
  • Eurovision: Belgium broadcaster interrupts semi final to condemn Israel’s war on Gaza
    10 mai 2024 11:32 BST | Middle East Eye

    A Belgian broadcaster interrupted its coverage of the Eurovision Song Contest semi-final on Thursday night to display a protest message condemning Israel’s war on Gaza.

    In an act organised by a trade union, the screen briefly went black ahead of the semi-final coverage on VRT, Belgium’s public-service broadcaster in Flemish.

    It then aired the message: “This is a union action. We condemn the human rights violations by the state of Israel. Moreover, the state of Israel destroys press freedom. Therefore, we are interrupting the broadcast momentarily.”

    The message concluded with the hashtags “CeasefireNow” and “StopGenocide”.

    Israeli singer Eden Golan participated in the semi-final on Thursday in the Swedish city of Malmo, qualifying for Saturday’s final. (...)


  • Eurovision 2024: Israel’s contestant booed on stage as boycott calls continue
    By Noor El-Terk
    9 May 2024 15:38 BST | Middle East Eye

    The Eurovision Song Contest was mired in further controversy on Wednesday when the Israeli contestant’s dress rehearsal performance was met with boos and shouts of “Free Palestine” from the audience.

    Eden Golan’s performance of "Hurricane’’ ahead of the second Eurovision semi-final on Thursday took place as Israel plans its incursion into the southern Gaza city of Rafah where almost 1.5m displaced Palestinians have fled to.

    Israel also faces accusations of war crimes and genocide for its ongoing assault on the Gaza Strip, which has left more than 34,900 Palestinians dead, the vast majority civilians.

    “Easily the most booing I’ve ever heard at #Eurovision but no major disruptions of Israel at the first show with a crowd,” journalist Ben Rothenberg posted on X, formerly Twitter.

    One person who said they attended the show said several members of the audience left during Eden Golan’s performance, and returned for the following contestant. (...)


  • Rafah invasion : With defeat in sight, how can Netanyahu declare victory ? | Middle East Eye

    Long et important article de David Hearst dont je ne cite que la fin (peut-être que la traduction française sortira rapidement). Dans la partie que j’ai laissée, de nombreux et documentés détails sur les dernières négociations et les volte-faces étasuniennes ?

    PA, the plotters came, as ever, unstuck in the reality of Gaza.
    A bigger headache

    All of this leaves Hamas confident that it can face and survive any further attempts by Israeli ground forces to wipe it out.

    “Their confidence in continuing the resistance is high,” one of my sources said. “Israel tried to use the destruction it wreaked as a lever to force a surrender. But that destruction became a two-edged sword. It exposed Israel in an unprecedented way. Israel itself is now in trouble, not Hamas. Their support is the highest since the war started. And [US President] Joe Biden is starting to feel the heat. All of this is giving Hamas confidence in the way they are negotiating.”

    There is no avoiding the fact that the forthcoming battle for Rafah will be a series of massacres, for which responsibility under international law will lie with Israel. The human price will be high.

    If Israeli forces do to Rafah what they did to Khan Younis, Rafah will be levelled. Khan Younis was previously described as Hamas’s headquarters, but Israeli forces withdrew after more than four months of bombardment with nothing to show for their campaign, except the complete destruction of the city.

    ’Our entry into Rafah will completely destroy our relations with the countries of the world and with the Arab countries with which we have peace’

    - Reserve Major General Yitzhak Barik

    After Rafah undergoes the same treatment, Israel will still not have recovered the hostages who remain alive, nor will it have captured or killed Hamas’s leaders. Hamas is confident on both scores.

    This point has been echoed by Barik: “Bibi also realises that entering Rafah will not bring anything. Rather, the opposite is true, as it will exacerbate the problem dozens of times. We will also be forced to leave Rafah after its occupation … Our entry into Rafah will completely destroy our relations with the countries of the world and with the Arab countries with which we have peace.

    “This will have very difficult consequences, above all: isolating the State of Israel in the political and economic spheres and imposing the arms embargo that has already begun. Entering Rafah will not leave any kidnapped person alive, and we will have many victims.”

    After Rafah, Netanyahu will have an even bigger headache than he has now: how to declare victory, when defeat is in sight.

