
  • Le partenariat sanglant entre l’UE et Israël
    Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada, le 5 juin 2019

    Dans une lettre adressée mardi à la haute représentante de l’Union européenne pour les affaires étrangères Federica Mogherini et au Commissaire européen à la recherche Carlos Moedas, les chercheurs ont dénoncé la manière dont des fonds sont accordés aux fabricants d’armes israéliens tels qu’Elbit Systems et Israel Aerospace Industries, « ceux qui ont produit les drones meurtriers qui ont été utilisés dans les assauts militaires à Gaza contre des civils, avec le concours de nombreuses institutions académiques qui ont des liens étroits avec l’industrie militaire israélienne ».

    #Palestine #Europe #Union_Européenne #complicité #Boycott #Embargo_militaire #Université #Boycott_universitaire #BDS

  • L’« accord du siècle » ? La bénédiction américaine au vol de terres et à la ghettoïsation des Palestiniens par Israël
    Jonathan Cook - Vendredi 10 mai 2019 - Middle East Eye édition française

    Un rapport publié cette semaine par le journal Israel Hayom dévoilant apparemment « l’accord du siècle » de Donald Trump donne l’impression d’un plan de paix qui aurait pu être élaboré par un agent immobilier ou un vendeur de voitures.

    Mais si l’authenticité du document n’est pas prouvée et au contraire même contestée, il existe de sérieuses raisons de croire qu’il ouvre la voie à toute déclaration future de l’administration Trump. (...)

  • The Future Is Here, and It Features Hackers Getting Bombed – Foreign Policy

    Smoke billows from a targeted neighborhood in Gaza City during an Israeli airstrike on the Hamas-run Palestinian enclave on May 5.

    Israeli armed forces responded to a Hamas cyberattack by bombing the group’s hacking headquarters.

    With an airstrike on Sunday, the Israeli military provided a glimpse of the future of warfare.

    After blocking a cyberattack that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said was launched by operatives working on behalf of the militant group Hamas, the IDF carried out an airstrike in Gaza targeting the building in which the hackers worked, partially destroying it. The strike appears to be the first time that a nation’s military has responded in real time to a cyberattack with physical force.

    In a tweet, the IDF declared victory, saying: “We thwarted an attempted Hamas cyber offensive against Israeli targets. Following our successful cyber defensive operation, we targeted a building where the Hamas cyber operatives work.

    HamasCyberHQ.exe has been removed,” the tweet added, in what appears to have been a macabre attempt at a joke using an invented file name.

    For years, countries have used policy documents and strategy white papers to warn that they reserved the right to choose the method by which they respond to cyberattacks, either in kind through cyberspace or with physical force, said Catherine Lotrionte, an expert on international law and a professor at Georgetown University. Now, Israel has made those warnings concrete.

    You’ve got a physical operation against a building that was in response to an ongoing cyberattack or at least a cyberattack that Hamas was planning—that’s the interesting part,” Lotrionte said.

    Key questions remain about the Israeli operation, and IDF officials declined to answer questions from Foreign Policy about the nature of the attack launched by Hamas against Israel.

    In a press statement, the IDF said Hamas “attempted to establish offensive cyber capabilities within the Gaza Strip and to try and harm the Israeli cyber realm.” These “efforts were discovered in advance and thwarted,” and following the operation to thwart the cyberattack, “the IDF attacked a building from which the members of Hamas’ cyber array operated.

    The decision to bomb a Hamas hacking unit comes as armed forces are increasingly integrating cyberoperations into their militaries, and the Israeli decision to target such a unit was completely unsurprising to scholars and practitioners of cyberwarfare.

    It’s no surprise that in a digital age marked by heightened risk of cyberwarfare a nation-state engaged in a noninternational armed conflict would regard the cyber-capabilities of its adversary as valid military targets under international law,” said David Simon, a lawyer at the law firm Mayer Brown who worked on cybersecurity policy and operations as a special counsel at the U.S. Defense Department.

    And even if the notion of bombing hackers appears surprising on its face, Israel was likely on solid legal footing when it did so, provided that the hackers were in fact carrying out an offensive operation on behalf of a militant group engaged in armed conflict with Israel.

    Legal experts emphasized that the context of Sunday’s strike was key in understanding Israel’s calculus to carry it out. The strike came amid a renewed period of fighting that saw Palestinian militants fire hundreds of rockets into Israeli territory, with Israel responding with an intense artillery and aerial barrage of Gaza.

    Militaries around the world have recognized cyberspace as a domain of military operations, and that leaves hackers participating in an armed conflict in a highly exposed position. “Hackers who are engaged in military attacks are legitimate targets,” said Gary Brown, a cyberlaw professor at the National Defense University.

    Militant groups such as Hamas have invested heavily in their online operations in recent years, using them as a way to poke at far more powerful, better resourced opponents. Cyberspace serves as a key way to distribute propaganda and gain intelligence about adversaries.

    In one notorious example, a hacker working on behalf of the militant group Islamic Jihad pleaded guilty in 2017 to charges of hacking into the video feeds of IDF drones carrying out surveillance over Gaza.

    Sunday’s bombing is not the first time hackers have been targeted in airstrikes—though it is believed to be the first time hackers engaged in an ongoing operation have been hit. In 2015, a U.S. airstrike in Syria killed the Islamic State hacker Junaid Hussain, who had become a prolific propagandist and recruiter for the group.

    Hussain hacked into the personal accounts of hundreds of U.S. service members and posted their personal information online and helped recruit the men who opened fire in 2015 on a cartoon exhibition in Garland, Texas. As he ascended the ranks of the Islamic State’s leadership, he was singled out to be killed.

    Hussain’s killing arguably laid the groundwork for Sunday’s strike, which experts argue sends a message to hackers engaged in offensive activity.

    It’s kind of a wake-up call for people who thought they were going to be able to engage in cyberactivity with impunity,” Brown said. “It now looks like states are willing to reach behind the lines and strike hackers.

    • Si je lis bien le communiqué des Forces de défense israéliennes, il ne s’agit pas du tout d’une riposte comme cela est repris partout, mais bien d’une attaque préemptive, pour parler comme un précédent président états-unien.

      CLEARED FOR RELEASE: We thwarted an attempted Hamas cyber offensive against Israeli targets. Following our successful cyber defensive operation, we targeted a building where the Hamas cyber operatives work.

      HamasCyberHQ.exe has been removed.

      Je ne trouve pas le communiqué de presse du porte-parolat de l’armée israélienne. Mais celui-ci semble sans ambiguïté.

      IDF : Hamas cyber attack against Israel foiled - Israel National News

      Over the course of the weekend, a joint IDF and Israel Security Agency (ISA) operation thwarted an attempted cyber attack by Hamas targeting Israeli sites, according to a press release by the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit on Sunday.

      The Hamas terrorist organization attempted to establish offensive cyber capabilities within the Gaza Strip and to try and harm Israeli cyber targets.

      All of Hamas’ efforts were discovered in advance and thwarted. Hamas’ cyber efforts, which included an attempt in recent days, failed to achieve its goals.

      Following Israel’s technological activities to stop Hamas’s cyber efforts, the IDF attacked a building from which the members of Hamas’ cyber array operated.

      Israel’s cyber efforts and defensive capabilities have led Hamas’ cyber attempts to fail time and time again," a senior ISA official said.

    • On se demande vraiment comment David Israël, associé à David etats-unis, david Union européenne, david Canada, david Australie, david Nouvelle-Zélande, sans oublier les divers arabes modérés de la région, on se demande donc comment ces David et modérés réussissent à faire en sorte que les « cyber-efforts et les capacités défensives d’Israël » conduisent les « cyber-tentatives du [GOLIATHISSIME] Hamas à échouer à plusieurs reprises. »

  • Guaidó va contra Venezuela; busca restablecer lazos con Israel | HISPANTV

    El golpista venezolano Juan Guaidó anuncia que busca restablecer los lazos con Israel que el Gobierno de Maduro había cortado en solidaridad con los palestinos.

    “Estoy muy contento de informar que el proceso de estabilización de las relaciones con Israel está en su apogeo”, ha indicado Guaidó, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional (AN) venezolana, de mayoría opositora y en desacato desde 2016, en una entrevista concedida al diario Israel Hayom, publicada este martes.

    Est-ce que ça mérite seulement un commentaire ? #venezuela #israël

  • Netherlands recognize Gaza, West Bank as official Palestinian birthplaces
    Feb. 10, 2019 3:30 P.M. (Updated: Feb. 10, 2019 3:51 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Palestinians living in the Netherlands will be allowed to register the Gaza Strip and the West Bank as their official place of birth, Dutch State Secretary Raymond Knops told the House of Representatives in The Hague.

    The Netherlands, which does not recognize Palestine as a sovereign state, currently offers Palestinians two options when specifying their birthplace at the Dutch civil registry, the two options are Israel or “unknown.”

    Knops wrote a letter to the House of Representatives, saying that he intends to add the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem to a list of official states used by the Dutch civil registry.

    The new category will be available to Palestinians born after May 15th 1948, the day the British Mandate was officially terminated and Israel became a recognized state.

    In the letter, Knops stated that the new category is in accordance with “the Dutch viewpoint that Israel has no sovereignty over these areas,” as well as the Netherlands’ refusal to recognize Palestine as a state.

    Knops added that the new category was named based on the Oslo Accords and United Nations Security Council resolutions.
    While the UN General Assembly and at least 136 countries have recognized Palestine as a sovereign state, most of the European Union has refrained from recognition until such status is established peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians. (...)

  • Deuxième réunion entre Israël et le Groupe Visegrad à Jérusalem occupée
    Samedi 12/Janvier/2019

    Le Premier ministre israélien, Benjamin Netanyahu, se prépare à organiser un sommet entre la puissance occupante et les pays de la Visegrad dans la ville occupée de Jérusalem au milieu du mois prochain, la deuxième réunion en un an et demi.

    Le journal israélien « Israel Hume » a révélé que le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu se prépare à organiser un sommet politique, « afin de faire pression pour faire face aux décisions européennes contestées par Israël, en particulier sur les questions palestiniennes et iraniennes ».

    Le sommet, qui comprend la Pologne, la Hongrie, la Slovaquie et la République tchèque, devrait se tenir le 19 février prochain, selon le journal, qui a confirmé que le Groupe des Quatre (Visegrad) comportait des divergences concernant les politiques interne et externe de l’UE.

    Netanyahu s’emploie à renforcer les relations israéliennes avec ces pays afin de constituer un outil permettant de faire pression sur l’Union européenne dans le cadre des décisions hostiles à Tel Aviv.


  • A Day, a Life: When a Medic Was Killed in Gaza, Was It an Accident?
    The New York Times - By David M. Halbfinger - Dec. 30, 2018

    KHUZAA, Gaza Strip — A young medic in a head scarf runs into danger, her only protection a white lab coat. Through a haze of tear gas and black smoke, she tries to reach a man sprawled on the ground along the Gaza border. Israeli soldiers, their weapons leveled, watch warily from the other side.

    Minutes later, a rifle shot rips through the din, and the Israeli-Palestinian drama has its newest tragic figure.

    For a few days in June, the world took notice of the death of 20-year-old Rouzan al-Najjar, killed while treating the wounded at protests against Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. Even as she was buried, she became a symbol of the conflict, with both sides staking out competing and mutually exclusive narratives.

