans Leijtens est nommé à la tête de Frontex. On peut alors s’attendre à ce que ce nouveau directeur, engagé publiquement en faveur de la « responsabilité, du respect des droits fondamentaux et de la transparence », adopte une position ferme à l’égard des autorités bulgares. « Ce sont des pratiques du passé », déclare-t-il après sa nomination, en référence aux antécédents de Frontex en matière d’aide aux refoulements en Grèce.

    Soucieux de saisir l’occasion, Jonas Grimheden, à la tête du FRO, lui écrit deux jours après sa prise de fonctions, en mars 2023. Le courriel contient un projet de lettre « que vous pouvez envisager d’envoyer, en tout ou en partie », à Rositsa Dimitrova. La lettre rappelle les « allégations persistantes de retours irréguliers (appelés “refoulements”), accompagnées de graves allégations de #mauvais_traitements et d’#usage_excessif_de_la_force par la police nationale des frontières à l’encontre des migrants » et demande des enquêtes indépendantes sur les violations des droits. Ce brouillon de lettre n’a jamais quitté la boîte de réception d’Hans Leijtens.

    Quelques semaines plus tard, en mars 2023, le #FRO envoie un rapport officiel au conseil d’administration de Frontex, évoquant le « risque que l’agence soit indirectement impliquée dans des violations des droits fondamentaux sans avoir la possibilité de recueillir toutes les informations pertinentes et d’empêcher ces violations de se produire ».

    M. Leijtens a-t-il fait part aux autorités bulgares des conclusions du FRO ? Sollicité, le service de presse de Frontex explique que « les discussions directes ont été jugées plus efficaces », sans pouvoir divulguer « les détails spécifiques des discussions ».

    Une contrepartie pour Schengen ?

    Alors que ce bras de fer se joue en coulisses, sur la scène politique, la Bulgarie est érigée en élève modèle pour le programme de contrôle des migrations de la Commission européenne, et récompensée pour le durcissement de ses #contrôles_frontaliers, en contrepartie de l’avancement de sa candidature à l’entrée dans l’espace Schengen.

    En mars 2023, la présidente de la Commission européenne, Ursula von der Leyen, annonce un #projet_pilote visant à « prévenir les arrivées irrégulières » et à « renforcer la gestion des frontières et des migrations », notamment par le biais de « #procédures_d’asile_accélérées » et d’#expulsions_rapides des migrants indésirables. La Commission sélectionne deux pays « volontaires » : la #Roumanie et la Bulgarie.

    Pour mettre en œuvre le projet, la Commission accorde à la Bulgarie 69,5 millions d’euros de #fonds_européens, principalement destinés à la surveillance de sa frontière avec la Turquie. « Toutes les activités menées dans le cadre de ce projet pilote doivent l’être dans le plein respect de la législation de l’UE et des droits fondamentaux, en particulier du principe de non-refoulement », précise d’emblée la Commission.

    Pourtant, à ce moment-là, l’exécutif bruxellois est parfaitement conscient de la situation désastreuse des droits humains sur le terrain. Deux mois avant le lancement du projet, en janvier 2023, deux hauts fonctionnaires de la direction des affaires intérieures (DG Home) ont rencontré à Stockholm la patronne des gardes-frontières bulgares « pour discuter des préoccupations du FRO concernant les allégations de #violations_des_droits_fondamentaux », révèle un compte rendu de la réunion.

    Au fil de l’avancement du projet pilote, les signaux d’alerte se multiplient. En septembre 2023, Jonas Grimheden alerte une nouvelle fois le conseil d’administration de Frontex sur des « allégations répétées de (…) refoulements et d’usage excessif de la force » par les agents bulgares. Si son rapport salue la participation des agents de Frontex aux « activités de patrouille terrestre de première ligne », il rappelle que ces derniers « continuent d’être impliqués dans un nombre limité d’interceptions » de migrants.

    Au cours du projet, deux documents sur les « droits fondamentaux » aux frontières extérieures de la Bulgarie ont circulé au sein de la DG Home. La Commission européenne a refusé de les communiquer au BIRN, arguant que leur divulgation mettrait en péril la « confiance mutuelle » avec le gouvernement bulgare.

    « Les résultats sont excellents »

    La participation de la Bulgarie au projet pilote de la Commission semble avoir joué un rôle crucial pour faire avancer son projet de rejoindre Schengen – un objectif prioritaire depuis plus d’une décennie. Il coïncide en tout cas avec un changement de ton très net du côté de Bruxelles et Varsovie, qui ont dès lors largement balayé les inquiétudes concernant les mauvais traitements infligés à grande échelle aux migrants.

    « Les résultats sont excellents », annonce Ylva Johansson lors d’une conférence de presse en octobre 2023. La commissaire européenne aux affaires intérieures, chargée des migrations, salue les efforts déployés par la Bulgarie pour empêcher les migrants « irréguliers » d’entrer sur le territoire de l’UE, appelant à prendre la « décision absolument nécessaire » d’admettre la Bulgarie dans l’espace Schengen. Cette décision est alors bloquée depuis des mois par les Pays-Bas et l’Autriche, qui exigent des contrôles plus stricts à la frontière terrestre avec la Turquie. Quelques semaines auparavant, Ursula von der Leyen avait salué la Bulgarie, qui « montre la voie à suivre en mettant en avant les meilleures pratiques en matière d’asile et de retour ». « Faisons-les enfin entrer, sans plus attendre », avait réclamé la présidente de la Commission.

    Selon Diana Radoslavova, directrice du Centre pour le soutien juridique, une ONG sise à Sofia, la fermeture effective de la frontière avec la Turquie est indispensable à l’entrée de la Bulgarie dans l’espace Schengen. « [Les autorités] sont prêtes à tout pour respecter cette injonction, y compris au prix de violations extrêmes des droits de l’homme », estime l’avocate. « Tant que la Bulgarie coopère en bonne intelligence avec la protection des frontières et la mise en œuvre du projet pilote, la Commission regarde ailleurs », ajoute l’eurodéputée Tineke Strik.

    Pour défendre la candidature de Sofia à l’espace Schengen, la Commission européenne s’est appuyée sur le rapport d’une mission d’enquête rassemblant les experts de plusieurs agences de l’UE et des Etats membres, dépêchés en novembre 2023 en Bulgarie pour évaluer son état de préparation à l’adhésion. La mission n’aurait trouvé aucune preuve de violation des obligations en matière de droits humains prévues par les règles européennes, y compris en ce qui concerne « le respect du principe de non-refoulement et l’accès à la protection internationale ».

    Ce rapport n’a pas dissipé les inquiétudes de Jonas Grimheden, qui affirme que ses services font encore « régulièrement » part de leurs « préoccupations » au conseil d’administration de Frontex, « auquel participe la Commission européenne ».
    Cette enquête a été produite en collaboration avec le réseau Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), qui a reçu un soutien financier de la Fondation Heinrich-Böll. Son contenu relève de la seule responsabilité des auteurs et ne représente pas les points de vue et les opinions de la fondation.

    La réponse de Frontex et de la Commission européenne

    Un porte-parole de Frontex déclare que l’agence prend « très au sérieux » les « préoccupations concernant les refoulements ». « Dans les cas où des violations sont signalées, la question est transmise au directeur exécutif et, si nécessaire, discutée lors des réunions du conseil d’administration avec des représentants des Etats membres. Toutefois, ces discussions ne sont pas publiques, conformément à notre politique de confidentialité visant à garantir un dialogue franc et efficace. »

    Dans une réponse écrite, la Commission européenne rappelle « l’importance de maintenir des éléments de contrôle solides tout en renforçant les actions de suivi et d’enquête ». « Les autorités bulgares, comme celles de tous les Etats membres de l’UE, doivent respecter pleinement les obligations découlant du droit d’asile et du droit international, notamment en garantissant l’accès à la procédure d’asile », explique un porte-parole.

    L’institution précise qu’« il a été convenu de renforcer davantage le mécanisme national indépendant existant pour contrôler le respect des droits fondamentaux », mais qu’« il est de la responsabilité des Etats membres d’enquêter sur toute allégation d’actes répréhensibles ».

    Le Médiateur européen enquête actuellement sur la décision de la Commission de refuser la communication aux journalistes de BIRN de deux documents de la DG Home sur les « droits fondamentaux » aux frontières extérieures de la Bulgarie. Dans l’attente de l’enquête, la Commission a refusé de dire si ces documents avaient été pris en considération lorsqu’elle a émis des évaluations positives du programme pilote et de la conformité de la Bulgarie avec les règles de Schengen.


    #refoulements #push-backs #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #opération_Terra

  • Rotta balcanica: i sogni spezzati nella Drina

    Nelle acque del fiume Drina, in Bosnia Erzegovina, decine di migranti sono morti nel tentativo di avvicinarsi al sogno di una vita migliore in quell’Europa che li respinge. Volontari del Soccorso alpino di Bijeljina e attivisti sono impegnati nel difficile recupero dei corpi

    • Rotta balcanica : i sogni spezzati nella Drina

      Nelle acque del fiume Drina, in Bosnia Erzegovina, decine di migranti sono morti nel tentativo di avvicinarsi al sogno di una vita migliore in quell’Europa che li respinge. Volontari del Soccorso alpino di Bijeljina e attivisti sono impegnati nel difficile recupero dei corpi.

      “Finora non mi è mai capitato di sognare uno dei corpi ritrovati, non ho mai avuto incubi. Proprio mai. Credo sia una questione di approccio. Soltanto chi non ha la coscienza pulita fa incubi”, afferma Nenad Jovanović, 37 anni, membro della squadra del Soccorso alpino di Bijeljina.

      Negli ultimi sei anni, Jovanović ha partecipato alle operazioni di recupero di oltre cinquanta corpi di migranti nell’area che si estende dal villaggio di Branjevo alla foce del fiume Drina [nella Bosnia orientale], tutti di età inferiore ai quarant’anni, annegati nel tentativo di entrare in Bosnia Erzegovina dalla Serbia, per poi proseguire il loro viaggio verso altri paesi europei, in cerca di un posto sicuro per sé e per i propri familiari.

      “Ogni volta che scoppia un nuovo conflitto in Medio Oriente, in Afghanistan, Iraq o altrove, assistiamo ad un aumento degli arrivi di migranti in cerca di salvezza nei paesi dell’Unione europea. Purtroppo, per alcuni di loro la Drina si rivela un ostacolo insormontabile. Il loro è un destino doloroso che può capitare a chiunque”, spiega Nenad Jovanović.

      Durante le operazioni di recupero dei corpi, Jovanović più volte è stato costretto a gettarsi nel fiume in piena, rischiando la propria vita.

      “Recentemente abbiamo recuperato il corpo di un uomo proveniente dall’Afghanistan. Era in acqua da circa un anno. I pescatori che per primi lo avevano notato non erano nemmeno sicuri che si trattasse di un corpo umano. Potete immaginare lo stato in cui si trovava”, afferma Jovanović.

      Un suo collega, Miroslav Vujanović, si sofferma sull’aspetto umano del lavoro del soccorritore. “A prescindere dallo stato di decomposizione, cerchiamo in tutti in modi possibili di recuperare il corpo nelle condizioni in cui lo troviamo. Nulla deve essere perso, nemmeno i vestiti. Perché siamo tutti esseri umani. Nel momento del recupero di un corpo magari non pensi alla sua identità, cerchi di fare il tuo lavoro in modo professionale e basta. Poi però quando torni a casa e vedi tua moglie e i figli, inizi a chiederti chi fosse quell’uomo e se anche lui avesse una famiglia. È del tutto normale riflettere su queste cose. Sono però pensieri intimi, che tendiamo a tenere dentro”.

      I volontari del Soccorso alpino di Bijeljina hanno partecipato anche alle operazioni di ricerca e assistenza alle popolazioni colpite dal terremoto nella regione di Banovina (in Croazia) nel 2020 e alle vittime del terremoto che l’anno scorso ha devastato la Turchia. In tutte queste operazioni sono stati costretti ad utilizzare le attrezzature prese in prestito o noleggiate, perché le autorità locali non rispettano gli accordi di cooperazione stipulati con altri paesi. Del resto, la Bosnia Erzegovina è il paese delle assurdità. Lo confermano anche i nostri interlocutori, aggiungendo che a volte si sentono incompresi anche dai loro familiari.

      “Mia moglie spesso si chiede come io possa fare questo lavoro. Oppure invito ospiti a casa per la celebrazione del santo della famiglia, e proprio quando stiamo per tagliare il pane tradizionale, mi chiama la polizia dicendo di aver trovato un cadavere nella Drina. Quindi, mi scuso con gli ospiti, chiedo loro di rimanere e vado a fare il mio lavoro. Non è un lavoro facile, ma per me la più grande soddisfazione è sapere che quel corpo recuperato sarà sepolto degnamente e che la famiglia della vittima, straziata dalla sofferenza, finalmente troverà pace”, spiega Nenad Jovanović.

      Recentemente, Jovanović, insieme ai suoi colleghi Miroslav Vujanović e Safet Omerbegić, ha partecipato ad una cerimonia di commemorazione in memoria dei migranti scomparsi e morti ai confini d’Europa. In quell’occasione sono state inaugurate le lapidi delle tombe dei sedici migranti sepolti nel nuovo cimitero di Bijeljina, situato nel quartiere di Hase. Trattandosi di corpi non identificati, ciascuna delle lastre in marmo nero reca incise, a caratteri dorati, la sigla N.N e l’anno della morte.