  • De Science Po Paris à Harvard, les campus se mobilisent pour la Palestine
    Par MEE et agences | Jeudi 25 avril 2024 | Middle East Eye édition française

    Une étudiante regarde une rangée de soldats de l’État du Texas alors que des étudiants propalestiniens manifestent contre la guerre sur le campus de l’université du Texas à Austin, aux États-Unis, le 24 avril 2024 (Suzanne Cordeiro/AFP)

    « Science Po complice ! Israël assassin ! » C’est en scandant ce slogan que quelques dizaines d’étudiants de Science Po Paris ont évacué les locaux de l’école sur intervention des forces de l’ordre dans la nuit du mercredi 24 au jeudi 25 avril.

    Mercredi soir, « l’amphithéâtre extérieur du campus du 1 rue Saint-Thomas a été occupé par une soixantaine d’étudiants militant en faveur de la cause palestinienne, contribuant à un fort climat de tensions pour les étudiants, les enseignants et les salariés » de l’école, selon la direction qui a transmis un message à l’AFP.
    Selon des témoignages recueillis par l’AFP mercredi soir, les étudiants rassemblés sur le site de la grande école parisienne réclamaient que Science Po « coupe ses liens avec les universités et les entreprises qui sont complices du génocide à Gaza » et « la fin de la répression à l’encontre des voix propalestiniennes sur le campus ».

    Ce sit-in s’est tenu alors que plusieurs universités américaines sont le lieu de mobilisations étudiantes avec en toile de fond la guerre que mène Israël à Gaza. (...)


  • Guerre à Gaza : le clip satirique aux plus d’un million de vues qui étrille les dirigeants arabes | Middle East Eye édition française

    Le très populaire youtubeur yéménite Mustafa al-Momri veut dénoncer le silence et la complicité des leaders arabes avec Israël. En 48 heures, le succès de la chanson et du clip a dépassé les frontières du Yémen

    Vous reconnaîtrez facilement le président égyptien Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, le prince héritier saoudien Mohammed ben Salmane (MBS), le roi de Bahreïn Hamed ben Issa al-Khalifa ou encore le président des Émirats arabes unis Mohammed ben Zayed (MBZ). Autour de la table, il y a aussi un Tunisien et un Palestinien qui ne ressemblent ni à Kais Saied ni à Mahmoud Abbas.

    Mais le message du clip-parodie du youtubeur yéménite Mustafa al-Momri est très clair. La chanson, « Moussaytara » (celle qui domine, en référence à Israël), tourne en ridicule les dirigeants arabes qui ont normalisé leurs relations avec Israël ou sont accusés, par leur silence, de complicité avec Israël.

    Dans le clip, qui cumule, entre la chaîne YouTube et son compte X, plus d’un million de vues en 48 heures, tous sont réunis autour d’un rabbin, interprété par Mustafa al-Momri, qui chante et qui danse sur la table.

    Sissi s’approche de lui en l’interpellant à la manière égyptienne quand on veut s’adresser avec respect à une personne : « Salut Pacha, comment vas-tu, Pacha ? » Il embrasse ensuite la main du rabbin en lui disant : « Bienvenue au chef du monde entier, bienvenue à la couronne de nos têtes, bienvenue à celui qui nous illumine. »

    Les autres arrivent dans la pièce et lui témoignent les mêmes marques d’allégeance.

    Le rabbin prend ensuite la parole : « Vous les Arabes, vous êtes une grande farce. »

    En faisant référence à la guerre que mène Israël dans la bande de Gaza, il poursuit : « Gaza est une tombe. Chaque jour nous bombardons, nous provoquons un massacre […] Écoutez-vous, vous êtes des ânes, nous allons continuer à bombarder et à frapper, nous allons continuer le siège pendant que les Égyptiens ferment la frontière. »

    Alors qu’il danse sur la table, les dirigeants humiliés le regardent en souriant et l’applaudissent. Soudain, un combattant du Hamas entre dans la pièce. Les dirigeants s’enfuient tandis qu’il attrape le rabbin qui demande à être sauvé, le fait tomber au sol et le traîne à l’extérieur.

    Mustafa al-Momri est très populaire au Yémen. Sa chaîne YouTube compte plus de deux millions d’abonnés. Ses vidéos satiriques, qui ont notamment ciblé les dirigeants yéménites et les Houthis, ou encore critiqué les conditions de vie dans les zones contrôlées par les milices, lui ont valu des problèmes avec la justice.

    Avec d’autres militants, il a comparu en janvier 2023 devant un tribunal spécialisé dans les « affaires de terrorisme et de sécurité de l’État » à Sanaa, pour avoir accusé les Houthis de corruption, rapporte un site d’informations local.

