• Suspendira se Schengen ? Slovenija : Upozorili smo Hrvate da je problem ogroman
    –-> Schengen est-il suspendu ? Slovénie : nous avons prévenu les Croates que le problème est énorme

    ITALIJA je obavijestila Sloveniju da zbog promijenjene situacije u Europi i na Bliskom istoku uvodi kontrolu na granici sa Slovenijom, priopćilo je slovensko ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova, a neformalno se najavljuje da bi kontrole uskoro mogle biti uvedene i na slovensko-hrvatskoj granici.

    Prema neslužbenim informacijama, kontrole bi trebale biti uvedene u subotu, za početak na 10 dana, s mogućnošću produljenja. Zbog toga bi Slovenija trebala uvesti kontrolu na granicama s Hrvatskom i Mađarskom, navodi agencija STA.

    Sve je izglednije da će se granične kontrole, barem privremeno, vratiti niti godinu dana nakon što su ukinute.

    Kako primjećuje slovenski portal Siol, i Rim i Ljubljana upozorili su Hrvatsku da mora napraviti više kako bi se suzbile ilegalne migracije. Zagrebu je nuđena pomoć u kontroli vanjskih granica, posebno na granici s BiH, ali i na granicama sa Srbijom i Crnom Gorom.
    Ljubljana upozoravala, Plenković odbio pomoć

    Prijedlozi su išli u smjeru pomoći europske agencije za nadzor vanjskih granica Frontexa, a Slovenija i Italija ponudile su Hrvatskoj i mješovite policijske patrole. No hrvatski premijer Andrej Plenković odbio je takve prijedloge jer hrvatska policija “dobro kontrolira vanjsku granicu”.

    Bilo je to krajem lipnja.

    “Ministar unutarnjih poslova je već dogovorio da će doći šest savjetnika Frontexa koji će pomagati Hrvatskoj na pitanjima sprječavanja nezakonitih migracija, ali ne na način da bismo mi stavili policajce iz drugih država članica na svoje granice”, rekao je Plenković odgovarajući na pitanje novinara o ideji slovenskog premijera da se pripadnici Frontexa rasporede na granici između Hrvatske i BiH kako bi pomogli u sprječavanju ilegalnih ulazaka migranata.

    “Hrvatska, kao članica EU i članica šengenskog prostora, ima dovoljno svojih kapaciteta, 6500 policajaca čuva granicu i vanjsku granicu Europske unije, koja je sada i vanjska granica šengenskog prostora”, rekao je Plenković. Bilo je to nakon što je slovenski premijer Robert Golob prije summita EU najavio da će tražiti raspoređivanje pripadnika Frontexa na granice Hrvatske i BiH.

    S druge strane, i Rim i Ljubljana proljetos su počeli upozoravati da bi se zbog povećanog broja ilegalnih prelazaka granice mogla ponovo uvesti sustavna kontrola granice. Slovenska vlada počela je mjestimično uklanjati “tehničke prepreke” na granici s Hrvatskom, odnosno ogradu, no politika je uvijek više ili manje glasno upozoravala Zagreb da će, ako Italija uvede kontrolu na granici sa Slovenijom, i Slovenija učiniti to na granici s Hrvatskom, da ne postane “džep”. Tim više što Austrija kontrolira granicu sa Slovenijom još od migrantske krize 2015.-2016., navodi Siol.

    Glavni ravnatelj slovenske policije Senad Jušić prošli je tjedan u Brežicama također upozorio hrvatskog kolegu da je problem velik. Istaknuo je da je slovenska policija ove godine već obradila više od 45.000 ilegalnih prelazaka granice.


    #Slovénie #Croatie #frontières #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #contrôles_systématiques_aux_frontières #frontière_sud-alpine #Alpes


    ajouté à cette métaliste sur l’annonce du rétablissement des contrôles frontaliers de la part de plusieurs pays européens :

    • Schengen e i flussi migratori, tra retorica e realtà

      L’article original en croate: https://www.portalnovosti.com/patka-o-migracijama

      Il sistema di libera circolazione di Schengen viene sempre più spesso messo in crisi da sospensioni applicate da alcuni stati membri chiamando in causa la necessità di contrastare le migrazioni, spesso senza il riscontro dei numeri. La situazione in Croazia e Slovenia.

      Il fiore all’occhiello dell’integrazione europea, come un tempo i burocrati di Bruxelles chiamavano il sistema di Schengen, è stato seriamente messo a repentaglio dalla decisione di undici stati membri dell’UE di sospendere temporaneamente il regime di libera circolazione. Dal centro dell’Unione (Germania, Francia, Danimarca, Svezia) alla periferia, ossia al confine tra Slovenia e Croazia, passando per la Polonia, la Repubblica Ceca, la Slovacchia, l’Italia e l’Austria, si è assistito al ripristino dei controlli alle frontiere. Una misura che non ha colto di sorpresa chi, soprattutto tra gli studiosi del fenomeno migratorio e i migranti stessi, negli ultimi mesi ha attraversato uno dei paesi di cui sopra a bordo di un autobus o un treno.

      Tra chi non è rimasto stupito c’è anche Marijana Hameršak, ricercatrice presso l’Istituto di etnologia e studi sul folklore di Zagabria, responsabile del progetto ERIM , che indaga i meccanismi di gestione dei flussi migratori alle periferie dell’UE.

      Hameršak spiega che da anni ormai nell’UE il sistema di Schengen e la questione migratoria vengono sfruttati in un’ottica strategica, come strumento di politica estera, ma anche come mezzo di polarizzazione dell’elettorato e, in ultima analisi, come espediente per normalizzare l’idea – che peraltro non trova alcun riscontro nella realtà, né tanto meno è corroborata da ricerche – secondo cui le migrazioni rappresentano un problema.

      “L’aumento dei numeri, di cui si parla cercando di spiegare la decisione della Slovenia di introdurre controlli al confine con la Croazia, è una variazione relativa, in parte conseguenza dell’applicazione dei diversi sistemi e tattiche amministrative. Ad ogni modo, non è un aumento recente – i numeri hanno iniziato a crescere nella primavera del 2022, se non addirittura prima – così come l’introduzione dei controlli, per quanto ci si sforzi di presentarla in un’ottica emergenziale, non è una misura inattesa”, sottolinea Hameršak.

      Se alcuni stati membri, come l’Austria, hanno continuato quasi ininterrottamente ad effettuare controlli alle frontiere sin dall’ondata migratoria del 2015, altri paesi solo negli ultimi mesi hanno dispiegato le cosiddette pattuglie mobili ai confini, giustificando tale decisione con un possibile ripetersi della crisi, alimentando così un sentimento di paranoia tra la popolazione.

      Stando ad un’analisi pubblicata sul portale Euractiv alla fine di settembre (https://www.euractiv.com/section/justice-home-affairs/news/schengen-how-europe-is-ruining-its-crown-jewel), un quarto dei paesi dell’area Schengen ha impiegato le pattuglie mobili lungo i confini prima ancora della sospensione ufficiale del regime di libera circolazione, rendendo così più difficile la vita di molti cittadini dell’UE, ma anche dei rifugiati e altre persone in movimento che attraversano i paesi Schengen.

      Uršula Lipovec Čebron, professoressa associata presso il Dipartimento di Etnologia e Antropologia culturale della Facoltà di Filosofia di Lubiana e collaboratrice al progetto ERIM, fa il punto della situazione al confine sloveno-croato.

      “Anche prima della sospensione di Schengen la polizia slovena effettuava controlli giornalieri su treni e autobus, ricorrendo alla profilazione razziale. Quindi, fermava sistematicamente i migranti, registrava i loro dati personali e poi li faceva scendere dai mezzi di trasporto. Negli ultimi mesi, viaggiando in treno da Zagabria a Lubiana, ho spesso assistito a simili scene a Dobova e ad altri valichi di frontiera”, spiega Uršula Lipovec Čebron.

      Per la professoressa Lipovec Čebron, la sospensione di Schengen da un lato ha legittimato una prassi già esistente, dall’altro ha portato ad una spettacolarizzazione del lavoro della polizia di frontiera.

      Anche Marijana Hameršak è dello stesso avviso. Stando alle sue parole, sono state proprio le pratiche impiegate dalla polizia di frontiera a spingere molte persone, anche dopo l’ingresso della Croazia nello spazio Schengen, ad attraversare il confine croato-sloveno di notte, al di fuori dei valichi ufficiali, anche cercando di superare il filo spinato.

      “Ora che sono stati introdotti controlli sistematici, chiudendo anche i passaggi nella recinzione al confine, quei percorsi stanno nuovamente diventando l’unica opzione”, afferma Marijana Hameršak.

      Se il premier croato Andrej Plenković e il ministro dell’Interno Davor Božinović si sono sforzati di presentare la sospensione della libera circolazione da parte della Slovenia come una decisione legata esclusivamente agli attacchi terroristici sul suolo europeo, il ministro dell’Interno sloveno Boštjan Poklukar ha a più riprese criticato le autorità croate a causa dell’aumento del numero di migranti giunti in Slovenia dalla Croazia. Lubiana ha anche offerto aiuto a Zagabria, proponendo più volte di formare pattuglie miste lungo il confine, ma la Croazia ha sempre rifiutato di collaborare.

      Nel frattempo, le procedure applicate nei confronti dei migranti intercettati nel territorio croato sono cambiate. Nella primavera del 2022 la polizia croata aveva iniziato a rilasciare ai migranti un foglio di via, intimando loro di lasciare la Croazia e lo Spazio economico europeo entro sette giorni. Poi però da marzo di quest’anno l’atteggiamento della polizia è cambiato: molte persone sorprese mentre cercavano di entrare in Croazia, ma anche quelle che soggiornavano irregolarmente nel paese sono state registrate come richiedenti asilo, per poi essere sollecitate a proseguire il loro viaggio verso ovest.

      Marijana Hameršak spiega che i documenti rilasciati ai migranti durante quella procedura praticamente significano una regolarizzazione temporanea del loro status, ossia un riconoscimento delle persone in transito in cerca di protezione internazionale.

      “Non sappiamo ancora quali possano essere le conseguenze di tale prassi, né tantomeno sappiamo se le persone interessate rischino di essere maggiormente esposte a reclusioni e deportazioni in altri stati membri dell’UE. È chiaro però che bisogna trovare la forza politica per perseguire una strada finalizzata alla decriminalizzazione del transito e dei flussi migratori in generale, tenendo conto dei bisogni dei singoli individui. Non è una strada impossibile, ci sono diversi precedenti storici. Posso citare il cosiddetto passaporto di Nansen, che prende il nome dal primo commissario per i rifugiati della Società delle Nazioni, che nel periodo tra le due guerre mondiali aveva permesso a centinaia di migliaia di sfollati di raggiungere luoghi dove – per motivi economici, legami familiari o altri fattori – volevano provare a rifarsi una vita”, spiega la ricercatrice.

      Stando alle statistiche ufficiali, in Croazia nei primi sei mesi del 2023 oltre 24mila persone hanno chiesto asilo, una cifra di gran lunga superiore rispetto agli anni scorsi. Tuttavia, le espulsioni violente continuano: nei primi nove mesi di quest’anno sono stati registrati circa duemila respingimenti. Sul sito dell’iniziativa No Name Kitchen sono stati riportati i dettagli di un recente caso in cui dieci cittadini afghani e due indiani sono stati gettati nell’acqua fredda dopo essere stati privati dei loro beni e intimiditi con colpi d’arma da fuoco, manganellate e altre forme di abuso fisico da parte della polizia croata. Secondo le testimonianze delle vittime, l’episodio si è verificato all’inizio di ottobre nei pressi di Bihać, al confine tra Croazia e Bosnia Erzegovina.

      Nel frattempo, in vista delle elezioni europee e nazionali, molti leader politici, come anche le forze di opposizione, continuano ad alimentare un clima emergenziale, parlando del collasso di Schengen e spingendo ostinatamente per l’adozione del nuovo patto sulla migrazione e l’asilo in cui vedono l’unica soluzione. La proposta del patto – che, vista la situazione attuale, potrebbe essere approvata prima del previsto – rappresenta un passo indietro nella tutela dei diritti dei migranti e dei rifugiati.

      Se il testo dovesse essere approvato nella sua versione attuale, l’accesso all’asilo in Europa diventerebbe ancora più difficile, si cercherebbe di tenere i migranti il più lontano possibile dall’UE e molti di quelli già presenti sul suolo europeo verrebbero rimpatriati. A lungo termine, la Croazia, la Serbia e la Bosnia Erzegovina con ogni probabilità verrebbero trasformate nella cosiddetta “zona cuscinetto”, ma anche in una sorta di dumping ground dove confinare gli “indesiderati”. E per questo si è deciso in fretta e furia di costruire un centro di identificazione a Dugi Dol, nei pressi di Krnjak, in Croazia.

      Marijana Hameršak sottolinea che la sospensione di Schengen e i discorsi che l’accompagnano contribuiranno ad un’ulteriore stigmatizzazione dei migranti, alla normalizzazione delle pratiche di profilazione razziale e alla polarizzazione della società – dinamiche che ultimamente sono diventate molto evidenti su entrambi i lati del confine croato-sloveno. Se in Croazia l’opposizione di destra invoca l’invio dell’esercito al confine e un referendum sull’immigrazione, in Slovenia vogliono ribaltare la decisione di rimuovere il filo spinato lungo il confine, una delle principali promesse elettorali dell’attuale premier sloveno Robert Golob.

      “Da tempo ormai in Slovenia si cerca di strumentalizzare politicamente le migrazioni, con l’intento di dividere la popolazione che di solito ha pochi contatti con i rifugiati, quindi non riesce attraverso la propria esperienza ad acquisire un’adeguata consapevolezza del fenomeno migratorio. È facile incutere paura diffondendo informazioni non veritiere, tanto che molti cittadini continuano a non vedere nulla di problematico nella recinzione al confine. C’è però anche chi protesta pubblicamente contro la chiusura dei valichi di frontiera e altre misure che rendono più difficile e mettono a rischio la vita dei migranti, ma non potranno mai fermarli nel loro tentativo di trovare una via per raggiungere l’Unione europea”, conclude la professoressa Lipovec Čebron.


      #patrouilles_mobiles #spectacle #foglio_di_via

  • EU countries set to drop barriers for Ukraine refugees

    The European Commission has proposed that those fleeing the war in Ukraine should be granted “temporary protection” in the EU, while border checks should be simplified. EU interior ministers will decide on the matter on Thursday.

    The proposal put forth by the Commission on Wednesday (2 March) is meant to “offer quick and effective assistance to people fleeing the war in Ukraine” and would see the 2001 Temporary Protection Directive activated for the first time.

    For as long as the directive remains in force, Ukrainians could stay in the EU without going through a formal asylum application. They would also be given access to education, healthcare, and the labour market.

    “Europe stands by those in need of protection,” European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, said about the launch of the proposal. “All those fleeing Putin’s bombs are welcome in Europe”.

    While the proposal first needs to be approved by the member states, the Commission is optimistic that the 27 home affairs ministers will decide in favour during their meeting on Thursday.

    While two or three national delegations had questioned whether the EU-level measure would be necessary on top of national ones, there was widespread support for the proposal among member states, a senior Commission official said.

    However, an EU diplomat stressed that the ministers would only vote in principle during the meeting, while a formal decision on activating temporary protection could only follow after additional technical preparations, expected to take several days.

    Simplified border checks

    Under current rules, Ukrainian citizens can enter the EU visa-free but only stay for 90 days. If activated, the temporary protection status would apply for one year but could be extended to three.However, the directive would not apply to all third-country nationals, most of which would be assisted in repatriation by the EU rather than being given a residence permit.

    According to the Commission, there are currently around 600 refugees arriving in the EU every hour. The new measures would allow member states to temporarily relax border checks for anyone coming from Ukraine, regardless of their nationality, to simplify the entry process.

    “We are working to facilitate efficient crossings at the borders for people and their pets, with the necessary security checks,” Commission vice-president Margaritis Schinas said.

    To reduce waiting times at the border, member states would perform border checks after the arriving Ukrainian refugees have been transferred to a safe location.This way, it would be possible to cross the border even without a biometric passport, “or any passport at all,” the Commission official said. “While there would still be a check of, for example, fingerprints against all national and European databases, (…) this does not necessarily take place at the border,” they added.According to the Commission, special rules could also ease restrictions on vulnerable groups, such as children.

    Intra-EU solidarity

    The proposal also includes measures to enhance burden and responsibility sharing between the member-states. The directive provides solidarity measures in the form of relocation and material assistance, which aim at relieving the pressure from member states bordering Ukraine.

    However, the relocation and assistance for host states remain voluntary. Instead of setting out quotas for relocation, the Commission placed its bets on a more “fluid approach,” an EU-Commission official has said.Member states can outline their reception capacities through the so-called Solidarity Platform, and the Commission will then coordinate with other countries to ensure a balance of efforts.

    However, member states aim to relieve Eastern EU countries primarily via material assistance rather than through relocations. “Nobody is talking about relocation at this stage,” an EU diplomat said, as the countries most affected are not seeking relocation thus far. Furthermore, Ukrainians can travel throughout the bloc under the visa-free regime and will likely move to the regions with the most significant Ukrainian diaspora.While the solidarity scheme is voluntary, the Commission is confident that member states are willing to participate in this process.

    Most EU countries – among them Germany and France – have already indicated that they would be willing to admit refugees to assist the EU’s Eastern members if needed.“The spirit of solidarity you see at the moment is a strong one,” a Commission senior official said on Wednesday.

    #protection_temporaire #Ukraine #réfugiés_ukrainiens #asile #migrations #réfugiés #UE #EU #Union_européenne

    • Guerre en Ukraine : accord des Européens pour accorder une « protection temporaire » aux réfugiés

      Les ministres européens de l’Intérieur, réunis jeudi à Bruxelles, se sont mis d’accord pour accorder une « protection temporaire » dans l’UE aux réfugiés « fuyant la guerre » en Ukraine, ont annoncé le ministre français Gérald Darmanin et la commissaire européenne Ylva Johansson.

      « Accord historique à l’occasion de la réunion des ministres de l’intérieur de l’UE : l’Union européenne accordera une protection temporaire à ceux qui fuient la guerre en Ukraine », a tweeté le ministre français Gérald Darmanin, qui présidait cette réunion. La commissaire européenne aux Affaires intérieures, Ylva Johansson, a elle aussi tweeté en ce sens.

      Plusieurs centaines de milliers de personnes ont fui l’Ukraine ces derniers jours, principalement en direction de la Pologne, mais aussi vers la Slovaquie, la Hongrie et la Roumanie. Les ministres avaient donné dimanche mandat à la Commission européenne pour faire rapidement une proposition d’activer au niveau de l’UE un régime spécial, encore jamais utilisé.

      Il prévoit d’octroyer très rapidement une protection temporaire d’un an, prolongeable, aux personnes fuyant l’Ukraine, avec permis de séjour, accès au marché du travail et à l’éducation, etc.

      Pas de mécanisme de #répartition

      La Commission a dévoilé mercredi les détails de sa proposition. Elle ne comprend pas de mécanisme de répartition en tant que tel, car il est attendu que de nombreux Ukrainiens arrivant dans l’UE se répartissent d’eux-mêmes sur le territoire, en rejoignant par exemple de la famille et des communautés déjà installées.

      Mais la proposition part d’un esprit d’"équilibre des efforts" entre États membres, et prévoit notamment que chaque capitale communique ses capacités estimées d’accueil et le nombre de personnes déjà reçues, et collabore avec la Commission et les autres États via une « plateforme de solidarité » où ces informations et les demandes d’aide s’échangeraient.

      La protection des citoyens qui fuient l’Ukraine doit être automatique et directe. C’est à nous de faire passer ce message clair aux Ukrainiens : on est là, on ne vous lâche pas et on en vous lâchera jamais", a plaidé jeudi le secrétaire d’État belge à l’Asile et la Migration, Sammy Mahdi, à son arrivée à la réunion.


    • Guerre en Ukraine : l’Union européenne s’accorde pour octroyer une « protection temporaire » aux réfugiés

      C’est la première fois que les Etats membres décident à la majorité qualifiée d’activer la directive de 2001 sur l’accueil des personnes déplacées.

      Gérald Darmanin a aussitôt salué une décision « historique ». Les ministres européens de l’Intérieur, réunis jeudi 3 mars à Bruxelles, se sont mis d’accord pour accorder une « protection temporaire » dans l’Union européenne aux réfugiés « fuyant la guerre » en Ukraine.

      C’est la première fois que les Etats membres décident, à la majorité qualifiée (au moins 15 Etats sur 27 représentant 65% de la population), d’activer la directive de 2001 sur l’accueil des personnes déplacées.

      Elle permet aux réfugiés ukrainiens de séjourner jusqu’à trois ans dans l’UE, d’y travailler, d’accéder au système scolaire et d’y recevoir des soins médicaux. Jusqu’à présent, les détenteurs d’un passeport ukrainien ne pouvaient rester que 90 jours sans visa dans l’Union européenne. A ce stade, aucun plan de répartition formelle des réfugiés entre les pays de l’UE n’est sur la table.
      La question des réfugiés non-ukrainiens ne fait pas consensus

      Les ministres n’ont pas précisé immédiatement si la mesure s’appliquerait également aux réfugiés fuyant l’Ukraine mais n’ayant pas la nationalité ukrainienne. Cette question divise les Etats membres : certains, comme la Pologne et l’Autriche, y sont en effet opposés.

      Le ministre autrichien Gerhard Karner a exprimé jeudi matin ses réticences sur ce sujet. « Outre la Pologne, la Slovaquie et la Hongrie, de nombreux pays s’en inquiètent, dont l’Autriche (...), cela ne sert à rien d’inclure ces ressortissants de pays tiers, c’est un autre système » qui devra s’appliquer à ces personnes, avait-il estimé.


    • Marie-Christine Vergiat : « Dès lors qu’un gouvernement dit “on accueille”, c’est possible »

      Plus de trois millions de personnes ont quitté l’Ukraine depuis le début de l’invasion russe. Pour répondre à l’urgence, l’Union européenne a activé un mécanisme inédit d’accueil. Précisions avec Marie-Christine Vergiat, ancienne députée européenne.

      Le 4 mars, l’Union européenne (UE) a décidé de mettre en œuvre un dispositif particulier d’accueil pour les personnes fuyant la guerre en Ukraine (voir le communiqué de l’UE). Il s’agit d’un mécanisme d’urgence qui vise à fournir une protection immédiate et collective (sans qu’il soit nécessaire d’examiner chaque demande individuellement) à des personnes déplacées qui ne sont pas en mesure de retourner dans leur pays d’origine.

      Grâce à cette « protection temporaire », les réfugiés de guerre d’Ukraine, qui sont déjà plus de trois millions, peuvent avoir directement droit au séjour dans l’UE, avec le droit de travailler et la possibilité de scolariser leurs enfants. Mais la décision de l’UE fait aussi la différence entre les réfugiés avec passeport ukrainien et les personnes qui résidaient en Ukraine sans en avoir la nationalité, que ce soient des étudiants étrangers, des réfugiés politiques russes, biélorusses ou d’autres régimes autoritaires (voir le détail de la décision). Explications avec Marie-Christine Vergiat, militante associative, vice-présidente de la Ligue des droits de l’Homme (LDH), qui a été députée européenne pour le Parti de gauche de 2009 à 2019.

      basta ! : Quelle est votre première réaction à l’activation du dispositif de protection temporaire pour les réfugiés d’Ukraine ?

      C’est bien d’avoir déclenché ce mécanisme. Mais il faut accueillir tous les réfugiés, sans aucune discrimination. Toutes les personnes qui se trouvent sur le territoire ukrainien méritent protection et d’être accueillies dans de bonnes conditions sur le territoire européen.

      Depuis quand cette directive européenne sur la protection temporaire des réfugiés existe-t-elle ?

      Elle a été adoptée en 2001 à la suite de la guerre de Bosnie, pendant laquelle il y avait déjà eu un grand nombre de réfugiés, mais sur un espace-temps plus long que la situation actuelle. Aujourd’hui, l’offensive russe a été tellement rapide que les gens ont fui tout de suite. Ce dispositif européen n’avait jamais été activé auparavant. C’est la première fois qu’il est mis en œuvre, alors que le Parlement européen avait demandé son activation notamment en 2015 au moment de la crise de l’accueil des réfugiés qui venaient alors essentiellement de Syrie. On avait alors une majorité au Parlement pour l’activer.

      Pourquoi n’a t-elle pas été activée en 2015 pour l’accueil des Syriens ?

      Parce que le Conseil européen [l’organe de décision de l’Union européenne où siègent les gouvernements des pays membres, ndlr] n’en voulait pas. L’Allemagne avait alors ouvert largement ses portes. Je pense que la position des pays du groupe de Visegrád (Pologne, Hongrie, République tchèque et Slovaquie), qui s’opposaient alors à l’accueil, servait aussi les autres pays pour justifier le refus de l’activation de la directive. En 2015-2016, plusieurs pays de ce groupe avaient bloqué le plan de relocalisation des réfugiés qui étaient arrivés en Grèce principalement. Le plan était pourtant très en-deçà de ce qu’il fallait faire. En 2015 et 2016, 1,5 million de personne sont arrivées en Europe de façon dite irrégulière. Le plan prévoyait de relocaliser environ 10 % de ces personnes. Et même avec cet objectif modeste, les États n’ont pas rempli leurs engagements. Des pays qui à l’époque refusaient l’application de la protection temporaire sont aujourd’hui en première ligne de l’accueil des personnes venues d’Ukraine.

      À qui s’applique cette nouvelle protection temporaire ?

      La décision de mise en œuvre de la directive fait le tri entre différentes catégories de personnes venues d’Ukraine. On voit aussi que c’est un dispositif complètement bordé, au cas où des réfugiés d’autres pays viendraient dans les flux. La décision distingue les Ukrainiens ; les réfugiés et apatrides qui avaient un statut en Ukraine et qui étaient reconnus comme tels avant le 24 février ; les membres de leurs familles, à condition qu’ils aient été eux aussi en situation régulière avant le 24 février ; et les non-Ukrainiens mariés à des Ukrainiens. Après, ça se complique. Il y a les réfugiés et apatrides non reconnus avant le 24 février et ceux qui disposent d’un autre type de séjour, comme les étudiants et résidents avec permis de travail. Pour ceux là, le choix revient aux différents États de l’Union européenne. Soit les États activent la protection temporaire pour ces personnes-là soit ils activent leur droit national. Les gens doivent alors déposer une demande d’asile ou de titre de séjour classique. C’est ce qu’on voit poindre, y compris en France.

      Il y a une dernière catégorie qui visent ceux qui n’ont pas de titre de résidence en Ukraine. Il peut s’agir d’étudiants en court séjour ou encore de travailleurs venus faire une mission et qui se retrouveront en situation irrégulière dès lors qu’ils ne peuvent pas repartir dans leur pays d’origine. Pour eux, c’est le droit national des pays d’accueil qui vaut. Par ailleurs, la décision européenne prévoit que pour toutes les catégories, hormis les Ukrainiens et les réfugiés et apatrides reconnus en Ukraine et leurs familles, les personnes ne pourront déposer une demande que si elles ne peuvent pas retourner dans leur pays d’origine. Elles ne vont pas être systématiquement expulsées, mais pourront l’être. Cela pourra concerner beaucoup d’étudiants, marocains notamment, qui étaient nombreux en Ukraine. Face à ces distinctions, toutes les associations sont unies pour dire qu’il ne faut pas de discriminations entre les différentes catégories de personnes.

      Pour les gens qui entrent dans les « bonnes » cases, en quoi le dispositif de protection temporaire améliore-t-il leur sort ?

      Avec cette directive, la protection se déclenche tout de suite. Les personnes n’ont pas besoin de passer par le parcours habituel pour obtenir un titre de séjour. Elles ont aussi immédiatement le droit de travailler et le droit à l’éducation pour les enfants. En France, la durée de la protection est de six mois, renouvelables.

      En France, les personnes exilées sont maltraitées par les autorités au quotidien, on le voit tous les jours notamment à Calais. Et aujourd’hui, les préfets mettent rapidement un accueil en place pour les réfugiés ukrainiens…

      C’est une vraie politique de deux poids, deux mesures. Cela montre aussi que quand on a la volonté politique, on trouve les moyens. C’est ce qu’a fait l’Allemagne en 2015-2016, en accueillant près d’un million de personnes, avant de bloquer ses frontières faute de solidarité européenne. C’est intéressant de voir que nos politiques nous expliquent, quand on les interroge sur le sujet, qu’il faut fermer les frontières pour contrer la montée de l’extrême droite. Mais cela ne marche pas en France, comme on le voit dans les sondages. Et en Allemagne, l’extrême droite a été contenue et a même plutôt régressé entre 2017 et 2021. Je suis intimement persuadée que la parole politique a du poids. Dès lors qu’un gouvernement dit « on accueille », c’est possible.

      Le fait que l’UE ait activé cette directive pourrait-il devenir un levier pour les associations, pour faire pression pour l’accueil face aux mouvements de migration ?

      On peut espérer que cela soit un point d’appui et que cela serve à d’autres à l’avenir, même si je reste plutôt sceptique.

      Jugez-vous que l’accueil des personnes exilées s’est dégradé en France ces dix dernières années ?

      On n’arrête pas de faire des lois, et à chaque fois, l’accueil régresse. Le résultat, c’est qu’on a de moins en moins de marge de manœuvre. Tous les militants disent que c’est de plus en plus difficile, y compris de faire régulariser les gens. Prenons la circulaire Valls de 2012 sur la régularisation. Au moment où elle a été adoptée, on a tous râlé parce qu’elle n’allait pas assez loin. Mais aujourd’hui, nous n’arrivons quasiment plus à la faire appliquer. Régulariser est de plus en plus difficile. C’est aussi très variable selon les départements, selon qu’ils reçoivent plus ou moins de demandes de titres de séjour. Dans des départements qui en reçoivent moins, ça bloque moins qu’en région parisienne.


  • EU ministers seek solutions as Ukraine humanitarian crisis looms

    EU home affairs ministers have put off a decision on whether to grant temporary protection to Ukrainian refugees amid what threatens to become the “largest humanitarian crisis” in Europe in recent times.

    While a proposal to activate the 2001 #Temporary_Protection_Directive for Ukrainians fleeing the country was “broadly welcomed” by the ministers during their extraordinary meeting on Sunday (27 February), a formal decision will only be made on Thursday, EU Home Affairs and Migration Commissioner Ylva Johansson said after the talks.

    Once activated, the directive would stay in force for one year, unless it is prolonged, and would allow Ukrainians to take immediate, temporary refuge in the EU without going through a standard asylum process.

    The exceptional measure, which has never been activated before, is meant to deal with situations where the standard asylum system risks being overburdened due to a mass influx of refugees.

    Based on recent UN estimates, the EU is currently expecting that more than seven million Ukrainians will be displaced within the country, while 18 million will be affected in humanitarian terms, the EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, said after the meeting.

    Four million, he said, are expected to flee the country as refugees.

    While current rules allow any Ukrainian citizen with a biometric passport to enter the EU visa-free, they can only stay for up to 90 days.

    “We need to be prepared for day 91,” Johansson stressed. “I think it is time to activate temporary protection.”

    During the meeting, however, some countries raised doubts as to whether the time was ripe for activating the directive and instead preferred to wait a little longer, she said, while refusing to name the nay-sayers.

    French minister Gérald Darmanin, who currently chairs the Home Affairs Council, said he would not only put a formal decision on the directive on the agenda when the ministers next meet on Thursday, but would also “pick up the phone” in the meantime to lobby for the consent of so-far hesitant member states.

    Beyond the question of refugees’ entry into EU territory, it also remains unclear how they will be distributed among member states. While the temporary protection directive provides for a voluntary “relocation mechanism” to disburden the first-arrival countries, Johansson said several member states had wanted to go further.

    Humanitarian crisis

    “From my perspective, this could even be a good time to make progress on the Migration and Asylum Pact,” she added. Darmanin previously said that ministers had reached an agreement for “compulsory solidarity” to be enshrined in the pact, which is still being negotiated.

    Even before the current crisis, he had put the question of what this would entail in practice on the agenda for Thursday’s meeting. According to Darmanin, the concept would not necessarily entail a distribution key for migrants, but could also involve financial aid to recipient countries.

    Lenarčič warned that Ukraine’s neighbouring countries, both inside and outside the EU, risked being overburdened with the accommodation of refugees and were in need of support to avoid a humanitarian crisis.

    He singled out Moldova, which he said did not have the capacities to deal with the situation and for which the EU would need to “step up support”.

    “We are witnessing what could become the largest humanitarian crisis on our European continent in many, many years,” he said, saying that needs were growing continuously. “We have to prepare for this kind of emergency, which is of historical proportions.”


    #réfugiés #réfugiés_ukrainiens #EU #UE #Union_européenne #directive_de_protection_temporaire #directive_protection_temporaire #asile #visa #relocalisation


    Voir aussi ce fil de discussion :
    For Ukraine’s Refugees, Europe Opens Doors That Were Shut to Others

  • Poland passes law allowing migrants to be pushed back at border

    Poland’s parliament on Thursday (14 October) passed a legal amendment allowing migrants to be pushed back at the border and for asylum claims made by those who entered illegally to be ignored.

    Lawmakers also gave the green light to a government plan to build a wall to prevent migrants from crossing the border from Belarus, a project estimated to cost €353 million.

    Thousands of migrants, most of them from the Middle East, have sought in recent months to cross from Belarus into Poland or fellow EU member states Latvia and Lithuania.

    Under the newly amended law, a foreigner stopped after crossing the Polish border illegally will be obliged to leave Polish territory and will be temporarily banned from entering the country for a period ranging from “six months to three years”.

    The Polish authorities will also have the right “to leave unexamined” an asylum application filed by a foreigner who is stopped immediately after illegally entering, unless they have arrived from a country where their “life and freedom are threatened”.

    Rights groups have already accused Poland of stopping migrants at the border and pushing them back into Belarus.

    Numerous NGOs have criticised Poland for imposing a state of emergency at the border, which prevents humanitarian organisations from helping migrants and prohibits access to all non-residents, including journalists.

    The law change came two days after a landmark ruling from Poland’s Constitutional Court challenged the primacy of European Union law — a key tenet of EU membership — by declaring important articles in the EU treaties “incompatible” with the Polish constitution.

    The ruling on a case brought by Poland’s right-wing populist government could threaten EU funding for Poland and is being seen as a possible first step to Poland leaving the European Union.

    Earlier Thursday Polish police said that another migrant had been found dead on the border with Belarus, bringing the number of people who have died along the European Union’s eastern border in recent months to seven.

    The European Union accuses Belarus of deliberately orchestrating the influx in retaliation against EU sanctions over the Moscow-backed regime’s crackdown on dissent.

    Last month the UN refugee agency and the International Organization for Migration said they were “shocked and dismayed” by the migrant deaths.

    “Groups of people have become stranded for weeks, unable to access any form of assistance, asylum or basic services,” they said in a statement.

    In August Christine Goyer, UNHCR representative in Poland, reminded Warsaw that “according to the 1951 Refugee Convention, to which Poland is signatory, people seeking asylum should never be penalised, even for irregular border crossing”.

    Polish PM berates EU

    In the meantime, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accused EU institutions on Thursday of infringing on the rights of member states, as he prepared to present Warsaw’s position in a row over the rule of law next week before the European Parliament.

    “We are at a crucial moment, you could say at a crossroads in the EU’s history,” Morawiecki told the Polish parliament. “Democracy is being tested – how far will European nations retreat before this usurpation by some EU institutions.”

    Polish government spokesman Piotr Muller said Morawiecki would attend the European Parliament session in Strasbourg next Tuesday to present Poland’s position in the rule of law dispute.


    #Pologne #asile #migrations #réfugiés #frontières #refoulement #refoulements #push-backs #loi #amendement #Biélorussie #Mateusz_Morawiecki #Morawiecki

    voir aussi la métaliste sur la situation à la frontière entre la #Pologne et la #Biélorussie (2021) :

    • Et il y a eu ce weekend une chasse aux migrants autour de la ville de Guben (Allemagne).
      « La ville de Guben est située dans la région de Basse-Lusace ; elle est traversée par la rivière Neisse et c’est la partie allemande de la ville historique ; l’autre partie est polonaise (Gubin). »

  • Authorities in Lithuania are considering building a wall with Belarus

    Authorities in Lithuania are now considering building a wall with Belarus. Ingrida Simonyte, the Lithuanian prime minister, has accused the Belarusian government of orchestrating what her country views as a migrant crisis.


    #Lituanie #murs #frontières #Biélorussie #migrations #réfugiés #asile #barrières #barrières_frontalières


    voir :
    A la frontière entre la #Lituanie et le #Bélarus, Loukachenko se fait maître passeur

    • Lithuania Reports 116 More Border Arrests Of Migrants Crossing From Belarus

      Lithuanian authorities reported 116 more arrests of migrants crossing the border from Belarus, a surge in crossings that Lithuania says Minsk is purposely organizing in retaliation for European Union sanctions.

      The Lithuanian State Border Security Service said on July 3 that border guards also fired tear gas and warning shots as one group of migrants were being detained.

      The latest figures bring the number of migrants detained over the past two days to 179, the service said; in all 938 people have been arrested crossing from Belarus this year, 12 times as many in all of last year.

      Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said late on July 2 that the government had declared a state of emergency, and he accused Lukashenka seeking “to weaponize migration to weaken our resolve for sanctions.”

      Vilnius contends that the migrants, most of whom are Iraqi, are moved to the border with Lithuania, where Belarusian border guards turn a blind eye as they cross into the European Union member state.

      Lithuania has been one of the loudest critics of Belarus’s strongman leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka since last August’s dispute presidential election. The 66-year-old Lukashenka claimed victory, setting off months of unprecedented protests.

      The opposition says that election was rigged, and the West has refused to recognize the results of the vote.

      The Baltic state has offered refuge to Svyatlana Tsikhanouskaya, who supporters say was the real winner of the election.

      Vilnius has also become a center for Belarusians in exile, and the two countries have expelled a number of diplomats as ties have worsened in recent weeks.

      The EU’s border guard service, Frontex, has sent teams to Lithuania to help deal with the influx of migrants.


    • La Lituanie se dit débordée face à l’afflux de migrants venus de Biélorussie

      La Lituanie s’est déclarée, vendredi, en #état_d'urgence, face à la hausse des arrivées de migrants depuis la Biélorussie voisine. Plus de 150 personnes ont traversé la frontière ces dernières 24 heures. L’agence de garde-frontières européenne, #Frontex, a dépêché une équipe pour venir en aide au pays balte.

      Une équipe de six gardes-frontières de l’agence européenne Frontex a commencé à travailler vendredi 2 juillet en Lituanie pour aider le pays balte à faire face à l’arrivée de migrants. Depuis plusieurs semaines, des dizaines de personnes en provenance de la Biélorussie voisine, passent la frontière ouest du pays pour entrer en Lituanie.

      Le nombre de gardes-frontières de Frontex devant être déployés à la frontière biélorusse devrait passer à 30 dans le courant du mois.

      Les garde-frontières lituaniens ont indiqué avoir arrêté quelque 150 migrants ces dernières 24 heures - près du double du nombre d’arrestations sur l’ensemble de 2020. Face à cet afflux, le gouvernement a déclaré l’état d’urgence vendredi.

      Cela porte le nombre total de traversées illégales de frontières par des migrants cette année à plus de 800, la plupart venant du Moyen-Orient. Sur l’ensemble de 2020, 81 traversées illégales de la frontière avaient été enregistrées – et 37 en 2019.

      La plupart des migrants sont originaires d’Irak, mais il y en a aussi de plus en plus de Syrie, de Gambie, de Guinée et d’Inde, selon le site EUobserver (https://euobserver.com/world/152305).

      « La situation commence à se détériorer »

      « La situation est tendue et a tendance à se détériorer », a déclaré le ministre lituanien des Affaires étrangères Gabrielius Landsbergis à l’AFP.

      Il y a deux semaines, l’armée lituanienne a mis en place un #camp_d’urgence de plusieurs tentes à #Pabradé, à une quarantaine de kilomètres de la capitale Vilnius, pour pouvoir gérer l’afflux. « Le but du ministère est clair : les migrants économiques qui traversent la frontière de l’UE illégalement doivent être renvoyés à l’endroit d’où ils viennent », a-t-il ajouté.

      « Un tiers sont des hommes, un autre tiers sont des femmes, on accueille aussi des enfants, quelques mineurs non accompagnés et des personnes avec des problèmes de santé. Nous sommes inquiets quant à nos capacités d’accueil pour assurer l’hébergement à ces personnes qui demandent l’asile », a expliqué à RFI Egle Samuchovaite (https://www.rfi.fr/fr/europe/20210618-la-lituanie-accuse-la-bi%C3%A9lorussie-de-laisser-passer-des-migrants-s), directrice des programmes de la Croix-Rouge lituanienne, au mois de juin.

      Le gouvernement lituanien, qui s’oppose au président biélorusse Alexandre Loukachenko, a indiqué qu’il soupçonnait les autorités du pays de laisser les migrants passer la frontière.

      Ces tensions entre Minsk et Vilnius interviennent alors que les relations entre l’Union européenne et la Biélorussie sont elles-mêmes très compliquées. En cause : le détournement au mois de mai d’un vol commercial de Ryanair ordonné par le président Loukachenko pour arrêter un dissident politique.


    • L’agence des frontières de l’UE augmente ” considérablement ” l’aide à la Lituanie

      L’agence des frontières de l’Union européenne s’engage à renforcer “de manière significative” son soutien à la Lituanie dans les prochains jours “en raison de la pression migratoire croissante à la frontière lituanienne avec la Biélorussie” que la nation balte tente de contenir .

      La décision de Frontex, l’agence chargée de coordonner le contrôle des frontières entre les États membres de l’UE et les pays tiers, a été annoncée samedi dernier à la suite d’un appel vidéo entre le directeur exécutif de Frontex Fabrice Leggeri et le président lituanien Gitanas Nauseda.

      “La frontière lituanienne est notre frontière extérieure commune et Frontex est prête à aider si nécessaire”, a déclaré Leggeri dans un communiqué. “Nous sommes prêts à renforcer notre niveau de soutien et à déployer plus d’officiers et d’équipements du corps permanent européen” en Lituanie, membre de l’UE et de l’OTAN de 2,8 millions.

      L’opération de Frontex, qui a commencé au début du mois avec le déploiement d’une douzaine d’officiers et de voitures de patrouille, va doubler la semaine prochaine, a indiqué l’agence.

      Le bureau de Nauseda a déclaré séparément que Frontex avait promis que des renforts devraient arriver en Lituanie avant le 15 juillet et que des patrouilles frontalières armées et d’autres traducteurs sont arrivés au cours du week-end.

      En outre, un hélicoptère de patrouille sera envoyé en Lituanie depuis la Pologne voisine et des discussions sont en cours pour envoyer un autre hélicoptère depuis l’Allemagne, a indiqué le bureau de Nauseda.

      Dans un tweet, Nauseda a remercié Frontex pour son soutien “Gérer les flux de migrants illégaux à travers la frontière orientale” avec la Biélorussie, autre ancienne république soviétique qui ne fait pas partie de l’UE.

      La Lituanie, qui a donné refuge à des membres de l’opposition biélorusse, accuse son voisin d’organiser des passages frontaliers principalement par des personnes originaires d’Irak, du Moyen-Orient et d’Afrique.

      En juin, le nombre de passages illégaux des frontières entre la Biélorussie et la Lituanie a sextuplé, augmentant la pression sur les autorités nationales de contrôle des frontières, a déclaré Frontex. Le phénomène s’est accéléré en juillet et plus de 1 500 personnes sont entrées en Lituanie depuis la Biélorussie au cours des deux derniers mois, 20 fois plus qu’en 2020.

      Plus tôt cette semaine, le président autoritaire biélorusse Alexandre Loukachenko a déclaré que son pays ne fermerait pas ses frontières “et ne deviendrait pas un camp pour les personnes fuyant l’Afghanistan, l’Iran, l’Irak, la Syrie, la Libye et la Tunisie”.

      Les tensions entre l’UE et la Biélorussie se sont encore intensifiées après que la Biélorussie a détourné un avion de ligne le 23 mai pour arrêter un journaliste de l’opposition.

      Loukachenko a déclaré que son pays cesserait de coopérer avec le bloc des 27 pays pour endiguer la migration en représailles aux lourdes sanctions économiques que l’UE a imposées à la Biélorussie pour le détournement d’avions de passagers.

      Vendredi, la Lituanie a commencé à construire une double clôture en fil de fer barbelé à la frontière avec la Biélorussie. Il parcourra 550 kilomètres (342 miles), couvrant la majeure partie de la frontière de près de 680 kilomètres (423 miles) et coûtera 41 millions d’euros (48 millions de dollars), selon les autorités lituaniennes.

      En outre, la Lituanie a mis en place des camps de tentes pour accueillir le nombre croissant de migrants.


    • EU deploys border force in Lithuania as Belarus opens pathway for migrants

      Officials cite effort by Minsk to ‘weaponize’ irregular migration flows.

      The EU’s border protection agency on Monday said it was mobilizing a rapid intervention force to Lithuania, where the government has accused neighboring Belarus of allowing hundreds of migrants to cross illegally into the country.

      The allegations that Belarus is “weaponizing” migrants in retaliation for EU sanctions and support for political opponents of the country’s long-time leader, Alexander Lukashenko, were discussed Monday in the European Parliament and in the EU Foreign Affairs Council.

      “It seems like the Belarusian authorities now facilitate irregular migration possibly in retaliation to EU restrictive measures and as a response to the Lithuanian support for the civil society in Belarus,” the EU’s commissioner for home affairs, Ylva Johansson, testified during a joint hearing of the Parliament’s home affairs and foreign affairs committees.

      Johansson said that the method of arrivals was still under investigation, but that it appeared several flights per day were landing in Minsk, the Belarusian capital, carrying migrants from Istanbul and Baghdad. Officials said at least 60 EU border guards were expected to arrive in Lithuania in the coming days.

      While many of the migrants that have crossed into Lithuania seem to be of Iraqi or Syrian origin, there have also been migrants from African countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo and Cameroon.

      Arriving for Monday’s Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Brussels, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis said his country was struggling to return migrants to their home countries. He added that the Baltic nation is now confronting challenges more commonly seen in frontline EU countries like Greece and Spain that face a constant influx of migrants across the Mediterranean, and have faced similar pressure of arrivals from Turkey and Morocco.

      “The European Union should have a common strategy how to deal with these sort of political or hybrid threats,” Landsbergis said. “We need a strategy of readmission because a country — be it Lithuania, be it Greece or Spain — alone faces a rather challenging path when trying to return the people who illegally entered the country. Secondly, we need to be very strict with the regimes who are using these sorts of weapons.”

      Landsbergis called for additional sanctions against Belarus and said other countries using such tactics should face similar punishment.

      To help manage the crisis, the Lithuanian parliament will convene in a special session on Tuesday to adopt amendments to national asylum laws with an aim of reducing the time needed to evaluate applications for protected status.

      Asked if the situation in Lithuania was adding new urgency to the EU’s years-long struggle to develop a new migration pact, the bloc’s high representative for foreign affairs, Josep Borrell, said it was up to the border protection agency, Frontex, to help manage the situation.

      “That’s why we created Frontex, to help member states to face migration crises,” Borrell said at a news conference following the meeting.
      ‘High pressure’ situation

      Fabrice Leggeri, the executive director of Frontex, said his agency had anticipated Belarus seeking to use flows of irregular migrants as a political weapon, and has been monitoring the country’s borders since last fall. Testifying in the parliamentary hearing, Leggeri said there had been more than 1,600 irregular border crossings to Lithuania from Belarus since January 1 of this year, but roughly half of those, some 800, occurred in the first week of July.

      “This was clearly the sign that something was happening with more intensity,” Leggeri testified, adding: “We see that there is a high pressure that could even worsen in the next days.”

      Leggeri told Parliament that while the initial arrivals had mostly come from Iraq, Syria and Iran, this month there was a shift toward African nationals, including migrants from Congo, Gambia, Guinea, Mali and Senegal. He said Lukashenko’s government was encouraging the influx by inviting citizens to travel to Belarus without visas under the guise of obtaining coronavirus vaccines.

      “Belarus announced that 73 countries are encouraged to enter Belarus without a visa and to stay up to five days to get COVID vaccine shots,” he said.

      Lukashenko has simultaneously denied using migrants for political pressure while also warning that Belarus has no intention of halting the flows. He has effectively mocked the EU, saying last week: “We will not hold anyone back. We are not their final destination after all. They are headed to enlightened, warm, cozy Europe.”

      According to statistics from the Lithuanian Border Guard Service, a total of 1,714 irregular migrants crossed the Lithuanian border in 2021, compared to just 74 in 2020. Of these, 1,676 arrived from Belarus. According to the statistics, roughly 1,000 irregular migrants were detained between July 1 and July 11, including 377 from Iraq; 194 from the Democratic Republic of Congo; 118 from Cameroon; 67 from Guinea; 23 from Afghanistan; 22 from Togo; and 20 from Nigeria.

      The bizarre situation of Middle Eastern and African migrants arriving in the Baltics was part of a busy Foreign Affairs Council meeting that included a discussion over lunch with the new Israeli foreign affairs minister, Yair Lapid.

      Ministers also discussed the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, which Borrell conceded was a direct consequence of the withdrawal of Western troops that was ordered by U.S. President Joe Biden. Borrell said a new international task force may be needed to try to stabilize the country and, especially, to protect the rights of women and girls, but he gave no indication of how such a task force would operate without military support.

      Ministers also discussed the continuing risk of famine in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. Borrell said the EU was trying to mobilize assistance but that it was impossible for the EU alone to address a shortage of food for an estimated 850,000 people.


    • Lithuania introduces pushbacks against migrants crossing from Belarus

      As Lithuania struggles to stem the flow of migrants trying to enter the country from neighboring Belarus, border guards have said that they have begun to push back migrants trying to enter the country using irregular methods of crossing.

      Rustamas Liubajevas, the head of Lithuania’s border guard service, announced on Tuesday that “anyone who tries to enter Lithuanian territory illegally will be refused entry and directed to the nearest operational international border control point.” He added that some 180 migrants had already been sent back to Belarus on Tuesday.

      “Deterrent actions may be taken against those who do not comply,” Liubajevas said further. He did not to disclose the exact measures taken, but said the guards did not use violence to push back the migrants.

      The Baltic News Agency confirmed the reports.


      Criticism against move

      The decision to introduce push backs has been taken by Lithuanian Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite, effectively allowing authorities to use force to send migrants to official border crossing points or to diplomatic missions, where they can apply for asylum legally.

      Lithuanian NGOs meanwhile have responded to the pushback of migrants, saying that it violates international human rights: “This restricts the fundamental human right to seek asylum in a safe state,” Akvile Krisciunaite, a researcher at the Diversity Development Group, told the AFP news agency.

      “Belarus is not a safe country, and human rights are known to be grossly violated there.”

      So far this year, Lithuanian border officials have detained more than 4,000 migrants — mostly Iraqi nationals. That number compares to 81 intercepted migrants for all of 2020.

      ’Cold War’ between Belarus and Lithuania

      Tensions between the two countries are on an all-time high since much of the Belarusian opposition have sought refuge in Lithuania from violent oppression following the disputed presidential reelection of authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenko in August 2020. His main challenger and the likely winner of the vote, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, has been living in exile in Lithuania ever since.

      Many Western governments, including Lithuania, have denounced the alleged re-election saying results were rigged. The EU then imposed a series of sanctions. Lithuanian officials now said they suspect that the influx of migrants is being staged by the Belarusian government under Lukashenko’s leadership.


    • Lithuanian parliament votes to allow mass detention of asylum seekers

      Lithuania’s parliament on Tuesday (13 July) approved the mass detention of migrants and curbed their right of appeal, a move meant to deter high numbers crossing the border with Belarus but which stirred an outcry among humanitarian groups.

      Eighty-four lawmakers supported the bill, with one objection and 5 abstentions, brushing aside protests from Red Cross and other non-governmental organizations saying it violates Lithuania’s international obligations and migrant rights.

      Lithuanian and EU officials have accused Belarus of using illegal migrants as a political weapon to exert pressure on the European Union because of the bloc’s sanctions on Minsk. More than 1,700 people have entered Lithuania from its non-EU neighbour this year, including 1,100 in July alone.

      Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte said the detention policy would prevent migrants from illegally travelling onwards to the more affluent west of the EU – the favoured destination of the vast majority of migrants reaching EU territory in recent years.

      The legislation is intended “to send a message to Iraqis and others that this is not a convenient route, conditions will not be good here”, Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite said in introducing the bill.

      She said such migrants are “not real asylum seekers” but rather Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko’s “tool to use against Lithuania”, after he vowed retaliation for EU sanctions imposed over his violent suppression of street protests.

      The new law bans any release of migrants from detention for six months after their arrival, curbs the right of appeal for rejected asylum-seekers and stipulates that migrants can be deported while their appeals are considered.

      “The law is a potential human rights violation, and it does not correspond to EU directives,” Lithuanian Red Cross programme director Egle Samuchovaite told Reuters.

      “It enshrines the current bad situation in Lithuania’s detention centres in law and leaves vulnerable people in an even more vulnerable situation.”

      Lithuania also began building a 550-km razor wire barrier on its frontier with Belarus on Friday.

      The small Baltic republic of 2.8 million people, on the poorer eastern end of the EU, is used to receiving less than 100 illegal migrants per year and has struggled to cope with the recent influx.

      Fewer rights for migrants

      Several migrants at a temporary detention centre in a disused school in rural Lithuania told Reuters on Monday they had been given no information about their rights or future, nine days after arriving from Belarus.

      They said they had not been given a chance to apply for asylum nor to speak with the help of a translator.

      The new law removes most rights accorded to migrants such as the right to a translator or to obtain information about their status and the asylum process.

      Lithuanian authorities are now obliged only to provide upkeep in detention, medical care and legal aid, but Simonyte said the government will try to do more.

      “The government intends to provide all support that is needed for those people,” she told reporters. “But if there is a very sudden influx in a short time frame, we might be able to ensure only what is absolutely needed. For that we should have a legal framework.”

      Dainius Zalimas, a lawyer who until June was the chairman of Lithuania’s Constitutional Court, said mass detention and restricted appeal process likely violate both Lithuania’s constitution and the European Convention of Human Rights.

      “The proposals, which are unconstitutional, are based on premise that all foreigners who crossed the border are second-class human beings, not entitled to constitutional rights,” he told Reuters before the vote.


      #détention #détention_massive

    • EU presses Iraq to halt migrant flights to Belarus

      A number of new flights have been announced between Iraq and Belarus.

      The EU is ramping up pressure on Iraq to stop its airlines from flying to Belarus, which helps Minsk send asylum seekers into the EU in retaliation against sanctions imposed by the bloc.

      On Thursday, there were signs that the pressure was beginning to work. An Iraqi Airways flight from Basra to Minsk was canceled. However, an aircraft belonging to another carrier, Fly Baghdad, did land in the Belarusian capital Thursday, although a flight scheduled for Friday was canceled. Iraqi Airways recently expanded its schedule of flights to Belarus, while Fly Baghdad first started trips to Minsk in May.

      “We welcome the reports on the decision about the cancellation of these flights,” a European Commission spokesperson said Thursday, although they did not confirm reports that Iraqi Airways will cancel flights until August 15.

      The EU has accused Belarusian strongman Alexander Lukashenko of trying to “weaponize” the Iraqi migrants who arrive in Minsk. They are taken to the border with Lithuania and then cross into the EU; so far, 4,000 asylum seekers have entered, almost 2,800 of them from Iraq. Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis estimates that up to 10,000 migrants could come into his country by the end of the summer. Last year, Lithuania received only about 80 migrants.

      This migration crisis is very different from previous ones where people crossed into the EU by sea. The main access to Belarus is by air, and despite EU efforts to throttle traffic, Minsk is working hard to expand the number of flights reaching the country.

      The immediate pressure is on Iraq, but there is also an increase in flights to Minsk from Turkey, also reportedly carrying asylum seekers.

      The EU is ramping up pressure on Iraq to fall into line.

      Charles Michel, president of the European Council, got involved, speaking to Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al Kadhimi, while EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell spoke with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein.

      Talks with the Iraqis are “done in a very constructive spirit [with] the Iraqi side conveying the willingness to cooperate and jointly address the situation," said the Commission spokesperson.

      Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria and others joined Lithuania in putting pressure on Baghdad, diplomats said. An Iraqi delegation was in Lithuania last week and visited the camps where Iraqis are staying.

      Some EU diplomats say that the diplomatic effort is hampered by a lack of strong leverage over Baghdad. The Iraqis “are well aware that we cannot abandon them, we need them for our security and we cannot risk having another Afghanistan next door,” said an EU diplomat.

      The bloc did threaten last month to restrict visas for Iraqis to improve cooperation in taking back people rejected for asylum. The Commission said that “Iraqi authorities cooperate only on voluntary returns and in very exceptional cases (Iraqi nationals convicted for a criminal offence) on forced returns” and that “Iraq’s cooperation with the EU on readmission matters is not sufficient and that action is needed.”
      More flights

      While flights from Iraq are the most pressing issue, there is also worry about the increase in routes from Turkey.

      In recent weeks, Belavia — which is currently banned from European airspace after Minsk illegally diverted a Ryanair plane in May to kidnap an opposition blogger — has beefed up its schedule from Turkey. Two routes between Minsk and Istanbul that had been serviced three times a week are now flying daily. Regular flights from Izmir have been reinstated, as have several regular flights from Antalya — although those are also popular holiday destinations for Belarusians.

      There is also an effort to crack down on EU-based leasing companies supplying aircraft to Belavia.

      Brussels “must make sure that no European company can provide assets that facilitate the trafficking route,” Landsbergis told POLITICO’s Brussels Playbook on Wednesday.

      According to an EU official, several of the jets operated by Belavia come from Ireland. A company based in Denmark, Nordic Aviation Capital, has also provided aircraft to Belavia in the past. A spokesperson for the firm said it would not comment, but the company announced last September that it had delivered the last plane of a five-jet agreement to the carrier.

      Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod told POLITICO his government does not yet “have sufficient information to verify such claims” but said the case is being reviewed by Danish authorities.

      “But let me be clear: If Danish companies are involved in Lukashenko’s deliberate, malicious and cynical efforts to use migrants as a political weapon to try and put pressure on Lithuania and the EU, then that would of course be totally unacceptable and should be stopped immediately,” he said. “If European companies aid and abet the Lukashenko regime in this way, then I firmly believe we need to revisit our current sanctions in the EU.”

      SMBC Aviation Capital, a Dublin-based company that has previously leased aircraft to Belavia, said in an email on Wednesday that it had not been contacted by Irish or European authorities. The Irish government did not respond to a request for comment.


      #Irak #vol #vols

    • La Lituanie commence la construction d’une clôture à la frontière avec le Bélarus

      La Lituanie a entrepris la construction d’une clôture le long de sa frontière avec le Bélarus, accusé par Vilnius et Varsovie d’acheminer des migrants vers l’UE.

      C’est un mur de plus qui va être érigé en Europe, de plusieurs centaines de kilomètres de long.

      Tetas, une entreprise de construction qui fait partie du groupe énergétique public lituanien Epso-G a commencé à acheminer le matériel nécessaire à la construction d’une clôture de 111 kilomètres de long, a rapporté le radiodiffuseur public LRT.

      L’entreprise a aussi marqué les sections des points de contrôle frontaliers de Druskininkai, Barauskas et Adutiskis dans le sud-est de la Lituanie.

      Dans l’urgence, des barbelés accordéon vont être posés dans les sections clés ce mois d’octobre, puis la pose d’une clôture de 4 mètres de hauteur sera effectuée à partir de novembre/décembre, avec pour objectif de l’achever d’ici le mois d’avril 2022.
      500 km au total

      Mais ce tronçon de 111 kilomètres ne représente qu’une première étape. L’entreprise Epso-G prévoit de lancer un second appel d’offres dès cette semaine, pour la construction d’une section de 400 kilomètres qui doit être terminée d’ici septembre 2022.

      Le gouvernement lituanien, qui accuse Alexandre Loukachenko de mener une « guerre hybride » contre la Lituanie, a alloué 152 millions d’euros pour la construction d’une barrière de 508 kilomètres.

      La Lituanie a accueilli sur son sol des opposants au régime de Loukachenko et son parlement a reconnu Svetlana Tsikhanovskaïa comme la présidente légitime du Bélarus.

      A Varsovie aussi on s’inquiète des mouvements du voisin de l’est. La Biélorussie augmente la pression de l’émigration illégale vers les frontières de l’UE en acheminant « des dizaines de milliers d’immigrants dans son pays afin de les livrer à la frontière avec la Pologne », a assuré le premier ministre Mateusz Morawiecki.

      Tout le monde en Lituanie ne voit pas ce nouveau mur d’un bon œil.

      Dans une interview au « Courrier d’Europe centrale », l’eurodéputé et ancien ministre de la Défense lituanien Juozas Olekas estime que « Loukachenko est un leader illégitime qui […] utilise les migrants comme un mécanisme de pression sur l’Union européenne ».

      Pour autant, Juozas Olekas déclare : « Je ne suis pas favorable à l’érection de murs sur l’ensemble de la frontière et je pense qu’un travail diplomatique intensif, y compris avec les pays d’origine des migrants, ou de meilleures patrouilles, qui fonctionnent déjà, seraient des mesures plus efficaces. Je pense qu’il est inutile de paniquer, car ça ne sert jamais à rien, et que nous devrions nous concentrer sur des solutions à long terme ».


  • Syrian refugees complain about Gabčíkovo camp

    SYRIAN asylum seekers who have arrived from Austria and are temporarily placed in the refugee camp in Gabčíkovo (Trnava Region) are complaining about alleged bullying and insufficient care of children.

    They have already signed a petition and have tried to meet with the the management of the facility. The management, however, rejects any meetings. Moreover, they say it is only play-acting when talking to media, the Aktuality.sk website reported.

    “They promised us the same conditions as in Austria but the differences here are huge,” a 20-year-old man from Aleppo told Aktuality.sk.

    There are currently more than 400 Syrians accommodated in Gabčíkovo, including 120 children. All of them are seeking asylum in Austria but have been placed in Slovakia based upon the memorandum on cooperation which was signed between Slovakia and Austria earlier this year.

    The refugees mostly complain about bad conditions for children, most of whom have already reached school age. Nobody has yet secured any courses or lessons for them. As it is possible that they may spend up to six months in the camp, it is likely that they will miss a whole year at school, according to Aktuality.sk.

    The only activity for children in the camp is kindergarten, which is only open between 14:00 and 15:00, where every child younger than 18 can go. They mostly have art lessons there. The activity is led by Thawra, one of the facility’s inhabitants, the website wrote.

    The Syrians also complain about problematic medical care. While in Austria there are doctors who come to the refugee camps daily at certain hours, in Slovakia they have to ask for them. According to official information, the paediatrician visits the facility twice a week between 14:00 and 18:00, but the refugees complain that this is not always true, Aktuality.sk wrote.

    According to the memorandum, the medical care should be secured by Austria. The Syrians say that the problem is with ORS Slovakia company which manages the facility and which is also the official contract partner of the Austrian government.

    Additionally, the refugees say they are not happy about the food they receive. They also say that the kitchens are locked at night and they cannot warm food for their babies.

    “These people have escaped from war, I think it is important that they do not sleep on floor and that they have hot meal every day,” Interior Minister Robert Kaliňák said, as quoted by Aktuality.sk, adding that the Gabčíkovo facility is not a hotel.

    #ORS #Slovakia #Gabčíkovo


    • Slovakia promotes Gabcikovo camp as answer to refugee problem

      Slovakia, which holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, has showcased the Gabčíkovo camp near Bratislava as an example that intergovernmental solutions can work better than the Commission’s relocation system based on mandatory quotas.

      On Saturday (2 July) the Slovak presidency took a group of 58 Brussels journalists to Gabčíkovo, in the Trnava Region, on the border with Hungary, some 50 kilometres from Bratislava, to showcase a refugee camp run in cooperation with Austria.

      The previous day, the Slovak Prime Minister, Robert Fico, and other officials had stated that Gabčíkovo was a proof that the country was unfairly criticised for not doing enough to share the burden of the refugee crisis the EU is faced with.

      The camp is a former technical university, which was converted in 2015 into a refugee camp for a period of two years, under a bilateral deal with Austria. So far a total of 1,200 Syrian refugees, mostly families, have been settled in the camp. Before coming to Gabčíkovo, all of them applied for asylum in Austria, and agreed to await the decision on their application in Slovakia.

      Slovakia is providing accommodation and food, while Austria has dispatched 22 social workers, who among other things, teach the refugees German.

      Karl-Heinz Grundböck, spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of the Interior of Austria, expressed thanks to the Slovak government for the assistance, which has been particularly helpful when the Austrian asylum system collapsed last summer, with no accommodation available and asylum seekers sleeping on the grass in the Traiskirchen refugee camp near Vienna.

      At present, only 14 refugees are living in the Gabčíkovo camp, but Austria would like the project to be maintained, because as Grundböck explained, the future remained uncertain.

      The total capacity of the camp, of 500 refugees, was reached during the past winter. All asylum seekers accommodated so far have ultimately received asylum and none has fled.

      Bernard Priecel, director of the migration office of the Ministry of Interior of Slovakia, explained that the refugees don’t want to remain in Slovakia, and if they are forcibly relocated there, would disappear “the next day”. He argued that instead of applying the relocation scheme, as decided upon by the Commission, other types of bilateral projects, such as Gabčíkovo, could be replicated across the EU.

      Slovakia takes EU to court over migrant quotas

      Slovakia will launch legal action by next month against an EU quota plan to distribute 160,000 refugees and migrants across the bloc, a justice ministry spokeswoman told AFP today (24 November).

      Asked if the Gabčíkovo camp has ever been visited by the Commission, Priecel said no. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visited the facility in October 2015.


    • Following Syrian Refugees Into an Unwelcoming Slovakia

      Late last week, after a long journey, a group of 24 young men arrived by bus in a tiny town about an hour outside of Bratislava, Slovakia’s capital city.

      Most of the men had traveled for at least a month from their homes in war-torn Syria, following a path that took them first to Turkey, then across the Aegean Sea and through Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, and Hungary, then into Austria.

      “We lost everything in our country,” says Mahmood Alokla, 24, who came from outside Damascus. “We lost our sisters and our brothers. We paid all our money—and for this. We don’t want it.”

      Alokla and the other refugees who were sent to a camp in Gabčíkovo (pronounced gab-chee-kovo) say they want to stay in Austria. They proudly display their Austrian ID cards. A few have family in the country. But as the result of a deal between Austrian and Slovak leaders, the refugees were put on a bus and moved. Some of them were separated from family members they had traveled with from Syria.

      Years of conflict in Syria, splintered warring factions, and the rise of ISIS have all driven hundreds of thousands of people to seek safer lives elsewhere. The influx of these asylum-seekers—in addition to thousands more fleeing danger zones around the Middle East and North Africa—has lead to concerns and confusion about where they can, and will, end up.

      “I want to be in Vienna,” says Abdelkarim Alorfi, 26, sitting on the crumbling steps of the main building of the refugee’s housing camp. Alorfi was separated from his brother’s family when he left Austria. “I don’t want to be here. The police are watching.”
      Pictures of Syrain refugees in Slovakia

      View Images

      Refugees collect their luggage at the camp in Gabčíkovo, Slovakia.
      Photograph by Igor Svítok, Demotix, Corbis

      The camp, made up of a series of run-down buildings belonging to the Slovak University of Technology, has been used to accommodate refugees in the past, but it’s been empty for the last six years. A police car sits in a parking lot, and others drive through on surveillance runs.

      It’s no secret that the Slovak government has been loath to accept asylum seekers from the Middle East as the number reaching Western Europe has grown to what many are calling crisis levels in recent weeks.

      In late July, Slovakia agreed to temporarily house 500 refugees from Austria in the Gabčíkovo camp. In early August, the townspeople staged a referendum that garnered a nearly 97 percent vote against allowing refugees to stay at the camp.

      Reports in mid-August indicated the Slovak government would agree to relocate up to 200 Syrians, and initially suggested that these refugees had to be Christian (the BBC reports that about ten percent of Syrians were Christian before the conflict started).

      Marches against the “Islamisation” of Slovakia and Europe have drawn crowds in Bratislava. The most recent saw an estimated 1,000 protesters just a day before the refugees arrived in Gabčíkovo. Plans for a protest against the acceptance of migrants—initiated by the far-right People’s Party and set to take place in Gabčíkovo, whose residents are mostly ethnic Hungarian—were thwarted by police earlier in September.

      On Tuesday, the EU pushed through a measure that would disperse 120,000 refugees across Europe—with Slovakia taking on fewer than 1,000 initially. Slovakia was one of four countries to vote against the proposal. Following the decision, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico continued to hold strong against quotas.

      Alorfi says he thinks he will be in Slovakia for 60 days. Others say five days. One man, speaking on his cell phone a few feet away, shouts over to the rest of the group in Arabic, “Where are we?” A few respond, “Slovakia!”

      The men say they are confused as to why they are in Slovakia. They say they were never told they would be moved out of Austria.

      “We are like animals,” says Dewan Mohammad, 33. “We are here today. We don’t know tomorrow. This is how it is for us Syrians.”
      Picture of Syrian refugees in Slovakia

      View Images

      A group of refugees that traveled from Syria to Austria were, to their surprise, moved to Slovakia, where residents have protested their arrival. Tarek Abood (left) and Abdelkarim Alorfi are among many awaiting a decision on their applications for asylum in Austria.
      Photograph by Meghan Sullivan

      The day before the refugees arrived, Slovakia’s health minister Viliam Čislák was out talking with the media about the need to be sure all the migrants were in good health and had been vaccinated. The same day, Prime Minister Robert Fico and Interior Minister Robert Kalinak told reporters that Slovakia, in conjunction with the Czech Republic, was open to creating a corridor through Slovakia to allow safe passage of refugees into Germany, if Germany supported the idea.

      The concern among many Slovaks is that their nation of 5.4 million cannot accommodate a large influx of immigrants, socially or economically. Prime Minister Fico has said that the current system doesn’t control for potential terrorists slipping in under the radar. And Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak told NPR on Friday that it doesn’t make sense to give asylum to refugees who, effectively, want to establish themselves elsewhere.

      “Sometimes you feel like no one respects you,” Alokla says. “It’s hard in Austria, but we have friends and family. We come here only because of war. “I hope to just be near my sister. It’s peace for me. As you have family, we have. As you have feelings, we have. After some time, if you see the people, you would respect us.”

      As the refugees head into the cafeteria for a lunch provided by the Slovak government, a local woman pushes her young grandson by in a stroller. When asked what she thinks of the situation, she just shrugs her shoulders.

      She and her neighbors could be seeing more migrants temporarily, or permanently, join their community soon.


    • Slovakian village doesn’t want Austria’s migrants

      Residents of the Slovakian village of Gabcikovo voted in a referendum on Sunday to reject the establishment of a temporary asylum camp to house 500 migrants bound for Austria under an agreement between Bratislava and Vienna.

      About 97 percent of voters said yes to the question “Are you against the establishment of a temporary migrant camp in the building of the Slovak Technical University?”

      According to Teodor Bodo, the head of the referendum’s electoral commission, 2,600 of Gabcikovo’s 4,300 adult residents participated in the vote, with only 102 in favour of hosting migrants.

      Local authorities organised the consultation following a petition signed by 3,150 residents of Gabcikovo. The interior ministry warned however that the outcome of the consultation was not binding.

      “The local referendum is binding on the municipality, but the interior ministry, as an organ of the state is not obliged to act according to its results,” said ministry spokeswoman Michaela Paulenova.

      Slovakia has agreed to house 500 migrants who have applied for asylum in Austria, at the end of a bilateral agreement concluded on July 21st in Vienna and designed to reduce pressure on the neighbouring country’s capabilities for receiving migrants.

      Under this agreement, hailed as “a great sign of solidarity on the part of Slovakia” by Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Slovakia will pay the cost of accommodation and food for migrants while Austria will assume the personnel costs.

      Mikl-Leitner’s Slovak counterpart Robert Kalinak justified Bratislava’s gesture as a desire to “pay (its) debts” to Austria, which hosted refugees during the time of the Iron Curtain and supported Slovakia’s accession to the EU and the Schengen area.

      “Everything is ready now for Gabcikovo to accommodate migrants from Austria”, Paulenova said. The date of their arrival is however not yet known, she added.


    • Asyl : Ein Schauspiel namens Gabčíkovo

      Ein kleiner Ort in der Westslowakei sollte das Lager in Traiskirchen entlasten. Doch bisher lief nichts nach Plan.

      Wien. „Die Lage hier ist nicht gut. Das Camp ist überfüllt und sie haben uns mit 14 anderen Familien in einen 200 Quadratmeter großen Raum gesteckt“, schreibt ein zweifacher irakischer Familienvater und Arzt der „Presse“ aus dem Flüchtlingslager Traiskirchen. Die Situation sei weiter angespannt, Entlastung geboten, meint auch das Innenministerium. Einen Plan dafür gibt es. Seit Juli. 500 Asylwerber aus Traiskirchen sollen vorübergehend, bis zum Bescheid, in der Technischen Universität im westslowakischen 5000-Einwohner-Ort Gabčíkovo untergebracht werden. Die ersten wurden im Juli, dann im August, später Anfang September erwartet. Es kam immer anders.

      Das Innenministerium in Bratislava ist entnervt: „Zweimal wurden Termine abgesagt, bei denen bereits das Essen für die Flüchtlinge in Gabčíkovo vorbereitet war“, sagt Sprecher Ivan Netík Donnerstagvormittag zur „Presse“. Das sei „nicht sehr nett“ von Österreichs Behörden. „Uns ist es auch egal, aus welchen Lagern die Flüchtlinge kommen“, ergänzt er, während es in Österreich die nächste Meldung über einen abgesagten Transport gibt. 42 Syrer aus dem Zeltlager in Krumpendorf sollten nach Gabčíkovo gebracht werden, denn „wir brauchen die Ressourcen dort wegen der Neuankünfte“, sagt Karl-Heinz Grundböck, Sprecher des Innenministeriums. Der Flüchtlingsstrom mündet nun ja in Österreichs Süden. Die Flüchtlinge wollten nicht. Also stellten NGOs Ersatzquartiere auf. Wieder nichts mit Gabčíkovo.

      Die am 21. Juli vereinbarte Asylkoordination mit der Slowakei stand von Anfang an unter keinem guten Stern. 97 Prozent der Bewohner Gabčíkovos lehnten die Pläne ab. Premier Robert Fico setzte sich (nach Zögern) über die Befragung hinweg. Die Bürger sollen nun aber mit einem besseren Kamerasystem im Ort beruhigt werden. Dann das nächste Problem: Die Gründung eines slowakischen Ablegers der österreichischen Flüchtlingsorganisation ORS zog sich in die Länge (ORS ist vor Ort für Sicherheit und Betreuung zuständig). Bratislava erklärte, es warte auf Dokumente aus Österreich, wo erwidert wurde, man warte auf die slowakische Genehmigung. Am 8. September wurde sie erteilt. Schon davor dürfte man im Innenressort aber erkannt haben, dass der größte Fallstrick anderswo lauert: Asylwerber haben genauso wenig Interesse an Mittelosteuropa wie die Staaten dort an deren Aufnahme. Zwingen kann man niemanden.
      Freiwillige gesucht

      Die Asylwerber sollen nun in Informationsgesprächen für Gabčíkovo erwärmt werden. Was für den Ort spreche? „Eine adäquate Unterkunft“, sagt Grundböck. In Traiskirchen gebe es ja teils Zelte. Mitgrund für das geringe Interesse seien die Bilder aus Ungarn und dass der Eindruck entstanden sei, Deutschland nehme alle auf, sagt Grundböck. Wobei im Smartphone-Zeitalter den Asylwerbern auch die Haltung der Slowakei nicht entgangen sein dürfte, die in der Aussage gipfelte, man akzeptiere nur Christen.

      Gestern trafen dann doch erste Asylwerber in Gabčikovo ein. 18 Syrer wurden aus Salzburgs Schwarzenbergkaserne in den Ort gefahren. Den ersten Transport aus Traiskirchen sollte es erst geben, wenn sich 50 Asylwerber gefunden haben. Auch dieser Plan wurde noch am selben Tag verworfen, als die Ersten aus Traiskirchen nach Gabčíkovo gebracht wurden: Es waren sechs Asylwerber an der Zahl.

      ("Die Presse", Print-Ausgabe, 18.09.2015)


  • Fil de discussion sur le nouveau #pacte_européen_sur_la_migration_et_l’asile


    Migrants : le règlement de Dublin va être supprimé

    La Commission européenne doit présenter le 23 septembre sa proposition de réforme de sa politique migratoire, très attendue et plusieurs fois repoussée.

    Cinq ans après le début de la crise migratoire, l’Union européenne veut changer de stratégie. La Commission européenne veut “abolir” le règlement de Dublin qui fracture les Etats-membres et qui confie la responsabilité du traitement des demandes d’asile au pays de première entrée des migrants dans l’UE, a annoncé ce mercredi 16 septembre la cheffe de l’exécutif européen Ursula von der Leyen dans son discours sur l’Etat de l’Union.

    La Commission doit présenter le 23 septembre sa proposition de réforme de la politique migratoire européenne, très attendue et plusieurs fois repoussée, alors que le débat sur le manque de solidarité entre pays Européens a été relancé par l’incendie du camp de Moria sur lîle grecque de Lesbos.

    “Au coeur (de la réforme) il y a un engagement pour un système plus européen”, a déclaré Ursula von der Leyen devant le Parlement européen. “Je peux annoncer que nous allons abolir le règlement de Dublin et le remplacer par un nouveau système européen de gouvernance de la migration”, a-t-elle poursuivi.
    Nouveau mécanisme de solidarité

    “Il y aura des structures communes pour l’asile et le retour. Et il y aura un nouveau mécanisme fort de solidarité”, a-t-elle dit, alors que les pays qui sont en première ligne d’arrivée des migrants (Grèce, Malte, Italie notamment) se plaignent de devoir faire face à une charge disproportionnée.

    La proposition de réforme de la Commission devra encore être acceptée par les Etats. Ce qui n’est pas gagné d’avance. Cinq ans après la crise migratoire de 2015, la question de l’accueil des migrants est un sujet qui reste source de profondes divisions en Europe, certains pays de l’Est refusant d’accueillir des demandeurs d’asile.

    Sous la pression, le système d’asile européen organisé par le règlement de Dublin a explosé après avoir pesé lourdement sur la Grèce ou l’Italie.

    Le nouveau plan pourrait notamment prévoir davantage de sélection des demandeurs d’asile aux frontières extérieures et un retour des déboutés dans leur pays assuré par Frontex. Egalement à l’étude pour les Etats volontaires : un mécanisme de relocalisation des migrants sauvés en Méditerranée, parfois contraints d’errer en mer pendant des semaines en attente d’un pays d’accueil.

    Ce plan ne résoudrait toutefois pas toutes les failles. Pour le patron de l’Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration, Didier Leschi, “il ne peut pas y avoir de politique européenne commune sans critères communs pour accepter les demandes d’asile.”


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #Dublin #règlement_dublin #fin #fin_de_Dublin #suppression #pacte #Pacte_européen_sur_la_migration #new_pact #nouveau_pacte #pacte_sur_la_migration_et_l'asile


    Documents officiels en lien avec le pacte :


    ajouté à la métaliste sur le pacte :

    ping @reka @karine4 @_kg_ @isskein

    • Immigration : le règlement de Dublin, l’impossible #réforme ?

      En voulant abroger le règlement de Dublin, qui impose la responsabilité des demandeurs d’asile au premier pays d’entrée dans l’Union européenne, Bruxelles reconnaît des dysfonctionnements dans l’accueil des migrants. Mais les Vingt-Sept, plus que jamais divisés sur cette question, sont-ils prêts à une refonte du texte ? Éléments de réponses.

      Ursula Von der Leyen en a fait une des priorités de son mandat : réformer le règlement de Dublin, qui impose au premier pays de l’UE dans lequel le migrant est arrivé de traiter sa demande d’asile. « Je peux annoncer que nous allons [l’]abolir et le remplacer par un nouveau système européen de gouvernance de la migration », a déclaré la présidente de la Commission européenne mercredi 16 septembre, devant le Parlement.

      Les États dotés de frontières extérieures comme la Grèce, l’Italie ou Malte se sont réjouis de cette annonce. Ils s’estiment lésés par ce règlement en raison de leur situation géographique qui les place en première ligne.

      La présidente de la Commission européenne doit présenter, le 23 septembre, une nouvelle version de la politique migratoire, jusqu’ici maintes fois repoussée. « Il y aura des structures communes pour l’asile et le retour. Et il y aura un nouveau mécanisme fort de solidarité », a-t-elle poursuivi. Un terme fort à l’heure où l’incendie du camp de Moria sur l’île grecque de Lesbos, plus de 8 000 adultes et 4 000 enfants à la rue, a révélé le manque d’entraide entre pays européens.

      Pour mieux comprendre l’enjeu de cette nouvelle réforme européenne de la politique migratoire, France 24 décrypte le règlement de Dublin qui divise tant les Vingt-Sept, en particulier depuis la crise migratoire de 2015.

      Pourquoi le règlement de Dublin dysfonctionne ?

      Les failles ont toujours existé mais ont été révélées par la crise migratoire de 2015, estiment les experts de politique migratoire. Ce texte signé en 2013 et qu’on appelle « Dublin III » repose sur un accord entre les membres de l’Union européenne ainsi que la Suisse, l’Islande, la Norvège et le Liechtenstein. Il prévoit que l’examen de la demande d’asile d’un exilé incombe au premier pays d’entrée en Europe. Si un migrant passé par l’Italie arrive par exemple en France, les autorités françaises ne sont, en théorie, pas tenu d’enregistrer la demande du Dubliné.
      © Union européenne | Les pays signataires du règlement de Dublin.

      Face à l’afflux de réfugiés ces dernières années, les pays dotés de frontières extérieures, comme la Grèce et l’Italie, se sont estimés abandonnés par le reste de l’Europe. « La charge est trop importante pour ce bloc méditerranéen », estime Matthieu Tardis, chercheur au Centre migrations et citoyennetés de l’Ifri (Institut français des relations internationales). Le texte est pensé « comme un mécanisme de responsabilité des États et non de solidarité », estime-t-il.

      Sa mise en application est aussi difficile à mettre en place. La France et l’Allemagne, qui concentrent la majorité des demandes d’asile depuis le début des années 2000, peinent à renvoyer les Dublinés. Dans l’Hexagone, seulement 11,5 % ont été transférés dans le pays d’entrée. Outre-Rhin, le taux ne dépasse pas les 15 %. Conséquence : nombre d’entre eux restent « bloqués » dans les camps de migrants à Calais ou dans le nord de Paris.

      Le délai d’attente pour les demandeurs d’asile est aussi jugé trop long. Un réfugié passé par l’Italie, qui vient déposer une demande d’asile en France, peut attendre jusqu’à 18 mois avant d’avoir un retour. « Durant cette période, il se retrouve dans une situation d’incertitude très dommageable pour lui mais aussi pour l’Union européenne. C’est un système perdant-perdant », commente Matthieu Tardis.

      Ce règlement n’est pas adapté aux demandeurs d’asile, surenchérit-on à la Cimade (Comité inter-mouvements auprès des évacués). Dans un rapport, l’organisation qualifie ce système de « machine infernale de l’asile européen ». « Il ne tient pas compte des liens familiaux ni des langues parlées par les réfugiés », précise le responsable asile de l’association, Gérard Sadik.

      Sept ans après avoir vu le jour, le règlement s’est vu porter le coup de grâce par le confinement lié aux conditions sanitaires pour lutter contre le Covid-19. « Durant cette période, aucun transfert n’a eu lieu », assure-t-on à la Cimade.

      Le mécanisme de solidarité peut-il le remplacer ?

      « Il y aura un nouveau mécanisme fort de solidarité », a promis Ursula von der Leyen, sans donné plus de précision. Sur ce point, on sait déjà que les positions divergent, voire s’opposent, entre les Vingt-Sept.

      Le bloc du nord-ouest (Allemagne, France, Autriche, Benelux) reste ancré sur le principe actuel de responsabilité, mais accepte de l’accompagner d’un mécanisme de solidarité. Sur quels critères se base la répartition du nombre de demandeurs d’asile ? Comment les sélectionner ? Aucune décision n’est encore actée. « Ils sont prêts à des compromis car ils veulent montrer que l’Union européenne peut avancer et agir sur la question migratoire », assure Matthieu Tardis.