    To the Palestinians, she was an innocent martyr killed in cold blood, an example of Israel’s disregard for Palestinian life. To the Israelis, she was part of a violent protest aimed at destroying their country, to which lethal force is a legitimate response as a last resort.

    Palestinian witnesses embellished their initial accounts, saying she was shot while raising her hands in the air. The Israeli military tweeted a tendentiously edited video that made it sound like she was offering herself as a human shield for terrorists.

    In each version, Ms. Najjar was little more than a cardboard cutout.

    An investigation by The New York Times found that Ms. Najjar, and what happened on the evening of June 1, were far more complicated than either narrative allowed. Charismatic and committed, she defied the expectations of both sides. Her death was a poignant illustration of the cost of Israel’s use of battlefield weapons to control the protests, a policy that has taken the lives of nearly 200 Palestinians.

    It also shows how each side is locked into a seemingly unending and insolvable cycle of violence. The Palestinians trying to tear down the fence are risking their lives to make a point, knowing that the protests amount to little more than a public relations stunt for Hamas, the militant movement that rules Gaza. And Israel, the far stronger party, continues to focus on containment rather than finding a solution.

    In life, Ms. Najjar was a natural leader whose uncommon bravery struck some peers as foolhardy. She was a capable young medic, but one who was largely self-taught and lied about her lack of education. She was a feminist, by Gaza standards, shattering traditional gender rules, but also a daughter who doted on her father, was particular about her appearance and was slowly assembling a trousseau. She inspired others with her outward jauntiness, while privately she was consumed with dread in her final days.

    The bullet that killed her, The Times found, was fired by an Israeli sniper into a crowd that included white-coated medics in plain view. A detailed reconstruction, stitched together from hundreds of crowd-sourced videos and photographs, shows that neither the medics nor anyone around them posed any apparent threat of violence to Israeli personnel. Though Israel later admitted her killing was unintentional, the shooting appears to have been reckless at best, and possibly a war crime, for which no one has yet been punished. (...)

    Rouzan al-Najjar, 20, was killed by an Israeli sniper on June 1 while she was treating the wounded at protests at the Gaza border.CreditIbraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters

  • Les relations du pole de psychiatrie infanto-juvénile de #Rennes et COPELFI : un cas d’identification à l’agresseur ?

    COPELFI : QU’EST CE QUE C’EST ? Association pour les Conférences de Psychiatrie de l’Enfant et de l’adolescent en Langue Française en Israël. Fondée en 1989 par des psychiatres français (G. GACHNOCHI, M. VINCENT) et israëlien (S. TYANO), cette association souhaite "favoriser le partage d’expériences cliniques et thérapeutiques entre professionnels de la psychiatrie infanto-juvénile de France et d’Israël. Le but est de permettre un échange et de promouvoir l’originalité des différents mouvements de la pédopsychiatrie française dans un pays jeune, curieux de tous les courants de pensées. Il permet aux professionnels français de la santé de découvrir un pays grâce aux rencontres (...)

    #Racisme #Répression #Resistances #contrôle #social #antifascisme #Racisme,Répression,Resistances,contrôle,social,antifascisme

  • Who Will Fix #Facebook? – Rolling Stone

    The flip side of being too little engaged is to have intimate relationships between foreign governments and companies involved in speech regulation.

    In March this year, for instance, after the company had unknowingly helped spread a campaign of murder, rape and arson in Myanmar, Facebook unpublished the popular Palestinian news site SAFA, which had 1.3 million followers.

    SAFA had something like official status, an online answer to the Palestine Authority’s WAFA news agency. (SAFA has been reported to be sympathetic to Hamas, which the publication denies.) Its operators say they also weren’t given any reason for the removal. “They didn’t even send us a message,” says Anas Malek, SAFA’s social media coordinator. “We were shocked.”

    The yanking of SAFA took place just ahead of a much-publicized protest in the region: the March 30th March of the Great Return, in which Gaza Strip residents were to try to return to their home villages in Israel; it resulted in six months of violent conflict. Malek and his colleagues felt certain SAFA’s removal from Facebook was timed to the march. “This is a direct targeting of an effective Palestinian social media voice at a very critical time,” he says.

    Israel has one of the most openly cooperative relationships with Facebook: The Justice Ministry in 2016 boasted that Facebook had fulfilled “95 percent” of its requests to delete content. The ministry even proposed a “Facebook bill” that would give the government power to remove content from Internet platforms under the broad umbrella of “incitement.” Although it ultimately failed, an informal arrangement already exists, as became clear this October.

    That month, Israel’s National Cyber Directorate announced that Facebook was removing “thousands” of accounts ahead of municipal elections. Jordana Cutler, Facebook’s head of policy in Israel — and a former adviser to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — said the company was merely following suggestions. “We receive requests from the government but are not committed to them,” Cutler said.

  • L’Europe utilisera-t-elle les drones israéliens contre les réfugiés ?

    En matière de sécurité, #Israël en connait un rayon. Ses entreprises sont particulièrement actives sur ce marché lucratif et peuvent démontrer l’efficacité de leurs produits en prenant les Palestiniens comme cobayes. Pour contrôler l’arrivée de réfugiés, l’agence européenne #Frontex s’intéresse ainsi de près au drone #Heron. L’engin a fait ses “preuves au combat” durant l’#opération_Plomb durci. (IGA)

    En septembre, l’Agence de surveillance des frontières de l’Union européenne Frontex a annoncé le démarrage de vols d’essais de drones en #Italie, en #Grèce et au #Portugal. Il y avait une omission majeure dans la déclaration de Frontex : le type de drones testé avait été utilisé auparavant pour attaquer Gaza.

    Certains détails sur les compagnies impliquées dans ces essais ont été publiés plus tôt cette année. Un « avis d’attribution de marché » a révélé qu’#Israel_Aerospace_Industries était l’un des deux fournisseurs sélectionnés.

    Israel Aerospace Industries a reçu 5.,5 millions de dollars pour jusqu’à 600 heures de vols d’essais.

    Le drone qu’Israel Aerospace Industries offre pour la #surveillance maritime s’appelle le #Heron.

    Selon le propre site web de la compagnie, le Heron a « fait ses preuves au combat ». C’est une expression codée signifiant qu’il a été employé pendant trois attaques majeures d’Israël contre Gaza pendant la dernière décennie.

    Après l’opération Plomb durci, l’attaque israélienne sur Gaza de fin 2008 et début 2009, une enquête de Human Rights Watch a conclu que des dizaines de civils avaient été tués par des missiles lancés à partir de drones. Le Heron a été identifié comme l’un des principaux drones déployés dans cette offensive.

    Frontex – qui expulse fréquemment des réfugiés d’Europe – a étudié les #drones depuis un certain temps. Déjà en 2012, Israel Aerospace Industries avait présenté le Heron à un événement organisé par Frontex.

    Par ses vols d’essais, Frontex permet à l’industrie de guerre israélienne d’adapter la technologie testée sur les Palestiniens à des fins de surveillance. Alors que les dirigeants de l’Union européenne professent couramment leur souci des droits humains, l’implication de fabricants d’armes pour surveiller les frontières partage plus que quelques similitudes avec les politiques belliqueuses poursuivies par le gouvernement de Donald Trump aux USA.

    Des opportunités commerciales

    Les entreprises israéliennes bénéficient des décisions prises des deux côtés de l’Atlantique.

    L’année dernière, #Elta – une filiale d’Israel Aerospace Industries – a été engagée pour dessiner un prototype pour le mur controversé que Trump a proposé d’établir le long de la frontière USA- Mexique. Elbit, un autre fabricant israélien de drones, a gagné en 2014 un contrat pour construire des tours de surveillance entre l’Arizona et le Mexique.

    Les mêmes compagnies poursuivent les opportunités commerciales en Europe.

    Elta a été en contact avec divers gouvernements à propos de leur système « de #patrouille_virtuelle des #frontières » – qui est basé sur l’interception des communications téléphoniques des mobiles et l’#espionnage des usagers d’internet. Pour fournir un prétexte à une telle intrusion, la compagnie joue sur la politique de la #peur. Amnon Sofrin, un dirigeant d’Elta qui occupait auparavant une position de premier plan dans l’agence israélienne d’espionnage et d’assassinat du Mossad, a recommandé que l’Europe choisisse en priorité la « #sécurité » plutôt que les libertés civiles.

    L’entreprise israélienne #Magal_Systems cherche aussi des contrats en Europe. Magal a installé ce qu’elle appelle une barrière « intelligente » — livrée avec des capteurs et un équipement avancé de caméras – le long de la frontière d’Israël avec Gaza.

    Saar Koush, jusqu’à récemment le PDG de Magal, a argué que le rôle de l’entreprise dans la mise en place d’un siège des deux millions d’habitants de Gaza leur donnait un argument commercial unique – ou au moins rare. « Tout le monde peut vous donner un très joli Powerpoint, mais peu de gens peuvent vous montrer un projet aussi complexe que Gaza, qui est constamment testé en combat », a dit Koush.

    Apprendre d’Israël ?

    Frontex est en contact avec d’autres entreprises israéliennes.

    En juin de cette année, l’Union européenne a publié une notice montrant que la compagnie israélienne #Windward avait gagné un contrat de près d’ 1 million de dollars pour travailler à un projet d’« analyse maritime » organisé par Frontex. #Gabi_Ashkenazi, un ancien chef de l’armée israélienne, est conseiller à Windward ; #David_Petraeus, qui a commandé les troupes US occupant l’Irak et l’Afghanistan, est l’un de ses investisseurs.

    Dans son rapport annuel 2016, Frontex déclarait que « les premiers pas avaient été faits afin de développer des relations « stratégiques » avec Israël. Frontex a ultérieurement exprimé son intention d’accroître cette coopération d’ici 2020.

    Un point clé est « l’apprentissage mutuel ». Il est plus que probable qu’il s’agisse d’un euphémisme pour échanger des notes sur les tactiques qui devraient être utilisées contre les gens fuyant la pauvreté ou la persécution.

    Israël a une réputation effroyable en ce qui concerne le traitement des réfugiés. Des Africains vivant en Israël ont été sujets à des mauvais traitements racistes de la part des plus hauts niveaux du gouvernement. Benjamin Netanyahou, le Premier ministre, les a étiquetés comme des « infiltrés ».

    Un autre ministre du gouvernement a soutenu que les Africains ne peuvent être considérés comme des humains.

    Selon l’institut de sondage Gallup, Israël est l’un des pays les moins hospitaliers du monde pour les demandeurs d’asile. Malgré sa proximité géographique avec la Syrie, Israël a refusé l’entrée aux victimes de la guerre en cours.

    L’an dernier, Netanyahou a été entendu disant aux dirigeants du groupe de Visegrad (ou Visegrad 4) – la Hongrie, la Pologne, la République tchèque et la Slovaquie – qu’ils devraient fermer leurs frontières aux réfugiés. Il a aussi déclaré qu’Israël joue un rôle important dans la réduction de la migration vers l’Europe et suggéré qu’Israël devrait être récompensé pour cela.