    Le site al-arabinews explique que le clip de « Moussaytara » a suscité une approbation massive de la part des spectateurs, avec des milliers de commentaires élogieux sur la justesse de la satire, mais aussi des inquiétudes sur les possibles répercussions diplomatiques, notamment des représailles contre la diaspora yéménite dans les pays mentionnés.

  • Olivier Cyran sur X : « Le drone tueur qui diffuse des pleurs de bébé pour attirer les morts de faim hors de leur cachette et pouvoir les exécuter plus facilement. Dire que cette chose a été pensée, conçue, fabriquée et mise en service par des gens certainement fiers d’avoir si bien fait leur travail. » / X

    War on Gaza : Israeli drones lure Palestinians with crying children recordings then shoot them | Middle East Eye

  • War on Gaza: Who’s afraid of Francesca Albanese?
    Hamid Dabashi | 10 April 2024 | Middle East Eye

    Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, is a legal scholar, the first woman to hold this pivotal position, and an all-round pain in the neck for genocidal Zionists from Tel Aviv to London to New York.

    Today, she is the voice of the global conscience speaking truth to the vulgar warmongers committing atrocities in Gaza.

    The bold, brilliant and thoroughly researched report Albanese recently issued, aptly titled “Anatomy of a Genocide”, has inspired much admiration around the globe for her tireless work - but also horror and fury among Zionists who do not want Israel’s genocide in Palestine to have such an eloquent, precise and detailed account.

    This is the second such account after the one prepared by South Africa’s legal team against the unfolding Israeli genocide at the International Court of Justice. That equally compelling document now foregrounds Albanese’s report as two solid records holding the Israeli settler colony to account for the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people.

    Fooled and deluded by the Israel lobby in the US, and by western media propaganda, genocidal Zionists might be under the illusion that like the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand, the world is blind to the Israeli state’s savagery in Palestine - especially as the lobby has bought and paid for American politicians, who continue to procure weapons that fuel this horror. (...)

  • War on Gaza: Palestinians recover bodies left by Israeli army during al-Shifa raid
    By Mohammed al-Hajjar in Gaza, occupied Palestine and Nader Durgham in Beirut
    Published date: 9 April 2024 13:29 BST | Middle East Eye

    . Emergency services and civil defence personnel carry a recovered body from al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, 8 April 2024 (Mohammed al-Hajar/MEE)

    Palestinians are recovering the bodies of those killed by Israel’s two-week raid on al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City, but identification is proving difficult because of the state of decomposition.

    After Israeli forces withdrew from the hospital on 1 April, teams from several government ministries have been deployed to al-Shifa to remove and identify bodies before burying them in cemeteries.

    “We are now digging up all the martyrs that were executed by the [Israeli] army,” Hussein Mahassen, ambulance director in the Gaza Strip, told Middle East Eye. “Our capacities are very limited, as we are working with just one bulldozer.”

    While it is unclear how many bodies have been buried in the hospital’s yard, the Civil Defence said that they have recovered 409 bodies from the medical complex since the withdrawal of Israeli forces.

    Mahassen said his team expects to find between 200 and 300 bodies buried in the ground in al-Shifa, but cannot confirm this number. (...)

    • L’"insoutenable" recensement des victimes dans les ruines d’un hôpital de Gaza
      France 24 - Publié le : 09/04/2024

      Dans l’hôpital Al-Chifa de Gaza, transformé en champ de ruines par les combats entre Israël et le Hamas palestinien, l’identification des cadavres est une nouvelle épreuve pour les secours et les familles sur un site qui « n’évoque plus que la mort ».

      « Nous manquons de l’équipement nécessaire et le temps ne joue pas en notre faveur, nous devons terminer avant que les corps ne se décomposent », dit à un correspondant de l’AFP sur place Amjad Aliwa, directeur du service des urgences de l’établissement.

      Sur les images tournées par l’AFP, les bâtiments du complexe sont pulvérisés et calcinés, encombrés de gravats. A l’extérieur, des restes humains sont retirés des décombres par les équipes d’intervention et placés dans des sacs mortuaires.

      « Vous pouvez sentir, l’odeur de la mort est omniprésente », dit Mutasem Salah, directeur du centre d’opérations d’urgence de Gaza, évoquant des scènes « insoutenables ».

      L’enceinte d’al-Chifa a accueilli des dizaines de milliers de déplacés qui s’y étaient installés pour s’abriter des combats qui font rage dans la bande de Gaza depuis le lancement de l’offensive israélienne en représailles à l’attaque sans précédent menée par le Hamas le 7 octobre 2023.

  • UK : Labour cuts ties with major Muslim organisation | Middle East Eye

    En parler au responsable du PS (Il s’appelle comment déjà ?)