      En revanche, le groupe dit de Visegrad (Hongrie, Pologne, République tchèque, Slovaquie), peu enclin à l’accueil, rejette catégoriquement tout principe de solidarité. « Ils se disent prêts à envoyer des moyens financiers, du personnel pour le contrôle aux frontières mais refusent de recevoir les demandeurs d’asile », détaille le chercheur de l’Ifri.

      Quant au bloc Méditerranée (Grèce, Italie, Malte , Chypre, Espagne), des questions subsistent sur la proposition du bloc nord-ouest : le mécanisme de solidarité sera-t-il activé de façon permanente ou exceptionnelle ? Quelles populations sont éligibles au droit d’asile ? Et qui est responsable du retour ? « Depuis le retrait de la Ligue du Nord de la coalition dans le gouvernement italien, le dialogue est à nouveau possible », avance Matthieu Tardis.

      Un accord semble toutefois indispensable pour montrer que l’Union européenne n’est pas totalement en faillite sur ce dossier. « Mais le bloc de Visegrad n’a pas forcément en tête cet enjeu », nuance-t-il. Seule la situation sanitaire liée au Covid-19, qui place les pays de l’Est dans une situation économique fragile, pourrait faire évoluer leur position, note le chercheur.

      Et le mécanisme par répartition ?

      Le mécanisme par répartition, dans les tuyaux depuis 2016, revient régulièrement sur la table des négociations. Son principe : la capacité d’accueil du pays dépend de ses poids démographique et économique. Elle serait de 30 % pour l’Allemagne, contre un tiers des demandes aujourd’hui, et 20 % pour la France, qui en recense 18 %. « Ce serait une option gagnante pour ces deux pays, mais pas pour le bloc du Visegrad qui s’y oppose », décrypte Gérard Sadik, le responsable asile de la Cimade.

      Cette doctrine reposerait sur un système informatisé, qui recenserait dans une seule base toutes les données des demandeurs d’asile. Mais l’usage de l’intelligence artificielle au profit de la procédure administrative ne présente pas que des avantages, aux yeux de la Cimade : « L’algorithme ne sera pas en mesure de tenir compte des liens familiaux des demandeurs d’asile », juge Gérard Sadik.

      Quelles chances pour une refonte ?

      L’Union européenne a déjà tenté plusieurs fois de réformer ce serpent de mer. Un texte dit « Dublin IV » était déjà dans les tuyaux depuis 2016, en proposant par exemple que la responsabilité du premier État d’accueil soit définitive, mais il a été enterré face aux dissensions internes.

      Reste à savoir quel est le contenu exact de la nouvelle version qui sera présentée le 23 septembre par Ursula Van der Leyen. À la Cimade, on craint un durcissement de la politique migratoire, et notamment un renforcement du contrôle aux frontières.

      Quoi qu’il en soit, les négociations s’annoncent « compliquées et difficiles » car « les intérêts des pays membres ne sont pas les mêmes », a rappelé le ministre grec adjoint des Migrations, Giorgos Koumoutsakos, jeudi 17 septembre. Et surtout, la nouvelle mouture devra obtenir l’accord du Parlement, mais aussi celui des États. La refonte est encore loin.


      #gouvernance #Ursula_Von_der_Leyen #mécanisme_de_solidarité #responsabilité #groupe_de_Visegrad #solidarité #répartition #mécanisme_par_répartition #capacité_d'accueil #intelligence_artificielle #algorithme #Dublin_IV

    • Germany’s #Seehofer cautiously optimistic on EU asylum reform

      For the first time during the German Presidency, EU interior ministers exchanged views on reforms of the EU asylum system. German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) expressed “justified confidence” that a deal can be found. EURACTIV Germany reports.

      The focus of Tuesday’s (7 July) informal video conference of interior ministers was on the expansion of police cooperation and sea rescue, which, according to Seehofer, is one of the “Big Four” topics of the German Council Presidency, integrated into a reform of the #Common_European_Asylum_System (#CEAS).

      Following the meeting, the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, spoke of an “excellent start to the Presidency,” and Seehofer also praised the “constructive discussions.” In the field of asylum policy, she said that it had become clear that all member states were “highly interested in positive solutions.”

      The interior ministers were unanimous in their desire to further strengthen police cooperation and expand both the mandates and the financial resources of Europol and Frontex.

      Regarding the question of the distribution of refugees, Seehofer said that he had “heard statements that [he] had not heard in years prior.” He said that almost all member states were “prepared to show solidarity in different ways.”

      While about a dozen member states would like to participate in the distribution of those rescued from distress at the EU’s external borders in the event of a “disproportionate burden” on the states, other states signalled that they wanted to make control vessels, financial means or personnel available to prevent smuggling activities and stem migration across the Mediterranean.

      Seehofer’s final act

      It will probably be Seehofer’s last attempt to initiate CEAS reform. He announced in May that he would withdraw completely from politics after the end of the legislative period in autumn 2021.

      Now it seems that he considers CEAS reform as his last great mission, Seehofer said that he intends to address the migration issue from late summer onwards “with all I have at my disposal.” adding that Tuesday’s (7 July) talks had “once again kindled a real fire” in him. To this end, he plans to leave the official business of the Interior Ministry “in day-to-day matters” largely to the State Secretaries.

      Seehofer’s shift of priorities to the European stage comes at a time when he is being sharply criticised in Germany.

      While his initial handling of a controversial newspaper column about the police published in Berlin’s tageszeitung prompted criticism, Seehofer now faces accusations of concealing structural racism in the police. Seehofer had announced over the weekend that, contrary to the recommendation of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), he would not commission a study on racial profiling in the police force after all.

      Seehofer: “One step is not enough”

      In recent months, Seehofer has made several attempts to set up a distribution mechanism for rescued persons in distress. On several occasions he accused the Commission of letting member states down by not solving the asylum question.

      “I have the ambition to make a great leap. One step would be too little in our presidency,” said Seehofer during Tuesday’s press conference. However, much depends on when the Commission will present its long-awaited migration pact, as its proposals are intended to serve as a basis for negotiations on CEAS reform.

      As Johansson said on Tuesday, this is planned for September. Seehofer thus only has just under four months to get the first Council conclusions through. “There will not be enough time for legislation,” he said.

      Until a permanent solution is found, ad hoc solutions will continue. A “sustainable solution” should include better cooperation with the countries of origin and transit, as the member states agreed on Tuesday.

      To this end, “agreements on the repatriation of refugees” are now to be reached with North African countries. A first step towards this will be taken next Monday (13 July), at a joint conference with North African leaders.


      #Europol #Frontex

    • Relocation, solidarity mandatory for EU migration policy: #Johansson

      In an interview with ANSA and other European media outlets, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs #Ylva_Johansson explained the new migration and asylum pact due to be unveiled on September 23, stressing that nobody will find ideal solutions but rather a well-balanced compromise that will ’’improve the situation’’.

      European Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson has explained in an interview with a group of European journalists, including ANSA, a new pact on asylum and migration to be presented on September 23. She touched on rules for countries of first entry, a new mechanism of mandatory solidarity, fast repatriations and refugee relocation.

      The Swedish commissioner said that no one will find ideal solutions in the European Commission’s new asylum and migration proposal but rather a good compromise that “will improve the situation”.

      She said the debate to change the asylum regulation known as Dublin needs to be played down in order to find an agreement. Johansson said an earlier 2016 reform plan would be withdrawn as it ’’caused the majority’’ of conflicts among countries.

      A new proposal that will replace the current one and amend the existing Dublin regulation will be presented, she explained.

      The current regulation will not be completely abolished but rules regarding frontline countries will change. Under the new proposal, migrants can still be sent back to the country responsible for their asylum request, explained the commissioner, adding that amendments will be made but the country of first entry will ’’remain important’’.

      ’’Voluntary solidarity is not enough," there has to be a “mandatory solidarity mechanism,” Johansson noted.

      Countries will need to help according to their size and possibilities. A member state needs to show solidarity ’’in accordance with the capacity and size’’ of its economy. There will be no easy way out with the possibility of ’’just sending some blankets’’ - efforts must be proportional to the size and capabilities of member states, she said.
      Relocations are a divisive theme

      Relocations will be made in a way that ’’can be possible to accept for all member states’’, the commissioner explained. The issue of mandatory quotas is extremely divisive, she went on to say. ’’The sentence of the European Court of Justice has established that they can be made’’.

      However, the theme is extremely divisive. Many of those who arrive in Europe are not eligible for international protection and must be repatriated, she said, wondering if it is a good idea to relocate those who need to be repatriated.

      “We are looking for a way to bring the necessary aid to countries under pressure.”

      “Relocation is an important part, but also” it must be done “in a way that can be possible to accept for all member states,” she noted.

      Moreover, Johansson said the system will not be too rigid as the union should prepare for different scenarios.
      Faster repatriations

      Repatriations will be a key part of the plan, with faster bureaucratic procedures, she said. The 2016 reform proposal was made following the 2015 migration crisis, when two million people, 90% of whom were refugees, reached the EU irregularly. For this reason, the plan focused on relocations, she explained.

      Now the situation is completely different: last year 2.4 million stay permits were issued, the majority for reasons connected to family, work or education. Just 140,000 people migrated irregularly and only one-third were refugees while two-thirds will need to be repatriated.

      For this reason, stressed the commissioner, the new plan will focus on repatriation. Faster procedures are necessary, she noted. When people stay in a country for years it is very hard to organize repatriations, especially voluntary ones. So the objective is for a negative asylum decision “to come together with a return decision.”

      Also, the permanence in hosting centers should be of short duration. Speaking about a fire at the Moria camp on the Greek island of Lesbos where more than 12,000 asylum seekers have been stranded for years, the commissioner said the situation was the ’’result of lack of European policy on asylum and migration."

      “We shall have no more Morias’’, she noted, calling for well-managed hosting centers along with limits to permanence.

      A win-win collaboration will instead be planned with third countries, she said. ’’The external aspect is very important. We have to work on good partnerships with third countries, supporting them and finding win-win solutions for readmissions and for the fight against traffickers. We have to develop legal pathways to come to the EU, in particular with resettlements, a policy that needs to be strengthened.”

      The commissioner then rejected the idea of opening hosting centers in third countries, an idea for example proposed by Denmark.

      “It is not the direction I intend to take. We will not export the right to asylum.”

      The commissioner said she was very concerned by reports of refoulements. Her objective, she concluded, is to “include in the pact a monitoring mechanism. The right to asylum must be defended.”


      #relocalisation #solidarité_obligatoire #solidarité_volontaire #pays_de_première_entrée #renvois #expulsions #réinstallations #voies_légales

    • Droit d’asile : Bruxelles rate son « #pacte »

      La Commission européenne, assurant vouloir « abolir » le règlement de Dublin et son principe du premier pays d’entrée, doit présenter ce mercredi un « pacte sur l’immigration et l’asile ». Qui ne bouleverserait rien.

      C’est une belle victoire pour Viktor Orbán, le Premier ministre hongrois, et ses partenaires d’Europe centrale et orientale aussi peu enclins que lui à accueillir des étrangers sur leur sol. La Commission européenne renonce définitivement à leur imposer d’accueillir des demandeurs d’asile en cas d’afflux dans un pays de la « ligne de front » (Grèce, Italie, Malte, Espagne). Certes, le volumineux paquet de textes qu’elle propose ce mercredi (10 projets de règlements et trois recommandations, soit plusieurs centaines de pages), pompeusement baptisé « pacte sur l’immigration et l’asile », prévoit qu’ils devront, par « solidarité », assurer les refoulements vers les pays d’origine des déboutés du droit d’asile, mais cela ne devrait pas les gêner outre mesure. Car, sur le fond, la Commission prend acte de la volonté des Vingt-Sept de transformer l’Europe en forteresse.
      Sale boulot

      La crise de 2015 les a durablement traumatisés. A l’époque, la Turquie, par lassitude d’accueillir sur son sol plusieurs millions de réfugiés syriens et des centaines de milliers de migrants économiques dans l’indifférence de la communauté internationale, ouvre ses frontières. La Grèce est vite submergée et plusieurs centaines de milliers de personnes traversent les Balkans afin de trouver refuge, notamment en Allemagne et en Suède, parmi les pays les plus généreux en matière d’asile.

      Passé les premiers moments de panique, les Européens réagissent de plusieurs manières. La Hongrie fait le sale boulot en fermant brutalement sa frontière. L’Allemagne, elle, accepte d’accueillir un million de demandeurs d’asile, mais négocie avec Ankara un accord pour qu’il referme ses frontières, accord ensuite endossé par l’UE qui lui verse en échange 6 milliards d’euros destinés aux camps de réfugiés. Enfin, l’Union adopte un règlement destiné à relocaliser sur une base obligatoire une partie des migrants dans les autres pays européens afin qu’ils instruisent les demandes d’asile, dans le but de soulager la Grèce et l’Italie, pays de premier accueil. Ce dernier volet est un échec, les pays d’Europe de l’Est, qui ont voté contre, refusent d’accueillir le moindre migrant, et leurs partenaires de l’Ouest ne font guère mieux : sur 160 000 personnes qui auraient dû être relocalisées, un objectif rapidement revu à 98 000, moins de 35 000 l’ont été à la fin 2017, date de la fin de ce dispositif.

      Depuis, l’Union a considérablement durci les contrôles, notamment en créant un corps de 10 000 gardes-frontières européens et en renforçant les moyens de Frontex, l’agence chargée de gérer ses frontières extérieures. En février-mars, la tentative d’Ankara de faire pression sur les Européens dans le conflit syrien en rouvrant partiellement ses frontières a fait long feu : la Grèce a employé les grands moyens, y compris violents, pour stopper ce flux sous les applaudissements de ses partenaires… Autant dire que l’ambiance n’est pas à l’ouverture des frontières et à l’accueil des persécutés.
      « Usine à gaz »

      Mais la crise migratoire de 2015 a laissé des « divisions nombreuses et profondes entre les Etats membres - certaines des cicatrices qu’elle a laissées sont toujours visibles aujourd’hui », comme l’a reconnu Ursula von der Leyen, la présidente de la Commission, dans son discours sur l’état de l’Union du 16 septembre. Afin de tourner la page, la Commission propose donc de laisser tomber la réforme de 2016 (dite de Dublin IV) prévoyant de pérenniser la relocalisation autoritaire des migrants, désormais jugée par une haute fonctionnaire de l’exécutif « totalement irréaliste ».

      Mais la réforme qu’elle propose, une véritable « usine à gaz », n’est qu’un « rapiéçage » de l’existant, comme l’explique Yves Pascouau, spécialiste de l’immigration et responsable des programmes européens de l’association Res Publica. Ainsi, alors que Von der Leyen a annoncé sa volonté « d’abolir » le règlement de Dublin III, il n’en est rien : le pays responsable du traitement d’une demande d’asile reste, par principe, comme c’est le cas depuis 1990, le pays de première entrée.

      S’il y a une crise, la Commission pourra déclencher un « mécanisme de solidarité » afin de soulager un pays de la ligne de front : dans ce cas, les Vingt-Sept devront accueillir un certain nombre de migrants (en fonction de leur richesse et de leur population), sauf s’ils préfèrent « parrainer un retour ». En clair, prendre en charge le refoulement des déboutés de l’asile (avec l’aide financière et logistique de l’Union) en sachant que ces personnes resteront à leur charge jusqu’à ce qu’ils y parviennent. Ça, c’est pour faire simple, car il y a plusieurs niveaux de crise, des exceptions, des sanctions, des délais et l’on en passe…

      Autre nouveauté : les demandes d’asile devront être traitées par principe à la frontière, dans des camps de rétention, pour les nationalités dont le taux de reconnaissance du statut de réfugié est inférieur à 20% dans l’Union, et ce, en moins de trois mois, avec refoulement à la clé en cas de refus. « Cette réforme pose un principe clair, explique un eurocrate. Personne ne sera obligé d’accueillir un étranger dont il ne veut pas. »

      Dans cet ensemble très sévère, une bonne nouvelle : les sauvetages en mer ne devraient plus être criminalisés. On peut craindre qu’une fois passés à la moulinette des Etats, qui doivent adopter ce paquet à la majorité qualifiée (55% des Etats représentant 65% de la population), il ne reste que les aspects les plus répressifs. On ne se refait pas.



      Graphique ajouté au fil de discussion sur les statistiques de la #relocalisation :

    • Le pacte européen sur l’asile et les migrations ne tire aucune leçon de la « crise migratoire »

      Ce 23 septembre 2020, la nouvelle Commission européenne a présenté les grandes lignes d’orientation de sa politique migratoire à venir. Alors que cinq ans plutôt, en 2015, se déroulait la mal nommée « crise migratoire » aux frontières européennes, le nouveau Pacte Asile et Migration de l’UE ne tire aucune leçon du passé. Le nouveau pacte de l’Union Européenne nous propose inlassablement les mêmes recettes alors que les preuves de leur inefficacité, leur coût et des violences qu’elles procurent sont nombreuses et irréfutables. Le CNCD-11.11.11, son homologue néerlandophone et les membres du groupe de travail pour la justice migratoire appellent le parlement européen et le gouvernement belge à un changement de cap.

      Le nouveau Pacte repose sur des propositions législatives et des recommandations non contraignantes. Ses priorités sont claires mais pas neuves. Freiner les arrivées, limiter l’accueil par le « tri » des personnes et augmenter les retours. Cette stratégie pourtant maintes fois décriée par les ONG et le milieu académique a certes réussi à diminuer les arrivées en Europe, mais n’a offert aucune solution durable pour les personnes migrantes. Depuis les années 2000, l’externalisation de la gestion des questions migratoires a montré son inefficacité (situation humanitaires dans les hotspots, plus de 20.000 décès en Méditerranée depuis 2014 et processus d’encampement aux frontières de l’UE) et son coût exponentiel (coût élevé du contrôle, de la détention-expulsion et de l’aide au développement détournée). Elle a augmenté le taux de violences sur les routes de l’exil et a enfreint le droit international en toute impunité (non accès au droit d’asile notamment via les refoulements).

      "ll est important que tous les États membres développent des systèmes d’accueil de qualité et que l’UE s’oriente vers une protection plus unifiée"

      La proposition de mettre en place un mécanisme solidaire européen contraignant est à saluer, mais celui-ci doit être au service de l’accueil et non couplé au retour. La possibilité pour les États européens de choisir à la carte soit la relocalisation, le « parrainage » du retour des déboutés ou autre contribution financière n’est pas équitable. La répartition solidaire de l’accueil doit être permanente et ne pas être actionnée uniquement en cas « d’afflux massif » aux frontières d’un État membre comme le recommande la Commission. Il est important que tous les États membres développent des systèmes d’accueil de qualité et que l’UE s’oriente vers une protection plus unifiée. Le changement annoncé du Règlement de Dublin l’est juste de nom, car les premiers pays d’entrée resteront responsables des nouveaux arrivés.

      Le focus doit être mis sur les alternatives à la détention et non sur l’usage systématique de l’enfermement aux frontières, comme le veut la Commission. Le droit de demander l’asile et d’avoir accès à une procédure de qualité doit être accessible à tous et toutes et rester un droit individuel. Or, la proposition de la Commission de détenir (12 semaines maximum) en vue de screener (5 jours de tests divers et de recoupement de données via EURODAC) puis trier les personnes migrantes à la frontière en fonction du taux de reconnaissance de protection accordé en moyenne à leur pays d’origine (en dessous de 20%) ou de leur niveau de vulnérabilité est contraire à la Convention de Genève.

      "La priorité pour les personnes migrantes en situation irrégulière doit être la recherche de solutions durables (comme l’est la régularisation) plutôt que le retour forcé, à tous prix."

      La priorité pour les personnes migrantes en situation irrégulière doit être la recherche de solutions durables (comme l’est la régularisation) plutôt que le retour forcé, à tous prix, comme le préconise la Commission.

      La meilleure façon de lutter contre les violences sur les routes de l’exil reste la mise en place de plus de voies légales et sûres de migration (réinstallation, visas de travail, d’études, le regroupement familial…). Les ONG regrettent que la Commission reporte à 2021 les propositions sur la migration légale. Le pacte s’intéresse à juste titre à la criminalisation des ONG de sauvetage et des citoyens qui fournissent une aide humanitaire aux migrants. Toutefois, les propositions visant à y mettre fin sont insuffisantes. Les ONG se réjouissent de l’annonce par la Commission d’un mécanisme de surveillance des droits humains aux frontières extérieures. Au cours de l’année écoulée, on a signalé de plus en plus souvent des retours violents par la Croatie, la Grèce, Malte et Chypre. Toutefois, il n’est pas encore suffisamment clair si les propositions de la Commission peuvent effectivement traiter et sanctionner les refoulements.

      Au lendemain de l’incendie du hotspot à Moria, symbole par excellence de l’échec des politiques migratoires européennes, l’UE s’enfonce dans un déni total, meurtrier, en vue de concilier les divergences entre ses États membres. Les futures discussions autour du Pacte au sein du parlement UE et du Conseil UE seront cruciales. Les ONG membres du groupe de travail pour la justice migratoire appellent le Parlement européen et le gouvernement belge à promouvoir des ajustements fermes allant vers plus de justice migratoire.


    • The New Pact on Migration and Asylum. A Critical ‘First Look’ Analysis

      Where does it come from?

      The New Migration Pact was built on the ashes of the mandatory relocation scheme that the Commission tried to push in 2016. And the least that one can say, is that it shows! The whole migration plan has been decisively shaped by this initial failure. Though the Pact has some merits, the very fact that it takes as its starting point the radical demands made by the most nationalist governments in Europe leads to sacrificing migrants’ rights on the altar of a cohesive and integrated European migration policy.

      Back in 2016, the vigorous manoeuvring of the Commission to find a way out of the European asylum dead-end resulted in a bittersweet victory for the European institution. Though the Commission was able to find a qualified majority of member states willing to support a fair distribution of the asylum seekers among member states through a relocation scheme, this new regulation remained dead letter. Several eastern European states flatly refused to implement the plan, other member states seized this opportunity to defect on their obligations and the whole migration policy quickly unravelled. Since then, Europe is left with a dysfunctional Dublin agreement exacerbating the tensions between member states and 27 loosely connected national asylum regimes. On the latter point, at least, there is a consensus. Everyone agrees that the EU’s migration regime is broken and urgently needs to be fixed.

      Obviously, the Commission was not keen to go through a new round of political humiliation. Having been accused of “bureaucratic hubris” the first time around, the commissioners Schinas and Johansson decided not to repeat the same mistake. They toured the European capitals and listened to every side of the entrenched migration debate before drafting their Migration Pact. The intention is in the right place and it reflects the complexity of having to accommodate 27 distinct democratic debates in one single political space. Nevertheless, if one peers a bit more extensively through the content of the New Plan, it is complicated not to get the feelings that the Visegrad countries are currently the key players shaping the European migration and asylum policies. After all, their staunch opposition to a collective reception scheme sparked the political process and provided the starting point to the general discussion. As a result, it is no surprise that the New Pact tilts firmly towards an ever more restrictive approach to migration, beefs up the coercive powers of both member states and European agencies and raises many concerns with regards to the respect of the migrants’ fundamental rights.
      What is in this New Pact on Migration and Asylum?

      Does the Pact concede too much ground to the demands of the most xenophobic European governments? To answer that question, let us go back to the bizarre metaphor used by the commissioner Schinas. During his press conference, he insisted on comparing the New Pact on Migration and Asylum to a house built on solid foundations (i.e. the lengthy and inclusive consultation process) and made of 3 floors: first, some renewed partnerships with the sending and transit states, second, some more effective border procedures, and third, a revamped mandatory – but flexible ! – solidarity scheme. It is tempting to carry on with the metaphor and to say that this house may appear comfortable from the inside but that it remains tightly shut to anyone knocking on its door from the outside. For, a careful examination reveals that each of the three “floors” (policy packages, actually) lays the emphasis on a repressive approach to migration aimed at deterring would-be asylum seekers from attempting to reach the European shores.
      The “new partnerships” with sending and transit countries, a “change in paradigm”?

      Let us add that there is little that is actually “new” in this New Migration Pact. For instance, the first policy package, that is, the suggestion that the EU should renew its partnerships with sending and transit countries is, as a matter of fact, an old tune in the Brussels bubble. The Commission may boast that it marks a “change of paradigm”, one fails to see how this would be any different from the previous European diplomatic efforts. Since migration and asylum are increasingly considered as toxic topics (for, they would be the main factors behind the rise of nationalism and its corollary, Euroscepticism), the European Union is willing to externalize this issue, seemingly at all costs. The results, however, have been mixed in the past. To the Commission’s own admission, only a third of the migrants whose asylum claims have been rejected are effectively returned. Besides the facts that returns are costly, extremely coercive, and administratively complicated to organize, the main reason for this low rate of successful returns is that sending countries refuse to cooperate in the readmission procedures. Neighbouring countries have excellent reasons not to respond positively to the Union’s demands. For some, remittances sent by their diaspora are an economic lifeline. Others just do not want to appear complicit of repressive European practices on their domestic political scene. Furthermore, many African countries are growing discontent with the forceful way the European Union uses its asymmetrical relation of power in bilateral negotiations to dictate to those sovereign states the migration policies they should adopt, making for instance its development aid conditional on the implementation of stricter border controls. The Commission may rhetorically claim to foster “mutually beneficial” international relation with its neighbouring countries, the emphasis on the externalization of migration control in the EU’s diplomatic agenda nevertheless bears some of the hallmarks of neo-colonialism. As such, it is a source of deep resentment in sending and transit states. It would therefore be a grave mistake for the EU to overlook the fact that some short-term gains in terms of migration management may result in long-term losses with regards to Europe’s image across the world.

      Furthermore, considering the current political situation, one should not primarily be worried about the failed partnerships with neighbouring countries, it is rather the successful ones that ought to give us pause and raise concerns. For, based on the existing evidence, the EU will sign a deal with any state as long as it effectively restrains and contains migration flows towards the European shores. Being an authoritarian state with a documented history of human right violations (Turkey) or an embattled government fighting a civil war (Lybia) does not disqualify you as a partner of the European Union in its effort to manage migration flows. It is not only morally debatable for the EU to delegate its asylum responsibilities to unreliable third countries, it is also doubtful that an increase in diplomatic pressure on neighbouring countries will bring major political results. It will further damage the perception of the EU in neighbouring countries without bringing significant restriction to migration flows.
      Streamlining border procedures? Or eroding migrants’ rights?

      The second policy package is no more inviting. It tackles the issue of the migrants who, in spite of those partnerships and the hurdles thrown their way by sending and transit countries, would nevertheless reach Europe irregularly. On this issue, the Commission faced the daunting task of having to square a political circle, since it had to find some common ground in a debate bitterly divided between conflicting worldviews (roughly, between liberal and nationalist perspectives on the individual freedom of movement) and competing interests (between overburdened Mediterranean member states and Eastern member states adamant that asylum seekers would endanger their national cohesion). The Commission thus looked for the lowest common denominator in terms of migration management preferences amongst the distinct member states. The result is a two-tier border procedure aiming to fast-track and streamline the processing of asylum claims, allowing for more expeditious returns of irregular migrants. The goal is to prevent any bottleneck in the processing of the claims and to avoid the (currently near constant) overcrowding of reception facilities in the frontline states. Once again, there is little that is actually new in this proposal. It amounts to a generalization of the process currently in place in the infamous hotspots scattered on the Greek isles. According to the Pact, screening procedures would be carried out in reception centres created across Europe. A far cry from the slogan “no more Moria” since one may legitimately suspect that those reception centres will, at the first hiccup in the procedure, turn into tomorrow’s asylum camps.

      According to this procedure, newly arrived migrants would be submitted within 5 days to a pre-screening procedure and subsequently triaged into two categories. Migrants with a low chance of seeing their asylum claim recognized (because they would come from a country with a low recognition rate or a country belonging to the list of the safe third countries, for instance) would be redirected towards an accelerated procedure. The end goal would be to return them, if applicable, within twelve weeks. The other migrants would be subjected to the standard assessment of their asylum claim. It goes without saying that this proposal has been swiftly and unanimously condemned by all human rights organizations. It does not take a specialized lawyer to see that this two-tiered procedure could have devastating consequences for the “fast-tracked” asylum seekers left with no legal recourse against the initial decision to submit them to this sped up procedure (rather than the standard one) as well as reduced opportunities to defend their asylum claim or, if need be, to contest their return. No matter how often the Commission repeats that it will preserve all the legal safeguards required to protect migrants’ rights, it remains wildly unconvincing. Furthermore, the Pact may confuse speed and haste. The schedule is tight on paper (five days for the pre-screening, twelve weeks for the assessment of the asylum claim), it may well prove unrealistic to meet those deadlines in real-life conditions. The Commission also overlooks the fact that accelerated procedures tend to be sloppy, thus leading to juridical appeals and further legal wrangling and eventually amounting to processes far longer than expected.
      Integrating the returns, not the reception

      The Commission talked up the new Pact as being “balanced” and “humane”. Since the two first policy packages focus, first, on preventing would-be migrants from leaving their countries and, second, on facilitating and accelerating their returns, one would expect the third policy package to move away from the restriction of movement and to complement those measures with a reception plan tailored to the needs of refugees. And here comes the major disappointment with the New Pact and, perhaps, the clearest indication that the Pact is first and foremost designed to please the migration hardliners. It does include a solidarity scheme meant to alleviate the burden of frontline countries, to distribute more fairly the responsibilities amongst member states and to ensure that refugees are properly hosted. But this solidarity scheme is far from being robust enough to deliver on those promises. Let us unpack it briefly to understand why it is likely to fail. The solidarity scheme is mandatory. All member states will be under the obligation to take part. But there is a catch! Member states’ contribution to this collective effort can take many shapes and forms and it will be up to the member states to decide how they want to participate. They get to choose whether they want to relocate some refugees on their national soil, to provide some financial and/or logistical assistance, or to “sponsor” (it is the actual term used by the Commission) some returns.

      No one expected the Commission to reintroduce a compulsory relocation scheme in its Pact. Eastern European countries had drawn an obvious red line and it would have been either naïve or foolish to taunt them with that kind of policy proposal. But this so-called “flexible mandatory solidarity” relies on such a watered-down understanding of the solidarity principle that it results in a weak and misguided political instrument unsuited to solve the problem at hand. First, the flexible solidarity mechanism is too indeterminate to prove efficient. According to the current proposal, member states would have to shoulder a fair share of the reception burden (calculated on their respective population and GDP) but would be left to decide for themselves which form this contribution would take. The obvious flaw with the policy proposal is that, if all member states decline to relocate some refugees (which is a plausible scenario), Mediterranean states would still be left alone when it comes to dealing with the most immediate consequences of migration flows. They would receive much more financial, operational, and logistical support than it currently is the case – but they would be managing on their own the overcrowded reception centres. The Commission suggests that it would oversee the national pledges in terms of relocation and that it would impose some corrections if the collective pledges fall short of a predefined target. But it remains to be seen whether the Commission will have the political clout to impose some relocations to member states refusing them. One could not be blamed for being highly sceptical.

      Second, it is noteworthy that the Commission fails to integrate the reception of refugees since member states are de facto granted an opt-out on hosting refugees. What is integrated is rather the return policy, once more a repressive instrument. And it is the member states with the worst record in terms of migrants’ rights violations that are the most likely to be tasked with the delicate mission of returning them home. As a commentator was quipping on Twitter, it would be like asking a bully to walk his victim home (what could possibly go wrong?). The attempt to build an intra-European consensus is obviously pursued at the expense of the refugees. The incentive structure built into the flexible solidarity scheme offers an excellent illustration of this. If a member state declines to relocate any refugee and offers instead to ‘sponsor’ some returns, it has to honour that pledge within a limited period of time (the Pact suggests a six month timeframe). If it fails to do so, it becomes responsible for the relocation and the return of those migrants, leading to a situation in which some migrants may end up in a country where they do not want to be and that does not want them to be there. Hardly an optimal outcome…

      The Pact represents a genuine attempt to design a multi-faceted and comprehensive migration policy, covering most aspects of a complex issue. The dysfunctions of the Schengen area and the question of the legal pathways to Europe have been relegated to a later discussion and one may wonder whether they should not have been included in the Pact to balance out its restrictive inclination. And, in all fairness, the Pact does throw a few bones to the more cosmopolitan-minded European citizens. For instance, it reminds the member states that maritime search and rescue operations are legal and should not be impeded, or it shortens (from five to three years) the waiting period for refugees to benefit from the freedom of movement. But those few welcome additions are vastly outweighed by the fact that migration hardliners dominated the agenda-setting in the early stage of the policy-making exercise and have thus been able to frame decisively the political discussion. The end result is a policy package leaning heavily towards some repressive instruments and particularly careless when it comes to safeguarding migrants’ rights.

      The New Pact was first drafted on the ashes of the mandatory relocation scheme. Back then, the Commission publicly made amends and revised its approach to the issue. Sadly, the New Pact was presented to the European public when the ashes of the Moria camp were still lukewarm. One can only hope that the member states will learn from that mistake too.


    • #Pacte_européen_sur_la_migration : un “nouveau départ” pour violer les droits humains

      La Commission européenne a publié aujourd’hui son « Nouveau Pacte sur l’Asile et la Migration » qui propose un nouveau cadre règlementaire et législatif. Avec ce plan, l’UE devient de facto un « leader du voyage retour » pour les migrant.e.s et les réfugié.e.s en Méditerranée. EuroMed Droits craint que ce pacte ne détériore encore davantage la situation actuelle pour au moins trois raisons.

      Le pacte se concentre de manière obsessionnelle sur la politique de retours à travers un système de « sponsoring » : des pays européens tels que l’Autriche, la Pologne, la Hongrie ou la République tchèque – qui refusent d’accueillir des réfugié.e.s – pourront « sponsoriser » et organiser la déportation vers les pays de départ de ces réfugié.e.s. Au lieu de favoriser l’intégration, le pacte adopte une politique de retour à tout prix, même lorsque les demandeurs.ses d’asile peuvent être victimes de discrimination, persécution ou torture dans leur pays de retour. A ce jour, il n’existe aucun mécanisme permettant de surveiller ce qui arrive aux migrant.e.s et réfugié.e.s une fois déporté.e.s.

      Le pacte proposé renforce la sous-traitance de la gestion des frontières. En termes concrets, l’UE renforce la coopération avec les pays non-européens afin qu’ils ferment leurs frontières et empêchent les personnes de partir. Cette coopération est sujette à l’imposition de conditions par l’UE. Une telle décision européenne se traduit par une hausse du nombre de refoulements dans la région méditerranéenne et une coopération renforcée avec des pays qui ont un piètre bilan en matière de droits humains et qui ne possèdent pas de cadre efficace pour la protection des droits des personnes migrantes et réfugiées.

      Le pacte vise enfin à étendre les mécanismes de tri des demandeurs.ses d’asile et des migrant.e.s dans les pays d’arrivée. Ce modèle de tri – similaire à celui utilisé dans les zones de transit aéroportuaires – accentue les difficultés de pays tels que l’Espagne, l’Italie, Malte, la Grèce ou Chypre qui accueillent déjà la majorité des migrant.e.s et réfugié.e.s. Placer ces personnes dans des camps revient à mettre en place un système illégal d’incarcération automatique dès l’arrivée. Cela accroîtra la violence psychologique à laquelle les migrant.e.s et réfugié.e.s sont déjà soumis. Selon ce nouveau système, ces personnes seront identifié.e.s sous cinq jours et toute demande d’asile devra être traitée en douze semaines. Cette accélération de la procédure risque d’intensifier la détention et de diviser les arrivant.e.s entre demandeurs.ses d’asile et migrant.e.s économiques. Cela s’effectuerait de manière discriminatoire, sans analyse détaillée de chaque demande d’asile ni possibilité réelle de faire appel. Celles et ceux qui seront éligibles à la protection internationale seront relocalisé.e.s au sein des États membres qui acceptent de les recevoir. Les autres risqueront d’être déportés immédiatement.

      « En choisissant de sous-traiter davantage encore la gestion des frontières et d’accentuer la politique de retours, ce nouveau pacte conclut la transformation de la politique européenne en une approche pleinement sécuritaire. Pire encore, le pacte assimile la politique de “retour sponsorisé” à une forme de solidarité. Au-delà des déclarations officielles, cela démontre la volonté de l’Union européenne de criminaliser et de déshumaniser les migrant.e.s et les réfugié.e.s », a déclaré Wadih Al-Asmar, Président d’EuroMed Droits.


    • Whose Pact? The Cognitive Dimensions of the New EU Pact on Migration and Asylum

      This Policy Insight examines the new Pact on Migration and Asylum in light of the principles and commitments enshrined in the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees (UN GCR) and the EU Treaties. It finds that from a legal viewpoint the ‘Pact’ is not really a Pact at all, if understood as an agreement concluded between relevant EU institutional parties. Rather, it is the European Commission’s policy guide for the duration of the current 9th legislature.

      The analysis shows that the Pact has intergovernmental aspects, in both name and fundamentals. It does not pursue a genuine Migration and Asylum Union. The Pact encourages an artificial need for consensus building or de facto unanimity among all EU member states’ governments in fields where the EU Treaties call for qualified majority voting (QMV) with the European Parliament as co-legislator. The Pact does not abolish the first irregular entry rule characterising the EU Dublin Regulation. It adopts a notion of interstate solidarity that leads to asymmetric responsibilities, where member states are given the flexibility to evade participating in the relocation of asylum seekers. The Pact also runs the risk of catapulting some contested member states practices’ and priorities about localisation, speed and de-territorialisation into EU policy.

      This Policy Insight argues that the Pact’s priority of setting up an independent monitoring mechanism of border procedures’ compliance with fundamental rights is a welcome step towards the better safeguarding of the rule of law. The EU inter-institutional negotiations on the Pact’s initiatives should be timely and robust in enforcing member states’ obligations under the current EU legal standards relating to asylum and borders, namely the prevention of detention and expedited expulsions, and the effective access by all individuals to dignified treatment and effective remedies. Trust and legitimacy of EU asylum and migration policy can only follow if international (human rights and refugee protection) commitments and EU Treaty principles are put first.


    • First analysis of the EU’s new asylum proposals

      This week the EU Commission published its new package of proposals on asylum and (non-EU) migration – consisting of proposals for legislation, some ‘soft law’, attempts to relaunch talks on stalled proposals and plans for future measures. The following is an explanation of the new proposals (not attempting to cover every detail) with some first thoughts. Overall, while it is possible that the new package will lead to agreement on revised asylum laws, this will come at the cost of risking reduced human rights standards.


      Since 1999, the EU has aimed to create a ‘Common European Asylum System’. A first phase of legislation was passed between 2003 and 2005, followed by a second phase between 2010 and 2013. Currently the legislation consists of: a) the Qualification Directive, which defines when people are entitled to refugee status (based on the UN Refugee Convention) or subsidiary protection status, and what rights they have; b) the Dublin III Regulation, which allocates responsibility for an asylum seeker between Member States; c) the Eurodac Regulation, which facilitates the Dublin system by setting up a database of fingerprints of asylum seekers and people who cross the external border without authorisation; d) the Asylum Procedures Directive, which sets out the procedural rules governing asylum applications, such as personal interviews and appeals; e) the Reception Conditions Directive, which sets out standards on the living conditions of asylum-seekers, such as rules on housing and welfare; and f) the Asylum Agency Regulation, which set up an EU agency (EASO) to support Member States’ processing of asylum applications.

      The EU also has legislation on other aspects of migration: (short-term) visas, border controls, irregular migration, and legal migration – much of which has connections with the asylum legislation, and all of which is covered by this week’s package. For visas, the main legislation is the visa list Regulation (setting out which non-EU countries’ citizens are subject to a short-term visa requirement, or exempt from it) and the visa code (defining the criteria to obtain a short-term Schengen visa, allowing travel between all Schengen states). The visa code was amended last year, as discussed here.

      For border controls, the main legislation is the Schengen Borders Code, setting out the rules on crossing external borders and the circumstances in which Schengen states can reinstate controls on internal borders, along with the Frontex Regulation, setting up an EU border agency to assist Member States. On the most recent version of the Frontex Regulation, see discussion here and here.

      For irregular migration, the main legislation is the Return Directive. The Commission proposed to amend it in 2018 – on which, see analysis here and here.

      For legal migration, the main legislation on admission of non-EU workers is the single permit Directive (setting out a common process and rights for workers, but not regulating admission); the Blue Card Directive (on highly paid migrants, discussed here); the seasonal workers’ Directive (discussed here); and the Directive on intra-corporate transferees (discussed here). The EU also has legislation on: non-EU students, researchers and trainees (overview here); non-EU family reunion (see summary of the legislation and case law here) and on long-term resident non-EU citizens (overview – in the context of UK citizens after Brexit – here). In 2016, the Commission proposed to revise the Blue Card Directive (see discussion here).

      The UK, Ireland and Denmark have opted out of most of these laws, except some asylum law applies to the UK and Ireland, and Denmark is covered by the Schengen and Dublin rules. So are the non-EU countries associated with Schengen and Dublin (Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein). There are also a number of further databases of non-EU citizens as well as Eurodac: the EU has never met a non-EU migrant who personal data it didn’t want to store and process.

      The Refugee ‘Crisis’

      The EU’s response to the perceived refugee ‘crisis’ was both short-term and long-term. In the short term, in 2015 the EU adopted temporary laws (discussed here) relocating some asylum seekers in principle from Italy and Greece to other Member States. A legal challenge to one of these laws failed (as discussed here), but in practice Member States accepted few relocations anyway. Earlier this year, the CJEU ruled that several Member States had breached their obligations under the laws (discussed here), but by then it was a moot point.

      Longer term, the Commission proposed overhauls of the law in 2016: a) a Qualification Regulation further harmonising the law on refugee and subsidiary protection status; b) a revised Dublin Regulation, which would have set up a system of relocation of asylum seekers for future crises; c) a revised Eurodac Regulation, to take much more data from asylum seekers and other migrants; d) an Asylum Procedures Regulation, further harmonising the procedural law on asylum applications; e) a revised Reception Conditions Directive; f) a revised Asylum Agency Regulation, giving the agency more powers; and g) a new Resettlement Regulation, setting out a framework of admitting refugees directly from non-EU countries. (See my comments on some of these proposals, from back in 2016)

      However, these proposals proved unsuccessful – which is the main reason for this week’s attempt to relaunch the process. In particular, an EU Council note from February 2019 summarises the diverse problems that befell each proposal. While the EU Council Presidency and the European Parliament reached agreement on the proposals on qualification, reception conditions and resettlement in June 2018, Member States refused to support the Presidency’s deal and the European Parliament refused to renegotiate (see, for instance, the Council documents on the proposals on qualification and resettlement; see also my comments on an earlier stage of the talks, when the Council had agreed its negotiation position on the qualification regulation).

      On the asylum agency, the EP and Council agreed on the revised law in 2017, but the Commission proposed an amendment in 2018 to give the agency more powers; the Council could not agree on this. On Eurodac, the EP and Council only partly agreed on a text. On the procedures Regulation, the Council largely agreed its position, except on border procedures; on Dublin there was never much prospect of agreement because of the controversy over relocating asylum seekers. (For either proposal, a difficult negotiation with the European Parliament lay ahead).

      In other areas too, the legislative process was difficult: the Council and EP gave up negotiating amendments to the Blue Card Directive (see the last attempt at a compromise here, and the Council negotiation mandate here), and the EP has not yet agreed a position on the Returns Directive (the Council has a negotiating position, but again it leaves out the difficult issue of border procedures; there is a draft EP position from February). Having said that, the EU has been able to agree legislation giving more powers to Frontex, as well as new laws on EU migration databases, in the last few years.

      The attempted relaunch

      The Commission’s new Pact on asylum and immigration (see also the roadmap on its implementation, the Q and As, and the staff working paper) does not restart the whole process from scratch. On qualification, reception conditions, resettlement, the asylum agency, the returns Directive and the Blue Card Directive, it invites the Council and Parliament to resume negotiations. But it tries to unblock the talks as a whole by tabling two amended legislative proposals and three new legislative proposals, focussing on the issues of border procedures and relocation of asylum seekers.

      Screening at the border

      This revised proposals start with a new proposal for screening asylum seekers at the border, which would apply to all non-EU citizens who cross an external border without authorisation, who apply for asylum while being checked at the border (without meeting the conditions for legal entry), or who are disembarked after a search and rescue operation. During the screening, these non-EU citizens are not allowed to enter the territory of a Member State, unless it becomes clear that they meet the criteria for entry. The screening at the border should take no longer than 5 days, with an extra 5 days in the event of a huge influx. (It would also be possible to apply the proposed law to those on the territory who evaded border checks; for them the deadline to complete the screening is 3 days).

      Screening has six elements, as further detailed in the proposal: a health check, an identity check, registration in a database, a security check, filling out a debriefing form, and deciding on what happens next. At the end of the screening, the migrant is channelled either into the expulsion process (if no asylum claim has been made, and if the migrant does not meet the conditions for entry) or, if an asylum claim is made, into the asylum process – with an indication of whether the claim should be fast-tracked or not. It’s also possible that an asylum seeker would be relocated to another Member State. The screening is carried out by national officials, possibly with support from EU agencies.

      To ensure human rights protection, there must be independent monitoring to address allegations of non-compliance with human rights. These allegations might concern breaches of EU or international law, national law on detention, access to the asylum procedure, or non-refoulement (the ban on sending people to an unsafe country). Migrants must be informed about the process and relevant EU immigration and data protection law. There is no provision for judicial review of the outcome of the screening process, although there would be review as part of the next step (asylum or return).

      Asylum procedures

      The revised proposal for an asylum procedures Regulation would leave in place most of the Commission’s 2016 proposal to amend the law, adding some specific further proposed amendments, which either link back to the screening proposal or aim to fast-track decisions and expulsions more generally.

      On the first point, the usual rules on informing asylum applicants and registering their application would not apply until after the end of the screening. A border procedure may apply following the screening process, but Member States must apply the border procedure in cases where an asylum seeker used false documents, is a perceived national security threat, or falls within the new ground for fast-tracking cases (on which, see below). The latter obligation is subject to exceptions where a Member State has reported that a non-EU country is not cooperating on readmission; the process for dealing with that issue set out under the 2019 amendments to the visa code will then apply. Also, the border process cannot apply to unaccompanied minors or children under 12, unless they are a supposed national security risk. Further exceptions apply where the asylum seeker is vulnerable or has medical needs, the application is not inadmissible or cannot be fast-tracked, or detention conditions cannot be guaranteed. A Member State might apply the Dublin process to determine which Member State is responsible for the asylum claim during the border process. The whole border process (including any appeal) must last no more than 12 weeks, and can only be used to declare applications inadmissible or apply the new ground for fast-tracking them.

      There would also be a new border expulsion procedure, where an asylum application covered by the border procedure was rejected. This is subject to its own 12-week deadline, starting from the point when the migrant is no longer allowed to remain. Much of the Return Directive would apply – but not the provisions on the time period for voluntary departure, remedies and the grounds for detention. Instead, the border expulsion procedure would have its own stricter rules on these issues.

      As regards general fast-tracking, in order to speed up the expulsion process for unsuccessful applications, a rejection of an asylum application would have to either incorporate an expulsion decision or entail a simultaneous separate expulsion decision. Appeals against expulsion decisions would then be subject to the same rules as appeals against asylum decisions. If the asylum seeker comes from a country with a refugee recognition rate below 20%, his or her application must be fast-tracked (this would even apply to unaccompanied minors) – unless circumstances in that country have changed, or the asylum seeker comes from a group for whom the low recognition rate is not representative (for instance, the recognition rate might be higher for LGBT asylum-seekers from that country). Many more appeals would be subject to a one-week time limit for the rejected asylum seeker to appeal, and there could be only one level of appeal against decisions taken within a border procedure.


      The revised proposal for Eurodac would build upon the 2016 proposal, which was already far-reaching: extending Eurodac to include not only fingerprints, but also photos and other personal data; reducing the age of those covered by Eurodac from 14 to 6; removing the time limits and the limits on use of the fingerprints taken from persons who had crossed the border irregularly; and creating a new obligation to collect data of all irregular migrants over age 6 (currently fingerprint data for this group cannot be stored, but can simply be checked, as an option, against the data on asylum seekers and irregular border crossers). The 2020 proposal additionally provides for interoperability with other EU migration databases, taking of personal data during the screening process, including more data on the migration status of each person, and expressly applying the law to those disembarked after a search and rescue operation.

      Dublin rules on asylum responsibility

      A new proposal for asylum management would replace the Dublin regulation (meaning that the Commission has withdrawn its 2016 proposal to replace that Regulation). The 2016 proposal would have created a ‘bottleneck’ in the Member State of entry, requiring that State to examine first whether many of the grounds for removing an asylum-seeker to a non-EU country apply before considering whether another Member State might be responsible for the application (because the asylum seeker’s family live there, for instance). It would also have imposed obligations directly on asylum-seekers to cooperate with the process, rather than only regulate relations between Member States. These obligations would have been enforced by punishing asylum seekers who disobeyed: removing their reception conditions (apart from emergency health care); fast-tracking their substantive asylum applications; refusing to consider new evidence from them; and continuing the asylum application process in their absence.

      It would no longer be possible for asylum seekers to provide additional evidence of family links, with a view to being in the same country as a family member. Overturning a CJEU judgment (see further discussion here), unaccompanied minors would no longer have been able to make applications in multiple Member States (in the absence of a family member in any of them). However, the definition of family members would have been widened, to include siblings and families formed in a transit country. Responsibility for an asylum seeker based on the first Member State of irregular entry (a commonly applied criterion) would have applied indefinitely, rather than expire one year after entry as it does under the current rules. The ‘Sangatte clause’ (responsibility after five months of living in a second Member State, if the ‘irregular entry’ criterion no longer applies) would be dropped. The ‘sovereignty clause’, which played a key part in the 2015-16 refugee ‘crisis’ (it lets a Member State take responsibility for any application even if the Dublin rules do not require it, cf Germany accepting responsibility for Syrian asylum seekers) would have been sharply curtailed. Time limits for detention during the transfer process would be reduced. Remedies for asylum seekers would have been curtailed: they would only have seven days to appeal against a transfer; courts would have fifteen days to decide (although they could have stayed on the territory throughout); and the grounds of review would have been curtailed.

      Finally, the 2016 proposal would have tackled the vexed issue of disproportionate allocation of responsibility for asylum seekers by setting up an automated system determining how many asylum seekers each Member State ‘should’ have based on their size and GDP. If a Member State were responsible for excessive numbers of applicants, Member States which were receiving fewer numbers would have to take more to help out. If they refused, they would have to pay €250,000 per applicant.

      The 2020 proposal drops some of the controversial proposals from 2016, including the ‘bottleneck’ in the Member State of entry (the current rule, giving Member States an option to decide if a non-EU country is responsible for the application on narrower grounds than in the 2016 proposal, would still apply). Also, the sovereignty clause would now remain unchanged.

      However, the 2020 proposal also retains parts of the 2016 proposal: the redefinition of ‘family member’ (which could be more significant now that the bottleneck is removed, unless Member States choose to apply the relevant rules on non-EU countries’ responsibility during the border procedure already); obligations for asylum seekers (redrafted slightly); some of the punishments for non-compliant asylum-seekers (the cut-off for considering evidence would stay, as would the loss of benefits except for those necessary to ensure a basic standard of living: see the CJEU case law in CIMADE and Haqbin); dropping the provision on evidence of family links; changing the rules on responsibility for unaccompanied minors; retaining part of the changes to the irregular entry criterion (it would now cease to apply after three years; the Sangatte clause would still be dropped; it would apply after search and rescue but not apply in the event of relocation); curtailing judicial review (the grounds would still be limited; the time limit to appeal would be 14 days; courts would not have a strict deadline to decide; suspensive effect would not apply in all cases); and the reduced time limits for detention.

      The wholly new features of the 2020 proposal are: some vague provisions about crisis management; responsibility for an asylum application for the Member State which issued a visa or residence document which expired in the last three years (the current rule is responsibility if the visa expired less than six months ago, and the residence permit expired less than a year ago); responsibility for an asylum application for a Member State in which a non-EU citizen obtained a diploma; and the possibility for refugees or persons with subsidiary protection status to obtain EU long-term resident status after three years, rather than five.

      However, the most significant feature of the new proposal is likely to be its attempt to solve the underlying issue of disproportionate allocation of asylum seekers. Rather than a mechanical approach to reallocating responsibility, the 2020 proposal now provides for a menu of ‘solidarity contributions’: relocation of asylum seekers; relocation of refugees; ‘return sponsorship’; or support for ‘capacity building’ in the Member State (or a non-EU country) facing migratory pressure. There are separate rules for search and rescue disembarkations, on the one hand, and more general migratory pressures on the other. Once the Commission determines that the latter situation exists, other Member States have to choose from the menu to offer some assistance. Ultimately the Commission will adopt a decision deciding what the contributions will be. Note that ‘return sponsorship’ comes with a ticking clock: if the persons concerned are not expelled within eight months, the sponsoring Member State must accept them on its territory.

      Crisis management

      The issue of managing asylum issues in a crisis has been carved out of the Dublin proposal into a separate proposal, which would repeal an EU law from 2001 that set up a framework for offering ‘temporary protection’ in a crisis. Note that Member States have never used the 2001 law in practice.

      Compared to the 2001 law, the new proposal is integrated into the EU asylum legislation that has been adopted or proposed in the meantime. It similarly applies in the event of a ‘mass influx’ that prevents the effective functioning of the asylum system. It would apply the ‘solidarity’ process set out in the proposal to replace the Dublin rules (ie relocation of asylum seekers and other measures), with certain exceptions and shorter time limits to apply that process.

      The proposal focusses on providing for possible exceptions to the usual asylum rules. In particular, during a crisis, the Commission could authorise a Member State to apply temporary derogations from the rules on border asylum procedures (extending the time limit, using the procedure to fast-track more cases), border return procedures (again extending the time limit, more easily justifying detention), or the time limit to register asylum applicants. Member States could also determine that due to force majeure, it was not possible to observe the normal time limits for registering asylum applications, applying the Dublin process for responsibility for asylum applications, or offering ‘solidarity’ to other Member States.

      Finally, the new proposal, like the 2001 law, would create a potential for a form of separate ‘temporary protection’ status for the persons concerned. A Member State could suspend the consideration of asylum applications from people coming from the country facing a crisis for up to a year, in the meantime giving them status equivalent to ‘subsidiary protection’ status in the EU qualification law. After that point it would have to resume consideration of the applications. It would need the Commission’s approval, whereas the 2001 law left it to the Council to determine a situation of ‘mass influx’ and provided for the possible extension of the special rules for up to three years.

      Other measures

      The Commission has also adopted four soft law measures. These comprise: a Recommendation on asylum crisis management; a Recommendation on resettlement and humanitarian admission; a Recommendation on cooperation between Member States on private search and rescue operations; and guidance on the applicability of EU law on smuggling of migrants – notably concluding that it cannot apply where (as in the case of law of the sea) there is an obligation to rescue.

      On other issues, the Commission plan is to use current legislation – in particular the recent amendment to the visa code, which provides for sticks to make visas more difficult to get for citizens of countries which don’t cooperate on readmission of people, and carrots to make visas easier to get for citizens of countries which do cooperate on readmission. In some areas, such as the Schengen system, there will be further strategies and plans in the near future; it is not clear if this will lead to more proposed legislation.

      However, on legal migration, the plan is to go further than relaunching the amendment of the Blue Card Directive, as the Commission is also planning to propose amendments to the single permit and long-term residence laws referred to above – leading respectively to more harmonisation of the law on admission of non-EU workers and enhanced possibilities for long-term resident non-EU citizens to move between Member States (nb the latter plan is separate from this week’s proposal to amend this law as regards refugees and people with subsidiary protection already). Both these plans are relevant to British citizens moving to the EU after the post-Brexit transition period – and the latter is also relevant to British citizens covered by the withdrawal agreement.


      This week’s plan is less a complete restart of EU law in this area than an attempt to relaunch discussions on a blocked set of amendments to that law, which moreover focusses on a limited set of issues. Will it ‘work’? There are two different ways to answer that question.

      First, will it unlock the institutional blockage? Here it should be kept in mind that the European Parliament and the Council had largely agreed on several of the 2016 proposals already; they would have been adopted in 2018 already had not the Council treated all the proposals as a package, and not gone back on agreements which the Council Presidency reached with the European Parliament. It is always open to the Council to get at least some of these proposals adopted quickly by reversing these approaches.

      On the blocked proposals, the Commission has targeted the key issues of border procedures and allocation of asylum-seekers. If the former leads to more quick removals of unsuccessful applicants, the latter issue is no longer so pressing. But it is not clear if the Member States will agree to anything on border procedures, or whether such an agreement will result in more expulsions anyway – because the latter depends on the willingness of non-EU countries, which the EU cannot legislate for (and does not even address in this most recent package). And because it is uncertain whether they will result in more expulsions, Member States will be wary of agreeing to anything which either results in more obligations to accept asylum-seekers on their territory, or leaves them with the same number as before.

      The idea of ‘return sponsorship’ – which reads like a grotesque parody of individuals sponsoring children in developing countries via charities – may not be appealing except to those countries like France, which have the capacity to twist arms in developing countries to accept returns. Member States might be able to agree on a replacement for the temporary protection Directive on the basis that they will never use that replacement either. And Commission threats to use infringement proceedings to enforce the law might not worry Member States who recall that the CJEU ruled on their failure to relocate asylum-seekers after the relocation law had already expired, and that the Court will soon rule on Hungary’s expulsion of the Central European University after it has already left.

      As to whether the proposals will ‘work’ in terms of managing asylum flows fairly and compatibly with human rights, it is striking how much they depend upon curtailing appeal rights, even though appeals are often successful. The proposed limitation of appeal rights will also be maintained in the Dublin system; and while the proposed ‘bottleneck’ of deciding on removals to non-EU countries before applying the Dublin system has been removed, a variation on this process may well apply in the border procedures process instead. There is no new review of the assessment of the safety of non-EU countries – which is questionable in light of the many reports of abuse in Libya. While the EU is not proposing, as the wildest headbangers would want, to turn people back or refuse applications without consideration, the question is whether the fast-track consideration of applications and then appeals will constitute merely a Potemkin village of procedural rights that mean nothing in practice.

      Increased detention is already a feature of the amendments proposed earlier: the reception conditions proposal would add a new ground for detention; the return Directive proposal would inevitably increase detention due to curtailing voluntary departure (as discussed here). Unfortunately the Commission’s claim in its new communication that its 2018 proposal is ‘promoting’ voluntary return is therefore simply false. Trump-style falsehoods have no place in the discussion of EU immigration or asylum law.

      The latest Eurodac proposal would not do much compared to the 2016 proposal – but then, the 2016 proposal would already constitute an enormous increase in the amount of data collected and shared by that system.

      Some elements of the package are more positive. The possibility for refugees and people with subsidiary protection to get EU long-term residence status earlier would be an important step toward making asylum ‘valid throughout the Union’, as referred to in the Treaties. The wider definition of family members, and the retention of the full sovereignty clause, may lead to some fairer results under the Dublin system. Future plans to improve the long-term residents’ Directive are long overdue. The Commission’s sound legal assessment that no one should be prosecuted for acting on their obligations to rescue people in distress at sea is welcome. The quasi-agreed text of the reception conditions Directive explicitly rules out Trump-style separate detention of children.

      No proposals from the EU can solve the underlying political issue: a chunk of public opinion is hostile to more migration, whether in frontline Member States, other Member States, or transit countries outside the EU. The politics is bound to affect what Member States and non-EU countries alike are willing to agree to. And for the same reason, even if a set of amendments to the system is ultimately agreed, there will likely be continuing issues of implementation, especially illegal pushbacks and refusals to accept relocation.


    • Pacte européen sur les migrations et l’asile : Le rendez-vous manqué de l’UE

      Le nouveau pacte européen migrations et asile présenté par la Commission ce 23 septembre, loin de tirer les leçons de l’échec et du coût humain intolérable des politiques menées depuis 30 ans, s’inscrit dans la continuité des logiques déjà largement éprouvées, fondées sur une approche répressive et sécuritaire au service de l’endiguement et des expulsions et au détriment d’une politique d’accueil qui s’attache à garantir et à protéger la dignité et les droits fondamentaux.

      Des « nouveaux » camps européens aux frontières pour filtrer les personnes arrivées sur le territoire européen et expulser le plus grand nombre

      En réaction au drame des incendies qui ont ravagé le camp de Moria sur l’île grecque de Lesbos, la commissaire européenne aux affaires intérieures, Ylva Johansson, affirmait le 17 septembre devant les députés européens qu’« il n’y aurait pas d’autres Moria » mais de « véritables centres d’accueil » aux frontières européennes.

      Si le nouveau pacte prévoie effectivement la création de « nouveaux » camps conjuguée à une « nouvelle » procédure accélérée aux frontières, ces derniers s’apparentent largement à l’approche hotspot mise en œuvre par l’Union européenne (UE) depuis 2015 afin d’organiser la sélection des personnes qu’elle souhaite accueillir et l’expulsion, depuis la frontière, de tous celles qu’elle considère « indésirables ».

      Le pacte prévoie ainsi la mise en place « d’un contrôle préalable à l’entrée sur le territoire pour toutes les personnes qui se présentent aux frontières extérieures ou après un débarquement, à la suite d’une opération de recherche et de sauvetage ». Il s’agira, pour les pays situés à la frontière extérieure de l’UE, de procéder – dans un délai de 5 jours et avec l’appui des agences européennes (l’agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes – Frontex et le Bureau européen d’appui en matière d’asile – EASO) – à des contrôles d’identité (prise d’empreintes et enregistrement dans les bases de données européennes) doublés de contrôles sécuritaires et sanitaires afin de procéder à un tri préalable à l’entrée sur le territoire, permettant d’orienter ensuite les personne vers :

      Une procédure d’asile accélérée à la frontière pour celles possédant une nationalité pour laquelle le taux de reconnaissance d’une protection internationale, à l’échelle de l’UE, est inférieure à 20%
      Une procédure d’asile normale pour celles considérées comme éligibles à une protection.
      Une procédure d’expulsion immédiate, depuis la frontière, pour toute celles qui auront été rejetées par ce dispositif de tri, dans un délai de 12 semaines.

      Pendant cette procédure de filtrage à la frontière, les personnes seraient considérées comme n’étant pas encore entrées sur le territoire européen ce qui permettrait aux Etats de déroger aux conventions de droit international qui s’y appliquent.

      Un premier projet pilote est notamment prévu à Lesbos, conjointement avec les autorités grecques, pour installer un nouveau camp sur l’île avec l’appui d’une Task Force européenne, directement placée sous le contrôle de la direction générale des affaires intérieure de la Commission européenne (DG HOME).

      Difficile de voir où se trouve l’innovation dans la proposition présentée par la Commission. Si ce n’est que les États européens souhaitent pousser encore plus loin à la fois la logique de filtrage à ces frontières ainsi que la sous-traitance de leur contrôle. Depuis l’été 2018, l’Union européenne défend la création de « centres contrôlés au sein de l’UE » d’une part et de « plateformes de débarquement dans les pays tiers » d’autre part. L’UE, à travers ce nouveau mécanisme, vise à organiser l’expulsion rapide des migrants qui sont parvenus, souvent au péril de leur vie, à pénétrer sur son territoire. Pour ce faire, la coopération accrue avec les gardes-frontières des États non européens et l’appui opérationnel de l’agence Frontex sont encore et toujours privilégiés.
      Un « nouvel écosystème en matière de retour »

      L’obsession européenne pour l’amélioration du « taux de retour » se retrouve au cœur de ce nouveau pacte, en repoussant toujours plus les limites en matière de coopération extérieure et d’enfermement des personnes étrangères jugées indésirables et en augmentant de façon inédite ses moyens opérationnels.

      Selon l’expression de Margaritis Schinas, commissaire grec en charge de la « promotion du mode de vie européen », la nouvelle procédure accélérée aux frontières s’accompagnera d’« un nouvel écosystème européen en matière de retour ». Il sera piloté par un « nouveau coordinateur de l’UE chargé des retours » ainsi qu’un « réseau de haut niveau coordonnant les actions nationales » avec le soutien de l’agence Frontex, qui devrait devenir « le bras opérationnel de la politique de retour européenne ».

      Rappelons que Frontex a vu ses moyens décuplés ces dernières années, notamment en vue d’expulser plus de personnes migrantes. Celle-ci a encore vu ses moyens renforcés depuis l’entrée en vigueur de son nouveau règlement le 4 décembre 2019 dont la Commission souhaite accélérer la mise en œuvre effective. Au-delà d’une augmentation de ses effectifs et de la possibilité d’acquérir son propre matériel, l’agence bénéficie désormais de pouvoirs étendus pour identifier les personnes « expulsables » du territoire européen, obtenir les documents de voyage nécessaires à la mise en œuvre de leurs expulsions ainsi que pour coordonner des opérations d’expulsion au service des Etats membres.

      La Commission souhaite également faire aboutir, d’ici le second trimestre 2021, le projet de révision de la directive européenne « Retour », qui constitue un recul sans précédent du cadre de protection des droits fondamentaux des personnes migrantes. Voir notre précédente actualité sur le sujet : L’expulsion au cœur des politiques migratoires européennes, 22 mai 2019
      Des « partenariats sur-mesure » avec les pays d’origine et de transit

      La Commission étend encore redoubler d’efforts afin d’inciter les Etats non européens à participer activement à empêcher les départs vers l’Europe ainsi qu’à collaborer davantage en matière de retour et de réadmission en utilisant l’ensemble des instruments politiques à sa disposition. Ces dernières années ont vu se multiplier les instruments européens de coopération formelle (à travers la signature, entre autres, d’accords de réadmission bilatéraux ou multilatéraux) et informelle (à l’instar de la tristement célèbre déclaration entre l’UE et la Turquie de mars 2016) à tel point qu’il est devenu impossible, pour les États ciblés, de coopérer avec l’UE dans un domaine spécifique sans que les objectifs européens en matière migratoire ne soient aussi imposés.

      L’exécutif européen a enfin souligné sa volonté de d’exploiter les possibilités offertes par le nouveau règlement sur les visas Schengen, entré en vigueur en février 2020. Celui-ci prévoie d’évaluer, chaque année, le degré de coopération des Etats non européens en matière de réadmission. Le résultat de cette évaluation permettra d’adopter une décision de facilitation de visa pour les « bon élèves » ou à l’inverse, d’imposer des mesures de restrictions de visas aux « mauvais élèves ». Voir notre précédente actualité sur le sujet : Expulsions contre visas : le droit à la mobilité marchandé, 2 février 2020.

      Conduite au seul prisme des intérêts européens, cette politique renforce le caractère historiquement déséquilibré des relations de « coopération » et entraîne en outre des conséquences désastreuses sur les droits des personnes migrantes, notamment celui de quitter tout pays, y compris le leur. Sous couvert d’aider ces pays à « se développer », les mesures « incitatives » européennes ne restent qu’un moyen de poursuivre ses objectifs et d’imposer sa vision des migrations. En coopérant davantage avec les pays d’origine et de transit, parmi lesquelles des dictatures et autres régimes autoritaires, l’UE renforce l’externalisation de ses politiques migratoires, sous-traitant la gestion des exilées aux Etats extérieurs à l’UE, tout en se déresponsabilisant des violations des droits perpétrées hors de ses frontières.
      Solidarité à la carte, entre relocalisation et expulsion

      Le constat d’échec du système Dublin – machine infernale de l’asile européen – conjugué à la volonté de parvenir à trouver un consensus suite aux profonds désaccords qui avaient mené les négociations sur Dublin IV dans l’impasse, la Commission souhaite remplacer l’actuel règlement de Dublin par un nouveau règlement sur la gestion de l’asile et de l’immigration, liant étroitement les procédures d’asile aux procédures d’expulsion.

      Les quotas de relocalisation contraignants utilisés par le passé, à l’instar du mécanisme de relocalisation mis en place entre 2015 et 2017 qui fut un échec tant du point de vue du nombre de relocalisations (seulement 25 000 relocalisations sur les 160 000 prévues) que du refus de plusieurs Etats d’y participer, semblent être abandonnés.

      Le nouveau pacte propose donc un nouveau mécanisme de solidarité, certes obligatoire mais flexible dans ses modalités. Ainsi les Etats membres devront choisir, selon une clé de répartition définie :

      Soit de participer à l’effort de relocalisation des personnes identifiées comme éligibles à la protection internationale depuis les frontières extérieures pour prendre en charge l’examen de leur demande d’asile.
      Soit de participer au nouveau concept de « parrainage des retours » inventé par la Commission européenne. Concrètement, il s’agit d’être « solidaire autrement », en s’engageant activement dans la politique de retour européenne par la mise en œuvre des expulsions des personnes que l’UE et ses Etats membres souhaitent éloigner du territoire, avec la possibilité de concentrer leurs efforts sur les nationalités pour lesquelles leurs perspectives de faire aboutir l’expulsion est la plus élevée.

      De nouvelles règles pour les « situations de crise et de force majeure »

      Le pacte prévoie d’abroger la directive européenne relative à des normes minimales pour l’octroi d’une protection temporaire en cas d’afflux massif de personnes déplacées, au profit d’un nouveau règlement européen relatif aux « situations de crise et de force majeure ». L’UE et ses Etats membres ont régulièrement essuyé les critiques des acteurs de la société civile pour n’avoir jamais activé la procédure prévue par la directive de 2001, notamment dans le cadre de situation exceptionnelle telle que la crise de l’accueil des personnes arrivées aux frontières sud de l’UE en 2015.

      Le nouveau règlement prévoie notamment qu’en cas de « situation de crise ou de force majeure » les Etats membres pourraient déroger aux règles qui s’appliquent en matière d’asile, en suspendant notamment l’enregistrement des demandes d’asile pendant un durée d’un mois maximum. Cette mesure entérine des pratiques contraires au droit international et européen, à l’instar de ce qu’a fait la Grèce début mars 2020 afin de refouler toutes les personnes qui tenteraient de pénétrer le territoire européen depuis la Turquie voisine. Voir notre précédente actualité sur le sujet : Frontière Grèce-Turquie : de l’approche hotspot au scandale de la guerre aux migrant·e ·s, 3 mars 2020

      Cette proposition représente un recul sans précédent du droit d’asile aux frontières et fait craindre de multiples violations du principe de non refoulement consacré par la Convention de Genève.

      Bien loin d’engager un changement de cap des politiques migratoires européennes, le nouveau pacte européen migrations et asile ne semble n’être qu’un nouveau cadre de plus pour poursuivre une approche des mouvements migratoires qui, de longue date, s’est construite autour de la volonté d’empêcher les arrivées aux frontières et d’organiser un tri parmi les personnes qui auraient réussi à braver les obstacles pour atteindre le territoire européen, entre celles considérées éligibles à la demande d’asile et toutes les autres qui devraient être expulsées.

      De notre point de vue, cela signifie surtout que des milliers de personnes continueront à être privées de liberté et à subir les dispositifs répressifs des Etats membres de l’Union européenne. Les conséquences néfastes sur la dignité humaine et les droits fondamentaux de cette approche sont flagrantes, les personnes exilées et leurs soutiens y sont confrontées tous les jours.

      Encore une fois, des moyens très importants sont consacrés à financer l’érection de barrières physiques, juridiques et technologiques ainsi que la construction de camps sur les routes migratoires tandis qu’ils pourraient utilement être redéployés pour accueillir dignement et permettre un accès inconditionnel au territoire européen pour les personnes bloquées à ses frontières extérieures afin d’examiner avec attention et impartialité leurs situations et assurer le respect effectif des droits de tou∙te∙s.

      Nous appelons à un changement radical des politiques migratoires, pour une Europe qui encourage les solidarités, fondée sur la protection des droits humains et la dignité humaine afin d’assurer la protection des personnes et non pas leur exclusion.


    • EU’s new migrant ‘pact’ is as squalid as its refugee camps

      Governments need to share responsibility for asylum seekers, beyond merely ejecting the unwanted

      One month after fires swept through Europe’s largest, most squalid refugee camp, the EU’s migration policies present a picture as desolate as the blackened ruins of Moria on the Greek island of Lesbos. The latest effort at overhauling these policies is a European Commission “pact on asylum and migration”, which is not a pact at all. Its proposals sharply divide the EU’s 27 governments.

      In an attempt to appease central and eastern European countries hostile to admitting asylum-seekers, the commission suggests, in an Orwellian turn of phrase, that they should operate “relocation and return sponsorships”, dispatching people refused entry to their places of origin. This sort of task is normally reserved for nightclub bouncers.

      The grim irony is that Hungary and Poland, two countries that would presumably be asked to take charge of such expulsions, are the subject of EU disciplinary proceedings due to alleged violations of the rule of law. It remains a mystery how, if the commission proposal moves forward, the EU will succeed in binding Hungary and Poland into a common asylum policy and bend them into accepting EU definitions of the rule of law.

      Perhaps the best thing to be said of the commission’s plan is that, unlike the UK government, EU policymakers are not toying with hare-brained schemes of sending asylum-seekers to Ascension Island in the south Atlantic. Such options are the imagined privilege of a former imperial power not divested of all its far-flung possessions.

      Yet the commission’s initiative still reeks of wishful thinking. It foresees a process in which authorities swiftly check the identities, security status and health of irregular migrants, before returning them home, placing them in the asylum system or putting them in temporary facilities. This will supposedly decongest EU border zones, as governments will agree how to relocate new arrivals. But it is precisely the lack of such agreement since 2015 that led to Moria’s disgraceful conditions.

      The commission should not be held responsible for governments failing to shoulder their responsibilities. It is also justified in emphasising the need for a strong EU frontier. This is a precondition for free movement inside the bloc, vital for a flourishing single market.

      True, the Schengen system of border-free internal travel is curtailed at present because of the pandemic, not to mention restrictions introduced in some countries after the 2015 refugee and migrant crisis. But no government wants to abandon Schengen. Where they fall out with each other is over the housing of refugees and migrants.

      Europe’s overcrowded, unhygienic refugee camps, and the paralysis that grips EU policies, are all the more shameful in that governments no longer face a border emergency. Some 60,800 irregular migrants crossed into the EU between January and August, 14 per cent less than the same period in 2019, according to the EU border agency.

      By contrast, there were 1.8m illegal border crossings in 2015, a different order of magnitude. Refugees from conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria made desperate voyages across the Mediterranean, with thousands drowning in ramshackle boats. Some countries, led by Germany and Sweden, were extremely generous in opening their doors to refugees. Others were not.

      The roots of today’s problems lie in the measures devised to address that crisis, above all a 2016 accord with Turkey. Irregular migrants were kept on Moria and other Greek islands, designated “hotspots”, in the expectation that failed asylum applicants would be smoothly returned to Turkey, its coffers replenished by billions of euros in EU assistance. In practice, few went back to Turkey and the understaffed, underfunded “hotspots” became places of tension between refugees and locals.

      Unable to agree on a relocation scheme among themselves, EU governments lapsed into a de facto policy of deterrence of irregular migrants. The pandemic provided an excuse for Italy and Malta to close their ports to people rescued at sea. Visiting the Greek-Turkish border in March, Ursula von der Leyen, the commission president, declared: “I thank Greece for being our European aspida [shield].”

      The legitimacy of EU refugee policies depends on adherence to international law, as well the bloc’s own rules. Its practical success requires all governments to share a responsibility for asylum-seekers that goes beyond ejecting unwanted individuals. Otherwise the EU will fall into the familiar trap of cobbling together unsatisfactory half-measures that guarantee more trouble in the future.


    • The EU’s pact against migration, Part One

      The EU Commission’s proposal for a ‘New Pact for Migration and Asylum’ offers no prospect of ending the enduring mobility conflict, opposing the movements of illegalised migrants to the EU’s restrictive migration policies.

      The ’New Pact for Migration and Asylum’, announced by the European Commission in July 2019, was finally presented on September 23, 2020. The Pact was eagerly anticipated as it was described as a “fresh start on migration in Europe”, acknowledging not only that Dublin had failed, but also that the negotiations between European member states as to what system might replace it had reached a standstill.

      The fire in Moria that left more than 13.000 people stranded in the streets of Lesvos island offered a glaring symbol of the failure of the current EU policy. The public outcry it caused and expressions of solidarity it crystallised across Europe pressured the Commission to respond through the publication of its Pact.

      Considering the trajectory of EU migration policies over the last decades, the particular position of the Commission within the European power structure and the current political conjuncture of strong anti-migration positions in Europe, we did not expect the Commission’s proposal to address the mobility conflict underlying its migration policy crisis in a constructive way. And indeed, the Pact’s main promise is to manage the diverging positions of member states through a new mechanism of “flexible solidarity” between member states in sharing the “burden” of migrants who have arrived on European territory. Perpetuating the trajectory of the last decades, it however remains premised on keeping most migrants from the global South out at all cost. The “New Pact” then is effectively a pact between European states against migrants. The Pact, which will be examined and possibly adopted by the European Parliament and Council in the coming months, confirms the impasse to which three decades of European migration and asylum policy have led, and an absence of any political imagination worthy of the name.
      The EU’s migration regime’s failed architecture

      The current architecture of the European border regime is based on two main and intertwined pillars: the Schengen Implementing Convention (SIC, or Schengen II) and the Dublin Convention, both signed in 1990, and gradually enforced in the following years.[1]

      Created outside the EC/EU context, they became the central rationalities of the emerging European border and migration regime after their incorporation into EU law through the Treaty of Amsterdam (1997/99). Schengen instituted the EU’s territory as an area of free movement for its citizens and, as a direct consequence, reinforced the exclusion of citizens of the global South and pushed control towards its external borders.

      However this profound transformation of European borders left unchanged the unbalanced systemic relations between Europe and the Global South, within which migrants’ movements are embedded. As a result, this policy shift did not stop migrants from reaching the EU but rather illegalised their mobility, forcing them to resort to precarious migration strategies and generating an easily exploitable labour force that has become a large-scale and permanent feature of EU economies.

      The more than 40,000 migrant deaths recorded at the EU’s borders by NGOs since the end of the 1980s are the lethal outcomes of this enduring mobility conflict opposing the movements of illegalised migrants to the EU’s restrictive migration policies.

      The second pillar of the EU’s migration architecture, the Dublin Convention, addressed asylum seekers and their allocation between member-states. To prevent them from filing applications in several EU countries – derogatively referred to as “asylum shopping” – the 2003 Dublin regulation states that the asylum seekers’ first country of entry into the EU is responsible for processing their claims. Dublin thus created an uneven European geography of (ir)responsibility that allowed the member states not directly situated at the intersection of European borders and routes of migration to abnegate their responsibility to provide shelter and protection, and placed a heavier “burden” on the shoulders of states located at the EU’s external borders.

      This unbalanced architecture, around which the entire Common European Asylum System (CEAS) was constructed, would begin to wobble as soon as the number of people arriving on the EU’s shores rose, leading to crisis-driven policy responses to prevent the migration regime from collapsing under the pressure of migrants’ refusal to be assigned to a country that was not of their choosing, and conflicts between member states.

      As a result, the development of a European border, migration and asylum policy has been driven by crisis and is inherently reactive. This pattern particularly holds for the last decade, when the large-scale movements of migrants to Europe in the wake of the Arab Uprisings in 2011 put the EU migration regime into permanent crisis mode and prompted hasty reforms. As of 2011, Italy allowed Tunisians to move on, leading to the re-introduction of border controls by states such as France, while the same year the 2011 European Court of Human Rights’ judgement brought Dublin deportations to Greece to a halt because of the appalling reception and living conditions there. The increasing refusal by asylum seekers to surrender their fingerprints – the core means of implementing Dublin – as of 2013 further destabilized the migration regime.

      The instability only grew when in April 2015, more then 1,200 people died in two consecutive shipwrecks, forcing the Commission to publish its ‘European Agenda for Migration’ in May 2015. The 2015 agenda announced the creation of the hotspot system in the hope of re-stabilising the European migration regime through a targeted intervention of European agencies at Europe’s borders. Essentially, the hotspot approach offered a deal to EU member states: comprehensive registration in Europeanised structures (the hotspots) by so-called “front-line states” – thus re-imposing Dublin – in exchange for relocation of part of the registered migrants to other EU countries – thereby alleviating front-line states of part of their “burden”.

      This plan however collapsed before it could ever work, as it was immediately followed by the large-scale summer arrivals of 2015 as migrants trekked across Europe’s borders. It was simultaneously boycotted by several member states who refused relocations and continue to lead the charge in fomenting an explicit anti-migration agenda in the EU. While border controls were soon reintroduced, relocations never materialised in a meaningful manner in the years that followed.

      With the Dublin regime effectively paralysed and the EU unable to agree on a new mechanism for the distribution of asylum seekers within Europe, the EU resorted to the decades-old policies that had shaped the European border and migration regime since its inception: keeping migrants out at all cost through border control implemented by member states, European agencies or outsourced to third countries.

      Considering the profound crisis the turbulent movements of migrants had plunged the EU into in the summer of 2015, no measure was deemed excessive in achieving this exclusionary end: neither the tacit acceptance of violent expulsions and push-backs by Spain and Greece, nor the outsourcing of border control to Libyan torturers, nor the shameless collaboration with dictatorial regimes such as Turkey.

      Under the guise of “tackling the root causes of migration”, development aid was diverted and used to impose border externalisation and deportation agreements. But the external dimension of the EU’s migration regime has proven just as unstable as its internal one – as the re-opening of borders by Turkey in March 2020 demonstrates. The movements of illegalised migrants towards the EU could never be entirely contained and those who reached the shores of Europe were increasingly relegated to infrastructures of detention. Even if keeping thousands of migrants stranded in the hell of Moria may not have been part of the initial hotspot plan, it certainly has been the outcome of the EU’s internal blockages and ultimately effective in shoring up the EU’s strategy of deterrence.

      The “New Pact” perpetuating the EU’s failed policy of closure

      Today the “New Pact”, promised for Spring 2020 and apparently forgotten at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, has been revived in a hurry to address the destruction of Moria hotspot. While detailed analysis of the regulations that it proposes are beyond the scope of this article,[2] the broad intentions of the Pact’s rationale are clear.

      Despite all its humane and humanitarian rhetoric and some language critically addressing the manifest absence of the rule of law at the border of Europe, the Commission’s pact is a pact against migration. Taking stock of the continued impasse in terms of internal distribution of migrants, it re-affirms the EU’s central objective of reducing, massively the number of asylum seekers to be admitted to Europe. It promises to do so by continuing to erect chains of externalised border control along migrants’ entire trajectories (what it refers to as the “whole-of-route approach”).

      Those who do arrive should be swiftly screened and sorted in an infrastructure of detention along the borders of Europe. The lucky few who will succeed in fitting their lives into the shrinking boxes of asylum law are to be relocated to other EU countries in function of a mechanism of distribution based on population size and wealth of member states.

      Whether this will indeed undo the imbalances of the Dublin regime remains an open question[3], nevertheless, this relocation key is one of the few positive steps offered by the Pact since it comes closer to migrants’ own “relocation key” but still falls short of granting asylum seekers the freedom to choose their country of protection and residence.[4] The majority of rejected asylum seekers – which may be determined on the basis of an extended understanding of the “safe third country” notion – is to be funnelled towards deportations operated by the EU states refusing relocation. The Commission hopes deportations will be made smoother after a newly appointed “EU Return Coordinator” will have bullied countries of origin into accepting their nationals using the carrot of development aid and the stick of visa sanctions. The Commission seems to believe that with fewer expected arrivals and fewer migrants ending up staying in Europe, and with its mechanism of “flexible solidarity” allowing for a selective participation in relocations or returns depending on the taste of its member states, it can both bridge the gap between member states’ interests and push for a deeper Europeanisation of the policy field in which its own role will become more central.

      Thus, the EU Commission’s attempt to square the circle of member states’ conflicting interests has resulted in a European pact against migration, which perpetuates the promises of the EU’s (anti-)migration policy over the last three decades: externalisation, enhanced borders, accelerated asylum procedures, detention and deportations to prevent and deter migrants from the global South. It seeks to strike yet another deal between European member states, without consulting – and at the expense of – migrants themselves. Because most of the policy means contained in the pact are not new, and have always failed to durably end illegalised migration – instead they have created a large precaritised population at the heart of Europe – we do not see how they would work today. Migrants will continue to arrive, and many will remain stranded in front-line states or other EU states as they await deportation. As such, the outcome of the pact (if it is agreed upon) is likely a perpetuation and generalisation of the hotspot system, the very system whose untenability – glaringly demonstrated by Moria’s fire – prompted the presentation of the New Pact in the first place. Even if the Commission’s “no more Morias” rhetoric would like to persuade us of the opposite,[5] the ruins of Moria point to the past as well as the potential future of the CEAS if the Commission has its way.

      We are dismayed at the loss of yet another opportunity for Europe to fundamentally re-orient its policy of closure, one which is profoundly at odds with the reality of large-scale displacement in an unequal and interconnected world. We are dismayed at the prospect of more suffering and more political crises that can only be the outcome of this continued policy failure. Clearly, an entirely different approach to how Europe engages with the movements of migration is called for. One which actually aims to de-escalate and transform the enduring mobility conflict. One which starts from the reality of the movements of migrants and offers a frame for it to unfold rather than seeks to suppress and deny it.