    L’identification d’Israël comme partenaire pour une « coopération stratégique » avec Frontex est inquiétante en soi. Les préparatifs pour utiliser les outils de répression d’Israël contre les réfugiés faisant route vers l’Europe le sont encore plus.

    #surveillance_frontalière #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #asile #migrations #réfugiés #sécurité #Méditerranée #Heron #Israeli_Aerospace_Industries #Gaza #business

    • #Leonardo deploys its #Falco_EVO_RPAS for drone-based maritime surveillance as part of the Frontex test programme

      Leonardo’s Falco EVO Remotely-Piloted Air System (RPAS), in a maritime patrol configuration, has been deployed from Lampedusa airport (Lampedusa Island) as part of the Frontex surveillance research programme to test its ability to monitor the European Union’s external borders.

      Frontex is exploring the surveillance capability of medium-altitude, long-endurance RPAS as well as evaluating cost efficiency and endurance. Leonardo was selected by the European agency under a service contract tender for drone operations for maritime surveillance across the Italian and Maltese civil airspace. The current agreement provides for 300 flight hours and may be extended into a longer-term agreement.

      Under the deployment, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) activities are organised by Guardia di Finanza under coordination of the Ministry of Interior and are undertaken by Leonardo from Lampedusa also thanks to the decisive support and collaboration of ENAC and ENAV. Leonardo’s flight crews and maintenance teams are present to support the operations with the Falco EVO, which is equipped with a complete on-board sensor suite including the Company’s Gabbiano TS Ultra Light radar. This configuration allows it to carry out extended-range day and night-time missions.

      “We are proud to be able to demonstrate the capabilities of our Falco EVO to Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, which is facing the on-going and evolving surveillance challenges posed by maritime borders. We are ready to leverage our years of experience in drone-based surveillance operations, working with the United Nations and many other international customers,” said Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo. “I wish to thank all the Italian stakeholders who contributed to this important achievement and I am convinced that this fruitful partnering approach will allow Frontex to define the best possible use for drone-based technologies.”

      The Falco EVO will operate under a “Permit to Fly” issued by the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), which authorizes flights in the Italian and Maltese Flight Information Region (FIR)’s civil airspace. The innovative agreement reached with ENAC guarantees compliance with national and international regulations and coordination with relevant authorities. The agreement also provides for close involvement from the Guardia di Finanza as subject matter experts with operational experience in defining mission profiles and ensuring the best operational conditions in which to undertake the 300- hours test programme.

      The Falco EVO configuration being deployed includes a high-definition InfraRed (IR) electro-optical system, a Beyond-Line-Of-Sight (BLOS) satellite data-link system, a new propulsion system based on a heavy-fuel engine, an Automatic Identification System (AIS) and a complete communications relay suite.

      Leonardo is the only European company providing a comprehensive RPAS ISR capability, from the design of each system element all the way through to operations. Today the Company is an international pioneer in the operation of unmanned flights on behalf of civil organizations in “non-segregated”, transnational airspace.

      Under an innovative business model, Leonardo owns and operates its Falco family of RPAS and provides surveillance information and data directly to its customers. This ‘managed service’ model is expected to be an area of growth for Leonardo which is expanding its ‘drones as a service’ offering to customers such as the police and emergency responders in line with the growth path outlined in the Company’s industrial plan.

    • Leonardo: il #Falco_Evo inizia i voli per il programma Frontex

      Il Falco Evo, il velivolo a pilotaggio remoto di Leonardo, ha iniziato la campagna di voli in una configurazione specifica per il monitoraggio marittimo, nell’ambito del programma Frontex, finalizzato alla sperimentazione di droni per il controllo delle frontiere esterne dell’Unione europea. Frontex, l’agenzia europea della guardia di frontiera e costiera, sta infatti analizzando la capacità di sorveglianza a media altitudine e lunga persistenza offerta dai velivoli pilotati a distanza, valutando efficienza economica ed efficacia operativa di tali sistemi. Leonardo è stata selezionata a seguito di una gara per un contratto di servizio per fornire attività di sorveglianza marittima attraverso l’uso di droni nello spazio aereo civile italiano e maltese. L’accordo attuale prevede un totale di 300 ore di volo con possibili ulteriori estensioni contrattuali. Le operazioni di sorveglianza e ricognizione effettuate da Leonardo con il Falco Evo vengono pianificate dalla Guardia di Finanza sotto il coordinamento del ministero dell’Interno, con il supporto di Enac, Enav e AST Aeroservizi Società di Gestione dell’aeroporto di Lampedusa, dove si svolgono i voli.
      “Siamo orgogliosi di dimostrare le capacità del Falco EVO all’agenzia europea Frontex e alle Forze di Sicurezza, che affrontano quotidianamente la sfida del controllo e della protezione dei confini marittimi – ha commentato Alessandro Profumo, amministratore delegato di Leonardo -. Leonardo mette a disposizione di questo programma la lunga esperienza acquisita anche grazie alle attività svolte per le Nazioni Unite e molti altri clienti internazionali con i propri sistemi pilotati da remoto”.
      Il Falco Evo opera grazie ad un “Permit to Fly” rilasciato dall’Enac, che autorizza i voli nello spazio aereo civile italiano e maltese. L’accordo innovativo raggiunto con Enac garantisce quindi la conformità alle normative nazionali e internazionali e il coordinamento con le relative autorità. L’attività prevede, inoltre, un forte coinvolgimento della Guardia di Finanza in virtù della significativa esperienza del Corpo nella definizione dei profili di missione, assicurando le migliori condizioni operative per lo svolgimento delle 300 ore di volo programmate. La configurazione del Falco Evo impiegato nel programma include un sistema ottico all’infrarosso ad alta definizione, un collegamento dati satellitari oltre la linea di vista (Beyond-Line-Data-Of-Sight - BLOS), un nuovo sistema di propulsione basato su un motore a combustibile pesante, un sistema di identificazione automatico (Automatic Identification System - AIS) e una suite completa per le comunicazioni. Leonardo è l’unica azienda europea in grado di fornire capacità complete RPAS e ISR, progettando e sviluppando tutti gli elementi che compongono un sistema pilotato da remoto, anche nell’ambito di contratti di servizio per operazioni “unmanned” e tra i pochi player al mondo a poter operare per conto di enti civili in spazi aerei non segregati trasnazionali.

    • Frontex Director meets with Portugal’s Minister of Internal Administration

      The Executive Director of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, met with Portugal’s Minister of Internal Administration and with the National Director of Portuguese Immigration and Border Service (SEF) on Friday to introduce the agency’s liaison officer for Portugal and Spain.

      Frontex is deploying 11 liaison officers to enhance the cooperation between the agency and national authorities responsible for border management, returns and coast guard functions in 30 EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries.

      In Lisbon, Frontex Director Fabrice Leggeri met with Eduardo Cabrita, Portugal’s Minister of Internal Administration and Cristina Gatões, the National Director of Portuguese Immigration and Border Service (#SEF).

      During his visit to Portugal, Fabrice Leggeri also visited the headquarters of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and met with its new Executive Director, Maja Markovčić Kostelac. Frontex and EMSA, along with the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA), work together in in the maritime domain to support EU Member States and develop European coast guard functions.

  • Israeli cyber firm negotiated advanced attack capabilities sale with Saudis, Haaretz reveals

    Just months before crown prince launched a purge against his opponents, NSO offered Saudi intelligence officials a system to hack into cellular phones ■ NSO: We abide the law, our products are used to combat crime and terrorism

    The Israeli company NSO Group Technologies offered Saudi Arabia a system that hacks cellphones, a few months before Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman began his purge of regime opponents, according to a complaint to the Israel Police now under investigation.
    But NSO, whose development headquarters is in Herzliya, says that it has acted according to the law and its products are used in the fight against crime and terror.
    To really understand Israel and the Middle East - subscribe to Haaretz
    Either way, a Haaretz investigation based on testimony and photos, as well as travel and legal documents, reveals the Saudis’ behind-the-scenes attempts to buy Israeli technology.
    In June 2017, a diverse group gathered in a hotel room in Vienna, a city between East and West that for decades has been a center for espionage, defense-procurement contacts and unofficial diplomatic meetings.
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    Arriving at the hotel were Abdullah al-Malihi, a close associate of Prince Turki al-Faisal – a former head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence services – and another senior Saudi official, Nasser al-Qahtani, who presented himself as the deputy of the current intelligence chief. Their interlocutors were two Israeli businessmen, representatives of NSO, who presented to the Saudis highly advanced technology.

    >> Israel’s cyber-spy industry helps world dictators hunt dissidents and gays | Revealed
    In 2017, NSO was avidly promoting its new technology, its Pegasus 3 software, an espionage tool so sophisticated that it does not depend on the victim clicking on a link before the phone is breached.
    During the June 2017 meeting, NSO officials showed a PowerPoint presentation of the system’s capabilities. To demonstrate it, they asked Qahtani to go to a nearby mall, buy an iPhone and give them its number. During that meeting they showed how this was enough to hack into the new phone and record and photograph the participants in the meeting.
    The meeting in Vienna wasn’t the first one between the two sides. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has recently expressed pride in the tightening ties with Gulf states, with Israel’s strength its technology. The message is clear: Israel is willing to sell these countries security-related technologies, and they forge closer ties with Israel in the strategic battle against Iran.
    >> $6 billion of Iranian money: Why Israeli firm Black Cube really went after Obama’s team
    According to the complaint, the affair began with a phone call received by a man identified as a European businessman with connections in the Gulf states. On the line was W., an Israeli dealing in defense-related technologies and who operates through Cyprus-based companies. (Many defense-related companies do business in Cyprus because of its favorable tax laws.) W. asked his European interlocutor to help him do business in the Gulf.

    FILE Photo: Two of the founders of NSO, Shalev Julio and Omri Lavi.
    Among the European businessman’s acquaintances were the two senior Saudi officials, Malihi and Qahtani.
    On February 1, 2017, W. and the businessman met for the first time. The main topic was the marketing of cyberattack software. Unlike ordinary weapons systems, the price depends only on a customer’s eagerness to buy the system.
    The following month, the European businessman traveled to a weapons exhibition in the United Arab Emirates, where a friend introduced him to Malihi, the Saudi businessman.
    In April 2017, a meeting was arranged in Vienna between Malihi, Qahtani and representatives of Israeli companies. Two more meetings subsequently took place with officials of Israeli companies in which other Israelis were present. These meetings took place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus, where Israeli cybercompanies often meet with foreign clients.
    >> Snowden: Israeli firm’s spyware was used to track Khashoggi
    The meetings were attended by W. and his son. They were apparently friendly: In photographs documenting one of them, W. and Qahtani are shown after a hunting trip, with the Saudi aiming a rifle at a dead animal.
    In the Vienna meeting of April 2017, the Saudis presented a list of 23 systems they sought to acquire. Their main interest was cybersystems. For a few dozens of millions of dollars, they would be able to hack into the phones of regime opponents in Saudi Arabia and around the world and collect classified information about them.
    According to the European businessman, the Saudis, already at the first meeting, passed along to the representatives of one of the companies details of a Twitter account of a person who had tweeted against the regime. They wanted to know who was behind the account, but the Israeli company refused to say.