    The UK’s Labour Party has cut ties with one of the UK’s most prominent Muslim organisations after the government’s communities secretary, Michael Gove, said the group would be investigated for extremism.

    On Monday, Labour told The Telegraph that it had adopted a policy of non-engagement with Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend).

    The move signals that Labour supports the Conservative government’s controversial counter-extremism agenda.

    Mend was established in 2008 and focuses on addressing issues of Islamophobia, discrimination, and social injustice within Muslim communities.

    It describes its primary purpose as empowering and engaging British Muslims to actively participate in society while advocating for their rights and interests. Mend’s activities include community outreach programmes, educational workshops, and campaigns aimed at raising awareness about Islamophobia and combating prejudice.

  • October 7: Forensic analysis shows Hamas abuses, many false Israeli claims
    By Richard Sanders and Al Jazeera Investigative Unit
    Published On 21 Mar 202421 Mar 2024 | Al Jazeera

    Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit (I-Unit) has carried out a forensic analysis of the events of October 7, when Hamas fighters launched an incursion into Israel that has transformed the politics of the Middle East.

    October 7 reveals widespread human rights abuses by Hamas fighters and others who followed them through the fence from the Gaza Strip and draws up a comprehensive list of those killed. (...)


    • Guerre à Gaza : Al Jazeera révèle le récit du 7 octobre que les grands médias négligent de rapporter
      Peter Oborne | Vendredi 29 mars 2024 | MEE

      Un nouveau documentaire révèle la manière dont des allégations fausses et incendiaires concernant l’attaque menée par le Hamas en Israël se sont imposées dans la presse

      Précis. Sobre. Perspicace. Rigoureux. L’unité d’investigation d’Al Jazeera a produit un film documentaire qui raconte ce qui s’est réellement passé le 7 octobre.

      Ce documentaire, qui fait autorité, n’hésite pas à détailler les atrocités et les crimes de guerre perpétrés par le Hamas. Il démontre toutefois, sans l’ombre d’un doute, que nombre des récits macabres émanant de sources israéliennes sont fallacieux.

      Les récits particulièrement incendiaires, qu’il s’agisse des allégations de viol généralisé ou de bébés décapités et brûlés, n’étaient pas étayés par des preuves ou étaient des mensonges purs et simples. Pourtant, ils ont ouvert la voie à la sauvagerie meurtrière de l’assaut israélien sur Gaza qui a suivi et qui a été décrit par la Cour internationale de justice comme constituant un génocide plausible.

      Al Jazeera propose une analyse minutieuse de la manière dont ces récits ont été diffusés auprès du public. Cela implique un examen approfondi de Zaka, l’unité israélienne d’intervention d’urgence composée d’auxiliaires médicaux qualifiés qui interviennent lors d’événements terroristes et d’homicides. (...)

    • War on Gaza: We were lied into genocide. Al Jazeera has shown us how Jonathan Cook | Middle East Eye | 28 March 2024 12:28 GMT

      (...) First, the crimes Hamas committed against civilians in Israel on 7 October - and those it did not - have been used to overshadow the fact that it carried out a spectacularly sophisticated military operation on 7 October in breaking out of a long-besieged Gaza.

      The group knocked out Israel’s top-flight surveillance systems that had kept the enclave’s 2.3 million inhabitants imprisoned for decades. It smashed holes in Israel’s highly fortified barrier surrounding Gaza in at least 10 locations. And it caught unawares Israel’s many military camps next to the enclave that had been enforcing the occupation at arms’ length.

      More than 350 Israeli soldiers, armed police and guards were killed that day.

      Second, the documentary undermines the conspiracy theory that Israeli leaders allowed the Hamas attack to justify the ethnic cleansing of Gaza - a plan Israel has been actively working on since at least 2007, when it appears to have received US approval.

      True, Israeli intelligence officials involved in the surveillance of Gaza had been warning that Hamas was preparing a major operation. But those warnings were discounted not because of a conspiracy. After all, none of the senior echelons in Israel stood to benefit from what unfolded on 7 October.

      Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is finished politically as a result of the Hamas attack, and will likely end up in jail after the current carnage in Gaza ends.
      A colonial arrogance

      Israel’s genocidal response to 7 October has made Israel’s brand so toxic internationally, and more so with Arab publics in the region, that Saudi Arabia has had to break off plans for a normalisation agreement, which had been Israel and Washington’s ultimate hope.