      Nel cimitero è stato piantato anche un filare di alberi in memoria delle vittime e sono state collocate due targhe commemorative con la scritta: “Non dimenticheremo mai voi e i vostri sogni spezzati nella Drina”. L’iniziativa è stata realizzata grazie al sostegno dell’associazione austriaca «SOS Balkanroute» e di Nihad Suljić, attivista di Tuzla, che da anni fornisce assistenza concreta ai rifugiati e partecipa alle procedure di identificazione e sepoltura dei morti.

      “Per noi è un grande onore e privilegio sostenere simili progetti. Si tratta di un’iniziativa pionieristica che può fungere da modello per l’intera regione. Per quanto possa sembrare paradossale, siamo contenti che queste persone, a differenza di tante altre, abbiano almeno una tomba. Abbiamo voluto che le loro tombe fossero dignitose e che non venissero lasciate al degrado, come accaduto recentemente a Zvornik”, sottolinea Petar Rosandić dell’associazione SOS Balkanroute.

      Rosandić spiega che la sistemazione delle tombe dei migranti nei cimiteri di Bijeljina e Zvornik è frutto di un’iniziativa di cooperazione transfrontaliera a cui hanno partecipato anche le comunità religiose di Vienna. Queste comunità, che durante la Seconda guerra mondiale erano impegnate nel salvataggio degli ebrei, oggi partecipano a diversi progetti a sostegno dei migranti lungo le frontiere esterne dell’UE.

      “Sulle lastre c’è scritto che si tratta di persone non identificate, ma noi sappiano che in ogni tomba giace il corpo di un giovane uomo i cui sogni si sono spezzati nella Drina. Ognuno di loro aveva una famiglia, un passato, i propri desideri e le proprie aspirazioni. Il loro unico peccato, secondo gli standard europei, era quello di avere un passaporto sbagliato, quindi sono stati costretti a intraprendere strade pericolose per raggiungere i luoghi dove speravano di trovare serenità e un futuro migliore”, afferma l’attivista Nihad Suljić.

      Suljić poi spiega che nel prossimo periodo i ricercatori e gli attivisti si impegneranno al massimo per instaurare una collaborazione con diverse istituzioni e organizzazioni. L’obiettivo è quello di identificare le persone sepolte in modo da restituire loro un’identità e permettere alle loro famiglie di avviare un processo di lutto.

      “Questi monumenti neri sono le colonne della vergogna dell’Unione europea – commenta Suljić - non è stata la Drina a uccidere queste persone, bensì la politica delle frontiere chiuse. Se avessero avuto un altro modo per raggiungere un posto sicuro dove costruire una vita migliore, sicuramente non sarebbero andati in cerca di pace attraversando mari, fiumi e fili spinati. Le loro tombe testimonieranno per sempre la vergogna e il regime criminale dell’UE”.

      Suljić ha invitato i cittadini dell’UE che hanno partecipato alla cerimonia di commemorazione a Bijeljina a chiamare i governi dei loro paesi ad assumersi la propria responsabilità.

      “Non abbiamo bisogno di donazioni né di corone di fiori. Vi invito però a inviare un messaggio ai vostri governi, a tutti i responsabili dell’attuazione di queste politiche, per spiegare loro le conseguenze delle frontiere chiuse, frontiere che uccidono gli esseri umani, ma anche i valori europei”.

      Dalla chiusura del corridoio sicuro lungo la rotta balcanica [nel 2015], nell’area di Bijeljina, Zvornik e Bratunac sono stati ritrovati circa sessanta corpi di migranti annegati nel fiume Drina. Stando ai dati raccolti da un gruppo di attivisti e ricercatori, nel periodo compreso tra gennaio 2014 e dicembre 2023 lungo il tratto della rotta balcanica che include sei paesi (Macedonia del Nord, Kosovo, Serbia, Bosnia Erzegovina, Croazia e Slovenia) hanno perso la vita 346 persone in movimento. Trattandosi di dati reperiti da fonti pubbliche, i ricercatori sottolineano che il numero effettivo di vittime con ogni probabilità è molto più alto. In molti casi, la tragica sorte dei migranti è direttamente legata ai respingimenti effettuati dalle autorità locali e dai membri dell’agenzia Frontex.

      “La morte alle frontiere è ormai parte integrante di un regime di controllo che alcuni autori definiscono un crimine in tempo di pace, una forma di violenza amministrativa e istituzionale finalizzata a mantenere in vita un determinato ordine sociale. Molte persone morte ai confini restano invisibili, come sono invisibili anche le persone scomparse. I decessi e le sparizioni spesso non vengono denunciati, e alcuni corpi non vengono mai ritrovati”, spiega Marijana Hameršak, ricercatrice dell’Istituto di etnologia e studi sul folklore di Zagabria, responsabile di un progetto sui meccanismi di gestione dei flussi migratori alle periferie dell’UE.

      In assenza di un database regionale e di iniziative di cooperazione transfrontaliera, sono i volontari e gli attivisti a portare avanti le azioni di ricerca di persone scomparse e i tentativi di identificazione dei corpi. Al termine della cerimonia di commemorazione, a Bijeljina si è tenuta una conferenza per discutere di questo tema.

      “Molte famiglie non sanno a chi rivolgersi, non hanno mai ricevuto indicazioni chiare. Finora le istituzioni non hanno mai voluto impegnarsi su questo fronte. Spero che a breve ognuno si assuma la propria responsabilità e faccia il proprio lavoro, perché non è normale che noi, attivisti e volontari, portiamo avanti questo processo”, denuncia Nihad Suljić.

      A dare un contributo fondamentale è anche Vidak Simić, patologo ed esperto forense di Bijeljina. Dal 2016 Simić ha eseguito l’autopsia e prelevato un campione di DNA di circa quaranta corpi di migranti, per la maggior parte rinvenuti nel fiume Drina.

      “Questa vicenda mi opprime, non mi sento bene perché non riesco a portare a termine il mio lavoro. Credo profondamente nel giuramento di Ippocrate e lo rispetto. Le leggi e altre norme mi obbligano a conservare i campioni per sei mesi, ho deciso però di conservarli per tutto il tempo necessario, in attesa che il sistema venga cambiato. La mia idea è di raccogliere tutti questi campioni, creare profili genetici individuali, pubblicarli su un sito appositamente creato in modo da aiutare le famiglie – in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Algeria, Marocco e in altri paesi – che cercano i loro cari scomparsi.

      Lo auspicano anche il padre, la madre, la sorella e i fratelli di Aziz Alimi, vent’anni, proveniente dall’Afghanistan, che nel settembre dello scorso anno, nel tentativo di raggiungere la Bosnia Erzegovina dalla Serbia, aveva deciso di attraversare la Drina a nuoto con altri tre ragazzi. Poco dopo la sua scomparsa, nello stesso luogo da dove Aziz per l’ultima volta aveva contattato uno dei suoi fratelli, è stato ritrovato un corpo.

      Dal momento che non è stato possibile identificare il corpo per via del pessimo stato in cui si trovava, i familiari di Aziz, che nel frattempo hanno trovato rifugio in Iran, hanno inviato un campione del suo DNA in Bosnia Erzegovina. Ripongono fiducia nelle istituzioni e nei cittadini bosniaco-erzegovesi per garantire ad Aziz almeno una sepoltura dignitosa.

      Ai presenti alla conferenza di Bijeljina si è rivolta anche la sorella di Aziz, Zahra Alimi, intervenuta con un videomessaggio. “Non abbiamo parenti in Europa che possano aiutarci e davvero non sappiamo cosa fare. Per favore aiutateci, nostro padre è affetto da un tumore e nostra madre ha sofferto molto dopo aver appreso la triste notizia [della scomparsa di Aziz]. Possiamo contare solo su di voi”.

      #route_des_Balkans #Balkans #rivière #Bosnie-Hezégovine #migrations #réfugiés #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #Bijeljina #Branjevo #Nenad_Jovanović #Nenad_Jovanovic #Serbie #frontières #commémoration #mémoire #cimetière #tombes #SOS_Balkanroute #Nihad_Suljić #Nihad_Suljic #dignité #monument #responsabilité

  • Jury convicts #Ibrahima_Bah : Statement from Captain Support UK

    Following a three-week trial, Ibrahima Bah, a teenager from Senegal, has been convicted by an all-white jury at Canterbury Crown Court. The jury unanimously found him guilty of facilitating illegal entry to the UK, and by a 10-2 majority of manslaughter by gross negligence. This conviction followed a previous trial in July 2023 in which the jury could not reach a verdict.

    Ibrahima’s prosecution and conviction is a violent escalation in the persecution of migrants to ‘Stop the Boats’. Observing the trial has also made it clear to us how anti-black racism pervades the criminal ‘justice’ system in this country. The verdict rested on the jury’s interpretation of generic words with shifting meanings such as ‘reasonable’, ‘significant’, and ‘minimal’. Such vagueness invites subjective prejudice, in this case anti-black racist profiling. Ibrahima, a teenage survivor, was perceived in the eyes of many jurors to be older, more mature, more responsible, more threatening, with more agency, and thus as more ‘guilty’.
    Why Ibrahima was charged

    Ibrahima was arrested in December 2022 after the dinghy he was driving across the Channel broke apart next to the fishing vessel Arcturus. Four men are known to have drowned, and up to five are still missing at sea. The court heard the names of three of them: Allaji Ibrahima Ba, 18 years old from Guinea who had travelled with Ibrahima from Libya and who Ibrahima described as his brother; Hajratullah Ahmadi, from Afghanistan; and Moussa Conate, a 15 year old from Guinea.

    The jury, judge, defense, and prosecution agreed the shipwreck and resultant deaths had multiple factors. These included the poor construction of the boat, water ingress after a time at sea, and later everyone standing up to be rescued causing the floor of the dinghy ripping apart. A report by Alarm Phone and LIMINAL points to other contributing factors, including the lack of aerial surveillance, the failure of the French to launch a search and rescue operation when first informed of the dinghy’s distress, and the skipper of Arcturus’ delay in informing Dover Coastguard of the seriousness of the wreck. Nonetheless, the Kent jury has decided to exclusively punish a black teenaged survivor.

    What the jury heard

    Many of the other survivors, all of whom claimed asylum upon reaching the UK, testified that Ibrahima saved their lives. At the moment the dinghy got into danger, Ibrahima steered it towards the fishing vessel which rescued them. He was also shown holding a rope to keep the collapsed dinghy alongside the fishing vessel while others climbed onboard. One survivor told the court that Ibrahima “was an angel”.

    The story told by witnesses not on the dinghy contrasted greatly to that of the asylum seekers who survived. Ray Strachan, the captain of the shipping vessel Arcturus offered testimony which appeared particularly prejudiced. He described Ibrahima using racist tropes – “mouthy”, not grateful enough following rescue, and as behaving very unusually. He complained about the tone in which Ibrahima asked the crew to rescue his drowning friend Allaji, who Strachan could only describe as being “dark brown. What can you say nowadays? He wasn’t white.” Strachan also has spoken out in a GB News interview against what he considers to be the “migrant taxi service” in the Channel, and volunteered to the jury, “It wasn’t my decision to take them to Dover. I wanted to take them back to France.” This begs the question of whether Strachan’s clearly anti-migrant political opinions influenced his testimony in a way which he felt would help secure Ibrahima’s conviction. It also raises the question if jury members identified more with Strachan’s retelling than the Afghans who testified through interpreters, and to what extent they shared some of his convictions.

    When Ibrahima took the stand to testify in his defense he explained that he refused to drive the rubber inflatable after he was taken to the beach and saw its size compared to the number of people expecting to travel on it. He told how smugglers, who had organised the boat and had knives and a gun, then assaulted him and forced him to drive the dinghy. The other survivors corroborated his testimony and described the boat’s driver being beaten and forced onboard.

    The prosecutor, however, sought to discredit Ibrahima, cross-examining him for one-and-a-half days. He demonised Ibrahima and insisted that he was personally responsible for the deaths because he was driving. Ibrahima’s actions, which survivors testified saved their lives, were twisted into dangerous decisions. His experiences of being forced to drive the boat under threat of death, and following assault, were disbelieved. The witness stand became the scene of another interrogation, with the prosecutor picking over the details of Ibrahima’s previous statements for hours.

    Ibrahima’s account never waivered. Yes he drove the dinghy, he didn’t want to, he was forced to, and when they got into trouble he did everything in his power to save everybody on board.
    Free Ibrahima!

    We have been supporting, and will continue to support, Ibrahima as he faces his imprisonment at the hands of the racist and unjust UK border regime.

    This is a truly shocking decision.

    We call for everybody who shares our anger to protest the unjust conviction of Ibrahima Bah and to stand in solidarity with all those incarcerated and criminalised for seeking freedom of movement.


    #scafista #scafisti #UK #Angleterre #criminalisation_de_la_migration #migrations #réfugiés #procès #justice #condamnation #négligence #Stop_the_Boats #verdict #naufrage #responsabilité #Arcturus


      New research shows how people arriving on small boats are being imprisoned for their ‘illegal arrival’. Among those prosecuted are people seeking asylum, victims of trafficking and torture, and children with ongoing age disputes.