      Notes and references

      [1] We have offered an extensive analysis of the following argument in previous articles. See in particular : Bernd Kasparek. 2016. “Complementing Schengen: The Dublin System and the European Border and Migration Regime”. In Migration Policy and Practice, edited by Harald Bauder and Christian Matheis, 59–78. Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship. Houndmills & New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Charles Heller and Lorenzo Pezzani. 2016. “Ebbing and Flowing: The EU’s Shifting Practices of (Non-)Assistance and Bordering in a Time of Crisis”. Near Futures Online. No 1. Available here.

      [2] For first analyses see Steve Peers. 2020. “First analysis of the EU’s new asylum proposals”, EU Law Analysis, 25 September 2020; Sergio Carrera. 2020. “Whose Pact? The Cognitive Dimensions of the New EU Pact on Migration and Asylum”, CEPS, September 2020.

      [3] Carrera, ibid.

      [4] For a discussion of migration of migrants’ own relocation key, see Philipp Lutz, David Kaufmann and Anna Stütz. 2020. “Humanitarian Protection as a European Public Good: The Strategic Role of States and Refugees”, Journal of Common Market Studies 2020 Volume 58. Number 3. pp. 757–775. To compare the actual asylum applications across Europe over the last years with different relocations keys, see the tool developed by Etienne Piguet.


      #whole-of-route_approach #relocalisation #clé_de_relocalisation #relocation_key #pays-tiers_sûrs #EU_Return_Coordinator #solidarité_flexible #externalisation #new_pact

    • Towards a European pact with migrants, Part Two

      We call for a new Pact that addresses the reality of migrants’ movements, the systemic conditions leading people to flee their homes as well as the root causes of Europe’s racism.

      In Part One, we analysed the EU’s new Pact against migration. Here, we call for an entirely different approach to how Europe engages with migration, one which offers a legal frame for migration to unfold, and addresses the systemic conditions leading people to flee their homes as well as the root causes of Europe’s racism.Let us imagine for a moment that the EU Commission truly wanted, and was in a position, to reorient the EU’s migration policy in a direction that might actually de-escalate and transform the enduring mobility conflict: what might its pact with migrants look like?

      The EU’s pact with migrants might start from three fundamental premises. First, it would recognize that any policy that is entirely at odds with social practices is bound to generate conflict, and ultimately fail. A migration policy must start from the social reality of migration and provide a frame for it to unfold. Second, the pact would acknowledge that no conflict can be brought to an end unilaterally. Any process of conflict transformation must bring together the conflicting parties, and seek to address their needs, interests and values so that they no longer clash with each other. In particular, migrants from the global South must be included in the definition of the policies that concern them. Third, it would recognise, as Tendayi Achiume has put it, that migrants from the global South are no strangers to Europe.[1] They have long been included in the expansive webs of empire. Migration and borders are embedded in these unequal relations, and no end to the mobility conflict can be achieved without fundamentally transforming them. Based on these premises, the EU’s pact with migrants might contain the following four core measures:
      Global justice and conflict prevention

      Instead of claiming to tackle the “root causes” of migration by diverting and instrumentalising development aid towards border control, the EU’s pact with migrants would end all European political and economic relations that contribute to the crises leading to mass displacement. The EU would end all support to dictatorial regimes, would ban all weapon exports, terminate all destabilising military interventions. It would cancel unfair trade agreements and the debts of countries of the global South. It would end its massive carbon emissions that contribute to the climate crisis. Through these means, the EU would not claim to end migration perceived as a “problem” for Europe, but it would contribute to allowing more people to live a dignified life wherever they are and decrease forced migration, which certainly is a problem for migrants. A true commitment to global justice and conflict prevention and resolution is necessary if Europe wishes to limit the factors that lead too many people onto the harsh paths of exile in their countries and regions, a small proportion of whom reach European shores.
      Tackling the “root causes” of European racism

      While the EU’s so-called “global approach” to migration has in fact been one-sided, focused exclusively on migration as “the problem” rather then the processes that drive the EU’s policies of exclusion, the EU’s pact with migrants would boldly tackle the “root causes” of racism and xenophobia in Europe. Bold policies designed to address the EU’s colonial past and present and the racial imaginaries it has unleashed would be proposed, a positive vision for living in common in diverse societies affirmed, and a more inclusive and fair economic system would be established in Europe to decrease the resentment of European populations which has been skilfully channelled against migrants and racialised people.
      Universal freedom of movement

      By tackling the causes of large-scale displacement and of exclusionary migration policies, the EU would be able to de-escalate the mobility conflict, and could thus propose a policy granting all migrants legal pathways to access and stay in Europe. As an immediate outcome of the institution of right to international mobility, migrants would no longer resort to smugglers and risk their lives crossing the sea – and thus no longer be in need of being rescued. Using safe and legal means of travel would also, in the time of Covid-19 pandemic, allow migrants to adopt all sanitary measures that are necessary to protect migrants and those they encounter. No longer policed through military means, migration could appear as a normal process that does not generate fear. Frontex, the European border agency, would be defunded, and concentrate its limited activities on detecting actual threats to the EU rather then constructing vulnerable populations as “risks”. In a world that would be less unequal and in which people would have the possibly to lead a dignified life wherever they are, universal freedom of movement would not lead to an “invasion” of Europe. Circulatory movement rather then permanent settlement would be frequent. Migrants’ legal status would no longer allow employers to push working conditions down. A European asylum system would continue to exist, to grant protection and support to those in need. The vestiges of the EU’s hotspots and detention centres might be turned into ministries of welcome, which would register and redirect people to the place of their choice. Registration would thus be a mere certification of having taken the first step towards European citizenship, transforming the latter into a truly post-national institution, a far horizon which current EU treaties only hint at.
      Democratizing borders

      Considering that all European migration policies to date have been fundamentally undemocratic – in that they were imposed on a group of people – migrants – who had no say in the legislative and political process defining the laws that govern their movement – the pact would instead be the outcome of considerable consultative process with migrants and the organisations that support them, as well the states of the global South. The pact, following from Étienne Balibar’s suggestion, would in turn propose to permanently democratise borders by instituting “a multilateral, negotiated control of their working by the populations themselves (including, of course, migrant populations),” within “new representative institutions” that “are not merely ‘territorial’ and certainly not purely national.”[2] In such a pact, the original promise of Europe as a post-national project would finally be revived.

      Such a policy orientation may of course appear as nothing more then a fantasy. And yet it appears evident to us that the direction we suggest is the only realistic one. European citizens and policy makers alike must realise that the question is not whether migrants will exercise their freedom to cross borders, but at what human and political cost. As a result, it is far more realistic to address the processes within which the mobility conflict is embedded, than seeking to ban human mobility. As the Black Lives Matter’s slogan “No justice no peace!” resonating in the streets of the world over recent months reminds us, without mobility justice, [3] their can be no end to mobility conflict.
      The challenges ahead for migrant solidarity movements

      Our policy proposals are perfectly realistic in relation to migrants’ movements and the processes shaping them, yet we are well aware that they are not on the agenda of neoliberal and nationalist Europe. If the EU Commission has squandered yet another opportunity to reorient the EU’s migration policy, it is simply that this Europe, governed by these member states and politicians, has lost the capacity to offer bold visions of democracy, freedom and justice for itself and the world. As such, we have little hope for a fundamental reorientation of the EU’s policies. The bleak prospect is of the perpetuation of the mobility conflict, and the human suffering and political crises it generates.

      What are those who seek to support migrants to do in this context?

      We must start by a sobering note addressed to the movement we are part of: the fire of Moria is not only a symptom and symbol of the failures of the EU’s migration policies and member states, but also of our own strategies. After all, since the hotspots were proposed in 2015 we have tirelessly denounced them, and documented the horrendous living conditions they have created. NGOs have litigated against them, but efforts have been turned down by a European Court of Human Rights that appears increasingly reluctant to position itself on migration-related issues and is thereby contributing to the perpetuation of grave violations by states.

      And despite the extraordinary mobilisation of civil society in alliance with municipalities across Europe who have declared themselves ready to welcome migrants, relocations never materialised on any significant scale. After five years of tireless mobilization, the hotspots still stand, with thousands of asylum seekers trapped in them.

      While the conditions leading to the fire are still being clarified, it appears that the migrants held hostage in Moria took it into their own hands to try to get rid of the camp through the desperate act of burning it to the ground. As such, while we denounce the EU’s policies, our movements are urgently in need of re-evaluating their own modes of action, and re-imagining them more effectively.

      We have no lessons to give, as we share these shortcomings. But we believe that some of the directions we have suggested in our utopian Pact with migrants can guide migrant solidarity movements as well , as they may be implemented from the bottom-up in the present and help reopen our political imagination.

      The freedom to move is not, or not only, a distant utopia, that may be instituted by states in some distant future. It can also be seen as a right and freedom that illegalised migrants seize on a day-to-day basis as they cross borders without authorisation, and persist in living where they choose.

      Freedom of movement can serve as a useful compass to direct and evaluate our practices of contestation and support. Litigation remains an important tool to counter the multiple forms of violence and violations that migrants face along their trajectories, even as we acknowledge that national and international courts are far from immune to the anti-migrant atmosphere within states. Forging infrastructures of support for migrants in the course of their mobility (such as the WatchTheMed Alarm Phone and the civilian rescue fleet) – and their stay (such as the many citizen platforms for housing )– is and will continue to be essential.

      While states seek to implement what they call an “integrated border management” that seeks to manage migrants’ unruly mobilities before, at, and after borders, we can think of our own networks as forming a fragmented yet interconnected “integrated border solidarity” along the migrants’ entire trajectory. The criminalisation of our acts of solidarity by states is proof that we are effective in disrupting the violence of borders.

      Solidarity cities have formed important nodes in these chains, as municipalities do have the capacity to enable migrants to live in dignity in urban spaces, and limit the reach of their security forces for example. Their dissonant voices of welcome have been important in demonstrating that segments of the European population, which are far from negligible, refuse to be complicit with the EU’s policies of closure and are ready to embody an open relation of solidarity with migrants and beyond. However we must also acknowledge that the prerogative of granting access to European states remains in the hands of central administrations, not in those of municipalities, and thus the readiness to welcome migrants has not allowed the latter to actually seek sanctuary.

      While humanitarian and humanist calls for welcome are important, we too need to locate migration and borders in a broader political and economic context – that of the past and present of empire – so that they can be understood as questions of (in)justice. Echoing the words of the late Edouard Glissant, as activists focusing on illegalised migration we should never forget that “to have to force one’s way across borders as a result of one’s misery is as scandalous as what founds that misery”.[4] As a result of this framing, many more alliances can be forged today between migrant solidarity movements and the global justice and climate justice movements, as well as anti-racist, anti-fascist, feminist and decolonial movements. Through such alliances, we may be better equipped to support migrants throughout their entire trajectories, and transform the conditions that constrain them today.

      Ultimately, to navigate its way out of its own impasses, it seems to us that migrant solidarity movements must address four major questions.

      First, what migration policy do we want? The predictable limits of the EU’s pact against migration may be an opportunity to forge our own alternative agenda.

      Second, how can we not only oppose the implementation of restrictive policies but shape the policy process itself so as to transform the field on which we struggle? Opposing the EU’s anti-migrant pact over the coming months may allow us to conduct new experiments.

      Third, as long as policies that deny basic principles of equality, freedom, justice, and our very common humanity, are still in place, how can we lead actions that disrupt them effectively? For example, what are the forms of nongovernmental evacuations that might support migrants in accessing Europe, and moving across its internal borders?

      Fourth, how can struggles around migration and borders be part of the forging of a more equal, free, just and sustainable world for all?

      The next months during which the EU’s Pact against migration will be discussed in front of the European Parliament and Council will see an uphill battle for all those who still believe in the possibility of a Europe of openness and solidarity. While we have no illusions as to the policy outcome, this is an opportunity we must seize, not only to claim that another Europe and another world is possible, but to start building them from below.

      Notes and references

      [1] Tendayi Achiume. 2019, “The Postcolonial Case for Rethinking Borders.” Dissent 66.3: pp.27-32.

      [2] Etienne Balibar. 2004. We, the People of Europe? Reflections on Transnational Citizenship. Princeton: University Press, p. 108 and 117.

      [3] Mimi Sheller. 2018. Mobility Justice: The Politics of Movement in an Age of Extremes. London: Verso.

      [4] Edouard Glissant. 2006. “Il n’est frontière qu’on n’outrepasse”. Le Monde diplomatique, October 2006.


    • Pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile : Afin de garantir un nouveau départ et d’éviter de reproduire les erreurs passées, certains éléments à risque doivent être reconsidérés et les aspects positifs étendus.

      L’engagement en faveur d’une approche plus humaine de la protection et l’accent mis sur les aspects positifs et bénéfiques de la migration avec lesquels la Commission européenne a lancé le Pacte sur la migration et l’asile sont les bienvenus. Cependant, les propositions formulées reflètent très peu cette rhétorique et ces ambitions. Au lieu de rompre avec les erreurs de la précédente approche de l’Union européenne (UE) et d’offrir un nouveau départ, le Pacte continue de se focaliser sur l’externalisation, la dissuasion, la rétention et le retour.

      Cette première analyse des propositions, réalisée par la société civile, a été guidée par les questions suivantes :

      Les propositions formulées sont-elles en mesure de garantir, en droit et en pratique, le respect des normes internationales et européennes ?
      Participeront-elles à un partage plus juste des responsabilités en matière d’asile au niveau de l’UE et de l’international ?
      Seront-elles susceptibles de fonctionner en pratique ?

      Au lieu d’un partage automatique des responsabilités, le Pacte introduit un système de Dublin, qui n’en porte pas le nom, plus complexe et un mécanisme de « parrainage au retour »

      Le Pacte sur la migration et l’asile a manqué l’occasion de réformer en profondeur le système de Dublin : le principe de responsabilité du premier pays d’arrivée pour examiner les demandes d’asile est, en pratique, maintenu. De plus, le Pacte propose un système complexe introduisant diverses formes de solidarité.

      Certains ajouts positifs dans les critères de détermination de l’Etat membre responsable de la demande d’asile sont à relever, par exemple, l’élargissement de la définition des membres de famille afin d’inclure les frères et sœurs, ainsi qu’un large éventail de membres de famille dans le cas des mineurs non accompagnés et la délivrance d’un diplôme ou d’une autre qualification par un Etat membre. Cependant, au regard de la pratique actuelle des Etats membres, il sera difficile de s’éloigner du principe du premier pays d’entrée comme l’option de départ en faveur des nouvelles considérations prioritaires, notamment le regroupement familial.

      Dans le cas d’un nombre élevé de personnes arrivées sur le territoire (« pression migratoire ») ou débarquées suite à des opérations de recherche et de sauvetage, la solidarité entre Etats membres est requise. Les processus qui en découlent comprennent une série d’évaluations, d’engagements et de rapports devant être rédigés par les États membres. Si la réponse collective est insuffisante, la Commission européenne peut prendre des mesures correctives. Au lieu de promouvoir un mécanisme de soutien pour un partage prévisible des responsabilités, ces dispositions tendent plutôt à créer des formes de négociations entre États membres qui nous sont toutes devenues trop familières. La complexité des propositions soulève des doutes quant à leur application réelle en pratique.

      Les États membres sont autorisés à choisir le « parrainage de retour » à la place de la relocalisation de personnes sur leur territoire, ce qui indique une attention égale portée au retour et à la protection. Au lieu d’apporter un soutien aux Etats membres en charge d’un plus grand nombre de demandes de protection, cette proposition soulève de nombreuses préoccupations juridiques et relatives au respect des droits de l’homme, en particulier si le transfert vers l’Etat dit « parrain » se fait après l’expiration du délai de 8 mois. Qui sera en charge de veiller au traitement des demandeurs d’asile déboutés à leur arrivée dans des Etats qui n’acceptent pas la relocalisation ?

      Le Pacte propose d’étendre l’utilisation de la procédure à la frontière, y compris un recours accru à la rétention

      A défaut de rééquilibrer la responsabilité entre les États membres de l’UE, la proposition de règlement sur les procédures communes exacerbe la pression sur les États situés aux frontières extérieures de l’UE et sur les pays des Balkans occidentaux. La Commission propose de rendre, dans certains cas, les procédures d’asile et de retour à la frontière obligatoires. Cela s’appliquerait notamment aux ressortissants de pays dont le taux moyen de protection de l’UE est inférieur à 20%. Ces procédures seraient facultatives lorsque les Etats membres appliquent les concepts de pays tiers sûr ou pays d’origine sûr. Toutefois, la Commission a précédemment proposé que ceux-ci deviennent obligatoires pour l’ensemble des Etats membres. Les associations réitèrent leurs inquiétudes quant à l’utilisation de ces deux concepts qui ont été largement débattus entre 2016 et 2019. Leur application obligatoire ne doit plus être proposée.

      La proposition de procédure à la frontière repose sur deux hypothèses erronées – notamment sur le fait que la majorité des personnes arrivant en Europe n’est pas éligible à un statut de protection et que l’examen des demandes de protection peut être effectué facilement et rapidement. Ni l’une ni l’autre ne sont correctes. En effet, en prenant en considération à la fois les décisions de première et de seconde instance dans toute l’UE il apparaît que la plupart des demandeurs d’asile dans l’UE au cours des trois dernières années ont obtenu un statut de protection. En outre, le Pacte ne doit pas persévérer dans cette approche erronée selon laquelle les procédures d’asile peuvent être conduites rapidement à travers la réduction de garanties et l’introduction d’un système de tri. La durée moyenne de la procédure d’asile aux Pays-Bas, souvent qualifiée d’ « élève modèle » pour cette pratique, dépasse un an et peut atteindre deux années jusqu’à ce qu’une décision soit prise.

      La proposition engendrerait deux niveaux de standards dans les procédures d’asile, largement déterminés par le pays d’origine de la personne concernée. Cela porte atteinte au droit individuel à l’asile et signifierait qu’un nombre accru de personnes seront soumises à une procédure de deuxième catégorie. Proposer aux Etats membres d’émettre une décision d’asile et d’éloignement de manière simultanée, sans introduire de garanties visant à ce que les principes de non-refoulement, d’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant, et de protection de la vie privée et familiale ne soient examinés, porte atteinte aux obligations qui découlent du droit international. La proposition formulée par la Commission supprime également l’effet suspensif automatique du recours, c’est-à-dire le droit de rester sur le territoire dans l’attente d’une décision finale rendue dans le cadre d’une procédure à la frontière.

      L’idée selon laquelle les personnes soumises à des procédures à la frontière sont considérées comme n’étant pas formellement entrées sur le territoire de l’État membre est trompeuse et contredit la récente jurisprudence de l’UE, sans pour autant modifier les droits de l’individu en vertu du droit européen et international.

      La proposition prive également les personnes de la possibilité d’accéder à des permis de séjour pour des motifs autres que l’asile et impliquera très probablement une privation de liberté pouvant atteindre jusqu’à 6 mois aux frontières de l’UE, c’est-à-dire un maximum de douze semaines dans le cadre de la procédure d’asile à la frontière et douze semaines supplémentaires en cas de procédure de retour à la frontière. En outre, les réformes suppriment le principe selon lequel la rétention ne doit être appliquée qu’en dernier recours dans le cadre des procédures aux frontières. En s’appuyant sur des restrictions plus systématiques des mouvements dans le cadre des procédures à la frontière, la proposition restreindra l’accès de l’individu aux services de base fournis par des acteurs qui ne pourront peut-être pas opérer à la frontière, y compris pour l’assistance et la représentation juridiques. Avec cette approche, on peut s’attendre aux mêmes échecs rencontrés dans la mise en œuvre des « hotspot » sur les îles grecques.

      La reconnaissance de l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant comme élément primordial dans toutes les procédures pour les États membres est positive. Cependant, la Commission diminue les garanties de protection des enfants en n’exemptant que les mineurs non accompagnés ou âgés de moins de douze ans des procédures aux frontières. Ceci est en contradiction avec la définition internationale de l’enfant qui concerne toutes les personnes jusqu’à l’âge de dix-huit ans, telle qu’inscrite dans la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant ratifiée par tous les États membres de l’UE.

      Dans les situations de crise, les États membres sont autorisés à déroger à d’importantes garanties qui soumettront davantage de personnes à des procédures d’asile de qualité inférieure

      La crainte d’iniquité procédurale est d’autant plus visible dans les situations où un État membre peut prétendre être confronté à une « situation exceptionnelle d’afflux massif » ou au risque d’une telle situation.

      Dans ces cas, le champ d’application de la procédure obligatoire aux frontières est considérablement étendu à toutes les personnes en provenance de pays dont le taux moyen de protection de l’UE est inférieur à 75%. La procédure d’asile à la frontière et la procédure de retour à la frontière peuvent être prolongées de huit semaines supplémentaires, soit cinq mois chacune, ce qui porte à dix mois la durée maximale de privation de liberté. En outre, les États membres peuvent suspendre l’enregistrement des demandes d’asile pendant quatre semaines et jusqu’à un maximum de trois mois. Par conséquent, si aucune demande n’est enregistrée pendant plusieurs semaines, les personnes sont susceptibles d’être exposées à un risque accru de rétention et de refoulement, et leurs droits relatifs à un accueil digne et à des services de base peuvent être gravement affectés.

      Cette mesure permet aux États membres de déroger à leur responsabilité de garantir un accès à l’asile et un examen efficace et équitable de l’ensemble des demandes d’asile, ce qui augmente ainsi le risque de refoulement. Dans certains cas extrêmes, notamment lorsque les États membres agissent en violation flagrante et persistante des obligations du droit de l’UE, le processus de demande d’autorisation à la Commission européenne pourrait être considéré comme une amélioration, étant donné qu’actuellement la loi est ignorée, sans consultation et ce malgré les critiques de la Commission européenne. Toutefois, cela ne peut être le point de départ de l’évaluation de cette proposition de la législation européenne. L’impact à grande échelle de cette dérogation offre la possibilité à ce qu’une grande majorité des personnes arrivant dans l’UE soient soumises à une procédure de second ordre.

      Pré-filtrage à la frontière : risques et opportunités

      La Commission propose un processus de « pré-filtrage à l’entrée » pour toutes les personnes qui arrivent de manière irrégulière aux frontières de l’UE, y compris à la suite d’un débarquement dans le cadre des opérations de recherche et de sauvetage. Le processus de pré-filtrage comprend des contrôles de sécurité, de santé et de vulnérabilité, ainsi que l’enregistrement des empreintes digitales, mais il conduit également à des décisions impactant l’accès à l’asile, notamment en déterminant si une personne doit être sujette à une procédure d’asile accélérée à la frontière, de relocalisation ou de retour. Ce processus peut durer jusqu’à 10 jours et doit être effectué au plus près possible de la frontière. Le lieu où les personnes seront placées et l’accès aux conditions matérielles d’accueil demeurent flous. Le filtrage peut également être appliqué aux personnes se trouvant sur le territoire d’un État membre, ce qui pourrait conduire à une augmentation de pratiques discriminatoires. Des questions se posent également concernant les droits des personnes soumises au filtrage, tels que l’accès à l’information, , l’accès à un avocat et au droit de contester la décision prise dans ce contexte ; les motifs de refus d’entrée ; la confidentialité et la protection des données collectées. Etant donné que les États membres peuvent facilement se décharger de leurs responsabilités en matière de dépistage médical et de vulnérabilité, il n’est pas certain que certains besoins seront effectivement détectés et pris en considération.

      Une initiative à saluer est la proposition d’instaurer un mécanisme indépendant des droits fondamentaux à la frontière. Afin qu’il garantisse une véritable responsabilité face aux violations des droits à la frontière, y compris contre les éloignements et les refoulements récurrents dans un grand nombre d’États membres, ce mécanisme doit être étendu au-delà de la procédure de pré-filtrage, être indépendant des autorités nationales et impliquer des organisations telles que les associations non gouvernementales.

      La proposition fait de la question du retour et de l’expulsion une priorité

      L’objectif principal du Pacte est clair : augmenter de façon significative le nombre de personnes renvoyées ou expulsées de l’UE. La création du poste de Coordinateur en charge des retours au sein de la Commission européenne et d’un directeur exécutif adjoint aux retours au sein de Frontex en sont la preuve, tandis qu’aucune nomination n’est prévue au sujet de la protection de garanties ou de la relocalisation. Le retour est considéré comme un élément admis dans la politique migratoire et le soutien pour des retours dignes, en privilégiant les retours volontaires, l’accès à une assistance au retour et l’aide à la réintégration, sont essentiels. Cependant, l’investissement dans le retour n’est pas une réponse adaptée au non-respect systématique des normes d’asile dans les États membres de l’UE.

      Rien de nouveau sur l’action extérieure : des propositions irréalistes qui risquent de continuer d’affaiblir les droits de l’homme

      La tension entre l’engagement rhétorique pour des partenariats mutuellement bénéfiques et la focalisation visant à placer la migration au cœur des relations entre l’UE et les pays tiers se poursuit. Les tentatives d’externaliser la responsabilité de l’asile et de détourner l’aide au développement, les mécanismes de visa et d’autres outils pour inciter les pays tiers à coopérer sur la gestion migratoire et les accords de réadmission sont maintenues. Cela ne représente pas seulement un risque allant à l’encontre de l’engagement de l’UE pour ses principes de développement, mais cela affaiblit également sa posture internationale en générant de la méfiance et de l’hostilité depuis et à l’encontre des pays tiers. De plus, l’usage d’accords informels et la coopération sécuritaire sur la gestion migratoire avec des pays tels que la Libye ou la Turquie risquent de favoriser les violations des droits de l’homme, d’encourager les gouvernements répressifs et de créer une plus grande instabilité.

      Un manque d’ambition pour des voies légales et sûres vers l’Europe

      L’opportunité pour l’UE d’indiquer qu’elle est prête à contribuer au partage des responsabilités pour la protection au niveau international dans un esprit de partenariat avec les pays qui accueillent la plus grande majorité des réfugiés est manquée. Au lieu de proposer un objectif ambitieux de réinstallation de réfugiés, la Commission européenne a seulement invité les Etats membres à faire plus et a converti les engagements de 2020 en un mécanisme biennal, ce qui résulte en la perte d’une année de réinstallation européenne.

      La reconnaissance du besoin de faciliter la migration de main-d’œuvre à travers différents niveaux de compétences est à saluer, mais l’importance de cette migration dans les économies et les sociétés européennes ne se reflète pas dans les ressources, les propositions et les actions allouées.

      Le soutien aux activités de recherche et de sauvetage et aux actions de solidarité doit être renforcé

      La tragédie humanitaire dans la mer Méditerranée nécessite encore une réponse y compris à travers un soutien financier et des capacités de recherches et de sauvetage. Cet enjeu ainsi que celui du débarquement sont pris en compte dans toutes les propositions, reconnaissant ainsi la crise humanitaire actuelle. Cependant, au lieu de répondre aux comportements et aux dispositions règlementaires des gouvernements qui obstruent les activités de secours et le travail des défendeurs des droits, la Commission européenne suggère que les standards de sécurité sur les navires et les niveaux de communication avec les acteurs privés doivent être surveillés. Les acteurs privés sont également requis d’adhérer non seulement aux régimes légaux, mais aussi aux politiques et pratiques relatives à « la gestion migratoire » qui peuvent potentiellement interférer avec les obligations de recherches et de sauvetage.

      Bien que la publication de lignes directrices pour prévenir la criminalisation de l’action humanitaire soit la bienvenue, celles-ci se limitent aux actes mandatés par la loi avec une attention spécifique aux opérations de sauvetage et de secours. Cette approche risque d’omettre les activités humanitaires telles que la distribution de nourriture, d’abris, ou d’information sur le territoire ou assurés par des organisations non mandatées par le cadre légal qui sont également sujettes à ladite criminalisation et à des restrictions.

      Des signes encourageants pour l’inclusion

      Les changements proposés pour permettre aux réfugiés d’accéder à une résidence de long-terme après trois ans et le renforcement du droit de se déplacer et de travailler dans d’autres Etats membres sont positifs. De plus, la révision du Plan d’action pour l’inclusion et l’intégration et la mise en place d’un groupe d’experts pour collecter l’avis des migrants afin de façonner la politique européenne sont les bienvenues.

      La voie à suivre

      La présentation des propositions de la Commission est le commencement de ce qui promet d’être une autre longue période conflictuelle de négociations sur les politiques européennes d’asile et de migration. Alors que ces négociations sont en cours, il est important de rappeler qu’il existe déjà un régime d’asile européen et que les Etats membres ont des obligations dans le cadre du droit européen et international.

      Cela requiert une action immédiate de la part des décideurs politiques européens, y compris de la part des Etats membres, de :

      Mettre en œuvre les standards existants en lien avec les conditions matérielles d’accueil et les procédures d’asile, d’enquêter sur leur non-respect et de prendre les mesures disciplinaires nécessaires ;
      Sauver des vies en mer, et de garantir des capacités de sauvetage et de secours, permettant un débarquement et une relocalisation rapide ;
      Continuer de s’accorder sur des arrangements ad-hoc de solidarité pour alléger la pression sur les Etats membres aux frontières extérieures de l’UE et encourager les Etats membres à avoir recours à la relocalisation.

      Concernant les prochaines négociations sur le Pacte, nous recommandons aux co-législateurs de :

      Rejeter l’application obligatoire de la procédure d’asile ou de retour à la frontière : ces procédures aux standards abaissés réduisent les garanties des demandeurs d’asile et augmentent le recours à la rétention. Elles exacerbent le manque de solidarité actuel sur l’asile dans l’UE en plaçant plus de responsabilité sur les Etats membres aux frontières extérieures. L’expérience des hotspots et d’autres initiatives similaires démontrent que l’ajout de procédures ou d’étapes dans l’asile peut créer des charges administratives et des coûts significatifs, et entraîner une plus grande inefficacité ;
      Se diriger vers la fin de la privation de liberté de migrants, et interdire la rétention de mineurs conformément à la Convention internationale des droits de l’enfant, et de dédier suffisamment de ressources pour des solutions non privatives de libertés appropriées pour les mineurs et leurs familles ;
      Réajuster les propositions de réforme afin de se concentrer sur le maintien et l’amélioration des standards des droits de l’homme et de l’asile en Europe, plutôt que sur le retour ;
      Œuvrer à ce que les propositions réforment fondamentalement la façon dont la responsabilité des demandeurs d’asile en UE est organisée, en adressant les problèmes liés au principe de pays de première entrée, afin de créer un véritable mécanisme de solidarité ;
      Limiter les possibilités pour les Etats membres de déroger à leurs responsabilités d’enregistrer les demandes d’asile ou d’examiner les demandes, afin d’éviter de créer des incitations à opérer en mode gestion de crise et à diminuer les standards de l’asile ;
      Augmenter les garanties pendant la procédure de pré-filtrage pour assurer le droit à l’information, l’accès à une aide et une représentation juridique, la détection et la prise en charge des vulnérabilités et des besoins de santé, et une réponse aux préoccupations liées à l’enregistrement et à la protection des données ;
      Garantir que le mécanisme de suivi des droits fondamentaux aux frontières dispose d’une portée large afin de couvrir toutes les violations des droits fondamentaux à la frontière, qu’il soit véritablement indépendant des autorités nationales et dispose de ressources adéquates et qu’il contribue à la responsabilisation ;
      S’opposer aux tentatives d’utiliser l’aide au développement, au commerce, aux investissements, aux mécanismes de visas, à la coopération sécuritaire et autres politiques et financements pour faire pression sur les pays tiers dans leur coopération étroitement définie par des objectifs européens de contrôle migratoire ;
      Evaluer l’impact à long-terme des politiques migratoires d’externalisation sur la paix, le respect des droits et le développement durable et garantir que la politique extérieure migratoire ne contribue pas à la violation de droits de l’homme et prenne en compte les enjeux de conflits ;
      Développer significativement les voies légales et sûres vers l’UE en mettant en œuvre rapidement les engagements actuels de réinstallation, en proposant de nouveaux objectifs ambitieux et en augmentant les opportunités de voies d’accès à la protection ainsi qu’à la migration de main-d’œuvre et universitaire en UE ;
      Renforcer les exceptions à la criminalisation lorsqu’il s’agit d’actions humanitaires et autres activités indépendantes de la société civile et enlever les obstacles auxquels font face les acteurs de la société civile fournissant une assistance vitale et humanitaire sur terre et en mer ;
      Mettre en place une opération de recherche et de sauvetage en mer Méditerranée financée et coordonnée par l’UE ;
      S’appuyer sur les propositions prometteuses pour soutenir l’inclusion à travers l’accès à la résidence à long-terme et les droits associés et la mise en œuvre du Plan d’action sur l’intégration et l’inclusion au niveau européen, national et local.


    • Nouveau Pacte européen  : les migrant.e.s et réfugié.e.s traité.e.s comme des « # colis à trier  »

      Le jour même de la Conférence des Ministres européens de l’Intérieur, EuroMed Droits présente son analyse détaillée du nouveau Pacte européen sur l’asile et la migration, publié le 23 septembre dernier (https://euromedrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Analysis-of-Asylum-and-Migration-Pact_Final_Clickable.pdf).

      On peut résumer les plus de 500 pages de documents comme suit  : le nouveau Pacte européen sur l’asile et la migration déshumanise les migrant.e.s et les réfugié.e.s, les traitant comme des «  #colis à trier  » et les empêchant de se déplacer en Europe. Ce Pacte soulève de nombreuses questions en matière de respect des droits humains, dont certaines sont à souligner en particulier  :

      L’UE détourne le concept de solidarité. Le Pacte vise clairement à «  rétablir la confiance mutuelle entre les États membres  », donnant ainsi la priorité à la #cohésion:interne de l’UE au détriment des droits des migrant.e.s et des réfugié.e.s. La proposition laisse le choix aux États membres de contribuer – en les mettant sur un pied d’égalité – à la #réinstallation, au #rapatriement, au soutien à l’accueil ou à l’#externalisation des frontières. La #solidarité envers les migrant.e.s et les réfugié.e.s et leurs droits fondamentaux sont totalement ignorés.

      Le pacte promeut une gestion «  sécuritaire  » de la migration. Selon la nouvelle proposition, les migrant.e.s et les réfugié.e.s seront placé.e.s en #détention et privé.e.s de liberté à leur arrivée. La procédure envisagée pour accélérer la procédure de demande d’asile ne pourra se faire qu’au détriment des lois sur l’asile et des droits des demandeur.se.s. Il est fort probable que la #procédure se déroulera de manière arbitraire et discriminatoire, en fonction de la nationalité du/de la demandeur.se, de son taux de reconnaissance et du fait que le pays dont il/elle provient est «  sûr  », ce qui est un concept douteux.

      L’idée clé qui sous-tend cette vision est simple  : externaliser autant que possible la gestion des frontières en coopérant avec des pays tiers. L’objectif est de faciliter le retour et la réadmission des migrant.e.s dans le pays d’où ils/elles sont parti.es. Pour ce faire, l’Agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes (Frontex) verrait ses pouvoirs renforcés et un poste de coordinateur.trice européen.ne pour les retours serait créé. Le pacte risque de facto de fournir un cadre juridique aux pratiques illégales telles que les refoulements, les détentions arbitraires et les mesures visant à réduire davantage la capacité en matière d’asile. Des pratiques déjà en place dans certains États membres.

      Le Pacte présente quelques aspects «  positifs  », par exemple en matière de protection des enfants ou de regroupement familial, qui serait facilité. Mais ces bonnes intentions, qui doivent être mises en pratique, sont noyées dans un océan de mesures répressives et sécuritaires.

      EuroMed Droits appelle les Etats membres de l’UE à réfléchir en termes de mise en œuvre pratique (ou non) de ces mesures. Non seulement elles violent les droits humains, mais elles sont impraticables sur le terrain  : la responsabilité de l’évaluation des demandes d’asile reste au premier pays d’arrivée, sans vraiment remettre en cause le Règlement de Dublin. Cela signifie que des pays comme l’Italie, Malte, l’Espagne, la Grèce et Chypre continueront à subir une «  pression  » excessive, ce qui les encouragera à poursuivre leurs politiques de refoulement et d’expulsion. Enfin, le Pacte ne répond pas à la problématique urgente des «  hotspots  » et des camps de réfugié.e.s comme en Italie ou en Grèce et dans les zones de transit à l’instar de la Hongrie. Au contraire, cela renforce ce modèle dangereux en le présentant comme un exemple à exporter dans toute l’Europe, alors que des exemples récents ont démontré l’impossibilité de gérer ces camps de manière humaine.


      #paquets_de_la_poste #paquets #poste #tri #pays_sûrs

    • A “Fresh Start” or One More Clunker? Dublin and Solidarity in the New Pact

      In ongoing discussions on the reform of the CEAS, solidarity is a key theme. It stands front and center in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum: after reassuring us of the “human and humane approach” taken, the opening quote stresses that Member States must be able to “rely on the solidarity of our whole European Union”.

      In describing the need for reform, the Commission does not mince its words: “[t]here is currently no effective solidarity mechanism in place, and no efficient rule on responsibility”. It’s a remarkable statement: barely one year ago, the Commission maintained that “[t]he EU [had] shown tangible and rapid support to Member States under most pressure” throughout the crisis. Be that as it may, we are promised a “fresh start”. Thus, President Von der Leyen has announced on the occasion of the 2020 State of the Union Address that “we will abolish the Dublin Regulation”, the 2016 Dublin IV Proposal (examined here) has been withdrawn, and the Pact proposes a “new solidarity mechanism” connected to “robust and fair management of the external borders” and capped by a new “governance framework”.

      Before you buy the shiny new package, you are advised to consult the fine print however. Yes, the Commission proposes to abolish the Dublin III Regulation and withdraws the Dublin IV Proposal. But the Proposal for an Asylum and Migration Management Regulation (hereafter “the Migration Management Proposal”) reproduces word-for-word the Dublin III Regulation, subject to amendments drawn … from the Dublin IV Proposal! As for the “governance framework” outlined in Articles 3-7 of the Migration Management Proposal, it’s a hodgepodge of purely declamatory provisions (e.g. Art. 3-4), of restatements of pre-existing obligations (Art. 5), of legal bases authorizing procedures that require none (Art. 7). The one new item is a yearly monitoring exercise centered on an “European Asylum and Migration Management Strategy” (Art. 6), which seems as likely to make a difference as the “Mechanism for Early Warning, Preparedness and Crisis Management”, introduced with much fanfare with the Dublin III Regulation and then left in the drawer before, during and after the 2015/16 crisis.

      Leaving the provisions just mentioned for future commentaries – fearless interpreters might still find legal substance in there – this contribution focuses on four points: the proposed amendments to Dublin, the interface between Dublin and procedures at the border, the new solidarity mechanism, and proposals concerning force majeure. Caveat emptor! It is a jungle of extremely detailed and sometimes obscure provisions. While this post is longer than usual – warm thanks to the lenient editors! – do not expect an exhaustive summary, nor firm conclusions on every point.
      Dublin, the Undying

      To borrow from Mark Twain, reports of the death of the Dublin system have been once more greatly exaggerated. As noted, Part III of the Migration Management Proposal (Articles 8-44) is for all intents and purposes an amended version of the Dublin III Regulation, and most of the amendments are lifted from the 2016 Dublin IV Proposal.

      A first group of amendments concerns the responsibility criteria. Some expand the possibilities to allocate applicants based on their “meaningful links” with Member States: Article 2(g) expands the family definition to include siblings, opening new possibilities for reunification; Article 19(4) enlarges the criterion based on previous legal abode (i.e. expired residence documents); in a tip of the hat to the Wikstroem Report, commented here, Article 20 introduces a new criterion based on prior education in a Member State.

      These are welcome changes, but all that glitters is not gold. The Commission advertises “streamlined” evidentiary requirements to facilitate family reunification. These would be necessary indeed: evidentiary issues have long undermined the application of the family criteria. Unfortunately, the Commission is not proposing anything new: Article 30(6) of the Migration Management Proposal corresponds in essence to Article 22(5) of the Dublin III Regulation.

      Besides, while the Commission proposes to expand the general definition of family, the opposite is true of the specific definition of family applicable to “dependent persons”. Under Article 16 of the Dublin III Regulation, applicants who e.g. suffer from severe disabilities are to be kept or brought together with a care-giving parent, child or sibling residing in a Member State. Due to fears of sham marriages, spouses have been excluded and this is legally untenable and inhumane, but instead of tackling the problem the Commission proposes in Article 24 to worsen it by excluding siblings. The end result is paradoxical: persons needing family support the most will be deprived – for no apparent reason other than imaginary fears of “abuses” – of the benefits of enlarged reunification possibilities. “[H]uman and humane”, indeed.

      The fight against secondary movements inspires most of the other amendments to the criteria. In particular, Article 21 of the Proposal maintains and extends the much-contested criterion of irregular entry while clarifying that it applies also to persons disembarked after a search and rescue (SAR) operation. The Commission also proposes that unaccompanied children be transferred to the first Member State where they applied if no family criterion is applicable (Article 15(5)). This would overturn the MA judgment of the ECJ whereby in such cases the asylum claim must be examined in the State where the child last applied and is present. It’s not a technical fine point: while the case-law of the ECJ is calculated to spare children the trauma of a transfer, the proposed amendment would subject them again to the rigours of Dublin.

      Again to discourage secondary movements, the Commission proposes – as in 2016 – a second group of amendments: new obligations for the applicants (Articles 9-10). Applicants must in principle apply in the Member State of first entry, remain in that State for the duration of the Dublin procedure and, post-transfer, remain in the State responsible. Moving to the “wrong” State entails losing the benefits of the Reception Conditions Directive, subject to “the need to ensure a standard of living in accordance with” the Charter. It is debatable whether this is a much lesser standard of reception. More importantly: as reception conditions in line with the Directive are seldom guaranteed in several frontline Member States, the prospect of being treated “in accordance with the Charter” elsewhere will hardly dissuade applicants from moving on.

      The 2016 Proposal foresaw, as further punishment, the mandatory application of accelerated procedures to “secondary movers”. This rule disappears from the Migration Management Proposal, but as Daniel Thym points out in his forthcoming contribution on secondary movements, it remains in Article 40(1)(g) of the 2016 Proposal for an Asylum Procedures Regulation. Furthermore, the Commission proposes deleting Article 18(2) of the Dublin III Regulation, i.e. the guarantee that persons transferred back to a State that has meanwhile discontinued or rejected their application will have their case reopened, or a remedy available. This is a dangerous invitation to Member States to reintroduce “discontinuation” practices that the Commission itself once condemned as incompatible with effective access to status determination.

      To facilitate responsibility-determination, the Proposal further obliges applicants to submit relevant information before or at the Dublin interview. Late submissions are not to be considered. Fairness would demand that justified delays be excused. Besides, it is also proposed to repeal Article 7(3) of the Dublin III Regulation, whereby authorities must take into account evidence of family ties even if produced late in the process. All in all, then, the Proposal would make proof of family ties harder, not easier as the Commission claims.

      A final group of amendments concern the details of the Dublin procedure, and might prove the most important in practice.

      Some “streamline” the process, e.g. with shorter deadlines (e.g. Article 29(1)) and a simplified take back procedure (Article 31). Controversially, the Commission proposes again to reduce the scope of appeals against transfers to issues of ill-treatment and misapplication of the family criteria (Article 33). This may perhaps prove acceptable to the ECJ in light of its old Abdullahi case-law. However, it contravenes Article 13 ECHR, which demands an effective remedy for the violation of any Convention right.
      Other procedural amendments aim to make it harder for applicants to evade transfers. At present, if a transferee absconds for 18 months, the transfer is cancelled and the transferring State becomes responsible. Article 35(2) of the Proposal allows the transferring State to “stop the clock” if the applicant absconds, and to resume the transfer as soon as he reappears.
      A number of amendments make responsibility more “stable” once assigned, although not as “permanent” as the 2016 Proposal would have made it. Under Article 27 of the Proposal, the responsibility of a State will only cease if the applicant has left the Dublin area in compliance with a return decision. More importantly, under Article 26 the responsible State will have to take back even persons to whom it has granted protection. This would be a significant extension of the scope of the Dublin system, and would “lock” applicants in the responsible State even more firmly and more durably. Perhaps by way of compensation, the Commission proposes that beneficiaries of international protection obtain “long-term status” – and thus mobility rights – after three years of residence instead of five. However, given that it is “very difficult in practice” to exercise such rights, the compensation seems more theoretical than effective and a far cry from a system of free movement capable of offsetting the rigidities of Dublin.

      These are, in short, the key amendments foreseen. While it’s easy enough to comment on each individually, it is more difficult to forecast their aggregate impact. Will they – to paraphrase the Commission – “improv[e] the chances of integration” and reduce “unauthorised movements” (recital 13), and help closing “the existing implementation gap”? Probably not, as none of them is a game-changer.

      Taken together, however, they might well aggravate current distributive imbalances. Dublin “locks in” the responsibilities of the States that receive most applications – traditional destinations such as Germany or border States such as Italy – leaving the other Member States undisturbed. Apart from possible distributive impacts of the revised criteria and of the now obligations imposed on applicants, first application States will certainly be disadvantaged combination by shortened deadlines, security screenings (see below), streamlined take backs, and “stable” responsibility extending to beneficiaries of protection. Under the “new Dublin rules” – sorry for the oxymoron! – effective solidarity will become more necessary than ever.
      Border procedures and Dublin

      Building on the current hotspot approach, the Proposals for a Screening Regulation and for an Asylum Procedures Regulation outline a new(ish) “pre-entry” phase. This will be examined in a forthcoming post by Lyra Jakuleviciene, but the interface with infra-EU allocation deserves mention here.

      In a nutshell, persons irregularly crossing the border will be screened for the purpose of identification, health and security checks, and registration in Eurodac. Protection applicants may then be channelled to “border procedures” in a broad range of situations. This will be mandatory if the applicant: (a) attempts to mislead the authorities; (b) can be considered, based on “serious reasons”, “a danger to the national security or public order of the Member States”; (c) comes from a State whose nationals have a low Union-wide recognition rate (Article 41(3) of the Asylum Procedure Proposal).

      The purpose of the border procedure is to assess applications “without authorising the applicant’s entry into the Member State’s territory” (here, p.4). Therefore, it might have seemed logical that applicants subjected to it be excluded from the Dublin system – as is the case, ordinarily, for relocations (see below). Not so: under Article 41(7) of the Proposal, Member States may apply Dublin in the context of border procedures. This weakens the idea of “seamless procedures at the border” somewhat but – from the standpoint of both applicants and border States – it is better than a watertight exclusion: applicants may still benefit from “meaningful link” criteria, and border States are not “stuck with the caseload”. I would normally have qualms about giving Member States discretion in choosing whether Dublin rules apply. But as it happens, Member States who receive an asylum application already enjoy that discretion under the so-called “sovereignty clause”. Nota bene: in exercising that discretion, Member States apply EU Law and must observe the Charter, and the same principle must certainly apply under the proposed Article 41(7).

      The only true exclusion from the Dublin system is set out in Article 8(4) of the Migration Management Proposal. Under this provision, Member States must carry out a security check of all applicants as part of the pre-entry screening and/or after the application is filed. If “there are reasonable grounds to consider the applicant a danger to national security or public order” of the determining State, the other criteria are bypassed and that State becomes responsible. Attentive readers will note that the wording of Article 8(4) differs from that of Article 41(3) of the Asylum Procedure Proposal (e.g. “serious grounds” vs “reasonable grounds”). It is therefore unclear whether the security grounds to “screen out” an applicant from Dublin are coextensive with the security grounds making a border procedure mandatory. Be that as it may, a broad application of Article 8(4) would be undesirable, as it would entail a large-scale exclusion from the guarantees that applicants derive from the Dublin system. The risk is moderate however: by applying Article 8(4) widely, Member States would be increasing their own share of responsibilities under the system. As twenty-five years of Dublin practice indicate, this is unlikely to happen.
      “Mandatory” and “flexible” solidarity under the new mechanism

      So far, the Migration Management Proposal does not look significantly different from the 2016 Dublin IV Proposal, which did not itself fundamentally alter existing rules, and which went down in flames in inter- and intra-institutional negotiations. Any hopes of a “fresh start”, then, are left for the new solidarity mechanism.

      Unfortunately, solidarity is a difficult subject for the EU: financial support has hitherto been a mere fraction of Member State expenditure in the field; operational cooperation has proved useful but cannot tackle all the relevant aspects of the unequal distribution of responsibilities among Member States; relocations have proved extremely beneficial for thousands of applicants, but are intrinsically complex operations and have also proven politically divisive – an aspect which has severely undermined their application and further condemned them to be small scale affairs relative to the needs on the ground. The same goes a fortiori for ad hoc initiatives – such as those that followed SAR operations over the last two years– which furthermore lack the predictability that is necessary for sharing responsibilities effectively. To reiterate what the Commission stated, there is currently “no effective solidarity mechanism in place”.

      Perhaps most importantly, the EU has hitherto been incapable of accurately gauging the distributive asymmetries on the ground, to articulate a clear doctrine guiding the key determinations of “how much solidarity” and “what kind(s) of solidarity”, and to define commensurate redistributive targets on this basis (see here, p.34 and 116).

      Alas, the opportunity to elaborate a solidarity doctrine for the EU has been completely missed. Conceptually, the New Pact does not go much farther than platitudes such as “[s]olidarity implies that all Member States should contribute”. As Daniel Thym aptly observed, “pragmatism” is the driving force behind the Proposal: the Commission starts from a familiar basis – relocations – and tweaks it in ways designed to convince stakeholders that solidarity becomes both “compulsory” and “flexible”. It’s a complicated arrangement and I will only describe it in broad strokes, leaving the crucial dimensions of financial solidarity and operational cooperation to forthcoming posts by Iris Goldner Lang and Lilian Tsourdi.

      The mechanism operates according to three “modes”. In its basic mode, it is to replace ad hoc solidarity initiatives following SAR disembarkations (Articles 47-49 of the Migration Management Proposal):

      The Commission determines, in its yearly Migration Management Report, whether a State is faced with “recurring arrivals” following SAR operations and determines the needs in terms of relocations and other contributions (capacity building, operational support proper, cooperation with third States).
      The Member States are “invited” to notify the “contributions they intend to make”. If offers are sufficient, the Commission combines them and formally adopts a “solidarity pool”. If not, it adopts an implementing act summarizing relocation targets for each Member State and other contributions as offered by them. Member States may react by offering other contributions instead of relocations, provided that this is “proportional” – one wonders how the Commission will tally e.g. training programs for Libyan coastguards with relocation places.
      If the relocations offered fall 30% short of the target indicated by the Commission, a “critical mass correction mechanism” will apply: each Member States will be obliged to meet at least 50% of the quota of relocations indicated by the Commission. However, and this is the new idea offered by the Commission to bring relocation-skeptics onboard, Member States may discharge their duties by offering “return sponsorships” instead of relocations: the “sponsor” Member State commits to support the benefitting Member State to return a person and, if the return is not carried out within eight months, to accept her on its territory.

      If I understand correctly the fuzzy provision I have just summarized – Article 48(2) – it all boils down to “half-compulsory” solidarity: Member States are obliged to cover at least 50% of the relocation needs set by the Commission through relocations or sponsorships, and the rest with other contributions.

      After the “solidarity pool” is established and the benefitting Member State requests its activation, relocations can start:

      The eligible persons are those who applied for protection in the benefitting State, with the exclusion of those that are subject to border procedures (Article 45(1)(a)).Also excluded are those whom Dublin criteria based on “meaningful links” – family, abode, diplomas – assign to the benefitting State (Article 57(3)). These rules suggest that the benefitting State must carry out identification, screening for border procedures and a first (reduced?) Dublin procedure before it can declare an applicant eligible for relocation.
      Persons eligible for return sponsorship are “illegally staying third-country nationals” (Article 45(1)(b)).
      The eligible persons are identified, placed on a list, and matched to Member States based on “meaningful links”. The transfer can only be refused by the State of relocation on security grounds (Article 57(2)(6) and (7)), and otherwise follows the modalities of Dublin transfers in almost all respects (e.g. deadlines, notification, appeals). However, contrary to what happens under Dublin, missing the deadline for transfer does not entail that the relocation is cancelled it (see Article 57(10)).
      After the transfer, applicants will be directly admitted to the asylum procedure in the State of relocation only if it has been previously established that the benefitting State would have been responsible under criteria other than those based on “meaningful links” (Article 58(3)). In all the other cases, the State of relocation will run a Dublin procedure and, if necessary, transfer again the applicant to the State responsible (see Article 58(2)). As for persons subjected to return sponsorship, the State of relocation will pick up the application of the Return Directive where the benefitting State left off (or so I read Article 58(5)!).

      If the Commission concludes that a Member State is under “migratory pressure”, at the request of the concerned State or of its own motion (Article 50), the mechanism operates as described above except for one main point: beneficiaries of protection also become eligible for relocation (Article 51(3)). Thankfully, they must consent thereto and are automatically granted the same status in the relocation State (see Articles 57(3) and 58(4)).

      If the Commission concludes that a Member State is confronted to a “crisis”, rules change further (see Article 2 of the Proposal for a Migration and Asylum Crisis Regulation):

      Applicants subject to the border procedure and persons “having entered irregularly” also become eligible for relocation. These persons may then undergo a border procedure post-relocation (see Article 41(1) and (8) of the Proposal for an Asylum Procedures Regulation).
      Persons subject to return sponsorship are transferred to the sponsor State if their removal does not occur within four – instead of eight – months.
      Other contributions are excluded from the palette of contributions available to the other Member States (Article 2(1)): it has to be relocation or return sponsorship.
      The procedure is faster, with shorter deadlines.

      It is an understatement to say that the mechanism is complex, and your faithful scribe still has much to digest. For the time being, I would make four general comments.

      First, it is not self-evident that this is a good “insurance scheme” for its intended beneficiaries. As noted, the system only guarantees that 50% of the relocation needs of a State will be met. Furthermore, there are hidden costs: in “SAR” and “pressure” modes, the benefitting State has to screen the applicant, register the application, and assess whether border procedures or (some) Dublin criteria apply before it can channel the applicant to relocation. It is unclear whether a 500 lump sum is enough to offset the costs (see Article 79 of the Migration Management Proposal). Besides, in a crisis situation, these preliminary steps might make relocation impractical – think of the Greek registration backlog in 2015/6. Perhaps, extending relocation to persons “having entered irregularly” when the mechanism is in “crisis mode” is meant precisely to take care of this. Similar observations apply to return sponsorship. Under Article 55(4) of the Migration Management Proposal, the support offered by the sponsor to the benefitting State can be rather low key (e.g. “counselling”) and there seems to be no guarantee that the benefitting State will be effectively relieved of the political, administrative and financial costs associated to return. Moving from costs to risks, it is clear that the benefitting State bears all the risks of non implementation – in other words, if the system grinds to a halt or breaks down, it will be Moria all over again. In light of past experience, one can only agree with Thomas Gammelthoft-Hansen that it’s a “big gamble”. Other aspects examined below – the vast margins of discretion left to the Commission, and the easy backdoor opened by the force majeure provisions – do not help either to create predictability.
      Second, as just noted the mechanism gives the Commission practically unlimited discretion at all critical junctures. The Commission will determine whether a Member States is confronted to “recurring arrivals”, “pressure” or a “crisis”. It will do so under definitions so open-textured, and criteria so numerous, that it will be basically the master of its determinations (Article 50 of the Migration Management Proposal). The Commission will determine unilaterally relocation and operational solidarity needs. Finally, the Commission will determine – we do not know how – if “other contributions” are proportional to relocation needs. Other than in the most clear-cut situations, there is no way that anyone can predict how the system will be applied.
      Third: the mechanism reflects a powerful fixation with and unshakable faith in heavy bureaucracy. Protection applicants may undergo up to three “responsibility determination” procedures and two transfers before finally landing in an asylum procedure: Dublin “screening” in the first State, matching, relocation, full Dublin procedure in the relocation State, then transfer. And this is a system that should not “compromise the objective of the rapid processing of applications”(recital 34)! Decidedly, the idea that in order to improve the CEAS it is above all necessary to suppress unnecessary delays and coercion (see here, p.9) has not made a strong impression on the minds of the drafters. The same remark applies mutatis mutandis to return sponsorships: whatever the benefits in terms of solidarity, one wonders if it is very cost-effective or humane to drag a person from State to State so that they can each try their hand at expelling her.
      Lastly and relatedly, applicants and other persons otherwise concerned by the relocation system are given no voice. They can be “matched”, transferred, re-transferred, but subject to few exceptions their aspirations and intentions remain legally irrelevant. In this regard, the “New Pact” is as old school as it gets: it sticks strictly to the “no choice” taboo on which Dublin is built. What little recognition of applicants’ actorness had been made in the Wikstroem Report is gone. Objectifying migrants is not only incompatible with the claim that the approach taken is “human and humane”. It might prove fatal to the administrative efficiency so cherished by the Commission. Indeed, failure to engage applicants is arguably the key factor in the dismal performance of the Dublin system (here, p.112). Why should it be any different under this solidarity mechanism?

      Framing Force Majeure (or inviting defection?)

      In addition to addressing “crisis” situations, the Proposal for a Migration and Asylum Crisis Regulation includes separate provisions on force majeure.

      Thereunder, any Member State may unilaterally declare that it is faced with a situation making it “impossible” to comply with selected CEAS rules, and thus obtain the right – subject to a mere notification – to derogate from them. Member States may obtain in this way longer Dublin deadlines, or even be exempted from the obligation to accept transfers and be liberated from responsibilities if the suspension goes on more than a year (Article 8). Furthermore, States may obtain a six-months suspension of their duties under the solidarity mechanism (Article 9).

      The inclusion of this proposal in the Pact – possibly an attempt to further placate Member States averse to European solidarity? – beggars belief. Legally speaking, the whole idea is redundant: under the case-law of the ECJ, Member States may derogate from any rule of EU Law if confronted to force majeure. However, putting this black on white amounts to inviting (and legalizing) defection. The only conceivable object of rules of this kind would have been to subject force majeure derogations to prior authorization by the Commission – but there is nothing of the kind in the Proposal. The end result is paradoxical: while Member States are (in theory!) subject to Commission supervision when they conclude arrangements facilitating the implementation of Dublin rules, a mere notification will be enough to authorize them to unilaterally tear a hole in the fabric of “solidarity” and “responsibility” so painstakingly – if not felicitously – woven in the Pact.
      Concluding comments

      We should have taken Commissioner Ylva Johansson at her word when she said that there would be no “Hoorays” for the new proposals. Past the avalanche of adjectives, promises and fancy administrative monikers hurled at the reader – “faster, seamless migration processes”; “prevent the recurrence of events such as those seen in Moria”; “critical mass correction mechanism” – one cannot fail to see that the “fresh start” is essentially an exercise in repackaging.

      On responsibility-allocation and solidarity, the basic idea is one that the Commission incessantly returns to since 2007 (here, p. 10): keep Dublin and “correct” it through solidarity schemes. I do sympathize to an extent: realizing a fair balance of responsibilities by “sharing people” has always seemed to me impracticable and undesirable. Still, one would have expected that the abject failure of the Dublin system, the collapse of mutual trust in the CEAS, the meagre results obtained in the field of solidarity – per the Commission’s own appraisal – would have pushed it to bring something new to the table.

      Instead, what we have is a slightly milder version of the Dublin IV Proposal – the ultimate “clunker” in the history of Commission proposals – and an ultra-bureaucratic mechanism for relocation, with the dubious addition of return sponsorships and force majeure provisions. The basic tenets of infra-EU allocation remain the same – “no choice”, first entry – and none of the structural flaws that doomed current schemes to failure is fundamentally tackled (here, p.107): solidarity is beefed-up but appears too unreliable and fuzzy to generate trust; there are interesting steps on “genuine links”, but otherwise no sustained attempt to positively engage applicants; administrative complexity and coercive transfers reign on.

      Pragmatism, to quote again Daniel Thym’s excellent introductory post, is no sin. It is even expected of the Commission. This, however, is a study in path-dependency. By defending the status quo, wrapping it in shiny new paper, and making limited concessions to key policy actors, the Commission may perhaps carry its proposals through. However, without substantial corrections, the “new” Pact is unlikely to save the CEAS or even to prevent new Morias.




    • European Refugee Policy: What’s Gone Wrong and How to Make It Better

      In 2015 and 2016, more than 1 million refugees made their way to the European Union, the largest number of them originating from Syria. Since that time, refugee arrivals have continued, although at a much slower pace and involving people from a wider range of countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

      The EU’s response to these developments has had five main characteristics.

      First, a serious lack of preparedness and long-term planning. Despite the massive material and intelligence resources at its disposal, the EU was caught completely unaware by the mass influx of refugees five years ago and has been playing catch-up ever since. While the emergency is now well and truly over, EU member states continue to talk as if still in the grip of an unmanageable “refugee crisis.”

      Second, the EU’s refugee policy has become progressively based on a strategy known as “externalization,” whereby responsibility for migration control is shifted to unstable states outside Europe. This has been epitomized by the deals that the EU has done with countries such as Libya, Niger, Sudan, and Turkey, all of which have agreed to halt the onward movement of refugees in exchange for aid and other rewards, including support to the security services.

      Third, asylum has become increasingly criminalized, as demonstrated by the growing number of EU citizens and civil society groups that have been prosecuted for their roles in aiding refugees. At the same time, some frontline member states have engaged in a systematic attempt to delegitimize the NGO search-and-rescue organizations operating in the Mediterranean and to obstruct their life-saving activities.

      The fourth characteristic of EU countries’ recent policies has been a readiness to inflict or be complicit in a range of abuses that challenge the principles of both human rights and international refugee law. This can be seen in the violence perpetrated against asylum seekers by the military and militia groups in Croatia and Hungary, the terrible conditions found in Greek refugee camps such as Moria on the island of Lesvos, and, most egregiously of all, EU support to the Libyan Coastguard that enables it to intercept refugees at sea and to return them to abusive detention centers on land.

      Fifth and finally, the past five years have witnessed a serious absence of solidarity within the EU. Frontline states such as Greece and Italy have been left to bear a disproportionate share of the responsibility for new refugee arrivals. Efforts to relocate asylum seekers and resettle refugees throughout the EU have had disappointing results. And countries in the eastern part of the EU have consistently fought against the European Commission in its efforts to forge a more cooperative and coordinated approach to the refugee issue.

      The most recent attempt to formulate such an approach is to be found in the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, which the Commission proposed in September 2020.

      It would be wrong to entirely dismiss the Pact, as it contains some positive elements. These include, for example, a commitment to establish legal pathways to asylum in Europe for people who are in need of protection, and EU support for member states that wish to establish community-sponsored refugee resettlement programs.

      In other respects, however, the Pact has a number of important, serious flaws. It has already been questioned by those countries that are least willing to admit refugees and continue to resist the role of Brussels in this policy domain. The Pact also makes hardly any reference to the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration—a strange omission given the enormous amount of time and effort that the UN has devoted to those initiatives, both of which were triggered by the European emergency of 2015-16.

      At an operational level, the Pact endorses and reinforces the EU’s externalization agenda and envisages a much more aggressive role for Frontex, the EU’s border control agency. At the same time, it empowers member states to refuse entry to asylum seekers on the basis of very vague criteria. As a result, individuals may be more vulnerable to human smugglers and traffickers. There is also a strong likelihood that new refugee camps will spring up on the fringes of Europe, with their residents living in substandard conditions.

      Finally, the Pact places enormous emphasis on the involuntary return of asylum seekers to their countries of origin. It even envisages that a hardline state such as Hungary could contribute to the implementation of the Pact by organizing and funding such deportations. This constitutes an extremely dangerous new twist on the notions of solidarity and responsibility sharing, which form the basis of the international refugee regime.

      If the proposed Pact is not fit for purpose, then what might a more constructive EU refugee policy look like?

      It would in the first instance focus on the restoration of both EU and NGO search-and-rescue efforts in the Mediterranean and establish more predictable disembarkation and refugee distribution mechanisms. It would also mean the withdrawal of EU support for the Libyan Coastguard, the closure of that country’s detention centers, and a substantial improvement of the living conditions experienced by refugees in Europe’s frontline states—changes that should take place with or without a Pact.

      Indeed, the EU should redeploy the massive amount of resources that it currently devotes to the externalization process, so as to strengthen the protection capacity of asylum and transit countries on the periphery of Europe. A progressive approach on the part of the EU would involve the establishment of not only faster but also fair asylum procedures, with appropriate long-term solutions being found for new arrivals, whether or not they qualify for refugee status.

      These changes would help to ensure that those searching for safety have timely and adequate opportunities to access their most basic rights.


    • The New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Turning European Union Territory into a non-Territory

      Externalization policies in 2020: where is the European Union territory?

      In spite of the Commission’s rhetoric stressing the novel elements of the Pact on Migration and Asylum (hereinafter: the Pact – summarized and discussed in general here), there are good reasons to argue that the Pact develops and consolidates, among others, the existing trends on externalization policies of migration control (see Guild et al). Furthermore, it tries to create new avenues for a ‘smarter’ system of management of immigration, by additionally controlling access to the European Union territory for third country nationals (TCNs), and by creating different categories of migrants, which are then subject to different legal regimes which find application in the European Union territory.

      The consolidation of existing trends concerns the externalization of migration management practices, resort to technologies in developing migration control systems (further development of Eurodac, completion of the path toward full interoperability between IT systems), and also the strengthening of the role of the European Union executive level, via increased joint management involving European Union agencies: these are all policies that find in the Pact’s consolidation.

      This brief will focus on externalization (practices), a concept which is finding a new declination in the Pact: indeed, the Pact and several of the measures proposed, read together, are aiming at ‘disentangling’ the territory of the EU, from a set of rights which are related with the presence of the migrant or of the asylum seeker on the territory of a Member State of the EU, and from the relation between territory and access to a jurisdiction, which is necessary to enforce rights which otherwise remain on paper.

      Interestingly, this process of separation, of splitting between territory-law/rights-jurisdiction takes place not outside, but within the EU, and this is the new declination of externalization which one can find in the measures proposed in the Pact, namely with the proposal for a Screening Regulation and the amended proposal for a Procedure Regulation. It is no accident that other commentators have interpreted it as a consolidation of ‘fortress Europe’. In other words, this externalization process takes place within the EU and aims at making the external borders more effective also for the TCNs who are already in the territory of the EU.

      The proposal for a pre-entry screening regulation

      A first instrument which has a pivotal role in the consolidation of the externalization trend is the proposed Regulation for a screening of third country nationals (hereinafter: Proposal Screening Regulation), which will be applicable to migrants crossing the external borders without authorization. The aim of the screening, according to the Commission, is to ‘accelerate the process of determining the status of a person and what type of procedure should apply’. More precisely, the screening ‘should help ensure that the third country nationals concerned are referred to the appropriate procedures at the earliest stage possible’ and also to avoid absconding after entrance in the territory in order to reach a different state than the one of arrival (recital 8, preamble of proposal). The screening should contribute as well to curb secondary movements, which is a policy target highly relevant for many northern and central European Union states.

      In the new design, the screening procedure becomes the ‘standard’ for all TCNs who crossed the border in irregular manner, and also for persons who are disembarked following a search and rescue (SAR) operation, and for those who apply for international protection at the external border crossing points or in transit zones. With the screening Regulation, all these categories of persons shall not be allowed to enter the territory of the State during the screening (Arts 3 and 4 of the proposal).

      Consequently, different categories of migrants, including asylum seekers which are by definition vulnerable persons, are to be kept in locations situated at or in proximity to the external borders, for a time (up to 5 days, which can become 10 at maximum), defined in the Regulation, but which must be respected by national administrations. There is here an implicit equation between all these categories, and the common denominator of this operation is that all these persons have crossed the border in an unauthorized manner.

      It is yet unclear how the situation of migrants during the screening is to be organized in practical terms, transit zones, hotspot or others, and if this can qualify as detention, in legal terms. The Court of Justice has ruled recently on Hungarian transit zones (see analysis by Luisa Marin), by deciding that Röszke transit zone qualified as ‘detention’, and it can be argued that the parameters clarified in that decision could find application also to the case of migrants during the screening phase. If the situation of TCNs during the screening can be considered detention, which is then the legal basis? The Reception Conditions Directive or the Return Directive? If the national administrations struggle to meet the tight deadlines provided for the screening system, these questions will become more urgent, next to the very practical issue of the actual accommodation for this procedure, which in general does not allow for access to the territory.

      On the one side, Article 14(7) of the proposal provides a guarantee, indicating that the screening should end also if the checks are not completed within the deadlines; on the other side, the remaining question is: to which procedure is the applicant sent and how is the next phase then determined? The relevant procedure following the screening here seems to be determined in a very approximate way, and this begs the question on the extent to which rights can be protected in this context. Furthermore, the right to have access to a lawyer is not provided for in the screening phase. Given the relevance of this screening phase, also fundamental rights should be monitored, and the mechanism put in place at Article 7, leaves much to the discretion of the Member States, and the involvement of the Fundamental Rights Agency, with guidance and support upon request of the MS can be too little to ensure fundamental rights are not jeopardized by national administrations.

      This screening phase, which has the purpose to make sure, among other things, that states ‘do their job’ as to collecting information and consequently feeding the EU information systems, might therefore have important effects on the merits of the individual case, since border procedures are to be seen as fast-track, time is limited and procedural guarantees are also sacrificed in this context. In the case the screening ends with a refusal of entry, there is a substantive effect of the screening, which is conducted without legal assistance and without access to a legal remedy. And if this is not a decision in itself, but it ends up in a de-briefing form, this form might give substance to the next stage of the procedure, which, in the case of asylum, should be an individualized and accurate assessment of one’s individual circumstances.

      Overall, it should be stressed that the screening itself does not end up in a formal decision, it nevertheless represents an important phase since it defines what comes after, i.e., the type of procedure following the screening. It must be observed therefore, that the respect of some procedural rights is of paramount importance. At the same time, it is important that communication in a language TCNs can understand is effective, since the screening might end in a de-briefing form, where one or more nationalities are indicated. Considering that one of the options is the refusal of entry (Art. 14(1) screening proposal; confirmed by the recital 40 of the Proposal Procedure Regulation, as amended in 2020), and the others are either access to asylum or expulsion, one should require that the screening provides for procedural guarantees.

      Furthermore, the screening should point to any element which might be relevant to refer the TCNs into the accelerated examination procedure or the border procedure. In other words, the screening must indicate in the de-briefing form the options that protect asylum applicants less than others (Article 14(3) of the proposal). It does not operate in the other way: a TCN who has applied for asylum and comes from a country with a high recognition rate is not excluded from the screening (see blog post by Jakuleviciene).

      The legislation creates therefore avenues for disentangling, splitting the relation between physical presence of an asylum applicant on a territory and the set of laws and fundamental rights associated to it, namely a protective legal order, access to rights and to a jurisdiction enforcing those rights. It creates a sort of ‘lighter’ legal order, a lower density system, which facilitates the exit of the applicant from the territory of the EU, creating a sort of shift from a Europe of rights to the Europe of borders, confinement and expulsions.

      The proposal for new border procedures: an attempt to create a lower density territory?

      Another crucial piece in this process of establishing a stronger border fence and streamline procedures at the border, creating a ‘seamless link between asylum and return’, in the words of the Commission, is constituted by the reform of the border procedures, with an amendment of the 2016 proposal for the Regulation procedure (hereinafter: Amended Proposal Procedure Regulation).

      Though border procedures are already present in the current Regulation of 2013, they are now developed into a “border procedure for asylum and return”, and a more developed accelerated procedure, which, next to the normal asylum procedure, comes after the screening phase.

      The new border procedure becomes obligatory (according to Art. 41(3) of the Amended Proposal Procedure Regulation) for applicants who arrive irregularly at the external border or after disembarkation and another of these grounds apply:

      – they represent a risk to national security or public order;

      – the applicant has provided false information or documents or by withholding relevant information or document;

      – the applicant comes from a non-EU country for which the share of positive decisions in the total number of asylum decisions is below 20 percent.

      This last criterion is especially problematic, since it transcends the criterion of the safe third country and it undermines the principle that every asylum application requires a complex and individualized assessment of the particular personal circumstances of the applicant, by introducing presumptive elements in a procedure which gives fewer guarantees.

      During the border procedure, the TCN is not granted access to the EU. The expansion of the new border procedures poses also the problem of the organization of the facilities necessary for the new procedures, which must be a location at or close to the external borders, in other words, where migrants are apprehended or disembarked.

      Tellingly enough, the Commission’s explanatory memorandum describes as guarantees in the asylum border procedure all the situations in which the border procedure shall not be applied, for example, because the necessary support cannot be provided or for medical reasons, or where the ‘conditions for detention (…) cannot be met and the border procedure cannot be applied without detention’.

      Also here the question remains on how to qualify their stay during the procedure, because the Commission aims at limiting resort to detention. The situation could be considered de facto a detention, and its compatibility with the criteria laid down by the Court of Justice in the Hungarian transit zones case is questionable.

      Another aspect which must be analyzed is the system of guarantees after the decision in a border procedure. If an application is rejected in an asylum border procedure, the “return procedure” applies immediately. Member States must limit to one instance the right to effective remedy against the decision, as posited in Article 53(9). The right to an effective remedy is therefore limited, according to Art. 53 of the Proposed Regulation, and the right to remain, a ‘light’ right to remain one could say, is also narrowly constructed, in the case of border procedures, to the first remedy against the negative decision (Art. 54(3) read together with Art. 54(4) and 54(5)). Furthermore, EU law allows Member States to limit the right to remain in case of subsequent applications and provides that there is no right to remain in the case of subsequent appeals (Art. 54(6) and (7)). More in general, this proposal extends the circumstances where the applicant does not have an automatic right to remain and this represents an aspect which affects significantly and in a factual manner the capacity to challenge a negative decision in a border procedure.

      Overall, it can be argued that the asylum border procedure is a procedure where guarantees are limited, because the access to the jurisdiction is taking place in fast-track procedures, access to legal remedies is also reduced to the very minimum. Access to the territory of the Member State is therefore deprived of its typical meaning, in the sense that it does not imply access to a system which is protecting rights with procedures which offer guarantees and are therefore also time-consuming. Here, efficiency should govern a process where the access to a jurisdiction is lighter, is ‘less dense’ than otherwise. To conclude, this externalization of migration control policies takes place ‘inside’ the European Union territory, and it aims at prolonging the effects of containment policies because they make access to the EU territory less meaningful, in legal terms: the presence of the person in the territory of the EU does not entail full access to the rights related to the presence on the territory.

      Solidarity in cooperating with third countries? The “return sponsorship” and its territorial puzzle

      Chapter 6 of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum proposes, among other things, to create a conditionality between cooperation on readmission with third countries and the issuance of visas to their nationals. This conditionality was legally established in the 2019 revision of the Visa Code Regulation. The revision (discussed here) states that, given their “politically sensitive nature and their horizontal implications for the Member States and the Union”, such provisions will be triggered once implementing powers are conferred to the Council (following a proposal from the Commission).

      What do these measures entail? We know that they can be applied in bulk or separately. Firstly, EU consulates in third countries will not have the usual leeway to waive some documents required to apply for visas (Art. 14(6), visa code). Secondly, visa applicants from uncooperative third countries will pay higher visa fees (Art. 16(1) visa code). Thirdly, visa fees to diplomatic and service passports will not be waived (Art. 16(5)b visa code). Fourthly, time to take a decision on the visa application will be longer than 15 days (Art. 23(1) visa code). Fifthly, the issuance of multi-entry visas (MEVs) from 6 months to 5 years is suspended (Art. 24(2) visa code). In other words, these coercive measures are not aimed at suspending visas. They are designed to make the procedure for obtaining a visa more lengthy, more costly, and limited in terms of access to MEVs.

      Moreover, it is important to stress that the revision of the Visa Code Regulation mentions that the Union will strike a balance between “migration and security concerns, economic considerations and general external relations”. Consequently, measures (be they restrictive or not) will result from an assessment that goes well beyond migration management issues. The assessment will not be based exclusively on the so-called “return rate” that has been presented as a compass used to reward or blame third countries’ cooperation on readmission. Other indicators or criteria, based on data provided by the Member States, will be equally examined by the Commission. These other indicators pertain to “the overall relations” between the Union and its Member States, on the one hand, and a given third country, on the other. This broad category is not defined in the 2019 revision of the Visa Code, nor do we know what it precisely refers to.

      What do we know about this linkage? The idea of linking cooperation on readmission with visa policy is not new. It was first introduced at a bilateral level by some member states. For example, fifteen years ago, cooperation on redocumentation, including the swift delivery of laissez-passers by the consular authorities of countries of origin, was at the centre of bilateral talks between France and North African countries. In September 2005, the French Ministry of the Interior proposed to “sanction uncooperative countries [especially Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria] by limiting the number of short-term visas that France delivers to their nationals.” Sanctions turned out to be unsuccessful not only because of the diplomatic tensions they generated – they were met with strong criticisms and reaction on the part of North African countries – but also because the ratio between the number of laissez-passers requested by the French authorities and the number of laissez-passers delivered by North African countries’ authorities remained unchanged.

      At the EU level, the idea to link readmission with visa policy has been in the pipeline for many years. Let’s remember that, in October 2002, in its Community Return Policy, the European Commission reflected on the positive incentives that could be used in order to ensure third countries’ constant cooperation on readmission. The Commission observed in its communication that, actually, “there is little that can be offered in return. In particular visa concessions or the lifting of visa requirements can be a realistic option in exceptional cases only; in most cases it is not.” Therefore, the Commission set out to propose additional incentives (e.g. trade expansion, technical/financial assistance, additional development aid).

      In a similar vein, in September 2015, after years of negotiations and failed attempt to cooperate on readmission with Southern countries, the Commission remarked that the possibility to use Visa Facilitation Agreements as an incentive to cooperate on readmission is limited in the South “as the EU is unlikely to offer visa facilitation to certain third countries which generate many irregular migrants and thus pose a migratory risk. And even when the EU does offer the parallel negotiation of a visa facilitation agreement, this may not be sufficient if the facilitations offered are not sufficiently attractive.”

      More recently, in March 2018, in its Impact Assessment accompanying the proposal for an amendment of the Common Visa Code, the Commission itself recognised that “better cooperation on readmission with reluctant third countries cannot be obtained through visa policy measures alone.” It also added that “there is no hard evidence on how visa leverage can translate into better cooperation of third countries on readmission.”

      Against this backdrop, why has so much emphasis been put on the link between cooperation on readmission and visa policy in the revised Visa Code Regulation and later in the New Pact? The Commission itself recognised that this conditionality might not constitute a sufficient incentive to ensure the cooperation on readmission.

      To reply to this question, we need first to question the oft-cited reference to third countries’ “reluctance”[n1] to cooperate on readmission in order to understand that, cooperation on readmission is inextricably based on unbalanced reciprocities. Moreover, migration, be it regular or irregular, continues to be viewed as a safety valve to relieve pressure on unemployment and poverty in countries of origin. Readmission has asymmetric costs and benefits having economic social and political implications for countries of origin. Apart from being unpopular in Southern countries, readmission is humiliating, stigmatizing, violent and traumatic for migrants,[n2] making their process of reintegration extremely difficult, if not impossible, especially when countries of origin have often no interest in promoting reintegration programmes addressed to their nationals expelled from Europe.

      Importantly, the conclusion of a bilateral agreement does not automatically lead to its full implementation in the field of readmission, for the latter is contingent on an array of factors that codify the bilateral interactions between two contracting parties. Today, more than 320 bilateral agreements linked to readmission have been concluded between the 27 EU Member States and third countries at a global level. Using an oxymoron, it is possible to argue that, over the past decades, various EU member states have learned that, if bilateral cooperation on readmission constitutes a central priority in their external relations (this is the official rhetoric), readmission remains peripheral to other strategic issue-areas which are detailed below. Finally, unlike some third countries in the Balkans or Eastern Europe, Southern third countries have no prospect of acceding to the EU bloc, let alone having a visa-free regime, at least in the foreseeable future. This basic difference makes any attempt to compare the responsiveness of the Balkan countries to cooperation on readmission with Southern non-EU countries’ impossible, if not spurious.

      Today, patterns of interdependence between the North and the South of the Mediterranean are very much consolidated. Over the last decades, Member States, especially Spain, France, Italy and Greece, have learned that bringing pressure to bear on uncooperative third countries needs to be evaluated cautiously lest other issues of high politics be jeopardized. Readmission cannot be isolated from a broader framework of interactions including other strategic, if not more crucial, issue-areas, such as police cooperation on the fight against international terrorism, border control, energy security and other diplomatic and geopolitical concerns. Nor can bilateral cooperation on readmission be viewed as an end in itself, for it has often been grafted onto a broader framework of interactions.

      This point leads to a final remark regarding “return sponsorship” which is detailed in Art. 55 of the proposal for a regulation on asylum and migration management. In a nutshell, the idea of the European Commission consists in a commitment from a “sponsoring Member State” to assist another Member State (the benefitting Member State) in the readmission of a third-country national. This mechanism foresees that each Member State is expected to indicate the nationalities for which they are willing to provide support in the field of readmission. The sponsoring Member State offers an assistance by mobilizing its network of bilateral cooperation on readmission, or by opening a dialogue with the authorities of a given third country where the third-country national will be deported. If, after eight months, attempts are unsuccessful, the third-country national is transferred to the sponsoring Member State. Note that, in application of Council Directive 2001/40 on mutual recognition of expulsion decisions, the sponsoring Member State may or may not recognize the expulsion decision of the benefitting Member State, just because Member States continue to interpret the Geneva Convention in different ways and also because they have different grounds for subsidiary protection.

      Viewed from a non-EU perspective, namely from the point of view of third countries, this mechanism might raise some questions of competence and relevance. Which consular authorities will undertake the identification process of the third country national with a view to eventually delivering a travel document? Are we talking about the third country’s consular authorities located in the territory of the benefitting Member State or in the sponsoring Member State’s? In a similar vein, why would a bilateral agreement linked to readmission – concluded with a given ‘sponsoring’ Member State – be applicable to a ‘benefitting’ Member State (with which no bilateral agreement or arrangement has been signed)? Such territorially bounded contingencies will invariably be problematic, at a certain stage, from the viewpoint of third countries. Additionally, in acting as a sponsoring Member State, one is entitled to wonder why an EU Member State might decide to expose itself to increased tensions with a given third country while putting at risk a broader framework of interactions.

      As the graph shows, not all the EU Member States are equally engaged in bilateral cooperation on readmission with third countries. Moreover, a geographical distribution of available data demonstrates that more than 70 per cent of the total number of bilateral agreements linked to readmission (be they formal or informal[n3]) concluded with African countries are covered by France, Italy and Spain. Over the last decades, these three Member States have developed their respective networks of cooperation on readmission with a number of countries in Africa and in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

      Given the existence of these consolidated networks, the extent to which the “return sponsorship” proposed in the Pact will add value to their current undertakings is objectively questionable. Rather, if the “return sponsorship” mechanism is adopted, these three Member States might be deemed to act as sponsoring Member States when it comes to the expulsion of irregular migrants (located in other EU Member States) to Africa and the MENA region. More concretely, the propensity of, for example, Austria to sponsor Italy in expelling from Italy a foreign national coming from the MENA region or from Africa is predictably low. Austria’s current networks of cooperation on readmission with MENA and African countries would never add value to Italy’s consolidated networks of cooperation on readmission with these third countries. Moreover, it is unlikely that Italy will be proactively “sponsoring” other Member States’ expulsion decisions, without jeopardising its bilateral relations with other strategic third countries located in the MENA region or in Africa, to use the same example. These considerations concretely demonstrate that the European Commission’s call for “solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility”, on which its “return sponsorship” mechanism is premised, is contingent on the existence of a federative Union able to act as a unitary supranational body in domestic and foreign affairs. This federation does not exist in political terms.

      Beyond these practical aspects, it is important to realise that the cobweb of bilateral agreements linked to readmission has expanded as a result of tremendously complex bilateral dynamics that go well beyond the mere management of international migration. These remarks are crucial to understanding that we need to reflect properly on the conditionality pattern that has driven the external action of the EU, especially in a regional context where patterns of interdependence among state actors have gained so much relevance over the last two decades. Moreover, given the clear consensus on the weak correlation between cooperation on readmission and visa policy (the European Commission being no exception to this consensus), linking the two might not be the adequate response to ensure third countries’ cooperation on readmission, especially when the latter are in position to capitalize on their strategic position with regard to some EU Member States.