      And the Hamas operation has crushed the worldwide reputation of the Israeli military for invincibility. It has inspired Yemen’s Ansar Allah (the Houthis) to attack vessels in the Red Sea. It is emboldening Israel’s arch-enemy, Hezbollah, in neighbouring Lebanon. It has reinvigorated the idea that resistance is possible across the much-oppressed Middle East.
      Israel-Palestine war: Why is the media ignoring evidence of Israel’s own actions on 7 October?
      Read More »

      No, it was not a conspiracy that opened the door to Hamas’ attack. It was colonial arrogance, based on a dehumanising view shared by the vast majority of Israelis that they were the masters and that the Palestinians - their slaves - were far too primitive to strike a meaningful blow.

      The attacks of 7 October should have forced Israelis to reassess their dismissive attitude towards the Palestinians and address the question of whether Israel’s decades-long regime of apartheid and brutal subjugation could - and should - continue indefinitely.

      Predictably, Israelis ignored the message of Hamas’ attack and dug deeper into their colonial mindset.

      The supposed primitivism that, it was assumed, made the Palestinians too feeble an opponent to take on Israel’s sophisticated military machine has now been reframed as proof of a Palestinian barbarousness that makes Gaza’s entire population so dangerous, so threatening, that they have to be wiped out.

      The Palestinians who, most Israelis had concluded, could be caged like battery chickens indefinitely, and in ever-shrinking pens, are now viewed as monsters that have to be culled. That impulse was the genesis of Israel’s current genocidal plan for Gaza. (...)

  • War on Gaza: How Israeli soldiers assaulted Palestinians during the raid on al-Shifa hospital
    Survivors of the attack on hospital’s vicinity recall executions, torture and abuse by Israeli soldiers during a week-long operation
    By Mohammed al-Hajjar and Abubaker Abed and Osama Kahlout in Gaza, occupied Palestine

    Published date: 25 March 2024 16:15 GMT | Last update: 17 hours 34 mins ago | Middle East Eye

    Survivors of the Israeli attack on al-Shifa hospital and its vicinity in Gaza City have recounted their experiences to Middle East Eye, a week after the raid.

    Israeli forces have been attacking and laying siege to al-Shifa hospital since Monday 18 March. The medical complex is the largest in the Gaza Strip, with some 30,000 people seeking refuge there prior to the current raid.

    The surgical building was destroyed on Thursday, and many displaced people were forced to leave the medical complex, the largest in the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, civilians in the vicinity of the hospital have reported being trapped under Israeli fire for days.

    The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor rights group said on Saturday that it documented “a series of crimes systematically committed by Israeli forces” in the area of the hospital in Gaza City over the past week.

    The abuses , according to Euro-Med, include extrajudicial executions, communication cutoffs, and intense shelling targeting homes surrounding the medical complex.

    Adel AbdRabbouh, 29, was an eyewitness to the Israeli attack on the hospital last week as he arrived there to visit his cousins.

    At around 11am last Monday, he watched as Israeli quadcopters, tanks, warplanes and military vehicles encircled the hospital.

    He said “thousands of bullets” were fired at the hospital, which forced him to stay put as he feared being shot at if he fled the building.

    “People were falling [...] like leaves from Israeli bullets; patients were left alone moaning from pain inside; women were calling their children, and children were crying out in panic. That was the scene,” he told Middle East Eye.

    Then, AbdRabbouh said that approximately 500 Israeli soldiers stormed the hospital, instructing everyone not to move.

    They began apprehending those who could walk and had no life-threatening wounds, he added.

    “Initially assuring us no harm would come, they proceeded to kill at least 300 civilians. We were mere toys in their hands," he said.

    Despite sustaining severe fractures and burns on his left leg during the attack, AbdRabbouh was among those detained in the raid.

    Over 500 individuals, including women and children, were also detained, he told MEE.

    “Men were stripped, beaten, blindfolded and handcuffed. We were herded into the courtyard and later subjected to interrogation,” he added.

    AbdRabbouh said he underwent three rounds of questioning by Israeli soldiers, each round lasting 15 minutes.

    Soldiers asked him whether he had encountered any Palestinian fighters. Following 45 minutes of interrogation per person, they were left naked outside the hospital, and received nothing for iftar except a small bottle of water.

    They remained in this state until the following morning when they were instructed to march to Al-Rasheed Street, near Istanbul Cafe. On Wednesday morning, they were released and ordered to flee south.

    “Despite our exhaustion, wounds, and dehydration, we had to trek for seven hours to Deir al-Balah. I arrived there on the brink of death," he recounted. (...)