      This research provides broader context surrounding the imprisonment of Ibrahima Bah, a Senegalese teenager, who has recently been found ‘guilty’ of both facilitating illegal entry and manslaughter. He was sentenced to 9 years and 6 months imprisonment on Friday 23rd February. In their statement, Captain Support UK argue that “Ibrahima’s prosecution and conviction is a violent escalation in the persecution of migrants to ‘Stop the Boats’.”

      The research

      This report, published by the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford and Border Criminologies, shows how people have been imprisoned for their arrival on a ‘small boat’ since the Nationality and Borders Act (2022) came into force. It details the process from sea to prison, and explains how this policy is experienced by those affected. Analysis is based on observations of over 100 hearings where people seeking asylum were prosecuted for their own illegal arrival, or for facilitating the arrival of others through steering the dinghy they travelled on. The report is informed by the detailed casework experience of Humans for Rights Network, Captain Support UK and Refugee Legal Support. It also draws on data collected through Freedom of Information requests, and research interviews with lawyers, interpreters, and people who have been criminalised for crossing the Channel on a ‘small boat’.


      In late 2018, the number of people using dinghies to reach the UK from mainland Europe began to increase. Despite Government claims, alternative ‘safe and legal routes’ for accessing protection in the UK remain inaccessible to most people. There is no visa for ‘seeking asylum’, and humanitarian routes to the UK are very restricted. For many, irregular journeys by sea have become the only way to enter the UK to seek asylum, safety, and a better life.

      Soon after the number of people arriving on small boats started to increase, the Crown Prosecution Service began to charge those identified as steering the boats with the offences of ‘illegal entry’ or ‘facilitation’. These are offences within Section 24 and Section 25 of the Immigration Act 1971. However, in 2021, a series of successful appeals overturned these prosecutions. This was on the basis that if the people on a small boat intended to claim asylum at port, there was no breach of immigration law through attempted ‘illegal entry’. The Court of Appeal found that those who arrive by small boat and claim asylum do not enter illegally, as they are granted entry as an asylum seeker.

      In response, in June 2022, the Nationality and Borders Act expanded the scope of criminal offences relating to irregular arrival to the UK. First, the offence of ‘illegal arrival’ was introduced, with a maximum sentence of 4 years. Second, the offence of ‘facilitation’ was expanded to include circumstances in which ‘gain’ was difficult to prove, and the maximum sentence was increased from 14 years to life imprisonment. During Parliamentary debates, members of both Houses of Parliament warned that this would criminalise asylum seeking to the UK.

      Who has been prosecuted since the Nationality and Borders Act (2022)?

      New data shows that in the first year of implementation (June 2022 – June 2023), 240 people arriving on small boats were charged with ‘illegal arrival’ off small boats. While anyone arriving irregularly can now be arrested for ‘illegal arrival’, this research finds that in practice those prosecuted either:

      – Have an ‘immigration history’ in the UK, including having been identified as being in the country, or having attempted to arrive previously ( for example, through simply having applied for a visa), or,
      – Are identified as steering the dinghy they travelled in as it crossed the Channel.

      49 people were also charged with ‘facilitation’ in addition to ‘illegal arrival’ after allegedly being identified as having their ‘hand on the tiller’ at some point during the journey. At least two people were charged with ‘facilitation’ for bringing their children with them on the dinghy.

      In 2022, 1 person for every 10 boats was arrested for their alleged role in steering. In 2023, this was 1 for every 7 boats. People end up being spotted with their ‘hand on the tiller’ for many reasons, including having boating experience, steering in return for discounted passage, taking it in turns, or being under duress. Despite the Government’s rhetoric, both offences target people with no role in organised criminal gangs.

      The vast majority of those convicted of both ‘illegal arrival’ and ‘facilitation’ have ongoing asylum claims. Victims of torture and trafficking, as well as children with ongoing age disputes, have also been prosecuted. Those arrested include people from nationalities with a high asylum grant rate, including people from Sudan, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Eritrea, and Syria.

      Those imprisoned are distressed and harmed by their experiences in court and prison

      This research shows how court hearings were often complicated and delayed by issues with interpreters and faulty video link technology. Bail was routinely denied without proper consideration of each individual’s circumstances. Those accused were usually advised to plead guilty to ‘illegal arrival’ at the first opportunity to benefit from sentence reductions, however, this restricted the possibility of legal challenge.

      Imprisonment caused significant psychological and physical harm, which people said was particularly acute given their experiences of displacement. The majority of those arrested are imprisoned in HMP Elmley. They frequently reported not being able to access crucial services, including medical care, interpretation services including for key documents relating to their cases, contact with their solicitors, immigration advice, as well as work and English lessons. People shared their experiences of poor living conditions, inadequate food, and routine and frequent racist remarks and abuse from prison staff as ‘foreign nationals’.

      Children with age disputes are being imprisoned for their arrival on small boats

      Research (see, for example, here) by refugee support organisations has highlighted significant flaws in the Home Office’s age assessment processes in Dover, resulting in children being aged as adults, and treated as such. One consequence of this is that children with ongoing age disputes have been charged as adults with the offences of ‘illegal arrival’ and ‘facilitation’ for their alleged role in steering boats across the Channel.

      Humans for Rights Network has identified 15 age-disputed children who were wrongly treated as adults and charged with these new offences, with 14 spending time in adult prison. This is very likely to be an undercount. The Home Office fails to collect data on how many people with ongoing age disputes are convicted. These young people have all claimed asylum, and several claim (or have been found to be) survivors of torture and/or trafficking. The majority are Sudanese or South Sudanese, who have travelled to the UK via Libya.

      Throughout the entirety of the criminal process, responsibility lay with the child at every stage to reject their ‘given’ age and reassert that they are under 18. Despite this, the Courts generally relied on the Home Office’s ‘given age’, without recognition of evidence highlighting clear flaws in these initial age enquiries. Children who maintained that they were under 18 in official legal proceedings faced substantial delays to their cases, due to the time required by the relevant local authority to carry out an age assessment, and delays to the criminal process. Due to this inaction, several children have decided to be convicted and sentenced as adults to try to avoid spending additional time in prison.

      These young people have experienced serious psychological and physical harm in adult courts and prisons, raising serious questions around the practices of the Home Office, Border Force, Ministry of Justice, magistrates and Judges, the CPS, defence lawyers, and prison staff.

      Pour télécharger le rapport :
      Full report:https://blogs.law.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-02/No%20such%20thing%20as%20justice%20here_for%20publication.pdf
      Summary : https://blogs.law.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-02/SUMMARY_No%20such%20thing%20as%20justice%20here_for%20publication.pd


    • Ibrahima Bah was sentenced to nine years for steering a ‘death trap’ dinghy across the Channel. Was he really to blame?

      The young asylum seeker was forced into piloting the boat on which at least four people drowned. Under new ‘stop the boats’ laws, he’s responsible for their deaths – but others say he’s a victim

      In the dock at Canterbury crown court, Ibrahima Bah listened closely as his interpreter told him he was being sentenced to nine years and six months in prison.

      In December 2022, Bah had steered an inflatable dinghy full of passengers seeking asylum in the UK across the Channel from France. The boat collapsed and four people were confirmed drowned – it is thought that at least one other went overboard, but no other bodies have yet been recovered.

      Bah’s conviction – four counts of gross negligence manslaughter and one of facilitating a breach of immigration law – is the first of its kind. The Home Office put out a triumphant tweet after his sentencing, with the word “JAILED” in capital letters above his mugshot. According to the government, Bah’s sentence is proof that it is achieving one of Rishi Sunak’s main priorities: to “Stop the Boats”. But human rights campaigners are less jubilant and fear his conviction will be far from the last.

      Of the 39 passengers who survived that perilous journey in December 2022, about a dozen were lone children. Bah is a young asylum seeker himself, from Senegal. The judge determined he is now 20; his birth certificate says he is 17. Either way, he was a teenager at the time of the crossing. So how did his dream of a new life in the UK end up here, in this courtroom, being convicted of multiple counts of manslaughter?

      As with so many asylum seekers, details about Bah’s life are hazy and complicated. He has had little opportunity to speak to people since he arrived in the UK because he has been behind bars. His older sister, Hassanatou Ba, who lives in Morocco, says the whole family is devastated by his imprisonment, especially their mother. Hassanatou says her brother – the only son in the family, and the only male after the death of their father – has always been focused on helping them all.

      “He is gentle, kind and respectful, and loves his family very much,” she says. “He always wanted to take care of all of us. He knew about the difficulties in our lives and wanted our problems to stop.”

      In court, the judge, Mr Justice Johnson KC, noted that Bah’s early upbringing was difficult and that he was subjected to child labour. His initial journey from Senegal was tough, too, as he travelled to the Gambia, then Mali (where the judge acknowledged he had been subjected to forced labour), Algeria and Libya before crossing the Mediterranean to reach Europe. The risk of drowning in a flimsy and overcrowded boat in the Mediterranean is extremely high, with more than 25,000 deaths or people missing during the crossing since 2014. The Immigration Enforcement Competent Authority found there were reasonable grounds to conclude Bah was a victim of modern slavery based on some of his experiences on his journey. He told the police the boat journey was “terrifying”, and took four days and four nights in an “overcrowded and unsuitable” vessel.

      Bah and his fellow travellers were rescued and taken to Sicily. From there, he travelled to France and met Allaji Ba, 18, from Guinea, who became his friend and who he has described as his “brother”. The pair spent five months in Bordeaux before travelling to Paris, then Calais, then Dunkirk, spending three months in an area known as the Jungle – a series of small, basic encampments. The refugees who live there are frequently uprooted by French police. The vast original Calais refugee encampment – also known as the Jungle – was destroyed in October 2016, but the camps still exist, albeit in more compact and makeshift forms. Some people have tents, while others sleep in the open air, whatever the weather.

      In the Jungle, Bah met a group of smugglers. He was unable to pay the going rate of about £2,000 for a space on a dinghy to come to the UK, so instead he agreed to steer the boat in exchange for free passage. Smugglers don’t drive boats themselves: they either offer the job to someone like Bah, who can’t afford to pay for their passage; force a passenger to steer; or leave it to the group to share the task between them.

      When Bah saw how unseaworthy and overcrowded the boat was, he refused to pilot it, and in court, the judge accepted there was a degree of coercion by the smugglers. Bah said smugglers with a knife and a gun assaulted him, and other survivors corroborated his account of being beaten after refusing to board the boat.

      Once the dinghy was afloat, survivors have said the situation became increasingly terrifying. Out at sea, under a pitch black sky, the dinghy began taking in water up to knee level. It was when the passengers saw a fishing vessel, Arcturus, that catastrophe struck, with some standing up, hoping that at last they were going to be saved from what they believed was certain drowning.

      At Bah’s trial, witnesses gave evidence about his efforts to save lives by manoeuvring the stricken dinghy towards the fishing trawler, so that people could be rescued.

      One witness said that if it hadn’t been for Bah, everyone on board would have drowned. “He was trying his best,” he said. Another survivor called him an “angel” for his efforts to save lives, holding a rope so others could be hoisted to safety on the fishing vessel and putting the welfare of others first. The judge acknowledged that Bah was one of the last to leave the dinghy and tried to help others after he did so, including his friend Ba, “who tragically died before your eyes”.

      The dinghy was described by the judge as a “death trap”; he also recognised that the primary responsibility for what happened that night rests with the criminal gangs who exploit and endanger those who wish to come to the UK. He noted that Bah was “significantly less culpable” than the gangs and did not coerce other passengers or organise the trip.

      “Everything that has happened to Ibrahima since he was forced to drive the boat in 2022 has been bad luck,” says Hassanatou. “In fact, Ibrahima’s whole journey has been suffering on top of suffering.”

      Had Bah made the journey just a few months earlier, he would not be in this courtroom today. His conviction was made possible by recent changes in the law – part of the Conservative government’s clampdown on small boats. In June 2022, the Nationality and Borders Act (NABA) expanded the scope of criminal offences relating to irregular arrival to the UK. The offence of “illegal arrival” was introduced, with a maximum sentence of four years. This criminalises the act of arriving in the UK to claim asylum – and effectively makes claiming asylum impossible since, by law, you have to be physically in the country to make a claim.

      At the same time, the pre-existing offence of “facilitation” – making it possible for others to claim asylum by piloting a dinghy, for example – was expanded, with the maximum sentence increased from 14 years to life imprisonment. Hundreds of people, including children and victims of torture and smuggling, have subsequently been jailed for the first offence and a handful for the second.

      The reasons Bah and thousands of others are forced into this particularly deadly form of Russian roulette on the Channel is due to government policy not to provide safe and legal routes for those who are fleeing persecution. Last year, the government went further than NABA with the Illegal Migration Act, making any asylum claim by someone arriving by an “irregular” means, such as on a small boat, inadmissible. It is hard to overstate the significance of this change. The right to claim asylum was enshrined in the 1951 Geneva Convention after the horrors of the second world war – and has saved many lives. The UK is still signed up to that convention, but the Illegal Migration Act now makes it almost impossible to exercise that essential right, and has been strongly criticised by the UN.

      None of these legal changes are stopping the boats. Although the number of Channel crossings fell by 36% last year, much of that reduction was due to 90% fewer crossings by Albanians (there had been a spike in the numbers of Albanians coming over in 2022). Those fleeing conflict zones are still crossing in large numbers, and according to a report by the NGO Alarm Phone, measures introduced to stop the boats are likely to have increased the number of Channel drownings.