      This brief reflection has highlighted a trend which is taking shape in the Pact and in some of the measures proposed by the Commission in its 2020 package of reforms. It has been shown that the proposals for a pre-entry screening and the 2020 amended proposal for enhanced border procedures are creating something we could label as a ‘lower density’ European Union territory, because the new procedures and arrangements have the purpose of restricting and limiting access to rights and to jurisdiction. This would happen on the territory of a Member State, but in a place at or close to the external borders, with a view to confining migration and third country nationals to an area where the territory of a state, and therefore, the European territory, is less … ‘territorial’ than it should be: legally speaking, it is a ‘lower density’ territory.

      The “seamless link between asylum and return” the Commission aims to create with the new border procedures can be described as sliding doors through which the third country national can enter or leave immediately, depending on how the established fast-track system qualifies her situation.

      However, the paradox highlighted with the “return sponsorship” mechanism shows that readmission agreements or arrangements are no panacea, for the vested interests of third countries must also be taken into consideration when it comes to cooperation on readmission. In this respect, it is telling that the Commission never consulted third states on the new return sponsorship mechanism, as if their territories were not concerned by this mechanism, which is far from being the case. For this reason, it is legitimate to imagine that the main rationale for the return sponsorship mechanism may be another one, and it may be merely domestic. In other words, the return sponsorship, which transforms itself into a form of relocation after eight months if the third country national is not expelled from the EU territory, subtly takes non-frontline European Union states out of their comfort-zone and engage them in cooperating on expulsions. If they fail to do so, namely if the third-country national is not expelled after eight months, non-frontline European Union states are as it were ‘forcibly’ engaged in a ‘solidarity practice’ that is conducive to relocation.

      Given the disappointing past experience of the 2015 relocations, it is impossible to predict whether this mechanism will work or not. However, once one enters sliding doors, the danger is to remain stuck in uncertainty, in a European Union ‘no man’s land’ which is nothing but another by-product of the fortress Europe machinery.


    • Le nouveau Pacte européen sur la migration et l’asile

      Ce 23 septembre 2020, la Commission européenne a présenté son très attendu nouveau Pacte sur la migration et l’asile.

      Alors que l’Union européenne (UE) traverse une crise politique majeure depuis 2015 et que les solutions apportées ont démontré leur insuffisance en matière de solidarité entre États membres, leur violence à l’égard des exilés et leur coût exorbitant, la Commission européenne ne semble pas tirer les leçons du passé.

      Au menu du Pacte : un renforcement toujours accru des contrôles aux frontières, des procédures expéditives aux frontières de l’UE avec, à la clé, la détention généralisée pour les nouveaux arrivants, la poursuite de l’externalisation et un focus sur les expulsions. Il n’y a donc pas de changement de stratégie.

      Le Règlement Dublin, injuste et inefficace, est loin d’être aboli. Le nouveau système mis en place changera certes de nom, mais reprendra le critère tant décrié du “premier pays d’entrée” dans l’UE pour déterminer le pays responsable du traitement de la demande d’asile. Quant à un mécanisme permanent de solidarité pour les États davantage confrontés à l’arrivée des exilés, à l’instar des quotas de relocalisations de 2015-2017 – relocalisations qui furent un échec complet -, la Commission propose une solidarité permanente et obligatoire mais… à la carte, où les États qui ne veulent pas accueillir de migrants peuvent choisir à la place de “parrainer” leur retour, ou de fournir un soutien opérationnel aux États en difficulté. La solidarité n’est donc cyniquement pas envisagée pour l’accueil, mais bien pour le renvoi des migrants.

      Pourtant, l’UE fait face à beaucoup moins d’arrivées de migrants sur son territoire qu’en 2015 (1,5 million d’arrivées en 2015, 140.00 en 2019)

      Fin 2019, l’UE accueillait 2,6 millions de réfugiés, soit l’équivalent de 0,6% de sa population. À défaut de voies légales et sûres, les personnes exilées continuent de fuir la guerre, la violence, ou de rechercher une vie meilleure et doivent emprunter des routes périlleuses pour rejoindre le territoire de l’UE : on dénombre plus de 20.000 décès depuis 2014. Une fois arrivées ici, elles peuvent encore être détenues et subir des mauvais traitements, comme c’était le cas dans le camp qui a brûlé à Moria. Lorsqu’elles poursuivent leur route migratoire au sein de l’UE, elles ne peuvent choisir le pays où elles demanderont l’asile et elles font face à la loterie de l’asile…

      Loin d’un “nouveau départ” avec ce nouveau Pacte, la Commission propose les mêmes recettes et rate une opportunité de mettre en œuvre une tout autre politique, qui soit réellement solidaire, équitable pour les États membres et respectueuse des droits fondamentaux des personnes migrantes, avec l’établissement de voies légales et sûres, des procédures d’asile harmonisées et un accueil de qualité, ou encore la recherche de solutions durables pour les personnes en situation irrégulière.

      Dans cette brève analyse, nous revenons sur certaines des mesures phares telles qu’elles ont été présentées par la Commission européenne et qui feront l’objet de discussions dans les prochains mois avec le Parlement européen et le Conseil européen. Nous expliquerons également en quoi ces mesures n’ont rien d’innovant, sont un échec de la politique migratoire européenne, et pourquoi elles sont dangereuses pour les personnes migrantes.


      Pour télécharger l’analyse :

    • New pact on migration and asylum. Perspective on the ’other side’ of the EU border

      At the end of September 2020, and after camp Moria on Lesvos burned down leaving over 13,000 people in an even more precarious situation than they were before, the European Commission (EC) introduced a proposal for the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. So far, the proposal has not been met with enthusiasm by neither member states or human rights organisations.

      Based on first-hand field research interviews with civil society and other experts in the Balkan region, this report provides a unique perspective of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum from ‘the other side’ of the EU’s borders.

      #Balkans #route_des_Balkans #rapport #Refugee_rights #militarisation

    • Impakter | Un « nouveau » pacte sur l’asile et les migrations ?

      Le média en ligne Impakter propose un article d’analyse du Pacte sur l’asile et les migrations de l’Union européenne. Publié le 23 septembre 2020, le pacte a été annoncé comme un “nouveau départ”. En réalité, le pacte n’est pas du tout un nouveau départ, mais la même politique avec un ensemble de nouvelles propositions. L’article pointe l’aspect critique du projet, et notamment des concepts clés tels que : « processus de pré-selection », « le processus accélérée » et le « pacte de retour ». L’article donne la parole à plusieurs expertises et offre ainsi une meilleure compréhension de ce que concrètement ce pacte implique pour les personnes migrantes.

      L’article de #Charlie_Westbrook “A “New” Pact on Migration and Asylum ?” a été publié le 11 février dans le magazine en ligne Impakter (sous licence Creative Commons). Nous vous en proposons un court résumé traduisant les lignes directrices de l’argumentaire, en français ci-dessous. Pour lire l’intégralité du texte en anglais, vous pouvez vous rendre sur le site de Impakter.


      Le “Nouveau pacte sur la migration et l’asile”, a été publié le 23 septembre, faisant suite à l’incendie du camp surpeuplé de Moria. Le pacte a été annoncé comme un “nouveau départ”. En réalité, le pacte n’est pas du tout un nouveau départ, mais la même politique avec un ensemble de nouvelles propositions sur lesquelles les États membres de l’UE devront maintenant se mettre d’accord – une entreprise qui a déjà connu des difficultés.

      Les universitaires, les militants et les organisations de défense des droits de l’homme de l’UE soulignent les préoccupations éthiques et pratiques que suscitent nombre des propositions suggérées par la Commission, ainsi que la rhétorique axée sur le retour qui les anime. Charlie Westbrook la journaliste, a contacté Kirsty Evans, coordinatrice de terrain et des campagnes pour Europe Must Act, qui m’a fait part de ses réactions au nouveau Pacte.

      Cet essai vise à présenter le plus clairement possible les problèmes liés à ce nouveau pacte, en mettant en évidence les principales préoccupations des experts et des ONG. Ces préoccupations concernent les problèmes potentiels liés au processus de présélection, au processus accéléré (ou “fast-track”) et au mécanisme de parrainage des retours.

      Le processus de présélection

      La nouvelle proposition est d’instaurer une procédure de contrôle préalable à l’entrée sur le territoire européen. L’ONG Human Rights Watch, dénonce la suggestion trompeuse du pacte selon laquelle les personnes soumises à la procédure frontalière ne sont pas considérées comme ayant formellement pénétré sur le territoire. Ce processus concerne toute personne extra-européenne qui franchirait la frontière de manière irrégulière. Ce manque de différenciation du type de besoin inquiète l’affirme l’avocate et professeur Lyra Jakulevičienė, car cela signifie que la politique d’externalisation sera plus forte que jamais. Ce nouveau règlement brouille la distinction entre les personnes demandant une protection internationale et les autres migrants “en plaçant les deux groupes de personnes sous le même régime juridique au lieu de les différencier clairement, car leurs chances de rester dans l’UE sont très différentes”. Ce processus d’externalisation, cependant, “se déroule “à l’intérieur” du territoire de l’Union européenne, et vise à prolonger les effets des politiques d’endiguement parce qu’elles rendent l’accès au territoire de l’UE moins significatif”, comme l’expliquent Jean-Pierre Cassarino, chercheur principal à la chaire de la politique européenne de voisinage du Collège d’Europe, et Luisa Marin, professeur adjoint de droit européen. En d’autres termes, les personnes en quête de protection n’auront pas pleinement accès aux droits européens en arrivant sur le territoire de l’UE. Il faudra d’abord déterminer ce qu’elles “sont”. En outre, les recherches universitaires montrent que les processus d’externalisation “entraînent le contournement des normes fondamentales, vont à l’encontre de la bonne gouvernance, créent l’immobilité et contribuent à la crise du régime mondial des réfugiés, qui ne parvient pas à assurer la protection”. Les principales inquiétudes de ces deux expert·es sont les suivantes : la rapidité de prise de décision (pas plus de 5 jours), l’absence d’assistance juridique, Etat membre est le seul garant du respect des droits fondamentaux et si cette période de pré-sélection sera mise en œuvre comme une détention.

      Selon Jakulevičienė, la proposition apporte “un grand potentiel” pour créer davantage de camps de style “Moria”. Il est difficile de voir en quoi cela profiterait à qui que ce soit.

      Procédure accélérée

      Si un demandeur est orienté vers le système accéléré, une décision sera prise dans un délai de 12 semaines – une durée qui fait craindre que le système accéléré n’aboutisse à un retour injuste des demandeurs. En 2010, Human Rights Watch a publié un rapport de fond détaillant comment les procédures d’asile accélérées étaient inadaptées aux demandes complexes et comment elles affectaient négativement les femmes demandeurs d’asile en particulier.
      Les personnes seront dirigées vers la procédure accélérée si : l’identité a été cachée ou que de faux documents ont été utilisés, si elle représente un danger pour la sécurité nationale, ou si elle est ressortissante d’un pays pour lesquels moins de 20% des demandes ont abouti à l’octroi d’une protection internationale.

      Comme l’exprime le rapport de Human Rights Watch (HRW), “la procédure à la frontière proposée repose sur deux hypothèses erronées – que la majorité des personnes arrivant en Europe n’ont pas besoin de protection et que l’évaluation des demandes d’asile peut être faite facilement et rapidement”.

      Essentiellement, comme l’écrivent Cassarino et Marin, “elle porte atteinte au principe selon lequel toute demande d’asile nécessite une évaluation complexe et individualisée de la situation personnelle particulière du demandeur”.

      Tout comme Jakulevičienė, Kirsty Evans s’inquiète de la manière dont le pacte va alimenter une rhétorique préjudiciable, en faisant valoir que “le langage de l’accélération fait appel à la “protection” de la rhétorique nationale évidente dans la politique et les médias en se concentrant sur le retour des personnes sur leur propre territoire”.

      Un pacte pour le retour

      Désormais, lorsqu’une demande d’asile est rejetée, la décision de retour sera rendue en même temps.

      Le raisonnement présenté par la Commission pour proposer des procédures plus rapides et plus intégrées est que des procédures inefficaces causent des difficultés excessives – y compris pour ceux qui ont obtenu le droit de rester.

      Les procédures restructurées peuvent en effet profiter à certains. Cependant, il existe un risque sérieux qu’elles aient un impact négatif sur le droit d’asile des personnes soumises à la procédure accélérée – sachant qu’en cas de rejet, il n’existe qu’un seul droit de recours.

      La proposition selon laquelle l’UE traitera désormais les retours dans leur ensemble, et non plus seulement dans un seul État membre, illustre bien l’importance que l’UE accorde aux retours. À cette fin, l’UE propose la création d’un nouveau poste de coordinateur européen des retours qui s’occupera des retours et des réadmissions.

      Décrite comme “la plus sinistre des nouvelles propositions”, et assimilée à “une grotesque parodie de personnes parrainant des enfants dans les pays en développement par l’intermédiaire d’organisations caritatives”, l’option du parrainage de retour est également un signe fort de l’approche par concession de la Commission.

      Pour M. Evans, le fait d’autoriser les pays à opter pour le “retour” comme moyen de “gérer la migration” semble être une validation du comportement illégal des États membres, comme les récentes expulsions massives en Grèce. Alors, qu’est-ce que le parrainage de retour ? Eh bien, selon les termes de l’UE, le parrainage du retour est une option de solidarité dans laquelle l’État membre “s’engage à renvoyer les migrants en situation irrégulière sans droit de séjour au nom d’un autre État membre, en le faisant directement à partir du territoire de l’État membre bénéficiaire”.

      Les États membres préciseront les nationalités qu’ils “parraineront” en fonction, vraisemblablement, des relations préexistantes de l’État membre de l’UE avec un État non membre de l’UE. Lorsque la demande d’un individu est rejetée, l’État membre qui en est responsable s’appuiera sur ses relations avec le pays tiers pour négocier le retour du demandeur.

      En outre, en supposant que les réadmissions soient réussies, le parrainage des retours fonctionne sur la base de l’hypothèse qu’il existe un pays tiers sûr. C’est sur cette base que les demandes sont rejetées. La manière dont cela affectera le principe de non-refoulement est la principale préoccupation des organisations des droits de l’homme et des experts politiques, et c’est une préoccupation qui découle d’expériences antérieures. Après tout, la coopération avec des pays tiers jusqu’à présent – à savoir l’accord Turquie-UE et l’accord Espagne-Maroc – a suscité de nombreuses critiques sur le coût des droits de l’homme.

      Mais en plus des préoccupations relatives aux droits de l’homme, des questions sont soulevées sur les implications ou même les aspects pratiques de l’”incitation” des pays tiers à se conformer, l’image de l’UE en tant que champion des droits de l’homme étant déjà corrodée aux yeux de la communauté internationale.

      Il s’agira notamment d’utiliser la délivrance du code des visas comme méthode d’incitation. Pour les pays qui ne coopèrent pas à la réadmission, les visas seront plus difficiles à obtenir. La proposition visant à pénaliser les pays qui appliquent des restrictions en matière de visas n’est pas nouvelle et n’a pas conduit à une amélioration des relations diplomatiques. Guild fait valoir que cette approche est injuste pour les demandeurs de visa des pays “non coopérants” et qu’elle risque également de susciter des sentiments d’injustice chez les voisins du pays tiers.

      L’analyse de Guild est que le nouveau pacte est diplomatiquement faible. Au-delà du financement, il offre “peu d’attention aux intérêts des pays tiers”. Il faut reconnaître, après tout, que la réadmission a des coûts et des avantages asymétriques pour les pays qui les acceptent, surtout si l’on considère que la migration, comme le soulignent Cassarino et Marin, “continue d’être considérée comme une soupape de sécurité pour soulager la pression sur le chômage et la pauvreté dans les pays d’origine”.


      L’article original :
      A “New” Pact on Migration and Asylum ?

    • The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum in light of the United Nations Global Compact on Refugees. International Experiences on Containment and Mobility and their Impacts on Trust and Rights

      In September 2020, the European Commission published what it described as a New Pact on Migration and Asylum (emphasis added) that lays down a multi-annual policy agenda on issues that have been central to debate about the future of European integration. This book critically examines the new Pact as part of a Forum organized by the Horizon 2020 project ASILE – Global Asylum Governance and the EU’s Role.

      ASILE studies interactions between emerging international protection systems and the United Nations Global Compact for Refugees (UN GCR), with particular focus on the European Union’s role and the UN GCR’s implementation dynamics. It brings together a new international network of scholars from 13 institutions examining the characteristics of international and country specific asylum governance instruments and arrangements applicable to people seeking international protection. It studies the compatibility of these governance instruments’ with international protection and human rights, and the UN GCR’s call for global solidarity and responsibility sharing.


  • New camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    In Bosnia, local authorities in the northwest Una-Sana canton ordered the mandatory relocation of thousands of migrants and asylum seekers sleeping outdoors into a temporary camp currently under construction near the village of Lipa, some 25 kilometers from the Croatian border.

    Authorities have since agreed to have the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the Danish Refugee Council manage the new camp on behalf of the government.

    An estimated 3,000 of those who are trying to make their way into the EU through Croatia are squatting in abandoned buildings or sleeping outdoors in the region, while another 4,100 are accommodated in facilities managed by IOM.

    “IOM is trying their best to create dignified conditions and ensure adequate access to health and other support services. However, the camps remain overcrowded and unfit for prolonged stay,” said Jelena Sesar, a researcher at Amnesty International.

    People who did not enter the official camps during the winter months cannot effectively self-isolate and are often barred from health institutions available to ordinary citizens.

    “The [Bosnian] state authorities for the past two years have done next to nothing to deal with the migrant crisis in the country and have practically left the Una-Sana canton to deal on its own with the flow of refugees,” Sesar told EURACTIV.

    Bosnian authorities have previously come under heavy criticism by civil rights groups for the Vucjak camp, built on a former landfill near the Croatian border in an area with landmines from the 1990s war, where migrants lived without heating, running water or toilets.

    Last December, authorities dismantled the Vucjak camp and transferred hundreds of people who were living at the site to a new camp near Sarajevo.

    Bosnia closes ’jungle’ migrant camp
    Bosnia on Wednesday (11 December) dismantled tents at the makeshift migrant camp known as the “jungle” for its harsh conditions, after transferring hundreds of people who were living at the site to Sarajevo.

    However, human rights organisations remain concerned about the capacity of Bosnian authorities to support the increasing number of refugees and migrants arriving into the country.

    “It’s simply difficult to see how now, in the crisis conditions, the local government is going to get organised so quickly and in a week do something that they have not been able to do over the past two years,” said Sesar.

    Authorities are procuring 40 tents which are each able to accommodate up to 50 people.

    “Such tents are already used in other camps. They don’t offer much privacy and there’s certainly no place for self-isolation or social distancing, the measures that are necessary to reduce the spread of the virus,” Sesar warned.

    Another issue is the safe transport of thousands of refugees to the new site while keeping distancing measures to prevent new infections.

    “At a time when governments across Europe have started thinking about releasing people from migration detention in order to decongest these areas where people are confined together and therefore at greater risk, Bosnia is doing the opposite,” said Sesar.

    “While finding adequate housing for refugees and migrants sleeping outdoors is certainly welcome and necessary, Bosnian authorities must ensure that this new camp gives maximum protection by providing access to clean water, sanitation and essential healthcare, as well as resources to ensure necessary physical distancing.”

    The EU on Wednesday (8 April) announced a €15.6 billion support package for foreign countries hit by the coronavirus pandemic, with €2.8 billion earmarked for research, health and water systems, which includes supporting equal access to health systems for migrants, refugees and host communities.

    However, EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell confirmed that “there is no fresh money,” and that funding will come from reallocation of existing funds and programmes.

    EU unveils €15bn COVID rescue plan, but includes no new money
    The EU unveiled on Wednesday (8 April) a support package worth €15.6 billion for African and other partner countries hit by the coronavirus pandemic, but conceded that it includes no new money.

    Inside the bloc, the EU has been pushing to relocate vulnerable migrants to hotels and accommodation that are currently left empty during the pandemic.

    “What we should do now is to immediately evacuate the most vulnerable individuals out of these camps so that they can be secured in hotel rooms or apartments and not be affected if the virus breaks out in these camps,” home affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson told Deutsche Welle.


    #Covid-19 #Migrants #Migrations #Balkans #Bosnie-Herzégovine #Lipa #camp #Unasanacanton #Fédérationcroatomusulmane

  • Greece to extend border fence over migration surge

    Greece will extend its fence on the border with Turkey, a government source said Sunday (8 March), amid continuing efforts by migrants to break through in a surge enabled by Ankara.

    “We have decided to immediately extend the fence in three different areas,” the government source told AFP, adding that the new sections, to the south of the area now under pressure, would cover around 36 kilometres (22 miles).

    The current stretch of fence will also be upgraded, the official added.

    Tens of thousands of asylum-seekers have been trying to break through the land border from Turkey for a week after Ankara announced it would no longer prevent people from trying to cross into the European Union.

    A police source Sunday told AFP that riot police reinforcements from around the country had been sent to the border in recent days, in addition to drones and police dogs.

    There have been numerous exchanges of tear gas and stones between Greek riot police and migrants.

    Turkey has also bombarded Greek forces with tear gas at regular intervals, and Athens has accused Turkish police of handing out wire cutters to migrants to help them break through the border fence.

    The Greek government over the weekend also released footage which it said showed a Turkish armoured vehicle assisting efforts to bring down the fence.

    “Parts of the fence have been removed, both by the (Turkish) vehicle and with wire cutters, but they are constantly being repaired,” local police unionist Elias Akidis told Skai TV.

    Turkey has accused Greek border guards of using undue force against the migrants, injuring many and killing at least five.

    The government in Athens has consistently dismissed the claim as lies.

    #murs #Evros #barrières_frontalières #Grèce #Turquie #frontières #extension
    ping @fil @reka @albertocampiphoto

    • je suis tombé sur une vidéo YT d’un compte néo-nazi montrant une attaque du mur de l’Evros par des migrants. L’attaque y est présentée comme soutenue par la police turque, ce qui est vraiment beaucoup solliciter les images… les migrants sont noyés sous les lacrymos.

    • Evros: Greece to extend the fence on the borders with Turkey to 40km

      Greece will extend the fence to its Evros borders with Turkey to 40 km, government spokesman Stelios Petsas said on Friday morning. The additional fence will be installed in “sensitive” areas preferred for illegal entries by migrants and refugees.

      The fence currently covers 12.5 km.

      Speaking to ANT1 TV, Petsas noted that at the moment the most vulnerable border point is in the south.

      The current 12.5 km fence of land access points is installed north and south of Kastanies customs office, where thousands of migrants and refugees have amassed.

      According to the daily Kathimerini, the 40 kilometers new fence is planned to be partially installed either in areas where the Evros waters are low or in areas where the landscape favors illegla paasage.

      Sections such as Ormenio, Gardens, Feres, Tychero, Soufli, Dikaia, Dilofo, Marassia, Nea Vyssa and elsewhere have been designated as the areas where the new fence will installed by the Greek Army and support by the police.

      According to a report by daily Elftheros Typos, Greece’s Plan B aside from the fence extension is the presence of about 4,000 police officers and soldiers in parallel patrols, helicopters, unmanned aircraft, message broadcasting, cameras for audio-video.

      A Greek Army – Greek Police “joint operations center” is to be established in Nea Vryssa.

      According to the daily more than 1,000 soldiers, two commandos squads, 1,500 police and national guards are currently operating in the Evros area.

      Petsas underlined that the Greek government has changed its policy because there is a national security issue at the moment.

      He reiterated the new policy saying that “no one will cross the border.”


    • Video 2 - Violences contre les exilé·es à la frontière gréco-turque

      Depuis le début du mois de mars 2020, des milliers d’exilé·es, incité·es voire poussé·es par les autorités turques, se sont précipité·es aux frontières terrestres et maritimes entre la Turquie et la Grèce. Ils et elles se sont heurté·es à la violence de la police et de l’armée grecque, ainsi que de groupe fascistes, mobilisés pour leur en interdire le franchissement, la suite : www.gisti.org/spip.php ?article6368


    • Greece shields Evros border with blades wire, 400 new border guards

      Greece is strengthening ifs defense and is preparing for a possible new wave of migrants at its Evros border. A fence of sharp blades wire (concertina wire) and 400 additional border guards are to shield the country for the case Turkey will open its borders again so that migrants can cross into Europe.

      According to daily ethnos (https://www.ethnos.gr/ellada/105936_ohyronetai-o-ebros-frahtis-me-lepidoforo-syrmatoplegma-kai-400-neoi-sy), Ankara has already been holding groups of migrants in warehouses near the border, while the Greek side is methodically being prepared for the possibility of a new attempt for waves of migrants to try to cross again the border.

      “At the bridgeheads of Peplos and Fera, at the land borders after the riverbed is aligned, and in other vulnerable areas along the border, kilometer-long of metal fence with sharp blades wire are being installed, the soil is being cleaned from wild vegetation and clearing of marsh lands.

      The fence in the northern part is being strengthened and expanded, and 11 additional border pylons, each one 50 meters high, will be installed along the river in the near future. Each pylon will be equipped with cameras and modern day and night surveillance systems, with a range of several kilometers and multiple telecommunications capabilities, the daily notes.

      Within the next few months, 400 newly recruited border guards will be on duty and will almost double the deterrent force and enhance the joint patrols of the Army and Police, ethnos adds.

      Big armored military vehicles destined for Libya and confiscated five years ago south of Crete have been made available to the Army in the area, the daily notes.

      One and a half month after the end of the “war without arms” at the Evros border from end of February till the end of March, sporadic movement on the Turkish side of the border has been observed.

      At least four shooting incidents have been reported in the past two weeks, with Turkish jandarmerie to have fired at Greek border guards and members of the Frontex.

      Greece’s security forces are on high alert.

      Just a few days ago, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu reiterated that Ankara’s policy of “open borders” will continue for anyone wishing to cross into Europe.

      Speaking to nationalist Akit TV on Wednesday, Cavusoglu claimed that Greece used “inhumane” behavior towards the migrants who want to cross into the country.

      Also Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu had threatened that the migrants will be allowed to leave Turkey again once the pandemic was over.

      PS It could be a very hot summer, should Turkey attempt to send migrants to Europe by land through Evros and by sea with boats to the Aegean islands and at the same time, deploys a drilling ship off Crete in July, as it claimed a few days ago.



    • Pour la bagatelle de 63 millions d’euro...

      Greece to extend fence on land border with Turkey to deter migrants

      Greece will proceed with plans to extend a cement and barbed-wire fence that it set up in 2012 along its northern border with Turkey to prevent migrants from entering the country, the government said on Monday.

      The conservative government made the decision this year, spokesman Stelios Petsas said, after tens of thousands of asylum seekers tried to enter EU member Greece in late February when Ankara said it would no longer prevent them from doing so.

      Greece, which is at odds with neighbouring Turkey over a range of issues, has been a gateway to Europe for people fleeing conflicts and poverty in the Middle East and beyond, with more than a million passing through the country in 2015-2016.

      The project led by four Greek construction companies will be completed within eight months at an estimated cost of 63 million euros, Petsas told a news briefing.

      The 12.5-kilometre fence was built eight years ago to stop migrants from crossing into Greece. It will be extended in areas indicated by Greek police and the army, Petsas said without elaborating. In March, he said it would be extended to 40 kilometres.

      Tensions between NATO allies Greece and Turkey, who disagree over where their continental shelves begin and end, have recently escalated further over hydrocarbon resources in the eastern Mediterranean region.


    • Greece to extend fence on land border with Turkey to deter migrants

      Greece will proceed with plans to extend a cement and barbed-wire fence that it set up in 2012 along its northern border with Turkey to prevent migrants from entering the country, the government said on Monday.

      The conservative government made the decision this year, spokesman Stelios Petsas said, after tens of thousands of asylum seekers tried to enter EU member Greece in late February when Ankara said it would no longer prevent them from doing so.

      Greece, which is at odds with neighbouring Turkey over a range of issues, has been a gateway to Europe for people fleeing conflicts and poverty in the Middle East and beyond, with more than a million passing through the country in 2015-2016.

      The project led by four Greek construction companies will be completed within eight months at an estimated cost of 63 million euros, Petsas told a news briefing.

      The 12.5-kilometre fence was built eight years ago to stop migrants from crossing into Greece. It will be extended in areas indicated by Greek police and the army, Petsas said without elaborating. In March, he said it would be extended to 40 kilometres.

      Tensions between NATO allies Greece and Turkey, who disagree over where their continental shelves begin and end, have recently escalated further over hydrocarbon resources in the eastern Mediterranean region.


    • Evros land border fence to be ready in eight months

      The construction of a new fence on northeastern Greece’s Evros land border with Turkey will be completed in eight months, according to Citizens’ Protection Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis, speaking in Parliament on Monday.

      The border fence project has a total budget of 62.9 million euros and has been undertaken by a consortium put together by four construction companies.

      It will have a total length of 27 kilometers and eight elevated observatories will be constructed to be used by the Hellenic Army.

      Moreover, the existing fence will be reinforced with a steel railing measuring 4.3 meters in height, instead of the current 3.5 meters.

      Damage to the existing fence during attempts by thousands of migrants to cross into Greece territory from Turkey, as well as bad weather, will be repaired – including a 400-meter stretch that collapsed as a result of flooding.


    • New Evros fence to be completed by April next year, PM says during on-site inspection

      Construction of a new fence designed to stop undocumented migrants from slipping into Greece along its northeastern border with Turkey, demarcated by the Evros River, is expected to be completed by April next year, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said during a visit at the area of Ferres on Saturday.

      “Building the Evros fence was the least we could do to secure the border and make the people of Evros feel more safe,” Mitsotakis said.

      The 62.9-million-euro steel fence with barbed wire will be five meters high and have a total length of 27 kilometers. Eight elevated observatories will be constructed to be used by the Hellenic Army. The project, which is designed to also serve as anti-flood protection, has been undertaken by a consortium put together by four construction companies.

      During a meeting with local officials, Mitsotakis also confirmed the hiring of 400 guards to patrol the border.


    • To Vima: Evros wall will be ready in April, the Min. of Public
      Order said that ’labourers worked in the snow to finish the fence’.
      It also claims drones fly daily over the border - can anyone confirm? Only found older news saying they were to be deployed.



      Εβρος : Ο φράκτης, τα drones και ο χιονιάς

      O καινούργιος φράκτης στα σύνορα με μήκος 27 χιλιόμετρα και με 13 χιλιόμετρα ο παλαιός, θα είναι απόλυτα έτοιμος τον Απρίλιο.

      Ούτε το χιόνι, ούτε οι λευκές νύχτες του Φεβρουαρίου, ούτε οι θερμοκρασίες κάτω από το μηδέν εμπόδισαν τα συνεργεία στις εργασίες τους για την κατασκευή του φράκτη στον Έβρο. Όπως μου είπε ο Μιχάλης Χρυσοχοΐδης « μηχανήματα και εργάτες δούλεψαν μέσα στα χιόνια για να ολοκληρώσουν τον φράκτη ». Μου αποκάλυψε μάλιστα ότι ο καινούργιος φράκτης στα σύνορα με μήκος 27 χιλιόμετρα και με 13 χιλιόμετρα ο παλαιός, θα είναι απόλυτα έτοιμος τον Απρίλιο. Και τούτο παρά το γεγονός ότι αυτές τις ημέρες το μόνον που δυσκολεύει τις εργασίες είναι τα πολλά νερά του ποταμού ο οποίος έχει υπερχειλίσει. Ωστόσο τα drones πετούν καθημερινά και συλλέγουν πληροφορίες, οι περιπολίες είναι συνεχείς και τα ηχοβολιστικά μηχανήματα έτοιμα, εάν χρειαστεί να δράσουν.


    • In post-pandemic Europe, migrants will face digital fortress

      As the world begins to travel again, Europe is sending migrants a loud message: Stay away!

      Greek border police are firing bursts of deafening noise from an armored truck over the frontier into Turkey. Mounted on the vehicle, the long-range acoustic device, or “sound cannon,” is the size of a small TV set but can match the volume of a jet engine.

      It’s part of a vast array of physical and experimental new digital barriers being installed and tested during the quiet months of the coronavirus pandemic at the 200-kilometer (125-mile) Greek border with Turkey to stop people entering the European Union illegally.

      A new steel wall, similar to recent construction on the US-Mexico border, blocks commonly-used crossing points along the Evros River that separates the two countries.

      Nearby observation towers are being fitted with long-range cameras, night vision, and multiple sensors. The data will be sent to control centers to flag suspicious movement using artificial intelligence analysis.

      “We will have a clear ‘pre-border’ picture of what’s happening,” Police Maj. Dimonsthenis Kamargios, head of the region’s border guard authority, told the Associated Press.

      The EU has poured 3 billion euros ($3.7 billion) into security tech research following the refugee crisis in 2015-16, when more than 1 million people – many escaping wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan – fled to Greece and on to other EU countries.

      The automated surveillance network being built on the Greek-Turkish border is aimed at detecting migrants early and deterring them from crossing, with river and land patrols using searchlights and long-range acoustic devices.

      Key elements of the network will be launched by the end of the year, Kamargios said. “Our task is to prevent migrants from entering the country illegally. We need modern equipment and tools to do that.”

      Researchers at universities around Europe, working with private firms, have developed futuristic surveillance and verification technology, and tested more than a dozen projects at Greek borders.

      AI-powered lie detectors and virtual border-guard interview bots have been piloted, as well as efforts to integrate satellite data with footage from drones on land, air, sea and underwater. Palm scanners record the unique vein pattern in a person’s hand to use as a biometric identifier, and the makers of live camera reconstruction technology promise to erase foliage virtually, exposing people hiding near border areas.

      Testing has also been conducted in Hungary, Latvia and elsewhere along the eastern EU perimeter.

      The more aggressive migration strategy has been advanced by European policymakers over the past five years, funding deals with Mediterranean countries outside the bloc to hold migrants back and transforming the EU border protection agency, Frontex, from a coordination mechanism to a full-fledged multinational security force.

      But regional migration deals have left the EU exposed to political pressure from neighbors.

      Earlier this month, several thousand migrants crossed from Morocco into the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in a single day, prompting Spain to deploy the army. A similar crisis unfolded on the Greek-Turkish border and lasted three weeks last year.

      Greece is pressing the EU to let Frontex patrol outside its territorial waters to stop migrants reaching Lesbos and other Greek islands, the most common route in Europe for illegal crossing in recent years.

      Armed with new tech tools, European law enforcement authorities are leaning further outside borders.

      Not all the surveillance programs being tested will be included in the new detection system, but human rights groups say the emerging technology will make it even harder for refugees fleeing wars and extreme hardship to find safety.

      Patrick Breyer, a European lawmaker from Germany, has taken an EU research authority to court, demanding that details of the AI-powered lie detection program be made public.

      “What we are seeing at the borders, and in treating foreign nationals generally, is that it’s often a testing field for technologies that are later used on Europeans as well. And that’s why everybody should care, in their own self-interest,” Breyer of the German Pirates Party told the AP.

      He urged authorities to allow broad oversight of border surveillance methods to review ethical concerns and prevent the sale of the technology through private partners to authoritarian regimes outside the EU.

      Ella Jakubowska, of the digital rights group EDRi, argued that EU officials were adopting “techno-solutionism” to sideline moral considerations in dealing with the complex issue of migration.

      “It is deeply troubling that, time and again, EU funds are poured into expensive technologies which are used in ways that criminalize, experiment with and dehumanize people on the move,” she said.

      Migration flows have slowed in many parts of Europe during the pandemic, interrupting an increase recorded over years. In Greece, for example, the number of arrivals dropped from nearly 75,000 in 2019 to 15,700 in 2020, a 78% decrease.

      But the pressure is sure to return. Between 2000 and 2020, the world’s migrant population rose by more than 80% to reach 272 million, according to United Nations data, fast outpacing international population growth.

      At the Greek border village of Poros, the breakfast discussion at a cafe was about the recent crisis on the Spanish-Moroccan border.

      Many of the houses in the area are abandoned and in a gradual state of collapse, and life is adjusting to that reality.

      Cows use the steel wall as a barrier for the wind and rest nearby.

      Panagiotis Kyrgiannis, a Poros resident, says the wall and other preventive measures have brought migrant crossings to a dead stop.

      “We are used to seeing them cross over and come through the village in groups of 80 or a 100,” he said. “We were not afraid. … They don’t want to settle here. All of this that’s happening around us is not about us.”


      #pandémie #covid-19 #coronavirus #barrière_digitale #mur_digital #pré-mur #technologie #complexe_militaro-industriel #AI #IA #intelligence_artificielle #détecteurs_de_mensonge #satellite #biométrie #Hongrie #Lettonie #Frontex #surveillance #privatisation #techno-solutionism #déshumanisation

    • Greece: EU Commission upgrades border surveillance – and criticises it at the same time

      The Greek border police are using a sound cannon and drones on a new border fence, and the EU Commission expresses its „concern“ about this. However, it is itself funding several similar research projects, including a semi-autonomous drone with stealth features for „effective surveillance of borders and migration flows“

      On Monday, the Associated Press (AP) news agency had reported (https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-europe-migration-technology-health-c23251bec65ba45205a0851fab07e) that police in Greece plan to deploy a long-range sound cannon at the external border with Turkey in the future. The device, mounted on a police tank, makes a deafening noise with the volume of a jet engine. It is part of a system of steel walls that is being installed and tested along with drones on the 200-kilometre border with Turkey for migration defence. The vehicle, made by the Canadian manufacturer #Streit, comes from a series of seized „#Typhoons“ (https://defencereview.gr/mrap-vehicles-hellenic-police) that were to be illegally exported to Libya via Dubai (https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/streit-libya-un-1.3711776).

      After the AP report about the sound cannons went viral, Commission spokesman Adalbert Jahnz had clarified that it was not an EU project (https://twitter.com/Ad4EU/status/1400010786064437248).

      Yesterday, AP reported again on this (https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-europe-migration-government-and-politics-2cec83ae0d8544a719a885a). According to Jahnz, the Commission has „noted with concern“ the installation of the technology and is requesting information on its use. Methods used in EU member states would have to comply with European fundamental rights, including the „right to dignity“. The right to asylum and the principle of non-refoulement in states where refugees face persecution must also be respected.

      The Commission’s outrage is anything but credible. After Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan used refugees to storm the Turkish-Greek border in March 2020, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen travelled to the border river Evros before the start of a Frontex mission and declared her solidarity there. Literally, the former German Defence Minister said (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/statement_20_380): „I thank Greece for being our European shield“.

      Commission funds research on border surveillance

      Also yesterday, the Commission-funded #ROBORDER project (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/740593/de) said in a statement (https://roborder.eu/2021/06/03/new-collaboration-with-borderuas-project) that it is now cooperating with the #BorderUAS project (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/883272/de). Both are about the use of drones. The police in Greece are involved and the applications are to be tested there.

      The acronym ROBORDER stands for „#Autonomous_Swarm_of_Heterogeneous_Robots_for_Border_Surveillance“. It works with drones on water, on land and in the air. In Greece, for example, a drone is to be used to detect „unauthorised sea border crossing“ (https://roborder.eu/the-project/demonstrators), as well as an aircraft from the #Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft with a surveillance test platform, #radar systems and thermal imaging cameras.

      All drones in ROBORDER are supposed to be able to operate in swarms. They are controlled via a mobile control centre from the German company #Elettronica. This „#Multipurpose_Mission_Support_Vehicle“ (#MUROS) is used to collect all recorded data (https://www.elettronica.de/de/produkte/oeffentliche-sicherheit-integration). The project, which will soon come to an end, will cost around nine million euros, of which the EU Commission will pay the largest share.

      High-resolution cameras on lighter-than-air drones

      The acronym BorderUAS means „#Semi-Autonomous_Border_Surveillance_Platform_with_a_High-Resolution_Multi-Sensor_Surveillance_Payload“. Border authorities, police forces as well as companies and institutes mainly from Eastern Europe and Greece want to use it to investigate so-called lighter-than-air drones.

      These can be small zeppelins or balloons that are propelled by alternative propulsion systems and have a multitude of sensors and cameras. The participating company #HiperSfera (https://hipersfera.hr) from Croatia markets such systems for border surveillance, for example.

      The project aims to prevent migration on the so-called Eastern Mediterranean route, the Western Balkan route and across the EU’s eastern external land border. According to the project description, these account for 58 percent of all detected irregular border crossings. BorderUAS ends in 2023, and the technology will be tested by police forces in Greece, Ukraine and Belarus until then. The Commission is funding the entire budget with around seven million euros.

      Civilian and military drone research

      For border surveillance, the EU Defence Agency and the Commission are funding numerous civilian and military drone projects in Greece. These include the €35 million #OCEAN2020 project (https://ocean2020.eu), which conducts research on the integration of drones and unmanned submarines into fleet formations. #ARESIBO, which costs around seven million euros (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/833805/de) and on which the Greek, Portuguese and Romanian Ministries of Defence and the #NATO Research Centre are working on drone technology, will end in 2022. With another five million euros, the Commission is supporting an „#Information_Exchange_for_Command_Control_and_Coordination_Systems_at_the_Borders“ (#ANDROMEDA) (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/833881/de). This also involves drones used by navies, coast guards and the police forces of the member states.

      In #CAMELOT (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/740736/de) are flying various drones from Israel and Portugal, and as in ROBORDER, a single ground station is to be used for this purpose. A scenario „illegal activity, illegal immigration persons“ is being tested with various surveillance equipment at the Evros river. The Commission is contributing eight million euros of the total sum. This year, results from #FOLDOUT (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/214861/factsheet/de) will also be tried out on the Greek-Turkish border river Evros, involving satellites, high-flying platforms and drones with technology for „through-foliage detection“ (https://foldout.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Flyer_v1_Foldout_EN_v2_Print.pdf) in the „outermost regions of the EU„. The Commission is allocating eight million euros for this as well.

      Also with EU funding, predominantly Greek partners, including drone manufacturers #ALTUS and #Intracom_Defense, as well as the Air Force, are developing a drone under the acronym LOTUS with „autonomy functions“ and stealth features for surveillance. The project manager promotes the system as suitable for „effective surveillance of borders and migration flows“ (https://www.intracomdefense.com/ide-leader-in-european-defense-programs).


      #drones #Canada #complexe_militaro-industriel

    • La Grèce construit un mur sur sa frontière avec la Turquie

      22 août - 13h : La Grèce a annoncé vendredi avoir achevé une clôture de 40 km à sa frontière avec la Turquie et mis en place un nouveau système de #surveillance pour empêcher d’éventuels demandeurs d’asile d’essayer d’atteindre l’Europe après la prise de contrôle de l’Afghanistan par les talibans.

      La crise afghane a créé « des possibilités de flux de migrants », a déclaré le ministre de la Protection des citoyens Michalis Chrysochoidis après s’être rendu vendredi dans la région d’Evros avec le ministre de la Défense et le chef des forces armées. « Nous ne pouvons pas attendre passivement l’impact possible », a-t-il affirmé. « Nos frontières resteront sûres et inviolables. »


  • EU to end ship patrols in scaled down Operation Sophia

    The European Union will cease the maritime patrols that have rescued thousands of migrants making the perilous Mediterranean Sea crossing from North Africa to Europe, but it will extend air missions, two diplomats said on Tuesday (26 March).

    A new agreement on the EU’s Operation Sophia was hammered out after Italy, where anti-migrant sentiment is rising, said it would no longer receive those rescued at sea.

    Operation Sophia’s mandate was due to expire on Sunday but should now continue for another six months with the same aim of deterring people smugglers in the Mediterranean. But it will no longer deploy ships, instead relying on air patrols and closer coordination with Libya, the diplomats said.

    “It is awkward, but this was the only way forward given Italy’s position, because nobody wanted the Sophia mission completely shut down,” one EU diplomat said.

    A second diplomat confirmed a deal had been reached and said it must be endorsed by all EU governments on Wednesday.

    The tentative deal, however, could weaken Operation Sophia’s role in saving lives in the sea where nearly 2,300 people perished last year, according to United Nations figures.

    From the more than one million refugees and migrants who made it to the bloc during a 2015 crisis, sea arrivals dropped to 141,500 people in 2018, according to the United Nations.

    Still, Italy’s deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini, has said his country would no longer be the main point of disembarkation for people trying to cross the Mediterranean by boat and rescued by Sophia’s patrol ships.

    Rome called for other countries to open up their ports instead, but no other EU states came forward. Diplomats said countries including Spain, France and Germany signalled they were not willing to host more rescued people – most of whom are fleeing wars and poverty in Africa and the Middle East.

    However, EU governments did want the mission to continue because they felt it had been effective in dissuading smugglers.

    The compromise discussion in Brussels did not discuss military aspects of the role of air patrols. But the new arrangement will involve more training of the coast guard in Libya, where lawlessness has allowed smugglers to openly operate sending people to Europe by sea.

    But it would be in line with the EU’s policy of turning increasingly restrictive on Mediterranean immigration since the surge in 2015 and discouraging people from risking their lives in the sea in trying to cross to Europe where governments do not want them.

    The bloc has already curbed operations of EU aid groups in the part of the Mediterranean in question and moved its own ships further north where fewer rescues take place.

    #opération_sophia #méditerranée #asile #réfugiés #sauvetage #missions_aériennes #migrations #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #mer_Méditerranée #sauvetages

    • Commissioner calls for more rescue capacity in the Mediterranean

      I take note of the decision taken by the EU’s Political and Security Committee with regards to Operation Sophia. I regret that this will lead to even fewer naval assets in the Mediterranean, which could assist the rescue of persons in distress at sea. Lives are continuing to be lost in the Mediterranean. This should remind states of the urgency to adopt a different approach, one that should ensure a sufficiently resourced and fully operational system for saving human lives at sea and to safeguard rescued migrants’ dignity.

      Whilst coastal states have the responsibility to ensure effective coordination of search and rescue operations, protecting lives in the Mediterranean requires concerted efforts of other states as well, to begin with the provision of naval assets specifically dedicated to search and rescue activities, deployed in those areas where they can make an effective contribution to saving human lives. Furthermore, I reiterate my call to all states to refrain from hindering and criminalising the work of NGOs who are trying to fill the ever-increasing gap in rescue capacity. States should rather support and co-operate with them, including by ensuring that they can use ports for their life-saving activities.

      Finally, the decision to continue only with aerial surveillance and training of the Libyan Coast Guard further increases the risks that EU member states, directly or indirectly, contribute to the return of migrants and asylum seekers to Libya, where it is well-documented, in particular recently by the United Nations, that they face serious human rights violations. So far, calls to ensure more transparency and accountability in this area, including by publishing human rights risk assessments and setting up independent monitoring mechanisms, have not been heeded. The onus is now on EU member states to show urgently that the support to the Libyan Coast Guard is not contributing to human rights violations, and to suspend this support if they cannot do so.

      #droits_humains #gardes-côtes_libyens #Libye

    • EU to end ship patrols in scaled down migrant rescue operation: diplomats

      The European Union will cease the maritime patrols that have rescued thousands of migrants making the perilous Mediterranean Sea crossing from North Africa to Europe, but it will extend air missions, two diplomats said on Tuesday.
      A new agreement on the EU’s Operation Sophia was hammered out after Italy, where anti-migrant sentiment is rising, said it would no longer receive those rescued at sea.

      Operation Sophia’s mandate was due to expire on Sunday but should now continue for another six months with the same aim of detering people smugglers in the Mediterranean. But it will no longer deploy ships, instead relying on air patrols and closer coordination with Libya, the diplomats said.

      “It is awkward, but this was the only way forward given Italy’s position, because nobody wanted the Sophia mission completely shut down,” one EU diplomat said.

      A second diplomat confirmed a deal had been reached and said it must be endorsed by all EU governments on Wednesday.

      The tentative deal, however, could weaken Operation Sophia’s role in saving lives in the sea where nearly 2,300 people perished last year, according to United Nations figures.

      From the more than one million refugees and migrants who made it to the bloc during a 2015 crisis, sea arrivals dropped to 141,500 people in 2018, according to the United Nations.

      Still, Italy’s deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini, has said his country would no longer be the main point of disembarkation for people trying to cross the Mediterranean by boat and rescued by Sophia’s patrol ships.

      Rome called for other countries to open up their ports instead, but no other EU states came forward. Diplomats said countries including Spain, France and Germany signaled they were not willing to host more rescued people - most of whom are fleeing wars and poverty in Africa and the Middle East.

      However, EU governments did want the mission to continue because they felt it had been effective in dissuading smugglers.

      The compromise discussion in Brussels did not discuss military aspects of the role of air patrols. But the new arrangement will involve more training of the coast guard in Libya, where lawlessness has allowed smugglers to openly operate sending people to Europe by sea.

      But it would be in line with the EU’s policy of turning increasingly restrictive on Mediterranean immigration since the surge in 2015 and discouraging people from risking their lives in the sea in trying to cross to Europe where governments do not want them.

      The bloc has already curbed operations of EU aid groups in the part of the Mediterranean in question and moved its own ships further north where fewer rescues take place.


    • En Méditerranée, l’UE retire ses navires militaires qui ont sauvé 45.000 migrants

      Les États membres de l’Union européenne ont décidé, mercredi 27 mars, de retirer leurs navires militaires engagés en Méditerranée dans le cadre de l’opération militaire dite « Sophia », au moins temporairement. Depuis 2015, ces bateaux ont pourtant permis de sauver 45 000 migrants environ.


    • #EUNAVFOR_MED Operation Sophia : mandate extended until 30 September 2019

      The Council today extended the mandate of EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia until 30 September 2019.

      The Operation Commander has been instructed to suspend temporarily the deployment of the Operation’s naval assets for the duration of this extension for operational reasons. EU member states will continue to work in the appropriate fora on a solution on disembarkation as part of the follow-up to the June 2018 European Council conclusions.

      The Operation will continue to implement its mandate accordingly, strengthening surveillance by air assets as well as reinforcing support to the Libyan Coastguard and Navy in law enforcement tasks at sea through enhanced monitoring, including ashore, and continuation of training.

      The operation’s core mandate is to contribute to the EU’s work to disrupt the business model of migrant smugglers and human traffickers in the Southern Central Mediterranean. The operation has also supporting tasks. It trains the Libyan Coastguard and Navy and monitors the long-term efficiency of the training and it contributes to the implementation of the UN arms embargo on the high seas off the coast of Libya. In addition, the operation also conducts surveillance activities and gathers information on illegal trafficking of oil exports from Libya, in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions. As such, the operation contributes to EU efforts for the return of stability and security in Libya and to maritime security in the Central Mediterranean region.

      EUNAVFOR MED Operation Sophia was launched on 22 June 2015. It is part of the EU’s comprehensive approach to migration. The Operation Commander is Rear Admiral Credendino, from Italy. The headquarters of the operation are located in Rome.

      Today’s decision was adopted by the Council by written procedure.


  • Soutien aux réfugiés en #Grèce : octroi d’une #aide_d'urgence de 180 millions d’euros

    La Commission européenne a annoncé aujourd’hui l’octroi d’un nouveau #financement de 180 millions d’euros pour des projets d’aide en Grèce, visant notamment à étendre le programme phare d’« #aide_d'urgence_à_l'intégration_à_l'hébergement » (#ESTIA) destiné à aider les réfugiés à trouver un #logement en zone urbaine et à l’extérieur des camps ainsi qu’à leur fournir une aide régulière en espèces.

    Ce financement intervient alors que le commissaire chargé de l’aide humanitaire et de la gestion des crises, Christos Stylianides, rencontrait aujourd’hui le Premier ministre grec, Alexis Tsipras, à Athènes.

    Le programme ESTIA, lancé en juillet 2017 avec le Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), est la plus grande opération d’aide menée par l’UE dans le pays, en cohérence avec la politique du gouvernement grec visant à sortir les réfugiés des camps. Jusqu’à présent, il a permis de créer plus de 23 000 places d’hébergement urbain et de mettre en place un système d’assistance pécuniaire en espèces pour plus de 41 000 réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile.

    « Les programmes humanitaires que nous avons déployés en Grèce en faveur des réfugiés témoignent clairement de la solidarité européenne. Nous restons fermement déterminés à aider les réfugiés en Grèce à mener une vie plus sûre, plus normale et plus digne ainsi qu’à faciliter leur intégration dans l’économie locale et dans la société. Grâce à notre programme ESTIA, nous parvenons à améliorer concrètement la vie des gens. Je souhaite tout particulièrement rendre hommage aux citoyens et aux maires grecs qui ont accueilli des réfugiés dans leur municipalité en leur manifestant une grande attention et de l’empathie » a déclaré M. Christos Stylianides, commissaire chargé de l’aide humanitaire et de la gestion des crises.

    Six autres contrats ont été signés avec le Conseil danois pour les réfugiés, l’Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund, Médecins du Monde, la Croix-Rouge espagnole ainsi que les ONG grecques METAdrasi et Smile of the Child, pour répondre aux besoins humanitaires urgents en Grèce, notamment en matière d’abris, de soins de santé primaires, d’aide psychosociale, d’amélioration des conditions d’hygiène, d’éducation informelle et de services d’interprétation pour les soins de santé et la protection.

    Constituée de divers financements, l’aide globale mise à la disposition de la Grèce par la Commission européenne pour l’aider à gérer la situation humanitaire, la migration et les frontières extérieures dépasse 1,5 milliard d’euros.

    #Europe #UE #EU #aide #hébergement #aide_financière

    • Migration : Commission steps up emergency assistance to Spain and Greece

      The European Commission has awarded an additional €45.6 million in emergency assistance to support Spain and Greece respond to the migratory challenges they face.

      In view of increased arrivals, Spain will receive €25.6 million to improve the reception capacity for arrivals at its southern coast and in Ceuta and Melilla as well as to help increase returns. Another €20 million has been awarded to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to improve reception conditions in Greece, notably on the island of Lesvos.

      Dimitris Avramopoulos, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship said: “The Commission continues to deliver on its commitment to support Member States under pressure. Spain has seen arrival figures increase during the past year and we need to step up our support to help manage the numbers and return those who have no right to stay. And while the EU-Turkey Statement has greatly contributed to lowering the number of arrivals in Greece, the country is still facing significant migratory pressure, in particular on the islands. Over €1 billion has now been awarded in emergency assistance to help Member States manage migration.”

      With the new funding decisions an important milestone has been reached: In total, the Commission has now mobilised over €1 billion in emergency assistance to help manage migration under the current financial framework (2014-2020) – support that has gone to the Member States most affected such as Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Sweden and now also Spain.


      €24.8 million has been awarded to the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the Spanish Red Cross for a project aimed at providing healthcare, food, and shelter to migrants arriving on the southern coast of Spain and in Ceuta and Melilla.
      A further €720,000 has been awarded to the Ministry of Interior to help improve the quality of return facilities and infrastructure for return transfers.

      The emergency funding awarded to Spain comes on top of €692 million allocated to Spain for migration, border and security management under national programmes for the period 2014-2020.


      The additional €20 million awarded to the UNHCR will be used to help manage the reception facilities in the island of Lesvos, support local community projects and provide further emergency accommodation on the islands.
      It will also go towards stepping up measures for the protection of children, non-formal education and to prevent sexual and gender-based violence.

      This funding decision comes on top of more than €1.6 billion of funding support awarded by the Commission since 2015 to address migration challenges in Greece.


    • Migration: Commission increases emergency assistance for Spain to €30 million [Updated on 3/8/2018 at 13:01]

      Yesterday, the Commission awarded an additional €3 million in emergency assistance under the #Internal_Security_Fund (#ISF) to support Spain in responding to the recent migratory pressure. The assistance will mainly support the costs linked to the deployment of extra staff from the Guardia Civil to the southern borders of Spain. This support brings to €30 million the emergency funding awarded to Spain since July to help the country address migratory challenges. This financial assistance comes on top of €691.7 million allocated to Spain under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund (ISF) national programme 2014-2020. (For more information: Natasha Bertaud – Tel.: +32 229 67456; Katarzyna Kolanko – Tel.: +32 299 63444)


    • Avramopoulos in Spain to announce further EU support to tackle migration

      As Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos headed to Madrid, the European Commission announced Friday (3 August) a further €3 million in emergency aid to support Spanish border guards in curbing irregular migration.

      The new cash comes from the Internal Security Fund and aims to help cover the costs linked to the deployment of extra staff in the southern borders of Spain.

      In July this year, the EU executive awarded €24.8 million to the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the Spanish Red Cross to enhance reception capabilities, health assistance, food and shelter for migrants arriving through the Western Mediterranean route.

      A further €720,000 went to the Ministry of Interior to help improve the quality of return and transfer facilities in the south of Spain, Ceuta and Melilla.

      This financial assistance comes on top of €691.7 million allocated to Spain under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Internal Security Fund since 2014.


    • Migration : Commission provides €24.1 million to the International Organisation for Migration to provide support, help and education for migrant children in Greece

      The European Commission has awarded €24.1 million in emergency assistance under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) to support Greece in responding to migratory challenges. The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) will receive the funding to help ensure that migrant children can be immediately placed in a protective environment and receive education. It will notably support child-adequate accommodation, medical and psychological support, interpretation and cultural mediation as well as food provision for up to 1,200 unaccompanied minors in the Greek islands and in the mainland and facilitate formal education by providing transport and school kits. In addition, the funding will help assist migrants registered for assisted voluntary return and reintegration programmes. Today’s funding decision comes on top of more than €1.6 billion of funding support awarded by the Commission since 2015 to address migration challenges in Greece. Under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) and the Internal Security Fund (ISF), Greece has now been awarded €482.2 million in emergency funding, in addition to €561 million already awarded under these funds for the Greek national programme 2014-2020.

      v. aussi :


    • EC provides 43.7 million euros to increase migrant reception capacity in mainland Greece

      The European Commission has awarded an additional 43.7 million euros in emergency assistance to the International Organization for Migration (#IOM) to support Greece in responding to migratory challenges, the EU’s executive body said Wednesday.

      The grant, which comes from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, is designed to support the provision of emergency shelter for up to 6,000 asylum seekers and refugees by rapidly establishing places in temporary accommodation facilities, the Commission said.

      “The funding aims to provide dignified accommodation as well as basic assistance and protection services to the most vulnerable migrants in Greece, especially in view of the upcoming winter months and the need to decongest reception facilities on the Greek islands,” it said.

      The Commission has awarded more than 1.6 billion euros in funding since 2015 to address migratory challenges in Greece.


    • Migration et #frontières : la Commission octroie 305 millions d’euros supplémentaires aux États membres sous pression

      Cette semaine, la Commission européenne a débloqué une enveloppe supplémentaire de 305 millions d’euros d’aide d’urgence afin de soutenir la #Grèce, l’#Italie, #Chypre et la #Croatie dans le domaine de la gestion des migrations et des frontières.

      Ces moyens financiers soutiendront les efforts déployés pour accroître les capacités d’#accueil, protéger les victimes de la traite des êtres humains et renforcer les capacités de surveillance et de #gestion_des_frontières.

      M. Dimitris Avramopoulos, commissaire pour la migration, les affaires intérieures et la citoyenneté, a déclaré à cette occasion : « La Commission est résolue à continuer de soutenir les États membres soumis à une #pression_migratoire. Les 305 millions d’euros supplémentaires attribués cette semaine à plusieurs pays permettront de répondre à des besoins urgents, en faisant en sorte que les nouveaux migrants arrivés dans ces pays soient hébergés convenablement et reçoivent de la #nourriture et de l’#eau, que la #sûreté et la #sécurité des personnes les plus vulnérables soient garanties et que les #contrôles_aux_frontières soient renforcés, si nécessaire. »

      Ce #financement_d'urgence, qui sera accordé au titre du Fonds « Asile, migration et intégration » (#AMIF) et du #Fonds_pour_la_sécurité_intérieure (#FSI) de la Commission, constitue une partie des 10,8 milliards d’euros déjà mobilisés par la Commission en faveur de la gestion des migrations et des frontières et de la sécurité intérieure pour la période 2014-2020.


      La Commission débloque 289 millions d’euros pour soutenir la gestion des migrations en Grèce. Cette enveloppe sera répartie comme suit :

      Hébergements locatifs et allocations : 190 millions d’euros seront versés au Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (#HCR) pour permettre la poursuite du programme #ESTIA (#aide_d'urgence_à_l'intégration_et_à_l'hébergement). Ce programme fournit des #logements en location permettant d’accueillir jusqu’à 25 000 demandeurs d’asile et réfugiés et distribue des #allocations mensuelles en espèces pour un maximum de 70 000 personnes. Le HCR recevra également un autre montant de 5 millions d’euros afin d’augmenter encore la capacité d’#accueil dans les nouveaux #centres_d'accueil ouverts en Grèce continentale, en mettant à disposition et en distribuant 400 conteneurs préfabriqués.
      Conditions d’accueil : 61 millions d’euros iront à l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (#OIM) et au Fonds international de secours à l’enfance des Nations unies (#UNICEF), pour permettre la poursuite des programmes d’appui sur le terrain dans les centres d’accueil en Grèce continentale. Ces programmes englobent l’#accès_aux_soins de santé et à l’#éducation non formelle, la création de zones de sécurité spécifiques pour les #mineurs_non_accompagnés, ainsi que des formations destinées au personnel opérationnel.
      Recherche et sauvetage : 33 millions d’euros destinés aux garde-côtes grecs permettront de couvrir une partie des frais de fonctionnement afférents aux activités de connaissance de la situation maritime en mer Égée et contribueront à assurer des débarquements sûrs et une prise en charge efficiente des migrants à la suite d’opérations de recherche et sauvetage.
      Adaptation aux conditions hivernales : l’OIM recevra, pour soutenir ses préparatifs, 357 000 euros supplémentaires afin de fournir des couvertures, des vestes d’hiver et des kits d’hivernage dans les infrastructures d’accueil sur les îles grecques et dans la région de l’Évros.

      La Commission a mis plus de 2 milliards d’euros à la disposition de la Grèce pour la gestion des migrations, dont près de 1,5 milliard d’euros à titre d’aide financière d’urgence (voir la fiche d’information pour en savoir plus).


      La Commission octroie 5,3 millions d’euros d’aide financière d’urgence aux autorités italiennes pour contribuer à protéger les victimes de la traite des êtres humains dans le contexte migratoire. Dans le cadre d’un projet pilote mené dans des centres d’hébergement de demandeurs d’asile dans la région du Piémont, le financement servira à identifier les victimes de la traite des êtres humains et à les encourager à recourir aux possibilités d’assistance à leur disposition.

      Depuis le début de la crise migratoire, la Commission a mis à disposition près de 950 millions d’euros pour soutenir la gestion des migrations et des frontières en Italie. Ce financement comprend un montant de plus de 225 millions d’euros d’aide d’urgence et 724 millions d’euros déjà alloués à l’Italie au titre de ses programmes nationaux relevant du Fonds « Asile, migration et intégration » et du Fonds pour la sécurité intérieure 2014-2020 (voir la fiche d’information pour en savoir plus).


      La Commission accorde 3,1 millions d’euros à Chypre pour que ce pays renforce sa capacité d’accueil et transforme le centre d’urgence temporaire « #Pournaras » en un centre de premier accueil à part entière. Grâce à ce financement, le centre deviendra un centre de formalités universel pouvant fonctionner 24 heures sur 24 et 7 jours sur 7. Les services assurés sur place comprendront l’examen médical, l’#enregistrement, le relevé des #empreintes_digitales, le #filtrage, la fourniture d’informations et la possibilité de présenter une demande d’asile.

      L’aide d’urgence s’inscrit dans le cadre des efforts déployés par la Commission pour renforcer l’appui à la gestion des migrations en faveur de Chypre, après l’augmentation considérable du nombre d’arrivées que ce pays a connue au cours de l’année 2018. Ce nouveau financement vient s’ajouter à près de 40 millions d’euros alloués à la gestion des migrations pour la période 2014-2020, et à près de 1 million d’euros d’aide d’urgence alloué en 2014 pour les questions migratoires. Le Bureau européen d’appui en matière d’asile déploie actuellement 29 agents chargés de dossiers afin d’aider Chypre à résorber l’arriéré de demandes d’asile consécutif à l’augmentation des arrivées au cours des dernières années.


      La Commission accorde 6,8 millions d’euros à la Croatie pour aider ce pays à renforcer la gestion des frontières extérieures de l’UE, dans le strict respect des règles de l’UE. Cette enveloppe permettra de renforcer la surveillance des frontières et les capacités des services répressifs, en couvrant les coûts opérationnels (indemnités journalières, compensation des heures supplémentaires et équipements) de dix postes de police des frontières. Un mécanisme de suivi sera mis en place afin de faire en sorte que toutes les mesures appliquées aux frontières extérieures de l’UE soient proportionnées et respectent pleinement les droits fondamentaux et la législation de l’Union en matière d’asile.

      Le montant octroyé aujourd’hui porte l’aide d’urgence totale en faveur de la gestion des migrations et des frontières allouée à la Croatie par la Commission à près de 23,2 millions d’euros. Cette somme s’ajoute à près de 108 millions d’euros alloués à la Croatie au titre des programmes nationaux relevant du Fonds « Asile, migration et intégration » et du Fonds pour la sécurité intérieure 2014-2020.


      Le soutien opérationnel et financier de l’Union joue un rôle déterminant pour aider les États membres à relever les défis migratoires depuis 2015.

      Le soutien de l’UE a également pris la forme d’une aide financière sans précédent accordée au titre du budget de l’UE à des partenaires – non seulement des autorités nationales, mais aussi des organisations internationales et des organisations non gouvernementales. En plus des dotations initiales pour la période 2014-2020 s’élevant à 6,9 milliards d’euros pour le Fonds « Asile, migration et intégration » (AMIF) et le Fonds pour la sécurité intérieure (#FSI_frontières_et_police), un montant supplémentaire de 3,9 milliards d’euros a été mobilisé en faveur de la gestion des migrations et des frontières et de la sécurité intérieure, pour atteindre 10,8 milliards d’euros.

      En outre, tirant les leçons de l’expérience, et compte tenu du fait que la gestion des migrations et des frontières demeurera un défi à l’avenir, la Commission a également proposé d’augmenter fortement les financements en la matière au titre du prochain budget de l’UE pour la période 2021-2027.

      #traite_d'êtres_humains #surveillance_des_frontières #santé #MNA #IOM #Evros #Fonds_Asile_migration_et_intégration #tri #catégorisation

  • Migrants et réfugiés : la #Bosnie-Herzégovine, nouveau #pays_de_transit ?

    La « #route_des_Balkans » est fermée depuis mars 2016, mais de plus en plus de réfugiés et migrants traversent la Bosnie-Herzégovine pour se rendre en Croatie avant de rejoindre les pays de l’Europe occidentale.

    #Bosnie #transit #parcours_migratoires #itinéraires_migratoires #routes_migratoires #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Balkans #nouvelle_route_des_balkans

    • Migrants take new Balkan route through Bosnia

      A new Balkan route through Bosnia has opened up for migrants, four years after a crisis in which more than one million people landed on Europe’s shores.

      Hundreds of thousands of people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Asia and Africa, took the so-called Balkans route northwest of Greece in 2015 and 2016.

      The route was effectively closed in March 2016 and until recently the few still making the journey avoided Bosnia and its mountains.

      Instead they opted for a route through Serbia before dodging the Croatian and Hungarian authorities in order to make it into the European Union (EU).

      But now an alternative migrants’ itinerary from Greece through Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia has emerged.

      The route, according to a western diplomatic source, matches the one taken by arms and drugs traffickers, indicating that human smuggling networks have been established.

      – Thousands paid to people smugglers -

      One migrant Ahmed Wessam, who spoke to AFP in Sarajevo, left the northeastern Syrian town of Hassake a month ago having paid people smugglers to get him to Europe.

      “A thousand dollars (800 euros) to go from Turkey to Greece, a thousand euros to go from Greece to Albania and so on,” Wessam told AFP.

      According to Bosnian authorities, since the beginning of the year 700 migrants have entered the country illegally and almost 800 were intercepted at the border.

      Most of them are Syrians, Pakistanis, Libyans or Afghans.

      The authorities fear that the end of the cold weather could spell a big hike in numbers.

      “We have no capacity to accept thousands of refugees... although they do not want to stay in Bosnia,” Prime Minister Denis Zvizdic said recently.

      Head of the medical charity Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in the Balkans Stephane Moissaing dismissed concerns of a repeat of the 2015 migrant crisis.

      However, the Bosnian authorities should “handle (the situation) in a humane way, so it does not become a real humanitarian crisis”, he said.

      The country’s current reception capacities are limited to a centre for asylum-seekers near Sarajevo, with space for just 154 people.

      The situation “gets complicated,” Bosnian Security Minister Dragan Mektic admitted recently, stating that there were currently between 45,000 and 50,000 migrants between Greece and Bosnia, many of whom might try their luck through Bosnia.

      The border with Croatia, an EU member state, is 1,000 kilometres (600 miles) long and Sarajevo has only 2,000 border police officers.

      According to Nidzara Ahmetasevic, a volunteer working with migrants in Sarajevo, the number of migrants in the country “is at least double” what the official figures show.

      “We are in contact with more than 300 people. We have found a solution (in terms of accommodation) for some 50, but we could fill two more houses of that size,” she said.

      – Baby due -

      Initially intended to be a hostel in a Sarajevo suburb, the large building where Wessam and his relatives have been staying has individual rooms equipped with toilets.

      The house was made available by a Bosnian who lives abroad.

      Samira Samadi, 35, another migrant staying there, left the central Iranian town of Ispahan in early 2017 along with her husband.

      She takes advantage of an MSF doctor’s visit to check if her pregnancy is proceeding well.

      “I want to go to Germany but... because of my wife’s pregnancy we can’t continue,” her husband Anoush Orak said.

      “We will probably wait here for the birth of our child.”

      The couple have already tried to illegally enter Croatia but the snow and forests put them off.

      Wessam, however, will depart in a “week, maybe 10 days”.

      “I do not know how to cross the border but we will try and retry. We have already crossed many times,” he said.


    • Migrants en Bosnie-Herzégovine : l’appel à l’aide de #Bihać

      Confrontés à la fermeture des frontières des Balkans, les candidats à l’exil tentent de trouver des routes alternatives. Depuis plusieurs mois, la Bosnie-Herzégovine fait ainsi face à une très forte hausse des passages illégaux. Le maire de Bihać, à la frontière croate, lance un S.O.S : la situation est hors de contrôle dans sa ville.

      Depuis le début de l’année, Bihać fait face à une hausse exponentielle d’arrivées de migrants. Située au nord-ouest de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, cette ville de 50 000 habitants se trouve en effet tout près de la frontière avec la Croatie, porte d’entrée dans l’Union européenne.

      La municipalité tente d’apporter son aide, mais elle n’a pas les capacités pour accueillir ces centaines de migrants. Face à l’urgence, le maire a fini par lancer un appel à l’aide il y a quelques jours. « Nous cherchons une solution car nous ne pouvons plus gérer la situation », a expliqué Šuhret Fazlić. « Les gens s’installent dans les parcs, dans la rue et entrent dans les bâtiments désaffectés. Nous ne pouvons plus attendre, la situation menace de devenir une catastrophe humanitaire. »

      « À Bihać, nous avons connu la guerre, la faim et l’isolement. Nous ne pouvons pas détourner le regard, nous sommes face à un problème sécuritaire. Des cas de maltraitance ont été constatés », s’inquiète le maire. Les autorités au niveau national, compétentes pour les questions migratoires, continuent pourtant d’ignorer les appels à l’aide des autorités locales. Selon le Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies pour les Réfugiés (UNHCR), plus de 500 migrants ont été enregistrés à Bihać ces derniers jours.

      Lors d’un entretien avec l’ambassadrice slovène en Bosnie-Herzégovine, le Premier ministre du canton d’#Una-Sana, auquel est rattachée Bihać, a déclaré qu’il n’y aurait dans la région « ni construction, ni mise en place de camps ou de centres d’accueil pour les réfugiés ». Selon le ministère de l’Intérieur du canton d’Una-Sana, la police croate renverrait illégalement les migrants vers la Bosnie-Herzégovine.


    • Le UNHCR appelle la Bosnie-Herzégovine à augmenter ses capacités d’accueil

      29 avril 2018 – 21h30 Le Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies aux réfugiés (UNHCR) appelé les autorités de Bosnie-Herzégovine à augmenter leurs capacités d’accueil en raison du nombre croissants de migrants et de réfugiés qui traversent le pays et qui, pour certains, veulent y demander l’asile. Pour l’instant, il existe un seul centre d’accueil pour les demandeurs d’asile, à Delijaš près de Trnovo, avec une capacité de 150 lits. Un autre centre pourrait ouvrir à Salakovac, près de Mostar, avec une capacité d’accueil de 100 à 120 lits. Le UNHCR a déjà investi 500 000 marks (environ 250 000 euros) pour sa réhabilitation.


    • Che cosa sta succedendo in Bosnia?

      Da dicembre dell’anno scorso, la Bosnia è stata testimone di un flusso di persone sempre crescente in fuga dalla guerra. I volontari, quotidianamente presenti sul campo, sono molto preoccupati per il fatto che l’assenza e la mancanza di una risposta da parte delle istituzioni e delle organizzazioni non governative possa portare ad un tracollo della situazione.

      La Bosnia sta diventando la parte finale del collo della bottiglia lungo quella che potrebbe essere definita la nuova “rotta balcanica” di cui questo Paese non ha mai fatto parte. Si tratta di uno stato povero, uscito da pochi anni dalla guerra, circondato da montagne aspre e di difficile accesso, per terreni ancora pieni di mine anti-uomo. Nonostante tutto, è diventato un Paese di transito per i migranti che, nel tentativo di evitare la violenza della polizia ungherese e i respingimenti della polizia croata, più volte documentati da Are You Syrious, hanno intrapreso la via bosniaca.

      Secondo i dati dell’UNHCR, nelle prime due settimane di aprile sono stati registrati 13 casi di respingimenti dalla Bosnia verso la Serbia. I volontari che da un anno stanno documentando le violenze al confine serbo-ungherese sono pronti a spostarsi lungo il confine con la Bosnia per monitorare la situazione. Per il momento il confine tra la Bosnia e la Croazia, lungo 900 km, è a corto di personale e questo rende ancora facile l’attraversamento. Tuttavia, proprio questa settimana, l’UE ha deciso di stanziare nuovi fondi per aumentare il pattugliamento lungo le frontiere anche se non si sa bene dove verranno intensificati i controlli. Secondo quanto dichiarato da Dragan Mektić, il ministro della sicurezza in Bosnia Erzegovina, per proteggere i confini, servirebbero almeno 500 poliziotti di frontiera.

      Una pericolosa assenza da parte del governo e delle ong

      Il governo bosniaco ha dichiarato che non è in grado di farsi carico di un numero crescente di rifugiati. A febbraio Borislav Bojić, presidente della commissione parlamentare per i diritti umani, aveva avvertito che i fondi stanziati per la crisi migratoria sarebbero finiti a fine maggio. Tuttavia, recentemente, ha dichiarato di riuscire a gestire la situazione.

      Nell’unico centro per l’asilo a Delijaš vicino a Sarajevo, ci sono circa 160 posti, ovviamente costantemente occupati. Secondo quanto si legge nel rapporto pubblicato da Human Rights Watch, il governo, assieme ai partner internazionali, dovrebbe impegnarsi perché i diritti umani e la legge sui rifugiati vengano rispettati. Tuttavia nella realtà la situazione è molto preoccupante nonostante le dichiarazioni del rappresentante dell’Organizzazione Internazionale delle Migrazioni in Bosnia Erzegovina. “Stiamo fornendo supporto al governo per quanto riguarda la crisi migratoria nel Paese, nel rafforzamento delle capacità istituzionali, nel supporto alla polizia di frontiera e nell’assistenza diretta ai rifugiati”.

      L’UNHCR ha iniziato a fornire un contributo per alloggiare le persone negli ostelli e l’OIM ha iniziato a collaborare con i volontari per l’assistenza medica, fino ad ora gestita interamente con fondi e donazioni private. Molti migranti hanno denunciato il fatto che negli alloggi dell’UNHCR ricevono solo un pasto al giorno e alcuni si sono trasferiti nei posti messi a disposizione dei volontari.

      La complessità del sistema di asilo

      Il sistema di asilo in Bosnia Erzegovina impedisce alle persone di ottenere un riconoscimento del proprio status perché ci sono regole impossibili da rispettare. Quando una persona arriva in Bosnia, deve esprimere l’intenzione di chiedere asilo alla polizia di frontiera o al Ministero degli affari esteri. Successivamente ha 14 giorni per registrare la propria domanda di asilo. Questa procedura, tuttavia, può essere effettuata solo da coloro che si trovano nell’unico centro per l’asilo a Delijaš. Tutti gli altri invece vengono automaticamente esclusi, perché per fare la richiesta di asilo completa, è necessario presentare i documenti relativi alla propria residenza, attestazioni impossibili da ottenere per chi è fuori dal sistema di accoglienza ufficiale. I volontari, che gestiscono diverse case a Sarajevo, stanno cercando di capire, con l’aiuto dell’OIM, come poter registrare i migranti in modo che non vengano accusati di risiedere illegalmente nel Paese. Il governo bosniaco ha iniziato a diffondere illazioni sul fatto che le persone che arrivano sono richiedenti asilo falsi in quanto non desiderano fermarsi nel Paese. Nello stesso tempo però in Bosnia non esiste una legge che permette a queste persone di risiedervi legalmente. Potrebbe trattarsi di una mossa da parte del governo per accusare i volontari di aiutare persone non regolarmente registrate.

      Il sostegno da parte della popolazione locale

      Nonostante questa propaganda di stato, la mancanza di una risposta istituzionale e di un sistema di asilo adeguato, la popolazione locale è amichevole e si spende quotidianamente per aiutare le persone in transito. Molti di loro sono testimoni diretti degli orrori della recente guerra in Bosnia.

      In un parco di Sarajevo, c’è una costante distribuzione di cibo gestita dai locali. Nella più grande delle case gestite dai volontari, a circa 30 minuti dal centro di Sarajevo, gli abitanti consegnano ogni giorno donazioni. Inoltre i volontari organizzano distribuzioni quotidiane di cibo, di giorno e di notte, per assicurarsi che chi dorme per strada abbia almeno un sacco a pelo, coperte e qualcosa da mangiare.

      Molte persone, in tarda serata, prendono l’autobus per Bihać e Velika Kladuša, due città vicino al confine con la Croazia, con l’obiettivo di provare a valicare la frontiera. In entrambe le città i locali danno cibo e sostegno alle persone. In questi luoghi non sono disponibili aiuti medici da parte delle grandi ong, e l’intero sistema è totalmente gestito dalla gente locale.

      A Velika Kladuša, i volontari di AYS hanno anche scoperto che un ristorante locale sta cucinando pasti gratuiti per le persone. Quando la settimana scorsa i responsabili della Croce Rossa sono arrivata in questo paese, i locali hanno detto loro che era da novembre che stavano gestendo da soli la situazione e che era meglio che andassero via.

      La più grande ong umanitaria della Bosnia, Pomozi.ba, invierà cinque tonnellate di cibo raccolto dai locali a Velika Kladuša. La relazione per ora pacifica tra i rifugiati e gli abitanti del luogo è un equilibrio fragile e la mancanza di risposta istituzionale, col perpetrarsi e il deteriorarsi della situazione, potrebbe diventare un problema.

      Qual è la prospettiva futura?

      Per ora nessuno sa come si svilupperà la situazione nel Paese e quante persone attraverseranno la Bosnia il mese prossimo. Le autorità si aspettano che il numero degli arrivi aumenterà e che, con l’avvicinarsi dell’estate, ci sarà la necessità di un maggiore accesso alle strutture igieniche come le docce. L’ong Medici Senza Frontiere sta discutendo con Pomozi.ba su alcune possibili soluzioni e sullo stanziamento di nuovi fondi, in particolari nei due paesi di confine, Velika Kladuša e Bihac, ma devono ancora essere definite le tempistiche.

      Con l’arrivo di un numero sempre maggiore di famiglie, sarà necessario aumentare il numero degli alloggi e di strutture e servizi adatti per i bambini. Inoltre sta crescendo il numero di minori stranieri non accompagnati, che, secondo la legge del Paese, dovrebbero essere messi in strutture protette. Proprio per non rimanere bloccati in Bosnia, molti giovani mentono sulla propria età dichiarando di essere più vecchi di quello che effettivamente sono.

      La maggior parte delle persone che arrivano in Bosnia sono in viaggio da anni, hanno vissuto in campi profughi e hanno fresche nella memoria storie traumatiche. Lo stress psicologico in questi contesti è molto alto e, data la recente storia bosniaca, le competenze in questo campo da parte della popolazione locale sono molto alte.

      In una Bosnia dove si incontrano rifugiati di guerra e abitanti di un Paese del dopoguerra, sono tante le storie che si intrecciano. L’assenza delle organizzazioni internazionali è tale per cui ora la popolazione locale non vuole più il loro aiuto. Tuttavia, come è già avvenuto in altri contesti, la disponibilità ad aiutare diminuisce con il perdurare e il deteriorarsi della situazione.


    • Bosnie-Herzégovine : les autorités dépassées par l’afflux de migrants et de réfugiés

      Alors que 400 migrants campent toujours dans un parc du centre de Sarajevo et que la ville de Bihać est débordée par l’afflux de réfugiés, les autorités peinent à s’organiser et à trouver des capacités d’accueil. Les autorités de #Republika_Srpska refusent de loger des demandeurs d’asile.


    • Commission européenne - Assistance humanitaire aux réfugiés et migrants - Bosnie-Herzégovine

      La Commission européenne a annoncé aujourd’hui 1,5 million d’euros d’aide humanitaire pour répondre aux besoins croissants des réfugiés, des demandeurs d’asile et des migrants bloqués en Bosnie-Herzégovine. Cela porte le financement humanitaire de la Commission à 30,5 millions d’euros pour répondre aux besoins dans les Balkans occidentaux depuis le début de la crise des réfugiés.

      Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides said: “The number of refugees and migrants arriving in Bosnia and Herzegovina has increased and we must act swiftly. We are committed to help Bosnia and Herzegovina deal with this situation and deliver assistance to the most vulnerable refugees and migrants. Our funding will support their basic needs and provide emergency shelter, food and health assistance, as well as protection.”

      EU humanitarian aid will be provided in locations such as Sarajevo, Bihać and Velika Kladusa in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The funding aims to strengthen the provision of assistance, the protective environment and enhancing the capacity of organisations already providing first-line emergency response.


      Since the beginning of the refugee crisis in Western Balkans the European Commission has allocated more than €25 million in humanitarian aid to assist refugees and migrants in Serbia, and over €4 million to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. EU humanitarian aid helps the most vulnerable refugees and migrants to meet basic needs and preserve their dignity.

      In addition to humanitarian assistance, the European Commission provides Western Balkans partners with significant financial and technical support for activities related to migration and refugee crisis. This is done primarily through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance. Since 2007 the Commission has been providing assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area of migration and border management through the Instrument of pre-accession amounting to €24.6 million. From January 2016 Bosnia and Herzegovina also benefits from the regional programme ’Support to Protection-Sensitive Migration Management’ worth €8 million.

      Around 4.900 refugees and migrants entered Bosnia and Herzegovina since early January 2018, according to government estimates. Approximately 2.500 refugees and migrants in need of assistance are currently stranded in the country. The EU will provide its assistance through humanitarian partner organisations already present in the country.


    • Bosnia: respingimenti, violenze e pessime condizioni umanitarie alla nuova frontiera della rotta balcanica

      In Bosnia-Erzegovina si profila una crisi se non verrà avviata una risposta umanitaria coordinata prima che le temperature inizino a diminuire. Attualmente più di 4000 migranti e rifugiati stanno trovando rifugio in campi informali e abitazioni occupate lungo il confine della Bosnia con la Croazia.

      È una situazione nuova per la Bosnia, che prima di quest’anno non aveva visto un numero significativo di persone transitare attraverso il paese come parte della cosiddetta rotta balcanica. Anche se il flusso di persone che arrivano nel paese è in aumento da mesi, le condizioni umanitarie di base nei due punti di maggiore affluenza lungo il confine rimangono pesantemente inadeguate.

      Ai margini della città di Bihac, circa 3000 persone vivono dentro e intorno a una struttura di cemento in stato di deterioramento. Con dei fori aperti come finestre e pozze di fango e acqua piovana sul pavimento, l’ex dormitorio a cinque piani ora è pieno di gente che dorme su coperte, con tende allestite nei corridoi e lenzuola appese ai soffitti nel tentativo di creare un po’ di privacy. Un pendio boscoso dietro l’edificio è cosparso di altre tende.
      Nel frattempo, appena fuori dalla vicina città di Velika Kladuša, circa 1000 persone vivono in tende e rifugi improvvisati fatti di teloni e altri materiali di fortuna. Intorno ai ripari vengono scavate fosse per evitare gli allagamenti durante i forti temporali estivi.