    Offices of Israeli NSO Group company in Herzliya, Israel, Aug. 25, 2016Daniella Cheslow/AP
    In the June 2017 meeting, the Saudis expressed interest in NSO’s technology.
    According to the European businessman, in July 2017 another meeting was held between the parties, the first at W.’s home in Cyprus. W. proposed selling Pegasus 3 software to the Saudis for $208 million.
    Malihi subsequently contacted W. and invited him to Riyadh to present the software to members of the royal family. The department that oversees defense exports in Israel’s Defense Ministry and the ministry’s department for defense assistance, responsible for encouraging exports, refused to approve W.’s trip.
    Using the initials for the defense assistance department, W. reportedly said “screw the D.A.” and chartered a small plane, taking with him NSO’s founder, Shalev Hulio, to the meetings in the Gulf. According to the European businessman, the pair were there for three days, beginning on July 18, 2017.
    At these meetings, the European businessman said, an agreement was made to sell the Pegasus 3 to the Saudis for $55 million.
    According to the European businessman, the details of the deal became known to him only through his contacts in the defense assistance department. He said he had agreed orally with W. that his commission in the deal would be 5 percent – $2.75 million.
    But W. and his son stopped answering the European businessman’s phone calls. Later, the businessman told the police, he received an email from W.’s lawyer that contained a fake contract in which the company would agree to pay only his expenses and to consider whether to pay him a bonus if the deal went through.
    The European businessman, assisted by an Israeli lawyer, filed a complaint in April 2018. He was questioned by the police’s national fraud squad and was told that the affair had been transferred to another unit specializing in such matters. Since then he has been contacted by the income tax authorities, who are apparently checking whether there has been any unreported income from the deal.
    The European businessman’s claims seem to be substantiated by correspondence Haaretz has obtained between Cem Koksal, a Turkish businessman living in the UAE, and W.’s lawyers in Israel. The European businessman said in his complaint that Koksal was involved in mediating the deal.
    In a letter sent by Koksal’s lawyer in February of this year, he demanded his portion from W. In a response letter, sent in early March, W.’s attorney denied the existence of the deal. The deal had not been signed, the letter claimed, due to Koksal’s negligence, therefore he was due no commission or compensation of any kind.
    These issues have a wider context. From the claims by the European businessman and Koksal’s letter, it emerges that the deal was signed in the summer of 2017, a few months before Crown Prince Mohammed began his purge of regime opponents. During that purge, the Saudi regime arrested and tortured members of the royal family and Saudi businessmen accused of corruption. The Saudis also held Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri for a few days in a Riyadh hotel.
    In the following months the Saudis continued their hunt for regime opponents living abroad, which raised international attention only when the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul came to light in October.
    It has recently been claimed that NSO helped the Saudi regime surveil its opponents. According to an article in Forbes magazine and reports from the Canadian cyber-related think tank Citizen Lab, among the surveillance targets were the satirist Ghanem Almasrir and human rights activist Yahya Asiri, who live in London, and Omar Abdulaziz, who lives in exile in Canada.
    These three men were in contact with Khashoggi. Last month, Edward Snowden, who uncovered the classified surveillance program of the U.S. National Security Agency, claimed that Pegasus had been used by the Saudi authorities to surveil Khashoggi.
    “They are the worst of the worst,” Snowden said of NSO, whose people he accused of aiding and abetting human rights violations.
    NSO’s founders and chief executives are Omri Lavie and Shalev Hulio. The company is registered in Cyprus but its development headquarters is in Herzliya. In 2014 the company was sold to private equity firm Francisco Partners based on a valuation of $250 million.
    Francisco Partners did not respond to Haaretz’s request for comment.
    In May, Verint Systems offered to buy NSO for $1 billion, but the offer was rejected. The company is awash in cash. Earlier this month all its employees went on vacation in Phuket, Thailand. Netta Barzilai, Lior Suchard, the Ma Kashur Trio and the band Infected Mushroom were also flown there to entertain them.
    The Pegasus system developed by NSO was a “one-click system,” meaning that the victim had to press on a link sent to him through phishing. The new system no longer requires this. Only the number of the SIM card is needed to hack into the phone. It’s unknown how Pegasus does this.
    Technology sources believe that the technology either exploits breaches in the cellphone’s modem, the part that receives messages from the antenna, or security breaches in the apps installed on a phone. As soon as a phone is hacked, the speaker and camera can be used for recording conversations. Even encoded apps such as WhatsApp can be monitored.
    NSO’s operations are extremely profitable.
    The company, which conceals its client list, has been linked to countries that violate human rights. NSO says its products are used in the fight against crime and terror, but in certain countries the authorities identify anti-regime activists and journalists as terrorists and subject them to surveillance.
    In 2012, NSO sold an earlier version of Pegasus to Mexico to help it combat the drug cartel in that country. According to the company, all its contracts include a clause specifically permitting the use of its software only to “investigate and prevent crime or acts of terror.” But The New York Times reported in 2016 that the Mexican authorities also surveilled journalists and lawyers.
    Following that report, Mexican victims of the surveillance filed a lawsuit in Israel against NSO last September. This year, The New York Times reported that the software had been sold to the UAE, where it helped the authorities track leaders of neighboring countries as well as a London newspaper editor.
    In response to these reports, NSO said it “operated and operates solely in compliance with defense export laws and under the guidelines and close oversight of all elements of the defense establishment, including all matters relating to export policies and licenses.
    “The information presented by Haaretz about the company and its products and their use is wrong, based on partial rumors and gossip. The presentation distorts reality.
    “The company has an independent, external ethics committee such as no other company like it has. It includes experts in legal affairs and international relations. The committee examines every deal so that the use of the system will take place only according to permitted objectives of investigating and preventing terror and crime.
    “The company’s products assist law enforcement agencies in protecting people around the world from terror attacks, drug cartels, child kidnappers for ransom, pedophiles, and other criminals and terrorists.
    “In contrast to newspaper reports, the company does not sell its products or allow their use in many countries. Moreover, the company greatly limits the extent to which its customers use its products and is not involved in the operation of the systems by customers.”
    A statement on W.’s behalf said: “This is a false and completely baseless complaint, leverage for an act of extortion by the complainants, knowing that there is no basis for their claims and that if they would turn to the relevant courts they would be immediately rejected.”

  • Airbnb to remove listings in Jewish West Bank settlements - Israel News -

    Home-renting company Airbnb Inc said on Monday that it had decided to remove its listings in Jewish settlements in the West Bank, enclaves that most world powers consider illegal for taking up land where Palestinians seek statehood. In response, Israel’s Tourism Minister Yariv Levin instructed the ministry to restrict the company’s operations across the country.
    A statement on Airbnb’s website said: “We concluded that we should remove listings in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank that are at the core of the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians.” 
    It did not say when the decision, which according to Airbnb affects some 200 listings, would take effect. 
    Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan called on Airbnb hosts harmed by the decision to file lawsuits against the company in accordance with Israel’s anti-boycott law and said he’ll turn to senior U.S. officials to check if the company’s decision violated the anti-boycott laws “that exist in over 25 states.”
    He said that “national conflicts exist throughout the world and Airbnb will need to explain why they chose a racist political stance against some Israeli citizens.”

    The Yesha Council of settlements said in response that “a company that has no qualms about renting apartments in dictatorships around the world and in places that have no relationship with human rights is singling out Israel. This can only be a result of anti-Semitism or surrendering to terrorism – or both.”

    Levin demanded Airbnb cancel its “discrimantory” decision, saying it was a “shameful and miserable decision.”
    Top Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said that Airbnb should have included East Jerusalem and should have said settlements “are illegal and constitute war crimes.” He added: “We reiterate our call upon the UN Human Rights Council to release the database of companies profiting from the Israeli colonial occupation.”

    Airbnb came under Palestinian criticism for such listings, which some find misleading for failing to mention the property is on occupied land claimed by the Palestinians.
    The Palestinians say that by contributing to the settlement economy, Airbnb, like other companies doing business in the West Bank, helps perpetuate Israel’s settlement enterprise. 
    “There are conflicting views regarding whether companies should be doing business in the occupied territories that are the subject of historical disputes between Israelis and Palestinians,” the Airbnb statement said. 
    The statement continued: “In the past, we made clear that we would operate in this area as allowed by law. We did this because we believe that people-to-people travel has considerable value and we want to help bring people together in as many places as possible around the world. Since then, we spent considerable time speaking to various experts. We know that people will disagree with this decision and appreciate their perspective.”
    Oded Revivi, mayor of the West Bank settlement of Efrat and a representative of Yesha, described the Airbnb decision as contrary to its mission, as stated on the website, of “help(ing) to bring people together in as many places as possible around the world”. 
    Israel captured the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem in the 1967 war and began building settlements soon after.
    While Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, the settler population in east Jerusalem and the West Bank has ballooned to almost 600,000. The Palestinians claim these areas as parts of a future state, a position that has wide global support.
    Airbnb said that as part of their decision-making framework, they “evaluate whether the existence of listings is contributing to existing human suffering” and “determine whether the existence of listings in the occupied territory has a direct connection to the larger dispute in the region.”
    The Associated Press contributed to this report


  • Netanyahu planeja comparecer à posse de Bolsonaro
    30/10/2018 - Mundo
    Folha - 30.out.2018 às 16h25

    Tel Aviv
    O primeiro-ministro de Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu, deve comparecer à cerimônia de posse do presidente eleito, Jair Bolsonaro, em 1° de janeiro de 2019. Foi o que o próprio Netanyahu disse a Bolsonaro em conversa telefônica na segunda-feira (29) para parabenizá-lo pela vitória nas eleições.

    Se comparecer, Netanyahu será o primeiro premiê israelense a visitar o Brasil desde a criação do país, em 1948.


  • » Palestinian Woman Stoned to Death by Israeli Settlers
    IMEMC News - October 13, 2018 2:41 AM

    A group of Israeli paramilitary settlers attacked a Palestinian couple south of Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank, on Friday, killing the woman and severely injuring her husband.

    Aisha Mohammed Talal al-Rabi , 47, was riding in a car with her husband near the Za’tara roadblock, south of Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank, when a group of Israeli settlers came onto the road and began throwing rocks at their car.

    The slain woman was from Bidya town, northwest of Salfit.

    The Israeli colonial settlers threw a number of large rocks, breaking the windshield of the car. They then continued to throw rocks, according to local sources, hitting the couple multiple times in the head and upper body.

    Aisha died of blunt force trauma to the head, caused by a rock that was thrown at her head by the settlers.

    Armed Israeli paramilitary settlers have launched a number of attacks on the Palestinian civilian population in the Nablus area, with the number of attacks drastically increasing since two Israeli settlers were killed by a Palestinian in the area on Monday.


    • Aisha’s daughter during funeral : ’Is mom here, yet ?’
      Oct. 13, 2018 5:35 P.M. (Updated : Oct. 13, 2018 5:35 P.M.)

      (...) Aisha’s mother, Azziya, 70, told Ma’an that her daughter had been in Hebron, in the southern West Bank, for 3 days visiting her daughter who is a dentist there.

      Azziya said that the last thing Aisha said during their last phone call was asking her mother to take care and send her greetings to her father before telling her that her husband, Yacoub is coming to pick her up so they can go home together.

      Azziya burst in tears as she finished her sentence, “I did not know it would be our last call,I wish I wish I talked to her more, it was our goodbye conversation.”