      Most asylum seekers do not seek sanctuary in the UK but instead head to the nearest safe country. Those who do come here often have family in the UK, or speak English. The decisions people make before stepping into a precarious dinghy on a beach in northern France are not a result of nuanced calculations based on the latest law to pass through parliament. “I come or I die,” one Syrian asylum seeker told me recently, when I asked about his decision to make a high-risk boat crossing after experiencing torture in his home country.

      Some lawyers who have followed Bah’s case and the broader implications of the new legislation are worried about these developments. “There is now no legal way to claim asylum,” one lawyer says.

      “The use of manslaughter in these circumstances is completely novel and demonstrates how pernicious the new laws are. It is the most vulnerable who end up piloting the boats and asylum seekers have no knowledge that the law has changed.”

      Bah’s case has also caused consternation among campaigners. “The conviction of Ibrahima Bah demonstrates a violent escalation in the prosecution of people for the way in which they arrive in the UK,” reads a joint statement from Humans for Rights Network and Refugee Legal Support, two of the organisations supporting Bah. They also point out that Bah had already spent 14 months in prison without knowing how long he would remain there, after a previous trial against him last year collapsed when the jury failed to reach a verdict.

      “He too is a survivor of the shipwreck he experienced in December 2022,” the statement continues. “Imprisonment has severely impacted his mental health and will continue to do so while he is incarcerated. Ibrahima navigated a horrific journey to the UK in the hope of finding safety here through the only means available to him and yet he has been punished for the deaths of others seeking the same thing, sanctuary.”

      The organisation Captain Support is helping 175 people who face prosecution as a result of the new laws to find legal representation. A letter-writing campaign calling for Bah to be freed has been launched.

      Hassanatou says she is struggling to comprehend the UK’s harsh laws towards people like her little brother, and she fears his age will make it particularly difficult for him to cope behind bars. He will be expected to serve two-thirds of his sentence in custody, first in a young offenders’ institute and then in an adult jail.

      In his sentencing remarks the judge said to Bah: “This is also a tragedy for you. Your dream of starting a new life in the UK is in tatters.”


  • Human rights monitors: new UK-Frontex agreement risks “axis of abuse”

    Charities on both sides of the English Channel have hit out at the new cooperation agreement between EU border agency Frontex and UK authorities signed in London today between UK officials and EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson; citing human rights scandals surrounding both organisations and an enforcement approach that is “flawed from conception.”

    - The “integrated border management” between countries described in today’s deal has had serious consequences. Frontex was recently found (https://www.lighthousereports.com/investigation/frontex-and-the-pirate-ship) to be systematically sharing the coordinates of Mediterranean boats in distress with militias and pirates that return people crossing to conditions of abuse and violence.
    - This news came over a year on from the forced resignation of its former director (now a European Parliament candidate for the French far-right National Rally) over the agency’s complicity and cover-ups in Greece’s deadly border campaign, which was supposed to herald a culture change.
    - The number of UK border drownings has doubled in the past year, which rescue NGO Alarmphone says is linked to Anglo-French border policy (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/29/uk-france-small-boats-pact-doubling-drownings-directly-linked). UK and French authorities have faced allegations of serious shortcomings in responding to Channel shipwrecks.
    - Meanwhile the UK continues to attempt to undermine its own courts and international refugee law with its plans to outsource its asylum processes to Rwanda, and its abuse-ridden detention estate is widely documented.

    Quotes from organisations responding to the move can be found below.

    Michele LeVoy, Director of the Brussels-based Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), said:

    “Frontex is signing this new agreement with the UK border forces after countless reports of complicity by the EU agency in serious violence.”

    “The plan is flawed from conception. Tougher enforcement does not reduce irregular crossings; it only makes people’s journeys more dangerous. These resources should instead be used to provide safe routes and proper support for people seeking safety.”

    Mary Atkinson, Campaigns and Networks Manager at the London-based Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, said:

    “People move – they always have and always will. It’s something we should welcome, not something which needs to be ‘tackled’ or ‘cracked down’ upon. We urgently need change so that people can move without risking – and too often losing – their lives.

    “This latest development is just more of the same tired old thinking. Making our borders more violent has never stopped those in need from coming here and all these measures will do is make it more dangerous. The government needs to wake up and accept that ‘deterrents’ never have – and never will – work. Instead, we need to listen to the evidence and develop policies that prioritise people’s safety and human rights.”

    A spokesperson for Calais-based Human Rights Observers said:

    “Frontex, the EU’s biggest agency, which squanders European taxpayers’ money by massively violating human rights, is preparing to land on the French-British border. With at least 28 people killed by the murderous border policies of France and the UK in 2023, the presence of Frontex would only increase the insecurity of people seeking protection.”

    Josephine Valeske at Europe-wide campaign Abolish Frontex said:

    “UK border policy has seen deaths by drowning double in the last year, and its government continues to insist on violating both UK and international law by deporting people seeking asylum to Rwanda.”

    “Frontex claims to have made progress on rights – but joining the UK for its new so-called “crackdown” on migration shows that nothing has changed. The EU cannot claim to defend human rights while Frontex continues to exist, and expand a European axis of abuse, at our expense.”


    #Frontex #Manche #La_Manche #migrations #réfugiés #contrôles_frontaliers #UK #Angleterre #accord #coopération #frontières #Calais #France

  • Nigerian students who fled war in Ukraine are being told to leave Europe

    Overseas students in Ukraine were granted a two-year stay in the EU when Russia invaded. Now their time is running out

    Olabisi* was out to get groceries during her post-graduate clinical rotations at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University in western Ukraine on the morning of 24 February 2022 when she heard loud bangs. Then came breaking news alerts: Russia was invading Ukraine. She rushed home to pack a few belongings.

    “In the course of moving, I lost my certificates and even my passport,” she said.

    She headed towards the border between Ukraine and Romania with hundreds of thousands of others. Thankfully, with her Ukrainian ID card, she was allowed passage. From Romania, she travelled by train to the Netherlands, along with other students whose lives had just been uprooted.

    Olabisi chose the Netherlands because – like a number of western European countries – it had announced plans to take in people displaced from the Ukraine war, and she had heard it was cheaper and more welcoming than others.

    In 2022, the European Union activated a rule called a Temporary Protection Directive, granting those fleeing war a stay for up to two years – until March 4, 2024. In mid 2023, the Netherlands decided that non-Ukrainian citizens or “third world nationals with temporary residence” must leave a year earlier than previously announced. They – most of them students – brought a collective case against the Dutch government insisting that they be allowed to stay the allotted time. The Council of State, the Netherlands’ highest administrative court, agreed.

    But now time is running out for Olabisi and those like her. Roughly 2,200 people from different nationalities are said to be affected. (Students interviewed for this story say they prefer their luck in Europe over the option of returning to Nigeria, where they consider the academic system sub-par and prone to interruptions.)

    Olabisi is one of an estimated 4,000 Nigerian students who had been studying in Ukraine before the war. The eastern European country had attracted African students, particularly medical students, partly due to the relatively low costs of studying and partly as a product of student exchange programmes dating back to the former Soviet Union’s investment in African countries.

    Olabisi and other students say that, to make matters worse, the Nigerian government has not adequately intervened via its embassies to help them.

    They say Nigeria has left them in limbo, just as it did with the 1,625 Nigerian students in Ukraine who were finally evacuated to Nigeria in July 2022, four and a half months after the war broke out.
    Nigerian diplomats missing in action, in Europe?

    The Nigerian mission in the Netherlands disputes this. Eniola Ajayi, Nigeria’s ambassador to The Hague, told openDemocracy: “All the reprieve that students got in the Netherlands was due to my efforts… I have helped them as much as is possible within my capacity. This is the truth.”

    The embassy claimed the mission housed some “families at the Guest Chalet of [Ajayi’s] Residence until they were able to get alternative accommodation” and cash assistance was given to others. The embassy also mentioned the case of a depressed student who was sent back to Nigeria for medical treatment.

    The mission said it had given Nigerian nationals ample notice of the Dutch government’s intentions. To stay beyond the March 2024 deadline, the Dutch government has advised students to either seek asylum if they could prove their lives would be at risk back home, or accept an independent offer of 5,000 euros to return there.

    Olabisi does not qualify for asylum as her life is not at risk in Nigeria but she doesn’t want to return to the country she left since she was 17. Now 30, she cannot imagine rebuilding her life again, especially as Nigeria experiences a steep economic decline.

    Nigerian government, still missing in action

    While the Nigerian government backs the return of students who are currently abroad, there is no safety net for those who do so, the students claim.

    Wasiu Sidiq, 21, was studying at Lviv National Medical University when the war broke out and he was evacuated. When he returned to Nigeria, he attempted to continue his studies remotely – but stopped when the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria said it would not recognise medical certificates issued for online study.

    The government claimed it was providing an option for the evacuated students to continue their education in Nigerian universities instead. The Foreign Affairs Ministry published a call-out on its website asking concerned students to register towards being placed locally – but the website link never worked and no students could register.

    Sidiq, frustrated, decided to return to Europe, where he headed for Lisbon and is currently working in customer services for 890 euros a month. He tried to start uni there, but does not speak Portuguese and so has been unable to.

    “If I don’t go to work, I cannot eat or pay my rent,” he said. “So I don’t have the time to go to the language class. All of us are just doing that.”

    Sidiq claims students have tried to contact the Nigerian embassy in Lisbon for assistance with resettlement and negotiations on residence permits.

    “They have not responded to us at all,” he said. “The embassy is not working. I have to leave Portugal to go and renew my passport.”

    openDemocracy approached the Nigerian embassy in Lisbon for comment. A consular assistant insisted the embassy could only respond in person, in a physical meeting. Written questions and requests for a virtual meeting were ignored. Repeated requests were also made to Aminu Tanko, head of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora and the Abuja office of the Nigerian in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM). The latter promised a response that did not come.

    Consular failures, according to John Osuntokun, a professor and former Nigerian ambassador to Germany, are largely due to lack of priority.

    “It is a large country and there are so many issues waiting for attention and this situation is going to be the least important to them,” he said. “My advice to them will be to come home.”

    Osuntokun said standard practice is for complaints from Nigeria’s foreign missions to be relayed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for advice.

    Asked if the ministry had received any such requests from the embassy, the foreign ministry spokesperson told openDemocracy: “The ministry has not received any such complaints.”

    Two years into the war and with fate hanging in the balance, experts believe there is little the embassies can offer now. “Consular services are not services that provide long-term solutions; they are supposed to provide immediate help and assistance,” said Matthew Ayibakuro, a governance adviser at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in Nigeria.


    #étudiants #Ukraine #guerre #guerre_en_Ukraine #réfugiés_ukrainiens #réfugiés_d'Ukraine #Nigeria #Europe #étudiants_nigérians


    ajouté à ce fil de discussion:
    Non-white refugees fleeing Ukraine detained in EU immigration facilities

  • En Serbie, rendre invisibles les exilés

    La Serbie est le dernier pays non-membre de l’Union européenne de la route des Balkans. Traversée depuis des siècles, elle l’est aujourd’hui encore par de nombreux étrangers venus de Syrie, d’Afghanistan, de Turquie, même du Maroc… Car la Serbie reste le dernier rempart de la forteresse Europe. Ce petit pays de presque 7 millions d’habitants, entouré de huit frontières dont quatre avec l’Union européenne, applique une politique migratoire orchestrée par celle-ci.

    En effet, la Serbie demande son adhésion depuis plus de dix ans.

    Depuis le mois de décembre, après un contexte politique tendu, ce pays de transit tente de rendre invisibles les exilés, déjà soumis aux passeurs et aux lois en matière d’asile et d’immigration. En plein cœur de l’hiver, reportage entre Belgrade et la frontière croate de l’Europe.


    #emprisonnement #Serbie #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Belgrade #route_des_Balkans #Balkans #squat #opération_policière #peur #sécurité #insécurité #Sid #Šid #frontières #Croatie #transit #invisibilisation #Frontex #passeurs #frontières_extérieures #externalisation #visas #camps #solidarité #camps_de_réfugiés #refoulements #push-backs #migration_circulaire #game #the_game
    #audio #podcast

  • Egypt to create a gated high-security area in the reception of Palestinian refugees from #Gaza

    The Sinai Foundation obtained information through a relevant source that indicates that the construction work currently taking place in eastern Sinai, is intended to create a high-security gated and isolated area near the borders with Gaza strip, in preparation for the reception of Palestinian refugees in the case of the mass exodus of the citizens of Gaza Strip.

    The foundation interviewed two local contractors who said that local construction companies had been commissioned this construction work by Ibrahim Al-Arjani - A close businessman to the authorities - Abnaa Sinai For Construction & Building, who had been directly assigned the commission through the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Authority. The construction work is intended to build a gated area, surrounded by 7-meter-high walls. After the removal of the rubble of the houses of the indigenous people of Rafah, who were displaced forcibly and their houses demolished during the war against terrorism against ISIS.

    The area is expected to be levelled and ready in no more than 10 days. They said this information is being circulated in closed circuits to avoid publication, noting that the work is being done under the supervision of the Egyptian Armed Forces Engineering Authority under heavy security presence.

    Sinai Foundation published a report (https://sinaifhr.org/show/333) two days ago with exclusive images showing the Egyptian authorities starting rapid construction on the border area of eastern Sinai. Additionally, this morning the Institution’s team observed the building of a cement wall of 7 meters in height starting at a point in Qoz Abo Raad village south of Rafah city, directed towards the Mediterranean Sea north, parallel to the border with Gaza Strip.