      Adulti, famiglie e bambini non accompagnati si affollano in entrambe le località. Vengono da paesi come Pakistan, Afghanistan, Siria, Iraq e altri ancora. Come per tutti coloro che percorrono la rotta balcanica, il loro obiettivo è fuggire da conflitti e povertà nei loro paesi di origine.
      Una risposta lenta

      “Le pessime condizioni umanitarie negli insediamenti transitori al confine della Bosnia-Erzegovina sono rese peggiori da una risposta lenta e inadeguata alla situazione”, afferma Juan Matias Gil, capo missione di MSF per Serbia e Bosnia- Erzegovina.

      Da giugno 2018, MSF sta lavorando costantemente sul campo in entrambi i siti. In collaborazione con le autorità mediche locali, MSF gestisce una piccola clinica mobile per rispondere alle principali urgenze sanitarie di base mentre riferisce i casi più complessi all’assistenza sanitaria secondaria nel circostante Cantone di Una-Sana.

      “L’inverno si sta avvicinando e finora ci sono voluti mesi per fornire a questa popolazione in aumento servizi minimi di base” afferma Gil di MSF. “Con l’arrivo dell’inverno non c’è tempo da perdere. La mancanza di preparativi tempestivi potrebbe costare vite umane.”
      Gli inverni scorsi lungo la rotta balcanica

      Rifugiati e persone in movimento lungo la rotta balcanica hanno vissuto in condizioni disperate e disumane gli inverni passati.

      In Serbia e lungo i suoi confini, la mancanza di un piano per l’inverno coordinato a livello istituzionale ha lasciato migliaia di persone al freddo per diversi inverni consecutivi. Man a mano che le frontiere dell’UE si sono chiuse, migliaia di persone si sono ritrovate bloccate in condizioni di tempo gelido, bloccate in un paese che non è in grado di offrire ripari sufficienti.

      Durante gli scorsi inverni, nella regione MSF ha curato persone per ipotermia e congelamento e la clinica di MSF a Belgrado ha visto un aumento delle malattie respiratorie perché per scaldarsi le persone devono bruciare plastica e altri materiali di fortuna.

      Indipendentemente dalla stagione, migranti e richiedenti asilo che cercano di attraversare i confini settentrionali della Serbia hanno ripetutamente denunciato le violenze da parte delle guardie di frontiera. Nei primi sei mesi del 2017, le cliniche mobili di MSF a Belgrado hanno trattato 24 casi di traumi intenzionali che secondo quanto riferito si sono verificati lungo il confine tra Serbia e Croazia.
      Nuove rotte, continue problematiche

      Le persone che arrivano e cercano di attraversare il confine tra Bosnia e Croazia provengono principalmente da campi e insediamenti informali in Serbia, ma alcuni hanno tentato nuove rotte dalla Grecia attraverso l’Albania e il Montenegro per arrivare qui.

      Quello che è chiaro è che le persone che sono fuggite da conflitti e instabilità nei paesi d’origine continuano a cercare sicurezza in Europa. “Queste persone sono bloccate in Bosnia-Erzegovina”, dice Gil di MSF. “In assenza di canali sicuri per richiedere asilo e protezione internazionale, le persone sono continuamente costrette ad affrontare viaggi pericolosi e ad attraversare le frontiere in modo irregolare.”

      “Siamo preoccupati delle denunce di respingimenti e violenze contro i rifugiati e i migranti sul lato croato del confine“, conclude Gil. “Di fronte al protrarsi della stessa situazione anche in Bosnia-Erzegovina, ci aspettiamo che i migranti si troveranno ad affrontare lo stesso tipo di problemi che hanno avuto in altri punti della rotta balcanica: malattie della pelle e delle vie respiratorie, peggioramento delle condizioni di salute mentale e aumento della violenza.”


    • Bihac, dove 4 mila migranti attendono di passare il confine tra la Bosnia e la Croazia

      “Le pessime condizioni umanitarie negli insediamenti transitori al confine della Bosnia- Erzegovina sono rese peggiori da una risposta lenta e inadeguata alla situazione”, afferma Juan Matias Gil, capo missione di Medici Senza Frontiere per Serbia e Bosnia-Erzegovina


    • AYS Daily Digest 16/4/19 : How do the EU Commission’s funds manage to bypass those in need ? — case : #Tuzla

      In Bosnia and Herzegovina, for a while now people have been arriving from the east part of the country, coming from Serbia to Tuzla. It has once again become a point of transit for many and, although it has been so for some months now, the problem is ignored by the only authorities who could make possible to assist the people who gather usually around the bus station or in front of the field office of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs (SFA). It is responsible for the first step in the process of seeking asylum. In order to obtain the document from the office, people sleep rough on the pavement, sometime just in front of the lit and heated empty front space of the office that, of course, does not work on weekends and is open on workdays from 9am to 5pm.

      A very well organized small group of volunteers from Tuzla have been handling the situation for these people in transit who are constantly arriving. They have nowhere to go and there are no official systems of aid or accommodation. None of the big organisations are present to provide assistance, advice, nor even to research into the situation and the existing problematic in order to push for better solutions as important international stake holders on the issue in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

      Citizens who have been organizing small groups of helpers in the past months have run out of strenghts, options, finances and ways to point to the problem. They have already asked for an organised reception system, toilets to be made available 24/7, water supply, shower, food, clothes and health assistance, and if possible, an organized 24hour accommodation, as the people usually don’t stay there for logner.

      Unfortunately, along with the absence of responsibility by the county, the issue was not officially tackled by the City council, nor made part of the topics of their meetings, according to the local media, in spite of the citizens’ demands and volunteers’ desperation. To our knowledge, there wasn’t and there currently is no activity of IOM or UNHCR, as we wrote already. We intend to support their efforts to the best of our abilities, if you wish to come help (on your own expenses, staying in a hostel or so) or if you can provide financial support to them, let us know and the local team will estimate if and what sort of help is needed.

      Perhaps some explanations are due on the implementation and control of Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and Internal Security Fund as these situations become more and more common.


      Reçu par email via Inicijativa Dobrodošli, avec ce commentaire :

      All the risks and threats, still are not stopping people in their determination to affirm their freedom of movement and their right to find their new homes. As reported by Are You Syrious, In Bosnia-Herzegovina people have been arriving at the eastern part of the country, coming from Serbia to Tuzla. It has once again become a point of transit for many and, although it has been so for some months now, the problem is ignored by the only authorities who could make possible to assist the people who gather usually around the bus station or in front of the field office of the Foreigners’ sector office of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In order to obtain a document from the office, continue the AYS report, people sleep rough on the pavement, sometimes just in front of the lit and heated empty front space of the office that, of course, does not work on weekends. Up until now, citizens from Tuzla are the only ones that are handling the situation, organizing small groups of helpers and volunteers in the past months.

  • Report: Western Balkans route not closed, just diverted via Bulgaria

    A report by a German think tank reveals the deficiencies of the deal with Turkey to stem the flow of refugees to Europe. Migration is on the menu of the two-day summit starting today (22 June).

    #route_des_balkans #asile #migrations #réfugiés #routes_migratoires #Bulgarie #rapport #refoulements #push-back #statistiques #chiffres

    Lien vers le rapport:
    The EU-Turkey Refugee Deal and the Not Quite Closed Balkan Route

    #accord_UE-Turquie #Turquie #Grèce #nouvelle_route_des_balkans
    cc @i_s_

    • Bloqués en Serbie : les réfugiés perdus de la « route des Balkans »

      Malgré sa fermeture officielle, il y a bientôt deux ans, la « route des Balkans » est toujours active. Environ 5 000 réfugiés sont bloqués en Serbie qui, de pays de transit, s’est brutalement transformée en cul-de-sac. D’autres exilés continuent d’arriver, via la Turquie, la Grèce, puis la Macédoine ou la Bulgarie.

      Certains ont déjà essayé dix fois, quinze fois, de passer en #Hongrie, la porte d’entrée de l’espace Schengen. « La nuit, nous jetons des tissus sur les barrières de barbelés », poursuit Rauf. Ces tentatives répétées, les migrants ont fini par leur donner un nom : « #le_jeu ». Celui du chat et de la souris avec les forces de police qui patrouillent nuit et jour de l’autre côté de l’immense mur qui ceinture la frontière. La plupart se font vite rattraper. Au programme : prise d’identité et renvoi en Serbie, non sans un tabassage quasi systématique.
      #murs #barrières_frontalières #frontières

      C’est une ferme abandonnée, cachée derrière un bois touffu, au milieu de la plaine de Voïvodine, tout au nord de la Serbie, à quelques centaines de mètres de la frontière hongroise. Une cinquantaine de jeunes hommes vivent ici, s’entassant dans des pièces aux fenêtres depuis longtemps disparues. L’hiver, les températures descendent la nuit sous les – 10 °C.
      Pour se réchauffer, les migrants font brûler du bois et de vieux plastiques et entassent autant de couvertures qu’ils le peuvent. Rauf, originaire du Pendjab, n’a que 15 ans, mais cela fait plus d’un an qu’il est sur la route. « J’ai traversé le Pakistan, l’Iran, la Turquie, la Grèce, la Macédoine, la Serbie », explique-t-il. Son objectif ? Rejoindre Paris, où son père est installé.

      « Depuis plus d’un an, nos médecins et nos infirmières entendent les mêmes histoires décrivant des hommes battus et humiliés », détaille Stéphane Moissaing, le directeur de la mission de Médecins sans frontières (MSF) en Serbie. « La Hongrie, la Croatie, mais aussi la Bulgarie utilisent intentionnellement la #violence pour dissuader les migrants de demander l’asile dans l’Union européenne. Cela ne les décourage pas, mais cela leur cause de sérieux dégâts physiques, les rendant plus vulnérables encore », s’indigne-t-il.

      Une équipe mobile de MSF passe une fois par semaine dans les bois proches de la frontière. « Nous soignons des grippes, des infections respiratoires et intestinales, des maladies de peau dues aux mauvaises conditions d’hygiène, mais aussi les blessures provoquées par les coups et les morsures des chiens et des policiers », explique Iva, la doctoresse serbe de l’équipe. Autour de #Subotica, entre #Horgoš et #Bački_Vinogradi, ils sont plusieurs centaines à survivre dans les carcasses d’anciennes fermes, se regroupant par nationalités.
      Ce matin ensoleillé de janvier, l’ambiance est pourtant détendue. L’ONG allemande Rigardu a installé un camion-douche et un « salon de beauté », permettant aux migrants de se raser ou de se couper les cheveux. Au sol, des téléphones sont en train de se recharger, branchés sur le groupe électrogène apporté par les volontaires. Pour franchir la frontière, il est essentiel de compter sur les #passeurs : deux sont présents, négociant sans se cacher leurs services avec ceux qui ont un peu d’argent. Ils demandent 300 à 400 euros par personne, largement redistribués en pourboire à des policiers hongrois de connivence. En revanche, la police serbe est invisible et tolère le campement de migrants, à l’écart des villes.

      Selon Stéphane Moissaing, 1 000 à 1 500 migrants pénétreraient chaque mois en Serbie, majoritairement depuis la Macédoine et la Bulgarie, et autant en sortiraient. Depuis la fermeture officielle de la « route des Balkans », en mars 2016, les voies de passage demeurent globalement les mêmes, malgré le renforcement des moyens des polices locales et de ceux de #Frontex. En 2015 et 2017, le budget de l’agence européenne a été multiplié par deux, passant de 143 à plus de 280 millions d’euros.
      Pour déjouer ces mesures de sécurité, certains migrants tentent alors d’ouvrir de nouvelles routes. En 2017, 735 personnes en situation irrégulière ont été interpellées en #Bosnie-Herzégovine, huit fois plus que l’année précédente, dont la moitié à proximité de la frontière avec la Serbie. Et la tendance semble s’accélérer : plus du quart de ces arrestations ont eu lieu en décembre. « Ce sont les plus pauvres, ceux qui n’ont plus les moyens de se payer des passeurs, qui essaient de contourner l’obstacle hongrois par le sud, continue Stéphane Moissaing. Le phénomène reste pour l’instant marginal, mais l’on ne sait pas ce qu’il adviendra au printemps, quand les flux repartiront à la hausse. »
      Selon les données du Haut-Commissariat aux réfugiés, 4000 autres personnes sont hébergées dans des camps gérés par le gouvernement serbe, un chiffre stable depuis des mois. Celui d’#Obrenovac, dans la grande banlieue de Belgrade, n’accueille que des hommes seuls, dont 17 mineurs. Au dernier comptage, ils étaient 737, dont 235 Afghans et 395 Pakistanais, suivis par un impressionnant patchwork de nationalités : Algériens, Marocains, Népalais, Indiens, Somaliens, etc.
      À Obrenovac, les responsables du centre font visiter la salle de sport, le foyer, la petite école, qui offre des cours d’anglais, de serbe et de mathématiques aux mineurs. Les résidents peuvent circuler librement, se rendre en ville en déclarant leur sortie. Les conditions sont correctes, mais la promiscuité qui se prolonge finit par exaspérer. En novembre dernier, le camp a été le théâtre d’une bataille rangée impliquant plusieurs centaines de personnes, principalement des Afghans et des Pakistanais. Une autre bagarre a éclaté le 23 janvier. Miloš, un employé du Commissariat serbe aux réfugiés, résume le problème à une histoire « d’excès d’hormones entre jeunes adultes ». La très grande majorité de ces hommes ont entre 20 et 30 ans.
      Certains sont bloqués depuis plus de deux ans.

      Beaucoup de migrants refusent de loger dans le centre, par peur d’être identifiés et de devoir donner leurs empreintes digitales. « Ceux-là, s’ils veulent bénéficier des services du centre, il faut qu’ils s’enregistrent », poursuit le jeune homme, qui a déjà travaillé dans d’autres camps, « plus calmes, où il y a des familles ». C’est aux abords du centre que les passeurs concluent leurs affaires, et la police s’accommode des allers-retours fréquents avec les squats permettant le passage clandestin de la frontière.
      Milica, également employée par le Commissariat serbe, s’occupe surtout des mineurs. « Certains restent prostrés. Ils ont tous essayé de franchir la frontière de nombreuses fois, ils ont été battus, refoulés. Beaucoup ont été renvoyés de Hongrie ou de Croatie. Ils ont perdu tout #espoir, et la perspective d’un retour au pays serait la fin de leur rêve, la reconnaissance de leur échec. » Pour les volontaires des ONG, le principal problème reste le désœuvrement. « Ils reçoivent trois repas par jour et prennent des douches chaudes, mais ne font rien de leur journée. Comment vivre comme cela durant des mois ? », s’interroge l’un d’eux.
      Idriss, 23 ans, étudiait le droit à Alger. Il a décidé de prendre la route voilà 18 mois à cause de « problèmes » qu’il ne préfère pas détailler. Il a d’abord gagné la Turquie, où il a brièvement travaillé, avant de s’engager sur la route des Balkans. Le jeune homme passe l’hiver à Obrenovac pour reprendre des forces. La poursuite du voyage dépendra de sa capacité de rassembler assez d’argent pour traiter avec les passeurs.
      À la frontière avec la Croatie, près de #Šid, environ 150 personnes vivent dans les bois qui jouxtent le Centre d’accueil, certaines depuis plus d’un an. Ils sont algériens pour la plupart, mais il y a aussi des Afghans et des Marocains. Ces jeunes hommes préfèrent rester dans la « #jungle », considérant que faute d’être syriens ou irakiens, ils n’ont aucune chance d’obtenir l’asile en Serbie et qu’un séjour dans un camp officiel ne ferait que retarder leur objectif : rejoindre un pays riche de l’Union européenne.

      Sava, un autre employé du Commissariat, lui-même réfugié serbe chassé de la Krajina croate en 1995, lance : « Nous, les Serbes, savons ce qu’être réfugié veut dire. Nous considérons les migrants comme des êtres humains, ils sont bien mieux traités chez nous que chez vous, à Calais. » Sa supérieure surenchérit : « Tous les problèmes viennent des camps sauvages que dressent des anarchistes payés par l’Union européenne… Ils manipulent les migrants, alors que leur seul but est de récupérer des subventions ! » Les 25 et 26 décembre dernier, plusieurs dizaines de migrants ont entrepris un sit-in dans les champs qui séparent Serbie et Croatie, aux abords de la localité de #Tovarnik, avant d’être évacués par la police serbe, qui les a conduits vers des camps, comme celui d’Obrenovac.

      En 2018, la Serbie devrait toucher 16 millions d’euros de l’Union européenne pour financer les centres d’accueil. En ajoutant les moyens mis à disposition par les ONG, cela représente un budget annuel de près de 4 000 euros par réfugié, plus élevé que les revenus de nombreux Serbes. « La route des Balkans fonctionne toujours », explique Stéphane Moissaing. « L’UE s’accommode de ces flux, pourvu qu’ils restent discrets. » Les chiffres restent en effet bien éloignés de ceux de 2015. « Pour sa part, ajoute l’humanitaire, Belgrade essaie de concentrer les gens dans les #camps, alors que certaines familles sont bloquées dans le pays depuis deux ans. »

      En ce moment, MSF tente de mettre sur pied un programme de relogement dans des appartements vides, mais les autorités serbes ne cachent pas leurs réticences. L’inscription de quelques enfants de réfugiés dans des écoles de la banlieue de Belgrade à l’automne dernier relevait avant tout d’une bonne opération de communication. Et deux demandes d’asile seulement ont été acceptées par les autorités serbes en 2017. Même les migrants employés par les ONG présentes en Serbie ne parviennent pas à l’obtenir.
      Pour les autorités serbes, le calcul est gagnant de tout point de vue. Belgrade démontre son empressement à jouer le rôle de gardien des frontières européennes. Cela sert de monnaie d’échange au président Aleksandar Vučić, tout en lui assurant un joli pactole. Quant au flux minime de ceux que les passeurs parviennent à faire pénétrer en Hongrie ou en Croatie, il ne sert qu’à faire tenir l’ensemble du système.


      Je copie-colle ici un passage de l’article, qui met en avant le #business de l’#accueil des réfugiés :

      En 2018, la Serbie devrait toucher 16 millions d’euros de l’Union européenne pour financer les centres d’accueil. En ajoutant les moyens mis à disposition par les ONG, cela représente un budget annuel de près de 4 000 euros par réfugié, plus élevé que les revenus de nombreux Serbes.


      The “Balkan route” refers to a migration route that links Turkey to Western Europe. In 2015, Hungary, Macedonia and Croatia unilaterally closed their borders, while in 2016 the EU signed an agreement with Turkey aimed at putting an end to migrant crossings of the Aegean Sea. These uncoordinated migration and containment policies led to an encampment situation in Greece and Serbia.


      Et le reportage photo :


    • Réfugiés : la Bulgarie veut fermer les frontières des Balkans

      Le projet a été révélé mardi par Reuters. En pleine préparation du sommet européen des 28-29 juin, l’UE envisagerait la création de « hotspots » installés dans les pays à ses frontières. Les Balkans, qui font face à une forte hausse des arrivées, sont en première ligne, et le Premier ministre bulgare, Boïko Borissov, réclame la fermeture des frontières.

      Une semaine après la polémique de l’Aquarius, voilà qui risque de susciter de vifs débats, d’autant que le nombre de passes irréguliers est en forte hausse depuis le printemps. Cette information qui a fuité vient en tout cas confirmer les propos tenus un peu plus tôt par le Premier ministre bulgare, dont le pays tient la présidence tournante de l’UE jusqu’au 30 juin. Boïko Borissov a appelé les États membres à « fermer [leurs] frontières » à tous ceux qui ne passent pas par les postes de contrôle autorisés.

      « La Bulgarie a traversé (la crise des réfugiés, NDLR) ; sans trop parler, sans trop se plaindre. Nous avons sécurisé notre frontière avec la Turquie en posant (dès la fin 2013, NDLR) des grillages (https://www.courrierdesbalkans.fr/bulgarie-des-grillages-et-des-barbeles-pour-arreter-les-migrants), en déployant des forces de police supplémentaires et des gardes-côtes. Je vais donc recommander un compromis au Conseil européen : de la prévention, incluant la fermeture de toutes les frontières de l’UE », a-t-il déclaré. « Pourquoi l’Europe doit-elle être un terrain sans clôture ? », a-t-il ajouté, prenant les États-Unis comme exemple.

      Si Boïko Borissov vante sa politique vis-à-vis des migrants, Amnesty International rappelle dans son dernier rapport de février 2018 qu’elle a été mise en œuvre au prix de « nombreux recours excessifs à la force et de vols par la police aux frontières ».

      La déclaration du Premier ministre bulgare s’inscrit dans la lignée de la position du Chancelier autrichien Sebastian Kurz, dont le pays va reprendre la présidence tournante de l’UE après la Bulgarie le 1er juillet prochain. Il a fait du « combat contre l’immigration illégale » sa priorité.

      Elle s’inscrit également dans le contexte où la route des migrants jusqu’à l’UE passe de plus en plus par les Balkans, via l’Albanie, la Bosnie et le Monténégro, qui s’apprête à demander un « accord de statut » auprès de l’Agence européenne de garde-frontières et de garde-côtes (Frontex) pour bénéficier de son aide dans la gestion de ses frontières.

      Mais c’est en Bosnie-Herzégovine que la situation est particulièrement tendue. Lundi après-midi, plus de 200 migrants qui étaient basés à Velika Kladuša ont tenté collectivement de franchir la frontière croate. Ils ont été bloqués par la police au poste de Maljevac. Cet épisode fait suite à l’agression au couteau qui a provoqué la mort d’un ressortissant marocain vendredi 15 juin à Velika Kladuša. Les migrants s’estiment en danger et demandent à pouvoir passer en Croatie.

      Depuis janvier 2018, plus de 6000 personnes ont traversé la Bosnie-Herzégovine. La semaine dernière, le directeur du Service des étrangers de Bosnie, Slobodan Ujić, a mis en garde que si l’Autriche et la Slovénie fermaient leurs frontières aux migrants, la Bosnie-Herzégovine serait forcée de fermer ses propres frontières avec la Serbie et le Monténégro.


  • Report : Western Balkans route not closed, just diverted via Bulgaria – EURACTIV.com


    Don, l’Europe essaye de fermer les corridors (ou « routes ») migratoires.

    A report by a German think tank reveals the deficiencies of the deal with Turkey to stem the flow of refugees to Europe. Migration is on the menu of the two-day summit starting today (22 June).

    Migration will be discussed on Friday (23 June), the second day of the summit. According to diplomats decisions are not expected at this stage, but a frank discussion “on the external aspects” is very likely to take place.

    On Wednesday (21 June), the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung released a 26-page report, pointing out at the fragility of the situation since the EU-Turkey deal, which in theory closed the Western Balkans route.

  • Private ships play big role in Europe’s migrant crisis

    Two years ago, a small, privately-run ship set out to lend a hand to military operations in the Mediterranean rescuing migrants on boats near capsizing off Libya.

    #privatisation #asile #migrations #secours #naufrages #mer #Méditerranée #mourir_en_mer #réfugiés #sauvetages #MOAS #SOS_Méditerranée #ONG #sauvetage

    • Da yacht di lusso a nave di soccorso. Il dono del privato per salvare migranti nel Mediterraneo

      #Astral, la nave donata da un privato salperà all’alba del 3 luglio da Lampedusa e farà poi base a Malta, aggiungendosi alle sette imbarcazioni umanitarie già presenti nell’area. Il dono da parte dell’imprenditore Livio Lo Monaco sarà impiegata per salvare la vita dei migranti che sfidano il mare


    • How NGOs took over migrant rescues in the Mediterranean

      The launch of Operation Triton in 2014 shifted the focus of EU efforts in the Southern Mediterranean from Search and Rescue (SAR) to border control. Several NGOs have since attempted to fill the gap left by the absence of large-scale humanitarian operations.


    • «Besonders schlimm ist es, wenn kleine Kinder ertrinken»

      Der ehemalige italienische Marineadmiral #Franco_Potenza leitet die Missionen der Hilfsorganisation Migration Offshore Aid Station. In der Regel seien fünf bis sechs Organisationen mit Rettungsschiffen vor der nordafrikanischen Küste.


    • Migranti, Ft: Frontex accusa ong di collusione con trafficanti

      Roma, 15 dic. (askanews) - L’Agenzia europea per le frontiere esterne, Frontex, ha accusato le organizzazioni umanitarie che operano nel Mediterraneo di collusione con i trafficanti di esseri umani. E’ quanto si legge in rapporti confidenziali ottenuti dal Financial Times, pubblicati nel giorno del vertice Ue chiamato a discutere la crisi dei migranti. Le ong hanno respinto con forza l’accusa.


      #frontex #trafic_d'êtres_humains

    • EU border force accuses charities of #collusion with migrant smugglers

      Frontex charges open up long-simmering dispute with NGOs over how to solve the crisis


      Je copie-colle le contenu de l’article, si jamais un jour il disparaît... On ne sait jamais...

      The EU’s border agency has raised concerns about the interaction of charities and people smugglers operating in the Mediterranean, according to confidential reports seen by the Financial Times.

      The points outlined by Frontex bring to the fore a long-simmering dispute between EU officials and non-governmental organisations over how to resolve a migration crisis that has caused the deaths of 4,700 people this year alone.

      Frontex put its concerns in a confidential report last month, raising the idea that migrants had been given “clear indications before departure on the precise direction to be followed in order to reach the NGOs’ boats”.

      The agency also raised concerns in another report last week, which stated: “First reported case where the criminal networks were smuggling migrants directly on an NGO vessel.”

      NGOs operating in the region emphatically denied working with people smugglers.

      Elsewhere in the reports, which were shared among EU officials and diplomats, Frontex said people rescued by NGO vessels were often “not willing to co-operate with debriefing experts at all” with some claiming “that they were warned not to co-operate with Italian law enforcement or Frontex”.

      The number of rescues triggered by a distress signal fell from roughly two-thirds of all incidents this summer to barely one in 10 in October, according to Frontex figures. This drop-off coincided with a jump in the number of rescues carried out by NGOs in the central Mediterranean. They responded to more than 40 per cent of rescues in October, compared with just 5 per cent at the start of the year.

      It is no wonder that these accusations come now. We have a worsening situation in the central Med and a lot of efforts taken by the EU to shutdown migration. They are trying to shut this down by all means necessary

      Frontex also suggested the change in activity could be down to NGOs operating closer to Libyan territorial waters, or even to the lights used by rescue boats, which — the agency said — acted “as a beam for the migrants”.

      Charities operating in the region reacted angrily to the accusations. They say a drop in distress calls from boats carrying migrants has been due to increased rescue efforts, meaning that people were picked up before their situation worsened.

      Aurelie Ponthieu, a humanitarian adviser with Médecins Sans Frontières, which operates two rescue boats, said: “We are actively searching for boats in distress. We spot them earlier. This is a response to the needs that we see at sea.”

      So far this year more than 170,000 people have attempted to cross the Mediterranean from Libya to Italy, about 15 per cent more than last year, according to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency. The number of deaths has jumped by a quarter after 3,800 last year.

      NGO workers blamed the increased numbers of deaths on smugglers changing tactics and sending people out on increasingly unseaworthy vessels — a trend that they blamed on a crackdown on people smugglers by EU authorities. Ms Ponthieu said the agency’s focus was misconceived. She said the issue was “why so many people die, which is what Frontex should be focusing on. They should be looking at their own actions.”

      MSF this year said it would refuse EU funding in protest at the bloc’s handling of the refugee crisis.

      Founded in 2004, Frontex has scooped up more staff, money and powers as the EU attempts to get to grips with a growing problem of irregular migration. The EU this year turned the agency, which has a €250m budget, into a fully fledged border guard with the power to deploy 1,500 staff to support a member state if they are overwhelmed by arrivals.

      Frontex also criticised charities for failing to help with investigations into people smuggling by refusing to collect leftover evidence from rescued boats. “We have an obligation to help save their lives, not perform the duties of security agencies,” said Save the Children, which has rescued 2,400 people in October and November.

      The European Commission is examining whether stricter control of non-governmental rescue missions is needed, although officials stressed that legislation was unlikely.

      NGOs have played a crucial role in saving thousands of lives in the central Mediterranean, according to the commission, and have “mostly acted in support [of] and close co-ordination” with governments.

      Ruben Neugebauer, of Sea Watch, a German charity that runs rescue operations, said the EU was attempting to criminalise the efforts of NGOs in the Mediterranean. “It is no wonder that these accusations come now. We have a worsening situation in the central Med and a lot of efforts taken by the EU to shut down migration. They are trying to shut this down by all means necessary.”

      This article has been revised since original publication to correct inaccuracy and because comments by Aurelie Ponthieu of MSF were initially wrongly attributed

    • Las ONG responden a Frontex: «Si rescatar a personas en el mar es un delito, que nos detengan»

      La reacción se ha producido de forma unánime. «Una aberración», «un despropósito», son algunas de las palabras con las que las ONG que apoyan los rescates en el Mar Mediterráneo califican las acusaciones de colaboración con redes de tráfico recogidas en un informe confidencial de la Agencia Europea de Guardia de Fronteras y Costas (Frontex).


    • Frontex all’attacco degli operatori umanitari:che fine ha fatto l’operazione #Triton?

      Sono anni che i vertici di Frontex vanno all’attacco delle Organizzazioni non governative e dei comandi della Guardia Costiera che antepongono la salvaguardia della vita umana in mare alla difesa dei confini esterni dell’Unione Europea e al contrasto di quella che definiscono soltanto come “immigrazione illegale”. Questi attacchi si erano intensificati dopo le cd. Primavere arabe e si sono poi attenuati nel 2015, per qualche mese, solo dopo le stragi più terribili che sono costate migliaia di vittime nel Mediterraneo, in particolare sulla rotte che dalla Libia puntano sull’Italia.


    • reçu par email via la mailing-list de Migreurop:

      « Il est particulièrement inquiétant d’entendre des accusations envers des ONGs qui encourageraient les passeurs via les médias quand Frontex refuse de nous rencontrer. Nous avons demandé la tenue d’une réunion afin de pouvoir répondre à ces critiques, mais n’avons pas reçu de réponse à ce jour. De telles critiques sont scandaleuses en ce qu’elles impliquent. M. Leggeri suggèrerait-t-il que nous nous éloignions des zones où les gens sont les plus susceptibles de se noyer afin de rendre plus difficile le trafic des passeurs ? Devrions-nous simplement les laisser mourir ? »
      « Nous ne partageons pas de mandat commun avec FRONTEX, nous ne sommes ni une police des frontières ni une brigade anti-contrebande ; nous sommes des médecins et infirmiers et nous prenons la mer pour sauver des vies. Travailler aussi près que possible des eaux territoriales de la Libye est le seul moyen possible pour réduire les hauts risques de mortalité en Mer Méditerranée – Moins les gens passeront du temps sur une embarcation surchargée, moins il y aura de chances qu’ils meurent.
      Plutôt que de réitérer ces attaques préjudiciables et infondées vis-à-vis des ONG, FRONTEX devrait réévaluer ses propres opérations actuelles et considérer son propre rôle dans les situations dramatiques que nous constatons chaque jour en Méditerranée. Les passeurs s’adapteront toujours à ce qui se dressera face à eux et tant que les gens n’auront pas d’alternatives en dehors de la Libye, ils continueront à se noyer. »

      Stefano Argenziano
      Operations Coordinator

    • Et voilà des textes qui polluent le net de conneries...

      Le ONG contrabbandano immigrati in Europa ?

      Qualcosa di molto strano accade nel Mediterraneo Gefira – South FrontPer due mesi, utilizzando marinetraffic.com, abbiamo monitorato i movimenti delle navi di proprietà di un paio di organizzazioni non governative e, utilizzando i dati di data.unhcr.org abbiamo tracciato l’arrivo quotidiano di immigrati africani in Italia. Abbiamo scoperto di essere testimoni di una grande truffa e di un’operazione di traffico illegale di esseri umani. ONG, contrabbandieri e mafia in combutta con l’Unione europea hanno spedito migliaia di clandestini verso l’Europa con il pretesto di salvarli, assistiti dalla guardia costiera italiana che ne coordina le attività. I trafficanti di esseri umani contattano la guardia costiera italiana per ricevere aiuto e raccogliere i loro dubbi carichi. Le navi delle ONG vengono dirette sul “luogo del soccorso”, anche se è ancora in Libia. Le 15 navi che abbiamo osservato sono di proprietà o affittate da ONG viste regolarmente salpare dai porti italiani in direzione sud, fermarsi a poche miglia dalle coste libiche, prendere il carico umano a bordo e naturalmente rientrare per 260 miglia in Italia, anche se il porto di Zarzis, in Tunisia, è solo a 60 miglia di distanza dal punto di salvataggio. Le organizzazioni in questione sono: MOAS (Migrant Offshore Aid Station), Jugend Rettet, Stichting Bootvluchting, Medici Senza Frontiere, Save the Children, Proactiva Open Arms, Sea-Watch.org, Sea-Eye e Life Boat. Le vere intenzioni dietro le ONG non sono chiare. Il loro movente può essere il denaro, che non sorprenderebbe se si rivelasse essere così. Possono anche essere politicamente pilotati; le attività dell’organizzazione di Malta, MOAS, che traffica persone in Italia, è la migliore garanzia che i migranti non appaiano sulla rive maltesi. MOAS è gestita da un ufficiale della marina maltese ben noto per maltrattamenti ai rifugiati (1). E’ anche possibile che tali organizzazioni siano gestite da ingenui “buonisti” che non sanno di servire da magnete per le persone provenienti dall’Africa e quindi, volenti o nolenti, causare altri morti, per non parlare delle azioni per destabilizzare l’Europa. Per quanto nobili siano le intenzioni di tali organizzazioni, sono criminali, come la maggior parte dei migranti che non può ricevere asilo, finendo per strada a Roma o Parigi, minando la stabilità in Europa aumentando le tensioni sociali a sfondo razziale. Bruxelles ha creato una legislazione particolare per proteggere i trafficanti di esseri umani dalle accuse. In una sezione dedicata a una risoluzione UE, intitolata Ricerca e salvataggio, il testo afferma che “proprietari privati di navi e organizzazioni non governative che assistono i salvataggi nel Mediterraneo non dovrebbero rischiare punizioni per tale assistenza“. (2) Nei due mesi di osservazione, abbiamo monitorato almeno 39000 africani illegalmente contrabbandati in Italia con il pieno consenso delle autorità italiane ed europee.


    • Quel video online sui migranti: le rivelazioni che rivelazioni non sono

      Il video di un giovane youtuber che rivelerebbe la “verità sui migranti” spopola online e raggiunge la televisione. Ma di svelato” c’è ben poco, di confusione invece tanta

      #mensonge #désinformation #réseaux_sociaux

      v. aussi: http://www.butac.it/la-verita-sui-migranti-soccorsi-nel-mediterraneo

      La vidéo dont on parle...:

    • Mediterraneo: se i veri complici non sono le ong ma l’Europa

      Dopo le accuse alle ong che operano in mare lanciate da Frontex e l’indagine esplorativa della Procura di Catania sui sospetti di collusione con i trafficanti di esseri umani e di responsabilità nell’aumento dei flussi migratori, Medici Senza Frontiere e Moas, entrambe impegnate nello Stretto di Sicilia, mettono i puntini sulle i


    • Recuperi o salvataggi? Criminalizzazione dei soccorsi e altre stragi in mare

      È di alcune ore fa la notizia relativa all’ultimo terribile naufragio al largo della Libia, nel quale avrebbero perso la vita circa 240 persone, secondo il racconto dell’ong Pro-activa Open Arms, che ha recuperato cinque cadaveri trovati vicino a due gommoni vuoti. Il 20 marzo scorso erano stati accertati altri 38 morti al largo delle coste libiche. I migranti viaggiavano a bordo di due gommoni alla deriva che sono stati “soccorsi” dalla Guardia Costiera Libica.


    • Mediterraneo: una politica di morte

      Anziché inviare missioni internazionali di soccorso, di garantire vie d’accesso legali e sicure e di operare per la pace e il miglioramento delle condizioni di vita nei paesi di partenza, si alimentano le guerre e si indaga sui soccorritori umanitari.

      Si vogliono sgomberare le acque a nord della costa libica da testimoni scomodi che potrebbero documentare l’assenza di soccorsi in acque internazionali i respingimenti collettivi congiunti già programmati tra EunavforMed, Frontex e la sedicente Guardia costiera libica.


    • Aid groups deny rescue ships in Mediterranean are abetting migrant smugglers

      Aid groups operating rescue ships in the Mediterranean have rejected suspicions raised by an Italian prosecutor that by saving tens of thousands of migrants they are effectively aiding Libya-based people smugglers.


    • NGOs under attack for saving too many lives in the Mediterranean

      The criminalisation of volunteers, activists and NGOs serves to deter European civic society from getting involved, and to ultimately weaken and divide the last bastion against the EU’s tough line on refugees and migrants that now prevails. It is this tough line that is also producing the systematic closure of legal routes out of Syria, trapping Syrians in border camps and protracted legal and existential limbo, and making the crossings from Libya into Italy more dangerous and deadly.


    • Commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo sur Facebook, le 30 mars 2017 :

      Sta per partire l’operazione #Eunavfor_MED Fase tre. Ecco perche’ le Organizzazioni non governative devono essere allontanate dalla zona contigua alle acque territoriali libiche. Un disegno politico militare che produrrà migliaia di morti, in mare e nei centri di detenzione libici. http://m.huffingtonpost.it/news/eunavfor-med Un disegno politico sul quale l’Unione Europea punta la sua scelta di sbarramento. Divisi su tutto riescono solo a decidere la morte dei migranti.

    • Letting people drown is not an EU value

      A prosecutor in Catania, Sicily, has opened an inquiry into the funding streams for these groups, indicating a suspicion that they may be profiting illicitly from the movement of people in search of safety and better lives.

      This is the latest cruel twist in the EU’s response to boat migration from Libya. It reflects concern over increasing numbers of people embarking from Libya, the strain on the reception system in Italy and beyond, and the rise of xenophobic populism in many EU countries.

      But blaming the lifesavers ignores history, reality, and basic morality.

      As MSF’s Aurelie Ponthieu explained, the NGO group rescuers are not “the cause but a response” to an ongoing human tragedy.


    • Contro la criminalizzazione dell’aiuto umanitario

      Riprendiamo una netta presa di posizione in merito a quanto sta accadendo in questi mesi nel Mediterraneo Centrale dove le Ong che svolgono operazioni di SAR (Search and Rescue) ovvero salvataggio e soccorso vengono additate come soggetti che “favoriscono l’ingresso illegale in Europa”. Hanno salvato e salvano vite che altrimenti andrebbero perdute e porterebbero a crescere il numero dei caduti presenti in quella immensa fossa comune che è divenuto quel tratto di mare. Come ADIF apprezziamo la presa di posizione dei parlamentari e ci auguriamo che questo porti rapidamente a provvedimenti concreti e che manifestino come bene primario la salvaguardia delle vite.


    • Proactiva Open Arms “Nulla da nascondere, noi salviamo vite, quello che dovrebbe fare l’Europa”

      Due punti nodali, uno all’inizio e l’altro al termine di una lunga conferenza stampa che si è tenuta con Oscar Camps, direttore di Proactiva Open Arms, e Riccardo Gatti, coordinatore della missione nel Mediterraneo Centrale. Dopo una audizione al Senato (Commissione Difesa) che ha preso le mosse da un’indagine conoscitiva su quanto sta accadendo nel Mediterraneo, e nel poco tempo fra un volo e l’altro, i due operatori umanitari hanno voluto incontrare i giornalisti nella sede della Stampa Estera di Roma, per spiegare e rompere il muro di mistificazioni che sta avvolgendo il loro operato. Il loro e quello di tutte le altre Ong che fanno ciò che spetterebbe ad un impegno politico europeo. Salvare vite.


    • Soccorsi in mare tra macchina del fango e riconoscimenti internazionali

      Continua con cadenza quotidiana la campagna diffamatoria contro le ONG indipendenti che, sotto il coordinamento della Guardia Costiera italiana, fanno ancora attività di ricerca e soccorso in mare al largo delle coste libiche. Le ONG vengono addirittura paragonati ai pirati, e si alimenta il sospetto che le loro missioni siano finanziate dai trafficanti. Una totale inversione di senso, tra falsità e verità, che dà la misura del livello di disinformazione che si diffonde nella società italiana. Una disinformazione sulla quale si crea consenso elettorale per i partiti di estrema destra e si condizionano le scelte dei partiti di governo, come si è visto con gli ultimi decreti legge proposti da Minniti.


    • Come rispondono le Ong alle accuse di M5S sugli aiuti ai migranti

      L’Italia ha stabilito nel 2015 il record per la concessione della cittadinanza ai migranti provenienti da altri continenti e da altri Paesi europei. Secondo i satio Eurostat riportati dal Corriere della Sera, nel 2014 i neocittadini italiani sono stati 129.887 e nel 2015 la cittadinanza si è aperta per 178.035 persone. L’Italia è seguita da Gran Bretagna (118mila), Spagna (114.351), Francia (113.608) e Germania (110.128).


    • Ong ‘taxi del Mediterraneo’? Di Maio fa insinuazioni senza dare soluzioni

      E’ un evento prevedibile perché ciclico. Con l’inizio della bella stagione oltre al crescere delle foglie e allo sbocciare dei fiori, si rivede l’aumento degli sbarchi sulle coste italiane e, di conseguenza, l’incremento delle operazioni di soccorso in mare; segue l’arrivo di “transitanti” nelle città italiane e la crescita della spesa per la gestione dei flussi migratori: è qualcosa diventato “naturale” nel nostro Paese, perché legato agli irreversibili cicli della natura. L’ultimo anello della catena, consequenziale all’arrivo della stagione estiva, sono gli strali lanciati sui social da rappresentanti della politica italiana che, invece analizzare il problema e proporre soluzioni, preferiscono, spesso in mala fede, puntare il dito. «Chi paga questi taxi del Mediterraneo? E perché lo fa? – ha tuonato in un post sui social il vice presidente della Camera Luigi Di Maio – Presenteremo un’interrogazione in Parlamento, andremo fino in fondo a questa storia».


    • Imaginary Criminals: Sea-Watch considers legal steps against attorney Zuccaro

      In an interview with the Italian Newspaper “La Stampa”, the italian attorney Carmelo Zuccaro repeatedly made imaginary accusations concerning a supposed cooperation among civil rescue organisations and smugglers. Thereby, he takes part in a campaign that defames those who rescue lives. For a representative of a sovereign judiciary this is not just unworthy but illegitimate. Sea-Watch considers legal steps.


    • Migranti, Ong contro Di Maio: «Falsità». Dura la Cei: «Visione ipocrita». M5s: Commissione Ue faccia chiarezza

      Sul blog di Grillo l’annuncio di un’interrogazione all’Unione europea sui presunti contatti tra operatori umanitari e organizzazioni criminali libiche. Medici senza Frontiere e Intersos: «Accuse vergognose». Erri De Luca con Saviano: «Di Maio parla a vanvera». Il vice presidente della Camera: «Chi minaccia ha qualcosa da nascondere». E Renzi: «Problema esiste ma lui lo usa come diversivo»


    • Navi di soccorso Ong: quasi un clima da caccia alle streghe

      Continua a montare l’escalation di illazioni e accuse di “collusione” con i trafficanti di uomini rivolte ormai da mesi contro le Ong impegnate nelle operazioni di soccorso alle barche dei migranti nel Canale di Sicilia. Il primo passo è stato un rapporto dell’agenzia Frontex, presentato sul finire del 2016, secondo il quale gli interventi in mare favorirebbero, sia pure involontariamente, gli scafisti. Poi, rafforzate da una inchiesta della Procura di Catania, si sono via via aggiunte numerose “voci” della politica: dei partiti di destra (a cominciare dalla Lega) e poi dei 5 Stelle ma, a quanto ha scritto il 20 aprile La Stampa, anche di esponenti vicini al Governo o del Governo stesso, tanto da arrivare a una indagine conoscitiva affidata alla Commissione parlamentare Difesa che, guidata dal senatore Nicola La Torre, sta convocando tutte le Ong più impegnate nel Mediterraneo. Interrogati da questa stessa Commissione, sia il generale Stefano Screpanti, capo del terzo Reparto Operazioni della Finanza, che l’ammiraglio Enrico Credendino, comandante della missione europea Eunavformed, hanno dichiarato che, a loro sapere, non risultano collegamenti di alcun tipo fra le Ong e le organizzazioni che gestiscono il traffico di migranti. Ma neanche questo è bastato: le Ong restano sotto tiro. Le loro navi – si afferma – sarebbero come minimo un fattore di attrazione per gli scafisti, tanto da porre la necessità di “fare chiarezza” su tutti i programmi di salvataggio in mare.


    • Eritrea, accuse alle ONG che soccorrono i barconi e acquista armi dalla Nord Corea

      Il regime eritreo esulta e sul suo giornale on-line, Tesfanews, rincara le critiche dirette contro le Organizzazioni non governative, impegnate nell’attività Search and Rescue (SAR). Le ONG sono accusate dall’Agenzia europea della guardia costiera e di frontiera (Frontex) di collusione con i trafficanti di uomini. Il bollettino di propaganda di Asmara, punta il dito su alcuni difensori dei diritti umani, attivisti eritrei, che da tempo hanno lasciato la loro patria.


    • Corteo 25 aprile, slogan davanti a sede Frontex. «La nuova Resistenza è al fianco dei migranti»

      Una deviazione non autorizzata, le forze dell’ordine prese alla sprovvista e qualche momento di tensione. Poi, però, di fronte agli uffici dell’agenzia europea - nell’ex monastero di Santa Chiara - un centinaio di manifestanti ci arrivano lo stesso. Tra le bandiere, gli slogan e i numeri dei morti in mare.


    • Migranti, il procuratore Zuccaro: «Ong forse finanziate da trafficanti». Orlando: «Parli con gli atti»

      Il capo della Procura catanese, che indaga su una presunta collusione tra operatori umanitari e organizzazioni criminali libiche: «Tra le finalità potrebbe esserci anche l’inquietante corto circuito: destabilizzare la nostra economia». Minniti: «Evitare giudizi affrettati». Frontex: mai accusato le ong. Di Maio: «Ipocriti mi attacchino, vado fino in fondo»


    • MOAS, MSF e Sea Watch: ricerca e soccorso indipendenti nel post-Mare Nostrum

      Il 24 luglio 2015, sul sito di Mediterranean Hope uscì un ottimo articolo di Paolo Cuttitta ( in italiano e nella versione in inglese) che evidenziava, quindi già 2 anni fa, il ruolo che stavano prendendo le Ong per salvare le persone nel Mediterraneo Centrale dopo la chiusura di Mare Nostrum. Una analisi attenta delle prime tre Ong che sono intervenute in quel contesto evidenziando affinità e differenze negli approcci e nelle mission che si davano, nelle stesse modalità operative. Cuttitta, da attento ricercatore, in un articolo estremamente sintetico definiva già il 2015 l’anno delle Ong e documentava tutto quello che oggi sembra scandalizzare coloro che vorrebbero impedire che proseguano tali operazioni di intervento. Nel 2016, in un successivo articolo dello stesso autore, si documentavano le ragioni dell’aumentata presenza di navi umanitarie nella rotta del Mediterraneo Centrale. Ora sono molti di più gli attori in campo e la situazione in quel tratto di mare è divenuta ancora più critica così come evolve tragicamente la spirale nei paesi di fuga e di transito. Riaffermare che dietro gli interventi di privati non c’è stata la logica del business ma quella della necessità di ridurre i danni provocati dal combinato disposto di leggi ingiuste e assenza di mezzi di soccorso dell’UE è doveroso. Ad oggi sono quasi 1000 le persone che hanno già perso la vita nella traversata, intimidire chi salva le persone significa far aumentare a dismisura tale numero. Non un rischio ma una certezza.


    • Siate sinceri. Volete solo che le navi Ong smettano di salvare vite

      «Dovremmo lasciarli morire in mare»: più monta l’operazione di stigmatizzazione e colpevolizzazione nei confronti delle Ong che salvano vite umane nel Mediterraneo, più chiaramente prende forma questo truce sottotesto. Ma si tratta di una deduzione implicita, suggerita sotto voce e non rivendicata, perché nessuno ha avuto ancora il coraggio di arrivare in fondo al ragionamento (oddio, qualcuno ci va molto, ma molto vicino). Perché, se l’impianto accusatorio (ancora non supportato da alcun elemento di prova emerso dalle indagini conoscitive in corso e da quelle giudiziarie chiassosamente annunciate) intende processare l’operato di una decina di organizzazioni impegnate a salvare vite, l’obiettivo sembra essere comunque che quelle navi smettano di operare. E, con esse, si interrompa anche l’attività dei nostri militari.


    • Giorni di populismo giudiziario. Cosa si vuole nascondere dietro la criminalizzazione della solidarietà.

      La polemica sulle esternazioni del procuratore di Catania Zuccaro sulle connivenze tra ONG e trafficanti di esseri umani sta raggiungendo i più alti vertici istituzionali. Non è bastato che venisse dimostrato come la fonte stessa delle prime insinuazioni, l’agenzia Europea Frontex, fosse stata largamente fraintesa e poi le abbia sostanzialmente ritrattate. Come ha osservato l’ex Presidente del Consiglio Enrico Letta, se si tratta di contrastare fattori di attrazione (pull factor), che non si traduce certo nella contestazione di un reato, lo stesso attacco rivolto oggi alle ONG venne sferrato da Frontex, alla fine del 2014, contro l’operazione mare Nostrum ed i vertici della Marina e della Guardia Costiera italiana.


    • Inchiesta sulle ONG: «Questi sono dati piuttosto approssimativi, ma che hanno un’approssimazione abbastanza affidabile»

      Mercoledì 22 marzo 2017 il “Comitato parlamentare di controllo sull’attuazione dell’Accordo di Schengen, di vigilanza sull’attività di Europol, di controllo e vigilanza in materia di immigrazione” ascolta in audizione il procuratore della Repubblica presso il tribunale di Catania, dottor Carmelo Zuccaro. Proprio lui. Il resoconto stenografico è qui. Rileggere alcuni passaggi può essere utile alla discussione:


      Le procès-verbal des déclarations de Zuccaro:

      Migranti, sulle Ong Zuccaro insiste: «Notizie date da Frontex, non ho nuove prove». Orlando: «Nessun illecito disciplinare»

      Il magistrato al centro delle polemiche per l’inchiesta sui legami tra organizzazioni e trafficanti di esseri umani chiede davanti alla commissione Difesa del Senato di poter usare le intercettazioni. Il ministero non interverrà nei suoi confronti: lo ha confermato il guardasigilli. La Marina: «Le organizzazioni non governative non ci intralciano»


    • Gli sbarchi in aumento del 51% e il peso crescente dei salvataggi privati

      Le persone giunte in Italia dal 1° gennaio al 27 marzo di quest’anno sono 21.939; nel 2016, nello stesso periodo, furono 14.505. Altri 68 siriani salvati dai corridoi umanitari

      –-> commentaire de Mathilde Auvillan sur twitter:

      La domanda è : qual’era la fonte del @Corriere per questo articolo?

    • Signor Leggeri, parliamone!

      Una lettera rivolta all’ex ministro francese della Difesa e degli Interni che da inizio 2015 dirige Frontex, l’Agenzia europea della guardia costiera e di frontiera.
      Jugend Retten e Sea-Watch sono due organizzazioni impegnate nei salvataggi in mare. Dopo le affermazioni di Leggeri che gettano ombre sul loro operato, riprese poi dal procuratore di Catania Zuccaro, sono tra le ong maggiormente attaccate anche dalla politica italiana nella campagna di diffamazione che tiene banco in queste settimane. Melting Pot esprime la massima solidarietà e vicinanza alle ong. Build Bridges Not Walls! (ndr).


      Original en anglais:

    • Migranti, il procuratore di Siracusa: «Non ci risulta alcun legame tra Ong e trafficanti»

      SIRACUSA. «A noi come ufficio non risulta nulla per quanto riguarda presunti collegamenti obliqui o inquinanti tra ong o parti di esse con i trafficanti di migranti. Nessun elemento investigativo": lo ha detto il procuratore di Siracusa, Francesco Paolo Giordano, in Commissione Difesa del Senato.


    • MSF accusa: Sono le politiche europee, non le ONG, a favorire i trafficanti “Nel Mediterraneo deliberata operazione di non – intervento a soccorso di persone in pericolo

      «In due anni abbiamo salvato 60 mila persone e per noi questo è il punto di partenza ineludibile. Lo abbiamo dovuto fare noi e tanti altri sono stati salvati dalle altre Ong per una ragione molto semplice. Chi dovrebbe farlo non lo fa e l’Europa non ha realizzato un progetto europeo di soccorso in mare». La conferenza stampa di Loris De Filippi e Marco Bertotto, rispettivamente Presidente e Responsabile Adovacy di Medici Senza Frontiere, realizzata dopo l’audizione nella Commissione Difesa del Senato, nel quadro di un’indagine conoscitiva, ha costretto i tanti giornalisti presenti alla massima attenzione. Entrambi i relatori trapelavano passione e indignazione, ma soprattutto fatica. Fatica per un incontro durato due ore, in cui gli stessi si sono sentiti ripetere domande stantie, superficiali, parte integrante di quel “pattume” che si sta gettando, come ha ripetuto De Filippi, sulla parte migliore di questo paese. L’ascolto dell’audizione è utile e deve divenire memoria da conservare per non dimenticare chi ha detto cosa. È utile ma in alcuni passaggi fa veramente indignare, in altri lascia basiti, di fronte all’idea di essere rappresentati, in un organismo così delicato e importante, da persone palesemente inadeguate e prive delle nozioni principali o altrettanto palesemente offuscate nelle domande poste, da una visione politica e umana ristretta e limitata. Ci servirà in questi giorni che sono insieme tragici e grotteschi in cui le risposte alla catastrofe umanitaria che continua a perpetrarsi nel Mediterraneo Centrale – oltre 1000 morti in questi 4 mesi del 2017, 5000 lo scorso anno, quasi 12 al giorno – si risolvono nell’infangare chi tenta di impedire che ancora più persone periscano. Ci servirà in questi giorni e ci servirà nei prossimi mesi e anni, ci servirà anche ascoltare puntate di trasmissioni come “In mezz’Ora”, in onda domenica 30 aprile, in cui mentre De Filippi tentava di argomentare il proprio operato, il solito Salvini parlava, senza rivelare la fonte, di dossier dei servizi segreti che comprovavano complicità fra trafficanti e Ong e di navi utilizzate per far passare armi e droga. Un esponente politico, forse più di un qualsiasi cittadino che ha prova di tale reato ha il dovere di denunciarlo nella prima procura competente e non di parlarne in tv per pura propaganda personale.


    • Zuccaro e le Ong, quell’insostenibile deficit di cultura della comunicazione

      La cronaca conferma che la Giustizia ha un problema di comunicazione, anche se soltanto il 13,8% dei magistrati ne ha consapevolezza. Csm e Scuola devono colmare questa lacuna culturale, che si ritorce contro la trasparenza e la credibilità dell’istituzione


    • Italy Prosecutor Investigating NGO Rescuers Says Has No Proof of Wrongdoing

      ROME — An Italian prosecutor who began an investigation into possible ties between humanitarian organizations that rescue migrants at sea and Libya-based people smugglers said on Wednesday he had no proof of any wrongdoing.


      v. aussi: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-migrants-italy-ngo-idUSKBN17Z260

    • Grasso difende le Ong: determinanti. Accuse politicamente strumentali

      FIESOLE. «Sono certo, anche per la mia lunga esperienza personale, che la magistratura e le forze di polizia faranno piena luce su eventuali opacità e che proveranno e puniranno i reati che siano stati eventualmente commessi. Questo avvenga però nel rispetto rigoroso delle regole e della riservatezza necessaria a garantire il successo delle indagini».


    • Le indagini sulle Ong proseguono senza che ancora emergano concreti fatti di reato

      Ancora oggi abbiamo assistito ad un ulteriore ridda di dichiarazioni e controdichiarazioni, sulle presunte responsabilità delle Ong impegnate nelle attività di ricerca e soccorso dei migranti nelle acque a nord della Libia. Anche il clima di confusione e i ripetuti tentativi di strumentalizzazione finiscono col produrre iniziative violente che destano un grave allarme per quello che potrà ancora accadere in futuro se gli attacchi alle Ong continueranno. Ancora una volta le dichiarazioni dell’agenzia Frontex sono apparse contrastanti per quanto affermato dal suo direttore Fabrice Leggeri, e , in senso contrario, dalla portavoce Isabelle Cooper, che ha continuato ad escludere qualsiasi responsabilità a carico delle Ong impegnate in mare. Sono continuate anche le audizioni davanti la IV Commissione Difesa del Senato che il 3 maggio aveva ascoltato il Procuratore di Catania, Carmelo Zuccaro.


    • Humanitaires en Méditerranée: complices objectifs ou boucs émissaires?

      Il y a quelques jours, un procureur italien affirmait avoir des preuves sur les liens entre des passeurs libyens et des organisations humanitaires pour secourir les migrants en Méditerranée. Rebondit ainsi la polémique en cours sur le rôle des ONG, provoquée par les critiques de Frontex et relayées par Theo Francken.


    • Migranti e Ong. Il pm Zuccaro. « Ipotesi, ma nessuna prova. Però dateci norme adeguate »

      Il procuratore etneo è stato ascoltato in Senato dopo le accuse alle organizzazioni di soccorritori. Ha ribadito che non ci sono riscontri. Dietro le quinte una faida tra 007 europei?


      Le procureur qui fait le politicien au lieu de s’occuper de justice :

      «Il nostro Paese non è in grado di ospitare tutti i migranti, compresi quelli economici». Lo ha affermato il procuratore di Catania, Carmelo Zuccaro, in audizione davanti alla Commissione Difesa del Senato. «La differenza tra rifugiati e migranti economici non è un discrimine per le Ong ma è importante per lo Stato, e il controllo dei flussi migratori non può che competere agli Stati».


      Le ONG (Organizzazioni non governative) intervengono troppo vicino alle coste libiche per salvare i migranti a bordo dei barconi. Così Fabrice Leggeri, Direttore di Frontex (l’Agenzia Europea di Guardia di frontiera e costiera), lanciava il primo sasso nel Mediterraneo nello scorso mese di febbraio.

      Una frase che è rimasta senza eco per diverse settimane ma che ha preso vigore nelle ultime settimane dopo che il Procuratore di Catania, Carmelo Zuccaro, ha aperto un fascicolo conoscitivo, senza indagati né capi di accusa, su sette ONG che, con tredici navi, salvano migranti nel Mediterraneo. Il sospetto è che queste organizzazioni possano avere un qualche tornaconto dalle loro attività; che la loro disponibilità in denaro appare poco trasparente e che non è da escludere una forma di collusione con gli scafisti che lucrano sulla pelle dei migranti . Le stesse organizzazioni umanitarie ribadiscono la trasparenza dei loro bilanci e che intervengono per dare una risposta umanitaria ad un problema e non sono certo la causa di quel problema. Infine anche la politica, soprattutto attraverso gli esponenti del Movimento 5 stelle si è buttata sul “caso” attraverso accuse e polemiche contro le ONG.

      Al di là delle polemiche, tuttavia, la problematica dei migranti nel Mediterraneo continua soprattutto ora alla vigilia della bella stagione che facilita la traversata del Mare Nostrum. Qual è il punto della situazione? Qual è il ruolo esatto di ONG e Frontex? Qual è il destino di coloro che sono sbarcati in Europa e che sono destinati ad essere respinti in massa?


      Izabella COOPER, portavoce di Frontex, ha dichiarato durante la trasmissione :
      « Salvare le vite umane nel mare è l’obbligo legale imposto dalla legge internazionale. Su questo non c’è dubbio. I mezzi di Frontex l’anno scorso hanno salvato circa 90’000 persone in Italia e in Grecia. Su questo non si può assolutamente nemmeno discutere »

      –-> à mettre en lien avec les propos du directeur de Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri (22.04.2015) :

      “Triton ne peut pas être une opération de recherche et sauvetage. Je veux dire, dans notre plan opérationnel, nous ne pouvons pas avoir les moyens pour une action de recherche et sauvetage. Ce n’est pas le mandat de Frontex, et, selon moi, ce n’est pas le mandat de l’Union européenne non plus”.


      v. aussi ces messages postés par Lisa Bosia sur FB, le 6 ou 7 mai 2017...

      Et un peu plus bas :

    • Ong e migranti, Zuccaro faceva meglio a stare zitto. Ora è un’arma per Salvini

      Non concordo con le valutazioni fatte da Guido Ruotolo, un collega che stimo da sempre, rispetto al ruolo avuto dal Procuratore distrettuale di Catania, Carmelo Zuccaro, nella vicenda ong. Ruotolo sostiene, in sintesi, che il Procuratore è stato protagonista di un’operazione verità e che per questo vada ringraziato.


    • Coast Guard expresses concern over rescue groups in the Mediterranean

      Chief of Libyan Coast Guard in the central region, Rida Essa, has accused rescue organizations in the Mediterranean of encouraging the influx of illegal immigrants from Libya to the EU.

      He said the rescue boats of these organizations have given a signal to the immigrants that their journey to the EU would be safe, causing an increase in the number of immigrants.

      He added that the Libyan Coast Guard has expressed concerns to Operation Sophia about these boats, but it did not take any actions against them.


    • Ong tedesche: “Ue abbandona migranti”. Sea Watch: “Frontex e Sophia hanno cercato incidente in mare per screditarci”

      Pauline Schmidt, portavoce di Jugend Rettet: «Mai avuto contatti con i trafficanti». Ruben Neugebauer, di Sea Watch: «La Guardia costiera italiana fa tutto il possibile per salvare le persone, le missioni dell’Ue no». E sui finanziatori: «La legge sulla protezione dei dati impedisce di pubblicare i nomi dei donatori senza il loro consenso, ma se un’autorità giudiziaria dovesse richiederli li otterrebbe facilmente»


    • Accusations, Rescue Operations and Drownings: What happens in the Med? – Interview with Ruben Neugebauer, spokesperson of Sea-Watch e.V.

      Sea-Watch is a Search and Rescue organisation that is carrying out operations in the Central Mediterranean Coast, North of the Libyan coast. It is entirely founded through private donations as well as by the protestant church and some other foundations. But has no ties to politically institutions, or criminal networks, as stated in some allegations by the Italian prosecutor. Sea-Watch was funded by some private people around Harald Höppnera, civil organisations and volunteers. Volunteers from different backgrounds run more than 90 per cent of the work of Sea-Watch. Most of them are based in Germany but we are becoming increasingly European.


    • Zuccaro: «Le indagini provano gli interessi delle mafie sui migranti»

      ROMA. Il ricco #business dell’accoglienza dei migranti attira gli «appetiti» delle mafie. Lo dimostrano le indagini, ha riferito il procuratore di Catania, Carmelo Zuccaro, ribadendo che quella dei rapporti tra trafficanti di uomini e ong è «un’ipotesi di lavoro, non ho elementi probatori», ma certo «la gestione dei flussi migratori spetta allo Stato e non alle organizzazioni umanitarie». Intanto sale ancora il bilancio dei naufragi dei giorni scorsi: 245 tra morti e dispersi ed il capo dello Stato, Sergio Mattarella, in visita in Argentina, ha parlato di «immani tragedie», stigmatizzando «intolleranza e discriminazioni"

      #mafia #Italie #accueil #asile #migrations #réfugiés

    • Libye : près de 500 migrants sur une embarcation interceptée par les gardes-côtes

      Près de 500 migrants, dont 277 Marocains, entassés sur une seule embarcation, ont été interceptés par les garde-côtes libyens mercredi au large de la ville de Sabratha (ouest), alors qu’ils prenaient le large vers les côtes italiennes.

      « Une ONG (allemande), Sea Watch, a tenté de perturber l’opération des gardes-côtes (...) dans les eaux libyennes en voulant récupérer les migrants sous prétexte que la Libye n’était pas sûre », a indiqué à l’AFP le porte-parole de la marine libyenne Ayoub Kacem.


    • Italie. Mais d’où viennent tous ces soupçons sur les ONG ?

      Ces derniers mois, les ONG qui sauvent des migrants en Méditerranée font l’objet d’une suspicion grandissante : les uns les pensent “complices” des passeurs, les autres leur reprochent, par leur présence, d’inciter les migrants à tenter la traversée. Retour sur la genèse de ces rumeurs.


    • Libyan coastguard turns back nearly 500 migrants after altercation with NGO ship

      Libya’s coastguard said it had intercepted nearly 500 migrants packed onto a wooden boat and returned them to Tripoli on Wednesday after warning off a ship that was preparing to pick them up for passage to Europe.
      Footage filmed by Sea-Watch, a non-governmental organization, showed a Libyan coastguard vessel coming within meters of its own ship as it sped to stop the migrants.


    • Il pm di Trapani: “Indagini su alcuni membri delle Ong per immigrazione clandestina”

      «La procura di Trapani ha in corso indagini che concernono l’ipotesi di reato di favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina e che coinvolgono anche non le ong come tali ma soggetti, persone fisiche appartenenti alle ong». Lo ha detto il procuratore aggiunto di Trapani Ambrogio Cartosio in audizione davanti alla commissione Difesa del Senato.


    • Trapani, indagati gli equipaggi di Msf «Dissero ai migranti: non collaborate»

      Le accuse alla Ong. La Guardia Costiera libica riporta a Tripoli una nave con 300 migranti. Dal 1 gennaio i migranti sbarcati in Italia sono stati 44mila


      Avec ce commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo:

      Ecco questo e’il punto. La mancata collaborazione con la polizia. Come se gli operatori delle ong dovessero trasformarsi in testimoni di giustizia o in agenti di polizia giudiziaria. Tanto i testimoni di comodo si trovano sempre.

    • La Procura di Trapani: navi delle ong intervengono senza avvertire la guardia costiera

      ROMA. Le navi delle ong sanno in anticipo dove si troveranno i barconi partiti dalla Libia e li vanno a prendere anche senza avvertire la Guardia costiera di Roma. A ricostruire il modus operandi è stato il procuratore di Trapani, Ambrogio Cartosio, che ha aperto un’inchiesta per favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina. Le indagini, ha precisato, «coinvolgono non le ong come tali ma persone fisiche appartenenti alle ong».


    • Migranti, la denuncia di Msf: «Spari da sconosciuti contro una nostra nave di soccorso»

      Uomini armati a bordo di un motoscafo hanno aperto il fuoco verso la Bourbon Argos e poi sono saliti a bordo. La marina libica: «Era un nostro battello che ha esploso solo colpi d’avvertimento, ma non abbiamo né colpito né arrembato la nave». L’ong dal 21 aprile ha recuperato in mare 10.925 persone


    • Migranti, SOS Mediterranee scrive all’Europa. «Mettere in pratica la solidarietà»

      Lettera aperta ai capi di governo europei per chiedere, tra le altre cose, di accrescere i mezzi di soccorso in mare per salvare vite umane, porre fine alla criminalizzazione delle Ong e garantire che i migranti siano condotti in un porto sicuro conformemente al diritto internazionale


    • Press release: Sea-Watch demands independent investigation of the illegal return of an overcrowded wooden boat

      On the 10th of May, Sea-Watch witnessed an illegal pull back of several hundred migrants into Libyan waters. The captain had received a mandate from the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) in Rome to attend to the rescue of the wooden boat in distress. Upon arrival of a patrol vessel from Libya, the rescue crew retreated on the speedboat and watched the incident from a distance. “We wonder to what extent European authorities were involved in the questionable operation on Wednesday. If the European Union actually incites the Libyan Coast Guards to carry out illegal actions, that is a scandal”, says CEO Axel Grafmanns.


    • Les garde-côtes libyens interceptent des migrants secourus par une ONG

      L’équipage du navire de secours au migrants de l’ONG Sea Watch a vécu un moment de frayeur mercredi 10 mai au matin au large de la Libye. Alors qu’il venait d’aborder une embarcation de migrants en détresse dans les eaux internationales, les garde-côtes libyens se sont interposés et ont ramené de force les migrants à terre.


    • Libyan Coast Guard Cuts Across Bow of Rescue Vessel

      On Friday, the German maritime rescue NGO Sea-Watch called for an investigation into a Libyan coast guard interdiction in international waters, which resulted in the return of hundreds of maritime migrants to Libyan shores. In addition, the group posted video showing a potentially dangerous close-quarters situation in which the Libyan vessel cut across the bow of the rescue ship.


    • Gli operatori umanitari nella morsa delle manovre politiche e delle inchieste giudiziarie. Ma intanto chi risponde della sorte dei migranti riportati in Libia?

      Non passa giorno che non aumentino gli interventi di certa stampa contro le Organizzazioni umanitarie che continuano a soccorrere migranti in acque internazionali a nord di quelle territoriali libiche. Dopo gli attacchi indiscriminati alle stesse organizzazioni, finora smentiti da fatti realmente accertati, sembra che l’attenzione di qualche procura, come quella di Trapani, si stia concentrando su singole persone. Probabilmente un atto dovuto, conseguente a informative di polizia che sembrano configurare il reato di agevolazione all’ingresso irregolare, previsto dall’art.12 del Testo Unico sull’immigrazione. Un tentativo per scoprire “mele marce” all’interno degli equipaggi delle ONG, ma probabilmente anche per dividere le organizzazioni tra loro. E che comunque finisce per delegittimare l’intero operato di tutti i gruppi umanitari le ONG. Tutto questo dopo settimane di una campagna mediatica senza precedenti, basata soprattutto sulle dichiarazioni rilasciate dal procuratore della Repubblica di Catania [1].

      v. aussi: https://seenthis.net/recherche?recherche=%23libye+%23externalisation+%23italie

    • Central Med: Mounting number of drownings amid sparking debate on civilian search and rescue operations

      This week the NGOs, Jugend Rettet, Sea-Watch and Sea-Eye, involved in SAR were invited to the Italian senate defence committee to offer further explanation on their activities. At the same time media reported that the Italian parliament is considering stricter regulations especially on financial transparency for SAR NGOs.

      In late April the public prosecutor of the tribunal of Catanis, Sicily, Carmelo Zuccaro accused civilian SAR NGOs to be in contact with human traffickers as well as being potentially financed by smugglers. He later stated that his allegations were not based on evidence. While the High Council of the Judiciary has announced a disciplinary hearing with the public prosecutor, populist opposition politicians from the Five Star Movement and the Northern League, sided with Zuccaro. The EU border control agency Frontex in leaked reports in December 2016 described NGOs as “unintentionally” acting like a pull factor. Frontex Director Fabrice Leggerie backed this criticism in an interview in February this year, while Frontex spokesperson Ewa Moncure withdrew the agencies criticism stating that in late April that it had never criticised #SAR operations.


    • Accordi tra Italia e Libia e respingimenti collettivi in acque internazionali. Cosa si nasconde dietro la criminalizzazione delle Organizzazioni non governative

      La situazione attuale delle attività di ricerca e soccorso operate dalle ONG nelle acque del Mediterraneo centrale è sempre più critica, tra false informazioni diffuse dai servizi segreti e da Frontex, ventate di populismo giudiziario, speculazione politica e diffamazione mediatica. A nessuno sembra importare davvero della vita e della morte di migliaia di pesone in fuga dalla Libia, ed in rete si moltiplicano i commenti diffamatori o apertamente razzisti.


    • Migranti, Sos Mediterranee scrive all’Unione europea

      Salvare, proteggere, testimoniare. La nostra organizzazione umanitaria europea di soccorso marittimo SOS MEDITERRANEE si basa sul principio del rispetto della vita e della dignità umana. La nostra organizzazione è composta da tre associazioni sorelle in Germania, Francia e Italia, tutte impegnate per i seguenti obiettivi: salvare vite umane, proteggere e assistere le persone soccorse, così come testimoniare circa le realtà della migrazione nel Mediterraneo, al fine di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica in Europa.

      Fin dal lancio della nostra missione 14 mesi fa, abbiamo completato 101 operazioni di soccorso sotto l’autorità del Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) di Roma e accolto un totale di quasi 18.000 persone a bordo della Aquarius, 1/4 dei quali sono minori, la maggior parte di loro non accompagnati. Le persone soccorse dalle nostre squadre hanno avuto motivi diversi per lasciare i loro paesi di origine, ma ora hanno tutti lo stesso obiettivo: fuggire dalla Libia, che essi descrivono come l’inferno, e trovare un futuro sicuro.


    • Reçu avec ce commentaire par Fulvio Vassallo :

      Salvataggi che sanno di sequestro di persona conseguenza del ritiro di FRONTEX e delle navi militari italiane.

      Libyan coastguards rescue 400 migrants off #Sabratha shores

      According to the coastguard sources, the migrants were all stuffed in a rickety wooden boat and were in danger of drowning when the patrols rescued them.


    • Gli operatori umanitari nella morsa delle manovre politiche e delle inchieste giudiziarie. Ma intanto chi risponde della sorte dei migranti riportati in Libia ?

      Non passa giorno che non aumentino gli interventi di certa stampa contro le Organizzazioni umanitarie che continuano a soccorrere migranti in acque internazionali a nord di quelle territoriali libiche. Dopo gli attacchi indiscriminati alle stesse organizzazioni, finora smentiti da fatti realmente accertati, sembra che l’attenzione di qualche procura, come quella di Trapani, si stia concentrando su singole persone. Probabilmente un atto dovuto, conseguente a informative di polizia che sembrano configurare il reato di agevolazione all’ingresso irregolare, previsto dall’art.12 del Testo Unico sull’immigrazione. Un tentativo per scoprire “mele marce” all’interno degli equipaggi delle ONG, ma probabilmente anche per dividere le organizzazioni tra loro.E che comunque finisce per delegittimare l’intero operato di tutti i gruppi umanitari le ONG. Tutto questo dopo settimane di una campagna mediatica senza precedenti, basata soprattutto sulle dichiarazioni rilasciate dal procuratore della Repubblica di Catania.


    • Libyan Navy claims German NGO hindered migrant rescue

      General Ayob Amr Ghasem, Libyan Navy spokesman, said that one of the NGO’s boats had sought to stop the rescue operation underway by a Libyan motorboat by threatening to ram into it, according to a document sent to ANSA by the spokesman. The incident occurred on Wednesday morning. The migrant vessel made of wood and carrying almost 500 migrants was intercepted ’’19 nautical miles north of Sabratha’’, the spokesman said. When the ’Kifah’ motorboat came close to the migrant vessel, the Sea Watch boat allegedly ’’changed direction in such a way to collide with’’ the Libyan Coast Guard said.


    • Salvataggi in mare, e ora la guardia costiera libica riporta i migranti a Tripoli

      La denuncia della Ong tedesca Sea-Watch. Tutto nasce da un episodio, che potrebbe essere il primo di una serie sempre più lunga. E’ comunque certo che l’attività della Guardia Costiera libica è aumentata e che c’è l’ordine di riportare indietro sempre più persone. Anche in acque internazionali, dove le Ong potrebbero dare fastidio


    • Migranti, stop ai corridoi umanitari gestiti dalle Ong

      Il documento con le linee guida proposte dalla commissione Difesa del Senato è stato approvato all’unanimità


      –-> «#corridors_humanitaires»?????????

      Avec ce commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo:

      Un «lenzuolo di vergogna» ricopre chi ha votato questa mozione e chi la rilancia diffondendo disinformazione. Le Ong non hanno aperto corridoi umanitari ma hanno adempiuto obblighi di ricerca e salvataggio che gli stati e le afenzie come FRONTEX , hanno sistematicamente violato. E di questo ci sono le prove. Non sulla collusione tra Ong e trafficanti.

    • Ong, la Commissione Difesa del Senato archivia tutto

      Come era prevedibile e auspicabile a fronte dell’assoluta mancanza di prove dopo tutte le audizioni arriva la “sentenza”: «Nessuna collusione tra Ong e organizzazioni di trafficanti, il soccorso in mare dei migranti è doveroso e ineludibile». La white list auspicata dai non governativi sarà realtà


    • Minniti a Tripoli e la Commissione Difesa del Senato aggirano i divieti di respingimento.

      Le Ong non hanno aperto corridoi umanitari ma hanno adempiuto obblighi di ricerca e salvataggio che gli stati e le agenzie come FRONTEX , hanno sistematicamente violato. E di questo ci sono le prove. Non sulla collusione tra Ong e trafficanti. La Commissione Difesa non rileva nessun elemento di reato e sposta il tiro su argomenti che sono manifesti politici in vista delle elezioni. Adesso occorre vietare i “corridoi umanitari”. Ed asservire gli operatori umanitari alle attività di polizia.


    • Amnesty su indagine conoscitiva del Senato sull’attività delle ONG

      Commentando le conclusioni dell’indagine conoscitiva svolta dalla commissione Difesa del Senato sul “contributo dei militari italiani al controllo dei flussi migratori che interessano la rotta del Mediterraneo e sull’impatto delle attività delle Ong”, il direttore generale di Amnesty International Italia Gianni Rufini ha rilasciato questa dichiarazione:

      “Ben venga la sollecitazione alla massima trasparenza da parte delle Ong, ma prima di chiedere loro di astenersi dal salvare vite umane nel Mediterraneo sarebbe fondamentale pretendere che il rispetto dei diritti umani di chi fugge da guerra e persecuzione tornasse al centro delle politiche dell’Unione europea”.

      “La commissione Difesa sostiene che non può essere consentita la creazione di ‘corridoi umanitari gestiti autonomamente dalle Ong’, trattandosi di un compito spettante agli stati o agli organismi internazionali. Ma andrebbe sottolineato che se l’Unione europea avesse dato priorità alle operazioni di ricerca e soccorso nel Mediterraneo anziché rinunciarvi, dopo la meritoria iniziativa italiana di Mare nostrum, in favore di politiche di respingimento e di accordo con paesi terzi, le Ong non avrebbero avvertito la necessità di intervenire, peraltro non rinunciando a coordinarsi con le autorità preposte”.

      “Da ormai un mese trovano ampia copertura sui mezzi d’informazione le ipotesi e speculazioni di varia natura da parte di esponenti della magistratura e la campagna denigratoria e delegittimante portata avanti da esponenti politici contro l’intero mondo delle Ong. Una campagna che sta producendo effetti devastanti sull’intero mondo del volontariato in Italia e che la commissione Difesa del Senato ha di fatto smentito, senza che la notizia abbia avuto adeguato risalto”.


    • Le ONG danno fastidio: questo è il vero motivo della campagna diffamatoria

      Riprendiamo un approfondimento di Judith Gleitze del mese scorso proprio il giorno successivo all’approvazione delle linee guida della commissione Difesa, un testo con il quale l’organismo del Senato chiede al Parlamento di «regolare» le operazioni di salvataggio di vite umane delle ONG nel Mediterraneo. Un documento che in realtà avrà l’effetto di limitare la loro presenza e intervento per non intralciare il lavoro sporco della guardia costiera libica che, a seconda dei casi, porterà al blocco delle partenze dei migranti, al respingimento delle imbarcazioni o il loro affondamento con esiti già ampiamente prevedibili.
      L’articolo di Gleitze ripercorre le fasi della campagna denigratoria contro le ONG ponendo una domanda - «Qual è allora lo scopo delle campagne diffamatorie nei confronti delle ONG che agiscono nel Mediterraneo?» - che con ieri ha trovato una prima risposta politica.


    • A cosa è servito il processo mediatico contro le Ong che salvano le vite in mare?

      Sono servite sei settimane alle istituzioni per affermare quello che a molti sembrava ovvio: le Ong non sono colluse con i trafficanti di esseri umani libici e soprattutto non spartiscono nulla con gli scafisti . Semplicemente salvano vite che altrimenti sparirebbero, inghiottite nel Mediterraneo.


    • Migranti, l’attacco alle ong? "Una strategia degli imprenditori della paura”

      A Roma l’incontro su media e immigrazione. Secondo l’esperto Marco Binotto l’immagine negativa del fenomeno stava perdendo terreno: «L’attacco a chi aiuta serve a trovare un nemico. Chi era in difficoltà ha deciso di screditare così l’intero sistema». Bellu: «Giornalisti devono essere più responsabili»


    • Commentaire de Paolo Cuttitta su FB (21.05.2017)

      nessuno (intendo, ovviamente, i mezzi di informazione) ha mai parlato seriamente del respingimento dalle acque internazionali fatto il 10 maggio dalla Guardia Costiera libica sotto il coordinamento del MRCC di Roma, che ha attribuito ai libici il comando dell’operazione di soccorso, nonostante Sea-Watch fosse arrivata prima. L’episodio mostra con chiarezza il processo attualmente in corso, che è contraddistinto dalle seguenti tendenze: 1) distanziarsi gradualmente dai criteri seguiti a partire dal 2012 sul principio di porto sicuro; 2) andare verso la creazione di una regione SAR libica in acque internazionali e l’assunzione del coordinamento SAR in quella regione da parte delle autorità libiche. Non parlare di quell’episodio di respingimento, che è di enorme rilevanza, significa non volere turbare lo sviluppo di questo processo.

    • Migrazioni: per commissione Difesa senato nessuna collusione Ong-trafficanti

      ROMA, 18 MAGGIO – ”Nessuna collusione tra Ong e organizzazioni di trafficanti, il soccorso in mare dei migranti è doveroso e ineludibile”. E’ quanto ha dichiarato la commissione Difesa del Senato a conclusione del ciclo di audizioni dedicate alla questione sollevata prima dal rapporto di Frontex e poi dalle dichiarazioni del procuratore di Catania Carmelo Zuccaro. Così, dopo giorni di accuse sui possibili legami tra trafficanti e ong impegnate nelle operazioni di soccorso in mare, il percorso si è quindi concluso con una smentita, tanto più clamorosa se si guarda alla campagna mediatica e politica che si è sviluppata attorno al tema, e che aveva costretto le ong in questione a prendere una netta posizione di smentita.


    • Commentaire de @isskein reçu via la mailing-list Migreurop :

      Le 10 mai 2017, les garde-côtes libyens interceptent dans les eaux internationales un bateau de 500 migrants auxquels l’ONG allemande Sea Watch s’apprêtait à porter secours, mettant en danger pendant cette opération les deux embarcations, celle des migrants et celle de l’ONG. Les migrants sont ramenés sur le sol libyen où ils doivent être placés dans un centre de détention. Un porte-parole libyen affirme que le navire de l’ONG a « tenté d’empêcher le travail des gardes-côtes en voulant récupérer les migrants sous prétexte que la Libye n’est pas sûre ». Sea Watch avait déjà dénoncé un semblable « pushback » des militaires libyens le 21 octobre 2016 (au moment où l’Italie formait les gardes-côtes libyens)

      lire le communiqué de Sea Watch (11/5) https://sea-watch.org/en/pm-sea-watch-demands-independent-investigation-of-the-illegal-return-of-a

      #refoulement #push-back

    • Italy: Refugees and migrants in the central Mediterranean, cutting the lifelines

      Amnesty International is deeply concerned that Italian authorities may be attempting to circumvent their obligation to protect people fleeing widespread and systematic human rights violations and abuses in Libya by facilitating the interception of refugees and migrant boats by Libyan authorities in the central Mediterranean.

      Lien vers le rapport:

    • Reçu via FB (Fulvio Vassallo), 24.05.2017

      La Guardia costiera libica spara sui migranti sotto gli occhi degli operatori delle navi umanitarie. Ecco perche’ occorreva colpire le Ong e farle allontanare delle acque internazionali a ridosso del mare territoriale libico. Operazione che porta il suggello di Minniti, a Tripoli fino a pochi giorni fa.
      Jugend Rettet e.V. @jugendrettet

      +++Breaking+++ Several NGOs are witnessing huge human rights valuations. People’s lives are put into direct danger by boat marked as LCG!
      8:17 PM · 23 mag 2017

    • Affonda barcone diretto verso l’Italia, recuperati 34 cadaveri di migranti «Tra le vittime una decina di bambini»

      ROMA. Almeno 34 persone sono morte e altre risultano disperse nel naufragio di un barcone con a bordo circa 500 migranti, partito all’alba di oggi dal porto libico di Zuara e diretto verso l’Italia. Tra le vittime anche un numero imprecisato di bambini, «forse una decina», secondo quanto si è appreso in forma ufficiosa da fonti dei soccorritori. Le operazioni di soccorso sono state coordinate dalla Guardia Costiera italiana, in un tratto di mare non lontano da dove ieri i colleghi libici hanno intercettato due unità con 237 migranti a bordo: i due barconi sono stati fatti tornare in Libia e i migranti sono stati dichiarati in arresto.


      Commento di Fulvio Vassallo:

      Effetti collaterali degli accordi tra Minniti e la Guardia Costiera di Tripoli. Occorre una indagine internazionale. Quando intervengono i libicici sono sempre vittime, anche se non ne scrive nessuno. Negli ultimi giorni, forti delle motovedette regalate dall’Italia hanno pure sparato sui migranti. Per questo le autorita’italiane hanno rinegoziato accordi con i libici che hanno allontanato le navi umanitarie, per non avere testimoni scomodi. Ed adesso non rimane che contare morti e dispersi. Che saranno tantissimi nei prossimi mesi dopo il ritiro di Frontex e la pioggia di fango sulle Ong che hanno dovuto ridimensionare il loro impegno o sono state dirottate verso porto sempre piu’ lontano, come Salerno, sempre per decisione del ministero dell’interno.