      Aisha, a mother of eight, had just finished her university education along with her daughters, as she had gotten married before she could finish her education.

      Azziya told Ma’an that Aisha’s visit to her dentist daughter in Hebron for 3 days was also to get her teeth fixed in preparation to her other daughter’s upcoming wedding.

      One of Aisha’s brothers, Fawzat, was killed by Israeli forces one day before his wedding in 1999; Azziya added “The occupation deprives me of my children for a second time.” (...)

    • Mladenov condemns attack killing Palestinian mother
      Oct. 14, 2018 1:10 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 14, 2018 1:10 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Nikolay Mladenov, condemned on Sunday the recent attack in which a Palestinian mother was killed and her husband injured after Israeli settlers hurled rocks at their vehicle.

      Mladenov said “I condemn this Friday’s attack in the occupied West Bank in which a Palestinian woman, Aisha Al-Rabi, a mother of eight, was killed and her husband injured by stones allegedly thrown by Israeli assailants.”

      He added “I take note that an investigation has been initiated and call on the Israeli authorities to ensure that those responsible are swiftly brought to justice.”

      “Such attacks only seek to drag everyone into a new cycle of violence that would further undermine the prospects of peace between Palestinians and Israelis. I urge all to condemn violence and stand up to terrorism,” Mladenov concluded.

    • Israel revokes work permits for family of killed Palestinian mother
      Oct. 22, 2018 4:43 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 23, 2018 11:53 A.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Israel Security Service, the Shin Bet, cancelled Israeli work permits for the husband and brothers of a Palestinian mother who was killed after Israeli settlers hurled rocks at her vehicle, on Monday.

      Aisha Muhammad Talal al-Rabi, 47, a mother of eight children, from the Bidya village near Salfit in the northern West Bank, was killed on October 12th after Israeli settlers hurled rocks at her vehicle as she was passing by near the Zaatara checkpoint in southern Nablus.

      Hebrew-language news sites reported that al-Rabi’s husband and brothers were surprised to find out that they were the ones who were punished by having their work permits revoked, instead of holding the Israeli settlers responsible for the attack.

      Sources added that the Shin Bet claimed the ban was temporary.

      The Shin Bet also mentioned that no one has been detained as the investigation continues.

    • New evidence in case of Palestinian Mother Stoned to Death by Right-Wing Israelis
      January 24, 2019 11:01 AM

      Israeli authorities on Wednesday released new information about the death of Aisha al-Rabi, who was killed by a mob of right-wing Israelis in October 2018, stating that they had found DNA of the central suspect in the case on the rock that caused her death.

      Of the five right-wing Israeli teens arrested for the crime last month, just one remains in custody – the other four were released without charges. This is despite the multiple eyewitnesses that saw a group of Israelis hurling rocks at al-Rabi and her husband.

    What happens when private firms have cyberweapons as powerful as those owned by governments?,0,0

    he first text message showed up on Ahmed Mansoor’s phone at 9:38 on a sweltering August morning in 2016. “New secrets about torture of Emiratis in state prisons,” it read, somewhat cryptically, in Arabic. A hyperlink followed the words. Something about the number and the message, and a similar one he received the next day, seemed off to Mansoor, a well-known human rights activist in the United Arab Emirates. He resisted the impulse to click on the links.

    Instead, Mansoor sent the notes to Citizen Lab, a research institute based at the University of Toronto specializing in human rights and internet security. Working backward, researchers there identified the hyperlinks as part of a sophisticated spyware program built specifically to target Mansoor. Had he clicked on the links, the program would have turned his phone into a “digital spy in his pocket,” Citizen Lab later wrote in a report—tracking his movements, monitoring his messages, and taking control of his camera and microphone.

    But the big revelation in the report wasn’t so much the technology itself; intelligence agencies in advanced countries have developed and deployed spyware around the world. What stood out was that Citizen Lab had traced the program to a private firm: the mysterious Israeli NSO Group. (The name is formed from the first initials of the company’s three founders.) Somehow, this relatively small company had managed to find a vulnerability in iPhones, considered to be among the world’s most secure cellular devices, and had developed a program to exploit it—a hugely expensive and time-consuming process. “We are not aware of any previous instance of an iPhone remote jailbreak used in the wild as part of a targeted attack campaign,” the Citizen Lab researchers wrote in their report.

  • Greece’s Energean reportedly in talks to develop Gaza’s natural gas fields
    Sources say bringing Gaza Marine into production would benefit Israel, too
    Ora Coren - Jun 25, 2018 10:25 AM -

    Energean, the Green energy company that is developing Israel’s offshore Karish and Tanin oil fields, is negotiating with the Palestinian Authority to develop fields offshore the Gaza Strip, sources in the local energy industry told TheMarker on Sunday.

    The sources said that the discussions have revolved around the commercial aspects of Energean’s taking over development of the fields after Royal Dutch Shell said in March it was giving up its stake in the undeveloped license.

    Energean declined to comment. “Developing Karish and exploring the blocks adjacent to it are our highest priorities. We avoid commenting on rumors concerning our operations and when there is something to announce we will do so officially,” the company said.

    Located about 30 kilometers off the Gaza coast, Gaza Marine has long been seen as a golden opportunity for the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority to join the Mediterranean gas bonanza, providing a major source of income to reduce its reliance on foreign aid.

    However, no work advanced on the field amid repeated wars with Israel, the blockade and ongoing rivalry between Hamas and the PA over control of Gaza. Shell had been struggling to find a buyer for its 55% stake in Gaza Marine, which it took over as part of its acquisition of BG Group in 2016.

    With Shell’s exit, the Palestine Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund, remains the sole shareholder. The field is estimated to hold over 30 to 35 billion cubic meters of natural gas, the equivalent of Spain’s consumption in 2016.

    Israel’s Energy Ministry has reportedly been kept abreast of the talks, but refused on Sunday to comment on them. Any development of the field would require Israel’s approval, but at least one official said that Israel would benefit economically from it.

    “The matter has been under discussion in the government for a long time. If they develop the Palestinian reservoir and it’s connected to Israel it would create competition for Tamar,” said one source, referring to Israel’s single gas field now in operation, a monopoly that has been the source of chronic controversy.

    “It would also reduce the burden on Israel Electric Corporation, which today is supplying power to Gaza,” said the source, who asked not to be named. “It’s a small field, but the Gaza power plant has minimal needs. So whoever develops [Gaza Marine] will also want to sell Gaza gas to Israel.”

    The source said that converting electricity generation to clean natural gas would also reduce air pollution in Gaza and ensure a more reliable energy supply to the enclave, which now gets only a few hours of power daily.

    The only problem – and the source said it could be a fatal one – is that the PA would be entitled to royalties from the gas.

    Although Gaza Marine is small, the gas doesn’t lie deep beneath the seabed and development could probably be completed within three years.

    With reporting by Reuters.


  • Poll shows deep divisions between Israeli and US Jews on Trump, peace, religion | The Times of Israel

    An opinion poll published Sunday shows deep divisions between Israeli and American Jews, particularly in relation to US President Donald Trump, highlighting the growing rift between the world’s two largest Jewish communities.

    The survey by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) showed 77 percent of Israeli Jews approved of the president’s handling of US-Israel relations, while only 34 percent of American Jews did. Fifty-seven percent of US Jews disapproved, while only 10 percent of Israeli Jews did.

    Concerning the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and the relocation of the US embassy to the city, 85% of Israeli Jews support the decision, compared to just 46% of US Jews. Forty-seven percent of American Jews opposed the move, a position held by only 7% of Israelis.

  • La France fait la promotion des fusils qui ont servi aux massacres de Gaza
    David Cronin – 31 mai 2018 - The Electronic Intifada - Traduction : J. Ch. pour l’Agence Média Palestine

    Le fabricant des fusils utilisés pendant les récents massacres israéliens à Gaza va bientôt exposer ses produits dans un salon de l’armement sponsorisé par le gouvernement français.

    Les enquêtes d’Amnesty International ont identifié le Tavor comme étant vraisemblablement l’un des fusils principalement utilisé par les snipers israéliens pour attaquer les manifestants palestiniens au cours des deux derniers mois.

    En tant que fabricant de ce fusil, Israel Weapon Industries (Industrie Israélienne de l’Armement) devrait être mise sur liste noire par tout pays se déclarant concerné par les droits de l’Homme.

    La France en fait partie. Emmanuel Macron, son président, a officiellement condamné le meurtre de plus de 100 manifestants palestiniens depuis le 30 mars.

    Sa condamnation sonnait creux. Elle a été prononcée alors que les préparatifs du salon de l’armement Eurosatory de Paris étaient en cours.

    Israel Weapon Industries fait partie des entreprises prévues dans les stands de ce salon, qui ouvrira dans moins de deux semaines.

    Ce n’est qu’une des dizaines d’entreprises de l’industrie de guerre d’Israël – dont le premier fournisseur de drones, Elbit Systems – qui seront présentes à Eurosatory. Le ministre israélien de la Défense est lui aussi inscrit dans la liste des exposants.

    Ce salon est organisé par le gouvernement français, qui travaille en tandem avec le lobby national des armes.

    Israel Weapon Industries s’est servi de salons similaires pour présenter le dernier modèle du Tavor. Le programme officiel d’Eurosatory précise que ces fusils seront exposés.

    Un outil fait pour tuer

    L’entreprise n’a peut-être pas rendu public son rôle dans la réalisation des massacres à Gaza. Son matériel publicitaire souligne pourtant que le Tavor est le « principal fusil d’assaut » de toutes les unités d’infanterie et les « forces spéciales » de l’armée israélienne.

    Selon le site web de la firme, le Tavor a été réalisé « en étroite coopération » avec l’armée d’Israël, qui a « rigoureusement testé » cette arme. C’est une façon codée de dire que le Tavor est un outil indispensable pour tuer et estropier les Palestiniens.


  • A Palestinian vineyard annihilated with chainsaws, with a chilling message in Hebrew
    Gideon Levy, Alex Levac | May 24, 2018 | 6:53 PM

    The grapes are shriveled. The vineyard is dead. Reduced to a large, dried-out, yellowing stain in the heart of the verdant region along Highway 60 where the road runs past the town of Halhoul, north of Hebron. The “yellow wind” that David Grossman wrote about 30 years ago is a dying vineyard here. Two plots of land, with hundreds of vines that were slashed, their stems and shoots sawed off – and within a week everything here had withered and died.

    This is a particularly horrible sight because all the damage was wrought by the hand of man. A wicked, loathsome hand that hates not only Arabs but despises the land itself. In fact, we can assume that it wasn’t just one individual who raided and destroyed this vineyard late Tuesday night last week. To saw off that many plants in such a short time requires a few pairs of nasty hands. And someone also had to smear the threatening words in Hebrew on a rock: “We will reach everywhere.” All before first light illuminated the dark deed.

    When dawn broke, the owner of the vineyard, Dr. Haitham Jahshan, a hematologist, arrived and couldn’t believe his eyes. His vines had been ravaged. First he saw one sawed trunk, then another and another – a sea of butchered vines, whose grapes were grown to be eaten, not for wine – until the full scale of the calamity hit home.

    For his part, Musa Abu Hashhash, a field researcher for the B’Tselem human rights organization, says he’s never seen an act of so-called agricultural crime on this scale.