    In an interview with Mr Mohannad Sabry, a researcher specialising in Sinai and Egyptian security, he said:

    The construction works that started early Monday, February 12 have its eastern borders lying between a point southern of the Rafah border crossing and another southern of the Kerem Shalom border crossing, while its western borders lie between Qoz Abo Raad village and El-Masora village. Military intelligence officers are present as well as the ‘Fursan Al-Haitham’ militia that stems from the Sinai Tribal coalition headed by businessman Ibrahim Al-Arjani, near the Qoz Abo Raad area south of the city of Rafah, along with construction tools, bulldozers and local contractors.


    #Palestine #réfugiés #Egypte #Sinai #Sinaï #réfugiés_palestiniens #Ibrahim_Al-Arjani #Abnaa_Sinai_For_Construction #infrastructure #Egyptian_Armed_Forces_Engineering_Authority #murs #camps_de_réfugiés #camp_fermé #Rafah #Qoz_Abo_Raad #El-Masora #Fursan_Al-Haitham

    voir aussi ce fil de discussion :
    #Israël serait déjà en contact avec plusieurs pays pour y expulser les Gazaouis

    • Egypt building walled enclosure in Sinai for Rafah refugees, photos suggest

      Monitoring group releases evidence of work that appears intended to house Palestinians in event of Israeli assault on city

      Egypt has begun building an enclosed area ringed with high concrete walls along its border with Gaza that appears intended to house Palestinians fleeing a threatened Israeli assault on the southern city of Rafah.

      Photos and videos released by the Sinai Foundation for Human Rights (SFHR), a monitoring group, show workers using heavy machinery erecting concrete barriers and security towers around a strip of land on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing.

      The videos, dated 15 February, gave little indication of authorities installing water or other infrastructure. Satellite imagery released by Planet Labs on the same day shows cleared strips of land adjacent to the Gaza border.

      SFHR said on social media that the videos showed efforts to “establish an isolated area surrounded by walls on the border with the Gaza Strip, with the aim of receiving refugees in the event of a mass exodus”.

      Israel’s bombardment and ground invasion of Gaza since Hamas’s 7 October attacks have displaced an estimated 1.7 million people internally, according to the UN, most of them pushed south in recent weeks, with more than a million in Rafah, vastly swelling its prewar population of 280,000.

      Egyptian officials have repeatedly expressed alarm that Israel’s actions could force millions of Palestinians to attempt to flee across the border and into the Sinai, amid concern that those displaced may never be able to return. Egypt has pushed back against any suggestion, including from Israeli ministers, that Palestinians could flee into northern Sinai. The president, Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, and the foreign minister, Sameh Shoukry, rejected what they called “the forced displacement of Palestinians from their land”.

      In a call late on Thursday, the US president, Joe Biden, again cautioned the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, against moving forward with a military operation in Rafah without a “credible and executable plan” to protect civilians. However, Netanyahu vowed early on Friday to reject “international dictates” on a long-term resolution of Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians.

      Speaking at the Munich security conference, Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, said there were no plans to deport Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, and Israel would coordinate its plans for hundreds of thousands of refugees in the city of Rafah with Egypt.

      When asked where the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the city would go, Katz suggested that once Gaza’s second city, Khan Younis, had been cleared of Hamas fighters, they could return there or to the west of the enclave.

      Katz said: “We will deal [with] Rafah after we speak with Egypt about it. We’ll coordinate it, we have a peace accord with them and we will find a place which will not harm the Egyptians. We will coordinate everything and not harm their interests.”

      Egyptian officials have threatened to withdraw from Egypt’s landmark 1978 peace treaty with Israel in the event of an Israeli ground assault on Rafah. Airstrikes launched on Rafah on Monday in an Israeli operation to free two hostages killed at least 67 Palestinians, health authorities said.

      Egypt has extensively reinforced its border with Gaza using barbed wire and deployed 40 tanks and armoured personnel carriers to northern Sinai.

      Mohannad Sabry, an expert and author on the Sinai peninsula, said: “Egypt wants to portray this construction as a contingency, ready for an influx of Palestinians if that happens, but they have also reinforced the border fence over the past month making it unbreachable unless it is blown up or opened deliberately. If we look at how every refugee or prison camp has been built in the world, it’s exactly like this. If it looks like a prison [or] refugee camp then it probably is.”

      The north Sinai governor, Mohamed Abdel-Fadil Shousha, told the Saudi-owned TV news channel Al Arabiya that the border construction was intended to catalogue homes destroyed as part of the Egyptian military’s fight against jihadist militants and the decade-long operation in northern Sinai.

      He added: “Egypt is prepared for all scenarios in the event that Israel carries out military operations in the Palestinian border governorate.”

      Meanwhile, those with ties to the Egyptian state have profited from Palestinians desperately looking to flee. Palestinians have described paying $10,000 (£7,941) each to a network connected to the Egyptian authorities in order to leave Gaza by the Rafah crossing.

      Elsewhere, a gunman killed two people on Friday at a bus stop in southern Israel, authorities said, prompting Netanyahu to warn that the entire country was a frontline in the war.

      Four others were wounded in the shooting near the southern town of Kiryat Malakhi, Israeli police said.

      “We have raised a national level alert,” Israel’s police chief, Kobi Shabtai, told reporters at the site. He did not provide details on the attacker.

      Netanyahu said in a statement: “The murderers, who come not only from Gaza, want to kill us all. We will continue to fight until total victory, with all our might, on every front, everywhere, until we restore the security and quiet for all citizens of Israel.”


  • I dati che raccontano la guerra ai soccorsi nell’anno nero della strage di Cutro

    Nel 2023 le autorità italiane hanno classificato come operazioni di polizia e non Sar oltre mille sbarchi, per un totale di quasi 40mila persone, un quarto degli arrivi via mare. Dati inediti del Viminale descrivono la “strategia” contro le Ong e l’intento di creare l’emergenza a Lampedusa concentrando lì oltre i due terzi degli approdi.

    Nell’anno della strage di Cutro (26 febbraio 2023) le autorità italiane hanno classificato come operazioni di polizia oltre 1.000 sbarchi, per un totale di quasi 40mila persone, poco più di un quarto di tutti gli arrivi via mare. Questo nonostante gli effetti funesti che la confusione tra “law enforcement” e ricerca e soccorso ha prodotto proprio in occasione del naufragio di fine febbraio dell’anno scorso a pochi metri dalle coste calabresi, quando morirono più di 90 persone, e sulla quale sta indagando la Procura di Crotone.

    Quello degli eventi strumentalmente classificati come di natura poliziesca in luogo del soccorso, anche dopo i fatti di Cutro, è solo uno dei dati attraverso i quali si può leggere come è andata lo scorso anno nel Mediterraneo. È possibile farlo dopo aver ottenuto dati inediti dal ministero dell’Interno, che rispetto al passato ha fortemente ridotto qualità e quantità degli elementi pubblicati nel cruscotto statistico giornaliero e nella sua rielaborazione di fine anno.

    Prima però partiamo dai dati noti. Nel 2023 sono sbarcate sulle coste italiane 157.651 persone (il Viminale talvolta ne riporta 157.652, ma la sostanza è identica). Il dato è il più alto dal 2017 ma inferiore al 2016, quando furono 181.436. Le prime cinque nazionalità dichiarate al momento dello sbarco, che rappresentano quasi il 50% degli arrivi, sono di cittadini della Guinea, Tunisia, Costa d’Avorio, Bangladesh, Egitto. I minori soli sono stati 17.319.

    E qui veniamo ai dati che ci ha trasmesso il Viminale a seguito di un’istanza di accesso civico generalizzato. La stragrande maggioranza delle persone sbarcate è partita nel 2023 dalla Tunisia: oltre 97mila persone sulle 157mila totali. Segue a distanza la Libia, con 52mila partenze, quasi doppiata, e poi più dietro la Turchia (7.150), Algeria, Libano e finanche Cipro.

    Come mostrano le elaborazioni grafiche dei dati governativi, ci sono stati mesi in cui dalla Tunisia sono sbarcate anche oltre 20mila persone. Una tendenza che ha conosciuto una brusca interruzione a partire dal mese di ottobre 2023, quando gli sbarchi in quota Tunisia, al netto delle condizioni meteo marine, sono crollati a poco meno di 1.900, attestandosi poco sotto i 5mila nei due mesi successivi.

    Tradotto: l’ultimo trimestre dello scorso anno ha visto una forte diminuzione degli sbarchi provenienti dalla Tunisia, Paese con il quale Unione europea e Italia hanno stretto il “solito” accordo che prevede soldi e forniture in cambio di “contrasto ai flussi”, ovvero contrasto ai diritti umani. È lo schema libico, con le differenze del caso. Il ministro Matteo Piantedosi il 31 dicembre 2023, intervistato da La Stampa, ha rivendicato la bontà della strategia parlando di “121.883 persone” (dando l’idea di un conteggio analitico e quotidiano) “bloccate” grazie alla “collaborazione con le autorità tunisine e libiche”.

    Un altro dato utilissimo per capire come “funziona” la macchina mediatica della presunta “emergenza immigrazione” è quello dei porti di sbarco. Il primo e incontrastato porto sul quale lo scorso anno è stata scaricata la stragrande maggioranza degli sbarchi è Lampedusa, con quasi 110mila arrivi (di cui “solo” 7.400 autonomi) contro i 5.500 di Augusta, Roccella Jonica, i 4.800 di Pantelleria e i 3.800 di Catania. In passato non è sempre stato così. Ma Lampedusa è troppo importante per due ragioni: dare in pasto all’opinione pubblica l’idea di una situazione esplosiva e ingestibile, bloccando i trasferimenti verso la terraferma (vedasi l’estate 2023), e contemporaneamente convogliare quanti più richiedenti asilo potenziali possibile nella macchina del trattenimento dell’hotspot.

    Benché in Italia si sia convinti che a soccorrere le persone in mare siano solo le acerrime nemiche Ong, i dati, ancora una volta, confermano il loro ruolo ridotto a marginale dopo anni di campagne diffamatorie, criminalizzazione penale e vera e propria persecuzione amministrativa. Nel 2023, infatti, gli assetti delle Organizzazioni non governative hanno salvato e sbarcato in Italia neanche 9mila persone. Poco più del 5% del totale. Anche nei mesi più intensi degli arrivi la quota delle Ong è stata limitata.

    Come noto, le poche navi umanitarie intervenute sono state deliberatamente indirizzate verso porti lontani. Il primo per numero di persone sbarcate è stato Brindisi (quasi 1.400 sbarcati su 9mila), ovvero 285 miglia in più rispetto al Sud-Ovest della Sicilia. Segue Lampedusa con 980, vero, ma poi ci sono Carrara (535 miglia di distanza in più dalla Sicilia), Trapani, Salerno, Bari, Civitavecchia, Ortona.

    Non è facile dire quanti giorni di navigazione in più questa “strategia” brutale abbia esattamente determinato. Un esperto operatore di ricerca e soccorso in mare aiuta a fare due conti a spanne: “Le navi normalmente viaggiano a meno di dieci nodi, calcolando una velocità di sette nodi andare a Brindisi implica circa 41 ore in più rispetto ai porti più vicini del Sud della Sicilia, come ad esempio Pozzallo. E per arrivare a Pozzallo dalla cosiddetta ‘SAR 1’, a Ovest di Tripoli, partendo da una distanza dalla costa libica di circa 35 miglia, tra Zuara e Zawiya, ci vogliono circa 24 ore”.

    Una recente analisi di Sos Humanity -ripresa dal Guardian a metà febbraio- ha stimato che questo modus operandi delle autorità italiane possa aver complessivamente fatto perdere alle navi delle Ong 374 giorni di operatività. Nell’anno in cui sono morte annegate ufficialmente almeno 2.500 persone e intercettate dalle milizie libiche e riportate indietro, sempre ufficialmente, quasi 17.200 (con l’ancora una volta dimostrata complicità dell’Agenzia europea Frontex). Ma sono tempi così oscuri che ostacolare le “ambulanze” è divenuto un vanto.


    #statistiques #débarquement #Italie #migrations #réfugiés #chiffres #sauvetage #ONG #SAR #search-and-rescue #Méditerranée #Lampedusa #law_enforcement #2023 #Tunisie #Libye #externalisation #accord #urgence #hotspot

  • #Frontex, comment sont gardées les frontières de l’Union européenne ?

    L’ancien directeur #Fabrice_Leggeri a annoncé rejoindre la liste du #Rassemblement_national pour les élections européennes. L’occasion de se demander quel est le #mandat de Frontex, et quel droit régule cette agence chargée de contrôler les frontières européennes.

    Fabrice Leggeri, ancien patron de Frontex, l’agence européenne chargée d’assister les États membres dans la gestion et le contrôle des frontières extérieures de l’espace Schengen, rallie le Rassemblement national ainsi que la liste de Jordan Bardella pour les #élections_européennes de juin prochain. L’occasion de revenir sur les attributions de Frontex.