    • Reçu cette photo via whatsapp de Fulvio Vassallo (sans source) :

      Avec ce commentaire :

      Sul lato destro del gommone si può scorgere un uomo armato. L’equipaggio della motovedetta libica ha sparato diversi colpi sui gommoni sovraccarichi colpendo i rifugiati che erano a bordo. Il capitano della #Iuventa di Jugend Rettet e.V. ha raccontato le ultime ore:

      «Una motovedetta libica ha sparato diversi colpi interrompendo le nostre operazioni di recupero. La situazione era sotto controllo almeno fino a quando non abbiamo udito i primi spari e visto le persone a bordo del gommone picchiate. Circa 100 persone in preda al panico si sono gettate in acqua e hanno cercato di raggiungere a nuoto la nostra nave e l’Aquarius. Due gommoni con i rifugiati venivano nel mentre dirottate nuovamente in direzione della Libia dalla motovedetta libica. Al momento è impossibile capire se ci siano state vittime nè quante esse possano essere. Abbiamo rischiato anche noi di essere feriti. Rimaniamo senza parole di fronte a questa violenza» Jonas, 25 cpt della iuventa

      Voilà la source :

      Vu que j’ai pas trop de confiance en FB, je copie ici le contenu du message que Jugend Rettet a posté, pour ne pas le perdre :

      Liebe UnterstützerInnen,
      gestern kam es während unserer Rettungsoperationen zu einem bewaffneten Angriff auf zwei Flüchtlingsboote. Die Angriffe gingen von mehreren Schnellbooten mit Emblem der libyschen Küstenwache aus. Unter Schusswaffeneinsatz und Schlägen wurden die Insassen der Schlauchboote in einer illegalen “Push-Back-Aktion” nach Libyen zurückgebracht.
      Vorweg möchten wir sagen, dass unsere Crew wohlauf ist und niemand von ihnen verletzt wurde. Aktuell können wir jedoch nicht sagen, wie viele Menschen insgesamt durch die Gewalt der libyschen Küstenwache verletzt oder gar gestorben sind.

      Der Einsatztag
      Der Einsatztag begann für unsere Crew um 05:23 Uhr mit der Information über ein Schlauchboot mit 120 Personen. Gleichzeitig sahen wir ein weiteres Boot am Horizont. Zusammen mit Save the Children Italia konnten wir alle Menschen versorgen. Nur eine Stunde später informierte uns die Luxembourg Aircraft, dass sich 8 bis 10 Boote in unserer Nähe befinden. Wir informierten Save the Children und SOS MEDITERRANEE zur Unterstützung.
      Zu dieser Zeit waren wir noch guter Dinge und erwarteten einen anstrengenden, aber berechenbaren Einsatztag.
      Im Laufe der Zeit kamen deutlich mehr Schlauch- und Holzboote. Die Zahl belief sich am Abend auf 1800 Personen in 14 Booten. Gerade als wir inmitten der Rettungen waren, fuhren gegen Mittag mehrere Schnellboote mit der Kennzeichnung der libyschen Küstenwache in das Einsatzgebiet. Zu dem Zeitpunkt waren wir in internationalem Gewässer und etwa 14 Seemeilen von der libyschen Küste entfernt.
      Aus den Schnellbooten wurden plötzlich Schüsse in Richtung eines Fischerbootes abgefeuert. Anschließend wurden auch Schüsse in Richtung der Boote in Seenot abgegeben. Es ging alles sehr schnell. Wir sahen uns gezwungen, unseren Einsatz abzubrechen, da wir die Rettungen der Menschen nicht mehr leisten konnten, ohne nicht selbst in Gefahr zu kommen. Auf den Schlauchbooten brach plötzlich Panik aus. Zahlreiche Menschen sprangen ins Wasser, um zur IUVENTA und der Aquarius zu schwimmen. Wir konnten die Zahl der Schüsse durch das Chaos nicht zählen. Die Crew hielt einen sicheren Abstand ein, um sich selber nicht zu gefährden. Ob Menschen auf den Booten durch Schusswaffengebrauch zu Schaden gekommen sind, konnten wir aus der Entfernung nicht beurteilen.
      Im Anschluss verschafften sich Besatzungsmitglieder der libyschen Boote Zugang zu zwei Holzbooten, um sie schließlich zurück in libysches Hoheitsgebiet zu manövrieren.

      „Mehrere Boote der libyschen Küstenwache haben während der Rettung für Unruhe gesorgt, indem ihre Besatzungen auf die Boote der Flüchtenden stieg und nach Angaben meiner Crew auch Schüsse abfeuerten und die Flüchtenden schlugen. Über 100 Menschen sind aus Panik ins Wasser gesprungen. Zum Glück hatten die meisten Rettungswesten an, die wir schon verteilt hatten. Zwei Holzboote sind von der libyschen Küstenwache in libysche Hoheitsgewässer zurückgefahren worden. Für uns selber war die Situation äußerst kritisch: Wir sind hier, um zu helfen, waren aber gezwungen tatenlos zuzusehen, um nicht selber eine Kugel einzufangen.“ - Jonas, 25, Kapitän an Bord der IUVENTA der Mission Federica Mogherini

      Gewaltvoller Schutz der Festung Europa
      Aktuell können wir nur eines machen: Wir können von der Situation berichten und hoffen, dass das eine Veränderung bewirken wird. Dabei kann jede_r Unterstützer_in helfen.

      Ob die Besatzung der libyschen Schnellboote zu den von der Operation Sophia (EUNAVFORMED ) trainierten Küstenwächtern zählt, ist unklar. Fraglich bleibt die aktuelle Haltung der EU und Frau Federica Mogherini, die libysche Küstenwache auszubilden, um damit die Grenzen militarisiert zu schützen.
      Wir verurteilen sowohl den brutalen Waffeneinsatz als auch die menschenrechtswidrige Rückführung der Geflüchteten nach Libyen. Die Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention enthält den “Grundsatz der Nichtzurückweisung”, der verbietet, einen Flüchtling „auf irgendeine Weise über die Grenzen von Gebieten auszuweisen oder zurückzuweisen, in denen sein Leben oder seine Freiheit wegen seiner Rasse, Religion, Staatsangehörigkeit, seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer bestimmten sozialen Gruppe oder wegen seiner politischen Überzeugung bedroht sein würde.“ (Art. 33 der 1951 Genfer Flüchtlingskonvention).
      Diese Push-back Aktionen, die durchgeführt wurden, sind ein klarer Rechtsverstoß. Menschen, die sich in internationalen Gewässern in Seenot befinden, müssen zum nächsten sicheren Hafen gebracht werden. Durch die aktuelle politische Situation in Libyen befindet sich der nächste sichere Hafen in Italien.
      Mit der Abwesenheit der Operation SOPHIA im Einsatzgebiet und dem fehlenden Mandat der Seenotrettung überlässt die Europäische Union private Seenotrettungsvereine und Menschen auf der Flucht bewusst sich selbst. Sie verhindert damit, dass schwerwiegende Menschenrechtsverstöße dieser Tragweite geahndet werden. Wir werden de facto allein gelassen.
      Eine Staatengemeinschaft, die den Friedensnobelpreis trägt, hat jetzt die moralische und rechtliche Pflicht, zu handeln. Wir fordern sofortige Unterstützung der Europäischen Union zur Sicherung so vieler Menschenleben wie möglich.
      Unterstützt uns, indem ihr den Beitrag teilt und Menschen in eurer Nähe informiert. Auch sind wir auf Spenden angewiesen, um weiterhin diese Fälle zu dokumentieren.

      Wir sind in Gedanken bei unserer Crew, die sich nun in den nächsten Tagen wieder auf dem Weg nach Malta machen wird.
      Rette mit.


    • Libyan coastguard ’opens fire’ during refugee rescue as deaths in Mediterranean Sea pass record 1,500

      Members of the EU-backed Libyan coastguard have allegedly opened fire while forcing refugees back to the war-torn country in the latest clash with international rescue ships.


    • 1004 personnes secourues par l’Aquarius Opérations de sauvetage interrompues par des tirs d’arme à feu Appel au G7 : une solution humaine à une crise majeure

      Un nouveau pas a été franchi dans l’urgence en Méditerranée alors que les équipes de sauveteurs de l’Aquarius, un navire affrété par SOS MEDITERRANEE et opéré conjointement avec MEDECINS SANS FRONTIERES, ont secouru mardi 23 mai un record de 1004 personnes en détresse à bord de 11 embarcations - 9 bateaux pneumatiques et deux canots en bois - en une seule journée, au large des côtes libyennes.


    • Prima la vita delle persone, poi la difesa dei “confini marittimi”. Ancora vittime sulla rotta del Mediterraneo centrale.

      Negli ultimi giorni, forti delle motovedette regalate dall’Italia, gli agenti della sedicente “Guardia costiera” libica hanno pure sparato sui migranti. Sembra che abbiano sparato in aria, ma diversi gommoni si sono rovesciati per il panico o durante i rimorchi, e centinaia di persone risultano disperse, oltre i pochi cadaveri che sono stati recuperati. Sembra che non ci siano testimoni diretti di quanto avvenuto nelle acque territoriali libiche. Per questo le autorità italiane hanno rinegoziato accordi con il governo Serraj, che hanno allontanato le navi umanitarie, per non avere testimoni scomodi alle operazioni di “soccorso ed aresto”, come sono state definite dal capo della stessa Guardia costiera libica.


    • Così la Libia ha trasformato un salvataggio in una deportazione

      La scorsa settimana la Guardia Costiera Libica ha interrotto un’operazione di salvataggio dell’Ong tedesca Sea Watch, prendendo il comando e riportando i migranti in Libia. Secondo l’organizzazione tedesca si tratta di una grave violazione del diritto marittimo e del diritto internazionale, e potrebbe rappresentare un precedente pericoloso, ecco perché


    • Gendarmi anti-immigrazione nel Mediterraneo, con il mitra facile

      Il 10 maggio la nave Sea Watch è stata quasi speronata da una motovedetta libica, mentre si accingeva a soccorrere un barcone con 493 migranti, a circa 20 miglia dalla costa, in acque internazionali. Due settimane dopo, il 23 maggio, uomini armati in divisa hanno scatenato il panico, a raffiche di mitra, mentre erano in corso le operazioni per recuperare diversi battelli, sempre in acque internazionali: molti profughi si sono gettati in mare per sottrarsi alle minacce, mentre due gommoni sono stati assaltati, catturati e fatti rientrare di forza in Libia, contro la volontà delle circa 300 persone che erano a bordo e contro il più elementare rispetto delle leggi internazionali e dei diritti umani.


    • L’emergenza della nave di MSF: non possono attraccare per il #G7

      Un allarme lanciato da Medici Senza Frontiere su Twitter: la nave Prudence che nelle operazioni di giovedì ha salvato più di 1400 persone, si trova a navigare in condizioni al limite con il doppio dei passeggeri rispetto alla sua capienza massima. Tutti i porti in Sicilia però sono chiusi per il G7 e attraccare è impossibile. A bordo poca acqua e poco cibo


    • Difesa: unità navale libica spara contro motovedetta della Guardia Costiera italiana. Nessun ferito

      Roma, 26 mag - Mercoledì scorso, 13 miglia al largo delle coste libiche, la motovedetta italiana CP 288 della Guardia Costiera sarebbe stata oggetto di alcune raffiche di arma da fuoco provenienti da una analoga imbarcazione della Guardia Costiera libica. La notizia però è trapelata oggi.


    • Presentato oggi “#Navigare_a_vista”: un rapporto su salvataggi e media. Leggilo qui.

      Di operazioni di ricerca e soccorso i media parlano, e tanto: presenti nel 13% delle notizie sull’immigrazione nei principali quotidiani italiani e nel 18% dei servizi sull’immigrazione dei tg in prima serata e legate soprattutto al racconto di naufragi (39%) e azioni di salvataggio (22%). Ma come se ne parla? A fotografare la rappresentazione mediatica delle operazioni Sar (Search and Rescue) è il rapporto “Navigare a vista – Il racconto delle operazioni di ricerca e soccorso di migranti nel Mediterraneo centrale”, presentato oggi presso l’Associazione Stampa Estera da Osservatorio di Pavia, Associazione Carta di Roma e COSPE.
      Organizzazioni militari e civili: quale il racconto di chi è operativo?
      L’analisi di 400 tweet sulle operazioni Sar postati dagli account ufficiali delle ong più attive, di Eunavfor Med, della Marina militare e della Guardia costiera italiana ha consentito di rilevare importanti differenze nel racconto delle Sar da parte degli stessi attori coinvolti: se quello delle ong è un racconto costante nel tempo e spesso emotivo, che si sofferma sulle persone soccorse, quello di Eunavfor Med e della Marina è un racconto più tecnico, focalizzato sulla gestione delle azioni di intervento. Nel mezzo si pone la Guardia costiera, che alterna entrambe le tipologie di comunicazione. Diverso anche il linguaggio usato: gli attori civili parlano più spesso di “persone” salvate(nel 42% dei loro tweet), quelli militari di “migranti” (nel 77% dei loro tweet); il racconto delle ong è empatico nel 53% dei casi, mentre lo è solo nel 6% dei tweet delle organizzazioni militari. Ed è solo nel racconto delle organizzazioni non governative che troviamo riferimenti anche a ciò che accade prima e dopo il soccorso. «Nel caso dei soccorsi viene data voce ai protagonisti, esperti o migranti che siano, nel 67% dei casi», così Paola Barretta, ricercatrice senior dell’Osservatorio di Pavia.

      La rappresentazione delle Sar nei mainstream media
      Con l’avvio di Mare Nostrum nell’ottobre 2013, in risposta ai tragici naufragi avvenuti il 3 e l’11 dello stesso mese, le operazioni di ricerca e soccorso acquisiscono centralità nel racconto dell’immigrazione: dagli arrivi sulle coste italiane agli incidenti, fino alla cronaca degli interventi stessi. Una narrazione che fino al 2016, se confrontata alla rappresentazione di migrazioni e migranti nel loro complesso, rappresenta una buona pratica: nonostante il tema dell’immigrazione sia divisivo, quello delle Sar è un racconto positivo, che mette al centro i protagonisti del soccorso e le loro azioni – organizzazioni e esperti hanno voce in oltre la metà dei servizi – presentandoli come “angeli del mare” e che, soprattutto, umanizza il fenomeno, soffermandosi su solidarietà e accoglienza. Se nel totale dei servizi prime time sull’immigrazione, migranti, rifugiati e immigrati stabilmente residenti in Italia hanno voce solo nel 3% dei casi, la percentuale sale al 14% quando si tratta di notizie relative alle SAR. Questo, almeno, fino ai primi mesi del 2017. Poi tutto cambia.

      Da “angeli” a “taxi”
      Con il video di un blogger divenuto virale prima e le dichiarazioni del procuratore di Catania Carmelo Zuccaro poi, la cornice da positiva diventa negativa: un’ombra è gettata sull’operato delle ong. Si apre così una nuova fase del racconto delle Sar: l’operato delle organizzazioni che conducono questi interventi è messo in discussione, fino a dubitare dello spirito umanitario che le anima. A prevalere è ora il sospetto. «La narrazione delle operazioni Sar porta con sé diversi rischi tra cui la legittimazione di politiche migratorie più restrittive e la criminalizzazione della solidarietà» evidenzia Valeria Brigida, giornalista freelance tra gli autori del rapporto.

      Non solo: i media talvolta confondono e sovrappongono i ruoli di organizzazioni militari e ong, mentre la diversità della loro natura e delle loro missioni è emersa anche, come osservato, nelle modalità di comunicazione da esse adottate. Afferma Anna Meli, COSPE: «Interrogarsi su cosa davvero succeda a livello di politiche globali, lo spostamento di attenzione è un po’ obbligato, ma come giornalisti domandarsi perché stia accadendo un certo fenomeno e dove un certo tipo d’informazione istituzionale ci vuol portare a ragionare». E ribadisce Pietro Suber, vicepresidente dell’Associazione Carta di Roma: «Bloccare i migranti diventa la risposta più facile della politica agli umori della piazza. In questo contesto la ricerca che presentiamo oggi assume un particolare interesse per comprendere come si sta trasformando uno dei temi principali del nostro dibattito mediatico, pubblico»

      Una cornice, quella del sospetto, che appare difficile da scardinare nonostante le repliche degli attori attaccati, fino a quando non sarà sostituita da un frame narrativo più accurato e aderente alla realtà. Tra gli obiettivi comunicativi portati avanti da Medici senza frontiere, sostiene François Dumont, direttore della comunicazione di Medici Senza Frontiere: «C’è la richiesta all’Europa di mettere in atto delle politiche concordate di Sar ma soprattutto di creare dei corridoi sicuri per arrivare in Europa». Tra gli strumenti comunicativi da utilizzare, Fabio Turato, politologo, docente presso l’Università di Urbino sottolinea come sia importante «autodefinirsi prima di essere definiti dalla retorica portata avanti dagli imprenditori della paura nella cornice del tema immigrazione e ong».

      #rapport #médias #social_networks #réseaux_sociaux #héros #spectacularisation #spectacle #images #morts #corps #cadavres #twitter #terminologie #vocabulaire #mots

    • Giorgia Linardi (MSF): Così i libici aprono il fuoco in mare

      L’intervista alla Responsabile Affari Umanitari di Medici Senza Frontiere, uno dei 40 membri dello staff di Medici Senza Frontiere a bordo della nave Acquarius, dopo l’ennesima tragedia sfiorata causata dall’intervento della Guardia Costiera Libica, che ha sparato colpi di kalashnikov durante un’operazione di soccorso che ha coinvolto oltre mille persone


    • Accusations against Ngos at sea: what is false or misleading in that smear campaign

      “Too smart for their own good” (Matteo Renzi). “Taxi cabs for migrants” (Luigi Di Maio). Northern League secretary Matteo Salvini said there was a “secret service dossier” on them. Their chief accuser is Catania’s prosecutor Carmelo Zuccaro, according to whom their intervention “renders investigations into facilitators of criminal organisations useless.” After weeks of hearings, though, the defense commission in the Italian Parliament has cleared them of all suspicions. But who are they? Humanitarian Ngos, carrying out search and rescue operations in the waters between Sicily and Libya, are the target of a relentless smear campaign. The European border control agency Frontex has designated them the main “pull factor” for the rising number of migrant boats (and deaths) in the Mediterranean. How much truth, and how much untruth, is there in such accusations?


    • Accuse alle Ong: cosa c’è di falso o di sviante

      “Furbette” (Matteo Renzi). “Taxi per migranti” (Luigi Di Maio). Al segretario della Lega Nord Matteo Salvini risulta un “dossier dei servizi segreti” che le riguarda. Il loro più grande accusatore è il procuratore di Catania Carmelo Zuccaro, secondo cui il loro intervento “rende inutili le indagini sui facilitatori delle organizzazioni criminali”. La procura di Trapani ha aperto un fascicolo per “favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina”. Chi sono? Le Ong, organizzazioni non governative che operano azioni di salvataggio nel tratto di mare tra la Sicilia e la Libia, ormai diventate bersaglio di una campagna martellante. L’agenzia per il controllo delle frontiere esterne dell’Europa, Frontex, le indica come principale “pull factor” che avrebbe indotto l’aumento di partenze (e di morti) nel Mediterraneo. Quanto c’è di vero o di falso in queste accuse?



      Aiming to deter migrants from crossing the Mediterranean, the EU and its member states pulled back from rescue at sea at the end of 2014, leading to record numbers of deaths. Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) were forced to deploy their own rescue missions in a desperate attempt to fill this gap and reduce casualties. Today, NGOs are under attack, wrongly accused of ‘colluding with smugglers’, ‘constituting a pull-factor’ and ultimately endangering migrants. This report refutes these accusations through empirical analysis. It is written to avert a looming catastrophe: if NGOs are forced to stop or reduce their operations, many more lives will be lost to the sea.


      #Charles_Heller #rapport #Lorenzo_Pezzani #Méditerranée #asile #migrations #réfugiés #blaming_the_rescuers #ONG #sauvetage #dissuasion #collusion #smugglers #passeurs #pull-factor #facteur_pull #appel_d'air #mortalité #mourir_en_mer

    • Migranti: «Ong innocenti, Europa colpevole». Le accuse di uno studio inglese

      Non c’è alcuna prova di un legame tra le Ong e i trafficanti di uomini nel Mediterraneo. Nè che il lavoro delle Organizzazioni non governative alimenti l’esodo dall’Africa verso l’Europa. Lo afferma una ricerca realizzata dalla ‘Goldsmiths, University of London‘ dopo che il tema aveva monopolizzato il dibattito pubblico nei mesi scorsi. Un tema destinato a fare discutere ancora, soprattutto con il miglioramento delle condizioni meteorologiche che favorisce le traversate del Mediterraneo. Lo studio smentisce l’accusa rivolta ai soccorritori secondo la quale le Ong attraggono i migranti, ‘mettono in pericolo la loro vita’ e incoraggiano i trafficanti a usare metodi ancora più pericolosi.


    • Mario Giro: «Frontex vuole ritirarsi per spendere meno. Lasciano solo a noi l’onere del soccorso in mare»

      “Frontex sta facendo di tutto per tirarsi indietro e lasciare a noi tutto il peso della ricerca e del soccorso in mare”. Così Mario Giro, viceministro degli Esteri si è espresso davanti alle telecamere di Repubblica Tv. Con il rappresentante del governo si è poi sviluppato un dibattito sulla politica europea rispetto al fenomeno planetario delle migrazioni e su alcune contraddizioni che abbiamo fatto rilevare nell’accordo firmato sul #Trust_Fund per le emergenze in Africa, scritto due anni fa durante un vertice europeo a La Valletta. In quell’occasione, infatti, furono previsti, per scopi legati allo sviluppo, oltre 600 milioni di euro, con circa il 40% dei progetti approvati. Successivamente però, lo stesso Parlamento europeo, dopo le proteste del coordinamento delle Ong, sottolineò come da quel fondo complessivo – di circa 2,6 miliardi - di fatto fossero sottratte più risorse per fermare i migranti, piuttosto che per la Cooperazione allo sviluppo e la lotta alla povertà. In altre parole, con Mario Giro si è ragionato su come appaia ormai troppo evidente il fatto che l’obiettivo primario sia quello di contenere il fenomeno migratorio nei paesi d’origine o di transito, con strumenti capaci di rendere più facili le espulsioni


    • Charities ‘pay people traffickers’: Libyan coastguard’s astonishing claim… cash handed to criminal gangs so they ‘deliver’ refugees

      Refugee charities are paying smugglers to ferry migrants, Libyan official claims
      Allegation to raise concern that jihadists could be among the smuggled migrants
      But charities say they are only their to rescue migrants off north African coast


    • "Con le Ong più migranti in viaggio? Ecco perché non è vero"

      Uno studio dalla Goldsmiths university di Londra boccia la tesi di Frontex secondo cui la presenza e il ruolo dei volontari finisce per aumentare i viaggi nel Mediterraneo e la loro pericolosità: «I dati sono in linea con le previsioni, dipendono dall’acuirsi delle crisi politiche ed economiche in Africa e non sono legati alle zone in cui operano le organizzazioni non governative»


    • Il rapporto “#Blaming_the_rescuers” risponde scientificamente alle accuse sui soccorsi in mare

      La questione delle accuse alle Ong che fanno soccorsi in mare è ancora così all’ordine del giorno che solo sabato scorso, 10 giugno 2017, a fronte di più di 1800 persone tratte in salvo, sette cadaveri recuperati e 27 dispersi, la Marina libica ha sostenuto di avere intercettazioni che dimostrerebbero che le Ong ricevono informazioni in anticipo sulle partenze dei gommoni, ha intimato loro di stare fuori dalle acque territoriali libiche e ha respinto verso la Libia 570 persone. Soltanto 24 ore prima, veniva presentato a Roma un rapporto dettagliato, Blaming the rescuers, che argomenta una volta per tutte - con dati e analisi approfondite - che non solo le accuse alle Ong sono infondate, ma che servono a oscurare precise responsabilità dell’Europa.


    • Un rapporto smentisce le accuse contro le ong che aiutano i migranti

      Una delle accuse principali rivolta alle organizzazioni non governative che soccorrono i migranti nel Mediterraneo centrale è quella di essere un fattore di attrazione (pull factor) per i migranti. Secondo Frontex, l’agenzia dell’Unione europea per il controllo delle frontiere, basta la presenza delle loro navi a far aumentare gli arrivi sulle nostre coste. Blaming the rescuers (Accusare i soccorritori) un rapporto firmato da Lorenzo Pezzani e Charles Heller, ricercatori del Goldsmiths college dell’università di Londra, smentisce questa accusa a partire da un’analisi empirica dei dati e dal confronto con le mappe oceanografiche prodotte dal Forensic oceanography, un progetto di ricerca dell’università di Londra.


    • Reçu via email par Fulvio Vassallo :

      Avec ce commentaire :

      Qualcuno ancora viene mandato a fare soccorso a 12 miglia dalla costa libica ma solo se ben armati. Come gli irlandesi che evidentemente ieri si trovavano a vista di Zuwara. Per fortuna. Servono navi militari capaci di fare copertura alle navi umanitarie. Altrimenti sara’ il far west. I libici di Qassem ieri si sono ripresi oltre 900 anime. E sappiamo gia’ cosa stanno subendo.

    • More than 120 migrants feared dead at sea after boat’s motor stolen: IOM
      Avec ce commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo:

      Ancora una strage. In questo modo non succedeva prima degli accordi tra Gentiloni e Minniti ed i libici di Serraj. Adesso nella zona di mare che prima era assegnata a Frontex ed alle navi umanitarie scorazzano motovedette libiche e imbarcazioni dei trafficanti che si alternano a sparare, a rapinare ed a sequestrare. Con queste conseguenze...

    • Final report of the Panel of Experts on Libya established pursuant to resolution 1973 (2011) (S/2017/466) [EN/AR]


      v. aussi:
      UN Report Documents Extensive and Grave Human Rights Violations by Libyan Coast Guard Against Migrants

      The Final Report of the Panel of Experts on Libya established pursuant to UN Security Council resolution 1973 (2011) was transmitted to the UN Security Council on 1 June and recently released. The Final Report addresses a range of issues covered by Resolution 1973, including activities of different Libyan Coast Guard factions.


    • Au large de la Libye, la carte qui pointe l’effet des sauvetages en mer

      Avant 2014, les sauvetages des bateaux de migrants avaient lieu près des eaux italiennes. Aujourd’hui, ces secours en mer ont lieu beaucoup plus au Sud, près des côtes de la Libye, comme le montre la carte du « New York Times » qui consacre un article à ce sujet. Un effet lié à la présence des sauveteurs en mer qui a modifié les conditions de passage des migrants.


    • Gentiloni e Minniti sotto ricatto della Lega comunicano a Bruxelles di chiudere alle ONG i porti italiani e di violare il diritto internazionale.

      Adesso il governo vuole impedire alle navi delle ONG l’attracco nei porti italiani. La notizia era nell’aria da settimane ed era già al centro delle proposte delle destre xenofobe e degli organi di stampa contigui, dopo la campagna mediatica di attacco alle ONG che soccorrono migranti al largo della Libia. Una campagna avvelenata, lanciata da Frontex e subito ripresa dai principali giornali, dopo le dichiarazioni del procuratore di Catania, che fino ad oggi non ha fatto emergere un solo fatto rilevante come reato.


    • Migranti, l’Italia alla Ue: ipotesi blocco alle navi straniere. Mattarella: «Situazione ingestibile»

      Il governo ha incaricato il Rappresentante presso Bruxelles di porre formalmente il tema dell’emergenza che sta affrontando il nostro Paese. Il commissario Ue: Nelle ultime ore oltre 12mila arrivi. Dal 1 gennaio +13,43%. Il premier: «La Ue non volti la faccia». La Lega: «Invasione epocale»


    • Chiusura porti, l’Asgi: «Timore che obiettivo sia costringere Ong a lasciare Mediterraneo»

      «E’ improbabile che i paesi forti d’Europa vorranno supplire al ruolo dell’Italia nell’accoglienza, più probabilmente ci sarà il tentativo di dichiarare come porti sicuri altri paesi del Mediterraneo - come l’Egitto, la Tunisia e magari in prospettiva la Libia -, che oggi le Ong non considerano tali perché lì i migranti spesso vengono detenuti e torturati». Così l’avvocato Salvatore Fachile dell’Associazione Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione commenta l’ipotesi trapelata da fonti governative di una chiusura dei porti italiani alle navi delle Ong che trasportano migranti. Secondo Fachile: «Il rischio è di creare navi fantasma che navigano per giorni nel Mediterraneo senza sapere dove approdare, portando a bordo una grande quantità di persone spesso in condizioni precarie e con malattie, mettendo a rischio la loro vita»


    • Migranti, Medici senza Frontiere: trasferirli in porto vicino e sicuro

      «Le persone salvate in mare dovrebbero essere trasferite nel più vicino porto di sbarco in cui le loro necessità e vulnerabilità possano trovare una risposta rapida». Così Medici senza Frontiere commenta l’ipotesi di chiudere i porti alle navi straniere che salvano i migranti. e ricorda che da tempo chiede più sostegno dell’Ue alle operazioni di salvataggio, alle quali «dovrebbero partecipare tutti gli stati».


    • La “minaccia” italiana di “bloccare” gli sbarchi di migranti e il diritto internazionale

      Nessuna decisione di “bloccare” l’accesso a porti italiani da parte di imbarcazioni cariche di migranti e dirette in tali porti è stata sinora presa dal Governo italiano. Secondo quanto si apprende dalla stampa, è, però, proprio una simile prospettiva che il rappresentante italiano presso l’Unione europea avrebbe fatto balenare al Commissario europeo competente, Dimitri Avramopoulos, in considerazione del consistente numero di sbarchi susseguitisi negli ultimi giorni, il cui impatto critico sul nostro sistema di accoglienza è stato sottolineato anche dal Presidente della Repubblica Mattarella e dal Presidente del Consiglio Gentiloni.


    • ICC in The Hague to investigate Libyan Coastguard on the initiative of Sea-Watch

      The International Criminal Court in The Hague is investigating the so-called Libyan Coastguard. This investigation is the result of the numerous attacks on civil rescue organisations as well as refugees and migrants, as highlighted by Sea-Watch. In several cases, the so-called Libyan Coastguard has put rescuers, migrants and refugees in mortal danger in order to bring the latter back to Libya at gunpoint – a clear violation of the internationally-accepted principle of non-refoulement.


    • Migranti, il Viminale studia come far scattare il blocco delle navi

      ROMA. «Il tempo delle parole è finito, ora servono i fatti». Il ministro dell’Interno Marco Minniti conferma che l’Italia non tornerà indietro: se alle aperture arrivate da Bruxelles e Berlino, dove i leader Ue si sono incontrati in vista del G20, non seguiranno atti concreti, il nostro paese darà seguito a quanto annunciato ieri, negando l’ approdo ai porti alle navi cariche di migranti che battono bandiera non italiana, vale a dire quasi tutte quelle delle Organizzazioni non governative che operano davanti alla Libia, ad eccezione di quella di Save The Children e di una delle 4 di Medici senza frontiere.


      Avec ce commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo du 29.06.2017:

      Dirottare le navi umanitarie verso altri porti europei significa sguarnire per giorni la zona nella quale occorre portare i soccorsi. Di fatto significa un contingentamento dei salvataggi che portera’ ad altre tragedie. Vogliono i morti per dissuadere le partenze ma i migranti che arrivano dalla Libia non sono migranti ecomomici che possono scegliere quando partire. I trafficanti li costringeranno a salire sui gommoni e continueranno a farli partire. Le stragi si ripeteranno ancora piu’ frequenti di quelle nascoste nella ultime settimane.

    • Libye – Italie : sauvetages silencieux et marches lentes

      L’appel au #Rio_Segura survient lundi 26 juin dans l’après-midi. Plus de 40 bateaux. 40. On répète le chiffre, tant cela paraît énorme. Environ 5000 migrants attendent d’être sauvés des eaux internationales, au large de la Libye. Les 34 membres de l’équipage du navire de Frontex mettent le cap à 13 noeuds sur la zone où se trouvent ces embarcations. Militaires de la « Guardia Civil », ils sont « habitués », disent-ils, et ont une longue expérience des sauvetages au large des Canaries. Mais quelques silences traduisent leur surprise. « 5000 c’est beaucoup », lâche stoïquement le lieutenant Juan Carlos.


    • L’Europa muore nel Mediterraneo, uccisa dall’invasione populista e dalla cattiva politica.

      1. Il governo italiano sembra ormai allo sbando sui diversi fronti dei soccorsi in mare, dell’immigrazione e dell’accoglienza, sempre più condizionato dai ricatti della lega e dall’ondata populista e sicuritaria che individua nei migranti le cause di disastri che sono invece imputabili alla crisi determinata dall’abbattimento dello stato sociale e dal liberismo sfrenato di questi anni. Senza neppure un minimo di attenzione a quello che succede ai migranti intrappolati in Libia o ripresi in mare e riportati a terra in quel paese.


    • Migration : Déclaration conjointe du Commissaire Avramopoulos et les ministres de l’intérieur de France, d’Allemagne, et d’Italie

      Les ministres de l’Intérieur de France, d’Allemagne et d’Italie ainsi que le Commissaire européen en charge des migrations et des affaires intérieures se sont rencontrés à Paris le 2 juillet 2017 pour examiner les défis posés par le flux migratoire grandissant en Méditerranée centrale.


      Avec ce commentaire vu sur twitter :

    • Migranti, nave di Medici senza frontiere bloccata a Palermo per motivi burocratici

      PALERMO. La nave #Vos_Prudence di Medici Senza Frontiere è rimasta bloccata al porto di Palermo. Doveva salpare per continuare a prestare soccorso a migranti in difficoltà nel Mediterraneo, ma nel corso di controlli la Capitaneria di Porto non ha trovato in regola i documenti del direttore di macchina che doveva sostituire un collega sbarcato per motivi familiari.


    • Italie / Crise migratoire : les explications de Valérie Dupont, à Rome

      Dans ce reportage on fait clairement une distinction, on crée une #dichotomie entre #réfugiés_politiques venant d’Afrique de l’Ouest et #migrants_économiques ("exode avant tout économique") venant d’Afrique de l’Ouest
      #catégorisation #mots #vocabulaire
      Et bien sûr, ces deux routes visualisées avec des #flèches #rouge :

      A mettre en lien avec ce récent rapport du HCR notamment qui dit que même les migrants arrivés en Libye majoritairement pour des raisons économiques, ils partent de Libye de manière forcée et sont en fait des réfuigés...

    • Emergenza migranti, la Francia dice no alla richiesta italiana di aprire i porti

      Via libera di Berlino e Parigi per stilare un codice di condotta per le Ong. Un’altra ipotesi al vaglio: chiedere la collaborazione della Tunisia per reindirizzare i barconi


      Avec ce commentaire de Filippo Furri sur FB (04.07.2017):

      tutto sto giro per costringere la TUNISA a fare da hotspot «esterno», dopo averci provato (italia e germania) in modo più «soft» questa primavera. e complimentoni anche a questa bella personcina di Macron, che, per chi avesse avuto dei dubbi, si rivela per il cinico narcisista che è...


    • Un “code de conduite pour les ONG”, seule réponse de l’Europe à une crise humanitaire majeure ?

      Déclaration de Sophie Beau, co-fondatrice et vice Présidente de SOS MEDITERRANEE, après la rencontre à Paris le 2 juillet des ministres de l’Intérieur de France, d’Allemagne et d’Italie ainsi que le Commissaire européen en charge des migrations et des affaires intérieures.


      Grâce à cette déclaration je découvre que les ONG se sont déjà dotés d’un code de conduite volontaire, qui date de février 2017 :


    • Emergenza Mediterraneo? Primo punto in agenda, il codice di condotta per le ONG…

      La sconcertante priorità emersa dal vertice italo-franco-tedesco-UE di Parigi sull’emergenza Mediterraneo. Mentre è rimasta come in sospeso, nel clima di veti e indifferenza che aleggia su molte cancellerie europee, la minaccia italiana di chiudere i porti alle navi di soccorso che battono bandiera straniera.


    • Da eroi a trafficanti: le accuse ai protagonisti delle operazioni di ricerca e soccorso in mare

      Le operazioni di ricerca e soccorso (SAR) dei migranti sono oggi uno dei temi principali nel dibattito politico, mediatico e pubblico. È un argomento direttamente collegato alle politiche nazionali ed europee in materia di migrazione e, più o meno indirettamente, alle politiche di sicurezza e spesso sovrapposto e intrecciato a storie umane, individuali o collettive, di speranza, gioia, sofferenza e morte


    • Le cose che l’Italia può fare invece di chiudere i porti

      Il 2 luglio i ministri dell’interno di Italia, Germania e Francia si sono incontrati a Parigi insieme al commissario europeo Dimitri Avramopoulos per discutere delle nuove richieste italiane in materia d’immigrazione, che saranno presentate al vertice dei 27 ministri dell’interno dell’Unione europea a Tallin, in Estonia, il 6 e 7 luglio. Nel piano presentato, Roma ha chiesto agli altri paesi europei d’introdurre dei limiti per le organizzazioni non governative che soccorrono i migranti nel Mediterraneo centrale e più finanziamenti per affidare alla guardia costiera libica il pattugliamento delle coste del paese nordafricano da cui parte la maggior parte delle imbarcazioni di migranti dirette in Europa.


    • Si intensifica la guerra contro le ONG e si realizzano i piani di morte contro i migranti in fuga dalla Libia. E’ strage continua.

      Ancora oggi una grave strage nelle acque antistanti la costa libica, dove dovrebbe intervenire la Guardia costiera libica. Sembra che nessuno raccolga i documentati allarmi lanciati da Amnesty International. Come si negano le stragi, si emarginano opinioni e rapporti che potrebbero mettere in discussione le tesi governative. Le acque libiche non sono coperte, quanto alle attività SAR, dai mezzi delle milizie, alcune che dichiarano di avere una propria Guardia Costiera, che controllano le diverse regioni della Libia. 1900 chilometri di costa che non diventeranno certo più sicuri per effetto delle quattro motovedette restituite da Minniti al governo di Tripoli. Senza le navi umanitarie le stragi come quella di oggi si ripeteranno a catena.


    • EU: Draft Code for Sea Rescues Threatens Lives

      The draft pact would curtail the work of nongovernmental groups carrying out search and rescue operations on the central Mediterranean by:

      Barring them from entering Libyan territorial waters to undertake rescues;
      Banning them from using lights to signal their location to vessels at imminent risk of sinking; and
      Forcing them to return to port to disembark refugees and migrants, rather than allowing them to transfer rescued people onto other vessels at sea if necessary. This would remove nongovernmental groups’ search-and-rescue teams for long periods from the area where they are needed, leaving more people at risk of drowning in the central Mediterranean.


    • Via la mailing-list Migreurop, qui a transféré un message de StateWatch:
      News Online: Full text: Italy: Med NGOs Code of Conduct (08/17)

      The European Commission asked Italy to draw up a “Code of Conduct” for NGOs carrying out search and rescue in the Mediterranean:

      See full-text of: Code of Conduct for NGOs involved in migrant’s rescue operation at sea: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2017/jul/italy-eu-sar-code-of-conduct.pdf

      All NGOs operating in the Med are required to sign and obey the Code:

      “Failure to sign this Code of Conduct or failure to comply with its obligations may result in the refusal by the Italian State to authorize the access to national ports, subject to compliance with the existing international conventions.”

      And see: Hearing in LIBE Committee tomorrow (11.07.17) on search and rescue activities in the Mediterranean

      At the request of the GUE/NGL group, there will be an exchange of views on search and rescue activities in the Mediterranean during the LIBE Committee agenda this Wednesday July 12 from 9.00 till 10.45am. The exchange of views will focus on the current search and rescue situation, including the essential role NGOs have been playing and concerns regarding the provision of training, equipment and support to the Libyan coast guard. See Agenda: http://www.statewatch.org/news/2017/jul/ep-hearing-sar-draft-programme.pdf

      Also Letter from: Frontex Executive Director to Miguel Urban Crespo MEP (http://www.statewatch.org/news/2017/jul/eu-frontex-letter-ep.pdf): Frontex denies it has accused NGOs of colluding with smuggling.. It goes to say that “all those operating at sea need to work together, collect information and share it with the Italian authorities and EU agencies” to collect evidence for arrest and prosecution.

    • Il rapporto “Blaming the rescuers” risponde scientificamente alle accuse sui soccorsi in mare

      La questione delle accuse alle Ong che fanno soccorsi in mare è ancora così all’ordine del giorno che solo sabato scorso, 10 giugno 2017, a fronte di più di 1800 persone tratte in salvo, sette cadaveri recuperati e 27 dispersi, la Marina libica ha sostenuto di avere intercettazioni che dimostrerebbero che le Ong ricevono informazioni in anticipo sulle partenze dei gommoni, ha intimato loro di stare fuori dalle acque territoriali libiche e ha respinto verso la Libia 570 persone. Soltanto 24 ore prima, veniva presentato a Roma un rapporto dettagliato, Blaming the rescuers, che argomenta una volta per tutte - con dati e analisi approfondite - che non solo le accuse alle Ong sono infondate, ma che servono a oscurare precise responsabilità dell’Europa.


    • Proposed Code of Conduct for Search and Rescue putting lives at risk

      The first draft of the Italian proposal includes a ban on the entry of NGOs into Libyan waters, an obligation not to use telecommunications or send light signals to reveal their location to vessels that are at risk of sinking, and the prohibition to make trans-shipments – the transfer of people rescued to bigger boats that will bring them to safe harbours.


    • Ci vuole un codice di condotta per l’Europa, non per le ong

      Tra un’ora, Stephane Broch, il vicecoordinatore delle operazioni di soccorso salirà sul ponte di comando della nave Aquarius con un binocolo e comincerà il primo turno di avvistamento. La luce è nitida, il mare leggermente increspato, ci aspettano tre giorni di bel tempo. Intanto la squadra di Sos Méditerranée è a prua: Rocco, Tanguy, Charlie sistemano i giubbotti di salvataggio arancioni dentro dei grossi sacchi di rafia bianca. Mentre Alain, Alessandro e Svenja gonfiano i gommoni.


    • Commentaire reçu de Fulvio Vassallo (24.07.2017) :

      Domani al ministero dell’interno incontro ultimativo tra Minniti e le Ong,che non sembrano neppure compatte nel respingere un codice di condotta che si conferma privo di basi legali vincolanti, ed amplia soltanto i poteri di polizia con possibili code di denunce e processi. Perche’ di chiudere i porti davanti a navi cariche di naufraghi non se ne potra’ parlare. Di fronte a queste divisioni, vero obiettivo di Minniti, in linea con la macchina del fango che per mesi ha martellato sulla distinzione tra Ong buone e Ong cattive a seconda dei loro rapporti con la polizia, non rimane che attendere la caduta degli attuali livelli di coordinamento operativo in mare, finora garantiti anche dalla Guardia Costiera, ed una ripresa dei naufragi, in questo ultimo periodo diminuiti, dopo l’ impennata di giugno, quando si era permesso alla sedicente Guardia Costiera libica di operare anche in acque internazionali. Risultato, decine di morti e dispersi ogni settimana. Adesso andra’sempre peggio. Non saremo testimoni inerti di fronte a questo ricatto.

    • Des militants identitaires sillonnant la Méditerranée pour dénoncer les bateaux de migrants

      Des militants identitaires dénonçant dans une vidéo les dangers de l’immigration, qui selon eux dévaste la culture et le tourisme européen, ont créé l’opération « Defend Europe ». Elle consiste à sillonner la mer Méditerranée pour dénoncer les bateaux de migrants aux garde-côtes libyens.


    • Pour info, la C-Star bat maintenant pavillon mongole et non plus de Djibouti (et ceci même si maritime trafic n’est pas à jour).
      J’ai discuté de cela avec les journalistes de la RTS qui ont couvert ce matin le sujet et avec Fulvio Vassallo, qui a confirmé le drapeau de #Mongolie.

      Fulvio ajoute :

      C’est pratique pour ce genre de bateaux de changer de drapeau pour des questions fiscales mais surtout pour des questions de juridiction aussi dans le domaine pénal. Ca serait difficile qu’un procès pourrait avoir lieu dans le cas où leurs actions causeraient des victimes en Méditerranée. S’ils battaient pavillon UE un procès serait déjà entamé contre eux.

      J’ai mis ce commentaire dans le mauvais fil de discussion —> j’ai copié-collé dans le bon : http://seen.li/ctpw

    • MSF statement following meeting at Italian Ministry of Interior re Code of Conduct for SAR NGOs

      Gabriele Eminente, General Director of MSF Italy: “MSF welcomes any effort that seeks to strengthen Search and Rescue (SAR) capacity in the Central Mediterranean and save lives. However, it is crucial that we have the opportunity to raise concerns about several elements of the current Code and seek clarity on ambiguities. We therefore hope that the consultation process will receive meaningful engagement from the Minister of Interior and that the points we raise will be considered and addressed. It is vital that any proposed Code will be based on the clear imperative to save lives at sea. Since the beginning of our Search and Rescue activities in May 2015, MSF has rescued more than 69,000 men, women and children. Our rescue operations have always been conducted in respect of national and international laws and under coordination of the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC) in Rome. However, as the content and potential impact of this code is discussed, we must all remember that so far this year over 2,000 people have lost their lives in the Mediterranean sea, at least 13 this very afternoon.”


    • Il codice di condotta per le Ong? «E’ in contrasto con il diritto internazionale»

      La lunga analisi che l’Associazione studi giuridici sull’immigrazione dedica al Codice di condotta. In sintesi, per l’Asgi è il “tentativo da parte dell’Italia di regolare la condotta di navi, incluse navi battenti bandiera di uno Stato terzo, oltre i limiti delle acque su cui esercita competenze in virtù del diritto internazionale”. Un fatto non previsto da trattati e prassi


    • Un regolamento pieno di ombre: i 12 punti del codice di condotta che dovrebbero firmare le Ong domani davanti al ministro Minniti, commentati a Radio Radicale e da Violeta Moreno Lax, Senior Lecturer in law at Queen Mary University of London

      Oggi 25 luglio, il ministro dell’Interno Minniti, incontrerà i rappresentanti delle Ong che operano nel Mediterraneo Centrale per attività di soccorso in mare per chiedere che il “regolamento” elaborato dal ministero, una sorta di codice di condotta, venga sottoscritto da chi intende continuare la propria attività. Il testo, in 12 punti, contiene numerosi elementi critici. Se in alcuni passaggi non fa altro che affermare ciò che da sempre viene fatto – mettendo in dubbio la trasparenza delle navi umanitarie, in altri pone limiti oggettivi che vanno analizzati uno per uno. Il giornalista di Radio Radicale Sergio Scandura, ha realizzato una intervista al nostro presidente Fulvio Vassallo Paleologo, passando in rassegna ogni singolo punto del regolamento. In attesa di sapere come andrà l’incontro con le Ong riteniamo utile e opportuno offrire il servizio audio dell’intervista, estremamente chiara e puntuale, ringraziando tanto Radio Radicale, che si è comportata in tal senso da vero servizio pubblico, quanto Sergio Scandura per la precisione con cui ha realizzato l’intervista.


    • Riprende la strage nella zona SAR libica, mentre si cerca di imporre un codice di polizia alle ONG

      Ancora cadaveri di migranti scoperti a bordo di un gommone soccorso da una nave di una Organizzazione non governativa. Purtroppo come previsto. L’Unione Europea ed i vertici militari (Frontex ed Eunavfor Med ) hanno ritirato le loro navi , il governo ha costretto le Ong sulla difensiva con trattative estenuanti che distolgono dall’impegno di soccorso. Ed i trasbordi sono gia’ impediti “di fatto”, per mancanza di mezzi, con le imbarcazioni delle ONG dirottate del ministero dell’interno verso porti sempre piu’ lontani. Sara’ una strage continua. E nessuno potrà dire: io non sapevo. Anche se la notizia dei cadaveri ammassati dentro i gommoni viene censurata o relegata alla cronaca locale. In ogni caso, la notizia delle stragi deve restare sempre in secondo piano rispetto alle informazioni diffuse ad arte sul maggiore impegno dell’Unione Europea e dei governi nella lotta contro i trafficanti, che invece prosperano proprio sul regime di sbarramento delle frontiere. Le ONG sono un ostacolo per queste politiche e per queste campagne di disinformazione.


    • The far-right and Katie Hopkins need to learn some basic truths about those ’easy to hail as an Uber’ rescue boats in the Med

      Researchers examined whether the number of migrants crossing the Med fell when the EU cut back rescue operations. The decision had no effect on numbers, but it did mean more bodies washed up on beaches


      #pull_factor #facteur_pull #facteur-pull #appel_d'air

    • Italian cabinet to approve anti-trafficking mission off Libyan coast

      According to Corriere della Sera, Italian ships would intercept migrant boats and take people back to the Libyan shore, with written assurances from Libyan authorities about respect for the migrants‘ human rights.


      Avec ce commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo:

      Ecco perchè le ONG vanno allontanate dalle acque libiche. In programma respingimenti collettivi come quelli per cui l?Italia è già stata condannata dalla Corte Europea dei diritti dell’Uomo, nel 2012, sul caso Hirsi.

      Cas #Hirsi: https://www.giustizia.it/giustizia/it/mg_1_20_1.wp?facetNode_1=0_8_1_60&previsiousPage=mg_1_20&contentId=SDU7432

    • Gentiloni e Minniti arrivano in acque libiche prima di Generazione identitaria.

      La loro missione è già fallita in partenza. Non solo per l’opposizione sociale che troveranno in tutta Europa. Il governo italiano è arrivato prima. Li ha preceduti proprio sul loro stesso terreno, la presenza nelle acque libiche e l’attacco alle ONG. Comunque vada a finire la trattativa sul Codice di condotta imposto da Minniti, che costituisce una misura di forte carattere discriminatorio e che poggia sul divieto che si vorrebbe imporre alle ONG di svolgere attività di soccorso in acque libiche. Il divieto non è chiaro se riguardi anche le acque internazionali che ricadono nella zona SAR libica, una zona che da anni non è presidiata dai libici e che, come prescritto dalle Convenzioni internazionali, è soggetta, oltre il limite delle acque territoriali (12 miglia dalla costa), al controllo ed coordinamento degli interventi per il salvataggio da parte del Comando centrale della Guardia costiera italiana, come autorità SAR competente dell’area SAR confinante con quella libica. Quanto alla zona SAR maltese è noto da anni che è presidiata dalla Guardia Costiera italiana, dopo le stragi del 3 e dell’11 ottobre 2013, e dopo l’avvio della missione Mare Nostrum.

      Il Codice di Condotta “Minniti” potrebbe costituire il colpo definitivo all’autonomia della Guardia costiera nel coordinamento delle attività di ricerca e soccorso, per la presenza di militari armati che si vorrebbe imporre a bordo delle navi umanitarie e per i divieti di polizia che si pongono alle attività SAR condotte dalle navi delle ONG, a differenza delle stesse attività di ricerca e salvataggio quando, in assenza di altri mezzi, sono condotte da navi commerciali sotto il coordinamento del Comando centrale IMRCC italiano.


    • Codice di condotta, ong spaccate. No di Msf, firma Save the children

      Le posizioni delle ong. Eminente (Msf): «No alle armi a bordo, ma i punti non problematici continueremo a rispettarli». Neri (Stc): «Ci sentiamo tranquilli di aver fatto una cosa corretta e giusta». No della tedesca Jugend Rettet Iuventa, mentre c’è il si di Moas


    • Medici senza frontiere dice no al codice delle Ong, il Governo: chi non firma è fuori

      ROMA. Niente sintesi tra la missione del Viminale, ridurre gli sbarchi, e quella delle ong, salvare vite in mare. Il Codice di condotta proposto dal ministero raccoglie oggi le firme di solo due delle otto organizzazioni umanitarie presenti nel Mediterraneo Centrale: Moas e Save the children.


    • Interview „Italiens Kodex zur Seenotrettung von Flüchtlingen ist überflüssig"

      Fast 100.00 Menschen sind in diesem Jahr bereits in italienischen Häfen angekommen, die zuvor die gefährliche Überfahrt über das Mittelmeer angetreten hatten. Vor den libyschen Hoheitsgewässern sind mittlerweile mehr als ein Dutzend private Rettungsboote von NGOs im Einsatz, um Flüchtlinge vor dem Ertrinken zu retten. Wir sprachen mit Axel Grafmanns, dem Geschäftsführer der deutschen Organisation Sea-Watch.


    • We don’t need more rules, we need more rescue vessels !

      The so-called ‘Code of Conduct‘, which was presented in Rome yesterday, will not save human lives but will in fact have the opposite effect. Not so the #Sea-Watch_3: Sea-Watch is sending another rescue ship in response to the inaction of the EU. Many thousands of people are drowning every year at Europe’s deadly sea border. The European Union, on the other hand, is turning a blind eye to these deaths, leaving Italy alone with the consequences of this humanitarian crisis. The Code of Conduct, which is largely unlawful, is a desperate reaction from Italy. Instead of developing concrete solutions, those who take action where governmental structures fail are attacked: the civilian rescue fleet. However, what are needed in the face of more than 2,000 deaths this year alone are not more rules, but more rescue capacities!


    • Nave di una Ong che non ha firmato il codice di soccorso in mare fermata a Lampedusa

      Primo giro di vite nei confronti delle ong che soccorrono migranti nel Mediterraneo dopo il codice di comportamento predisposto dal Viminale, che è stato sottoscritto solo da tre organizzazioni. La nave Iuventa della ong tedesca Jugend Rettet, che non ha firmato il protocollo, è stata bloccata in nottata al largo di Lampedusa dalla Guardia costiera italiana, che l’ha scortata fino al porto.


    • "Die ’Sea-Watch 3’ ist unsere Antwort"

      Im Frühjahr 2015 startete die „Sea-Watch 1“ im Harburger Binnenhafen Richtung Mittelmeer. Dort rettet die wechselnde Crew seither Flüchtende aus Seenot. Aus dem Haufen unerfahrener Helfer ist mittlerweile ein erfahrenes Team in Sachen Seenotrettung geworden. 400 Ehrenamtliche und gut zwei Dutzend Aktive im Kernteam kümmern sich um mehrere Boote, ein Flugzeug und die Organisation. Jetzt wollen die Seenotretter ihr drittes Schiff auf das Meer schicken.


    • Et encore des accusations contre un navire, cette fois-ci la #Iuventa...

      La Iuventa faceva da Caronte

      Non salvavano vite umane ma andavano a prendere i soggetti destinati alla immigrazione clandestina direttamente quasi in acque territoriali libiche, i trasbordi quasi sempre dinanzi alle coste dei porti libici di Sabrata e Zuara. «Non siamo dinanzi a salvataggi di vite umane - dice in conferenza stampa il procuratore aggiunto Ambrogio Cartosio - ma di veri e propri comportamenti destinati a incentivare l’immigrazione clandestina». Una indagine racchiusa nelle 150 pagine dell’ordinanza del gip Emanuele Cersosimo e con la quale oggi i poliziotti della Mobile di Trapani, dello Sco, il servizio centrale operativo, e dei gruppi speciali investigativi della Guardia Costiera, hanno sequestrato la motonave «Iuventa» battente bandiera olandese ma appartenente alla Ong tedesca “Jugend Rettet”, tradotto significa «La gioventù salva». «Il sequestro è stato disposto - spiega Cartosio - per evitare la reiterazione del reato, e perché se venisse provato l’uso della nave per l’immigrazione clandestina scatterebbe la confisca, da qui, dunque, il sequestro preventivo trattandosi di nave eventualmente destinata alla confisca». La nave allo stato è ferma a Lampedusa, a bordo sono state condotte perquisizioni, è previsto che la nave venga presto portata nel porto di Trapani. Si tratta di una indagine contro ignoti, ma l’attenzione degli investigatori è puntata essenzialmente sugli equipaggi della «Iuventa», di nazionalità tedesca, olandese ma anche italiana. Una indagine coordinata dai pm Andrea Tarondo e Antonio Sgarrella. Sono stati questi i magistrati che hanno seguito passo passo le indagini condotte dai poliziotti della Mobile di Trapani e da parte dello Sco. Indagini avviate dopo le testimonianze di due operatori di un’altra nave, la Vos Hestia della Ong Save the children, sono stati loro per primi a raccontare la «familiarità» tra l’equipaggio della Iuventa e i trafficanti di uomini. «Le indagini - dice Cartosio - risalgono all’autunno del 2016, nell’ordinanza di sequestro si contestano tre episodi di presunta immigrazione clandestina e cioè un trasporto del settembre 2016 e due del giugno di quest’anno, rispettivamente 140, 347 e 87 immigrati». La conferenza stampa si è tenuta oggi pomeriggio nella questura di Trapani con presenti il questore Agricola, i funzionari della Squadra Mobile e dello Sco nonché ufficiali della Capitaneria e della Guardia Costiera. Escluso che il sequestro sia da mettere in relazione alla mancata adesione della Ong “Jugend Rettet” all’accordo internazionale sui codici di condotta per i salvataggi in mare. «Abbiamo deciso di incontrare i giornalisti - esordisce Cartosio - perché si tratta di indagini particolari che meritano essere spiegate anche per evitare strumentalizzazioni di qualsiasi genereche non possono frenare attività giudiziaria. Stiamo applicando la legge , i reati scoperti sono concernenti espressamente l’immigrazione clandestina, il gip ha ritenuto sussistere gravi indizi di colpevolezza, commesso da soggetti che operano a bordo della Iuventa ancora in corso di identificazione. Si è accertato che questa imbarcazione seppure in qualche caso è intervenuta a salvare vite umane, cioè soggetti in pericolo di vita, in più casi a nostro avviso questi interventi in mare non sono avvenuti per salvare soggetti ma trasbordare sulla imbarcazione dei soggetti che venivano scortati fin sotto bordo dai trafficanti libici». E così la Iuventa sarebbe diventato il Caronte del Mediterraneo. Un patto e un accordo che non sarebbe stato di natura economica: «Non è provata l’ipotesi di un accordo a monte tra equipaggio e trafficanti». Ma è vero che si tratta di contatti in qualche modo documentati? «Preferisco non rispondere - dice Cartosio - per non violare il segreto di indagini ancora in corso». Tra i si dice l’ipotesi che qualcuno degli immigrati abbia documentato, con fotografie, la familiarità tra equipaggio e trafficanti. Qualcuno degli immigrati sentiti avrebbe anche raccontato di contatti telefonici tra trafficanti ed equipaggio della Iuventa, che in questo modo si sarebbero dati appuntamento in mare, per i trasbordi. Ma l’ipotesi di un guadagno economico viene accennata nell’ordinanza dal giudice Cersosimo. Aumentando l’attività della Iuventa, la Ong avrebbe ottenuto una maggiore visibilità internazionale, così da vedere lievitare le donazioni. Conferenza stampa e informazioni fino a questo punto. Di più magistrato e investigatori non hanno voluto dire. A specifica domanda il procuratore Cartosio ha tenuto a dire che l’indagine della Procura di Trapani non ha nulla a che vedere con eventuali indagini della Procura di Catania. Come si ricorderà lo scandalo sulle Ong e sui soccorsi in mare scoppiò all’indomani di dichiarazioni rese dal procuratore catanese Zuccaro: «Non so dire se anche Catania ha indagato sulla Iuventa» chiosa Cartosio. L’indagine della Procura di Trapani sulle organizzazioni non governative è la più datata a proposito di malaffare mascherato da filantropia. Ad attirare l’attenzione sarebbero stati i soccorsi quasi sempre nella stessa zona di mare, al limite delle acque libiche e a poche miglia dai porti di Sabrata e Zuara, salvataggi senza aver ricevuto un Sos e neppure una richiesta di intervento da parte delle autorità italiane. Alcuni dei migranti arrestati come scafisti hanno poi detto di essere stati costretti a sostituire i veri scafisti e di avere visto arrivare la nave dei soccorsi poco dopo che l’uomo che sino ad allora aveva condotto l’imbarcazione si era allontanato su un natante di appoggio. «Le Ong - conclude Cartosio ripetendo qualcosa che ha già detto in passato - fanno un lavoro meritorio ma chi sbaglia va punito».


    • Amici degli scafisti e ostili agli italiani, le carte dellʼinchiesta su Iuventa

      Dal decreto di sequestro emergono operazioni dʼintesa con i trafficanti e la complicità della guardia costiera libica


      Commento di Fulvio Vassallo su FB:

      Una montagna di illazioni che diventano non solo indizi ma gia’condanna Evviva lo stato di diritto. Ricordo che anche.la magistratura di Catania ha deciso per la non punibilità degli scafisti che spesso sono scelti tra i migranti e forzati a condurre i mezzi. Ci sono le sentenze.

    • Basta Mar West

      Capita così di rado di dare ragione a un ministro che, quando accade, c’è da festeggiare. Il ministro è quello dell’Interno Marco Minniti, che ha deciso finalmente di mettere un po’ d’ordine nel Mar West del Mediterraneo, dove finora tutti, i buoni e i cattivi, facevano un po’ quel che pareva a loro. Premettiamo la solita ovvietà, a scanso di equivoci e di furbastri: chiunque salvi anche un solo migrante, fosse pure Belzebù, merita tutto il plauso e la gratitudine del mondo. Ma, siccome le navi delle Ong partono e/o approdano in acque italiane, è giusto che rispettino le regole dello Stato italiano.


    • Il reato di solidarietà non esiste : i fatti e le norme. In difesa del principio di legalità.

      Il fermo ed il sequestro del battello appartenente all’organizzazione umanitaria tedesca Jugend Rettet, ed i possibili arresti di coloro che dopo la perquisizione a bordo verranno ritenuti responsabili del reato contestato, l’agevolazione dell’ingresso clandestino, impone alcune brevi considerazioni a fronte di una campagna di disinformazione che si è riaccesa dopo mesi di attacchi alle ONG, “colpevoli” di salvare troppe vite umane in mare, nella zona SAR libica ( istituita soltanto sulla carta) e di non “collaborare” abbastanza con le autorità di polizia nel “contrasto dell’immigrazione illegale” e nella caccia a trafficanti e scafisti. Accuse precise formulate dalla Procura di Trapani nel corso di una conferenza stampa.


    • Italy seizes NGO rescue boat for allegedly aiding illegal migration

      Italian coastguards seized a migrant rescue boat operated by a German aid group in the Mediterranean suspected of aiding illegal immigration from Libya, a prosecutor said on Wednesday.

      Video showed the #Iuventa, which is run by #Jugend_Rettet, arriving at the island of Lampedusa surrounded by several coastguard vessels after it was stopped at sea before dawn.

      Police inspected the ship as soon as it docked and checked the crew passports. They later took charge of the boat and set sail for a larger port in Sicily.

      Jugend Rettet said on Twitter it had received no information about the investigation. It could not be reached for further comment.

      It was the first time Italian police have seized a humanitarian boat. The move came amidst growing suspicion over the role non-governmental organizations are playing in picking up migrants off the Libya coast and bringing them to Italian ports.

    • La presse italienne est complètement aveuglée...

      Migranti, le «consegne concordate» tra i trafficanti e la Ong tedesca. Che restituiva i barconi agli scafisti

      «Save the Children» ha segnalato le irregolarità: l’imbarcazione tedesca, sequestrata, è tra le più piccole impegnate nei soccorsi. Gli interventi avvenivano in assenza di pericolo immediato per i migranti


      Commentaire Matteo Tacconi sur FB:

      Il problema è una nave di una Ong tedesca che avrebbe caricato a bordo migranti, dopo un negoziato con i trafficanti a quanto pare scortati dalla guardia costiera libica, o l’ipotesi che quest’ultima li abbia scortati nonostante sia un vigore un accordo secondo cui la Libia dovrebbe pattugliare le sue coste? Tra l’altro, diverse motovedette della guardia costiera libica, giova ricordarlo, sono state donate dall’Italia.

      Vogliamo continuare a parlare delle Ong, cercando un capro espiatorio e un po’ di voti, oppure avviare una riflessione sull’esigenza di aprire canale legali per l’immigrazione, anche quella cosiddetta economica, di modo che non si debbano dare deleghe e soldi a Stati falliti come la Libia e favorire il traffico di esseri umani?

      Commentaire de R@inbow for Africa sur FB:

      In relazione alle indagini in corso sull’associazione Jugend Rettet e al sequestro della nave Iuventa in merito ai fatti contestati a settembre 2016 e a giugno 2017.

      Rainbow4Africa ha prestato servizio in qualità di partner medico di Jugend Rettet su Iuventa da novembre 2016 a maggio 2017, quando di comune accordo le due associazioni hanno deciso di interrompere la collaborazione.
      Le affermazioni riportate da la Repubblica, intestate al nostro Capo Missione Stefano Spinelli, non corrispondono a verità. Chiediamo, come abbiamo già fatto senza risposta, l’immediata rettifica.

      Durante la nostra permanenza nel Mar Mediterraneo il nostro unico scopo è stato quello di salvare vite umane: migliaia di migranti hanno beneficiato delle nostre cure mediche. Forse sarà una posizione ideologica: ma è quello che facciamo e continueremo a fare.

      Ci è stata segnalata dalle Autorità la presenza nel mar Mediterraneo di soggetti non meglio specificati, potenzialmente armati, che pattugliano il mare cercando barconi abbandonati da recuperare. L’attività di Frontex e delle altre agenzie investigative dovrebbe essere mirata proprio all’individuazione e arresto di questi attori. Compito di polizia che non può certo essere svolto da delle ONG.
      Le foto riportate da piu’ di un giornale, con l’avvicinamento di una imbarcazione con due uomini al rib della Iuventa, sono simili a quelle che pubblichiamo qua sotto, relative a un intervento a novembre 2016: come potete vedere anche in presenza della Guardia Costiera italiana questi soggetti non identificati si avvicinano alle imbarcazioni per cercare di recuperare i relitti.

      Nessun contatto con scafisti è stato ravvisato dai nostri volontari, I trasponder sono sempre rimasti accessi durante le missioni a cui abbiamo preso parte. Le operazioni si sono sempre svolte sotto l’attento coordinamento di MRCC di Roma.

      Rainbow4Africa ha sempre collaborato attivamente con le autorità italiane, e i suoi medici, infermieri e logisti sono sempre stati pronti a rispondere a ogni domanda posta da Guardia Costiera e autorità giudiziarie e lo rimangono tutt’ora. Confidiamo nella Magistratura italiana e che le indagini possano rapidamente chiarire i fatti contestati.


    • Codice di condotta. Valerio Neri: «Vi spiego perché Save The Children ha detto sì»

      Dopo lunghe trattative, Moas e Save The Children sono le uniche ong ad aver firmato il Codice di condotta elaborato dal ministero dell’Interno per regolamentare il soccorso dei migranti nelle acque internazionali a nord della Libia. In questa intervista rilasciata a Vita.it, il Direttore generale di Save The Children Italia, Valerio Neri, spiega le ragioni del sì.


    • Il “codice Minniti” mette fine alle Ong

      Il “codice di condotta” imposto dal governo italiano alle Ong che prestano soccorso in mare è un mostro partorito dal ministero dell’Interno, con la fattiva collaborazione dell’Unione Europea («Chi firma il codice avrà l’assicurazione di poter accedere ai porti italiani, chi non firma non potrà beneficiare delle stesse rassicurazioni», ammette Natasha Bertaud, portavoce del commissario per l’Immigrazione, Dimitris Avramopoulos).


    • L’Italie restreint les opérations de sauvetage en mer des migrants

      Accusée de « favoriser l’immigration clandestine » plutôt que de sauver des vies, l’ONG allemande Jugend Rettet a été privée de son navire de secours en Méditerranée par les autorités italiennes, mercredi 2 août. La Luventa a été conduite sur l’île de Lampedusa puis placée sous séquestre par les gardes-côtes italiens, à la demande du procureur de Trapani (Sicile). Selon les magistrats italiens, les membres de Jugend Rettet entretiendraient des liens directs avec les trafiquants d’êtres humains qui lancent des embarcations depuis les côtes libyennes en direction de l’Europe, se faisant ainsi leurs auxiliaires. Leur enquête, amplement médiatisée mais dont aucun élément vérifiable n’a filtré, s’appuierait sur des écoutes téléphoniques ainsi que sur les observations d’agents ayant travaillé sous couverture.


    • Un représentant du PD (parti démocrate a déclaré : "L’Italie ne peut pas se permettre de sauver des vies humaines"
      (no comment)

      Stefano Esposito contro le Ong : « Non possiamo permetterci di salvare vite umane »

      Le Ong hanno una approccio troppo ideologico e l’Italia non si può permettere di salvare le vite umane. Il senatore del PD Stefano Esposito ha assunto una presa di posizione piuttosto controversa per difendere il codide di condotta imposto dal ministro degli Interni Marco Minniti alle organizzazioni non governative impegnate nei soccorsi nel Mar Mediterraneo. Ecco lo screenshot del profilo Twitter di Agorà che sintetizza il pensiero di Esposito, impegnato questa mattina nella versione estiva del programma di Rai Tre condotto da Serena Bortone.


    • #Navigare_a_vista” : un rapporto su salvataggi e media. Leggilo qui.

      Di operazioni di ricerca e soccorso i media parlano, e tanto: presenti nel 13% delle notizie sull’immigrazione nei principali quotidiani italiani e nel 18% dei servizi sull’immigrazione dei tg in prima serata e legate soprattutto al racconto di naufragi (39%) e azioni di salvataggio (22%). Ma come se ne parla? A fotografare la rappresentazione mediatica delle operazioni Sar (Search and Rescue) è il rapporto “Navigare a vista – Il racconto delle operazioni di ricerca e soccorso di migranti nel Mediterraneo centrale”, presentato oggi presso l’Associazione Stampa Estera da Osservatorio di Pavia, Associazione Carta di Roma e COSPE.


      Lien vers le rapport :

    • Da eroi a trafficanti: le accuse ai protagonisti delle operazioni di ricerca e soccorso in mare

      Le operazioni di ricerca e soccorso (SAR) dei migranti sono oggi uno dei temi principali nel dibattito politico, mediatico e pubblico. È un argomento direttamente collegato alle politiche nazionali ed europee in materia di migrazione e, più o meno indirettamente, alle politiche di sicurezza e spesso sovrapposto e intrecciato a storie umane, individuali o collettive, di speranza, gioia, sofferenza e morte


    • Perché la campagna contro le Ong ha prodotto danni irreversibili

      Ieri pomeriggio, dopo che si era parlato di un «regolare controllo,» la magistratura italiana ha disposto il sequestro della nave Iuventa, gestita dalla Ong tedesca Jugend Rettet e scortata a Lampedusa da uno spiegamento della Guardia costiera e delle forze dell’ordine.


    • Migranti e Libia, l’agente infiltrato sulla nave della Ong: «Così ho scoperto i contatti tra Iuventa e i trafficanti libici»

      Il poliziotto dello #Sco per 40 giorni a bordo dell’imbarcazione di “Save the children”


      #Servizio_centrale_operativo (sco):

      Il Servizio centrale operativo è un servizio della Direzione centrale anticrimine della Polizia di Stato. Coordina le squadre mobili delle questure italiane e l’attività investigativa sulla criminalità organizzata.[1]


    • Migranti: Unhcr, in Libia non centri ma carceri orribili

      BRUXELLES - «Non ci sono campi o ’centri» per i migranti «in Libia, ma solo prigioni, alcune controllate dalle autorità, altre da milizie e trafficanti, e vi sussistono condizioni orribili. Chiunque venga sbarcato sulle coste libiche torna in queste carceri. Possiamo sperare che un giorno ci saranno centri decenti e aperti, ma oggi non esistono». Così Vincent Cochetel, inviato speciale dell’Unhcr (l’agenzia Onu per i rifugiati) per la rotta del Mediterraneo Centrale, in un’intervista all’ANSA. Secondo Cochetel, «va bene che l’Italia e altri contribuiscano ad accrescere la capacità della Guardia costiera libica, ma deve essere fatto secondo gli standard dei diritti umani e nella piena coscienza di quanto avviene nelle carceri libiche». «E’ importante anche educare la Guardia costiera libica agli standard dei diritti umani ed assicurare che nessuno tra loro colluda con i trafficanti, e chi lo fa sia processato», aggiunge.


      Avec ce commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo sur FB:


    • Le cercle se referme...

      Caos Mediterraneo : le manovre occulte di Defend Europe sull’indagine Iuventa

      Un link lega l’indagine sulla nave Iuventa con l’operazione della destra europea “Defend Europe”. È il contatto tra la società di sicurezza privata #Imi_Security_Service. Sono loro che per primi segnalano “talune anomalie del servizio di search and rescue svolto ad opera della Iuventa...

      Un link lega l’indagine sulla nave Iuventa con l’operazione della destra europea “Defend Europe”. E’ il contatto tra la società di sicurezza privata #Imi_Security_Service di #Cristian_Ricci – ovvero il gruppo di contractor che ha denunciato le “anomalie” della nave #Iuventa, facendo aprire il fascicolo della Procura di Trapani - con l’ex ufficiale della Marina militare #Gian_Marco_Concas, uno dei portavoce di Generazione identitaria. Esperto di navigazione e skipper, Concas è stato definito come il “direttore tecnico” dell’operazione navale della rete europea anti migranti, che in queste ora sta muovendo la C-Star nella zona Search and Rescue (Ricerca e Salvataggio) davanti alle acque libiche. E’ apparso in un video della fine di luglio leggendo un comunicato ufficiale di Generazione identitaria, dove l’organizzazione si rivolgeva – con tono di scherno – alle associazioni antirazziste, all’Arci e alla redazione di Famiglia cristiana.


    • Cosa c’è nelle carte dell’inchiesta sulla nave Ong sequestrata a Lampedusa

      Il racconto a ’La Stampa’ di un agente sotto copertura. I volontari erano pagati 10 mila euro al mese


      L’article paru dans La Stampa:

      Favori agli scafisti e saluti in mare. “Con l’Italia noi non collaboriamo”

      Il ruolo di un agente sotto copertura imbarcato con Save the Children. Ombre sulla guardia costiera libica. Un’attivista: “Ai volontari 10mila euro”


    • Migranti, i testimoni sulla Iuventa: “Dicevano: ‘Più salvataggi faremo e più donazioni riceveremo’”

      Testimonianze e conversazioni della società di sicurezza di Save the children: “Quelli sostengono solo il portafogli che portano in tasca. In mare barchini in vetroresina: per qualcuno sono «favoreggiatori»


      Migranti, Renzi: “Se una ong frequenta scafisti, usare pugno duro”. Di Maio: “Faccia di bronzo, quando lo dicevo io…”

      Il segretario del Pd insiste anche sul numero chiuso. La Meloni: «Riprenda il decreto flusso invece di dire idiozie»


      Avec ce commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo sur FB:

      Prove zero, linciaggio mediatico riuscito , altre stragi in vista. Demicrazia a rischio quando un ministro dell’interno detta la linea alla magistratura. E questo non riguarda soltanto i migranti.

    • Migranti e Ong, verifiche anche su Medici Senza Frontiere

      Indagini su «consegne concordate» in alto mare e possibili accordi tra Ong. Medici senza Frontiere (che non aderisce al codice): «Non ci fermeremo»


      Avec ce commentaire de Marta Esperti sur FB:

      Si passa al linciaggio mediatico di MSF.
      Mi perdoni la Scarzanini in questo articolo, ma non ho idea di come si posano scrivere tante falsità e supposizioni prive di fondamento e ancora considerarsi «giornalisti».

    • "No" al codice sui migranti, nave Msf non viene fatta entrare a Lampedusa

      Sono giunti nella serata di ieri a Lampedusa i 127 migranti che erano a bordo della nave Prudence di Medici senza Frontiere.

      A portarli nell’isola - dopo un trasbordo dalla stessa nave - due imbarcazioni della Guardia Costiera uscite a 33 miglia dall’isola fuori dalle acque territoriali.

      La nave di Msf non è dunque mai arrivata a Lampedusa, secondo quanto si apprende al Viminale, come prevede il codice di regolamentazione delle Ong voluto dal ministro Minniti secondo cui le organizzazioni che non lo sottoscrivono «sono fuori del sistema di soccorso».

      È dunque il primo caso di applicazione delle regole concordate tra l’Italia e le Ong.


    • ASGI: il Governo riveda la sua linea politica, il codice di condotta mina l’efficacia delle attività di soccorso

      Non è un atto avente valore di legge, ma solo una proposta di accordo, dove il necessario coinvolgimento paritario delle parti è clamorosamente mancato. Non sarà legittima alcuna reazione del Governo nei confronti delle ONG non firmatarie se non nei casi e nei limiti già sanciti dalle norme nazionali e internazionali .


    • Svelato il trucco di Minniti. Il Codice per le ONG è una buffonata

      Cambio di rotta nella politica dei salvataggi dei migranti, Sono giunti in serata a Lampedusa i 127 migranti che erano a bordo della nave Prudence di Medici senza frontiere. A portarli nell’isola – dopo un trasbordo dalla stessa nave – due imbarcazioni della Guardia Costiera classe 300 uscite a 33 miglia dall’isola fuori dalle acque territoriali.

      La nave di Msf non è dunque mai arrivata a Lampedusa, secondo quanto si apprende al Viminale, come prevede il codice di regolamentazione delle ong voluto dal ministro Minniti secondo cui le organizzazioni che non lo sottoscrivono ‘sono fuori del sistema di soccorso’.

      Le navi delle ONG riottose, come da promessa/minaccia di Minniti, in effetti non scaricano più migranti e rifugiati nei nostri porti. Adesso ci pensano le nostre navi ad andare loro incontro al di fuori delle acque territoriali, a trasbordare i salvati e a portarli nei porti italiani.

      Se sembra una presa in giro è perché lo è. Altro che «cambio di rotta» com’è scritto da Repubblica.

      Ecco la genialata per salvare la capra e i cavoli del ministro e del governo. Ed ecco allora che l’iniziativa del governo si rivela per quel che si sapeva essere fin da subito: uno spot elettorale molto costoso. Un’iniziativa che aumenta i costi per il nostro paese e i rischi per gli operatori delle ONG, della Marina e per gli stessi salvati, perché un trasbordo in mare aperto è intrinsecamente più pericoloso di uno sbarco in porto.


    • "Avviso le Ong in chat" Padre Zerai ora rischia l’accusa di complicità

      Il prete eritreo, amico della Boldrini, può finire tra gli indagati per favoreggiamento
      P adre Mussie Zerai, l’«angelo» dei migranti non solo eritrei e amico della presidente della Camera, Laura Boldrini, ammette che informa le Ong su una chat parallela ai soccorsi ufficiali dei barconi da recuperare di fronte alla Libia.

      #Père_Zeraï #Père_Zerai

      Commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo sur FB:

      Ancora fango messo in giro dal Giornale, vera e propria macchina dell’odio che rilancia l’accusa formulata dalla Procura di Trapani secondo cui nei soccorsi al largo delle coste libiche se il mare e’ calmo non ricorrerebbe l’esimente dello stato di necessita’. Quando il rapporto tra menzogna e verita’ e’ capovolto, come sta succedendo in questi giorni, quando la solidarieta’ diventa resto senza una previsione di legge e l’omissione di soccorso viene lodata come «scelta responsabile», quando si preparano liste di proscrizione ed i razzisti possono spadroneggare, siamo davvero ad una forma nuova di fascismo. Con il bollo del ministero dell’interno.

    • Quanti morti volete a Ferragosto?

      In questo momento non mi interessa valutare quale sia la vera ragione dietro il codice. Se quella ufficiale, aiutare i magistrati italiani a svolgere indagini sui trafficanti, o quella implicita, ridurre la quantità di migranti che arrivano in Italia. Quel che mi interessa è la naturale conseguenze dell’applicazione letterale del regolamento. Meno navi nelle aree di soccorso e per meno tempo. E quindi, più migranti affogati.


    • Msf: ora meno coinvolti nei soccorsi, ma continueremo a salvare vite

      ROMA. Dopo la mancata firma al codice delle ong «non siamo più i primi ad essere chiamati per i soccorsi, come accadeva prima. Sappiamo che lavoreremo di meno ma siamo sempre a disposizione della Guardia Costiera. Sappiano che noi ci siamo e siamo disponibili a collaborare». Lo dice Michele Trainiti, capo progetto Sar della ong. «Ieri sera - ha precisato - nessuno ha chiesto di entrare a Lampedusa, nessuno ce lo ha vietato. Operazioni come quella di ieri sono usuali». Magari in altre condizioni, «ci saremmo potuti avvicinare di più» all’isola.


    • Migranti e Ong: #Codacons contro Medici senza frontiere

      TRAPANI - “Dopo le gravi rivelazioni sul presunto coinvolgimento di Medici Senza Frontiere nell’inchiesta della procura di Trapani relativa a soccorsi e trasbordi in mare effettuati senza essere stata allertata dalla Guardia costiera, il Codacons ha deciso di scendere in campo per difendere i tanti cittadini che, nel tempo, hanno finanziato la Ong”. Parole di Francesco Tanasi, segretario nazionale Codacons, che puntualizza come la questione sia di primaria importanza.


    • Tension entre des ONG et l’Italie

      Le navire de l’ONG Jugend Rettet est soupçonné de « comportements favorisant l’immigration illégale ». Polémique sans fondement, voire « stratégie de détournement », dénoncent les milieux d’aide aux migrants.

      Un bateau de l’ONG Jugend Rettet s’est retrouvé, mercredi, bloqué à Lampedusa, sous contrôle par des gardes-côtes. Quelques heures plus tard, la police italienne a annoncé avoir « préventivement » mis le bateau sous séquestre dans le cadre d’une enquête entamée en octobre 2016. Le navire est soupçonné d’avoir eu « des comportements favorisant l’immigration illégale ».

      Cet incident intervient quel­ques jours après que Jugend Rettet a refusé de signer le code de conduite présenté par le Gouvernement italien. Ce texte édicte treize règles sur le sauvetage des migrants en Méditerranée, interdisant par exemple aux ONG d’entrer dans les eaux libyennes et les obligeant à échanger avec le Centre de coordination maritime de Rome. Le Ministère de l’intérieur italien avait prévenu : sans signature du code de conduite, les ONG ne pourraient pas être incluses dans le système officiel de sauvetage en mer.

      Accusations colportées par les antimigrants :

      « Favoriser l’immigration illégale », c’est ce qui est reproché aux ONG par une partie de l’opinion publique italienne, depuis maintenant plusieurs mois. Certains les accusent de créer un appel d’air : avec les sauvetages, elles pousseraient encore plus de migrants à tenter la traversée. L’Italie est débordée par l’afflux migratoire. C’est dans ce con­texte de controverses et de pressions que le pays a proposé ce code de conduite visant à réguler l’action de sauvetage menée par les ONG en Méditerranée.

      Mais pour la cofondatrice de SOS Méditerranée, Sophie Beau, ce texte reprend des accusations initialement colportées par certains milieux antimigrants : « La formulation laisse entendre qu’il y aurait collusion des ONG avec les passeurs. »

      Les négociations autour du texte et de ses amendements ont pris fin lundi dernier. Proactiva Open Arms, Save the Children et Migrant Offshore Aid Station ont signé le texte. Cinq autres ONG ont refusé : Médecins sans frontières (MSF), SOS Méditerranée et les organisations allemandes Sea Watch, Sea Eye et Jugend Rettet. Plusieurs points du texte cristallisent des tensions.

      Pas d’armes à bord

      L’interdiction de transférer les personnes secourues sur d’autres navires « sauf en cas de demande du Centre de coordination maritime (MRCC) », est vivement critiquée par les ONG. « On nous interdit presque les transferts, même si ce n’est pas formulé comme cela », explique Sophie Beau. « Cela n’a pas de sens, mardi encore, huit cadavres récupérés par Proactiva Open Arms ont été transférés sur l’un de nos bateaux. »

      « Si on doit ramener au plus vite les personnes secourues sur les côtes, sans pouvoir faire de transferts, on prend le risque d’avoir plus de morts ! » ajoute Corinne Torre, chef de mission France de Médecins sans frontières.