  • Guerre à Gaza : Netanyahou « suggère que le nouveau port construit par les États-Unis pourrait aider à expulser les Palestiniens » | Middle East Eye édition française

    […] lors d’une réunion privée de la commission des Affaires étrangères et de la Sécurité de la Knesset, Netanyahou a suggéré que le port pourrait également faciliter l’expulsion des Palestiniens de Gaza.

    Netanyahou a affirmé qu’il n’y avait « aucun obstacle » à ce que les Palestiniens quittent la bande de Gaza, hormis le refus d’autres pays de les accepter, selon un journaliste de Kan News.

  • Louis Vuitton pris dans une controverse liée à Gaza à propos d’un T-shirt « pastèque » | Middle East Eye édition française

    Vraiment, l’ "antisémitisme" se niche partout ! Mais Louis Vuitton, c’est une surprise ;-) C’est très bien, cela ridiculise encore un peu plus ce type d’accusation.

    Louis Vuitton pris dans une controverse liée à Gaza à propos d’un T-shirt « pastèque »
    Les internautes pro-palestiniens accusent la maison de haute couture française de marketing opportuniste, tandis que les partisans d’Israël qualifient le T-shirt d’« antisémite »
    Le T-shirt blanc présente les initiales Louis Vuitton en rose, vert et noir, amenant certains utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux à le comparer à une pastèque, symbole de la résistance palestinienne

    • https://fr.timesofisrael.com/des-tee-shirts-propalestiniens-a-800-dollars-vendus-par-louis-vuit

      Une image du tee-shirt a circulé sur les groupes juifs, sur les réseaux sociaux, et sur les pages des groupes de lutte contre l’antisémitisme, au début de la semaine – provoquant l’inquiétude de certains internautes juifs, préoccupés à l’idée qu’une marque de luxe ait adopté de manière claire un positionnement propalestinien dans la guerre. D’autres ont juré qu’ils n’achèteraient plus jamais quoi que ce soit chez Louis Vuitton, estimant que le tee-shirt n’est que le prolongement d’antécédents troublants pour la vénérable maison de couture dont les fondateurs avaient notamment apporté un soutien matériel aux collaborateurs des nazis dans la France de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

      Les représentants de LVMH, le conglomérat propriétaire de Louis Vuitton, n’ont pas répondu à nos demandes de commentaires. Mais il y a toutefois des preuves attestant du fait que le logo a été créé avant la guerre en cours dans la bande de Gaza, une guerre qui avait commencé le 7 octobre quand des milliers de terroristes placés sous la direction du Hamas avaient massacré près de 1 200 personnes dans le sud d’Israël, des civils en majorité, et qu’ils avaient enlevé 253 personnes, prises en otage au sein de l’enclave côtière.

  • Germany: Berlin schools asked to distribute leaflet describing the 1948 Nakba as a ’myth’ | Middle East Eye

    Germany’s leading Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the opposition Christian Democratic Party (CDU) have ordered high schools in Berlin’s borough of Neukolln to distribute brochures titled The Myth of Israel #1948.

    During a public meeting of the Neukolln district council of Berlin on Wednesday, a motion was passed stating that "the district office is asked to advocate the use of the brochure “Myths#Israel1948” in Neukolln’s secondary schools to confront existing anti-Semitic narratives within the educational framework of the school".

    “The expanded definition of antisemitism of the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) and the German government should also be communicated”, the motion added.

    The brochure is created by the Jewish association Masiyot, which was founded in 2022 and enjoys the support of the Berliner Landeszentrale fur politische Bildung, the Federal Center for Political Education.

    It seeks to unite professionals from different disciplines to “raise awareness of authoritarian ideologies through education, enlightenment and criticism”, the website says.
    The brochure states there are five “myths” around the creation of the state of Israel, which are subsequently refuted in short essays by various authors.

    In the first section, debunking myth #1, that Jews and Arabs lived together in peace before Israel was founded, Israel’s pre-state militia, the Haganah, responsible for the destruction of 531 Palestinian villages and the expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians between December 1947 and the summer of 1948, is promoted as a merely “defensive” Jewish resistance movement.

    Under ’Myth #2: Israel was established on stolen Palestinian land’, Masiyot states that the acquisition of land by Jewish immigrants to Palestine took the form of a legal exchange of capital for an official title deed.

    At no point in history was land illegally conquered by Jewish immigrants, the author of the text, Michael Spaney, claims.

    Even land conquered following the wars of 1948 and 1967 and the subsequent construction of settlements, which are internationally recognised as a violation of international law, did not occur unlawfully, it says.