    When we visited on Monday, Highway 60 was as busy as ever: As the major traffic artery running the length of the West Bank, it serves both Palestinians and settlers. The vineyard lies right next to the road, which has very narrow shoulders at that point. West of the highway looms a fortified Israel Defense Forces observation tower, an Israeli flag flapping above it, where soldiers are present day and night to protect all the local residents and safeguard their property. A network of security cameras covers the road from all directions – yet apparently no one saw anything on that night last week, no one heard the insidious infiltrators or the sounds of the sawing.

    The butchery was obviously done with electric saws – the cuts are precise and sharp, from trunk to trunk, from shoot to shoot, nothing was left untouched, probably to ensure that nothing would remain. Almost all the slashing was done at the same height, about 40 centimeters (15 inches) above ground. A professional job. Many of the trunks look whole, but on closer examination, they too turn out to be cleaved. Some sway between heaven and earth, hanging in space, cut off from their bottom sections and roots. Wounded, scarred, cut in two – nearly 400 slashed vines, according to the owner, Jahshan.

    We follow him, bending over as we pass through row upon row of truncated vines, beneath a ceiling of low iron lattices on which they are tangled and twined. There’s no way to raise your head here, no way to stand up. The soil is clear of stones and has been plowed: Those tending the land here turned the earth over using an all-terrain vehicle on the day after the spoliation, hoping a miracle would occur and the vineyard would begin to revive itself. But the miracle hasn’t happened. It’s clear now that it will be necessary to uproot the entire vineyard and to plant a new one in its place. It will then take three to five years for the first fruits to appear, and some 15 years – the age of the destroyed vineyard – for the crop to reach its optimal yield.

    Naboth the Jezreelite had a vineyard, and so did Dr. Jahshan.

    Though he lives in Halhoul today, Jahshan, 42, studied medicine in Jordan and from 1999 to 2006 did his residency in hematology and molecular genetics at the Hadassah Medical Center and the Herzog Medical Center, both in Jerusalem. Now he runs a blood-disease clinic at Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron, but also devotes time to working the land from which his family earns a living. The vineyard covered five dunams, 1.25 acres – 5,000 square meters, he explains.

    During the days that passed between the mutilation of the vineyard and our visit, everything withered, shriveled up. The leaves crumble between one’s fingers, the buds have been reduced to dust. This week’s hot, dry winds finished everything off.

    On his cellphone, Jahshan shows us a photograph of the vineyard from last week, on the day after the assault: still green, like the vineyards to the left and right of his property.

    Last Tuesday, Jahshan, together with his father, uncle and two of his brothers, sprayed the vineyard with pesticides, working from early in the morning until the early evening. They didn’t manage to complete the job and decided to return at first light. They left at about 6 that evening and were back at 6 the next morning – only to be dumbstruck by a sight that they will never forget.

    An empty bag of chocolate milk from the Kibbutz Yotvata dairy lies on the ground amid the vines; perhaps the vandals drank chocolate milk as they savaged the vineyard, sucking and slashing. Their car must have been parked on the narrow shoulders of the highway, visible to everyone and seen by the security cameras.

    In one part of the vineyard the raiders left a row of vines intact, perhaps fearful of being seen and caught. By the time they reached the southern section of it they were more confident, and wreaked total havoc. Great hatred must have driven them, complete meanness of spirit. The closest settlements are a few kilometers from here – Karmei Tzur to the north, Kiryat Arba and Givat Haharsina to the south. The immediate suspicion falls on their residents.

    This is the highest spot in the West Bank and the terroir is excellent, the physician-vine grower tells us; he only watered the vineyard once or twice a year from a well at its edge, otherwise depending on rainfall. A few types of grapes were grown here, white and dark. From each sundered trunk, the yield was usually 10-15 cartons of fruit, about 150 kilos of grapes.

    We take refuge from the heat in the shade of a peach tree in a nearby plot that has begun to yield fruit. “It was a vineyard at the height of its yield: 10 tons of grapes a year,” Jahshan tells us. In the years ahead, he won’t be harvesting the leaves, either, which sell for 25 shekels ($7) a kilo in the Hebron market. The harvest was due to begin in September – it starts later here, in the Hebron Hills – but now it’s been postponed indefinitely.

    “Maybe I’ll plant pakos [Armenian cucumbers] instead of grapes,” he muses, and then immediately corrects himself. “Of course I’ll plant grapes again.” If he or someone from his family come to the vineyard after dark, he adds, the army or the police arrive within minutes: “They see everything, but somehow they didn’t see the vandals.”

    Jahshan estimates the damage done to him and his family at about 250,000 shekels ($70,000), though it’s quite clear that the money is not his prime concern. He feels that there is no one to protect him and his property.

    When he and his relatives arrived Wednesday morning they didn’t see anything amiss at first. The vineyard was still green. Even after he saw one vine cut, he never imagined that the whole vineyard had been ruined. They went immediately to the Halhoul Municipality, and from there called the Israeli-Palestinian District Coordination and Liaison Office to file a complaint. They called the police and the Israel Defense Forces, too, and were asked to go back to the vineyard, where police and army officers met them to survey the damage at about 11 o’clock.

    A tracker examined footprints, photographs were taken, and Jahshan and the others were asked to go to the Kiryat Arba police station to file a complaint. It was the police who discovered the black inscription, “We will reach everywhere,” hidden amid the rocks. Jahshan hadn’t noticed it. Since then he hasn’t heard anything from the authorities.

    Shlomit Bakshi, spokeswoman of the Judea and Samaria District of the Israel Police, told Haaretz, “Upon receiving the complaint, the police launched an investigation and several actions were taken. At this stage, the investigation is still underway.”

    Jahshan comments drily that he hopes the police will find the culprits and bring them to justice, but adds, “If a child here had thrown a stone, they would have caught him already.”

    Perhaps the intensive investigation will get an essential boost from Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, who on Tuesday tweeted, “Ratcheting up the uncompromising war on agricultural crime. No longer mild punishment without deterrence Yesterday, a bill I sponsored was passed [by the Knesset] in the first vote [of three], stipulating that a police officer can levy a stiff fine in offenses involving agricultural crime. That way the criminal will receive immediate painful economic punishment.”

    Agricultural crime, stiff and painful punishment – Shaked was undoubtedly referring also, perhaps even mainly, to the ongoing, routine agricultural terror perpetrated by Jewish vandals against Palestinian farmers.

  • Hamas in message to Israel: Willing to negotiate long-term truce -

    According to intelligence assessments, the organization is still in dire distress and is currently more open to discussing options it rejected in the past

    Amos Harel May 07, 2018

    Israel News -

    Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip have recently conveyed messages to Israel indicating their willingness to negotiate a long term cease-fire in the enclave. These messages were passed through different channels on several occasions over the last few months. Hamas wants to tie the cease-fire with an easing of the siege on Gaza, permission to embark on large-scale infrastructure projects and a prisoner and body exchange deal.
    As far as is known, Israel has not responded clearly to the messages.
    Reports presented to senior defense establishment officials and the political echelons say that tensions in Gaza will remain high even after the massive Nakba Day demonstration Hamas has planned for May 15, when Palestinians mark the expulsion of Arabs from their homes during the 1947-49 Israeli War of Independence. According to intelligence assessments, Hamas is still in dire and unprecedented strategic distress and is currently more open to discussing options it rejected in the past.
    The Hamas leadership is engaged in a lively debate regarding the negotiation of a cease-fire and the exchange of prisoners and bodies. The daily Israel Hayom reported two weeks ago that Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’ leader in Gaza, is in favor, while the overall Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh is opposed. The paper claimed that Sinwar accused Haniyeh of yielding to Iranian pressure in forming his positions.
    At the same time, reconciliation efforts between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are still on hold after the assassination attempt on the PA’s Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah during his visit to Gaza in March. The PA blamed Hamas for detonating explosives close to Hamdallah’s convoy while Hamas blamed internal rivalry within the PA and attributed the attempt to the head of the General Intelligence Service in Ramallah, Majid Faraj, who was also in the convoy.

  • Advanced Israeli weapons sold to Azerbaijan exposed in army-produced pop music video - Israel News -

    A music video celebrating Azerbaijan’s border guards and showcasing the Azeri army’s military capabilities has revealed that advanced weapons systems made by the Israeli defense industry are being used by the Azeri army.

    The video, which clocks in at 4 minutes and 15 seconds, shows local singer Narmin Karimbayova exalting the Azerbaijan State Border Service in song, accompanied by footage of all the military systems the Azeri military has to offer. It also shows two additional advanced weapons systems manufactured in Israel by Israel Aerospace Industries and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.

    At 1:55 the video shows a launch of the IAI Harop loitering munition system. The Harop is an anti-radiation drone that can autonomously zero in on radio emissions. It can be operated from land or sea and rather than carrying a separate warhead, the drone itself is the main munition – also known as a suicide drone. The Harop is fired from a 12-missile launcher, usually carried on a truck, and has a relatively high flying time of 6 hours.
    At 3:18 in the video, the Typhoon weapon system is seen firing Spike missiles from an Azeri navy ship. The system, called Typhoon MLS-NLOS, was developed at Rafael and is carried on a warship. It allows for full control of the launched missiles, up to the point of impact; the missile can be diverted from its course in case the operator aborts the mission. The system is based on Spike missiles, electro-optical missiles that have been used by Israeli Defense Forces since the 1980s, although upgraded version were made over the years.
    In 2016, Azerbaijan said it purchased nearly $5 billion worth of defense equipment from Israel. Aliyev said at the time that defense industry cooperation between the countries had lasted for several years and was flourishing. “The biggest part of these [defense equipment purchasing] contracts has already been executed and still we continue to work on that,” said Aliyev, continuing, “And we are very satisfied with the level of this cooperation.

  • Je compile ici toutes les occurrences de Israfrique pour avoir une vue d’ensemble du racisme et de la négrophobie en israel, dans la rue comme à la tête de l’Etat, et des relations complexes entre l’entité sioniste et le continent africain...