      L’autre point de friction, c’est la présence imposée de policiers éventuellement armés à bord des navires des ONG. « Le Gouvernement italien a dit qu’il ne pouvait pas préciser si les policiers seraient armés », raconte Sophie Beau. « Or notre mission est de protéger les personnes que nous secourons, qui vien­nent juste de vivre un traumatisme. Nous n’avons rien à cacher, mais nous ne pouvons pas accepter une interférence dans notre mission humanitaire, et d’avoir des armes à bord. »

      Même son de cloche chez MSF : « Nous refusons les armes dans tous nos programmes. Si on accepte, on va nous assimiler avec la police, et notre mission reste médicale. »

      Moyens de sauvetage insuffisants

      Refusant tout positionnement radical, Sophie Beau insiste : « Nous sommes dans un esprit de dialogue. Nous sommes prêts à signer si les ambiguïtés sont levées. » Elle se montre cependant peu optimiste quant à l’efficacité réelle de ce texte : « Ce qui est ridicule, c’est que cela ne va amener aucun progrès dans le fonctionnement des sauvetages. Il n’y a aucune garantie pour les ONG. »

      « Avec cette polémique sur le code de conduite, on ne parle plus du fond, déplore la cofondatrice de SOS Méditerranée. Cela détourne l’attention du fait que les Etats ne mettent pas en place suffisamment de moyens de sauvetage. Pour moi c’est une stratégie de détournement. L’Italie subit une grosse pression de l’opinion publique, et c’est sa manière de répondre, mais cela ne résout en rien le problème migratoire. »

      L’Union européenne a réaffirmé son soutien à l’Italie. Lors d’un point presse mardi, la porte-­parole de la Commission européenne, Natasha Bertaud, a déclaré : « L’idée d’un code de conduite a été soutenue de façon unanime par les Ministères de l’intérieur (des 28 pays membres). Cette mesure contribuera à une meilleure gestion des flux migratoires. » Depuis le début de l’année, 111 514 migrants sont arrivés en Europe, dont 93 500 en Italie, selon l’Organisation internationale pour les migrants.


    • Migrant rescue vessel stranded off Malta

      A migrant rescue boat, the Golfo Azurro, is currently just off the coast of Malta, awaiting instructions on where it can disembark irregular migrants that it picked up in Libya.

      A spokesman for the Armed Forces said that there was very little information at the moment and contact is still being established with the trawler, although some of the NGO volunteers on board wish to disembark in Malta.

      Unconfirmed reports say that the vessel picked the migrants up off Libya and that Italy has not given permission for it to drop them off. Marine traffic websites show the vessel as being ’at orders Sicily’.

      It is not yet known how many migrants are on board.


    • Sorpresa, spunta il prete amico della Boldrini dalle chat segrete delle Ong

      Un’inchiesta del Giornale rivela la presenza di una chat, parallela ai soccorsi ufficiali, fra le navi delle Ong di fronte alla Libia, nella quale si legge che un prete molto noto segnala nella chat dove andare a prendere i barconi. Si tratta del religioso che venne accolto con tutti gli onori alla Camera dalla presidente Laura Boldrini. Naturalmente.


    • ONG, l’inchiesta di Trapani, Zuccaro e il codice di condotta: domande e risposte

      Il 2 agosto viene fermata dalla Guardia Costiera italiana l’imbarcazione “Iuventa” della ONG tedesca, Jugend Rettet, e scortata nel porto di Lampedusa. In un primo momento, il comandante della Capitaneria di porto della città, Paolo Monaco, aveva comunicato che si trattava «di un normale controllo, che abbiamo fatto e che non comporterà alcun problema». Ma durante la giornata viene pubblicata la notizia che l’imbarcazione dell’organizzazione non governativa era stata messa sotto sequestro preventivo dal giudice delle indagini preliminari (gip) su richiesta della Procura di Trapani. I magistrati siciliani, come riferito in Parlamento nel maggio scorso, stavano portando avanti delle indagini con ipotesi di reato di favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina che coinvolgevano «anche non le ONG ma soggetti appartenenti alle organizzazioni non governative». In quell’occasione però non vennero fornite da parte dei pm indicazioni su quale ONG fosse coinvolta nell’inchiesta.


    • L’indagine sulla ong tedesca e la nave Iuventa. Le accuse, l’infiltrato e i rapporti tesi con Roma

      Cronaca – Tre giorni fa l’imbarcazione è stata sequestrata dalla Procura di Trapani. Le 150 pagine del dispositivo passano in rassegna le contestazioni, partite da due dipendenti di una società di sicurezza e da un agente sotto copertura. Secondo il giudice però «trafficanti e appartenenti alle ong sono agli antipodi»


    • Tutte le accuse contro l’ong Jugend Rettet

      Le accuse contro la Iuventa
      Le indagini della procura di Trapani, guidata da Ambrogio Cartosio, sono andate avanti contemporaneamente all’approvazione di un codice di condotta voluto dal governo italiano per le ong attive nel Mediterraneo. Il codice, che prevede tra le altre cose la presenza di agenti armati della polizia giudiziaria a bordo delle navi, non è stato firmato da alcune organizzazioni, tra cui la tedesca Jugend Rettet.

      Il 2 agosto il giudice per le indagini preliminari di Trapani Emanuele Cersosimo, accogliendo la richiesta della procura, ha emesso un decreto di sequestro preventivo della nave Iuventa della Jugend Rettet. La motopesca è stata scortata dalla guardia costiera italiana fino al molo di Lampedusa, prima di essere trasferita al porto di Trapani.

      L’ipotesi di reato su cui la procura siciliana sta lavorando è quella di cui Cartosio aveva già parlato a maggio: favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione illegale aggravata, secondo l’articolo 12 del Testo unico sull’immigrazione 286 del 1998. I nomi dei sospettati non sono ancora noti e si procede contro ignoti. L’aggravante è data dal fatto che l’ingresso illegale ha riguardato più di cinque persone e la pena prevista per questo tipo di reato va da cinque a quindici anni di reclusione e una multa di 15mila euro per ogni persona che è stata favorita nell’ingresso in Italia.

      Gli episodi contestati alla nave Iuventa sono tre

      Il procuratore aggiunto di Trapani in una conferenza stampa ha spiegato che “gli episodi contestati alla nave Iuventa sono tre, avvenuti il 10 settembre del 2016, il 18 giugno del 2017 e il 26 giugno 2017”. Cartosio ha detto che durante questi episodi sono stati documentati dei contatti “tra coloro che scortavano gli immigrati fino alla Iuventa e membri dell’equipaggio della nave”.

      Un’attività per la quale, secondo la procura, i membri dell’equipaggio non ricevono alcun compenso dai trafficanti, “la motivazione riteniamo resti essenzialmente umanitaria”. Inoltre, secondo le indagini, gli operatori della Iuventa avrebbero lasciato alla deriva tre imbarcazioni, non distruggendole, e questo avrebbe permesso ai trafficanti di recuperarle. Le fonti dell’indagine sarebbero delle foto e dei video girati da alcuni agenti sotto copertura, imbarcati a bordo della nave Vos Hestia, dell’organizzazione umanitaria Save the children, attiva nello stesso tratto di mare.

      Sempre secondo la procura, non ci sarebbero stati gli estremi dello stato di necessità per procedere a un’attività di soccorso, cioè non ci sarebbe stato un imminente pericolo per le persone soccorse, e per questo l’accusa di favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina rimarrebbe in piedi.

      Un reato ad ampio raggio
      In Italia il reato di favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina è stato introdotto nel 1998 e colpisce chiunque aiuti dei cittadini stranieri a entrare nel paese in maniera irregolare, anche a scopi umanitari e senza lucro.

      “È un reato molto particolare, perché è un reato di pericolo”, spiega l’avvocato Guido Savio, dell’Associazione studi giuridici sull’immigrazione (Asgi). “Non solo punisce chi effettua il trasporto, chi finanzia, chi gestisce, chi organizza il traffico di esseri umani, ma anche chi aiuta l’ingresso e questo a prescindere dal fatto che l’ingresso si verifichi”. Questa seconda parte della norma comporta uno spettro molto ampio di applicazione.


    • Noi del Moas in mare da tre anni per colmare le lacune d’Europa

      La migrazione è senza dubbio il tema che sta segnando irrimediabilmente la nostra epoca. Nonostante sia parte integrante della storia umana e appaia come una caratteristica insita del genere umano, adesso viene presentata come fosse una tragica novità. Ogni giorno veniamo letteralmente inondati di notizie, più o meno veritiere, che affrontano il tema dei flussi migratori nel bacino del Mediterraneo. Sono questi, infatti, quelli che ci riguardano più da vicino perché vanno a toccare i nostri assetti socio-economici e destabilizzare le nostre politiche nazionali.


    • Perché la questione delle ONG nel Mediterraneo sembra una fake news architettata da siti esteri

      Adesso che la Commissione difesa del Senato ha chiuso l’indagine conoscitiva sul ruolo delle ONG nel Mediterraneo, scagionandole da ogni ipotesi di complotto con i trafficanti, e le acque si sono dunque calmate, è giunto il tempo di fermarsi a riflettere su come si sia formato il vortice mediatico, politico e persino giudiziario sulle operazioni di salvataggio compiute nel Mediterraneo.


      Dans cet article, on dit que cette vidéo a été celle qui a enclenché la polémique. C’est une vidéo publiée par #Gefira (que vous trouvez aussi dans le fil sur les #identitaires) :

      Et l’article publié par Gefira toujours quelques jours après avoir publié la vidéo :

      Caught in the act : NGOs deal in migrant smuggling

      Et un autre qui a suivi quelques jours après :

      NGOs are smuggling immigrants into Europe on an industrial scale

      Puis la nouvelle fait le tour de plein de sites douteux :

      Le parole di Gefira sono presto riprese da altri siti di disinformazione, per esempio il bulgaro #Zero_Hedge, altro sito che si autodefinisce specializzato in finanza, ma che è stato smascherato sia dai media americani, sia dalle istituzioni finanziarie che lo hanno descritto come"conspirational" e filorusso. Il post di Zero Hedge che riprende Gefira è stato condiviso 4.500 volte su Twitter. Altre riprese di dicembre: #Dailystormer, sito neonazista, #Southfront, filorusso, #Shoebat e #Barenakedislam, islamofobi.

      La news arriva in Italia tramite un altro sito di disinformazione apertamente filorusso, #SitoAurora, che riprende la notizia di Gefira il 7 dicembre. L’8 dicembre la notizia è su #comedonchisciotte.org

      Et enfin, le 6 mars, arrive la vidéo en italien de #Luca_Donadel qui a été vue presque 700’000 fois :

      Mesi più tardi, il 6 marzo, il blogger Luca Donadel – in quello che diverrà un video virale – riprende esattamente metodologia e informazioni del sito Gefira per avvalorare la tesi della cospirazione delle ONG.

      –-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dP4rYgJKo_w

    • Con Don Mussie Zerai. Noi non abbiamo paura

      Mi riservo di controbattere nelle sedi legali opportune a questa serie di calunnie che mi sono state indirizzate. Per il momento posso dire di aver ricevuto solo la mattina di lunedì 7 agosto, mentre rientravo da un viaggio di lavoro, la notizia che la Questura di Trapani dovrebbe notificarmi l’avviso di un procedimento per conto della locale Procura. Immagino che sia un provvedimento ricollegabile all’inchiesta aperta sulla Ong Jugend Rettet. Se di questo si tratta, posso affermare in tutta coscienza di non aver nulla da nascondere e di aver agito sempre alla luce del sole e in piena legalità. A parte l’iniziativa di Trapani, di cui ho già informato i miei legali in modo da prenderne visione ed eventualmente controbattere in merito, non sono stato chiamato in alcuna altra sede per giustificare o comunque rispondere del mio operato in favore dei profughi e dei migranti.


    • Migranti. Indagato Mussie Zerai, prete candidato al Nobel che segnala i barconi in difficoltà

      Don Mussie Zerai è indagato dalla Procura di Trapani nell’ambito di indagini su attività di salvataggio dei migranti in cui sarebbero coinvolte delle ong. “Ho ricevuto dalla procura di Trapani una comunicazione che c’è una indagine sul mio conto, una indagine che risale al 2016. Non so altro, non cosa mi sia contestato”, ha confermato il sacerdote eritreo candidato al Nobel per la pace nel 2015, fondatore e presidente dell’agenzia di informazione Habeshia, per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo.


    • Per una alternativa a Minniti ed ai suoi servizi, per il diritto alla vita.

      Dopo il sequestro della nave Juventa dell’organizzazione tedesca Jugend Rettet e le notizie, ancora assai poco circostanziate, del coinvolgimento di Don Mussie Zeraj nell’inchiesta promossa dalla Procura di Trapani, avviata a seguito di alcune segnalazioni ricevute da ambienti vicini ai servizi segreti, sembra che la linea del ministro dell’interno Minniti stia ottenendo risultati eccellenti. Da una parte è stato spaccato il fronte delle ONG, e anche alcune che avevano dichiarato di non accettare il codice di condotta lo hanno poi firmato, da un’altra parte si collega il rallentamento delle partenze dalla Libia, praticamente dimezzate rispetto ai mesi di luglio ed agosto dello scorso anno, con il maggiore rigore contro le navi umanitarie e soprattutto con la messa in opera degli accordi stipulati con il governo Serraj il 2 febbraio scorso.


    • Don Zerai indagato, chi salva vite è un eroe e non un criminale

      Oskar Schindler ben avrebbe potuto essere indagato, imputato, condannato dalla Germania nazista per avere salvato più di mille ebrei dallo sterminio. Carlo Angela, papà del giornalista televisivo Piero, dando rifugio nella sua clinica a tantissimi ebrei, li salvò dalla furia nazi-fascista e dunque dalla morte. Moussa Abadi era un ebreo siriano e, insieme al vescovo di Nizza, Paul Rémond, salvò centinaia di bambini ebrei nascondendoli da chi li rastrellava.


    • Perché stare dalla parte delle Ong e di don Zerai

      “Il mio intervento è stato concepito nel medesimo spirito dell’operazione Mare Nostrum – varata nel novembre 2013 dal Governo italiano sulla scia della tragedia del 3 ottobre a Lampedusa e purtroppo revocata dopo un anno – nella convinzione che se programmi del genere fossero in vigore ad opera delle istituzioni europee o magari dell’Onu, probabilmente non sarebbe stata necessaria la mobilitazione delle Ong e, più modestamente, quella di Habeshia nel Mediterraneo. Fermo restando che il problema non si risolve con il soccorso in mare, per quanto tempestivo ed efficiente, ma, nel breve/medio periodo, con l’organizzazione di canali legali di immigrazione e con una riforma globale del sistema europeo di accoglienza e, nel lungo periodo, con una stabilizzazione/pacificazione dei paesi travolti da situazioni di crisi estrema che costringono migliaia di persone a fuggire ogni mese”.


    • Minniti scatena l’alleato libico e piega la chiesa. Fuoco incrociato sulle ONG.

      La guerra alle ONG che fanno soccorso in mare sembra giunta ad un punto di svolta, con l‘attacco a fuoco di una motovedetta di Tripoli e la dichiarazione di interdizione del passaggio in acque internazionali ricadenti nella zona SAR libica rivolta soltanto alle navi delle stesse organizzazioni governative, incluse anche quelle che hanno recentemente capitolato, firmando un Codice di condotta con il ministro dell’interno. Azioni sinergiche che stanno preparando veri e propri respingimenti collettivi come quelli per i quali nel 2012 l’Italia è stata condannata dalla Corte Europea dei diritti dell’Uomo.


    • Ong, modifiche al codice: così firma anche Sos Méditerranée

      Polizia a bordo solo su mandato della magistratura e trasbordi permessi sotto il coordinamento della Guardia costiera: sono i due emendamenti al Codice di comportamento che hanno convinto Sos Mediterranèe a firmare al Viminale


    • «Salvare i migranti nel Mediterraneo è compito degli Stati, non delle ong»

      Il sacerdote eritreo Mussie Zerai, residente in Svizzera, è indagato dalla Procura di Trapani per favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina. Intervistato da swissinfo.ch, “l’angelo dei profughi” denuncia quella che definisce «una campagna denigratoria contro chi fa solidarietà» e chiama l’Europa ad assumersi le proprie responsabilità.


    • Ostacoli all’assistenza umanitaria creeranno un gap letale nel Mediterraneo

      A seguito di queste ulteriori restrizioni all’assistenza umanitaria indipendente e dell’aumento dei blocchi che costringono i migranti in Libia, MSF ha deciso di sospendere temporaneamente le attività di ricerca e soccorso della propria nave, la Prudence. L’équipe medica di MSF continuerà a supportare le attività di soccorso a bordo della nave Aquarius, di SOS Mediterranee, che al momento sta pattugliando le acque internazionali.


    • Medici senza frontiere sospende salvataggi in mare. «C’è un assalto inaccettabile alla dignità dell’uomo»

      Dopo l’annuncio di una zona Sar libica estesa cento miglia in cui le ong non sono accette, Msf annuncia di ritirarsi. «Se le navi umanitarie vengono spinte fuori dal Mediterraneo, coloro che non annegheranno saranno intercettati e riportati in Libia, luogo di illegalità, di detenzione arbitraria e di estrema violenza»


    • Replica. Moas: «Portiamo i migranti dove ordina la Guardia Costiera»

      Tempi duri per le ong schierate in prima linea nel salvataggio di migranti nel Mediterraneo. Nonostante le decine di migliaia di vite umane salvate, sono finite sul banco degli imputati con l’accusa di essere complici se non addirittura al soldo dei trafficanti. Prima attaccate da Frontex, poi citate in audizione alla Commissione Schengen dal procuratore di Catania Zuccaro, il quale non ha nascosto dubbi sul loro proliferare, lo spingersi fino alle coste libiche e i sospetti sui finanziamenti per tenere le navi in mare. Infine, oggetto di una indagine parlamentare annunciata dal senatore Nicola Latorre. Tra le organizzazioni nel mirino c’è Moas - fondata nel 2014 dai coniugi Catrambone, imprenditori italo americani con base a Malta - la prima a mettere in mare una nave privata salva migranti, la Phoenix. Regina Catrambone, nel 2015 nominata dal Capo dello Stato Ufficiale al merito della Repubblica per l’attività di localizzazione e soccorso in mare, non nasconde l’amarezza per gli attacchi di questi giorni a pochi giorni dal ritorno in missione della ’Phoenix’ il prossimo primo aprile dopo tre mesi di stop e mentre cerca di aprire un canale umanitario con La Libia, che ritiene l’unica via per spezzare la catena dei viaggi della morte.


    • Chi denuncia Don Mussie infanga ognuna/o di noi

      Siamo persone privilegiate perché nel nostro cammino abbiamo incontrato una persona straordinaria come Don Mussie Zerai, da cui tanto tuttora impariamo. Lo abbiamo incontrato quando c’era da piangere e celebrare i morti e quando c’era da salvare i vivi, chiunque, indipendentemente dalla provenienza. Abbiamo apprezzato negli anni lo scrupolo con cui ha sempre operato nel pieno rispetto di quelle istituzioni – come la Guardia costiera italiana – impegnate ad affrontare drammi umanitari che passeranno alla storia, considerandole partner di riferimento, soggetti a cui affidare la sorte di chi era sull’orlo dell’abisso, in mare così come nei paesi di transito.


    • Il codice di distrazione di massa. Ovvero dell’arte di accusare le Ong per nascondere l’inferno dove rimandare i migranti

      “Cinque Ong su otto, hanno firmato il codice di condotta del Viminale”. Il messaggio è chiaro, serve a dimostrare chi sta vincendo il braccio di ferro sulle “regole da adottare nel Mediterraneo”. Vince il Viminale che ha convinto la maggioranza delle Ong a stare dalla sua parte. Questo appare dalle cronache di queste ore. Ha poca importanza se il contenuto del codice è cambiato radicalmente e se, per come oggi è stato trasformato su pressione della quinta Ong che ha firmato, è diventato un foglio inutile che non cambia di una virgola le regole che c’erano prima, le regole del diritto internazionale, le regole del mare. Sos Mediterranee, la quinta Ong, ha chiesto ed ottenuto di allegare al codice un “addendum” che risolve i nodi principali della discussione ovvero la presenza degli agenti armati a bordo e del divieto ai trasbordi su altre barche dei migranti soccorsi. Risolve i nodi nel senso che li elimina: non c’è più l’obbligo di far salire uomini di polizia giudiziaria armati a bordo e non c’è più il divieto ai trasbordi. Improvvisamente dunque, scompaiono i due elementi centrali di tutta la polemica che da settimane occupa le prime pagine dei giornali e le discussioni nei bar di questo nostro strano paese. “se non vogliono la polizia hanno qualcosa da nascondere” si diceva. Ma adesso la polizia armata non è più un elemento così importante da imporre a bordo delle navi Ong. Tutto ritorna, come era prevedibile ed inevitabile, sotto il controllo della guardia costiera, come se nulla fosse. Cinque Ong su otto hanno aderito ad un codice che, sostanzialmente, non c’è più. Ma perché allora, tanto rumore fino ad oggi?


    • Msf, stop dopo le minacce: chi e perché vuole fermare i volontari

      La polemica sulle organizzazioni non governative aiuta il governo italiano a nascondere il fallimento della sua azione diplomatica e politica in Libia. Se l’Italia fosse un’azienda privata avrebbe già licenziato il suo rappresentante per l’estero: il ministro Alfano ha gravissime colpe.


    • "Continuerò a salvare vite umane. Come ho sempre fatto in questi anni"

      Il prete, di origne eritrea, è sotto attacco. Perché? Il suo «reato» è aiutare i profughi comunicando alle autorità dove si trovano. Colpevole, cioè, di quella nuova fattispecie giuridica che si sta pericolosamente affermando: il “reato umanitario”. «Questo clima», dice, «serve a non parlare dei veri problemi. I trafficanti esistono perché non ci sono alternative legali. Se si vuole combattere il traffico di esseri umani, occorre rendere possibili delle vie sicure di ingresso in Europa».


      Le texte complet de l’article:

      Msf, stop dopo le minacce: chi e perché vuole fermare i volontari

      La polemica sulle organizzazioni non governative aiuta il governo italiano a nascondere il fallimento della sua azione diplomatica e politica in Libia. Se l’Italia fosse un’azienda privata avrebbe già licenziato il suo rappresentante per l’estero: il ministro Alfano ha gravissime colpe. L’ingrandimento sull’Espresso in edicola domenica

      12 agosto 2017

      L’effetto della campagna del governo contro le Ong è ormai evidente: togliere di mezzo la presenza (e i testimoni) delle organizzazioni non governative a ridosso delle acque territoriali libiche, per lasciare mano libera alla Guardia costiera di Tripoli ed eventualmente alla Marina militare italiana nel fermare i barconi e i gommoni carichi di profughi. Silvio Berlusconi e Roberto Maroni le chiamavano con orgoglio operazioni di respingimento, perché questo portava loro voti. Il ministro dell’Interno, Marco Minniti e il Pd le definiscono più laicamente operazioni di soccorso. Ma della stessa operazione si tratta.

      In sostanza, stiamo consegnando un’altra volta alla Libia il totale monopolio dell’arma degli sbarchi, senza preoccuparci troppo di quello che accade più a Sud nei luoghi d’origine dell’emigrazione. Finita l’estate, spenta questa esagerata polemica sugli interventi umanitari, scopriremo che il problema va oltre le Ong. Ed è ben più grave, come l’eredità degli anni scorsi ci insegna. A meno che non vogliamo consolarci con alcune migliaia di arrivi in meno, come l’andamento del 2017 sembra annunciare.

      È evidente che l’Italia non possa farsi carico da sola ogni anno dell’accoglienza e dell’integrazione di 180 mila persone, di cui gran parte uomini in giovane età. Ed è indispensabile e auspicabile cercare soluzioni anche a breve termine. Ma se sono aumentate le partenze dalla Libia, non è certo per la presenza nel Mediterraneo degli spavaldi attivisti tedeschi di “Jugend Rettet” sotto inchiesta per aver avuto, secondo la Procura di Trapani, rapporti fin troppo ravvicinati con i trafficanti. E non è nemmeno colpa di organizzazioni che si sono sempre coordinate con la Guardia costiera, come “Medici senza frontiere” o “Save the children”.

      Perfino il codice di comportamento voluto da Minniti è un falso problema: il ministero dell’Interno ha sempre avuto il desiderio di dividere il volontariato tra mansueti da premiare e rompiscatole da allontanare, tra quanti sono disposti a chiudere un occhio e quanti si dimostrano rigorosi nel rispetto delle norme. Lo si è visto nel 2013 nel centro di accoglienza di Lampedusa: per diversi giorni alcuni volontari del progetto governativo “Praesidium” hanno tollerato il fatto che intere famiglie con i loro bambini piccoli venissero tenute a dormire sotto gli alberi, mentre la notte i cani randagi urinavano sulle loro coperte. Anche per questo bene fa “Medici senza frontiere” a rispettare la sua neutralità e a non voler prendere a bordo agenti armati. Un codice di condotta simile a quello imposto dal Viminale oggi metterebbe fuori gioco perfino Henry Dunant, il fondatore della Croce Rossa e primo premio Nobel per la pace.

      Non dobbiamo però sottovalutare gli effetti collaterali. Fin dove si spingeranno i barconi senza più la presenza costante delle Ong al largo della Libia? Fin dove arriveranno i cadaveri dispersi in mare? È sempre la cronaca del 2013, prima dell’arrivo delle organizzazioni umanitarie e prima dell’impiego della Marina con l’operazione “Mare nostrum”, a suggerirci una risposta: 13 annegati davanti ai turisti sulla spiaggia di Sampieri in Sicilia il 30 settembre; 366 annegati davanti a Cala Madonna a Lampedusa il 3 ottobre; 268 annegati a 60 miglia a Sud di Lampedusa l’11 ottobre.

      Dopo la fine di “Mare nostrum”, l’apertura del corridoio umanitario delle Ong ha ridimensionato l’impiego delle navi cargo nelle operazioni di soccorso: con un conseguente beneficio sui costi e i tempi dei commerci nel Mediterraneo. L’unica alternativa, la prassi adottata dall’Italia fino al 2013, coinvolge invece il traffico commerciale. Ed è spiegata proprio nelle comunicazioni che accompagnano i presunti ritardi, prima del naufragio dell’11 ottobre di quell’anno. Dice al telefono un ufficiale della Guardia costiera italiana alla collega maltese che chiede l’intervento della Libra, il pattugliatore della nostra Marina: «Penso che sia una buona idea cominciare a coinvolgere anche una nave commerciale... Di solito noi lavoriamo in questo modo. Impieghiamo le nostre unità più grandi per avvistare (i barconi). E dopo se ci sono navi commerciali, noi preferiamo impiegare quelle e poi organizzare incontri con i nostri pattugliatori più piccoli. Perché noi non vogliamo perdere l’area... Bene, penso che il capo deve provare a trovare una nave commerciale».

      L’assurda procedura quel giorno si conclude con una strage di profughi siriani, tra cui sessanta bambini, rimasti per cinque ore in inutile attesa sul peschereccio che stava affondando. Nave Libra ad appena una decina di miglia, meno di un’ora di navigazione, era stata mandata a nascondersi: nonostante nessuna nave commerciale fosse arrivata nelle vicinanze.
      Se questa tornerà a essere la prassi, avremo forse qualche arrivo da vivi in meno. Ma probabilmente molti cadaveri sulle nostre spiagge in più.

      La polemica sulle Ong aiuta soprattutto il governo italiano a nascondere il fallimento della sua azione diplomatica e politica in Libia. A fine luglio il presidente francese Emmanuel Macron ha sgambettato l’Italia e portato a un (fragile) accordo il premier di Tripoli, Fayez al Serraj, sostenuto dall’Onu e da Roma e il signore della guerra di Bengasi, il generale Khalifa Haftar, sostenuto da Parigi.

      Se Palazzo Chigi fosse un’azienda privata, andrebbe licenziato il rappresentante per l’estero. Il ministro Angelino Alfano infatti avrebbe potuto fare di più: dal primo gennaio al 30 giugno è stato una sola volta a Tripoli, una sola volta a Tunisi e mai, proprio mai, in almeno uno dei tanti Paesi africani o asiatici che con i loro cittadini impegnano così intensamente il nostro bilancio statale tra soccorsi e accoglienza. Lo confermano i piani di volo dell’aereo usato da Alfano.

      Il suo omologo francese, il socialista Jean-Yves Le Drian, artefice del vertice Serraj-Haftar di fine luglio, è invece stato trentadue volte in Africa come ministro della Difesa nel precedente governo. E dal 17 maggio di quest’anno, giorno della sua nomina agli Esteri, ha già visitato Tunisia, Algeria, Egitto, Stati subsahariani, Emirati, Arabia Saudita e Qatar per preparare il consenso allo “sbarco” francese in Libia.

      Il generale Haftar cura da tempo gli interessi di Parigi nel tentativo di sottrarre all’influenza italiana i pozzi e i terminal della Mezzaluna petrolifera in Cirenaica, nell’Est. L’Eni rischia così di perdere alcuni futuri contratti. La pace con il premier di Tripoli, che a Ovest guida il Governo di accordo nazionale, però non è detto che regga. Solo l’annuncio italiano di inviare la nave militare “Comandante Borsini” in acque libiche per assistere la locale Guardia costiera contro i trafficanti di uomini, così come avrebbe richiesto Serraj, ha messo d’accordo tutte le fazioni.

      Lo stesso vice di Serraj, Fathi Al-Majbari: «È una violazione della sovranità della Libia e degli accordi in vigore. L’azione di Serraj non rappresenta il governo». Il figlio del dittatore Muhammar Gheddafi, Saif al Islam, tornato libero due mesi fa: «È un’operazione coloniale». Lo stato maggiore di Haftar: «Bombarderemo le navi italiane». Un bel pasticcio diplomatico.

      Se il governo di Paolo Gentiloni si prende la responsabilità di consegnare i profughi alle autorità di Tripoli, bisogna ricordare che la Libia continua a essere un Paese in guerra che non ha mai firmato le convenzioni sui rifugiati. E che per questo l’Italia è già stata condannata in passato, dopo gli accordi tra Gheddafi e Berlusconi, da risoluzioni del Parlamento europeo che avevano vietato i respingimenti. Basta leggere gli ultimi rapporti dello Iom, l’Organizzazione internazionale per le migrazioni, che non è una Ong ma un organismo intergovernativo costituito da 166 Stati membri.

      Uno dei dossier più drammatici è della primavera scorsa. Denuncia il mercato degli schiavi allestito in un parcheggio a Sebha, nel Sud della Paese, lungo la rotta che dal Niger sale verso il Mediterraneo: «I migranti subsahariani vengono venduti e comprati dai libici, con l’aiuto di trafficanti ghaniani e nigeriani che lavorano per loro».

    • Photo reçue de Fulvio Vassallo le 13.08.2017 avec ce commentaire :

      La nave di Frontex Triton #Olimpic_Commander ferma da due giorni a Trapani . Non salvano nessuno. Non intercettano trafficanti. Staranno setacciando la nave Juventus bloccata sotto sequestro nello stesso porto. A prua della nave si vede una struttura aggiunta di recente e non presente nelle foto di archivio della stessa nave. Hanno aggiunto una piattaforma per elicotteri in modo da disporre di mezzo veloci di pronto intervento. Ma per il momento si limitano a leggere le carte della Juventa. Bastava mandare una squadra di polizia.

    • Reçu de Fulvio Vassallo le 13.08.2017:

      Procura Trapani, indagati comandanti nave «Iuventa» =
      (AGI) - Trapani, 12 ago. - Salgono a quattro gli indagati
      nell’’inchiesta della Procura di Trapani su Ong e soccorsi ai
      migranti. Oltre al sacerdote eritreo don Mussie Zerai, iscritto
      dai Pm nei giorni scorsi, sono indagati anche i due comandanti
      della «Iuventa», la nave della Ong tedesca Jugend Rettet, e un
      terzo membro dell’’equipaggio. L’’accusa per tutti e’’ di
      favoreggiamento dell’’immigrazione clandestina. Ai due
      comandanti, Jakob Shroter e Jonas Buya, e al marittimo e’’ stato
      notificato da agenti della Squadra mobile l’’avviso di proroga
      delle indagini. A don Zerai, presidente della dell’’agenzia di
      informazione Habeshia e punto di riferimento degli s.o.s. dei
      migranti in navigazione nel Mediterraneo, era stata inviata in
      precedenza un’’informazione di garanzia. Si tratta - dicono da
      ambienti giudiziari - di provvedimenti obbligatori, legati ai
      fatti emersi durante le indagini. Nell’’ambito dell’’inchiesta,
      condotta dai pm Andrea Tarondo e Antonio Sgarrella, era stato
      disposto il sequestro della nave «Iuventa», che tuttora si
      trova ormeggiata nel porto di Trapani. (AGI)
      121852 AGO 17

    • Il mondo alla rovescia. Storia di padre #Mussie_Zerai che salva i naufraghi, è stato candidato al nobel e, in Italia, finisce sotto accusa

      “Stiamo vivendo un paradosso: chi salva viene accusato di favoreggiamento e di complicità con i trafficanti e chi omette il soccorso resta impunito. È un mondo alla rovescia.” Il tono di voce di padre Mussie è sempre molto pacato. Parole misurate anche per parlare di una indagine che lo vede sotto inchiesta come complice dei trafficanti di uomini. “Mi aspettavo che i magistrati prima o poi avrebbero voluto ascoltarmi. Non mi aspettavo che volessero sentirmi come indagato.”


    • I libici impongono il «pizzo» sui salvataggi. Le Ong minacciate e taglieggiate per le attività nel Mediterraneo

      Non solo abbordati, minacciati, mitragliati. Ma ora anche taglieggiati. Nasce il «pizzo» sul salvataggio di migranti. Gestito da ufficiali della Guardia Costiera di Tripoli. È questa, confidano all’HuffPost fonti vicine ad Ong spagnole e tedesche, una delle ragioni, oltre quella della sicurezza, che hanno portato a una scelta estremamente grave. La sicurezza al primo posto, certo, ma fuori dall’ufficialità, il mondo delle Ong dà conto di una «sindrome di accerchiamento» che ogni giorno si alimenta di nuovi elementi che, messi insieme, ricostruiscono una situazione ormai insostenibile.


    • Il dramma dei migranti in una foto del radar: oltre 30 imbarcazioni attorno a una nave di una Ong

      Circa 6000 migranti raccolti in mare, al largo della Libia, tra venerdì e sabato. E non è finita. La foto che pubblichiamo è il tracciato radar che mostrava la situazione di ieri notte, attorno a una delle imbarcazioni di una Ong impegnata nel soccorso in mare. Il centro del tracciato è la nave. Tutt’intorno, ogni puntino giallo segnala un gommone in avvicinamento, con cento o anche duecento persone a bordo. Una scena drammatica. I puntini sono più di 30. I calcoli sono facili: altre migliaia di persone in arrivo.


    • La Libia blocca le Ong a 100 km dalla costa. Salvati e internati 105 migranti

      LA MARINA libica, fedele al governo del premier del governo di unita nazionale di Tripoli di Fayez al Sarraj, ha imposto a tutte le navi straniere il divieto di soccorrere i migranti nelle aree cosiddette aree di «serch and rescue» (SaR) (ricerca e recupero) che vanno molto oltre le 12 miglia nautiche delle acque territoriali.

      Di fatto la decisione impedirà alle navi delle Ong di intervenire non solo nelle acque territoriali libiche ma si dovranno tenere ad una distanza di centinaia di km dalla costa.


    • Posté sur FB par Fulvio Vassallo:
      L’ultima provocazione: multata la Ong Proactiva
      Mediterraneo . Sanzione da seimila euro

      Daniela Padoan
      paru dans Il manifesto, 20 agosto 2017

      Il 14 agosto la nave Golfo azzurro della Ong spagnola Proactiva Open Arms, tra quelle che hanno firmato il codice di condotta imposto dal governo italiano, è salpata da Malta per la ventiseiesima missione di ricerca e salvataggio nel Mediterraneo centrale. Dal luglio 2016 ha tratto in salvo 21mila persone e ha a raccolto cadaveri di uomini, donne, bambini, portandoli a riva perché potessero avere sepoltura. Giunta nelle acque internazionali di fronte alla Libia, il 15 agosto è stata intercettata dalla C-Star, la “nave nera” noleggiata dal gruppo di attivisti di estrema destra Defende Europe che vaga in mare da settimane, dapprima sul punto di naufragare ed essere soccorsa da una Ong, poi respinta dai pescatori tunisini con cartelli antirazzisti, infine a corto di carburante al largo di Creta e diffidata dall’attraccare dalla Capitaneria di porto ellenica.

      Per l’intero giorno di ferragosto, la C-Star ha inseguito la Golfo azzurro effettuando manovre pericolose per avvicinarsi ai canotti di salvataggio e alle pareti dello scafo. Dopo numerose azioni di disturbo si è allontanata, pur restando in vista, e all’improvviso è stata affiancata da una motovedetta della guardia costiera libica. “Quando ho visto i due equipaggi parlare”, racconta il capomissione della Golfo azzurro Riccardo Gatti, “ho richiamato a bordo i volontari che si stavano allenando sui canotti e ci siamo chiusi dentro. La guardia costiera di Tripoli, priva dei contrassegni ufficiali, si è avvicinata e ci ha chiesto di mostrare le autorizzazioni del governo libico. Abbiamo spiegato che ci trovavamo a 27 miglia dalla costa e che non eravamo tenuti ad avere nessuna autorizzazione. Per tutta risposta ci hanno detto che dovevamo seguirli fino a Tripoli, sennò ci avrebbero sparato”.

      La Golfo azzurro ha chiesto aiuto alla Guardia costiera italiana e alla missione europea Eunavfor Med, senza ricevere alcun sostegno.

      “A quel punto abbiamo detto ai libici che stavamo contattando le navi da guerra della Nato per chiedere protezione, “ continua Riccardo Gatti. “Finalmente, dopo due ore, ci hanno intimato di dirigerci a nord e non tornare più indietro, altrimenti ci avrebbero ucciso. Non appena ripresa la navigazione, siamo stati contattati via radio dalla C-Star. Non abbiamo sentito che cosa ci dicevano perché il comandante, in un attacco di nervi, ha spento la radio. Erano irrisioni, e a noi è parso evidente che i libici sono stati chiamati dalla C-Star. Non so che rapporti abbiano con la guardia costiera libica, quel che è certo è che abbiamo subito un sequestro, o un atto di pirateria, e che loro ne hanno avuto parte”.

      Nonostante le minacce ricevute, la Golfo azzurro ha deciso di restare in zona SAR e, dietro richiesta del Centro di coordinamento del soccorso marittimo (MRCC) di Roma, il giorno dopo ha raccolto 233 profughi. Lo stesso MRCC ha poi dato indicazione di dirigere verso il porto di Trapani.

      Ma il 19 agosto, giunti a destinazione, sbarcati uomini, donne e bambini, subita l’ispezione a bordo di Polizia giudiziaria e scientifica, il capomissione della Golfo azzurro si è sentito richiedere da un funzionario della Capitaneria di porto una “waste garbage declaration”, ovvero il computo della spazzatura, e affibbiare seimila euro di multa.

      E’ evidente che anche firmare il codice di condotta di Minniti non costituisce alcuna salvaguardia per i Giusti del Mediterraneo. Ciò che si vuole è la loro definitiva uscita di scena così che non resti nessuno a testimoniare quel che davvero accade nelle acque libiche.


    • EU ‘trying to move border to Libya’ using policy that breaches rights – UN experts

      Two United Nations human rights experts have expressed serious concern over a new European Commission policy on Mediterranean Sea rescues, warning that more people will drown.

      “The EU’s proposed new action plan, including a code of conduct for organizations operating rescue boats, threatens life and breaches international standards by condemning people to face further human rights violations in Libya,” said the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, Felipe González Morales, and the Special Rapporteur on torture, Nils Melzer.

      The code of conduct, drawn up by Italy with the backing of Brussels, aims to stop privately-operated ships ferrying refugees to safety in Italy from waters off the Libyan coast. It is part of a wider EU plan to reduce the pressure of migrant arrivals. Libya has also announced a search and rescue zone beyond its territorial waters, and is restricting access to international waters by humanitarian vessels.

      “The solution is not to restrict access to international waters or firing weapons to threaten boats, as Libya has reportedly done repeatedly. This will result in more deaths of migrants at sea and is in contravention of the obligation to rescue people in distress,” the experts said.

      They added that international organizations were making “tremendous rescue efforts”, with their vessels providing up to 40% of all search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean.

      The Special Rapporteurs expressed concern that the European Commission was trying to move Europe’s borders to Libya. They highlighted that, under international law, migrants should be allowed to disembark at the nearest port where their lives and freedom would not be threatened, and should then receive information, care and equitable processing of their asylum claims.

      “Libya simply cannot be regarded as a safe place to disembark and the EU policy is in denial of this fact,” they said. “Migrants intercepted by the Libyan coast guard will face indefinite detention in dire and inhumane conditions, at risk of death, torture or other severe human rights violations, without any judicial review.”

      Libyan detention centres were severely overcrowded with inadequate access to toilets, washing facilities, ventilation, food and clean water, they noted. Detainees also lacked access to a legal process or lawyers.

      The human rights experts also highlighted that migrants in Libya risked labor exploitation and were vulnerable to other forms of contemporary slavery; while women were at risk of rape and other sexual violence.

      They said it was vital for the EU and Libya to bring more European rescue boats to the coast of Libya, but warned that an Italian naval mission currently operating in Libyan waters could breach Italy’s obligations of non-refoulement, in providing logistical, technical and operational support to the Libyan coast guard.

      “It is high time to tackle the real issue, which is the disproportionate impact on frontline States such as Italy and Greece, and relocate migrants and refugees to all Schengen Member countries, instead of supporting measures which drive migration further underground and increase human suffering, in violation of human rights law,” the Special Rapporteurs said.

      “States should expand their visa regimes and provide more options for refugee settlement, temporary protection, visitors, family reunification, work, resident, retirement and student visas”, they added, “in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and to ensure that migrants no longer have to embark on such deadly journeys.”

      Mr. Felipe González Morales (Chile), Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants; and Mr. Nils Melzer, (Switzerland), Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, are part of what is known as the Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures, the largest body of independent experts in the UN Human Rights system, is the general name of the Council’s independent fact-finding and monitoring mechanisms. Special Procedures mandate-holders are independent human rights experts appointed by the Human Rights Council to address either specific country situations or thematic issues in all parts of the world. They are not UN staff and are independent from any government or organization. They serve in their individual capacity and do not receive a salary for their work.


    • La saga continue...
      Migrant crisis: Sicily accuses charities of collusion with traffickers

      Magistrates in three Sicilian ports have opened investigations into suspected collusion between charities and Libyan people traffickers.

      It follows the decision of a judge from Trapani in western Sicily to impound a ship operated by the German non-profit group Jugend Rettet (Youth to the Rescue) this month.

      Save the Children and Médecins Sans Frontières are also under investigation, according to Italian media, but both charities said they had received no official communication to that effect.


    • Les milliers de morts de l’égoisme européen

      La nouvelle tombe comme une condamnation à mort pour des centaines, voire des milliers de personnes qui tentent de franchir la Méditerranée. Les unes après les autres, les ONG qui avaient affrété depuis 2014 des navires pour venir en aide aux naufragés sont forcées de quitter les aires de sauvetage. En cause : la Libye a décrété jeudi dernier, en concertation avec l’Italie, la création d’une vaste zone d’exclusion maritime aux bateaux étrangers bien au-delà de ses eaux territoriales.


    • Otto cose che impariamo dalle carte sulla Iuventa

      Quest’estate nel Mediterraneo si è giocata una partita politica piuttosto brutale. Il governo italiano si è mosso per delegittimare l’operato delle Ong nel Mediterraneo. In questo modo le ha costrette ad arretrare, quando non a rinunciare al loro ruolo di soccorso dei migranti, lasciando così campo libero ai respingimenti della Guardia costiera libica. In questo contesto, le carte sul sequestro della nave tedesca Iuventa sono anche un’occasione per comprendere meglio cosa è accaduto in mare in questi mesi.


    • Priest Named ‘Guardian Angel of Refugees’ Under Investigation in Italy

      Rev. #Mussie_Zerai has received hundreds of nighttime distress calls from refugee boats over the years. Now, the Eritrean Roman Catholic priest finds himself under investigation by Sicilian prosecutors for collusion with smugglers.


    • Ong “embedded”. Dopo le denunce un bando per arruolare gli “umanitari” nei campi di detenzione in Libia

      L’obiettivo di far fuori le ONG è stato raggiunto, anche per le divisioni al loro interno, non certo per la chiara azione diversiva iscenata dal codice di condotta imposto dal ministro dell’interno Minniti, quanto soprattutto per le sparatorie e le operazioni di sbarramento della rotta subite dalle navi delle ONG a mare, e poi per le pastoie burocratiche frapposte all’ingresso nei porti, anche nei confronti di chi aveva sottoscritto il Codice di condotta Minniti.

      La scossa finale è stata infine la serie di provvedimenti giudiziari annunciati , come a Trapani, e che si annunciano ancora, come a Catania, contro comandanti, operatori umanitari e citadini solidali “rei” di avere risposto ale richieste di aiuto e di avere trasmesso al Comando del corpo delle Capitanerie di porto (IMRCC), chiamate di socorso che hanno permesso di salvare migliaia di vite. Ma il reato di solidarietà non può essere introdotto per via giudiziaria.


    • La guerra alle Ong e il Mediterraneo come confine. L’umanitarismo alla prova (della) politica

      Come e perché le organizzazioni non governative (Ong) che effettuano salvataggi nel Mediterraneo, una volta celebrate come “angeli del mare”, sono ora accusate di essere “taxi per migranti”? Che peso ha avuto la rappresentazione mediatica della “crisi dei migranti” e del Mediterraneo come confine nell’innescare e legittimare questo “sparare sulla Croce Rossa”? Pierluigi Musarò analizza per noi la crisi dello “spettacolo del dolore a distanza” e la messa alla prova politica dell’umanitarismo.


    • Dietro la logica dei numeri, persone in gabbia e diritti cancellati.

      Quanto sta emergendo in questi giorni dimostra nel modo sempre più evidente la infondatezza delle accuse rivolte alle ONG che sarebbero state “colluse” con i trafficanti, magari gli stessi, perchè le zone di partenze sono le stesse, con i quali da Roma si stava trattando per realizzare il blocco delle partenze. Appare ormai chiaro lo stretto legame tra le operazioni di arresto e detenzione a terra, avviate formalmente dopo gli accordi con l’Italia, con le attività di arresto in mare operate dalla Guardia Costiera libica, in coordinamento con la Guardia costiera italiana, attività di “soccorso” che già erano partite lo scorso anno, che dopo la “fase di formazione” dei militari libici sulle navi europee, ed anche in Italia, si concludono con la riconduzione dei naufraghi, “salvati” in mare ma ritenuti migranti illegali, in uno dei tanti centri di detenzione, tra i più duri, quelli di Zawia e di Sabratha. Per ottenere questi risultati occorreva allontanare le navi delle ONG dalle coste libiche, ben oltre il limite delle acque territoriali ( 12 miglia). E se qualche giornalista indipendente racconta la corruzione della guardia costiera libica o denuncia singoli trafficanti, arrivano subito le minacce.


    • Il sequestro della Iuventa: Ong e soccorso in mare

      Il sequestro della Iuventa coinvolge questioni di diritto internazionale che mai, finora, si erano presentate, nei processi contro i trafficanti. L’apertura del procedimento ha purtroppo avuto la conseguenza di portare in secondo piano le gravi responsabilità dell’Europa nella gestione del fenomeno migratorio. Esso può essere, tuttavia, l’occasione per fare chiarezza, anche nel mondo delle Ong, su come si declinino i principi umanitari dell’accoglienza e del soccorso in mare e su come sia necessario mantenerli – nell’interesse degli stessi migranti – nella cornice di legalità con cui l’Italia, per una volta sostenuta dall’Europa, sta provando a definire un perimetro che tenga insieme diritti e doveri dell’accoglienza


    • Il contrattacco della Iuventa e la prima crisi del piano Minniti. Ma la nave di Jugend Rettet rimane sottosequestro

      L’organizzazione Jugend Rettet, proprietaria della nave Iuventa, ha deciso di utilizzare la prima udienza sul dissequestro dell’imbarcazione per difendersi pubblicamente e ribaltare le accuse. Nel frattempo nel Mediterraneo il caos non si è mai fermato ed i cadaveri dei naufraghi non possono essere occultati.


    • Migrants caught between tides and politics in the Mediterranean: an imperative for search and rescue at sea?

      In the late 2014, owing to lack of European Union support, the Italian state retreated from their Mare Nostrum—a proactive ‘Search and Rescue’ (SAR) operation in the central Mediterranean leaving thousands to die at sea.

      Humanitarian Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) including Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) stepped in to fill this gap but have been recently accused of being a ‘pull factor’ for migrants and refugees and being a cause for deterioration in maritime safety by increasing deaths at sea.

      Contrary to the pull factor hypothesis, the number of sea arrivals during the NGO involvement period (with proactive SAR operations) was lower than during equivalent prior periods. Mortality rates were also substantially lower during the NGO period compared with similar prior periods.

      These findings strongly support arguments that #SAR operations by humanitarian NGOs reduce mortality risks and have little or no effect on the number of arrivals.


    • Accordi bilaterali e diritti senza confine. Ancora fuoco sulle ONG

      Le dichiarazioni rilasciate dai portavoce della Guardia Costiera di Tripoli, quella sostenuta proprio dalla Marina e dal governo italiano, sono sempre più farneticanti. Se dalle minacce e dal fuoco di avvertimento si passerà al sequestro di persona ed al tentativo di omicidio dovrebbe occuparsene anche la magistratura italiana, per il coinvolgimento nelle attività di coordinamento italo-libiche della Marina e della Guardia costiera italiana. La sovranità nazionale non si stabilisce con accordi bilaterali che impediscono il libero transito in acque internazionali.


    • Mediterraneo: nuovo attacco della Guardia costiera libica alle Ong

      L’Ong tedesca #Mission_Lifeline è stata minacciata dalla Guardia costiera libica in acque internazionali, colpi di arma da fuoco e la richiesta di consegnare le persone appena salvate. Una nuova situazione tesissima che rischia di degenerare e che rende il silenzio delle istituzioni europee ancora più pesante


    • Considerazioni a margine del caso Juventa e della criminalizzazione del soccorso umanitario in acque internazionali.

      Il 19 settembre scorso il Tribunale di Trapani, sezione per il riesame delle misure cautelari, con un provvedimento depositato il successivo 22 settembre, ha respinto il ricorso presentato dalla Ong tedesca Jugend Rettet, contro il sequestro della nave “Iuventa” disposto il 2 agosto di quest’anno dal Giudice delle indagini preliminari su richiesta della Procura di Trapani, per avere costituito il mezzo con cui si sarebbe realizzato il reato di agevolazione dell’immigrazione clandestina previsto dall’art. 12 del Testo Unico del 1998 n.286 in materia di immigrazione. Una vicenda giudiziaria, e prima ancora politica, sulla quale solo adesso si sta cominciando a diffondere una informazione corretta.


    • Perquisizioni su nave Save the Children

      (ANSA) - ROMA, 23 OTT - La Polizia sta eseguendo una serie di perquisizioni a bordo di nave #Vos_Hestia, l’imbarcazione di Save the Children impegnata nelle operazioni di soccorso ai migranti nel Mediterraneo centrale, che attualmente si trova nel porto di Catania. A bordo della nave, nei mesi scorsi, ha operato anche un agente sotto copertura. La perquisizione, eseguita dagli uomini del Servizio centrale operativo, è stata disposta dalla procura di Trapani che ha da tempo aperto un fascicolo sull’operato delle Ong. Ad agosto scorso la procura di Trapani ha disposto il sequestro della nave Iuventa della ong tedesca Jugend Rettet, accusata di contatti con i trafficanti. E a settembre era finito sul registro degli indagati anche il nome di Marco Amato, comandante nella nave Vos Hestia. L’accusa nei suoi confronti è la stessa ipotizzata per il personale della Iuventa: favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina.


    • Ong, perquisita nave di Save the Children: “Favoreggiamento immigrazione clandestina”. “Noi estranei a indagini”

      Il comandante è indagato dalla scorsa estate, quando è stata sequestrata la nave Iuventa della ong tedesca Jugend Rettet. Sequestrati computer, tablet, hard disk e il giornale di bordo. «La perquisizione è relativa alla ricerca di materiali per reati che, allo stato attuale, non riguardano», fa sapere l’organizzazione


    • Ong, migranti, trafficanti, Guardia Costiera libica e elicotteri della missione interforze Sophia : tutti insieme appassionatamente :

      Toute la vidéo fait une démonstration de comment les ONG sont complices des trafiquants...
      Une ordure de vidéo...

      Et ce commentaire de Daniele Biella, sur FB :

      Peccato. Report ieri sera poteva dare un colpo netto al giornalismo delle allusioni e delle calunnie, confezionando un’inchiesta in cui veniva messa in luce l’estrema complessità del Mediterraneo. Poteva fare come Propaganda Live e Le Iene, che la testimonianza di Gennaro Giudetti l’hanno raccolta: invece no, Gennaro è stato contattato ma non intervistato. Alla fine ha prevalso ancora una volta la logica del bianco e nero, lo stabilire una linea - «tutti ipocriti» - e portarla avanti a ogni costo. Spiace e fa male perché la giornalista e la troupe hanno girato per settimane se non mesi per intervistare tutte quelle persone, un lavoro immagino faticoso e minuzioso e a tratti ammirevole come la parte delle fosse comuni in Tunisia e l’insistenza sulle irreponsabilità di altri Stati europei. Spiace vedere com’è finita, con le ong di nuovo nel mirino (nei servizi del Tg1 e sul video ripreso dal corriere emerge solo quella parte di servizio, tra l’altro fatto da un’altra giornalista per Porta a Porta nel maggio scorso e rimodulato per l’occasione. Dell’altra ora di servizio non c’è nulla!) e in pasto ai commenti bavosi dell’hate speech. Mentre sono rimaste in secondo piano le voci di mezzo, quelle dei colleghi e degli operatori che questa complessità l’hanno vista con i loro occhi, pur intervistati ma non andati in onda o per brevi tratti. Anzi l’abbiamo vista: mi ci metto anch’io, dato che due mesi fa ero sull’Aquarius di SOS MEDITERRANEE Italia. Un esempio: il saluto ai presunti pescatori o militari libici gesto di connivenza? Ma stiamo scherzando, si chiama tutela personale: dall’altra parte possono avere armi e la Convenzione sui diritti umani per loro è carta straccia.
      Peccato, davvero. Ma ora si riparte: chiedo a tutti i colleghi che non ragionano per bianco o nero di fare un’ulteriore sforzo per gettare più luce possibile sulle ombre. Senza bisogno di Santi ed eroi, ma nemmeno di trovare nelle ong in mare un capro espiatorio che, in fondo, giustifichi quello che non va bene a livello politico: l’accordo Italia-Libia. Caro ministro Marco Minniti, probabilmente le è arrivata voce: Genaro Giudetti (sì, il volontario dell’ong Sea-Watch testimone diretto del naufragio del 6 novembre) vuole incontrarla e presto. Per favore, lo riceva. Anche il viceministro degli Esteri Mario Giro ha condiviso il suo appello, così come nelle ultime ore lo ha pubblicato sulla propria pagina una collega giornalista che è anche, pensi un po’, presidente della Camera dei Deputati, Laura Boldrini.

    • Ong e trafficanti: il fact-checking del servizio di Report

      Si torna a parlare di Ong in mare, questa volta a riaccendere le accuse è Report che, in un servizio andato in onda lunedì sera promette di svelare la verità su come avvengono “le operazioni di salvataggio dei migranti a largo delle coste libiche”, eppure molte cose non ci tornavano. Il fact-checking punto per punto


    • “Report” su migranti, Libia e Ong: una puntata che viene da lontano

      Il 20 novembre il programma di inchiesta di Rai3 si è occupato di flussi migratori nel Mediterraneo. Ne è emerso quel che appare come un sostegno all’azione di governo a discapito delle organizzazioni umanitarie, sospettate di “tacito accordo” con i trafficanti. Ma il cuore del servizio sono immagini già trasmesse a “Porta a porta”, seppur del tutto rilette. Il ministro Minniti è assente


      v. aussi:

    • Dramma migranti, gli sciacalli «pescatori di motori»

      Li chiamano «pescatori di motori». Sono sciacalli, spiega il corrispondente dell’agenzia Reuters dall’Italia, Steve Scherer, testimone delle operazioni di soccorso di Sos Méditerranée nel maggio scorso. Parassiti armati contrastati da soccorritori disarmati. Vi proponiamo le sue immagini per la prima volta. -


    • La denuncia della Ong: «Soccorsi in mare ritardati per dare priorità ai libici, noi costretti a guardare impotenti»

      La nave Aquarius di Sos Méditerranée ha sbarcato a Catania questa mattina le ultime 421 persone salvate nel Mediterraneo in questo weekend di rinnovate partenze dalla Libia e la Ong denuncia: «Noi costretti ad osservare impotenti operazioni dei libici che riportano indietro le persone».


    • Respingimenti in Libia, soccorsi ritardati, ONG ostacolate. Riflessioni sui fatti di novembre.

      Nei giorni 23 e 24 novembre il MRCC (centro di coordinamento dei soccorsi marittimi) di Roma – gestito dalla Guardia Costiera – imponeva alla nave Aquarius dell’ONG franco-italo-tedesca SOS Méditerranéee alla nave Open Arms dell’ONG spagnola Proactiva Open Arms di astenersi dal soccorrere alcune imbarcazioni in pericolo nelle acque internazionali del Canale di Sicilia, lasciando i relativi passeggeri in attesadell’arrivo delle autorità libiche. A queste, infatti,MRCC aveva affidato l’intervento, affinché riconducessero le persone in Libia.


    • Mission Lifeline wehrt sich erfolgreich juristisch gegen „Identitäre“

      Der Verein Mission Lifeline e.V. hat sich gegen falsche Behauptungen erfolgreich juristisch zur Wehr gesetzt. Die fremdenfeindliche „Identitäre Bewegung“ darf Mission Lifeline nicht mehr als Schlepper-Organisation bezeichnen. Das entschied das Landgericht Dresden in einer einstweiligen Verfügung. Bei Zuwiderhandlung droht eine Strafe von 250.000 Euro. Der Sprecher der Hilfsorganisation, Axel Steier, sagte, das sei ein klares Signal an Neonazis, dass Hetze im Netz vom Rechtsstaat nicht geduldet werde. Die „Identitären“ müssen nun auch entsprechende Facebook-Einträge löschen.


      Commentaire reçu par @FulvioVassallo:

      Un tribunale tedesco condanna i rappresentanti di Generazione identitaria in Germania al risarcimento dei danni per avere accusato di collusione con i trafficanti gli operatori umanitari impegnati in attivita’ di soccorso in acque internazionali nel mar libico. In Italia si utilizzano i servizi e le denunce di razzisti e xenofobi per criminalizzare le Ong anche nelle sedi giudiziarie. Solo fatti incontrovertibili.

    • Migranti. Dopo avere allontanato le Ong, la Libia abbandona i «soccorsi»

      Le autorità di Tripoli rinunciano a sorvegliare le acque internazionali. Prima ne rivendicavano il pieno controllo


      commento di Fulvio Vassallo:

      Fine di una tragica farsa. La zona Sar libica non e’ mai esistita. E adesso si svela la strumentalita’ del Codice di condotta per le Ong imposto da Minniti e la vera portata degli accordi stipulati il 2 febbraio scorso da Gentiloni e Serraj. Rimangono i processi contro le Ong, hanno ridotto gli arrivi ma il numero delle vittime rimane sui livelli degli scorsi anni. Continua la criminalizzazione mediatica che ha prodotto danni enormi che qualcuno prima o poi dovra’ risarcire. Hanno fatto fuori quasi tutte le Ong. Adesso ci vuole una missione internazionale di soccorso , nell’ assoluto rispetto del diritto internazionale. Diritto internazionale che impone anche la immediata sospensione degli accordi con il governo di Tripoli e con la sedicente Guardia Costiera libica.

    • Crise en Méditerranée : quand l’Union européenne barre la route aux migrants, et aux ONG

      On aurait tort d’idéaliser les ONG. Leur essor, depuis quelques décennies, et leur implications dans un vaste éventail d’actions humanitaires ont certes sauvé des vies et soulagé des souffrances, mais sans nécessairement déboucher sur des solutions pérennes. Toutefois, la société civile n’en est pas moins à l’origine de nouvelles manières de faire de la politique. Des impératifs aujourd’hui reconnus, comme la lutte contre les changements environnementaux ou la promotion des droits des femmes, ne sont pas nés dans la tête des gouvernements, mais dans celles de militants – qui à l’époque ont été considérés comme des utopistes, voire comme des menaces à l’ordre public.

      De ce point de vue, la crise en Méditerranée a vu se dessiner des partenariats nouveaux entre États et société civile, avec l’objectif de conjuguer la volonté de contrôle des gouvernements et la préoccupation humanitaire des ONG. Ces nouvelles formes de gouvernance témoignent peut-être d’une démocratisation de la frontière, qui ne serait plus un espace où des États souverains agissent en toute liberté, mais un lieu de coopération et de compromis entre acteurs étatiques et non-étatiques. Une telle démocratisation de la frontière constituerait un bouleversement de l’ordre établi – mais un bouleversement dont l’Europe, continent fondé sur le dépassement des frontières nationales, devrait s’enorgueillir.


    • https://mobile.twitter.com/MSF_ITALIA/status/946037913091002368/video/1

      Avec ce commentaire de Fulvio Vassallo su FB (27.12.2017) :

      Comportamento infame delle navi di Eunavfor Med e della Marina italiana presenti nel Mediterraneo centrale. Continuano a coordinarsi con la Guardia costiera di Tripoli ma scaricano sulle poche Ong rimaste il compito di soccorrere e portare a terra i migranti anche a costo di caricare 370 persone a bordo di una sola nave, cone Aquarius che non puo’ garantire a tutti in posto al caldo. Se avessero fatto operare le navi di Frontex e di Eunavfor Med, fino allo sbarco a Pozzallo o a Malta, magari attrezzando un ponte aereo verso l’Italia o altri paesi europei, adesso 373 persone tutte assai vulnerabili, donne abusate e bambini inclusi, sarebbero al caldo in un porto sicuro e non dovrebbero passare un’altra notte nel mare in tempesta. Dietro tutto questo tipo di assetti Sar decisi formalmente dal comando centrale del corpo delle capitanerie di porto IMRCC (Guardia costiera) si cela il cinismo del ministro dell’interno Minniti e dei suoi direttori generali che impongono il luogo di sbarco. Si avvalgono delle poche Ong che sono rimaste ma gli rendono la vita sempre piu’ difficile, magari in attesa di qualche incidente. Le loro parate umanitarie sono false come le affermazioni che esisterebbe una zona Sar libica o una Guardia Costiera libica capace di garantire la ricerca e il soccorso anche in acque internazionali. Andrebbero processati anche solo per questo. Ed invece i processi si fanno contro gli operatori umanitari.

    • Avec ce commentaire de l’image de Fulvio Vassallo sur FB (06.01.2017)

      Ecco dove era Aquarius alle 16 di oggi. Al centro allo stesso orario il percorso di Sea Watch distante almeno trenta miglia dal luogo del naufragio che le autorità di Tripoli e le Marina italiana stimano essere avvenuto a trenta-quaranta miglia a nord di Garabouli che si trova ad est di Tripoli mentre le navi delle due ONG erano ad ovest. Che la smettano di dare ricostruzioni pasticciate per nascondere le responsabilità di questa strage. Dove erano e perche’ non sono intervenuti gli assetti navali di Eunavfor Med. E’ notorio che una nave militare sviluppa tre volte la velocità di Sea Watch 3. Per le navi militari dopo l’avvistamento aereo doveva bastare una sola ora forse anche meno per intervenire. Da mesi delegano gli interventi alle poche Ong che sono rimaste in mare dopo la tempesta d’estate del codice Minniti ed il sequestro della Juventa ancora bloccata a Trapani.

      Pour commenter ce énième naufrage :
      Libya says at least 25 migrants drowned after boat capsizes

      A Libyan navy spokesman says at least 25 migrants have drowned off the North African nation’s coast while attempting to cross the Mediterranean to reach Europe.

      Brig. Gen. Ayoub Qassim says the migrants’ boat capsized and sank in international waters and that the Libyan navy did not have the resources to rush to their rescue.

      Qassim told The Associated Press on Saturday that the boat sailed off Garbouli, east of the Libyan capital, Tripoli, with more than 100 people on board. He speculated that bad weather conditions may have caused the boat to capsize.

      Chaos and lawlessness since a popular uprising turned into civil war in 2011 have turned Libya into a major transit point for migrants from the Middle East and Africa seeking to reach Europe.

      Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


      –-> commentaire Fulvio Vassallo :

      Ancora una strage senza responsabile. Provato che Minniti ha fatto accordi con la Guardia costiera libica che dichiara adesso, dopo la farsa estiva sul Codice di condotta imposto alle OnG, di non potete intervenire nella zona Sar che il governo italiano voleva attribuire loro. Già questa circistanza incontestabile radica precise responsabilita’. A parte le ricostruzuoni fantasiose che fornisce il comando centrale della Guardia Costiera italiana.

    • I giorni della decimazione. Accordi su zone SAR ed abbandoni in mare.

      Ancora una strage in acque internazionali in occasione dell’intervento di un mezzo della guardia costiera libica. Il numero delle vittime di questa ultima strage aumenta di ora in ora. Cinquanta, forse cento. Persone, esseri umani, non numeri come stanno diventando nella narrazione collettiva. Un intervento chiamato soccorso, ma che ha avuto anche in questa occasione il carattere di una intercettazione. Le persone “soccorse” in alto mare sono state riportate a terra. Come previsto del resto dagli accordi conclusi con il governo italiano nel febbraio del 2017. Accordi sui quali il nostro ambasciatore a Tripoli esprime oggi una valutazione positiva.


    • Caos Mediterraneo : le manovre occulte di #Defend_Europe sull’indagine Iuventa

      Un link lega l’indagine sulla nave Iuventa con l’operazione della destra europea “Defend Europe”. È il contatto tra la società di sicurezza privata #Imi_Security_Service. Sono loro che per primi segnalano “talune anomalie del servizio di search and rescue svolto ad opera della Iuventa...


    • Reçu via la mailing-list de Migreurop (via Sara Prestianni), le 16.03.2018:

      En ce moment le Gouvernement Italien nie l’accès aux ports italiens au bateau de sauvetage de l’ONG ProActive OpenArms qui a bord 216 migrants en conditions très précaires (après avoir fait débarquer les cas plus urgentes à Malta) comme punition du fait d’avoir refusé de donner les migrants aux libyens (une requete faite en eaux internationales sous menace des armes et sachant bien que la suite aurait été le retour à l’enfer d’où quel les migrants s’échappent)

      Voici une reconstruction de ce qui c’est passé dans le dernier 24h en Méditerranée (que je vous prie de lire en réference à l’article qui vient de passer sur la « formation » des Gardes cotes libyennes avec l’argent européen, qui marque la responsabilité juridique et politique de l’Italie et de l’UE dans ces violations systematiques des droits fondamentaux, dont le droit à la vie.

      Le jeudi 15 mars à 7.00 la centrale opérationnel des Gardes Cotes Italiennes ont contacté le bateau de l’ong espagnole ProActiva Open Arms qui opère en Méditerranée pour signaler un zodiac en détresse avec plus de 100 personnes à bord à 25 milles des cotes libyennes. Pendant que l’ong se rendait vers le zodiac, après 20 minutes les Gardes Cotes Italiens (GCI) d’interrompre la mission de sauvetage et de laisser le champ aux Gardes Cotes Libyens (GCL) qui devait coordonner l’opération.

      Une demi heure après un nouvel appel de Roma signale un bateau en détresse très proche du précédente, à 27 milles des cotes Libyennes en eaux internationales. Le bateau avait à bord 117 personnes et était en train d’embarquer de l’eau. Beaucoup de migrants à bord nécessitaient urgement de intervention médicale.

      Quand les opérations de sauvetage étaient presque terminées le bateau de l’ong OpenArms a été contacté via radio par les Gardes Cotes de Tripoli qui ont enjoint aux espagnols de consigner les migrants sauvés au bateau libyen. Les espagnols se sont refusés connaissant très bien les traitements réservés par les libyens aux migrants. C’est la quatrième fois - rappelle l’ong ProActiva Open Arms - que les libyens interfèrent avec les sauvetages violant les conventions internationales.

      Plus tard, toujours dans la journée de hier le bateau espagnol a participé à deux autres sauvetages et dans l’après-midi c’est trouvé à nouveau en difficulté avec les Gardes Cotes libyens à 70 milles des cotes de Tripoli (!). Après être intervenu en secours à un bateau de femmes et enfants Erythréens, les radeaux des espagnols ont été bloqué par les libyens qui ont menacé d’utiliser la force si les espagnols ne leur auraient pas donné les migrants. Un bateau libyen c’est positionné entre l’embarcation des migrants et celle de l’ong espagnoles empêchant aux radeaux de sauvetage qui étaient en train de distribuer les gilets de sauvetage de continuer à les sauver.

      Les libyens avec les armes pointées ont enjoint au bateau espagnol de ne pas bouger et ont menacé de conduire à Tripoli les radeaux de sauvetage. Les libyens ont menacé les espagnols de ouvrir le feu sur les volontaires si ils n’auraient pas remis les femmes et enfants aux libyens. Cette situation de tension a duré pour au moins deux heures jusqu’à quand les libyens se sont retirés. A bord du bateau espagnol 218 personnes.

      La même Ong a été la protagoniste que il y a quelques jours d’un autre tragédie : le 13 mars un jeun Erythréen Segen de 22 ans peu après le sauvetage est mort pour les souffrance subie leur de sa détention prolongé en Libye (19 mois enfermés). Quand il a débarqué à Pozzallo il pesait 35 kg avec son 1.70m de haute

    • La guardia costiera libica minaccia l’ong Proactiva Open Arms

      Alle 7 di giovedì 15 marzo la centrale operativa della guardia costiera italiana ha contattato la nave dell’ong spagnola Proactiva Open Arms per segnalare un gommone con più di cento persone a bordo in difficoltà a 25 miglia dalle coste libiche. La nave umanitaria si è diretta verso l’obiettivo indicato, ma dopo venti minuti un’altra chiamata da Roma ha chiesto agli spagnoli d’interrompere la missione e di lasciare il campo alla guardia costiera libica, che avrebbe dovuto coordinare l’operazione.

      Mezz’ora dopo un’altra chiamata da Roma ha segnalato un barcone in difficoltà, molto vicino al precedente: a 27 miglia dalla Libia, in acque internazionali. Le lance di soccorso di Open Arms sono intervenute e hanno trovato un gommone con 117 persone a bordo che stava riempiendosi di acqua, con diversi migranti in mare e alcuni che avevano bisogno di un immediato intervento dei medici.

      Sono stati soccorsi 109 uomini e otto donne. Intorno alle 10.30, quando i soccorsi erano ormai conclusi, l’imbarcazione di Open Arms è stata contattata via radio dalla guardia costiera di Tripoli, che ha intimato di consegnare i migranti soccorsi alla nave libica. Gli spagnoli hanno rifiutato. “Sappiamo che i libici hanno compiuto numerose azioni illegali, abusi e maltrattamenti ai danni dei migranti. Sappiamo anche che i libici non hanno giurisdizione in acque internazionali, anche se collaborano con l’Italia e l’Europa, quindi non abbiamo obbedito alla loro richiesta di trasferire i migranti”, spiega Riccardo Gatti, portavoce di Proactiva Open Arms.


    • Ong, nave di Proactiva bloccata nel Mediterraneo con 216 migranti a bordo

      L’imbarcazione della ong spagnola non trova un porto perché in modo inedito le autorità italiane in base al decreto Minniti vogliono la richiesta ufficiale dalla Spagna dato che la nave batte bandiera di Madrid. Ieri la stessa nave era stata minacciata dalla Guardia costiera libica


    • Vu sur FB, publié par Yasmine Yaya le 16.03.2018 :

      Sergio Scandura di radio radicale scrive: "La Ong OpenArms è adesso ferma al largo di Malta con 218: ha chiesto l’evacuazione per diversi casi. Solo due, madre e figlio in gravissime condizioni, dovrebbero essere presi dai maltesi. Ancora complicata la vicenda del porto di sbarco. Manconi (da noi contattato): «per la prima volta l’Italia vorrebbe ora applicare una ’norma’, mai scomodata, secondo cui la Ong deve contattare il proprio stato bandiera per chiedere l’autorizzazione formale all’Italia per sbarcare». Questa nuova «linea» è stata comunicata da Minniti (via sms dal Niger) a Manconi, mentre cercava di risolvere la situazione di stallo in cui si trova la nave OpenArms, con 218 a bordo e con urgenze sanitarie e umanitarie. Nuova campagna ostile?

    • “Volevano i migranti, ci hanno puntato i mitra”

      La nave della Ong spagnola Pro Activa Open Arms ha subìto una grave azione di contrasto da parte della Guardia costiera libica durante il salvataggio di migranti in mare. Con i mitra spianati gli è stato intimato di consegnare ai militari libici le persone salvate. I soccorritori non lo hanno fatto e i 218 migranti sono stati portati a bordo. Da qui è cominciata un’odissea che vede la nave della Ong bloccata nel Canale di Sicilia. Le autorità italiane non consentono l’approdo nei porti italiani, nonostante la presenza a bordo di diverse donne e bambini, alcuni dei quali necessitano di cure mediche che solo in parte possono essere fornite dal personale a bordo. Solo una donna, con un neonato, in grave pericolo di vita, è stata trasportata a terra da una motovedetta maltese. Al momento, venerdì pomeriggio, la nave di Pro Activa è ferma, in attesa di un via libera che non arriva.


    • Migranti, sequestrata nave ProActiva Open Arms: l’accusa è di associazione a delinquere

      L’imbarcazione della ong spagnola è sfuggita all’inseguimento di una motovedetta libica, rifiutandosi di consegnare le persone recuperate da un gommone. L’avvocato polemizza: «Hanno istituito il reato di solidarietà»


    • Zona SAR libica senza porti sicuri di sbarco. La Guardia costiera italiana contro il soccorso umanitario. Quanto valgono i diritti umani davanti ai tribunali ?

      Continua la serie di tentativi di intercettazione sotto minaccia delle armi da parte della sedicente Guardia costiera “libica” ai danni di gommoni carichi di migranti soccorsi dalle poche navi delle ONG ancora presenti nelle acque del Mediterraneo centrale. Tentativi che in precedenti occasioni, come il 6 novembre 2017, erano sfociati in “incidenti” che erano costati la vita di un numero imprecisato di persone. Eppure soltanto a dicembre scorso le autorità libiche dichiaravano di non potere effettuare interventi di ricerca e salvataggio nel vasto spazio compreso in quella che sulla carta si definisce come “zona SAR libica”.


    • Il grande inganno delle accuse a Open Arms: non esistono acque SAR libiche

      C’ è voluto un anno e una martellante campagna – istituzionale, politica, mediatica – per raggiungere l’ obiettivo. Togliere gli occhi che denunciano dal Mar Mediterraneo, allontanando le organizzazioni non governative impegnate nei salvataggi dei migranti partiti dalla Libia.

      Il sequestro della nave Open Arms e l’ avvio di indagini sull’ operato umanitario, accusando i volontari di associazione per delinquere finalizzata al favoreggiamento della migrazione clandestina, sono appena gli eventi visibili di un cambio radicale di strategia sulla frontiera marittima sud dell’ Europa. Con una posizione del governo italiano quanto meno azzardata: affidare alla Libia la responsabilità dei salvataggi dei migranti in mare. Azione che vuol dire respingerli, rimandarli nell’ inferno gestito dalle milizie e dai trafficanti, riconoscendo una milizia denunciata solo un mese fa dalle Nazioni Unite.


    • Il caso #Cap_Anamur. Assolto l’intervento umanitario. E oggi ?

      Le motivazioni della sentenza di assoluzione nel caso Cap Anamur mettono bene in evidenza le responsabilità di chi volle montare il caso a livello politico internazionale per lanciare un messaggio dissuasivo verso gli interventi di salvataggio, un messaggio che negli anni successivi ha causato migliaia di morti.
      Le stesse motivazioni enunciano principi di diritto, come il principio di non respingimento e l’obbligo di condurre i naufraghi in un “place of safety”, e non nel porto più vicino, che rischiano di essere ancora violati dalle autorità italiane con la prassi dell’indicazione della Guardia costiera libica come autorità SAR competente per azioni di ricerca e soccorso in acque internazionali, ben distanti dal limite delle acque territoriali libiche. Una Guardia costiera “libica” che lo scorso anno non ha esitato a sequestrare due operatori umanitari intenti a salvare vite umane in acque internazionali, e che ricorre regolarmente alle armi per intercettare e fermare le imbarcazioni cariche di migranti e le navi o i battelli delle ONG che prestano loro assistenza in acque internazionali.
      La vicenda Cap Anamur, e soprattutto la situazione di incertezza allora esistente sula individuazione del porto di sbarco portò ad una importante integrazione del diritto internazionale del mare. Una particolare considerazione merita ancora oggi la problematica relativa a ciò che debba intendersi per conduzione della persona salvata in luogo sicuro (place of safety). Infatti, è dal momento dell’arrivo in tale luogo che cessano gli obblighi internazionali (e nazionali) relativamente alle operazioni di salvataggio, che pertanto non si esauriscono con le prime cure mediche o con la soddisfazione degli altri più immediati bisogni (alimentazione etc.). Una questione che si ripropone ancora oggi con il sequestro della nave umanitaria di Proactiva “Open Arms” e con la incriminazione del comandante, del Coordinatore delle operazioni di soccorso e del Direttore dell’associazione spagnola, con sede a Barcellona. Tutti hanno potuto vedere le condizioni dei migranti soccorsi da questa nave e sbarcati a Pozzallo. Eppure per qualcuno non ricorrerebbe lo stato di necessità, e sarebbe stato meglio affidarli alla Guardia costiera libica.


    • Il grande inganno delle accuse a Open Arms: non esistono acque SAR libiche

      C’è voluto un anno e una martellante campagna – istituzionale, politica, mediatica – per raggiungere l’obiettivo. Togliere gli occhi che denunciano dal Mar Mediterraneo, allontanando le organizzazioni non governative impegnate nei salvataggi dei migranti partiti dalla Libia.

      Il sequestro della nave Open Arms e l’avvio di indagini sull’operato umanitario, accusando i volontari di associazione per delinquere finalizzata al favoreggiamento della migrazione clandestina, sono appena gli eventi visibili di un cambio radicale di strategia sulla frontiera marittima sud dell’Europa. Con una posizione del governo italiano quanto meno azzardata: affidare alla Libia la responsabilità dei salvataggi dei migranti in mare. Azione che vuol dire respingerli, rimandarli nell’inferno gestito dalle milizie e dai trafficanti, riconoscendo una milizia denunciata solo un mese fa dalle Nazioni Unite.


    • Italy: Targeting of NGO rescue ship displays “reckless disregard for common decency”

      Following yesterday’s seizure of a Spanish NGO rescue boat by the Italian authorities and the investigation of its crew for "criminal conspiracy aimed at facilitating illegal immigration” after they refused to hand over to the Libyan Coast Guard refugees and migrants rescued in international waters over 70 nautical miles off the Libyan coast, Amnesty International’s Campaigns Director for Europe, Fotis Filippou said:

      “By requesting the Libyan coastguard to coordinate rescue and then impounding the NGO ship that refused to hand over the refugees and migrants, the Italian authorities have shown a reckless disregard for common decency. Rather than being criminalized for trying to save refugees and migrants who have fled horrific detention conditions and systematic human rights abuses in Libya, NGOs saving lives at sea should be supported.


    • Communiqué du gisti du 20.03.2018

      Garde-côtes libyens vs ONG : l’Italie et l’UE ont choisi leurs alliés

      Depuis fin 2016, l’Italie – soutenue par l’UE – a initié une double stratégie pour mettre un terme aux arrivées de personnes migrantes par la Méditerranée centrale : criminaliser les secours citoyens, et faire à nouveau de la Libye le gendarme de l’Europe. Ces deux dimensions se sont accentuées au cours de l’été 2017 avec l’imposition d’un « code de conduite » aux ONG et la mise sous séquestre des bateaux des organisations récalcitrantes. Dans le même temps, des navires militaires italiens étaient déployés dans les eaux territoriales de la Libye, laquelle déclarait unilatéralement sa zone de recherche et de sauvetage (SAR) interdite aux navires étrangers non autorisés, singulièrement ceux des ONG.

      Au cours des derniers jours, cette double stratégie a franchi une nouvelle étape. Le 15 mars 2018, l’ONG espagnole de secours en mer Proactiva Open Arms, mène plusieurs opérations de sauvetage dans les eaux internationales au large des côtes libyennes. L’ONG est alors contactée par les garde-côtes de Tripoli, qui lui ordonnent de transférer les personnes migrantes secourues sur un de leurs navires. Connaissant les privations de liberté et les sévices dont sont victimes les boat people réacheminés en Libye, l’équipage refuse de les livrer. Après plusieurs heures de fortes tensions au cours desquelles les garde-côtes libyens italiens, armes à la main, menacent l’équipage du Proactiva Open Arms, ceux-ci se retirent finalement. L’ONG espagnole se dirige alors vers l’Italie pour y débarquer en toute urgence les 216 personnes secourues et reçoit l’ordre de débarquer les exilé.e.s à Pozzallo (Italie), pour qu’ils soient acheminés au hotspot. Le 19 mars, le procureur de Catane ordonne l’immobilisation du bateau dans le port et procède à sa saisie. Suite au refus de l’ONG de remettre les personnes secourues aux garde-côtes libyens, une enquête a été ouverte et trois membres de l’équipage sont poursuivis, semble-t-il, pour « association criminelle visant à faciliter l’immigration clandestine ».

      Si les ONG de secours en mer gênent tant, c’est qu’elles constituent l’ultime verrou empêchant les garde-côtes libyens d’intercepter les personnes migrantes en toute impunité, et qu’elles permettent de témoigner du sort réservé à celles et ceux qui échappent à l’enfer libyen. En finançant [1], équipant, et coordonnant les activités des garde-côtes libyens pour renvoyer les personnes interceptées vers des sévices que certains dirigeants européens ont eux-mêmes, comble de l’hypocrisie, qualifié de « crimes contre l’humanité » [2], ceux-ci s’en rendent complices. C’est pour tenter d’enrayer cette politique que les réseaux Migreurop et Euromed Droits défendent le respect du droit international (dont le droit d’asile) la liberté de circulation pour toutes et tous (dont le droit de quitter tout pays, y compris le sien - article 13 de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme), et soutient celles et ceux qui sont accusé.e.s de délit de solidarité.

      20 mars 2018
      Organisations signataires :

      EuroMed Droits

    • Europe’s new anti-migrant strategy? Blame the rescuers

      It was the Ark Explorer’s low “freeboard,” the distance between the ship’s deck and the waterline, that saved the rusted, ageing trawler from the wrecker’s yard. The Ark’s low clearance had helped fishermen haul netfuls of cod and herring out of the freezing North Sea for half a century. It also looked about right for fishing refugees out of the Mediterranean.

      In May 2016, the Dutch-flagged 158-tonner was bought by a collective of German political activists called Jugend Rettet (“Youth Rescue”), who wanted to save lives and protest Europe’s migration policies in the Central Mediterranean. Refitted and rechristened the Iuventa, the old trawler and its young crew went on to rescue more than 14,000 people over the following 14 months, taking most of them ashore in Italy.

      Together with professional search and rescue operatives and doctors from charities such as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the mounting death toll in the Mediterranean has drawn a new generation of activists away from anti-globalisation protests and on to the high seas. Among them was Julian Koeberer, a bearded, well-mannered film student from Frankfurt, who set off to shoot a film about refugees for a film school diploma and found himself drawn to volunteer on the Greek island of Lesbos in 2015.

      The diploma remains unfinished. Koeberer and the rest of the Iuventa crew criss-crossed the Mediterranean for a year, earning a reputation as the hardest-charging, biggest risk-takers among the 13-boat flotilla operated by different NGOs. The Iuventa was renowned for radical politics and a willingness to load as many refugees as it could fit on deck.

      But a call in July 2017 from Rome’s Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC), which directs most, if not all, high seas rescues off Libya, marked the beginning of the end. The Rome MRCC asked the Iuventa to move towards co-ordinates in international waters off the coast of Libya, where it said a small dinghy required assistance. By the time it reached the scene an Italian coastguard vessel had already intercepted the dinghy and the two Syrians aboard had been rescued. The Italians asked the Iuventa to transport the Syrians towards Italy.

      In the event of a major shipwreck, the coastguard vessel was a larger and more important asset in the search and rescue zone, so it made sense for the Iuventa to take the Syrians north. The crew thought that they would only have to travel a few nautical miles and pass them on to another vessel, before returning as quickly as possible to southern waters to continue their work. But every northbound ship they contacted mysteriously declined to take the rescued men and the Iuventa found itself approaching the island of Lampedusa. They tarried just outside the 12-mile line that marks Italian territorial waters and asked authorities to send a launch to collect the Syrians.