    “Anyone who uses the accusation of land theft as an argument demonises Israel and denies its legitimacy, i.e. acts out of antisemitic motives,” Spaney wrote.

    “Myth #5: Israel is to blame for the Nakba”, includes a text by researcher Shany Mor titled “the UN is distorting the meaning of the Nakba: its view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is extremely one-sided”.

    In the text, Mor states that “displacement during war - then and now - was nothing unusual”.

    He also labels the UN’s attention to the Palestinian cause “obsessive” and the Arab defeat of 1948 a myth.

    “In the 1948 War of Independence, 6000 Jews were killed, fully 1% of the total population (was it a genocide?)”, a Twitter post by Mor reads.

  • Energy firms face legal threat over Israeli licences to drill for gas off Gaza
    By Dania Akkad | 15 February 2024 14:28 GMT | Middle East Eye
    Rights groups say exploration licences handed to companies in first weeks of war encroach on Palestinian waters and may amount to the war crime of pillaging

    Major energy companies awarded licences by Israel to explore for gas off Gaza’s coast have been warned that they could face legal action for possible breaches of Palestinian maritime sovereignty and war pillaging.

    Israel’s Ministry of Energy granted exploration rights to three companies - Italian energy giant Eni, UK-based Dana Energy and Israel’s Ratio Petroleum - three weeks after the war on Gaza began in October.

    Lawyers working on behalf of three Palestinian NGOs - Al Haq, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights and Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights - notified the companies in letters this month that they would use “all legal mechanisms to the fullest extent” if they proceeded and called on them to desist from any activities relating to the licences.

    The organisations contend that over half of the zone for which the companies were awarded licences lies within Palestine’s maritime boundaries.

    Those boundaries were declared in 2015 when the Palestinians acceded to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the international agreement providing the legal framework for all marine and maritime activities. (...)

    #gaz #gaza #exploration_gazière #pillage_de_guerre

  • Guerre à Gaza : les forces israéliennes tuent un Palestinien après lui avoir demandé d’avertir les déplacés d’évacuer l’hôpital
    Par Nadda Osman et Areeb Ullah- Mercredi 14 février 2024 - 17:11 | Middle East Eye édition française

    Les forces israéliennes ont abattu un Palestinien mardi 13 février après l’avoir envoyé à l’hôpital al-Nasser de Khan Younès (sud) pour avertir les déplacés qui s’y trouvaient d’évacuer, selon les médias locaux.
    Sur des images diffusées en ligne, on voit l’homme, vêtu d’une combinaison de protection et les mains liées, parler à des Palestiniens à l’intérieur de l’hôpital.

    Selon le témoignage vidéo du journaliste palestinien Mohammed Akram al-Helo, relayé par les médias locaux, l’homme a été arrêté à l’hôpital et détenu par les forces israéliennes, avant d’y être renvoyé pour avertir les personnes présentes à l’hôpital qu’elles devaient quitter le bâtiment.

    « Il a raconté que les forces israéliennes l’avaient harcelé et maltraité, et que s’il ne faisait pas ce qu’on lui demandait, elles prendraient d’assaut l’hôpital, blesseraient les gens et le tueraient », explique Mohammed Akram al-Helo.

    « Lorsqu’il a finalement quitté l’hôpital après avoir fait ce qu’on lui a demandé, les soldats israéliens lui ont tiré dessus, à trois reprises, de sang-froid, à proximité de l’hôpital », ajoute-t-il. « Sa mère a essayé de le convaincre de ne pas sortir de l’hôpital, mais il devait sortir parce qu’il était gravement menacé. » (...)

  • War on Gaza: EU’s Josep Borrell calls on states to ’provide less arms’ to Israel
    By MEE staff | 13 February 2024 10:27 GMT | Middle East Eye

    Josep Borrell, the EU foreign policy chief, has urged states to stop arming Israel if they want to stop Palestinian civilians being killed in Gaza.

    Speaking on Monday, Borrell was responding to US President Joe Biden’s statement that Israel’s conduct in its military campaign in the besieged enclave was “over the top”.

    “Well, if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms in order to prevent so many people having been killed,” the EU chief diplomate said. “Is [it] not logical?”

    Borel was speaking in Brussels alongside Philippe Lazzarini, head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Unrwa.

    “How many times have you heard the most prominent leaders and foreign ministers around the world saying too many people are being killed?” Borrell asked.
    “If the international community believes that this is a slaughter, that too many people are being killed, maybe we have to think about the provision of arms.”