    L’obligation d’assistance

    Créée en 2004, Frontex fête ses vingt ans cette année. Deux décennies, au cours desquelles l’agence chargée d’assister les États membres dans la gestion et le contrôle de leurs frontières, a démultiplié tant ses effectifs que son budget et s’est progressivement imposée au cœur du débat migratoire européen. Ludivine Richefeu, maîtresse de conférences en droit privé et sciences criminelles à l’université de Cergy-Pontoise, met en avant les exigences humanitaires et d’#assistance auxquelles l’organisation est soumise par le droit européen et international. “Frontex est une agence qui peut intervenir en amont, avant que les migrants soient dans le territoire européen, en apportant un soutien logistique et opérationnel aux États tiers. Par exemple en #Algérie, au #Maroc ou en #Tunisie en ce qui concerne les flux migratoires traversant les côtes maghrébines. Concrètement, le soutien se traduit par l’envoi de personnel Frontex, de #personnel_détaché des États membres ou encore de matériel. Lorsqu’une embarcation entre dans les eaux territoriales, le droit contraint l’agence à lui porter secours et à la rattacher à un port sûr. S’il y a des mineurs non accompagnés ou des femmes enceintes parmi les passagers, ils doivent obligatoirement être pris en charge. Juridiquement, le statut de réfugié est déclaratoire et n’est pas soumis à l’approbation des États membres. La personne est d’abord réfugiée en elle-même. Le #droit_international oblige les États à la prendre en charge pour ensuite examiner sa demande afin de la protéger des persécutions qu’elle risque ou subit dans son pays.”

    Une agence sous le feu des critiques

    Fabrice Leggeri, l’ancien directeur de Frontex entre 2015 et 2022 qui vient de rejoindre la liste du Rassemblement national pour les élections européennes, avait démissionné de son poste notamment à la suite d’accusations de refoulement illégaux de migrants. Ludivine Richefeu nous détaille cette pratique aussi appelée le "pushback" et ses origines. “Le refoulement a lieu lorsqu’une embarcation pénètre dans les eaux territoriales d’un État membre et qu’elle en est repoussée sans que les situations des passagers soient examinées et que l’assistance qui leur est due soit apportée. Des sources journalistiques et des rapports de l’#Office_Européen_Antifraude (#OLAF), nous détaillent ces pratiques. Concrètement, lorsque que l’embarcation est détectée, Frontex envoie les coordonnées aux équipes d’intervention des États membres qui repoussent le navire sous sa supervision. Pour ce faire, les équipes recourent à des menaces, à des formes coercitives et même parfois à l’usage d’armes.”

    Ces pratiques illégales s’inscrivent notamment dans l’élargissement des compétences de l’agence ces dernières années, rappelle la chercheuse. “Grâce à plusieurs règlements adoptés entre 2016 et 2019, Frontex a maintenant un rôle fondamental en matière de lutte contre la criminalité transfrontière et la migration irrégulière est intégrée à cet objectif de criminalité.”

    #frontières #migrations #réfugiés #audio #podcast #externalisation #contrôles_frontaliers #push-backs #refoulements

  • Cassazione, dare i migranti ai guardiacoste di Tripoli è reato

    La consegna di migranti alla guardia costiera libica è reato perché la Libia «non è porto sicuro».

    E’ quanto sancisce una sentenza della Corte di Cassazione che ha reso definitiva la condanna del comandante del rimorchiatore #Asso_28 che il 30 luglio del 2018 soccorse 101 persone nel Mediterraneo centrale e li riportò in Libia consegnandoli alla Guardia costiera di Tripoli. Della sentenza scrive Repubblica.

    Per i supremi giudici favorire le intercettazioni dei guardiacoste di Tripoli rientra nella fattispecie illecita «dell’abbandono in stato di pericolo di persone minori o incapaci e di sbarco e abbandono arbitrario di persone». Nella sentenza viene sostanzialmente sancito che l’episodio del 2018 fu un respingimento collettivo verso un Paese non ritenuto sicuro vietato dalla Convenzione europea per i diritti umani.

    Casarini, dopo Cassazione su migranti pronti a #class_action

    "Con la sentenza della Corte di Cassazione, che ha chiarito in maniera definitiva che la cosiddetta «guardia costiera libica» non può «coordinare» nessun soccorso, perché non è in grado di garantire il rispetto dei diritti umani dei naufraghi, diventa un reato grave anche ordinarci di farlo, come succede adesso. Ora metteremo a punto non solo i ricorsi contro il decreto Piantedosi, che blocca per questo le navi del soccorso civile, ma anche una grande class action contro il governo e il ministro dell’Interno e il memorandum Italia-Libia". E’ quanto afferma Luca Casarini della ong Mediterranea Saving Humans.

    "Dovranno rispondere in tribunale delle loro azioni di finanziamento e complicità nelle catture e deportazioni che avvengono in mare ad opera di una «sedicente» guardia costiera - aggiunge Casarini -, che altro non è che una formazione militare che ha come compito quello di catturare e deportare, non di «mettere in salvo» le donne, gli uomini e i bambini che cercano aiuto. La suprema corte definisce giustamente una gravissima violazione della Convenzione di Ginevra, la deportazione in Libia di migranti e profughi che sono in mare per tentare di fuggire da quell’inferno". Casarini ricorda, inoltre, che di recente la nave Mare Jonio di Mediterranea "di recente è stata colpita dal fermo amministrativo del governo per non aver chiesto alla Libia il porto sicuro. Proporremo a migliaia di cittadini italiani, ad associazioni e ong, di sottoscrivere la «class action», e chiederemo ad un tribunale della Repubblica di portare in giudizio i responsabili politici di questi gravi crimini. Stiamo parlando di decine di migliaia di esseri umani catturati in mare e deportati in Libia, ogni anno, coordinati di fatto da Roma e dall’agenzia europea Frontex.

    E il ministro Piantedosi, proprio ieri, l’ha rivendicato testimoniando al processo a Palermo contro l’allora ministro Salvini. Lui si è costruito un alibi, con la distinzione tra centri di detenzione legali e illegali in Libia, dichiarando che «l’Italia si coordina con le istituzioni libiche che gestiscono campi di detenzione legalmente. Finalmente questo alibi, che è servito fino ad ora a coprire i crimini, è crollato grazie al pronunciamento della Cassazione. Adesso questo ministro deve essere messo sotto processo, perché ha ammesso di avere sistematicamente commesso un reato, gravissimo, che ha causato morte e sofferenze a migliaia di innocenti».


    #justice #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #gardes-côtes_libyens #Libye #jurisprudence #condamnation #externalisation #pull-backs #refoulements #push-backs #cour_de_cassation #cassation #port_sûr

    • Sentenza Cassazione: Consegnare gli immigranti alla guardia costiera libica è reato

      La Libia è un paese canaglia: bocciati Minniti, Conte e Meloni. Dice la sentenza della Cassazione, è noto che in Libia i migranti subiscono vessazioni, violenze e tortura. Quindi è un reato violare la legge internazionale e il codice di navigazione che impongono di portare i naufraghi in un porto sicuro

      Il governo italiano (sia questo in carica sia quelli di centrosinistra che avevano Marco Minniti come ministro dell’interno) potrebbe addirittura finire sotto processo sulla base di una sentenza emessa dalla Corte di Cassazione.

      Dice questa sentenza che la Libia non è un porto sicuro, e che dunque non si possono consegnare alla Libia (o favorire la cattura da parte delle motovedette libiche) le persone salvate da un naufragio.

      Dice la sentenza, è noto che in Libia i migranti subiscono vessazioni, violenze e tortura. Quindi è un reato violare la legge internazionale e il codice di navigazione che impongono di portare i naufraghi in un porto sicuro.

      Che la Libia non fosse un porto sicuro era stranoto. Bastava non leggere i giornali italiani per saperlo. La novità è che questa evidente verità viene ora formalmente affermata con una sentenza della Cassazione che fa giurisprudenza. E che, come è del tutto evidente, mette in discussione gli accordi con la Libia firmati dai governi di centrosinistra e poi confermati dai governi Conte e infine dai governi di centrodestra.

      Accordi che si basarono persino sul finanziamento italiano e sulla consegna di motovedette – realizzate a spese del governo italiano – alle autorità di Tripoli. Ora quegli accordi devono essere immediatamente cancellati e in linea di principio si potrebbe persino ipotizzare l’apertura di processi (se non è scattata la prescrizione) ai responsabili di quegli accordi.

      I reati per i quali la Cassazione con questa sentenza ha confermato la condanna al comandante di una nave che nel luglio del 2018 (governo gialloverde, Salvini ministro dell’Interno) consegnò alla guardia costiera libica 101 naufraghi salvati in mezzo al Mediterraneo sono “abbandono in stato di pericolo di persone minori o incapaci, e di sbarco e abbandono arbitrario di persone”. La Cassazione ha dichiarato formalmente che la Libia non è un porto sicuro.

      Tutta la politica dei respingimenti a questo punto, se dio vuole, salta in aria. La Cassazione ha stabilito che bisogna tornare allo Stato di diritto, a scapito della propaganda politica. E saltano in aria anche i provvedimenti recentemente adottati dalle autorità italiane sulla base del decreto Spazza-naufraghi varato circa un anno fa dal governo Meloni.

      Ancora in queste ore c’è una nave della Ocean Viking che è sotto fermo amministrativo perché accusata di non aver seguito le direttive impartite dalle autorità libiche. Ovviamente dovrà immediatamente essere dissequestrata e forse c’è anche il rischio che chi ha deciso il sequestro finisca sotto processo. Inoltre bisognerà restituire la multa e probabilmente risarcire il danno.

      E quello della Ocean Viking è solo uno di numerosissimi casi. Certo, perché ciò avvenga sarebbe necessaria una assunzione di responsabilità sia da parte del Parlamento sia da parte della magistratura. E le due cose non sono probabilissime.


    • Italy’s top court: Handing over migrants to Libyan coast guards is illegal

      Italy’s highest court, the Cassation Court, has ruled that handing over migrants to Libyan coast guards is unlawful because Libya does not represent a safe port. The sentence could have major repercussions.

      Handing over migrants rescued in the Central Mediterranean to Tripoli’s coast guards is unlawful because Libya is not a safe port and it is conduct which goes against the navigation code, the Cassation Court ruled on February 17. The decision upheld the conviction of the captain of the Italian private vessel Asso 28, which, on July 30, 2018, rescued 101 individuals in the central Mediterranean and then handed them over to the Libyan coast guards to be returned to Libya.

      The supreme court judges ruled in sentence number 4557 that facilitating the interception of migrants and refugees by the Libyan coast guards falls under the crime of “abandonment in a state of danger of minors or incapacitated people and arbitrary disembarkation and abandonment of people.” This ruling effectively characterizes the 2018 incident as collective refoulement to a country not considered safe, contravening the European Convention on Human Rights.

      NGOs announce class action lawsuit

      Beyond its political implications, the Cassation’s decision could significantly impact ongoing legal proceedings, including administrative actions. NGOs have announced a class action lawsuit against the government, the interior minister, and the Italy-Libya memorandum.

      The case, which was first examined by the tribunal of Naples, focuses on the intervention of a trawler, a support ship for a platform, to rescue 101 migrants who were on a boat that had departed from Africa’s coast.

      According to investigators, the ship’s commander was asked by personnel on the rig to take on board a Libyan citizen, described as a “Libyan customs official”, who suggested sailing to Libya and disembarking the rescued migrants.

      The supreme court judges said the defendant “omitted to immediately communicate, before starting rescue operations and after completing them, to the centres of coordination and rescue services of Tripoli and to the IMRCC (Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre) of Rome, in the absence of a reply by the first,” that the migrants had been rescued and were under his charge.

      The Cassation ruled that, by operating in this way, the commander violated “procedures provided for by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and by the directives of the International Maritime Organization,” thus carrying out a “collective refoulement to a port deemed unsafe like Libya.”

      Furthermore, the Cassation emphasized the commander’s obligation to ascertain whether the migrants wanted to apply for asylum and conduct necessary checks on accompanying minors.
      ’Cassation should not be interpreted ideologically on Libya’, Piantedosi

      “Italy has never coordinated and handed over to Libya migrants rescued in operations coordinated or directly carried out by Italy,” Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said on February 19, when asked to comment the Cassation’s ruling. “That sentence must be read well — sentences should never be interpreted in a political or ideological manner,” he said.

      Piantedosi contextualized the ruling within the circumstances prevailing in Libya at the time, citing efforts to assist Libya with EU cooperation. He highlighted the government’s adherence to principles governing repatriation activities and concluded by saying “there can be no spontaneity” and that “coordination” is essential.


  • #Resettlement of refugees : EU framework

    On 13 July 2016, as part of the reform of the common European asylum system and the long-term policy on better migration management, the European Commission presented a proposal to provide for a permanent framework with standard common procedures for resettlement across the EU, to complement current national and multilateral resettlement initiatives. Resettlement is a tool to help displaced persons in need of protection reach Europe safely and legally, and receive protection for as long as necessary. It is a durable solution that includes selection and transfer of refugees from a country where they seek protection to another country. In addition to providing refugees with international protection, its aim is to strengthen solidarity and responsibility-sharing between countries. For a resettlement to take place, the United Nations Refugee Agency has to determine an applicant is a refugee according to the 1951 Geneva Convention, and has to identify resettlement as the most appropriate solution. Although the European Parliament and the Council reached a partial provisional agreement on the proposal in summer 2018, the Council was unable to endorse it, nor could it agree on a mandate for further negotiations. The co-legislators finally reached an agreement on 15 December 2022. On 8 February 2024, Coreper approved the provisional agreement, which will now have to be formally adopted by both institutions before it can enter into force. Fifth edition. The ’EU Legislation in Progress’ briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure.