      Instead, the instruction came back telling them to come into port. But as soon as they entered territorial waters at around midnight, their ship was met by five Italian vessels—including the same coastguard craft that had handed over the Syrians in the first place, but had claimed to be too busy to head north. It was a trap.

      “To be honest neither me or anyone else in the crew suspected we were going to be seized,” said Koeberer. “We found the way we were brought into port very strange but we thought that this would be like the other three times that Iuventa was brought into port in Lampedusa.”

      They were wrong. The 13-member crew were taken onshore for questioning, while police searched their ship with a warrant signed by a judge the previous day. The warrant indicated the police were searching for a gun. No firearms were found and the closest thing to a violation turned up during the search was some incorrectly stowed medicines. Nonetheless, the Iuventa was impounded. After the crew were able to get a lawyer, the reason they had been arrested became clear. A crew of humanitarians who had spent more than a year on the Mediterranean rescuing migrants was handed a 150-page indictment, which accused them of colluding with people smugglers.

      Much of the charge sheet focuses on accusations that smugglers met with the Iuventa and were seen to drop off migrants and then leave again. The crew deny the claims and have found photographs from the dates mentioned which show that, far from being on its own at a high seas meeting point, the Iuventa was at the same location as a European Union naval vessel, an Italian helicopter and other rescue boats.

      In the days that followed, the crew discovered that they had been the subjects of a far-reaching investigation, one that deployed undercover informants, covert surveillance and multiple law enforcement agencies, including justice officials associated with anti-mafia campaigns. They found out that the bridge of their trawler had been bugged since May, when listening devices had been planted by Italian police under the guise of an inspection in Lampedusa.

      Far from establishing collusion, the worst thing the bridge mic caught was one Iuventa crew member talking about a sticker with a slogan against the maritime authorities, which read “Fuck the MRCC.”

      Italy’s intelligence services had informants on another NGO rescue boat, the Vos Hestia, chartered by the UK-based charity Save the Children. Instead of targeting the smuggling kingpins, Italian prosecutors and the intelligence services—at times in league with far-right politicians and activists—had turned on the life-saving NGOs. How, and why, had this happened?

      Enter the NGO armada

      The first three months of 2017 will be remembered as the high point of an extraordinary period during which NGOs like Youth Rescue took the lead in saving the lives of migrants in the central Mediterranean. Of the nearly 180,000 people rescued between north Africa and Europe during 2016, more than a quarter were saved by NGOs: 10,000 more than either the Italian navy or coastguard. At the peak, nine humanitarian groups were operating more than a dozen search and rescue vessels of varying sizes, plus two spotter planes.

      The NGOs had stepped into the breach after Italy abandoned Mare Nostrum, the only state-led rescue operation in the Mediterranean in 2014, due to a lack of financial support from its European allies. Mare Nostrum was replaced in time with the EU-led Operations Triton and Sophia, both of which were dedicated to security and counter-smuggling rather than rescue.

      The prominence of the NGOs evoked public sympathy to begin with. But a backlash quickly followed as unease over immigration came to dominate Italian politics—ultimately having a major influence on the election in early March.

      At the heart of the campaign to attack the NGOs was a controversial Dutch think tank, the Gefira Foundation, which espouses a far-right “identitarian” philosophy. It alleged that rescue NGOs were in actual collusion with Libyan smugglers. In December 2016, it claimed to have uncovered unspecified proof of illegal activity by what it called the “NGO armada.” Gefira also understood that posing the right question could be more effective than presenting evidence: “They all claim to be on a rescuing mission, but are they?”

      The mounting hysteria attracted the far-right group Defend Europe, which says the continent is threatened with Islamification. Defend Europe raised enough money to charter its own boat to hamper rescue operations. Its mission amounted to little more than attaching some stickers on the hull of one NGO rescue craft.

      But the grandstanding attracted former Daily Mail writer Katie Hopkins, who met the crew and praised them as “young people… shining a light on NGO people traffickers.” The campaign proved effective, seeping into the mainstream, fanned by right-wing politicians and activists. Carmelo Zuccaro, a prosecutor in the Sicilian port city of Catania, announced a task force to investigate the rescuers in February 2017. His questions echoed Gefira: “Do these NGOs all have the same motivations? And who is financing them?” he asked.

      One month later Luca Donadel, an Italian student, posted an eight-minute video on Facebook accusing the NGOs of profiting from the rescue of migrants at sea. Donadel’s “The truth about migrants” included falsified information about how close to the Libyan shore some rescue boats had sailed. It was widely viewed and picked up unquestioningly by newspapers and broadcasters in Italy. The unsubstantiated claims were amplified by leaders of the two leading opposition parties that cleaned up in March’s election: the populist 5-Star Movement and the hard-right Northern League, who labelled the NGOs as “sea taxis” for migrants.

      In July, prior to the seizure of the Iuventa, the pressure on the rescue boats was stepped up by Italy’s announcement of a new code of conduct to regulate their actions. The code had begun as a dry technical exercise by Italy’s coastguard to establish common practices for NGO vessels but it quickly became political when it was taken over by Marco Minniti, the ambitious interior minister. A social democrat in the Partito Democratico (PD), Minniti is typical of migration hawks on the centre left—such as former French prime minister Manuel Valls—who argue that nativist posturing is necessary to see off more chauvinist populists.

      Minniti’s new version of the code contained controversial requirements such as proscribing the use of phones and flares and banning the transfer of rescued people to other ships to be taken to Italy, methods which were central to NGO rescue practices. MSF, who operated its own rescue ship, warned that the code “would mean less time in the rescue zone” and “more drownings.” Minniti, who was previously the political head of Italy’s intelligence services, threatened to close Italy’s ports to rescue ships who did not sign.

      The hijacking of the code by the interior ministry triggered an angry row between Minniti and Italy’s more cautious transport minister, Graziano Delrio, to whom the coastguard reports. “We are talking about rescue at sea, which is governed by international law, not by the politics of migration control,” Delrio told Italy’s Repubblica newspaper.

      Roughly half of the NGOs signed the code but its real importance, according to Pierluigi Musarò, a professor and an expert on borders and migration with the University of Bologna, was the way it enabled the government to “legitimise” suspicion of the humanitarians. “For five months all we saw were images of collusion and you cannot compare the power over the media that political parties and the government have with the power of the NGOs.”

      In 2014, just 3 per cent of Italians considered immigration a major concern. By the time Italy went to the polls in March, that figure had climbed above one third.

      The fall of Gaddafi in 2011 and the country’s descent into chaos gradually saw Libya once again emerge as the main departure point for Europe. In 2013 40,000 people made the crossing, fuelled in part by African migrants escaping the civil war in Libya. By 2014 the flows into Italy from Libya passed 170,000.

      Traffic through the route varies according to the crises elsewhere and includes Nigerian women trafficked out of poverty into Europe’s sex trade; Eritreans fleeing perpetual national service at home; Somalis fleeing war; and West Africans who in the past might have migrated through legal channels that are now closed.

      Italy’s southern most island, Lampedusa, is the closest European territory to Libya—only 180 miles away—something which its former ruler Muammar Gaddafi was only too aware of. As far back as 2008 the Tripoli regime allowed some 40,000 migrants to reach Lampedusa, in a flow that was only halted when Italy agreed an expensive deal with Libya’s leader.

      Italy’s response to the influx began generously but soon soured when Rome realised that its European partners were happy to treat the Central Mediterranean route as an Italian problem. During the humanitarian days of Mare Nostrum, Italy’s navy were lionised as lifesavers in films on national television. As the flows of people got larger and the EU help failed to materialise, attitudes hardened and nativist voices in the media and politics shouted down their humanitarian counterparts.

      Gradually the government strategy returned to the Gaddafi-era imprint: boats and funding for a Libyan coastguard whose main job was to intercept boats before they could reach international rescuers and by extension Italy. After initially standing up to the Minniti agenda, Rome’s MRCC recently began to order the remaining NGO missions to stand aside and allow the Libyan coastguard to intercept migrant boats and return them to Libya.
      The place of militias

      The EU’s overwhelming political priority of reducing sea crossings from north Africa has pushed it into an ever closer relationship with the loose-knit collection of militias that make up the Libyan coastguard. The UN arms embargo on Libya has prevented the EU directly supplying armed patrol boats to the Libyans, so the focus has been on training—but the mission has been far from straightforward.

      Training began in October 2016 with Libyans divided between the Italian vessel San Giorgio and the Dutch ship Rotterdam. Among the nine translators hired for the mission was Rabhi Bouallegue, a Tunisian now living in Palermo. He said trainees told him of routine collusion between the coastguard and smuggling gangs. The translator said one member of the Libyan team aboard the Rotterdam requested asylum from the Dutch in return for naming a smuggling kingpin who was also in effective control of the coastguard in the Libyan port city of Sabratha. (EU naval mission officials have repeatedly declined to comment on the claim.) The Libyans also complained to him that they had not been paid by their government for eight months.

      After the first phase, the Libyans returned home briefly before being collected for more training by the San Giorgio from the Libyan port of Misrata in early December 2016. The amphibious transport ship was delayed for several days as the trainees went on strike; the personnel were under pressure from their families to demand bonuses equivalent to the bribes they previously received from smugglers.

      A lot rests on the distinction between smugglers and coastguards. But it simply does not exist in the case of Abdurahman al-Milad. The 29-year-old head of the coastguard in the Libyan port city of Zawiya was first identified as the area’s main smuggler by Italian investigative reporter Nancy Porsia. Despite being named in the UN panel of experts report in June for involvement in smuggling activities and for firing on migrant and charity-operated boats, he continues to make a show of his wealth.

      On his Facebook page he posted photographs of a high-end, black and red powerboat, mounted with four 250-horsepower engines, bearing the legend “Baltic Pirates” on the side. He also shows off an invitation for a training course hosted by the Swiss government and the UN Migration Agency, billed as “promoting life-saving in maritime operations by the Libyan coastguard.”

      Last year ended with a one-third reduction in the number of sea crossings in the Central Mediterranean that was trumpeted in much of the EU as a success. But this owed more to a series of murky deals between Italy and armed groups with smuggling links, as local sources in Libya’s main smuggling ports have confirmed. The tactic has led to renewed fighting among rival groups hoping to profit from Europe’s willingness to pay to stop migrants crossing.

      The impact of the smear campaign that fed the mood in which the Iuventa was seized has also led to a sharp drop in public donations to the NGOs. Long-trusted charities like MSF have seen public donations drop by as much as 20 per cent in 2017 and all but a handful have withdrawn. Avowedly non-political groups like the Malta Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) have simply ceased operations, citing threats and reputational damage. Save the Children ended its operations, while MSF ended its charter of a vessel and now limits itself to providing a medical team aboard the French mission, SOS Mediteranee.

      Today, the Iuventa is quietly rusting into the dock at Trapani, the Sicilian port where it has been impounded. Its future is the subject of a legal case that could establish a dangerous precedent for non-governmental missions. An appeal hearing is due in April and the activists have been told that the vessel is being held not because a crime has willingly been committed, but as a preventative measure against possible future crimes.

      The outlines of a deliberate plan to “drain the Mediterranean” of non-governmental actors are now clearly visible. The fate of the Iuventa is not about 13 left-wing activists getting their boat back. It is about Italy establishing jurisdiction over all actions taken in international waters that result in illegal entry into Italian territory. It would make smugglers out of rescuers and mean any rescue boat that successfully prevents people from drowning could be seized.

      If Italy succeeds in court it will be another sign of the increasing authority of interior ministries around the EU, who now direct the bloc’s foreign policy. For those who want to use international waters to challenge the increasingly inward-looking, xenophobic tide of Europe’s politics, it will be a critical defeat. The arrival of spring will bring an increase in the number of refugees and migrants attempting the crossing, while those who would rescue them face challenges from governments and public scepticism fuelled by a smear campaign. The odds of survival for those wanting to start a new life in Europe will be even longer.


    • Les vicissitudes de Pro Activa Open Arms sur un site des identitaires. Voici leur point de vue:

      Pro Activa Open Arms NGO boat seized under the accusation of cooperating with smugglers

      A Spanish NGO called Pro Activa Open Arms allegedly violated international laws and certain treaties and as a consequence, the Italian authorities seized their boat in the Sicilian city of Pozzallo. The accusation of the prosecutor, Carmelo Zuccaro, leaves no doubts: Pro Activa Open Arms has been accused of cooperating with smugglers for illegal practices of immigration.

      The Spanish NGO was recently caught in a scandal with the Lybian authorities, the Spanish refused to give up the migrants they had onboard to the Lybian coast guard which in response threatened to open fire on them. The same migrants that the Spanish activists decided to bring to the Italians coasts while violating international laws and other treaties.

      This isn’t the first time NGOs are caught working with smugglers and facilitating mass immigration, this kind of behavior is what motivated the identitarian movement Generation Identity to start the campaign Defend Europe, last summer. During the mission, the identitarian activists monitored the actions of various NGOs and provided solid proof that many of them were committing crimes such as facilitating migration and working with smugglers.

      The Spanish NGO might finally answer to their illegal actions, while Zuccaro is already under fire of certain leftists who are calling him cruel and soulless: “How could an NGO ever commit a crime, they are the good guys for human rights!”.

      NGOs have been doing what they want for the last year and the weak Italian government has let them do it. Hopefully, this is a start and from now on Italian authorities will be stricter and punish all the NGOs violating treaties and international laws.


    • Sequestro Open Arms, il capomissione: «Rifaremmo quello che abbiamo fatto»

      Intervista a Riccardo Gatti alla guida di metà delle missioni in mare dell’ong Proactiva Open Arms, la cui nave è sotto sequestro a Pozzallo da domenica scorsa. «È assurdo questo attacco indiscriminato a chi salva vite umane, la nostra coscienza è del tutto a posto e provo vergogna per quanto si è caduti in basso, la solidarietà non è un reato»


    • Un film sur le sujet, je ne crois pas qu’il a été présenté ici :

      Another News Story
      #Orban_Wallace (Royaume-Uni, 2017, 90’)

      Avec une petite description en français ici :

      L’objectif de la caméra se concentre sur les journalistes qui documentent la crise alambiquée des réfugiés, un devoir éthique complexe. Nous sommes habitués aux images bouleversantes diffusées par des chaînes de télévision motivées par l’audimat, mais comment ces fragments de vie sont-ils capturés ? Que se passe-t-il réellement derrière la caméra ?

      #Cinéma #Documentaire

    • Respect migrant-rescue conduct code - EU (2)

      Brussels, March 19 - European Commission Spokesperson Natasha Bertaud called for Italy’s code of conduct for migrant search-and-rescue operations in the Mediterranean to be respected after as ship run by the Proactiva Open Arms NGO was seized by Italian prosecutors. “There is an Italian code of conduct that aims to avoid these situations,” Bertaud said. "We call on all parties to respect it in future.
      "We have been closely following the case since Friday and we are in contact with the Italian authorities.
      “Specifically, (Migration and Home Affairs) Commissioner (Dimitris) Avramopoulos has spoken to (Italian Interior) Minister (Marco) Minniti”.


    • COMMUNIQUE « SOS MEDITERRANEE préoccupée face à une nouvelle étape franchie dans la criminalisation de l’aide humanitaire en mer, exprime sa solidarité envers les sauveteurs d’Open Arms. »

      Ce jour, mercredi 21 mars, l’Aquarius, affrété par SOS MEDITERRANEE et opéré en partenariat avec Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), navigue vers la zone de recherche et de sauvetage (SAR) après son escale régulière en Sicile. L’Aquarius sera le seul navire d’ONG actif en Méditerranée centrale après la saisie par les autorités italiennes à Pozzallo du navire Open Arms de l’ONG ProActiva, réduisant ainsi les ressources déjà insuffisantes de recherche et de sauvetage disponibles sur la route maritime la plus meurtrière au monde. Les derniers événements qui ont touché l’ONG de recherche et de sauvetage "ProActiva Open Arms" sont très préoccupants pour les activités de sauvetage en mer, et auront seulement pour conséquence la multiplication des morts dans cette zone.

      Suite à la saisie d’Open Arms, un seul navire d’ONG reste actif en mer

      Les ONG de recherche et de sauvetage travaillent dans un environnement dans lequel les ressources sont de plus en plus rares et le contexte sécuritaire complexe, face à l’une des crises humanitaires les plus tragiques aux portes de l’Europe. Pendant des mois, SOS MEDITERRANEE a travaillé aux côtés de ProActiva dans la zone de recherche et de sauvetage dans les eaux internationales au large des côtes libyennes. Tout l’hiver, Open Arms et l’Aquarius ont été les seuls navires d’ONG à mener des opérations de recherche et de sauvetage en mer en continu, combinant leurs ressources à de multiples reprises afin de sauver des vies sous la coordination du Centre de coordination des secours en mer de Rome (IMRCC). A la suite de la saisie du navire Open Arms dimanche 18 mars, SOS MEDITERRANEE affrète désormais le seul navire dédié à la recherche et au sauvetage à patrouiller dans la zone SAR, ce qui n’est clairement pas suffisant par rapport aux besoins.

      Augmentation des bateaux en détresse interceptés et ramenés en Libye

      Au cours des derniers mois, l’Aquarius a été de plus en plus souvent témoin d’interceptions de bateaux en détresse par les garde-côtes libyens dans les eaux internationales. Les rescapés sur l’Aquarius ont témoigné à plusieurs reprises du fait que les interceptions par les garde-côtes libyens augmentaient les risques de naufrage et de noyade. De plus, ces interceptions séparent des familles et ramènent les naufragés dans « l’enfer libyen » qu’ils tentaient justement de fuir.

      Les garde-côtes libyens n’appartiennent pas à un centre de coordination des opérations de sauvetage maritime et aucune zone libyenne de recherche et de sauvetage n’a jamais été légalement établie par l’Organisation maritime internationale (IMO). De plus, en Libye, aucun port ne peut être considéré comme un port sûr (port of safety) comme l’exige le droit maritime international pour débarquer les personnes secourues.

      SOS MEDITERRANEE appelle les Etats européens à garantir des activités de sauvetage en mer transparentes, légales, sûres et renforcées

      Depuis le début de sa mission en mer, SOS MEDITERRANEE n’a cessé de renouveler son appel à l’Union européenne pour fournir des ressources spécifiquement consacrées à la recherche et au sauvetage dans la zone. En attendant, SOS MEDITERRANEE fait face à des opérations de plus en plus complexes dans un contexte où le professionnalisme, la sécurité et la sûreté sont d’une importance majeure. À plusieurs reprises au cours des dernières semaines, la confusion dans la coordination des sauvetages dans la zone SAR a sérieusement mis en péril la sécurité des personnes en détresse et des équipes de recherche et de sauvetage.

      « La saisie d’Open Arms et les enquêtes criminelles lancées à l’encontre de ProActiva Open Arms constituent des développements très préoccupants pour les activités de sauvetage en Méditerranée centrale. SOS MEDITERRANEE, préoccupée face à une nouvelle étape franchie dans la criminalisation de l’aide humanitaire en mer, exprime sa solidarité envers les sauveteurs d’Open Arms. Aujourd’hui, l’Aquarius est le seul navire de sauvetage présent en Méditerranée centrale. Jusqu’à quand ? », a déclaré Francis VALLAT, président de SOS MEDITERRANEE France.


    • Il n’y a plus de morts en Méditerranée

      La tension continue en Méditerranée entre gouvernements et ONG d’aide aux migrants : le bateau d’une ONG espagnole a été arraisonné en Italie, pour avoir sauvé des réfugiés. Dans "le monde à l’envers", on pourra bientôt dire "il n’y a plus de morts en Méditerranée", puisqu’il n’y aura plus personne pour les voir.

      C’est le principe du « pas vu, pas pris ». Impossible d’affirmer que quelqu’un est mort s’il n’y a personne pour le constater…


    • In piazza per sostenere Proactiva Open Arms. «Ci sentiamo meno soli»

      Anche a Roma, oltre che in altre città, un presidio organizzato in sostegno dell’ong spagnola da attivisti e volontari. Nella capitale presente Riccardo Gatti, capo missione di Proactiva Open Arms. “Quello che sta succedendo è assurdo, ridicolo e tragico al tempo stesso”


    • Una battaglia navale vista dalla cucina della #Open_Arms

      Cuoco, romano, 34 anni: Lorenzo Leonetti ha cominciato a stare dietro ai fornelli undici anni fa. Di solito gestisce la cucina del Grandma bistrot al Quadraro, un quartiere popolare di Roma. La sua specialità sono i piatti dell’Europa orientale come il gulasch o il pileći batak, un piatto a base di pollo che ha imparato a cucinare quando viveva in Ungheria e viaggiava spesso attraverso i Balcani.

      Quando, qualche mese fa, ha risposto all’annuncio di un’organizzazione umanitaria spagnola che cercava un cuoco per la cambusa della sua nave, non pensava che sarebbe finito nel mezzo di un confronto con la guardia costiera libica, a 73 miglia dalle coste del Nordafrica. Invece, il 15 marzo 2018, Leonetti si è ritrovato a bordo dell’imbarcazione dell’ong Proactiva Open Arms, fermata per due ore dai guardacoste libici nel Mediterraneo mentre cercava di soccorrere un gruppo di migranti.

      “Dall’oblò della cucina ho visto la motovedetta libica arrivare a tutta velocità e sono salito di corsa sul ponte per capire cosa stava succedendo”, racconta. Sono cominciate fitte comunicazioni via radio tra i volontari, che avevano già recuperato alcune donne e bambini, e la nave spagnola, che era a pochi metri dalle lance di soccorso. “Avvisate Roma, i libici ci stanno minacciando”.


    • Sauvetage en mer : l’Aquarius est le seul navire humanitaire en Méditerranée

      L’Aquarius patrouille dans ce qu’on appelle la « SAR zone » (Search and Rescue), la zone de recherche et de sauvetage, au large de la Libye, dans les eaux internationales. Cette zone maritime s’étend sur 60 000 km2.

      Où sont les autres navires humanitaires ?

      –Le #Vos_Hestia, de l’ONG Save the Children a cessé sa mission en octobre 2017

      –Le #Seefuchs, de l’ONG Sea-Eye, est en réparation à Malte

      –Le #Golfo_Azzurro, de l’ONG ProActiva, a cessé sa mission depuis l’été dernier

      –Le #Minden, de l’ONG Lifeboat, a cessé sa mission depuis l’été dernier

      –Le #Sea_Watch_3, de l’ONG Sea Watch, est en réparation à Barcelone

      –Le #Iuventa, de l’ONG Jugend Rettet a été saisi par les autorités italiennes et immobilisé depuis

      –Le #Open_Arms, de l’ONG ProActiva, a été saisi par les autorités italiennes et immobilisé depuis

      –Le #Phoenix, de l’ONG Moas, est parti l’été dernier porté secours aux Rohingyas au large de la Birmanie

      –Le #Life_line, de l’ONG Mission Lifeline, est en réparation


    • Crolla l’accusa a Open Arms, ma dietro i Libici c’è la Marina Militare italiana

      27/03/2018 Caduta l’ipotesi di reato di associazione per delinquere. L’inchiesta viene tolta alla Procura di Catania e passa ai magistrati ordinari di Ragusa. Ma dal decreto del Giudice delle Indagini Preliminari emerge uno scenario inatteso e preoccupante: la precisa descrizione dei fatti del magistrato indica che la regia dell’operazione è della #Marina_Militare Italiana. Operazione che ha tutte le caratteristiche di un respingimento, messo in atto utilizzando la Guardia Costiera libica.
      Non ha retto, davanti al Gip di Catania, l’impianto accusatorio più grave nei confronti dell’Ong spagnola Open arms proposto dalla Procura diretta da Carmelo Zuccaro. Il Giudice per le indagini preliminari ha respinto l’ipotesi di reato di associazione per delinquere, mantenendo solo il favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione irregolare. Per ora la nave che il 15 marzo scorso era stata affrontata dalla Guardia costiera libica nel corso di un salvataggio di profughi fuggiti dal nord Africa rimane sotto sequestro. Il fascicolo è stato dunque tolto alla Dda di Catania - dove era arrivato domenica 18 marzo con la pesante ipotesi accusatoria - per essere assegnato alla Procura ordinaria di Ragusa.

      Ma la vera notizia appare – nero su bianco – nelle pagine del decreto di convalida del sequestro, che compie una importante discovery su quanto sta avvenendo nel Mediterraneo. Con la conferma dei dubbi sollevati in questi giorni: dietro il confronto tra la Ong e la Guardia Costiera libica sembra nascondersi un tentativo di respingimento dei migranti, operato attraverso il coinvolgimento da parte italiana della Guardia costiera libica. Non solo. A gestire l’intera operazione non è stata la Guardia costiera italiana – che dipende dal Ministero dei Trasporti ed Infrastrutture – ma la Marina Militare. Dunque il dicastero della Difesa. Gli eventi narrati nella decisione del giudice di Catania sono chiari e permettono di capire nei dettagli come le modalità di azione del governo italiano – e probabilmente dell’Unione europea – siano drasticamente cambiati dopo il 2 febbraio, data di avvio della nuova operazione navale Temis. Da quel momento una nave militare italiana è ferma a Tripoli, coordinando gli interventi delle motovedette libiche.

      Occorre ripercorrere, minuto dopo minuto, quello che è accaduto il 15 marzo nelle acque tra Italia e Libia. Ore 4.21. La centrale operativa MRCC di Roma riceve la notizia dell’avvistamento di un barcone con diversi migranti a bordo a 40 miglia dalla costa libica. Poco dopo il centro contattata a sua volta la nave Open Arms, chiedendo di intervenire. Una procedura, fino a questo momento, uguale a quella utilizzata in centinaia di salvataggi, con la Guardia costiera italiana incaricata di coordinare le attività delle organizzazioni umanitarie.

      Alle 5.37, però, c’è un intervento inatteso: il personale a bordo della nave militare italiana Capri (impegnata nella operazione NAURAS, riattivata con l’avvio di Temis), di stanza a Tripoli, invia una comunicazione a Roma affermando che una motovedetta della Guardia Costiera libica di lì a poco avrebbe mollato gli ormeggi per dirigersi verso l’obiettivo, assumendo la responsabilità del soccorso.

      Alle 6.44 la stessa nave Capri chiedeva al MRCC di Roma di “far allontanare l’unità della Ong per evitare criticità durante il soccorso”. E’ dunque la Marina militare italiana a decidere l’intervento dei libici, ben sapendo quale sarebbe stato il destino dei migranti recuperati. Come del resto scrive lo stesso presidente dell’ Ufficio Gip, Nunzio Sarpietro: «Il coordinamento (della Guardia Costiera libica, ndr) è sostanzialmente affidato alle forze della Marina Militare Italiana».

      Mezz’ora dopo appaiono altre due imbarcazioni precarie con decine di persone imbarcate, non lontane dal primo barcone segnalato. Una situazione critica che la Open Arms si è trovata di fronte mentre si stava dirigendo sul punto indicato la mattina da MRCC.

      Alle 9.13 la nave spagnola comunica di aver intercettato un gommone con migranti a bordo che imbarcava acqua e di averli recuperati visto che non c’era sul posto nessuna unità libica. Cosa sarebbe avvenuto se Open Arms avesse rispettato quell’ordine partito dalla nostra Marina Militare, fermandosi prima? In ogni caso gli italiani presenti a Tripoli non avevano preso bene l’intervento della Ong. Poco prima di questo salvataggio operato dagli spagnoli, l’addetto per la Difesa Italia a Tripoli aveva contattato la centrale di Roma “lamentando il comportamento della Open Arms, in quanto lo riteneva contrario al Codice di Condotta sottoscritto con il Ministero dell’Interno Italiano”.

      Il pasticcio assume contorni ancora più preoccupanti nelle ore successive. Quando poco dopo le 11.00 la Open Arms giunge davanti all’obiettivo iniziale – quello che doveva essere salvato dalla Guardia costiera libica, secondo le direttive della Marina Militare – la motovedetta di Tripoli non aveva ancora portato a bordo un solo migrante. I naufraghi vengono salvati dalla Ong spagnola. Durante le operazioni i volontari si trovano davanti i miliziani di Tripoli che cercano “di ostacolare le operazioni di soccorso anche con la minaccia di usare le armi”, scrive il Gip di Catania. Fatti confermati dai filmati diffusi nei giorni scorsi.

      Alla fine alla Open Arms i magistrati di Catania hanno contestato la scelta di non aver seguito le indicazioni della Guardia costiera libica nel corso dei salvataggi in mare del 15 marzo e di non aver chiesto lo sbarco dei rifugiati a Malta. Nel decreto di convalida del sequestro il Gip di Catania dà particolare importanza alla contestazione di aver voluto portare i naufraghi in Italia: “I dati fattuali parlano chiaro e dimostrano - scrive il gip - come lo stesso comandante della Motonave Open Arms, nonostante le indicazioni impartitegli, non abbia voluto mai prendere contatti con le autorità maltesi in base a una sua autonoma considerazione, che invece occorreva verificare in concreto, circa la indisponibilità delle dette autorità ad accogliere i migranti”. L’Ong spagnola aveva già replicato a queste accuse durante la conferenza stampa tenutasi al Senato la settimana scorsa, spiegando che l’assegnazione del punto di sbarco - il cosiddetto “Place of safety” - viene fornito dal MRCC di Roma. Le autorità della Guardia costiera – secondo la ricostruzione degli eventi successivi al salvataggio del 15 marzo scorso – alla fine hanno indicato alla nave il porto di Pozzallo.

      La vicenda giudiziaria – ora passata per competenza a Ragusa – è dunque complessa e delicata, con implicazioni internazionali non irrilevanti. La conferma dell’esistenza di un comando italiano dietro l’azione della Guardia costiera libica potrebbe esporre il nostro Paese a un procedimento davanti alla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo, rischiando una seconda condanna dopo quella ricevuta nel 2012. L’esclusione del reato di associazione per delinquere, infine, è sicuramente una sconfitta per la linea tenuta da circa un anno dal procuratore di Catania Carmelo Zuccaro. Nel 2017 nel corso di due audizioni in Parlamento (prima in Comitato Schengen e poi davanti alla commissione difesa del Senato) il magistrato aveva mosso dure accuse nei confronti delle Ong: “Qual è la volontà che anima le ONG? Noi abbiamo ovviamente fatto un ventaglio di ipotesi. Si può partire da quella peggiore, che è quella di un consapevole accordo che sarebbe potuto intercorrere tra le Ong e queste organizzazioni. Questa, che è l’ipotesi sicuramente peggiore, non dà al momento alcun riscontro, ma è ovvio che ci lavoriamo”, aveva dichiarato Zuccaro davanti al comitato Schengen del Parlamento. Per poi aggiungere: “Vi dico che non appena si verificherà un caso che mi dia la possibilità di farlo, su questo aprirò un’indagine”. Quell’ipotesi “peggiore” di un patto criminale delle Ong si è dimostrata insussistente.

      #refoulement #push-back

    • Niente associazione per delinquere, ma solidarietà ancora sotto sequestro.

      Alla scadenza del termine di dieci giorni stabilito dalla legge per la convalida del sequestro preventivo disposto dalla Procura di Catania a carico della nave di Open Arms bloccata con parte dell’equipaggio a bordo nel porto di Pozzallo dal 18 marzo scorso, il Giudice delle indagini preliminari ha convalidato la misura del sequestro ma si è dichiarato incompetente rispetto all’accusa più grave formulata dalla Procura di Catania, che contestava il reato di associazione a delinquere finalizzata all’ingresso in Italia di immigrati irregolari.


    • Migranti, dopo la Open Arms anche la nave Aquarius costretta ad affrontare il “coordinamento” libico

      Dopo il caso della nave di Proactiva, finita sotto sequestro a Pozzallo, ieri l’imbarcazione Sos Mediterranèe si è trovata nella stessa situazione, rendendo evidente quella che sembra ormai una prassi: una volta sul posto le navi vengono affidate al controllo di Tripoli che chiede loro di «restituire» i migranti


    • Trois jours d’opérations complexes et dramatiques en Méditerranée centrale : 292 naufragés en sécurité à bord de l’Aquarius

      SOS MEDITERRANEE appelle les autorités européennes et internationales à clarifier d’urgence le cadre d’intervention des garde-côtes libyens

      L’Aquarius, affrété par SOS MEDITERRANEE et opéré en partenariat avec Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) a secouru ces jeudi, vendredi et samedi un total de 292 personnes en détresse dans les eaux internationales au large des côtes libyennes, au cours de trois opérations distinctes dans des conditions particulièrement délicates.

      Jeudi 29 mars, alors que l’Aquarius patrouille à 25 milles marins des côtes, l’équipe de sauveteurs de l’Aquarius repère un canot pneumatique en détresse. Après avoir informé le centre de coordination des secours de Rome (IMRCC) et reçu l’instruction de procéder au sauvetage, 122 personnes sont transférées en sécurité à bord de l’Aquarius.

      Vendredi 30 mars, l’Aquarius est mobilisé de nouveau par le centre de coordination des secours de Rome (IMRCC) pour le sauvetage d’un canot pneumatique en difficulté repéré par un hélicoptère de la marine italienne, à 38 milles nautiques au nord de Zuwarah. « Ce sauvetage était délicat, le canot pneumatique était dans de très mauvaises conditions, il était partiellement dégonflé et le fond en bois était cassé. Nous avons dû déployer des radeaux pour sécuriser les personnes avant de pouvoir leur distribuer des gilets de sauvetage » explique le coordinateur adjoint des secours de SOS MEDITERRANEE.

      Alors que le sauvetage est en cours, la vedette 648 des garde-côtes libyens s’approche à grande vitesse de l’Aquarius. Le sauvetage de 131 personnes en détresse, dont 12 femmes et 24 mineurs non accompagnés, est achevé juste avant son arrivée. L’Aquarius décline l’offre d’assistance des garde-côtes libyens.

      En accord avec le centre de coordination des secours de Rome, le navire de SOS MEDITERRANEE, avec 253 rescapés à bord, poursuit sa veille active dans les eaux internationales en raison de conditions météorologiques favorables aux départs.

      Un bébé, des enfants et cas médicaux sauvés d’un canot intercepté par les garde-côtes libyens

      Samedi 31 mars à 10:30, l’Aquarius reçoit un appel du centre de coordination des secours de Rome (IMRCC) signalant la position d’une embarcation en détresse repérée par un survol de l’opération EUNAVFORMED, et se déroute vers cette position. Le canot pneumatique est repéré par les sauveteurs de SOS MEDITERRANEE après une heure à peine de navigation.

      A 11:34, le centre de secours de Rome informe l’Aquarius que les garde-côtes libyens assument la coordination des opérations (SAR Case 183), puis donne l’instruction à l’Aquarius de ne pas interférer et de rester en stand-by. L’Aquarius arrivé sur les lieux avant la vedette des garde-côtes libyens, informe le MRCC Rome de la nécessité de stabiliser la situation en distribuant les gilets de sauvetage à bord de l’embarcation surchargée, qui continue à s’approcher. L’Aquarius reçoit ensuite un appel téléphonique du centre des opérations des garde-côtes libyens qui se déclare en charge de la coordination, et l’équipage alerte ces derniers de l’urgence de distribuer des gilets de sauvetage. La vedette Al Khifra 206 des garde-côtes libyens, en route vers la position mais encore éloignée, reçoit la même information simultanément via radio. Une fois l’autorisation des garde-côtes libyens acquise, l’Aquarius lance ses deux canots de sauvetage et commence à distribuer des gilets de sauvetage. Les sauveteurs constatent la présence d’enfants, dont un nouveau-né et de cas médicaux urgents - et obtiennent l’autorisation de la vedette des garde-côtes libyens d’évacuer les cas les plus vulnérables vers l’Aquarius, mais se voient interdire de secourir les autres passagers du canot.

      39 personnes, dont un nouveau-né, des femmes enceintes et de nombreux enfants avec leurs parents sont transférés sur l’Aquarius tandis qu’environ 90 personnes sont interceptées par les garde-côtes Libyens et renvoyées en Libye. L’Aquarius reçoit l’ordre de rester à distance pendant l’interception.

      « Les conditions actuelles d’opérations de sauvetage en mer sont inacceptables »

      « Les conditions actuelles de sauvetage en mer, toujours plus compliquées et avec des transferts de responsabilité confus et périlleux pendant les opérations, sont inacceptables. Les bateaux de sauvetage se retrouvent contraints à négocier au cas par cas, en pleine mer, en situation d’urgence et de tension dangereuse, l’évacuation de personnes en détresse, malades, blessées, épuisées, vers un lieu sûr où elles seront soignées et protégées. Alors que les moyens en mer pour sauver des vies sont de plus en plus insuffisants, les opérations sont retardées, des vies humaines sont menacées, le renvoi des personnes en détresse vers la Libye est priorisé au lieu de leur mise en sécurité, » a déclaré Francis Vallat, président de SOS MEDITERRANEE France.

      « Nous ne sommes ni juristes, ni décideurs politiques. Nous sommes une association européenne et citoyenne de sauveteurs en mer à bord d’un navire ambulance qui intervient là où des personnes sont en danger de mort. Nous respectons scrupuleusement, depuis le début de notre mission en mars 2016, le droit maritime international, les autorités maritimes, et travaillons dans le respect des principes d’humanité et de solidarité qui ont fondé l’Europe et sont l’ADN des gens de mer.

      En l’absence d’un protocole clair, public et transparent encadrant l’intervention des garde-côtes libyens dans les eaux internationales au large de la Libye, nous demandons instamment aux plus hautes autorités européennes et internationales de clarifier le cadre d’intervention des différents acteurs dans cette zone maritime, la plus mortelle au monde. Si ce cadre a changé récemment et ne nous autorise bientôt plus à sauver les vies en danger, si nous ne pouvons plus exercer notre mission en sécurité, nous estimons que nous-mêmes et les citoyens européens devrions en être les premiers informés » a poursuivi Francis Vallat.

      Dimanche 1er avril, l’Aquarius se dirige vers le nord pour débarquer les 292 rescapés dans le « port sûr » de Messine, indiqué par le centre de coordination des secours de Rome.

      Les personnes secourues entre jeudi et samedi par l’Aquarius en Méditerranée Centrale sont originaires de plus de vingt nationalités différentes, de pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, mais aussi de Somalie, d’Egypte, de Libye, du Pakistan et du Bangladesh. Parmi elles se trouvent au moins cinq femmes enceintes, neuf enfants, et 54 mineurs non accompagnés.


    • Mediterraneo, MSF: Nave Aquarius allontanata da un soccorso. Decine di persone riportate in Libia

      Ieri, sabato 30 marzo alle 10.32, il Centro di Coordinamento del Soccorso Marittimo (MRCC) di Roma ha allertato la nave Aquarius – gestita in collaborazione da Medici Senza Frontiere (MSF) e SOS Mediterranee – e la Guardia costiera libica, di un gommone in difficoltà con a bordo circa 120 persone, in acque internazionali a 23-24 miglia nautiche dalla costa libica.

      Il gommone è stato identificato per primo da un aereo militare europeo. Sebbene la Aquarius sia arrivata sulla scena per prima, intorno alle 11.00, l’MRCC ha informato la nave che sarebbe stata la Guardia costiera libica a occuparsi del soccorso, per questo alla Aquarius è stato indicato di rimanere in standby e di non avviare nessuna operazione.

      Mentre era in standby, la Aquarius ha visto la situazione peggiorare perché il gommone sovraffollato iniziava a imbarcare acqua. Alle 12.45, MSF e SOS Mediterranee sono riuscite a negoziare con l’MRCC, il comando della Guardia costiera libica e la nave della Guardia costiera libica che stava raggiungendo l’area, e hanno ottenuto di poter almeno stabilizzare la situazione distribuendo giubbotti di salvataggio a tutte le persone a bordo e valutare le loro condizioni mediche.

      L’infermiera di MSF a bordo del motoscafo veloce (RHIB) che si è avvicinato al gommone ha individuato 39 casi medici e vulnerabili – tra cui un neonato, donne incinte, bambini e le loro famiglie – che sono stati evacuati sull’Aquarius.

      Negli ultimi mesi in più occasioni ci sono state reazioni violente da parte della Guardia costiera libica verso le poche organizzazioni umanitarie ancora impegnate in attività di ricerca e soccorso nel Mediterraneo, e la sicurezza del nostro team, così come delle 253 persone soccorse che si trovavano già a bordo dopo due giorni di salvataggi, era una preoccupazione cruciale. Mentre siamo riusciti a negoziare l’evacuazione sulla Aquarius di 39 casi medici e vulnerabili, per la sicurezza delle persone a bordo e del team dell’Aquarius, non abbiamo potuto completare il soccorso.

      Alle 13.52 la Guardia costiera libica ha ordinato alla Aquarius di allontanarsi dalla scena, con decine di persone ancora sul gommone. Alle 14.09 queste persone sono state prese dalla Guardia costiera libica e riportate in Libia.

      MSF ribadisce ancora una volta che la Libia non è un luogo sicuro e per nessun motivo rifugiati e migranti dovrebbero esservi riportati. MSF continua ad appellarsi ai Governi europei per dare priorità alla sicurezza di rifugiati e migranti invece di rafforzare attivamente politiche di deterrenza e contenimento in Libia.


    • Open Arms libera di tornare a salvare vite in mare

      Il Giudice per le indagini preliminari di Ragusa dissequestra la nave ferma nel porto di Pozzallo dal 18 marzo scorso motivando che “la Libia non è ancora in grado di riaccogliere i migranti soccorsi in mare nel rispetto dei loro diritti fondamentali". Sollievo da parte degli operatori umanitari per avere scongiurato un ulteriore atto di criminalizzazione della solidarietà


    • Italie : la justice annule la saisie d’un navire d’ONG

      Un juge de Ragusa (Sicile) a annulé lundi le placement sous séquestre du navire de Proactiva Open Arms, bloqué depuis mi-mars au port de Pozzalo en raison de soupçons d’aide à l’immigration clandestine, a annoncé cette ONG espagnole.

      L’enquête vise trois responsables de l’organisation non gouvernementale après une opération de sauvetage au cours de laquelle les secouristes de Proactiva Open Arms ont refusé de confier aux gardes-côtes libyens des migrants secourus au large de la Libye.

      Lundi, le juge a fait valoir que la Libye n’était « pas encore en mesure de ré-accueillir les migrants secourus dans le respect de leurs droits fondamentaux » et estimé que l’ONG avait donc agi en « état de nécessité ».

      « Ce n’est qu’un premier pas et une bonne nouvelle. L’Open Arms est libéré, mais les enquêtes du parquet de Catane pour association de malfaiteurs et de celui de Ragusa pour aide à l’immigration clandestine se poursuivent », a commenté sur Twitter Oscar Camps, le fondateur de l’ONG.

      L’opération de sauvetage controversée a eu lieu le 15 mars, lorsque les gardes-côtes italiens ont signalé à l’Open Arms deux embarcations en détresse à 73 milles marins au large de la Libye, avant de préciser que Tripoli se chargeait de la coordination des opérations.

      L’Open Arms a commencé à secourir les migrants puis a refusé de les transférer à une vedette libyenne arrivée plus tard. Les parquets de Catane et de Ragusa estiment que les migrants auraient dû débarquer à Malte, le port sûr le plus proche, et reprochent à l’Open Arms d’avoir tout fait pour les conduire en Italie, ce à quoi l’ONG répond que Malte n’accepte que les urgences médicales.

      En Espagne, le blocage de l’Open Arms a suscité un mouvement de soutien autour du slogan « Sauver des vies n’est pas un crime », avec des manifestations et une pétition en ligne qui a recueilli plus de 312.000 signatures, dont celles des acteurs Penelope Cruz et Javier Bardem.

      Il y a un an, une dizaine de navires d’ONG patrouillaient au large de la Libye. Désormais, il n’en reste plus que deux : l’Aquarius de SOS Méditerranée et Médecins sans frontières et le Sea-Watch de l’ONG allemande éponyme.

      L’Open Arms était le deuxième saisi par la justice italienne après le Iuventa de l’ONG allemande Jugend Rettet l’été dernier. D’autres ONG ont suspendu leurs opérations en raison des menaces croissantes de la marine libyenne et de la baisse des départs (-60% depuis l’été 2017).


    • Migranti. Il diario di bordo dalla #Sea_Watch_3 in partenza da Malta

      Dopo il dissequestro della nave Spagnola Open Arms, tornano a essere 4 le ong che operano nel Mediteraneo centrale insieme alle navi di due dispositivi militari europei per il controllo dei flussi migratori. Tra queste anche la Sea Watch 3, tornata in porto a Malta dopo l’ultima missione e in procinto di ripartire. A bordo da oggi con l’equipaggio l’inviata Angela Caponnetto


    • Migranti, “disobbedienza legittima” di Open Arms: in crisi le accuse alle ong

      Nel provvedimento di dissequestro della nave dell’ong spagnola Proactiva si riconosce che la Libia non è un posto sicuro. I soccorritori hanno agito in stato di necessità in base all’articolo 54. L’analisi di Schiavone (Asgi): “Prima di tutto viene la salvezza delle persone, tanto dal rischio di morire in mare come da quello di subire torture”


    • Proactiva Release Does Not Spell End of Italy’s War on Rescue Groups

      Italian judge’s releases rescue ship but upholds legal fiction of Libyan search and rescue zone. Judith Sutherland from Human Rights Watch explains why the contradiction matters


    • Le « Iuventa », emblème de la criminalisation des ONG en Méditerranée

      La saisie, par les autorités italiennes, du bateau d’une ONG portant secours aux migrants est devenue l’emblème d’une campagne de criminalisation de celles et ceux qui tentent de sauver des vies en Méditerranée. Le collectif Forensic Architecture démonte, à l’aide d’outils inédits, les failles et les biais de cette accusation à la veille d’une décision de la Cour suprême italienne.

      Le 2 août 2017, le bateau Iuventa, affrété par l’ONG allemande Jugend Rettet (« sauver la jeunesse »),
      engagée dans des opérations de recherche et de sauvetage des migrants qui tentent de rejoindre
      l’Europe, est saisi à proximité de l’île de Lampedusa.
      L’ONG est accusée de collusion avec les trafiquants qui font passer les migrants des côtes libyennes
      aux rivages italiens et d’aide à « l’immigration illégale ». La Cour suprême italienne doit se
      prononcer, lundi 23 avril, sur le maintien ou la levée de la saisie du bateau.
      Alerté sur l’affaire, le collectif Forensic Architecture a enquêté avec les outils impressionnants qu’il
      développe depuis quelques années. « Forensic Architecture » est à la fois le nom d’une nouvelle
      discipline située entre journalisme d’investigation et défense des droits humains, et celui d’une agence
      d’architecture de combat basée à Londres.
      Celle-ci regroupe des architectes, des cartographes, des ingénieurs, des juristes ou des réalisateurs, et
      développe des moyens inédits d’investigation sur les crimes et mensonges d’État, qu’elle met au service des ONG ou de l’ONU.
      Elle a, ici, collecté images, données et métadonnées pour démonter l’accusation et démontrer la
      manière dont la saisie du bateau de 33 mètres, susceptible d’accueillir à son bord plus de
      200 personnes, s’inscrit dans une campagne plus large de délégitimation et de criminalisation des
      ONG s’efforçant de sauver celles et ceux qui tentent de rejoindre l’Europe par la Méditerranée.
      Forensic Architecture est ainsi parvenu à une reconstitution 3D de ce qui s’est vraiment passé au large
      des côtes libyennes, qu’elle publie aujourd’hui en même temps que Mediapart pour la France,
      Internazionale en Italie et The Intercept, le magazine lancé par Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras et
      Jeremy Scahill.

      Pour Lorenzo Pezzani, cofondateur de Forensic Oceanography, un département de Forensic
      Architecture qui documente depuis plusieurs années les naufrages en Méditerranée et les violations
      des droits des migrants, « depuis la fin de l’année 2016, avec un point culminant à l’été 2017, s’est
      développée en Italie une campagne contre les ONG qui affrètent des bateaux pour aller à la recherche
      des embarcations de migrants menacées de naufrage. Au départ, cette campagne était limitée à des
      petits groupes xénophobes, mais cette présentation toxique de la réalité s’est répandue dans les
      médias et parmi les politiques, comme nous l’avons déjà documenté dans notre rapport Blaming the
      Rescuers ».
      Comprendre la saisie du bateau de l’ONG Jugend Rettet implique en effet, pour lui, de se remettre
      dans une perspective de plus longue durée. « Les printemps arabes ont fait exploser le système de
      contrôle des frontières européennes fondé sur l’externalisation et la collaboration avec les dictatures
      nord-africaines, comme celle de Ben Ali en Tunisie et Kadhafi en Libye, et provoqué un pic de départ
      à partir des premiers mois de 2011. Dans un premier temps, les États européens, et notamment
      l’Italie, ont mis en place leurs propres opérations à la fois militaires et humanitaires, telle Mare
      Nostrum lancée par la marine italienne en 2013, après le naufrage d’un bateau, le 3 octobre 2013,
      qui avait fait plus de 350 morts. »

      Mais ces opérations de sauvetage ont ensuite été considérées comme des facteurs encourageant les
      départs de migrants et ont été remplacées par des opérations avant tout militaires, fondées sur le
      présupposé que rendre la traversée plus dangereuse aurait un effet dissuasif. « En réalité, poursuit
      Lorenzo Pezzani, il n’y a pas eu moins de migrants qui sont arrivés sur les côtes européennes. En
      revanche, beaucoup plus sont morts durant la traversée, avec un pic de mortalité en 2015,
      particulièrement visible avec le décès de plus de 1 200 personnes lors du naufrage de seulement deux
      bateaux durant la même semaine du mois d’avril. »
      C’est dans ce contexte, explique-t-il, que « de nombreuses ONG ont considéré qu’elles ne pouvaient
      plus se contenter de témoigner de ce qui se passait, mais qu’il fallait intervenir directement pour
      sauver ces vies ». Et ont ainsi commencé à affréter des bateaux à l’instar du Iuventa.
      Dans une autre affaire similaire, un juge de Raguse en Sicile a décidé, lundi 16 avril, d’annuler le
      placement sous séquestre du navire de POA (Proactiva Open Arms), appartenant à une ONG
      espagnole, également soupçonné d’aide à l’immigration clandestine.
      Pour Lorenzo Pezzani, « nous sommes, depuis quelques mois, dans une phase de clôture accentuée de
      la Méditerranée, fondée sur une double stratégie. D’un côté, une criminalisation des ONG pour
      empêcher leurs bateaux d’accéder aux embarcations de migrants. De l’autre, un soutien technique,
      logistique et politique aux gardes-côtes libyens pour qu’ils interceptent les bateaux de migrants et les
      renvoient en Libye. La saisie du Iuventa s’inscrit dans ce cadre. Cette saisie a constitué la première
      attaque de nature judiciaire contre les ONG qui s’occupent de sauver les migrants, et elle prolonge
      une campagne politique et médiatique de plus en plus violente ».
      Selon lui, cette décision inscrite dans une stratégie reformatée de l’Union européenne en Méditerranée
      doit aussi « être comprise dans un contexte plus large de criminalisation de la solidarité envers les
      migrants partout en Europe ».


    • Caso Iuventa, i video che scagionano la nave dell’ong tedesca

      I ricercatori dell’università di Londra Goldsmiths hanno prodotto tre video, pubblicati in esclusiva da Internazionale, che scagionano l’ong tedesca Jugend Rettet dall’accusa di favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione clandestina nell’inchiesta che ha portato al sequestro della nave Iuventa il 2 agosto 2017.

      Secondo la procura di Trapani, nel settembre del 2016 e nel giugno del 2017 durante i soccorsi di migranti al largo della Libia c’erano stati dei contatti “tra coloro che scortavano gli immigrati fino alla Iuventa e i membri dell’equipaggio della nave”. Anche se hanno agito solo per ragioni umanitarie e senza fini di lucro, riconosce la procura, gli operatori si sarebbero avvicinati troppo alle coste libiche e avrebbero avuto contatti con i trafficanti per delle “consegne pattuite” di migranti.

      Secondo l’accusa, in uno di questi episodi gli operatori della Iuventa avrebbero lasciato alla deriva tre imbarcazioni in modo che i trafficanti potessero recuperarle e usarle successivamente in altre traversate. Le fonti dell’accusa sono le testimonianze e le foto scattate da due poliziotti sotto copertura, imbarcati come personale di sicurezza sulla nave Vos Hestia dell’organizzazione umanitaria Save the children, attiva nello stesso tratto di mare.

      Ma al termine di un lavoro durato otto mesi il dipartimento di oceanografia forense della Goldsmiths ha smentito questa ricostruzione, basandosi sui video e gli audio raccolti dall’equipaggio, sulle informazioni registrate nel diario di bordo della Iuventa, sulle comunicazioni con la centrale operativa della guardia costiera italiana e sulle immagini scattate dai giornalisti a bordo della nave tedesca e di altre imbarcazioni impegnate nei soccorsi.


    • An Italian Court Decision Could Keep Rescue Boats From Saving Refugees in the Mediterranean

      In August 2017, an Italian prosecutor ordered police to seize and impound the Iuventa, a ship operated by the German nonprofit Jugend Rettet, in Trapani, a port in western Sicily. The Iuventa is used to rescue migrants attempting the perilous sea crossing between North Africa and Italy, but the prosecutor said he was investigating the organization for alleged ties to human trafficking operations in Libya. The investigation relied on evidence gathered through the use of police informants, an undercover operative, tapped phone calls, and a recording device that police placed in the Iuventa’s bridge months earlier, and it purported to show the crew of the Iuventa coordinating with Libyan smugglers.


    • Italy’s Supreme Court rejects appeal against the seizure of NGO rescue vessel the Iuventa

      On Monday, Italy’s Supreme Court rejected an appeal against the seizure of the Iuventa, a rescue ship operated by the German NGO Jugend Ruttet (‘Youth Rescue’). The vessel was seized last summer after an investigation by the Italian authorities into the operation of migrant rescue missions in the Mediterranean.

      Evidence collected as part of the investigation, which included the use of an undercover agent, bugging devices, tapped phone calls as well as informant testimonies, led to the pre-emptive seizure of the vessel on 2 August 2017 under accusations of colluding with smugglers and “conspiring to facilitate illegal immigration”.

      Lawyers had filed the appeal against the ruling of the judge in the Western Sicilian city of Trapani in favour of the prosecution’s request for pre-emptive seizure. The lawyers questioned the nature of the accusations, as well as Italy’s jurisdiction on incidents that took place in international waters.

      The order of seizure itself followed the introduction of a controversial code of conduct for charity boats conducting rescues in the Mediterranean by the Italian government last summer. Several NGOs, from larger organisations such as Doctors without Borders to smaller ones including Jugend Rettet, refused to sign it before the announced deadline of 31 July 2017, claiming that the code would threaten their activities at sea. The seizure of the Iuventa was ordered only two days after this deadline.

      The London-based research organisation Forensic Architecture are among several observers sceptical of the accusations brought by the Italian authorities and released an investigation last week refuting the Italian accusations and questioning their evidence. Philipp Külker, spokesperson of Jugend Rettet, said that “the analysis showed in a very clear way that the accusations are unfounded…these are just empty claims.”

      The ruling is a blow to NGOs operating sea rescue missions in the Mediterranean, after the Spanish NGO rescue vessel Open Arms was ordered to be released from a Sicilian port last month, with the ship’s crew remaining under criminal investigation. The Iuventa ruling points to the wider trend of de-legitimisation and criminalization of NGO rescue missions.

      Italy’s Supreme Court of Cassation will publish an explanatory statement on the ruling in the coming weeks.


    • Italy OKs migrant transfer after insisting on UK approval

      Italy’s coast guard said Monday it had granted authorization for 105 migrants rescued at sea by a Spanish aid group to transfer to a sturdier boat after more than a daylong bureaucratic tussle left them exposed to the elements on the Mediterranean Sea.

      It was the second time in as many months that Italy has delayed allowing rescued migrants to reach safety by insisting on bureaucratic formalities in what appears to be a strategy to dissuade aid groups from rescuing migrants.

      Spain’s Proactiva Open Arms said the migrants, including six children and 32 unaccompanied teenagers, were in stable condition Monday but they were exposed to bad weather and living in inappropriate conditions aboard the Astral, a sailing vessel turned rescue ship that Proactiva has used for emergency assistance. Aquarius, a bigger rescue ship of the French SOS Mediterranee nonprofit group, waited for much of Monday to take them to a safe port.

      The nonprofits said the vessels —both sailing under the British flag— had been waiting for authorization since early Monday at around 25 nautical miles (28.75 statute miles) off the town of Khoms on the Libyan coast. Italy’s coast guard said the British had to grant authorization for the transfer, but Britain said it wasn’t coordinating the rescue.

      “They are throwing the ball at each other and we are in the middle,” said Astral’s captain Riccardo Gatti, blaming Italian and British authorities more than 30 hours after the migrants were rescued from a drifting and engineless rubber boat.

      “The situation is becoming unbearable due to worsening weather, cold and the health and hygiene conditions onboard,” he added.

      Another rescue ship of Proactiva was seized for weeks by Italian authorities before a judge in Sicily ordered its release earlier this year. Prosecutors are still investigating whether the non-governmental organization’s crew should face charges of criminal association and aiding illegal immigration.

      The British Maritime and Coast Guard Agency said it was aware of the incident and in contact with search and rescue authorities in the area, but said the incident was “not coordinated” by Britain.

      The Italian coast guard said the delay in transferring the migrants was due to Britain, since both rescue ships were British-flagged. Late Monday, the coast guard issued a second statement saying it had allowed for the transfer because of the late hour and because British authorities hadn’t given any indication on how to proceed.

      Previously, the Italian coast guard has said international norms require the flag nation to request authorization for one of its ships to dock — a requirement it hadn’t enforced before its recent crackdown on migrant landings.

      Matthew Carter, a communications officer with SOS Mediterranee, said the NGO’s standard procedure “is to wait for a green light from the coordinating authority (usually the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center) before proceeding with a transfer or rescue operation.”

      But Carter said his organization had informed all parties that in the event of an emergency it planned to take all rescued people on board without pre-authorization.

      Each year, tens of thousands of migrants attempt to reach European shores by crossing the Mediterranean in smugglers’ boats. Most of the vessels are unfit for open water, and thousands of migrants drown each year.

      The U.N. says 615 migrants have died crossing the Mediterranean so far this year. A total of 22,439 migrants have reached European shores through the first four months of 2018.

      Italy has significantly reduced the migrants arriving on its coasts by helping the Libyan coast guard beef up its patrols, reducing the number of aid groups performing sea rescues and — in a move criticized by some aid groups — negotiating deals with Libyan militias that had long profited from trafficking humans.

      The migrants aboard the Astral are from Bangladesh, Egypt, Libya, Nigeria and other countries. They told The Associated Press on Sunday that human smugglers sailing in a separate boat removed their inflatable’s engine halfway through the dangerous Mediterranean crossing and left.


      v. aussi : https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/rescuers-blame-red-tape-while-waiting-with-migrants-at-sea/2018/05/07/b50cfbcc-5216-11e8-a6d4-ca1d035642ce_story.html

    • Legal action against Italy over its coordination of Libyan Coast Guard pull-backs resulting in migrant deaths and abuse.

      Seventeen survivors of a fatal incident in which a boat carrying migrants found itself in distress off

      the coast of Libya filed an application against Italy today with the European Court of Human Rights. The applicants included the surviving parents of two children who died in the incident.

      The application was filed by the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN) and the Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI), with support from the Italian non-profit ARCI and Yale Law School’s Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic. Their submission made use of evidence compiled by Forensic Oceanography, part of the Forensic Architecture agency based at Goldsmiths, University of London, who have produced a detailed reconstruction of the incident and the policies that have contributed to it.


    • L’Italia rischia un processo per aver coordinato la guardia costiera libica

      “All’alba abbiamo visto una barca e abbiamo gridato. Il nostro gommone stava imbarcando acqua, ci siamo tolti le magliette e le abbiamo sventolate per farci vedere. C’erano dei bambini che piangevano. La barca non ci ha risposto e se n’è andata”. E. è uno dei sopravvissuti del naufragio del 6 novembre 2017 in cui sono morte almeno venti persone e ricorda il momento in cui si è accorto che il gommone su cui viaggiava si stava sgonfiando. Erano quasi le nove di mattina. Il lato posteriore dell’imbarcazione ha cominciato ad affondare e alcune persone sono finite in mare.

      “Una nave della guardia costiera libica ci ha raggiunto, abbiamo cominciato a gridare: ‘Aiuto’. Ma non ci hanno risposto, hanno preso una macchina fotografica e ci facevano delle foto, se ne stavano andando quando hanno visto la Sea Watch che stava venendo verso di noi. Allora sono tornati indietro e gli hanno detto di andarsene”, racconta E. in un’intervista concessa al ricercatore Charles Heller del gruppo Forensic Architecture. Da quel momento è cominciata una specie di battaglia navale tra la motovedetta libica e la nave dell’ong tedesca. I libici hanno chiesto agli umanitari di andarsene, ma l’ong ha calato i gommoni di soccorso, perché molti migranti erano già in acqua e chiedevano aiuto.

      Respingimenti per procura
      Sei mesi dopo, il 3 maggio, insieme ad altri sedici sopravvissuti E. ha presentato un ricorso contro l’Italia alla Corte europea dei diritti umani (Cedu) accusando il paese di aver messo a repentaglio la sua vita, di aver ritardato i soccorsi affidandoli alla guardia costiera libica e di aver “respinto per procura” 47 migranti attraverso l’azione della motovedetta libica, donata a Tripoli da Roma nel maggio del 2017, come previsto dal Memorandum d’intesa firmato dai due paesi.

      Dei 17 migranti che hanno presentato il ricorso infatti, quindici sono stati portati in Italia e due sono stati respinti in Libia dove sono stati portati in un centro di detenzione a Tagiura. Per due mesi sono stati sottoposti a violenze, abusi, torture, estorsioni e stupri, sono stati venduti e sono stati torturati con l’elettricità. Infine i due hanno chiesto di partecipare ai programmi di rimpatrio volontario dell’Organizzazione mondiale dell’immigrazione (Oim) e sono stati riportati dalla Libia a Benin City, in Nigeria, il loro paese d’origine.

      E. e P. sono invece stati soccorsi e portati in Italia. E. dopo essere caduto in acqua è riuscito ad arrampicarsi sulla motovedetta libica 648 Ras Jadir, ma una volta a bordo i guardacoste hanno cominciato a picchiarlo come stavano già facendo con gli altri migranti soccorsi. “In quel momento ho guardato verso il mare e ho visto che c’erano i gommoni di soccorso della Sea Watch così sono saltato in acqua e mi sono salvato, non sono stato l’unico”, racconta E., uno dei 59 sopravvissuti recuperati dalla Sea Watch, successivamente portato in Italia.

      Anche P. era sulla stessa barca e ricorda che un elicottero ha lanciato dei giubbotti di salvataggio per le persone che erano cadute in mare. P. ne aveva indossato uno e si era attaccato a una corda insieme ad altri tre ragazzi riuscendo a salire a bordo della motovedetta. “Pensavo che fossero italiani, ma poi ho capito che erano libici perché parlavano arabo. Ci hanno detto di stare seduti. Un ragazzo si è lanciato in acqua e i libici ci hanno minacciato. Ci avrebbero picchiato con delle corde se ci fossimo mossi. Ma quando la guardia si è allontanata, io mi sono buttato in acqua e poi sono stato soccorso dalla Sea Watch”.

      La guardia costiera italiana alle 6 di mattina ha contattato la nave umanitaria Sea Watch 3 per intervenire in soccorso dei migranti che erano ancora in acqua: “Ci hanno chiamato da Roma per chiederci d’intervenire. Mentre andavamo verso il gommone ci siamo resi conto che era in corso un naufragio, abbiamo visto molti corpi in mare”, il volontario della Sea Watch Gennaro Giudetti ricorda l’operazione di salvataggio a trenta miglia dalle coste libiche.

      “Ho visto una donna affogare davanti ai miei occhi”, racconta. Un’altra donna, che Giudetti è riuscito a salvare, ha perso suo figlio nel naufragio. Sono morte almeno venti persone, mentre l’intervento della motovedetta libica – la 648 Ras Jadir – ha intralciato i soccorsi. I libici hanno lanciato anche degli oggetti contro i volontari, come raccontato da molti testimoni. I 47 sopravvissuti che sono stati recuperati dai libici, sono stati riportati nei centri di detenzione in Libia. Durante il salvataggio era presente anche un elicottero della marina militare italiana e diverse navi militari della missione Eunavformed.

      Secondo i sopravvissuti e il collegio di avvocati ed esperti che li hanno seguiti nel ricorso alla Cedu, il governo italiano è legalmente responsabile dei “respingimenti per procura” operati dalla guardia costiera libica, che violano numerosi articoli della Convenzione europea dei diritti dell’uomo. Roma infatti ha donato le motovedette alla guardia costiera libica e ha finanziato la formazione dei guardacoste in seguito all’accordo firmato con Tripoli a febbraio. Gli italiani hanno coordinato, infine, attraverso la centrale operativa della guardia costiera di Roma gli interventi che hanno avuto come conseguenza il respingimento dei migranti in Libia.

      Loredana Leo, avvocata dell’Associazione studi giuridici sull’immigrazione (Asgi), spiega che l’Italia avrebbe una responsabilità nell’evento che ha prodotto una serie di violazioni dei diritti umani fondamentali: “In particolare sarebbe stato violato il diritto alla vita, perché tutti i ricorrenti erano in una situazione di potenziale o effettiva perdita della propria vita. C’è una violazione anche dell’articolo 3 della Convenzione dei diritti umani: quello che vieta i trattamenti inumani”. Per quelli che sono stati riportati in Libia la violazione dell’articolo 3 “è evidente”, inoltre sarebbe stato violato il divieto al respingimento collettivo. “Non c’è stata nessuna valutazione della situazione individuale delle persone che sono state respinte, inoltre coloro che sono stati riportati in Libia hanno corso il rischio di essere ridotti in schiavitù perché sono stati venduti come schiavi nel carcere libico”, continua Leo.

      Nel caso Hirsi l’Italia aveva operato direttamente, mentre in questo caso avrebbe agito attraverso l’intervento della guardia costiera libica

      Per gli avvocati del Global legal action network (Glan) e dell’Asgi, che seguono il ricorso, quello che l’Italia sta facendo è delegare alla guardia costiera libica il respingimento dei migranti, una prassi che viola numerose norme internazionali e che è già costata a Roma una condanna nel 2012 (caso Hirsi). In quell’occasione l’Italia è stata condannata dalla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo per aver violato l’articolo 3 della Convenzione europea dei diritti umani e aver rimandato nel paese nordafricano alcuni cittadini eritrei e somali, che rischiavano di subire trattamenti inumani e degradanti.

      Nel 2012 però l’Italia aveva operato direttamente, mentre in questo caso avrebbe agito attraverso l’intervento della guardia costiera libica. Per l’avvocata Leo la responsabilità italiana però è molto chiara: “Tutto è avvenuto sotto il controllo e il coordinamento delle autorità italiane. La chiamata di emergenza è arrivata alla centrale operativa della guardia costiera italiana, che alle 6 del mattino ha chiamato Sea Watch 3 per chiedere d’intervenire. Quindi l’Italia aveva la responsabilità che le persone soccorse non subissero violazioni”. Inoltre c’è un livello più generale: “L’Italia ha messo Tripoli nelle condizioni di fare questi respingimenti per procura, donando le motovedette, formando i guardacoste e coordinando i libici da una nave della marina che è di stanza a Tripoli”.

      Per Violeta Moreno-Lax, consigliera di Glan e professoressa della Queen Mary all’università di Londra, “le autorità italiane hanno affidato ai libici delle azioni che sono illegali e che stanno mettendo a rischio le vite dei migranti”. Inoltre li stanno esponendo a forme estreme di violenza “per procura, cioè sostenendo e coordinando l’azione della cosiddetta guardia costiera libica”. La Cedu nei prossimi mesi dovrà decidere sull’ammissibilità del ricorso, ma i tempi in casi così importanti potrebbero essere molto lunghi. “Nel caso Hirsi ci sono voluti tre anni per arrivare a una condanna”, conclude l’avvocata Leo.

      Il caso è stato presentato alla Cedu dall’Asgi, dal Glan e dall’Arci, con il sostegno della Yale law school’s Lowenstein international human rights clinic.

      Mare chiuso
      Il naufragio del 6 novembre è solo la punta dell’iceberg di una strategia complessa avviata dalle autorità italiane ed europee per chiudere la rotta del Mediterraneo centrale e ridurre gli arrivi di migranti in Europa, sostengono i ricercatori Charles Heller e Lorenzo Pezzani della Forensic oceanography dell’università Goldsmith di Londra, che a questo tema hanno dedicato il rapporto Mare clausum, il quarto di una serie sui soccorsi di migranti nel Mediterraneo centrale.

      “Abbiamo esaminato 16 diversi episodi che mettono in luce l’azione dell’Italia con il supporto dell’Unione europea”, spiega Heller. In questi casi, secondo il ricercatore, “l’Italia ha coordinato la guardia costiera libica, che a sua volta ha intercettato e riportato i migranti in Libia, nonostante le violazioni documentate nei centri di detenzione libici”. Le ricostruzioni sono state realizzate a partire dagli audio e dai video registrati dai volontari delle ong e dai giornalisti indipendenti a bordo delle navi di soccorso.

      “Siamo riusciti a ricostruire questi episodi con una precisione senza precedenti”, aggiunge Pezzani, cofondatore della Forensic oceanography. “In questi 16 casi che abbiamo documentato per fortuna c’era una nave delle ong nei paraggi che ha registrato audio e video e ha permesso di ricostruire cosa è successo nei dettagli, mentre nella maggior parte dei casi non rimane traccia”. Per Pezzani ed Heller è interessante notare che le navi militari europee sono sempre presenti durante i soccorsi, ma si tengono a una certa distanza e non intervengono: “Sono sicuramente le navi di Eunavformed a segnalare ai libici la presenza dei migranti, ma in tutti i casi che abbiamo esaminato le navi militari europee aspettano che i libici arrivino senza intervenire”.

      Se si osserva in prospettiva tutta la storia dei soccorsi in mare nel Mediterraneo centrale ci si accorge che siamo di fronte a una fase di chiusura delle rotte aperte nel 2011 con l’esplosione delle primavere arabe. “La guerra civile libica e la spinta rivoluzionaria tunisina hanno messo in discussione i vecchi confini dell’Unione europea, che erano stati militarizzati con molta fatica prima del 2011. Ora quel tentativo di apertura è stato violentemente richiuso”, conclude Pezzani. Secondo Amnesty international, nel 2017 ventimila migranti sono stati intercettati e riportati in Libia dalla guardia costiera del paese nordafricano.


    • Ong: è vero che sono i “taxi del mare”?

      È logico attendersi che la maggiore incidenza di salvataggi in mare da parte di imbarcazioni delle Ong (passata dal 1% del 2014 al 41% nel 2017), assieme alla tendenza di queste ultime a operare nei pressi delle acque territoriali libiche (come rilevato dall’agenzia europea Frontex), possano aver spinto un maggior numero di migranti a partire, aumentando di conseguenza il numero di sbarchi.

      Ma i dati in realtà mostrano che non esiste una correlazione tra le attività di soccorso in mare svolte dalle Ong e gli sbarchi sulle coste italiane. A determinare il numero di partenze tra il 2015 e oggi sembrano essere stati dunque altri fattori, tra cui per esempio le attività dei trafficanti sulla costa e la “domanda” di servizi di trasporto da parte dei migranti nelle diverse località libiche.


    • #Salvezza”, un fumetto d’inchiesta sui salvataggi in mare

      Dal 2016 a oggi sono quasi 20 mila i migranti tratti in salvo nel Mediterraneo dall’equipaggio dell’Aquarius, nave affittata dalla ong Sos Méditerranée per i soccorsi in mare. Una cinquantina i giornalisti che, in questo periodo, hanno partecipato a una missione, per raccontarla. Lo scorso novembre anche Marco Rizzo e Lelio Bonaccorso, giornalista e sceneggiatore di fumetti il primo, disegnatore il secondo, con alle spalle una lunga esperienza nel graphic journalism (insieme hanno realizzato il fumetto su Peppino Impastato e Marco Rizzo anche di quelli su Ilaria Alpi, con i disegni di Francesco Ripoli, e Mauro Rostagno con i disegni di Giuseppe Lo Bocchiaro, usciti per la casa editrice BeccoGiallo) sono saliti a bordo della nave. Diciannove giorni, 4 salvataggi, quasi mille persone salvate.

      “Ci eravamo già occupati di migranti, siamo stati nei centri di accoglienza in Sicilia, ma ci mancava questo pezzo del viaggio – racconta Marco Rizzo – Un pezzo importante per ragioni sociali e politiche, perché ha un impatto enorme sulle campagne elettorali di mezza Europa e un impatto economico. Dovevamo raccontarlo”. La loro esperienza è contenuta in “Salvezza” (Feltrinelli Comics), 120 pagine di reportage a fumetti o meglio di fumetto d’inchiesta in cui oltre alle storie delle persone, ai soccorsi, ci sono anche infografiche con dati e numeri per aiutare a capire la situazione. “Quello che invece nel fumetto non troverete sono le urla, le persone in acqua che si sbracciano e ti chiedono ‘per favore aiutami’ – continua Rizzo – Ce le aspettavamo quando ci siamo imbarcati, sapevamo che ci saremmo trovati di fronte a situazioni estreme, al dolore, a persone con storie drammatiche, ma non a quei livelli, non con quei numeri. Al rientro non è stato facile parlare di quell’esperienza”.

      Sull’Aquarius Rizzo e Bonaccorso hanno potuto vedere con i loro occhi come funzionano i salvataggi in mare e qual è il ruolo delle ong: “saves lives, protect people, testify” ovvero “salvare vite, proteggere le persone e testimoniare la loro sofferenza”, come spiega nel fumetto Sophie Beau, cofondatrice di Sos Méditerranée. “Sos Méditerranée sta facendo quello che dovrebbe fare uno Stato ovvero accogliere e proteggere le persone – ha spiegato Alessandro Porro, membro del team di ricerca e soccorso di Aquarius, presente in occasione della presentazione di “Salvezza” alla Feltrinelli di Bologna – Noi siamo lì per salvare, proteggere e raccontare perché senza il racconto è come se non fosse successo niente. C’è bisogno di informazione su quello che sta accadendo perché nel Mediterraneo è messa in gioco la democrazia europea”. Il soccorso in mare, infatti, è una cosa che nessuno Stato può interrompere, “mentre negli ultimi anni la macchina dei soccorsi è stata ostacolata più volte, si è spostata l’attenzione sulle ong definendole criminali – continua Porro – ma le ong fanno solo il 30% dei soccorsi in mare e purtroppo l’atmosfera ostile nei loro confronti ostacola anche quel 30% di salvataggi con la conseguenza che se a luglio 2017 le navi in mare erano 7, oggi ce n’è una sola e le donazioni per le ong sono crollate”.

      “Se non ci fossero le ong, la situazione sarebbe ancora più tragica di quella che è – spiega Rizzo – Dopo la chiusura di Mare Nostrum, sono rimaste solo le ong a fare questo lavoro metodicamente, lo fanno anche la Guardia costiera e la Marina, a volte navi cargo private, ma le ong sono quelle più attrezzate: in attesa che si regolino i flussi o che si facciano corridoi umanitari, questo è l’unico modo per non lasciare che le persone muoiano in mare”. Come spiegato nel fumetto, a bordo della nave ci sono 35 persone per ogni missione, a cui si aggiungono da 2 a 4 giornalisti, una missione dura circa 3 settimane. L’equipaggio è diviso in 3 squadre: la ciurma che risponde al capitano e si occupa di muovere la nave, la squadra che effettua i soccorsi e fa riferimento a Sos Méditerranée e il team di Medici senza frontiere che include medici, infermieri e mediatori culturali. “Una cosa che possiamo dire perché forse non è chiara è che tutte le operazioni sono coordinate dalla Guardia costiera italiana, dal Centro operativo di Roma – spiega Rizzo – Quindi se vogliamo ripetere l’accusa assurda di ‘taxi del mare’ rivolta alle ong allora qualcuno se la dovrebbe prendere anche con la Guardia costiera, cosa che ovviamente non viene fatta, perché è come se fosse la centrale operativa di quei taxi”.

      Il disegno è stato uno strumento efficace per avvicinare le persone a bordo della nave. “Arrivano tutti da situazioni traumatiche, non puoi andare lì con la macchina fotografica o la telecamera e puntargliela in faccia – racconta Bonaccorso – Allora mentre Marco parlava con loro, io mi sedevo accanto e iniziavo a ritrarli con la matita. In pochissimo tempo, erano tutti lì in fila per un ritratto. E per raccontarti la loro storia: il disegno era un modo per entrare in confidenza, farli distrarre e rompere il muro di diffidenza”. Sono tantissime le storie che Rizzo e Bonaccorso hanno raccolto nei 19 giorni sulla nave, tutte drammatiche, “ma c’è una cosa che molti sottovalutano ed è la situazione dei loro Paesi di provenienza – spiega Bonaccorso –, situazioni che loro non possono accettare e per questo scappano: quando abbiamo chiesto a un ragazzo eritreo cosa si aspetta dall’Europa, lui non ci ha risposto soldi o lavoro ma semplicemente libertà. E la libertà non si può negare a nessuno”.

      Ora l’intenzione dei due fumettisti è portare il libro nelle scuole: “Questo libro è uno strumento per fare informazione e porre una domanda, ‘cosa vogliamo fare di questo mondo in cui viviamo? – conclude Bonaccorso – Vogliamo accettare passivamente quello che accade o rimboccarci le maniche? E questo non vuole essere uno slogan ma uno stimolo sincero per cercare di cambiare le cose: voltarsi dall’altra parte significa lasciare un mondo devastato a chi verrà dopo di noi, devastato non dai migranti che arrivano nei nostri Paesi ma dalle azioni dei nostri Paesi”.

      #BD #livre

    • Exclusif : découvrez Boza, notre documentaire sur le sauvetage des migrants en Méditerranée

      Pour les migrants venus d’Afrique, la Méditerranée est la voie principale pour atteindre l’Europe, malgré le danger que représente sa traversée. Selon Médecins sans frontières (MSF), en 2016, au moins 5 000 hommes, femmes et enfants sont morts en tentant de traverser la Méditerranée, contre près de 2 800 en 2015. Depuis mai 2016, L’Aquarius, un navire affrété par l’association SOS Méditerranée, vient en aide aux migrants rescapés. Nous avons passé quinze jours à son bord, à la rencontre de son équipage et des migrants qu’il sauve.


    • Ong, Saviano replica a Salvini: «Il diritto del mare ha una regola sacra: non si lasciano annegare le persone»

      Lo scrittore e giornalista Roberto Saviano risponde attraverso un video alle parole pronunciate dal leader della Lega e neo ministro Matteo Salvini ("Le Ong? No ai vice scafisti che attraccano nei porti"): «La poca conoscenza che ha il ministro Salvini del diritto del mare lo porta a ignorare un elemento fondamentale: le Ong agiscono sempre coordinate dalla Guardia Costiera italiana, quindi sempre nel rispetto delle regole. Dando dei ’vice scafisti’ a persone che salvano vite in mare, sta dando anche colpa alla Guardia costiera italiana e di questo deve prendersene responsabilità». Infine dice: «Il diritto del mare ha una regola eterna: Non si lasciano persone a mare, non si lasciano annegare. E non sarà Salvini a interrompere questo diritto sacro»


    • Migranti, Salvini a Malta: «La nave Aquarius non può attraccare in Italia». La replica: «Non spetta a noi»

      La decisione del ministro dell’Interno che ha intimato a Malta di accettare la nave con a bordo 629 migranti che sta entrando nelle acque di competenza de La Valletta. Gino Strada: «Sconcertato nel vedere ministri razzisti o sbirri alla guida del mio Paese»


    • La richiesta di archiviazione della Procura di Palermo nel procedimento sulle ONG

      Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Palermo, richiesta di archiviazione, 13 giugno 2018
      Pubblici Ministeri Camilleri – Cescon – Ferrara

      Segnaliamo, in considerazione dell’interesse mediatico della vicenda, la richiesta di archiviazione, accolta dal GIP, presentata dalla Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Palermo in un procedimento penale che vedeva coinvolto il personale di due ONG che, dopo aver soccorso dei migranti, si recavano presso il porto di Lampedusa, dove facevano sbarcare i migranti.

      In punto di diritto, le fattispecie di reato ipotizzate, a carico di ignoti, erano quelle di associazione per delinquere (di cui all’art. 416, comma 6, cp) e favoreggiamento dell’immigrazione irregolare sul territorio nazionale (di cui all’ art. 12 D. Lgs 286 del 1998).

      La Procura di Palermo, dopo aver ricordato le coordinate giuridiche previste dal diritto internazionale con specifico riguardo al salvataggio in mare dei migranti e richiedenti asilo, si è soffermata sugli aspetti penalistici della condotta contestata e, in particolare, sulla scriminante prevista dall’art. 51 comma 1 c.p. (la quale, com’è noto, prevede che “l’esercizio di un diritto o l’adempimento di un dovere imposto da una norma giuridica o da un ordine legittimo della pubblica autorità, esclude la punibilità”) e sull’art. 12 comma 2 del d.lgs. 286/98 (secondo cui, “fermo restando quanto previsto dall’articolo 54 del codice penale, non costituiscono reato le attività di soccorso e assistenza umanitaria prestate in Italia nei confronti degli stranieri in condizioni di bisogno comunque presenti nel territorio dello Stato”).

      Nel caso in esame – si legge nella richiesta di archiviazione – «avendo l’imbarcazione umanitaria soccorso dei migranti che si trovavano in stato di pericolo, la condotta trova giustificazione nella predetta disciplina dell’art. 51 c.p. per aver adempiuto ad un obbligo imposto da una norma giuridica internazionale».

      Quanto, in particolare, alla nozione di pericolo tale da integrare la scriminante, il requstito della attualità «non deve essere intesa in senso assoluto, come rapporto di assoluta immediatezza tra la situazione di pericolo e l’azione necessitate, ma sta a significare che, nel momento in cui l’agente pone in essere il fatto costituente reato, esiste, secondo una valutazione ex ante che tenga conto di tutte le circostanze concrete e contingenti di tempi e di luogo, del tipo di danno temuto e della sua possibile prevenzione, la ragionevole minaccia di una causa imminente e prossima del danno».

      A tal proposito è sufficiente rilevare – concludono i magistrati – «come il sovraffollamento dei gommoni, la presenza a bordo di donne e minori imponga certamente agli operatori di considerare lo stato di pericolo in maniera evidentemente stringente e intervenire al più presto anche se le condizioni metereologiche non dovessero rappresentare, al momento del salvataggio, un problema».

      Altro tema – scrive la Procura – riguarda l’operato della ONG relativo al mancato raggiungimento di altri porti di approdo più vicini rispetto a quelli in cui avveniva lo sbarco.

      Circa tale aspetto, i pubblici ministeri hanno anzitutto richiamato il principio della «effettività del soccorso» e la «assoluta mancanza di cooperazione dello Stato di Malta nella gestione dei predetti eventi», i quali vanno letti alla luce del dovere giuridico di salvaguardare la vita dei migranti e di assicurare il rispetto dei principi umanitari.

      Ebbene, dal momento che «le operazioni di soccorso non si esauriscono nel mero recupero in mare dei migranti, ma devono completarsi e concludersi con lo sbarco in un luogo sicuro (POS, piace of safety)» – conclude la Procura – «il porto più vicino non deve individuarsi esclusivamente avuto riguardo alla posizione geografica, ma dovrà invece essere, necessariamente, quello che assicurerà il rispetto dei predetti diritti».


    • Migranti: accusati di terrorismo i dirottatori del mercantile approdato a Malta

      Con l’accusa di terrorismo, il tribunale della Valletta conferma gli arresti per tre delle persone fermate al momento dello sbarco del cargo El Hiblu 1, dirottato da un gruppo di migranti e attraccato a Malta con a bordo oltre 100 naufraghi.

      I tre adolescenti, solo uno di loro è maggiorenne e ha 19 anni, hanno preso possesso della nave, secondo le accuse, con minacce e intimidazioni; al momento dell’abbordaggio però non sono state trovate armi e non è stata opposta alcuna resistenza.

      Secondo il codice penale maltese il dirottamento di una nave è un "atto di terrorismo e i tre rischiano da 7 a 30 anni di carcere.

      Resta al momento ambigua la pozione del capitano del cargo, un libico, che ha affermato di aver perso il controllo del mercantile dopo aver soccorso i naufraghi. Gli inquirenti verifano se l’uomo abbia fornito una versione di comodo per poter entrare in acque maltesi.

      L’Italia aveva sbarrato la strada all’imbarcazione.

      #terrorisme #criminalisation #Elhiblu_1