    Israël et les diamants du sang : un secret bien gardé
    Patrick Galey, al-Akhbar, le 21 mai 2012

    Israel’s Ethiopians suffer different ’planned’ parenthood
    Efrat Yerday, Haaretz, le 11 décembre 2012

    Tel Aviv : Israelis Want Africans Out
    David Sheen, Youtube, le 22 décembre 2012

    Israël reconnaît avoir contrôlé les naissances des immigrées éthiopiennes
    Le Monde, le 29 janvier 2013

    Quand Israël impose la contraception à ses Éthiopiennes
    Armin Arefi, Le Point, le 30 janvier 2013

    Israel to probe birth control for Ethiopian immigrants
    Ma’an News, le 28 février 2013

    Afrique-Israël, Les liaisons dangereuses
    Afrique Asie N°92, Juillet-Août 2013, pages 16 à 28 :

    L’Israfrique passe aussi par la musique
    La Campagne BDS France, Le Courrier, le 14 août 2013

    Les immigrés illégaux africains en Israël seront expulsés vers l’Ouganda
    Michel Paul, RFI, le 31 août 2013

    Égypte, Sinaï, Libye, Israël : les routes sanglantes des migrations
    Séverine Evanno, Orient XXI, le 17 octobre 2013

    What Makes Nigeria Israel’s Strongest Ally in Africa ?
    Jonny Paul, Arutz 7, le 11 septembre 2014

    Les armes israéliennes du génocide des Tutsis
    Survie, le 1er février 2015

    L’histoire cachée des exportations militaires israéliennes vers le Sud-Soudan
    Itai Mack et Idan Landau, +972, 30 mai 2015

    La révolte des Israéliens noirs
    Michel Warschawski, Orient XXI, le 3 juin 2015

    Israël expulsé du Sommet de l’Union africaine à Malabo
    Fouâd Harit, Afrik, le 2 juillet 2015

    Arnaque à l’israélienne : « Allô président ? Ici Jean-Yves »
    Jeune Afrique, le 10 août 2015

    Israël “relâche” des centaines de demandeurs d’asile dans le désert
    Courrier International, le 26 août 2015

    Les armes israéliennes alimentent les atrocités en Afrique
    Rania Khalek, The Electronic Intifada, le 24 septembre 2015

    Israeli mob attacks dying Eritrean refugee after soldier is killed
    Rania Khalek, The Electronic Intifada, le 19 octobre 2015

    Cameroun : Paul Biya sous protection israélienne
    Jeune Afrique, le 19 novembre 2015

    A la recherche d’un refuge en Israël : questionnement sur les demandeurs d’asile venus d’Erythrée
    Le carnet du CRFJ, le 13 janvier 2016

    Comment Israël se débarrasse de ses réfugiés africains
    Courrier International, le 18 février 2016

    Between Fences
    Avi Mograbi, Youtube, le 16 mars 2016

    Avi Mograbi : “Israël est un pays raciste où la question de la pureté de la race est sans cesse posée” -
    Mathilde Blottière, Télérama, le 25 mars 2016

    Israel is a racist country. Take it from me, an Ethiopian Israeli
    Revital Iyov, Haaretz, le 30 juin 2016

    Pour rendre hommage à Netanyahu, le président ougandais salue... la Palestine
    L’Express, le 4 juillet 2016

    Israël reçoit le soutien de l’Ethiopie pour un poste d’observateur à l’UA
    The Times of Israel, le 7 juillet 2016

    Hilarious speech by Ugandan President at Israel Entebbe Raid commemoration
    The Global Jewish Channel, Youtube, le 7 juillet 2016

    Israël et l’Afrique
    Hicham Mourad, Ahram, le 13 juillet 2016

    Le discours absurde du président Ougandais face à Benyamin Nétanyahou
    Laureline Savoye, Le Monde, le 18 juillet 2016

    Israël : pour le chef de la police, les Ethiopiens sont « naturellement suspects »
    Michel Paul, le 31 août 2016

    A New York, Netanyahu en profite pour rencontrer 15 dirigeants africains
    Times of Israel, le 23 septembre 2016

    Public Protector Thuli Madonsela shocks human rights activists by speaking at Israel event
    BDS South-Africa, le 26 septembre 2016

    Togo : Faure Gnassingbé s’offre la sympathie de Benyamin Netanyahou
    Rufus Polichinelle, Afrique Sur 7, le 6 octobre 2016

    The Rwanda the world doesn’t know
    Zahra Moloo, Pambazuka News, le 6 octobre 2016

    Le Togo abritera le sommet Israël-Afrique sur la « Sécurité et le Développement »
    French.xinhuanet, le 22 octobre 2016

    Israeli Rabbi Uses Ethiopians, Sudanese Infants for Circumcision Training, Report Shows
    Haaretz, le 29 novembre 2016

    Un rabbin israélien appelle les Africains de « la chair à canon » pour les étudiants en circoncision
    Middle East Eye, le 2 décembre 2016

    Israeli teens charged for brutally beating asylum seeker to death
    John Brown, +972 Magazine, le 4 décembre 2016

    Représailles diplomatiques d’Israël contre la Nouvelle-Zélande et le Sénégal
    Le Figaro, le 24 décembre 2016

    Israel urged to apologise for disappeared babies
    Jonathan Cook, Al Jazeera, le 2 janvier 2017

    Israël instamment prié de présenter ses excuses pour les bébés disparus
    Jonathan Cook, Al Jazeera, le 2 janvier 2017

    Lebanese president blames Israeli Mossad for assassinating businessman in Angola
    Jack Khoury, Haaretz, le 4 janvier 2017

    Rejetés par Israël, des Érythréens trouvent refuge en Allemagne
    Yermi Brenner, Al-Jazeera, le 3 mars 2017

    Le Conseil adopte onze résolutions dont cinq sur les droits de l’homme en Palestine et dans les autres territoires arabes occupés
    ​Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU, le 24 mars 2017

    L’Afrique draguée par Israël - Mondafrique
    Raouf Farrah, Mondafrique, le 28 mars 2017

    Empire Files : Anti-Black Racism Reveals Israel’s White Supremacy
    TeleSUR English, Youtube, le 31 mars 2017

    Maroc : Mohammed VI annule sa participation au 51e sommet de la Cedeao, auquel est invité Benyamin Netanyahou
    Nadia Lamlili, Jeune Afrique, le 2 juin 2017

    $1 billion Israeli solar commitment to ECOWAS
    Africa Newsroom, le 2 juin 2017

    Report de la rencontre entre Netanyahu et le président du Togo
    Times of Israel, le 4 juin 2017

    L’ambassadeur d’Israël de retour au Sénégal s’interroge : « Je ne comprends pas pourquoi le Sénégal se montre plus radical que les Arabes »
    Ayoba Faye, Press Afrik, le 15 Juin 2017

    Inside Israel’s Secret Program to Get Rid of African Refugees
    Andrew Green, Foreign Policy, le 27 juin 2017

    En visite en Israël, Kagame salue une coopération « fleurissante »
    Afrique Expansion, le 11 juillet 2017

    Torture and Detention in Cameroon
    Forensic Architecture, juillet 2017

    Cameroonian Troops Tortured and Killed Prisoners at Base Used for U.S. Drone Surveillance
    Robert Trafford, Nick Turse, The Intercept, le 20 juillet 2017

    Haftar : Israeli secret aid to Libya’s strongman reveals a new friend in Africa
    Richard Silverstein, Middle East Eye, le 4 août 2017

    En invitant Netanyahu, les dirigeants africains célèbreront le racisme, le colonialisme et l’apartheid
    Farah Najjar, Al-Jazeera, le 15 août 2017

    L’Afrique du Sud va-t-elle repousser l’offensive de charme d’Israël en Afrique ?
    Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada, le 18 août 2017

    Sommet Afrique-Israël : une vingtaine de chefs d’Etat déjà annoncés à Lomé
    Africa Time, le 21 août 17

    En Afrique du Sud, l’ANC boycotte une délégation israélienne
    Pierre Magnan, Geopolis Afrique, le 23 août 2017

    High Court : State cannot detain migrants indefinitely
    Yonah Jeremy Bob, Jerusalem Post, le 28 août 2017

    Israeli Supreme Court strikes down key part of African migrant policy
    Times of Israel, le 30 août 2017

    « Il existe aujourd’hui un momentum dans les relations entre Israël et l’Afrique »
    Cyril Bensimon, Le Monde, le 1er septembre 2017

    Le sommet Israël-Afrique repoussé face au boycott
    Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada, le 11 septembre 2017

    Foreign ministry says Africa-Israel Summit postponed due to Palestinian pressure
    Ma’an News, le 11 septembre 2017

    Eritrean Asylum Seekers in Israel Increasingly Turning to Prostitution
    Vered Lee, Haaretz, le 12 septembre 2017

    Une mine de controverses (16 minutes)
    Radio Canada, Enquête, le 9 novembre 2017

    Netanyahu : It is time to deport African migrants
    Yonah Jeremy Bob, Jerusalem Post, le 19 novembre 2017

    Israël durcit sa politique migratoire et veut expulser 38 000 migrants africains
    Michel Paul, RFI, le 20 novembre 2017

    Les propositions d’Israël pour la réinstallation préoccupent le HCR
    Asile, le 21 novembre 2017

    Israeli Minister tells asylum seekers to relocate or go to jail after detention centre closure
    Ecre, le 24 novembre 2017

    What’s in A Name ? Exploring the Role of Law and Bureaucracy in The Everyday Construction of Holot, an ’Open Detention Facility’ for ’Infiltrators’ in Israel
    Maayan Ravid, University of Oxford, le 28 novembre 2017

    Rwanda says no to migrant deportation
    Sheldon Gellar, Jerusalem Post, le 2 décembre 2017

    Amnesty : EU-AU plan to help refugees in Libya ’unrealistic’
    Julia Vergin, DW, le 2 décembre 2017

    What happens to Refugees sent from Israel to Rwanda ?
    Reut Michaeli, Hotline for Refugees and Migrants, le 6 décembre 2017

    Jérusalem : qui a voté quoi en Afrique ?
    Jules Crétois, Jeune Afrique, le 22 décembre 2017

    Israël lance un programme d’expulsion de dizaines de milliers de migrants
    Le Monde, le 3 janvier 2018

    Après l’Ouganda, le Rwanda dément vouloir accueillir des migrants en provenance d’Israël
    Jeune Afrique, le 8 janvier 2018

    Israël veut déporter en masse les réfugiés africains
    David Sheen, The Electronic Intifada, le 22 janvier 2018

    Israeli pilots refuse to deport Eritrean and Sudanese migrants to Africa
    Martin Plaut, Eritrea Hub, le 22 janvier 2018

    Israel : Don’t Lock Up Asylum Seekers
    HRW, le 22 janvier 2018

    Migranti : Israele, sopravvissuti Shoah contro espulsioni
    ANSA Med, le 23 janvier 2018

    Israelske piloter nekter å fly deporterte asylsøkere til Afrika
    Aftenposten, le 23 janvier 2018

    Doctors, Pilots and Rabbis : Opposition Grows to Israel’s Plan to Deport Asylum Seekers
    Haaretz, le 24 janvier 2018

    Holocaust Survivors Implore Netanyahu : Don’t Send Asylum Seekers on a Journey of Pain, Suffering and Death
    Ilan Lior, Haaretz, le 25 janvier 2018

    La lutte contre l’expulsion des réfugiés africains est un moment charnière dans l’histoire d’Israël
    Gideon Levy, Haaretz, le 28 janvier 2018

    Holocaust Survivors Urge Israel Not to Deport 38,000 African Refugees
    Carlos Ballesteros, Newsweek, le 28 janvier 2018

    African Deportations Are Creating a Religious Controversy in Israel
    Emma Green, The Atlantic, le 30 janvier 2018

    Prison or deportation : The impossible choice for asylum seekers in Israel
    Annie Slemrod, Irin, le 31 janvier 2018

    Israel begins issuing deportation notices to thousands of African refugees
    Chris Baynes, The Independent, le 4 février 2018

    Israel Starts Issuing Deportation Notices to African Asylum Seekers
    Ilan Lior, Haaretz, le 4 février 2018

    Why is Israel expelling thousands of African refugees ?
    Al Jazeera, le 5 février 2018

    Primi fogli di via a 200 eritrei : due mesi per partire o sarà carcere
    Franco Maria Fontana, Twitter, le 7 février 2018