    #asile #migrations #réfugiés #EU #UE #Europe #relocalisation #2024

  • Eight #AFIC risk analysis cells set a benchmark in Africa

    This week, Frontex together with the European Commission and representatives from eight African countries forming part of the #Africa-Frontex_Intelligence_Community (AFIC) met in Dakar, Senegal, to wrap up the European Union-funded project on “Strengthening of AFIC as an instrument to fight serious cross-border crimes affecting Africa and the EU”.

    Launched in 2017 and funded by the European Commission, the project aimed to enhance the capacity and capability of AFIC countries to work jointly on identifying key threats impacting border management in Africa.

    After years of hard work and despite the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Frontex has completed its latest project and is proud to announce the handover of equipment to trained border police analysts who are carrying out their tasks in the risk analysis cells of eight AFIC countries: Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo.

    The role of the cells, which are run by local analysts trained by Frontex, is to collect and analyse data on cross-border crime and support authorities involved in border management.

    Frontex delivered a comprehensive risk analysis solution that meets the needs of the eight African border management authorities and enhances the safety and security of borders.

    The handover of the equipment marks the end of the project and the beginning of an intensive cooperation between the AFIC countries. Frontex stays committed and ready to continue to support the RACs by organising joint activities - such as workshops, trainings, plenary meetings – together with the AFIC partner countries, aiming at further developing AFIC risk analysis capacities.

    The AFIC project in numbers:

    – Establishment of eight risk analysis cells in Niger, Ghana, Gambia, Senegal, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Togo and Mauritania;
    - 14 training sessions for analysts from African countries;
    - 10 regional workshops in Gambia, Ghana, Italy, Niger, Senegal, Nigeria, Kenya, Poland and Ivory Coast;
    - 17 joint analytical field visits in the EU and Africa.

    About AFIC

    The Africa-Frontex Intelligence Community was launched in 2010 to promote regular exchanges on migrant smuggling and other border security threats affecting African countries and the EU. It brings together Frontex analysts with those of partner African border authorities. A central element of the network are risk analysis cells, run by local analysts trained by Frontex. There are currently eight cells operating in Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal and Togo.


    #Frontex #Afrique #externalisation #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #EU #UE #Union_européenne #coopération #équipement #risk_analysis #Côte_d'Ivoire #Gambie #Ghana #Mauritanie #Niger #Nigeria #Sénégal #Togo #données #border_management #contrôles_frontaliers #RACs #training #risk_analysis_cells #formation #gardes-côtes

  • #CommemorAction 2024 : on n’oublie pas, on ne pardonne pas !

    Le #6_février, c’était la journée mondiale de lutte contre le régime de mort aux frontières et pour exiger la vérité, la justice et la réparation pour les victimes de la migration et leurs familles. Pour la troisième année consécutive, #Douarnenez a répondu à l’appel qui été suivi par 55 villes (dont sept en #Bretagne) de 17 pays d’Afrique, d’Asie et d’Europe.

    #commémor'action #commémoration #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #migrations #réfugiés #mémoire #oubli #pardon #6_février_2024 #France #portfolio #photographies

    • « Parce que Oublier c’est Tuer une Deuxième Fois »

      « Parce qu’on ne veut pas s’habituer »

      « Parce qu’on savait »

  • Les veilleurs. Résister aux #frontières de l’Europe

    En déc. 2021, plus de 100 personnes ont disparu sur la route des Canaries, lors de périlleuses traversées vers l’exil. Face à une Europe qui se barricade, des activistes, dont #Marie_Cosnay, relaient les appels de détresse lancés depuis les embarcations. Taina Tervonen se fait l’écho de ses Veilleurs.

    #mourir_aux_frontières #mourir_en_mer #sauvetage #résistance #migrations #réfugiés #route_atlantique #Canaries #îles_Canaries #naufrage

  • La voix des autres

    Rim, tunisienne, travaille en France en tant qu’interprète dans le cadre des procédures de demande d’asile. Chaque jour, elle traduit les récits d’hommes et de femmes exilés dont les voix interrogent sa propre histoire.

    #interprètes #traduction #asile #migrations #réfugiés #France #accompagnement_juridique #procédure_d'asile

    ping @karine4

  • Identifying dead migrants on Spain’s Canary Islands

    The Canary Islands are a first destination for people trying to reach continental Europe. Numbers of those attempting the dangerous Atlantic crossing are soaring. DW’s Jan-Philipp Scholz reports from Las Palmas and Mogán, on Gran Canaria.

    #mourir_aux_frontières #route_atlantique #Gran_Canaria #cimetière #réfugiés #migrations #identification #îles_Canaries #Canaries #morts_aux_frontières #celleux_qui_restent

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina opened Negotiations on the Cooperation Agreement with FRONTEX

    By starting the negotiations on the Agreement with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX), Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina fulfilled another of their obligations on the European road today.

    Along with the representatives of the BiH team for negotiations on the cooperation agreement with FRONTEX, the meeting that officially started this process was attended by the Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina Nenad Nešić and the Deputy Director General for Internal Affairs at the European Commission Oliver Onidi.

    After the establishment of operational cooperation with EUROPOL, this agreement is the next important step for BiH in the integration into the common European security area, the Ministry of Security of BiH announced.

    “Today we will start a process that will not mean cooperation with a single European institution for Bosnia and Herzegovina, but a confirmation that we are part of common and collective European security. I want to emphasize that our activities are aimed at eliminating threats and risks, primarily from organized crime that threatens development and economic stability of BiH, and increasing security for the citizens of BiH. FRONTEX will add a new dimension in this regard, strengthening our borders and their impermeability to security threats and organized crime in this dynamic time of migration as a serious source of all kinds of risks,” said Nešić.

    He emphasized that FRONTEX is a confirmation that BiH is a complicated country only when it needs an excuse not to do something, and that it is very functional and possible within its constitutional framework and the framework of the Dayton Agreement when they want to move things forward.

    Nešić wished the negotiating teams to effectively bring this work to an end, so that BiH would cease to be the only country in the Western Balkans that does not cooperate with FRONTEX.

    The Deputy General Director for Internal Affairs at the European Commission, Oliver Onidi, reminded that last year BiH made a big step by establishing full operational cooperation with EUROPOL, and that negotiations on cooperation with FRONTEX are also ahead of us.

    He emphasized that in a situation where there is an exceptional pressure of illegal migration, police cooperation and joint action in guarding and controlling borders is extremely important.


    #Bosnie #Bosnie-Hezégovine #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Frontex #accord #EUROPOL #Balkans #route_des_Balkans #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers

  • Egyptians accused in Pylos shipwreck case deny smuggling, blame Greece

    Months after the tragic disaster that killed hundreds at sea, nine accused men languishing in prison insist they are innocent.

    “Whoever asks me why you are in prison, I answer that I don’t know,” said the 21-year-old Egyptian. “We’re children, we’re terrified. We are told that we will be sentenced to 400 or 1,000 years in prison. Every time they say that, we die.”

    He is among nine Egyptians in pre-trial detention and charged with criminal responsibility for a shipwreck off the town of Pylos last year, which led to the deaths of hundreds of people trying to reach Europe.

    The group is being charged under Greek law with forming a criminal organisation, facilitating illegal entry and causing a shipwreck.

    They are the only people being held over the shipwreck.

    However, Al Jazeera, in partnership with Omnia TV and the Efimerida ton Syntakton newspaper, can reveal that all nine accused claim they were not among the smugglers who organised or profited from the journey.

    They say they were simply passengers who survived and allege that the Greek Coast Guard caused the overpacked boat to capsize.

    Speaking via telephone from detention, they told Al Jazeera and its partners that the Greek prosecution did not accurately take their testimonies and that they pressured them to sign documents they did not understand with violence or under threats of violence.

    Two separate survivors also said the nine accused were not guilty and pinned blame on the national Hellenic Coast Guard.

    Fearing reprisals for speaking out against the Greek state, all 11 sources asked Al Jazeera to conceal their identities and use pseudonyms for this article.

    The nine accused, who include fathers, workers and students, said they paid between 140,000 to 150,000 Egyptian pounds ($4,500 to $4,900) to a smuggler or an associate to board the doomed boat.

    “I am telling you, I am someone who paid 140,000 Egyptian pounds,” said Magdy*, another of the accused. “If I am the guy who put these people on the boat, I’ll have like seven, eight, or nine thousand euros. Twenty thousand euros. Why on earth would I board a boat like this?”

    In 2022, a smuggler told The Guardian that he charges Egyptians about 120,000 Egyptian pounds ($3,900). Recent reporting has found that those travelling from Syria often pay about 6,000 euros (about $6,500) for such a journey.

    The two other survivors, both Syrians, said they paid money to people but not the accused Egyptians. The nine being held were not involved in smuggling, they said.

    “No. They weren’t to blame for anything,” said Ahmed*.

    On that fateful day last year, June 14, the Adriana, overloaded with an estimated 700-750 people, including Egyptians, Syrians, Pakistanis, Afghans and Palestinians – among them children – capsized. The derelict blue fishing trawler had departed from Libya five days earlier.

    Only 84 bodies were recovered and 104 on board were rescued, meaning hundreds died in one of the worst-recorded refugee boat disasters on the Mediterranean.

    Rights groups, activists and some survivors allege that Greek Coast Guard officials failed in their duties to save lives at sea.

    Ahmed said he saw the nine accused during the chaos as the ship looked ready to capsize, and passengers began to panic and run about.

    “They were just directing people when our ship started to tilt. They were shouting for people to steady the ship,” he said.

    Seven of the accused maintain that they saw a Coast Guard patrol boat tie a rope to the fishing trawler. The Greek officials pulled once, then twice, causing the boat to flip over into the Mediterranean, they say.

    “I saw the Greek boat had tethered a thick blue rope, one rope, to the middle of the boat,” said Fathy*, another of the accused men. “They pulled, the boat leaned sideways, they saw it was leaning, they kept going, so the boat was turned upside down.”

    “Greece – a Greek boat, towed us and capsized us – and killed our brothers and friends and now I look at myself and I’m in prison.”

    Two of the accused stated they were in the hold and did not understand what had happened until after disaster struck, when they were on board the Greek Coast Guard boat.

    The two Syrian survivors told Al Jazeera they witnessed the Greek Coast Guard tug the fishing trawler.

    “They had nothing to do with the boat sinking. That’s obvious,” said Mohammad*, of the Egyptians being held.

    “You have to be logical. It was a big boat and wouldn’t have sunk if no one had intervened. The engine was broken but it could have stayed afloat. The Greek Coast Guard is truly responsible for the sinking.”

    The Hellenic Coast Guard denied the allegations, saying it has “absolute respect for human life and human rights”.

    “However, in cooperation with the legal authorities and other relevant bodies, appropriate control mechanisms shall be put in place where necessary,” its statement to Al Jazeera read.

    Initially, the coast guard did not refer to any rope-related incident in its official statements and its spokesman Nikos Alexiou denied the rope reports.

    However, Alexiou later said that the two boats were “tied with ropes to prevent them from drifting” in a statement that came amid growing accounts from survivors.

    An ongoing inquiry in the naval court of Kalamata aims to determine whether the Hellenic Coast Guard performed search and rescue properly.

    A recent Frontex incident report of the Pylos shipwreck found that “it appears that the Greek authorities failed to timely declare a search and rescue and to deploy a sufficient number of appropriate assets in time to rescue the migrants”.

    The start date of the trial for the nine accused men has not been set, although according to Greek law, it should begin within 18 months from when they were first detained. If the men are found guilty, they could face decades in prison.

    ‘After I signed, he hit me’

    The nine men say they provided their testimonies at the Kalamata police station the day after the shipwreck under duress. They were pressured to sign documents in Greek that they could not understand, they said.

    Two said that police officers and translators present during the interrogation beat or kicked them.

    Saber* said he was given papers in Greek and expressed that he did not want to sign them.

    “[The interpreter] told me that he would sign next to my signature. As if nothing happened,” he said. “After I signed, he hit me.”

    Saber* said he saw the police kick another one of the accused in the chest.

    The Hellenic Police did not respond to requests for comment on these allegations.

    Greece has long been accused by rights groups of unfairly accusing innocent people of smuggling – and sentencing them.

    Dimitris Choulis, a lawyer on the defence who has spent years working on similar cases with the Samos Human Rights Legal Project, sees this episode as another example of the “criminalisation of refugees”.

    “We see the same patterns and the same unwillingness from the authorities to actually investigate what happened,” Choulis told Al Jazeera.

    A 2021 report by the German charity Border Monitoring found at least 48 cases on the islands of Chios and Lesbos alone of people serving prison time, saying they “did not profit in any way from the smuggling business”.

    Choulis said that smuggling trials used to last just 20 minutes and result in sentences of 50 years in prison.

    This is in keeping with reports from watchdog groups such as Borderline-Europe that smuggling trials in Greece are rushed and “issued on the basis of limited and questionable evidence”.

    The Lesbos Legal Center, which is also working on the defence of the nine Egyptians, bemoaned a severe lack of evidence, saying the investigation file is based “almost exclusively” on a handful of testimonies taken in “questionable circumstances”.