    The comments came just hours after Israeli air strikes on Rafah in southern Gaza killed at least 67 people. (...)

  • War on Gaza: ICC prosecutor threatens Israel with potential action over military activity in Rafah
    By MEE staff - 12 February 2024 21:10 GMT | Middle East Eye

    International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan said he was “deeply concerned” about reports of the bombardment and potential entry of Israeli troops into Rafah in Gaza, saying that his office may be pushed to take action against Israel.

    “All wars have rules and the laws applicable to armed conflict cannot be interpreted so as to render them hollow or devoid of meaning. This has been my consistent message, including from Ramallah last year,” he wrote.

    “Since that time, I have not seen any discernible change in conduct by Israel. As I have repeatedly emphasised, those who do not comply with the law should not complain later when my Office takes action pursuant to its mandate.”

    Khan posted the statement on the social media platform X on Monday, adding that his office has an ongoing and active investigation “into the situation in the State of Palestine”.

    Agnes Callamard, the secretary general at Amnesty International, also took to X to say that there is nowhere safe for Palestinians to go following the air strikes in Rafah.

    “The Israeli incursion will have devastating consequences. Mass killings, forced transfers, more war crimes. The carnage must stop,” Callamard said.

    Khan has been a vocal critic of Israel’s military assault in Gaza since the war on Gaza started on 7 October after the Hamas-led attacks on southern Israel. In late October, Israel said it would not allow Khan to enter the country, according to reports in the Israeli press.

    Khan, speaking from the Rafah crossing at the time, expressed his desire to enter Gaza and Israel to investigate potential crimes.

    Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, which established the ICC, and is not a member of the Hague-based court.

    However, the ICC can investigate nationals of non-member states in some circumstances, including when alleged crimes are committed in the territories of member states.

    The Palestinian Authority is a member of the court. However, Israel refuses to allow members of the ICC to enter the occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank and Gaza.

    In December, Khan called on Israel to respect the international rules of war and said he was accelerating his investigation into violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, issuing a statement similar to the one made on Monday.

    “I was crystal clear, that this is the time to comply with the law. If Israel doesn’t comply now, they shouldn’t complain later.” (...)


  • Gaza : fortes craintes pour Rafah après l’annonce d’une opération israélienne
    Publié le : 08/02/2024 - Bilan

    ■ Alors que le groupe palestinien Hamas avait confirmé mardi 6 février avoir remis sa réponse aux médiateurs égyptiens et qatariens au sujet de la proposition de trêve qui lui avait été formulée, Israël a refusé ce projet. Selon lui, « Capituler devant les exigences délirantes du Hamas », a-t-il lancé, « non seulement n’amènera pas la libération des otages, mais entraînera un autre massacre ». Il prône le maintien de la pression.

    ■ Benyamin Netanyahu a également mis en application ce que son gouvernement annonçait depuis plusieurs jours : « Nous avons donné l’ordre aux forces de défense israéliennes de préparer une opération à Rafah ainsi que dans deux camps » de réfugiés. Il y voit les « derniers bastions » du Hamas.

    ■ Mais une telle opération terrestre suscite une grande crainte. L’ONU s’alarme à l’idée d’une invasion terrestre à Rafah, qui pourrait « constituer un crime de guerre ». À la frontière avec l’Égypte, la ville concentre désormais la moitié de la population palestinienne, venue se réfugier, suivant notamment des instructions israéliennes. Sa population a été multipliée par 5, des réfugiés s’entassant parfois sur des cimetières.

    ■ « Un nouveau cycle de négociations » débute jeudi au Caire sous le parrainage de l’Égypte et du Qatar, visant à obtenir « le calme dans la bande de Gaza » ainsi qu’un échange de prisonniers palestiniens et d’otages israéliens, a annoncé un responsable égyptien. Le Hamas a indiqué y envoyer une délégation, menée par un haut responsable de son bureau politique.

    ■ Selon le dernier bilan du ministère de la Santé du Hamas, communiqué mercredi 7 février, 27 708 personnes ont été tuées à Gaza depuis le début de la guerre, le 7 octobre 2023. Les morts sont en majorité des femmes, des adolescents et des enfants. On dénombre également 67 147 blessés.


    Des frappes mortelles dans la nuit font au moins 109 morts dans le sud de bande de Gaza

    Dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, des témoins et des sources hospitalières ont fait état de frappes mortelles dans le sud de la bande de Gaza, notamment à Rafah, le ministère de la Santé du Hamas dénombrant au total 109 morts de mercredi en soirée à jeudi matin.