    La prison plutôt que l’expulsion, disent des migrants en Israël
    Times of Israel, le 7 février 2018

    L’État sioniste n’a jamais été un refuge
    Yara Hawari, Al Jazeera, le 16 février 2018

    Ruling gives a drop of hope for asylum seekers facing deportation in Israel
    Joshua Leifer, +972, le 19 février 2018

    African asylum seekers in Israel go on hunger strike to protest imprisonment
    JTA, le 21 février 2018

    Israël : le gouvernement Netanyahou a démarré l’emprisonnement des migrants africains
    Jeune Afrique, le 22 février 2018

    Pair of Israelis Convicted of Beating African Asylum Seeker to Death
    Josh Breiner, Haaretz, le 23 février 2018

    Documentary on Israeli racism against Africans
    Israeli Apartheid Week South Africa, le 23 février 2018

    Thousands of Africans protest Israeli deportation plan
    Daily News, le 24 février 2018

    Condamnons l’expulsion forcée des requérants d’asile par Israël !
    Emmanuel Deonna, Dana Landau, Alon Plato, Ana Wild, Le Temps, le 27 février 2018

    Israel’s big lie revealed : Deported asylum seekers in Uganda lament broken promises and a grim future
    Uzi Dann, Haaretz, le 4 mars 2018

    Israël : la justice suspend un plan d’expulsion de milliers d’Africains
    Europe 1, le 15 mars 2018

    Israel freezes deportations of asylum seekers after court challenge
    Times of Israel, le 15 mars 2018

    Le Grand Rabbin d’Israël traite les Afro-américains de « singes »
    Middle East Monitor, le 21 mars 2018

    Over 20,000 rally in Tel Aviv in support of asylum seekers
    Times of Israel, le 24 mars 2018

    Israël annonce l’annulation du controversé projet d’expulsions de migrants africains
    France 24, le 2 avril 2018

    Israël va réinstaller une partie de ses migrants africains dans des pays occidentaux
    RT France, le 2 avril 2018

    UNHCR and Israel sign agreement to find solutions for Eritreans and Sudanese
    UNHCR, le 2 avril 2018

    Israel scraps plan to send African migrants to West
    BBC, le 3 avril 2018

    Italy ’unaware’ of migrant resettlement deal announced by Israel
    The Local, le 3 avril 2018

    Israël : Netanyahu annule l’accord avec l’ONU sur les migrants africains
    Le Point, le 3 avril 2018

    Israël : Nétanyahou annule l’accord sur les migrants africains
    Le Figaro, le 3 avril 2018

    Migrants africains en Israël : Benyamin Netanyahu, machine arrière toute
    Guilhem Delteil, RFI, le 3 avril 2018

    Migrants subsahariens en Israël : comprendre la volte-face de Netanyahou en quatre questions
    Arianna Poletti et Stefano Lorusso Salvatore, Jeune Afrique, le 5 avril 2018

    #Palestine #recension #Israfrique #racisme #négrophobie #migrants #réfugiés #Apartheid #Profilage #Afrique #union_africaine #Ethiopie #Ouganda #Érythrée #Nigeria #Rwanda #Sud_Soudan #Afrique_du_Sud #Togo #Soudan #Darfour #Sénégal #Angola #Maroc #Kenya #Algérie #Égypte #Liberia #Cameroun #Libye #Tunisie #Mauritanie #Congo

  • Frontex loue les fameux drones israéliens pour des essais de sécurité aux frontières.

    Ainsi que nous y avons déjà fait allusion dans un article au mois de janvier dernier, Frontex, l’agence de contrôle des frontières de l’UE, va tester deux drones militaires dans des tâches de surveillance des frontières maritimes en Méditerranée : le Heron, construit par Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) et le Falco, produit par le géant italien de l’armement Leonardo (anciennement Finmeccanica). Les drones Heron sont bien connus pour avoir été utilisés contre les Palestiniens, ce qui multiplie encore les objections contre leur usage déjà controversé dans la sécurité frontalière. La coopération croissante de l’UE avec Israël dans le domaine de la migration constitue un motif général de préoccupation.

  • After pressure from settlers, Israeli army bars anti-occupation group from Jewish part of Hebron

    The army says the new restrictions are temporary and that a meeting with Breaking the Silence will be held, but the group says no such meeting has been set

    Yotam Berger Feb 26, 2018 1

    The Israeli army has blocked activists from the anti-occupation army veterans’ group Breaking the Silence from entering the Jewish settlement in the West Bank city of Hebron to conduct tours. On Thursday, soldiers prevented a group from visiting the Tomb of the Patriarchs in the city. The army said restrictions on the tours were only temporary.
    There is no barrier at the entrance to the city’s Jewish settlement in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood. Soldiers approached members of the organization in the street and ordered them to leave the city. The soldiers said the order prohibiting entry to the city’s Jewish community was issued by Judea Brigade commander Col. Itzik Cohen, who did not specify a time limit for the order.

  • Why you should be skeptical of Israeli government’s anti-Semitism reports -

    It’s important to monitor hate crimes, but the reports illustrate the difficulty of measuring incidents on social media and the findings seem to reflect interests, not reality

    Ofer Aderet Jan 22, 2018

    Yaakov Haguel, acting director of the World Zionist Organization, offered cabinet members Sunday a harsh and emotive assesment as he presented them what he called “an important and comprehensive survey on anti-Semitism”
    That it was a report thin on methodology and data, did not stop him from declaring, according to a press release: “The Jewish people and the state of Israel will lose contact with millions of Jews around the world if something isn’t done with regard to European governments and the world.”
    “Jews are afraid; they are assimilating and taking cover,” he said “Anti-Semitism is on the rise and European governments and the world is ignoring this. Israel’s government is also responsible for world Jewry.”
    And then came the presentation of antother report on anti—Semitism to the Cabinet: this time presented by Naftali Bennet, speaking in his capacity as Minister for Diaspora Affairs. The report is entitled “Report on anti-Semitic Trends and Incidents for 2017.”
    According to Bennett’s report, 2017 was a record year in terms of the number of anti—semitic incidents in Great Britain, with Germany also seeing a number of “serious incidents.” His ministry’s official website, which posted the report, sends readers to a more extensive write-up on the topic on the website of the Arutz Sheva (also known as Israel National News), a network associated with religious Zionism.
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    The post there claimed, citing unnamed surveys, “more than 50 percent of refugees in Western Europe hold anti-Semitic views.”
    There are now numerous reports of “spiking anti-Semitism in Europe”, “a record number of incidents” and “a new rise in anti-Semitism.” However, an even cursory review of the “data” on which these reports are based and their comparison to other reports in order to raise some questions or the suspicion that the two documents - which were presented ahead of Saturday’s commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day – are less scientific reports but are appear to be more public relations tools meant to justify agencies whose existence is arguably questionable – the ministry for Diaspora affairs and the World Zionist Organization.

    Consider the statements attached to their pubilcation. Two of Haguel’s statements are particularly noteworthy. “Israel is responsible for world Jewry”. Is it? Shouldn’t Jews around the world be asked if they agree with this statement? He then said that “Jews are assimilating.” One only need ask if this is a result of anti-Semitism, which he warns against, or a natural corollary of life outside Israel, where the majority populations are not Jewish.
    Even the most significant words of the acting director of the WZO, according to which anti-Semitism is on the rise, can be disputed. To do this one should look at another report, the one published on the last Holocaust Remembrance Day by the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University. This report showed a 12 percent decline in the number of violent attacks committed in Europe with an anti-Semitic basis. The report notes that this decline reflects a continuing trend, mainly in the decline in violent incidents which were registered in key countries, in terms of the size of their Jewish populations and their international standing.
    On the other hand, the Kantor Center’s report notes a “continuing rise, often dramatic, in visual and verbal expressions [of anti-Semitism], mainly on social networks and at demonstrations.” It notes that this cannot be quantified, concluding that “even though the number of incidents has declined, the prevailing sense among Jews is that things are bad, and that’s the most worrisome feature.”
    Indeed, it’s hard to argue with feelings, but the professional integrity of the Kantor Center prevented it from providing the media with dramatic headlines indicating a “sharp rise” in anti-Semitism. One doesn’t need to look far in order to find contradictions in the current furor. While Haguel’s report showed one thing, Bennett’s presented the opposite. His report states that in France the government is taking determined steps to prevent expressions of anti-Semitism, including a government-sanctioned program to combat racism and anti-Semitism. This has borne fruit, with a drop last year in the number of incidents.
    So what’s going on here? A drop? A rise? Are governments ignoring the phenomenon or combating it? It depends how you count an “anti-Semitic incident”, who’s counting, who is presenting it and what his interests are.
    Looking again at the WZO report, the data raises the suspicion that someone was looking hard for ways to present the numbers in a manner that migtht sound alarm bells, as is worthy of a week ending in Holocaust Remembrance Day. Eighty percent of people surveyed around the world “were exposed to incitement against Jews in the media or on social networks”; 70 percent were affected by anti-Semitic events last year” and “78 percent experienced anti-Semitism in recent years.”
    It’s hard to argue with such superficial, general and unscientific statements.
    But it’s surprising that only 80 percent were exposed to incitement – anyone with access to Facebook could be considered someone exposed to incitement, not only of the anti-Semitic kind.
    Secondly, one could ask if every anti-Semitic response by some wooly-headed ultra-nationalist is necessarily an anti-Semitic “incident” and every exposure to it an anti-Semitic “experience”. If so, then the more hours one spends in front of a computer screen, particularly reading anonymous talkbacks, the more one can be considered someone deeply affected by anti-Semitic content. How should one relate to the data indicating that 59 percent of respondents across the world thought that politicians in their countries were somewhat anti-Semitic?
    This is certainly not scientific research.
    “The situation is deteriorating daily, spreading to new countries,” Haguel wrote in his dramatic summarizaton of the report’s findings. “We see the WZO playing a key role in preserving Jews and their identity around the world and in helping welcome and acclimitize [immigrants] to this country.”
    Herein lies the not so covert vested interest lurking behind the current round of cries bemoaning anti-Semitism. The WZO needs to show that it is still needed in 2018. Who if not this organization will work to preserve Jewish identity and settle Jews from around the world in Israel?
    It’s regrettable that state agencies belittle the public’s intelligence. It’s also lamentable that they contribute to producing fake news, confusion and deceptions such as these.
    The topic is too important to be left in the hands of politicians and public relations officers.
    It’s certainly important to follow with concern data that is not based on telephone interviews or social media. It’s preferable to rely on police reports, public security or internal affairs departments in different countries, as well as interviews with local Jewish community leaders and people who are more connected to events on the ground.
    But still, let there be no doubt. Even without these surveys there is no room for optimism. Anyone visiting Jewish communities in Europe knows that in 2018 there are places where it’s uncomfortable for Jews to wear a kippah. Traditional hatred of Jews has been joined in recent years by threats coming from extremist elements among Arab migrants, whose hatred towards Israel because of conflict in the Middle East is morphing into anti-Semitism.
    One shouldn’t take an extreme stance and shut one’s eyes to these reports. But the worrisome situation requires serious analysis, thorough and based in accurately collected data. It should be done by independent researchers using scientific tools and accepted methodology.

    Ofer Aderet
    Haaretz Correspondent

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