    Additionally, Al Jazeera has reviewed leaked documents from the court case, including a complaint filed by the defendant’s lawyers that an expert report from a marine engineer and a naval mechanical engineer – ordered as a part of the investigation – used minimal evidence: three photographs, two videos, and one email. The report did not account for the overturning and sinking of the ship, the complaint alleged.

    The defence further questioned the impartiality of the appointed experts and stated that procedures regarding how the defendants should be notified of this expert report were not followed.

    Al Jazeera reviewed the response; the Kalamata Public Prosecutor dismissed the complaint, arguing that a further expert report would be redundant and that the procedures were in fact followed correctly.

    “I firmly believe that the Hellenic Coast Guard caused the shipwreck,” said Choulis. “And the Hellenic Coast Guard conducted all of the pre-investigation of this case, and they ordered the marine engineer to do the analysis. I guess it’s clear the problem here.”

    Four of the accused men said they handed water to people sitting next to them.

    Choulis explained that in previous trafficking cases, giving people water has qualified as smuggling.

    “We have seen the authorities charging people, and in Pylos the same, for acts like providing water, distributing food, having a phone, taking videos, looking at the GPS, contacting the authorities, trapping a rope to tow their boat to be rescued etc.”

    Gamal* cannot understand how handing someone water is considered smuggling.

    “Of course, if you have a bottle of water in your hand and someone next to you is dying of thirst, won’t you give them water?” he said from prison. “No. Here, this is considered human trafficking.”


    #Pylos #naufrage #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Grèce #scafisti #Méditerranée #criminalisation_de_la_migration

  • L’Égypte prépare une zone à la frontière de Gaza qui pourrait être utilisée pour abriter des Palestiniens - sources - 16/02/2024 | Zonebourse

    L’Égypte prépare une zone à la frontière de Gaza qui pourrait être utilisée pour abriter des Palestiniens

    L’Egypte prépare une zone à la frontière de Gaza qui pourrait accueillir des Palestiniens au cas où une offensive israélienne à Rafah provoquerait un exode à travers la frontière, ont déclaré quatre sources, dans ce qu’elles ont décrit comme une mesure d’urgence de la part du Caire.

    L’Égypte, qui a nié avoir entrepris de tels préparatifs, a maintes fois tiré la sonnette d’alarme quant à la possibilité que l’offensive dévastatrice d’Israël à Gaza déplace des Palestiniens dans le Sinaï - ce qui, selon le Caire, serait totalement inacceptable -, faisant écho aux mises en garde d’États arabes tels que la Jordanie.

    Les États-Unis ont déclaré à plusieurs reprises qu’ils s’opposeraient à tout déplacement de Palestiniens hors de Gaza.

    L’une des sources a déclaré que l’Égypte avait bon espoir que les pourparlers visant à conclure un cessez-le-feu permettraient d’éviter un tel scénario, mais qu’elle établissait la zone à la frontière à titre de mesure temporaire et de précaution.

    Trois sources de sécurité ont déclaré que l’Égypte avait commencé à préparer une zone désertique avec quelques installations de base qui pourraient être utilisées pour abriter les Palestiniens, soulignant qu’il s’agissait d’une mesure d’urgence.

    Les sources avec lesquelles Reuters s’est entretenu pour cet article ont refusé d’être nommées en raison du caractère sensible de la question.

    Israël a déclaré qu’il lancerait une offensive pour s’emparer du « dernier bastion » du Hamas à Rafah, où plus d’un million de Palestiniens ont trouvé refuge après son offensive dévastatrice à Gaza.

    Israël a déclaré que son armée élaborait un plan d’évacuation des civils de Rafah vers d’autres parties de la bande de Gaza.

    Toutefois, Martin Griffiths, responsable de l’aide humanitaire des Nations unies, a déclaré jeudi qu’il était « illusoire » de penser que les habitants de Gaza pourraient être évacués vers un lieu sûr et a mis en garde contre le risque de voir les Palestiniens se répandre en Égypte si Israël lançait une opération militaire à Rafah.

    Il a qualifié ce scénario de « cauchemar égyptien ».

    L’Égypte a présenté son opposition au déplacement des Palestiniens de Gaza comme faisant partie du rejet arabe plus large de toute répétition de la « Nakba », ou « catastrophe », lorsque quelque 700 000 Palestiniens ont fui ou ont été forcés de quitter leurs maisons lors de la guerre qui a entouré la création d’Israël en 1948.

    La première source a déclaré que la construction du camp avait commencé il y a trois ou quatre jours et qu’il offrirait un abri temporaire en cas de passage de la frontière « jusqu’à ce qu’une solution soit trouvée ».

    Interrogé sur les récits des sources, le chef du service d’information de l’État égyptien a déclaré : "Cela n’a aucun fondement dans la vérité : « Cela n’a aucun fondement. Nos frères palestiniens ont dit et l’Égypte a dit qu’il n’y avait pas de préparation à cette éventualité ».

    La Fondation du Sinaï pour les droits de l’homme, une organisation militante, a publié lundi des images montrant des camions de construction et des grues travaillant dans la zone, ainsi que des images de barrières en béton.

    Citant une source non identifiée, la Fondation du Sinaï a déclaré que les travaux de construction étaient destinés à créer une zone sécurisée en cas d’exode massif de Palestiniens.

    Reuters a pu confirmer qu’une partie de la vidéo se trouvait à Rafah grâce à la position des bâtiments, des arbres et des barrières, qui correspond à l’imagerie satellite de la zone.

    Reuters n’a pas été en mesure de confirmer la localisation de l’ensemble de la vidéo ni la date à laquelle elle a été filmée.


    Quelque 1,5 million de Palestiniens se trouvent actuellement à Rafah, soit plus de la moitié de la population de la bande de Gaza, selon l’agence des Nations unies pour les réfugiés palestiniens.

    Israël affirme qu’il doit étendre son assaut à Rafah pour éliminer le Hamas, le groupe à l’origine de l’attaque du 7 octobre qui a fait 1 200 morts en Israël et 250 autres personnes enlevées, selon les décomptes israéliens.

    Avec plus de 28 000 personnes déjà tuées lors de l’offensive israélienne à Gaza, selon les autorités sanitaires de la bande de Gaza dirigée par le Hamas, le sort des personnes réfugiées à Rafah est devenu un sujet de préoccupation internationale, y compris pour les alliés occidentaux d’Israël.

    Le président américain Joe Biden a déclaré au premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu qu’Israël ne devrait pas procéder à une opération à Rafah sans un plan visant à assurer la sécurité des personnes qui y sont réfugiées.

    Un porte-parole du département d’État américain a déclaré : « Le président a clairement indiqué qu’il ne soutenait pas le déplacement forcé des Palestiniens de Gaza. Les États-Unis ne financent pas de camps en Égypte pour les Palestiniens déplacés ».

    Le bureau de M. Netanyahu a ordonné à l’armée d’élaborer un plan d’évacuation de Rafah. Mais aucun plan n’a encore vu le jour.

    Lors d’une interview accordée à ABC News, M. Netanyahu a déclaré que les Palestiniens pourraient se rendre dans les zones situées au nord de Rafah et libérées par l’armée.

    Avi Dichter, ministre israélien de l’agriculture et du développement rural, a déclaré mercredi que l’évacuation était « une question militaire » et que l’armée israélienne savait comment procéder.

    Dans des commentaires à la radio de l’armée israélienne, M. Dichter a déclaré qu’il y avait « suffisamment de terres à l’ouest de Rafah » et a mentionné Al Mawasi, une zone sur le littoral vers laquelle l’armée israélienne a déclaré que les civils devaient fuir au début de l’offensive.

    La guerre de Gaza a mis sous pression les relations entre l’Égypte et Israël, qui ont signé un accord de paix en 1979.

    Le secrétaire général de la Ligue arabe, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, ancien ministre égyptien des affaires étrangères, a déclaré en début de semaine que les actions israéliennes menaçaient la continuité des accords avec l’Égypte et la Jordanie, en référence aux traités de paix conclus avec ces deux États arabes.

    Le ministre égyptien des affaires étrangères, Sameh Shoukry, a déclaré le 12 février que l’Égypte avait maintenu l’accord pendant 40 ans et qu’elle continuerait à le faire tant que les deux parties s’y engageraient.

    • L’Egypte construit une zone de sécurité dans le Sinaï en prévision d’un éventuel afflux de réfugiés depuis Gaza


      Des engins de chantier aménagent un espace dans l’optique d’une offensive israélienne sur Rafah, le dernier sanctuaire de l’enclave palestinienne.

      Par Hélène Sallon (Beyrouth, correspondante)

      Publié hier à 12h59, modifié hier à 15h08

      Dans le Sinaï égyptien, le long de la frontière avec la bande de Gaza, entre les terminaux de Rafah et de Kerem Shalom, des engins de chantier aplanissent le sol d’une étroite bande de terre. Des images satellites, analysées par l’agence Associated Press vendredi 16 février, montrent que des travaux sont en cours dans ce périmètre. Des grues et des camions y sont visibles. Des barrières de béton ont été dressées pour ceinturer cette zone d’environ 20 kilomètres carrés.

      Selon l’ONG Sinai Foundation for Human Rights, qui a révélé l’existence de ce chantier le 12 février, l’endroit est destiné à accueillir des réfugiés palestiniens, dans l’éventualité où l’Egypte devrait faire face à un exode massif depuis Gaza. Des entrepreneurs locaux ont dit à l’ONG avoir été chargés des travaux par l’entreprise Sons of Sinai, propriété de l’homme d’affaires Ibrahim El-Argani, proche de l’armée égyptienne. Il est prévu que des murs de 7 mètres de haut soient construits, sous la supervision du génie militaire, et sous forte présence sécuritaire.

      Des sources égyptiennes ont confirmé, sous couvert de l’anonymat, au Wall Street Journal l’aménagement d’une zone de sécurité, pouvant accueillir jusqu’à 100 000 personnes. Une source égyptienne indique au Monde que la peur de faire face à un afflux de déplacés en cas d’offensive israélienne sur la ville de Rafah explique cette décision. Le chef des services de communication de l’Etat, Diaa Rashwan, a toutefois nié l’existence d’un tel projet. Il a rappelé que l’Egypte s’oppose à tout déplacement forcé de Gazaouis sur son territoire du fait de la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas dans l’enclave palestinienne.

      Le Caire n’a pas beaucoup d’options

      Ce scénario pourrait cependant se matérialiser si le premier ministre israélien, Benyamin Nétanyahou, mettait à exécution sa menace, agitée depuis le 7 février, de lancer une offensive sur Rafah, qui est devenue le dernier refuge de plus d’1,4 million de Gazaouis. « La décision de lancer l’offensive sur Rafah n’a pas été prise. Nétanyahou souhaite en faire un moyen de pression dans les négociations de trêve avec le Hamas. Mais s’il n’y a pas d’accord, il sera difficile pour les Israéliens d’éviter une offensive », estime Laure Foucher, spécialiste du Moyen-Orient à la Fondation de recherche stratégique (FRS).

      Le Caire et Washington exhortent Israël à renoncer à cette opération, invoquant des « conséquences humanitaires dévastatrices ». Ils exigent qu’un plan d’évacuation des déplacés de Rafah vers le nord de l’enclave soit mis sur pied. Vendredi, le ministre de la défense israélien, Yoav Gallant, a assuré qu’« Israël n’a pas l’intention d’évacuer des civils palestiniens vers l’Egypte », ni de mettre en danger l’accord de paix signé en 1978 avec Le Caire. L’armée israélienne n’a toutefois pas dévoilé de plan pour la prise en charge des civils palestiniens dans le nord de l’enclave, qu’elle a réduit à l’état de ruines.

      « Les Egyptiens sont pragmatiques. Si les Gazaouis n’ont pas d’autre choix que de fuir vers l’Egypte, ils les accueilleront pour les protéger mais, derrière de hauts murs, pour ne pas qu’ils s’installent en Egypte », estime Khalil Sayegh, un analyste palestinien. Le Caire n’a pas beaucoup d’options. « Tirer sur les Gazaouis qui tenteraient de fuir vers le Sinaï provoquerait un tollé au sein de l’opinion égyptienne, qui soutient les Palestiniens, et serait une violation du droit international », poursuit M. Sayegh.


      La perspective d’un déplacement des Palestiniens dans le Sinaï suscite des inquiétudes. « En cas d’afflux massif, cette zone pourrait rapidement ressembler à un camp de concentration. Et, il n’y a aucune garantie qu’ils pourront revenir à Gaza », déplore l’expert palestinien. Les Palestiniens craignent qu’Israël ne cherche à provoquer une seconde Nakba (« catastrophe »), le nom donné à l’exode forcé de 700 000 Palestiniens, lors de la création d’Israël en 1948. Des réfugiés qui n’ont jamais pu rentrer sur leurs terres.

      « Une nouvelle crise des réfugiés signerait l’arrêt de mort d’un futur processus de paix », a alerté Filippo Grande, le directeur de l’agence des Nations unies en charge des réfugiés (HCR), dans un entretien à la BBC vendredi. Le chef du HCR a appelé à « éviter à tout prix » un exode des Palestiniens vers l’Egypte, estimant qu’une fois sortis de Gaza, les réfugiés ne pourraient plus y retourner. Le HCR et l’UNRWA, l’agence des Nations unies chargée des déplacés palestiniens, disent ne pas être impliqués dans des préparatifs pour l’accueil de réfugiés palestiniens dans le Sinaï.

      Hélène Sallon(Beyrouth, correspondante)

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